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New self harm thread the old one reached the number limit :>
Nooo not the tatas
A reminder all cells have a finite number of divisions and replications. Self harming literally cuts into that number and as a result shortens your lifespan.
Lips are harder to cut than I thought
Good !!! I Hope I hit an artery soon :>
Thanks for delivering op you are the best, you are going to be feeling that nice cut for a few days if it gets swollen and you keep biting on it
Someone told me to cut them so I did :> they’re super light so they probably won’t scar
No problem anon :) have a good day
You too soldier
have you tried sticking pins through your nipples before?
Can you cut a + sign on your boob? You're so hot by the way.
i think cutting your inner thigh would be really hot
the part where it hurts the most, not the top part
No I haven’t kek can’t say I’ve thought about it either ngl
Genuine question, what’s the best way to go about cutting? Idk if my skin is so thick or if my angle is weird but I have a really hard time breaking the skin. I only manage little cat scratches. I need to bleed like OPs cuts.
You look even more ugly with the cuts, you should do more on your boobs and thighs :3
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Just to clarify this is all I’ve managed to cut and I’m trying to get cuts like OPs because I don’t want to get scars either. I need these cuts to actually bleed.
Can you show us cuts of your boobs like OP did? It's really hot.
Just came across this thread. Op, do you need anyone to talk to? I see this shit and it makes me genuinely worried for you.
Leave her alone. She likes this.
fuck the stupid whore, this is all she'll ever be good for
Silence, faggot. I'm asking her the question. Not you
Thighs rn doing some on the inside just as that anon asked :3
Either its the angle or you need a wider blade like a knife
I’m all good thank you for ur concern tho :) have a nice day !!
thanks for this
whats the story behind the heart?
Is that your kitten? So cute! What's their name?
I did one on one side and some anon said I should do 2 so there matching so I did :3 plus it looks cute
Why do you cut and why do you like to show it?
Not trying to attack, it's a genuine question, it's more just sad that you feel the need to hurt yourself and show it others. Self harm threads aren't new to me, I'm just curious about the mindset behind it.

Is it like a sense of comraderie? Do you just like when people compliment your self harm scars?
it does. thought that it was from a break up
can we see your ass?
Adorable. I think what you really need is this symbol carved somewhere on your inner thigh. So you feel it each time you rub your legs together.
I do like a toy who allows themselves to be used like this, well done.
Here it’s quite hard Bcs of the angle so there very light x_x
Oops I forgot to attack the pic here
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Fuck, that's so red.

After you finish 2c's request, could you try to cut this wherever it's most comfortable?
still looks great, love seeing fresh blood on thighs
especially if its running down
It’s a way for me to seem validation I guess that people find me attractive? Cus i don’t want tk actually get naked so I don’t wanna post nudes and I guess I like the attention of it cus i hide them irl I would never want someone irl finding out about them and it kinda lets me idk express myself and I feel validation from it ig?
pierce the skin near your nipples with needles or pins, and slowly get closer to pierce the nips all the way through.
What are these symbols? Idk how I feel about carving symbols I don’t know the meaning of into myself :>
All concerns aside. "I can fix her"
It's just some call of duty gun marker for mine. Nothing weird.
No nudes sorry :p
>I do like a toy who allows themselves to be used like this, well done.
how do you not cringe when you type that
No :((( I don’t have a pet but I rlly want one :3 preferably any kinda cat or a greyhound
sad but understandable

It's the symbol of a god in a fantasy world. "pleasure, passion, obsession, excess, hedonism, decadence and pain."

I think it sums up what you're doing quite well.
Thank uuuu :3
DW, you look pretty without the cuts, I'd definitely cuddle you. Though the cutting is admittedly hot, please look after yourself. I've seen a number of people go through similar things and it really pains me to watch them self destruct.
Hey OP, what kinda blade do you use?
It's just some call of duty gun marker for mine. Nothing weird. The creators literally just made it up probably.

reposting if u didnt see the first one.
I think you shouldn't harm yourself, but it's your body. You look pretty enough from the little we can see from picrelated. It's up to you at the end of the day, but don't do stuff you'll end up regretting anonette. If you put yourself out there you can probably find a partner who can give you a less harmful form of validation.
you have any socials?
Thanks anon this means a lot <3
A pet would be good for you. A dog is better for unwavering affection and love and it'll help you to feel good about yourself and also keep your mind off personal issues while you care for them. I've got 2 dogs, want to see a picture of one when they were a puppy?
She didn't come here to look at dogs, bro. Just respect her wishes and let her do what she wants to do. This cutting thing is the same as a guy wanting to go sky jumping. Just let it be.
Sorry I don’t think I’m gonna carve these symbols just because curves are lowkey hard to cut :( even with the hearts I had to use straight lines but I can do some more lines on my other inner thigh?
Idk, latching onto someone else for validation can lead to some pretty bad dynamics. She could end up worse off than she is now if she made the wrong choice. But I agree. She should definitely look for less destructive forms of validation
YES PLEse !!!
Shhh, let me cling to the notion that they can be helped
>I can do some more lines on my other inner thigh
do it, if you get bored please do your stomach
Actually the reason I relapsed with cutting is Bcs of a girl!! We started talking and she was my first kiss and than she told me she wasn’t ready for a relationship than got with a guy 2 days later this guy than cheated on her 5 days after getting together with her and she still got back together with him :> and the guy I talked to before that (I’m bi) actually turned out to be a rapist soooooooooo (he didn’t rape me, it was a past thing :> he admitted to it)
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Fair enough. Could u cut this? You don't have to do it exactly but just try ur best. I searched google and it looked kinda cool.
Here’s a photo from a couple days ago of the cutz I did on my stomach :3
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Doggo appreciation wins again
Oops I keep forgetting to attach the image x_x
how come you hurt yourself instead of wanting to hurt her? is it just for the release of cutting or is it because you feel worthless?
Ooooo that looks really good. I think a cool angle to do some cuts from would be the side of your hip.
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Here you go!
so pretty
>Oops I keep forgetting to attach the image x_x
not used to posting images?
It’s mainly cus i feel super worthless :( plus she was actually really nice apart from that and like even drunk texted me she thought I was so beautiful and that she wanted a serious relationship with me :(
Also, I noticed your bra and underwear are mismatched lol.
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You inspired me OP, hopefully she can relapse
Not used to posting on 4chan at all lmao
Holy shit that is hot. Can u give me her discord? I wanna get in on it.
See? She thought you were beautiful and that you had value as a person. It was probably a fault of her own that she ended up going with the guy and not a result of you as a person
Genuinely neck yourself what is wrong with you
You should cut yourself. Deeply. Preferably near your wrists. That'd be hot! :)
Encouraging someone who is already cutting to cut is one thing encouraging someone who is clean to relapse is sick and twisted
Aren't you guys doing the same thing?

What's the problem her doing it if you're doing it? You're both doing it for your own enjoyment.
I second this :3
Her name is Ludo. She's very cheeky. And the dog lying dead at her feet is Roxy. She doesn't appreciate the activity that Ludo brings.
telling someone HOW to cut is way different than trying to get someone addicted to it
She’s not doing it for her enjoyment tho, she was clean and now she’s being coerced into doing it again by this freak and this guy chris has literally admitted to messaging minors so this girl is probably a minor as well??
Didn't know she was a minor. Forgive me.
and from the looks of it hes really manipulative
Awwww those are such cute names :33 they are such cutie pies !!
based, but can’t share it lol
Cope, blame OP… she gave me the idea :^)
Exactly she’s not offering to cut for him he’s asking her to stop being clean and cut for him, she likely feels as though she has too in order to keep him. He’s definitely a freak groomer
what is wrong with you ?
If I were able to add you on disc or something I'd be able to send you a pic of them any time you are upset or anything. I just don't want to see you perpetuating bad habits like this self harm.
I am op and that was not the intention of my post nor did I want other people to cut my post is simply away for me to share my cuts and other people to do the same not to encourage people to coerce others into cutting. This is not my fault you are just a twisted individual
True, that is a fair point. Good thing to bring up.
I know it won't really help, but if they saw something in you you probably aren't as worthless as you think. Yes, I know, low self esteem is a bitch and a few words doesn't really help and change your whole self image, but look you need to look out for yourself OP.
proof 4channers have zero critical thinking skills.
“i understand” get out of here with ur bullshit. people like you don’t deserve to live
either cutting is bad and you should stop and get therapy
he is doing nothing bad by encouraging the same behaviour
you can't have it both ways
Can we go back to cutting kino?
Not coping, I'm telling you something you should do. Soon! It'd be so sexy and we'd all love to see it!
Uhhh yes cutting is bad and i should get therapy ??? I just don’t want to stop but even I acknowledge it is not something good for me??? Encouraging someone else to do it is worse Bcs ur not hurting urself ur hurting another person?? And he is very obviously manipulating and grooming her into cutting
Um he's grooming a minor and our OP girl is not a minor. There's her problem with it.
ur genuinely retarded the world is not black and white
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Can u do some cuts here?
I'm not disagreeing with that
but you are literally asking for people to fetishize you cutting yourself
and also asking for encouragement and taking suggestions on where to cut yourself
if you are mad at him for encouraging her
you should be mad at everyone in this thread that is encouraging you
and mad at yourself for seeking out encouragement and attention
for something you have admitted is wrong and you should stop doing
Fuck off white knight. Let her do what she wants. She's her own woman.
I'd prefer we didn't in all honesty and we were able to address serious issues arising here. Perhaps even help out our wonderful OP here who's clearly struggling. But I suppose the goon must go on...
I don’t have a discord sorry but ur really nice thank you :)
U could make one...ʘ‿ʘ

It takes like less than 5 minutes.
There very light cus again weird angle but I tried :>
The cuts really contrast well with your skin. Also, your body is really cute.

Thanks. Can we go lower with the next ones? Peel the undies a little? Do it on your hip line or close to it.
white knighting implies I am trying to get into her pants
or trying to get her to make porn for me
which is actually what you are trying to do

I would rather she stops entirely
and the fact she has already cut herself
has already removed her from any list of dating partners
I do not date crazy, and I would never want her raising my future children
It's okay! If you had anything I'd love to be able to help you. But a word of advice. Go outside and touch some grass, these people aren't good for you. And you need to get better. And I know you can get better!
The practice of coming to someone's aid; often refers to men coming to the aid of women. Additional Information. E.g. I've always considered white knighting to be a sexist practice.
Don’t let anyone ever tell you you’re not based
I love you anon, rock on
Or scissors on, as it were
>white knighting implies I am trying to get into her pants
or trying to get her to make porn for me
which is actually what you are trying to do
You're trying to protect her from her own wishes and desires. That's white knight behavior and you know it.
>I would rather she stops entirely
and the fact she has already cut herself
has already removed her from any list of dating partners.I do not date crazy, and I would never want her raising my future children

What does this have to do with what you want to date? This is a cutting thread and you're calling me the WHITE KNIGHT who wants to fuck her? Please.

I'm just having fun with her and helping her work through her trauma on her own terms, unlike you.
if you can't follow your own rules of being mad at encouragement you can't be mad at the other guy
need a sh girl in wi fr
I tried :>
>helping her work through her trauma
she needs actual therapy, not encouragement
are you still talking to that girl and does she know you cut?
Man forgot to say it but any man or woman who gets to have their way withyou is gonna be really lucky. They'll get to smother their face into your gentle smooth navel and more.

Thanks for making this thread.
I think for me even the thought that I am attractive enough to be used as porn makes me feel slightly better enough about myself and if being told I have a nice body or wtv that really helps in the short term in terms of not killing myself . If someone was to goon to me I’d take it as compliment as sick and twisted as that is

Thank you for ur thoughts tho anon!! I rlly appreciate you looking out for me in ur own way !! I hope u have a good day!!
I snap her occasionally and no I don’t think she knows I cut :>
Thank you. also I cummed to the last one if that makes you feel better.
for some people therapy is not a viable option
I think I’m too grotesque even to jerk off too ngl so if someone did that would make me feel slightly better about myself ngl
You're amazing to jack off to.
get an objective ai opinion
That does make me feel better about myself thank you :)
i feel really bad for you
what do you do to make yourself feel better besides cutting?
Now I'm super worried. Whatever social you have I'll make one. There aren't enough cute kiwi girls in the world and we need to preserve their species
Eat a lot of food and throw it up #bulimia :3
did u ever cut ur nips or near them?
I'm imagining kissing your full, beautiful lips, the softness of them drawing me in. I imagine taking your cutting tool out of your left hand and gently tracing its tip along the lower sides of your waist and abdomen. The edge leaving a delicate, vibrant red trail on your smooth skin, contrasting beautifully with your natural tone. Each line I draw feels intimate, as if I'm marking and tracing out a moment for us to be together.

Wrapping my arms around you, I feel the warmth of your body against mine, the closeness creating a sense of comfort and connection. My hands rest lightly on your back, feeling the subtle rise and fall of your breath. I slick your underwear down with my fingers.
I cut because i can allow the venom to bleed out of me. Sure it only works for a little and then i have to do it again, but if I don’t do it i would probably kill myself.
OP can you do us a pic of you being outside and enjoying life? That'd be so hot!!!!
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OP, are you sleepy or can we do some more? Can you do some cuts on your back and do an ass shot?
I have to go out to dinner with my family now I’m sorry :(
just fyi i dont find skeletons hot
your face is really cute btw
Thanks anon but I promise I won’t kms !! And my friends actually just came back from overseas so I’m hanging out with them tmrw :)
Ah. Well we had fun. When are you gonna be back?
Please enjoy dinner with your family. I'm sure they also care about you and value you as a person
Good thing I’m not a skeleton I was made to gain 20lbs so now I’m super fat :>
2-3 hours probably :(
God I want to fuck you so bad. I wanna grab your asscheeks with my hands and just kiss you for a minute while you wrap your legs around me.

Enjoy dinner.
youre not, desu i would like it more if you had a bigger butt
Thank you so much anon!! I hope u have a wonderful day :)
i forgot about the fucking filter
Old thread: >>33275121
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Whatever, the point is, if you hadn’t made your posts it wouldn’t have crossed my mind to ask this… so yeah, indirectly you caused it :3
Sure, I’ll do it like tomorrow :^)
Post some vids pls, I have a huge puke kink :3
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19f . Telegram & discord @ gaiamyst. Add me if you wanna watch me cut on call .
Mostly doing styros / epis but l've hit beans before and might try to attempt again ^-^ I can provide pictures too
Neck it u pedophile any way u look at this it’s u whose the fucking freak
ur sooo pathetic blaming it on her when ur in full control of what you do.
What? I’m innocent af :3
I can’t control myself, watching this cute slut cut for strangers just makes me so hard… makes me wanna have my own little slave that does the same for me~
u must have the mental capacity of a 5 year old if you cant control yourself. get yourself checked out or better yet put a barrel to you head to fix your brain you sick fuck
Of course, but first I’ll get a cute slave that cuts herself like OP… after that I can rest in peace :3
Please cut ur own artery >_<
its funny you think any woman would approach you or want to be your slave in the first place. check your ego
Hehe okay, sweetie :3
I have hope, anon… let a man dream
oh i dont mind if men dream. its good to have dreams. but youre so far removed from being a man or even a human with any fucking empathy so im afraid i dont give a shit about your dreams
I think this guy is just trying to bait OP into a freak out.
Anyway can we get back to cutting. I need tips on how to cut like OP.
It’s lowkey working ngl but only lowkey cus the guys a fucking pedophile

Also idk what his end goal is cus even if I have meltdown over this and cut myself a bunch I’m obviously not gonna than post the cuts am I ??
Sorry I’m not comfortable giving out tips, I really don’t want to be an enabler and I think u asked what I use and I use any sharp object I can get my hands on :>
You’ve BEEN an enabler since starting this thread. You just don’t want other girls to get more attention than you. Don’t be so selfish. There are girls here who would like to post pics of themselves with cuts.
Okay if you’re gonna be bitch about it no I don’t want people learning how to cut because of me and then becoming addicted this has nothing to do with hoarding the attention. I would rather that other people do not become like me , and it is nothing to do with the attention there are enough fucking creeps on here for the entire female population to post their cutz and get attention. Im sorry I don’t want to give you information about something that could literally kill you????
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(﹏) whenever i post stuff the images are always sideways or upside down… how do i fix that
The same thing happens to me I’m really not sure why either :>
How much blood do you lose? I feel like it's a lot over the years but what happens once you run out of room?
Whatever retard thought an "orientation" tag in EXIF was a better idea than saving the image in the proper rotation should step on a LEGO.
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what is naughty travis clink doing to his body?
Killllllll yourselfffffff u pedo
those are so hot... moar
You are such a hypocrite. Look at the post you made below:
You specifically mention here that you want other people to also share cuts. What’s the difference of giving advice versus wanting other people to share their cutting experiences?
Cutters will cut whether you help them or not. You’re not a hero for your fake concern about cutters. You are such a fake person. No wonder no one loves you and you have to cut and show off online.
Yes it’s for people who already cut to share their cuts??? Not for people who want to start cutting. I’m not gonna encourage people to go deeper which is exactly what u want me to do for u??? U clearly have never been part of any mentally ill internet group before. The first rule is to not give tips??? Sorry I don’t want you to actually end up cutting an artery or dying from blood loss?? Also cutting is pretty damn self explanatory so idk what to tell you
You must be underage because only underage SH groups follow that stupid rule. Other groups encourage damage mitigation and actually do offer tips on how to do it safely. You’re just selfish and you think you’ll lose your admirers once they see another cute girl posting sh. You don’t give a shit about other female cutters, you only care about yourself.
you got fantastic lips
That’s the thing though the only way to cut safely is to not cut at all. Call me selfish all you want but ur the one who’s clearly wrong here. If the sh groups who give tips exist then why not go ask them?? Oh I dont care about female cutters because I don’t want them to cut deeper and post it for creeps online?? Im well aware that I am making a terrible decision by posting these, it is not a healthy way to cope and I will likely regret this as long as I live. Oh I’m so horrible because I don’t want random strangers online to start doing the same things I do that are literally killing me. I will never encourage someone to go deeper or teach them how to and if you would Idk what to tell you

And again cutting is pretty damn self explanatory
I'll provide tips on how to actually go deep too if anyone wants . I've been cutting for over 5 years ^^
Yes pls. OP is being really mean. :(
This is a cool thread with Japanese SH accounts. For inspiration!!
I got U ! I can probably make a video later too , since I'm planning on cutting tonight anyway
Appreciate you, G.
As someone who has cut to fascia.. what the hell is cutting advice. It's not rocket science guys
I’ve only ever cut to beans but i feel like it’s pretty self explanatory kek
Mostly just where to get good blades / what kinda blades are the best etc
I mean I hit beans with just plain old scissors so idk about that
I guess that makes sense tho honestly any sharps can work. The one I used to make my deepest cuts was honestly my worst one lol.
Ok see that’s all you had to say. You act like it’s some well hidden secret to cutting but if it’s just cut hard and deep no matter what tools, then you coulda said that. i just wanted to know how to get beautiful cuts like yours. :(
Sorry I didn’t mean to come off the way I was trying to say that there really is no secret to cutting it’s just cutting. I definitely shouldn’t have been so mean I’m sorry. I still don’t think it’s good for u to try cut deeper but if your gonna do it anyway please try and stay as safe as u possibly can <33
I think u genuinely have no reading comprehension op literally said they get their hands on any sharps available. Surely u could've put two and two together from that

And also why so pushy goddamn like cutting, at least in my experience, is deeply personal and talking too much about how it's done specifically is a limit for some people and u should respect that. Nobody owes you any explanations especially not online
No hard feelings and i apologize too. I’ve been agonizing over my failed attempts and took out my frustration on you and i shouldn’t have.

Appreciate your input, but OP and I have figured things.

Can we go back to cutting chat??
what is the point of this
I just read both threads. You are beautiful and deserving of love. With scars, without, round face, thin or thick, ill or healthy. I hope you get better soon and you can appreciate your hopefully healed body and mind one day. All the best.

Thank you for posting them. Made my day. So cute.Thought the black dog was a rug at first tho. kek
I got this hot idea. You cupping your chest after cutting the area beneath your left boob.
Let me add a picture. Can you hit a vein when you do it too or is that too much for you? The more blood I see spilling out honestly makes it better but your body is so very good and lovely that I'm willing to compromise for it.
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Can you also do something like this on the floor or on a bed preferably? I wanna jack off to your to ass in raised up position.
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Forward and behind shots would be awesome.
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The thought of you doing this one with some cuts on your ass or your lower back makes me so hard.
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Could you try to imitate this one too? I think your body could do it well. You don't have to raise a leg up and optimally you'd keep your hands pressed on the floor.
pathetic ugly ass old man kek
damn your pictures are hot af OP
but on serious note, i hope things get better for and you won't have to cut anymore
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Looking for a cutter gf that will let me lick the blood off her cuts

discord: lordlighthouse
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19f. Telegram & discord @ gaiamyst. Add me if you wanna watch me cut on call . Mostly doing styros / epis but l've hit beans before ^-^ I can provide pictures too
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. Make me walk outside with a lovense toys etc... open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
Thank you so much anon :) this means a lot !! I hope u have a great day
Hi sorry I just woke up but I’ll give this a try!! I don’t think I’ll hit an vein cus the angles really weird and there would be a lot of blood and I don’t want my parents finding out :>
We can keep it light dw.
Eeek I tried
Fuck yeah baby. Thanks. Can you do the side angle too?
Thank u so much :)
I wasn’t sure entirely what u meant x_x
We've seen the thigh gap here and there but can we get a better look at it? One of the things I'm into the most, upper thighs still have those cuts on them right with the hearts too?
Stop cutting for me, please?
Can you do a timer thing with your camera and relax your other hand or is it impossible?
also, could you try this?
Also should you know I'm masturbating right now. Really hot. Keep going.
Yup still have the hearts
No :3
Should have specified you being stood up but it's not a big deal, wont make you take another one or anything.
Honestly you remind me a lot of my ex with how skinny you are and how you sabotage/comfort yourself by cuts. I took care of the girl and didn't let her cut just out of nowhere but after every big argument she relapsed and a big part of me did enjoy it before I went back to taking care of the girl. I miss it.
Eeek I tried it’s very hard to cut on the back
Hot. Can you turn all the way around for the next one? I want to cum to your perfect for fucking ass.
It’s alg idk :3
Then at least post ass for me?
Exactly what I wanted, atta girl. Your thigh gap is hotter than you think, I know you struggle with self confidence and how your body looks for others. A little bit of cameltoe is the perfect little touch too.
Do you mind or care that some anons including me get hard by this or even cum to it?
Idk if this is what u meant x_x
Ppl getting hard from my photos makes me feel better about myself briefly untill the guilt sets in but I don’t mind and I like it desu even though I know that’s rlly bad
It's funny how quick white knight simps change their tune for pussy. Shows how much they really cared about anything other than getting in your pants.

I want to see it all the way in front of the camera sigh.. do u have a timer on it? so it auto flashes after some seconds and you can just do free poses?
The guilt will always set in because you might think it's bad of you to do this but at the end of the day see it as validation that you're enough to get random men online hard. It enables your behaviour some more which I'm not a fan of but as a random anon I would never be able to talk these things through with you and make an actual impact.
holy fuck you have such a cute butt

think i'm gonna have to join the other anon and have a wank too, i can feel my dick ripping through my pants
You call me a white knight for wanting a girl to not hurt herself? It's a take what you can get economy , mane. I can't force her to get clean. I have no power, my guy. NO POWER.
The crack is really what I want to see and jack off to, missanon.
>>33285073like here.
It will really help me think about doggy fucking you in the ass.

She won't date you faggot no matter how good u act. Fuck off. Either jack it or get lost.
Not really horny, mane.
Yh whatever white knight coomer.
>Then at least post ass for me?
I tried X_X but my cutz aren’t rlly visible
I'm on no fap, 40 day streak, what you know about that?
Cut the thighs please and do it again. I'm really close to cumming.

Back of thighs to be precise.
I tried
You are the fool.
Hehehe thank u :3
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God you're so awesome never think you're not attractive again.

Thanks for this thread, OP.
cute ur areola pls
Ok, this crazy.
Thank you :3 I’m glad u enjoyed !!
i wanna bite your thighs until they bleed, you should cut them more
HELP I SAT DOWN ON MY BED RIGHT AFTER AND NOW THERES BLOOD ON MY BED x_x this is gonna be a pain in the ass to get out
How old are you OP, just out of curiosity?
Do u rlly not have discord or want to make one?


I don't wanna say goodbye to you once this thread ends or you stop using 4chan.
18 I turn 19 in September which is basically 20 which is making me feel way to old to be still cutting myself :>

I’ve been cutting since I was 13 this is crazy actually

This is still op btw I’m just on a different wifi 0_o

No sorry I don’t have discord :( and this is definitely a decision I will regret rlly soon and I’ll disappear off 4chan for a few months and become super depressed :3 but I’ll be back after that maybe or maybe I’ll get help or maybe I’ll kill myself ya never know ^_^
If I gave you a gmail, would you add it within this hour? I really want you.
Take a photo; it's a turn-on for me.
You're honestly missing out on so much by not letting yourself be mine, but I respect your decisions. I will still jack off as before to you in these threads though and make this offer occasionally when I'm sufficiently turned on enough bc I know I'm basically what you need.

Are you still in the mood to cut or taking a break?
I'm gonna laugh if she comes back and posts a pic of the words "fuck you nigger" carved in her skin lol
I can do some more cuts any requests ??
Just a little bit below where the girl is pointing and then make sure your cameltoe shows nice and good too. I want to cum to you as well.
Would you do any along your ribs?
shut up nigga
Sorry there rlly light x_x and ignore the blood on my underwear I accidently got the blade on it
Here idk if this is what u meant but I tried !!
Take your panties off and cut?
The blood on the panties makes it hotter, don't worry about that. Pull up your panties way up high and then the upper part pull down so I can still see those cuts. I want to see a genuine cameltoe from you instead of just the mound dummy. You're so close to giving me what I want, I honestly haven't gotten this hard in a while I love skinny girls.
Can you make some cuts on the inner area of your thighs, princess?
I tried x_x
No sorry no nudes :3
Good girl. That wasn't so difficult after all now was it? Now you get to be validating by getting me nice and hard and getting me to cum all over that tiny little body of yours.
Can you do your inner thighs?
Creepy old dudes jerking off to my photos gets me more turned on then I’d like to admit
exactly what I meant <3
You're really great, OP. Thank you for these threads and for being such a trooper.
Im not that old only 30tava
more blood on panties pls
As it should pretty little twig, we both know the way we talk to you makes you feel special for just a while by being the center of attention. It makes you feel wanted, even needed and that's something you haven't been able to feel for a long, long while isn't that right sweetheart?
Why don't you do the exact same picture for me but instead of pulling down in the middle, you pull down by one of the sides because you'll be making cuts for me on your hip bone. You can pick the side and oh, I'm under 25, I'm not as old as you'd think but you sure do know how to make a guy hard.
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Cheek cuts are cute. Also, maybe the side of your hip and hold your underwear out a bit with your fingers.

similar to picture but to the side.


Also, I'd love to penetrate you. Those big pussy lips are making me crazy. Missionary sex. Missionary sex.
Forgot, can you cut the sides of your waist (not hip) missaid it?
I tried 0_o
Can you add the finger pull in it babe or too hard?
Interested in letting someone else cut you up?
You're so compliant, you really do want me to cum to your body huh? Why don't you slowly touch yourself too? Slowly, just tease yourself. I'm not asking you to show me, just do it for me and we can have you feeling nice and wet whilst I cum to you.
Like this ?
Fuck yeah baby. Hard.
Maybe?? I don’t rlly know desu
Imagine that guy plunging inside you and helping you cut yourself at the same time. I think it would be sweet. Maybe he could cut a vein and cum inside you simultaneously, then afterward suck on the wound.
Then a tit.
can you add more rib cuts? I'm loving knowing those are there because I asked for them
Tied up or held down, while the other person looks for a nice place to carve their name into, idk it gets me going, real power trip
So awesome.
u thots have got to be extremely ugly irl. on the tits? are you that starved for attention kek? if you were such a risky BPDchan you'd be dead of an overdose or by train crushing your skull. stop roleplaying as mentally ill when you're really just extremely ugly.
You should be more slutty and submissive, get naked while cutting and making short vids too
As you said, you might not even come back so might as well make us cum properly
I’m both mentally ill and extremely ugly I hope this helps :3
We should fuck.
I'd love to manipulate you and make you into my little toy that I care for and abuse
Sex scares the ever living shit out of me ngl im a turbo virgin as my friend likes to cal me :3
I could literally make out with you bet and enjoy it as you wrap your arms around me. I say this looking at your lips.
Could we just kiss naked then and play with knives?
Whats your vagina look like
ofc :3
Very upfront and honest kek

Remember what I said before. Every moment you wait is one less moment of fun, can we have with each other.
Well, is it working? :b
cut your nipples or around the areola for me
Just think of it as another, even more fun and enjoyable, form of self-harm.
Ehhhh i think it’s more someone seeing me completely naked that I find disgusting

And I’m pretty fucking ugly and now I’m covered in self harm scars I think most guys would be pretty disgusted by my body so I don’t think I could find someone irl willing to do it with me desu

I have literally cum to you multiple times and have said even more times in this thread that I would make out with you and fuck you hard and passionately.
You're a fake femcel ngl. I would even buy you stuff like lingerie.
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The only reason you're a virgin is bc you prefer attention to penetration, admit it. A man (and others but meh) is literally saying he'd do things for you and fuck you, and you're basically doing this.
My cum batter could be glistening on your vulva, but you are addicted to being stubborn.

It's not your face, it's not your body, it's you.
Thank you but I feel like online vs in person is very different ? Like yknow u only see what I choose to show and I chose the angles and photos that make me look the thinnest. And you don’t even know what my face looks like. I really appreciate u but I think I am a real femcel :3
Show me everything and I bet I'll still want to make love to you.


You really have nothing to lose. If you're that ugly, you were right. If you're not, you get everything you want.
If you do nothing, I win, and you prove you're just choosing to be 'lonely' and don't want a man at all. Just attention.
please stop cutting yourself. I don't know who you are but I promise people out there care for you. I've read through this thread and it breaks my heart.
Kek, chink whores are retarded, why would you do that to a perfect good pussy?
It's me, dog haver back from the dead. Please stop doing this. If you want I can drop you a Gmail address that we can talk through but I genuinely want to help you get better. You're being self destructive and I've already said that doing such is deeply upsetting to me
This girl sucks, the one that left her socials was muuuch better, cut on Discord call for a few anons, did it better and with more blood

Honestly, stop giving this bitch attention she doesn't even deserve, would be funny watching the thread die and she not coming back kek
>I find disgusting
Like I give a shit what some mentally ill girl finds aesthetic.
Males have higher spatial reasoning skills than females.
You may be fooling your ladybrain with angles and such, but for dudes each new pic you post gets incorporated into a mental 3D model of how you're really shaped.
We know what you look like.
We want to stick our dicks in you.
Stop arguing about it and arrsnge to have irresponsible sex with internet strsngers like a normal person.
wait the discord one wasn't a catfish after all? damn I regret not believing her
Nope, it was awesome
There were like 10 anons while she did some requests
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you'll laugh now, I came across an advert for a service, what do you think?
They offer to improve your skills in communicating with girls on their AI model, I go in and there's another model, some whore for sexting, that's the "product"
milky from aus will u plz show ur big ol' cut up titties PLEASE i miss u
Genuinely how can u tell that I’m Asian I’m lowkey impressed
Noooo I’m so sad that a literal pedophile doesn’t find me attractive whatever will I do :(
You can tell from the facial structure fairly easily, I clocked you with a single glance
Rllly??? I’m only half Asian too that’s impressive icl
Hair, lips, skintone

You're really fuckable btw
I just want a cutie that I can run my fingers along her scars to feel the tactile changes.
Hardly, the beauty of a good-looking asian girl's hard to replicate, even with a portion of the genes.
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Username in pic <3
Thank you :3 also I’m feeling lots of self hatred cus i b/ped 3000 calories at the mall today so if anyone has any cutting requests lmk ^_^
Cut a tic-tac-toe into your belly.
Sever the frenulum under your tongue.
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Dubs demand it.
Also email me. You know it's stupid not to.
More lip bleeding
U first <3
Okay. Come here and I'll sever the frenulum under your tongue.
What is b/ped
On it but I also just stepped on my fucking blade kek

Also yes my blade is fucking gross I don’t have access to any other sharps x_x
carve "Useless" into your tits

Want to cut your thighs while I eat you out?
This could be us, but you playin'.
I tried lips are hard to cut
There are not a lot of lips that make me want to kiss them. Apparently I really need a cutter gf
Basically means I ate a lot of food and vomited it
>I tried
That's all I ask, time to go back to thighs and stomach for easier lines
That’s literally us
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OP. I would still fuck you if you looked like this.
Do you know that cutting will burn extra calories?

Take some iron supplements and cut my name into your skin because I love you. It's easy to spell with just straight lines: 'KAI.
I want to use a seam ripper to do it, if that's okay with you.
Why don't you get that I just want to give you a good fuck and be nice to you? Idc if you look like an Asian witch, I like your body and I like your lips.
cant wait >_<
this is still op im jsut on my laptop cus my phone died lol
somewhere you haven't cut yet. i wanna see you covered in cuts
ive pretty much done some on most of the plaes i can reach ngl what i really need is someone else to carve a big heart into my back 0_0
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I had a bit of a meltdown

Why are you ignoring me? Because I don't support your reality of being a femcel?
Feeling better now?
You're afraid of getting to close someone and having them touch your body. You are cutting yourself for NO reason. You say no one wants you but ur afraid when they want you geniunely.
i just dont really know what to say ngl, i dont know if id be good for me to chat one on one with someone cus id probably become dependent on that person for all forms of valdiation and basically not be able to function without them and even though im obviously not doing well rn i dont think i want to set myself up to eventual suicide basically although i am doing it now so i might change my mind idk
I wouldn't cross that line. I'd just be there for you and goon to you fully or unfully when you'd like it. Ideally I'd even help you cut sometimes. You wouldn't have to do this alone.

i hope u feel better soon anon <3
this guy's desperate you're better off w/ your public posting, guaranteed creep
you have clocked me icl rn yeah im afraid of getting close to be people and i push people away :>
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Add me to see more!! I make content :3
>cant wait >_<
I wish you weren't a lying sack of shit and we could really do this.
also omg the ones under my tit hurt the most by far they are still stingning even though they where quite light cutz
Even if you know they are genuinely attracted to you - both body and face?


I hope you see reason someday and remember burner gmail.
Have you tried using rubbing alcohol on your cuts?
i dont think im the problem here ngl i feel as the the large distance seperating us would probably get in the way more anon :> and i am a lying sack of shit cus idk what a frenulum is
nope :3 although i probably should cus my blades gross and a bit rusty maybe ill buy some tmrw
Do you already have a passport?
What's your nearest international airport?
Can we go back to normal OP and you just think about my email when I bring it up in this thread and probably future others? You will probably eventually get bored of this and I'd like to still jack off to your body so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I still love jacking off here to you even though I want to jack off to your entire body including your face.
ok can we ignore the creepy guy and get back to the pic posting
uhhh im in new zealand
Google "golf club hook knife".
You'll love it when you see it.
please do and make a video of you aplying it on your thigh cuts
yes sure what requests do we have ill probaly just do some more on my thighs if i dont like the requests tho
It's not even that far from me where u are.
idc you aren't really showing enough for me to care but this guy is a faggot
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!! i do not love that i will stick with box cutters thank u very much
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I could literally impregnate you in less than 24h if you gave me location and you were in the mood.

anyway, this one. Do some belly cuts or if that hurts, like you said, thigh cuts.
can spread your cheeks?
$700 for a flight.
Okay I did some more thighs
have you tried turning it off and on again?
I wish I could lick it (﹏)
ooooh, pretty! Do you have any socials? I see you're from nz which means I'm in close enough proximity to cuddle you if you need some self reassurance
Ohmeegee I just had to go down to dinner ant the blood was still running down my legs and I put on my new jeans and the blood made my skin stick to the jeans and it was so uncomfortable and the halfway through eating I noticed that the blood had bleed through in a few small splotches ON MY NEW JEANS. RAHHHHH I am not happy and now my thighs are sooo itchy
I’ll give it a try thanks for the suggestion ^_^
Pics of the blood stained jeans
Here’s the inside of them lol
There’s still bleeding :3
How do I find a cute cutter gf?
4chan or reddit probably:3
Can't they smell?
Coming through on the outside a little :(
They didn’t maybe cus the dinner food had quite a strong smell?? Or maybe they just weren’t looking for the smell of blood so didn’t notice it idk :>
Hey OP this is kind of getting sad at least from my perspective, but I wanna know more about you. Ig I could start with the easiest thing I know, such as what is your favorite book, anime, and why is koe no katachi so sad?
My fav manga are one piece , blue lock and nana and silent voice is peak I’ve only seen the anime tho :3

How about your favorite bands? I love silent voice, it reminds me a lot of my own life

For me, rise against is a pretty good band imo, you should check them out if you haven't.
I lobe Radiohead, the smiths, oasis, boy genius and cat seat headrest!! I’ll give rise against a listen :) ty for the Rec!!

Whenever I’m cutting I always listen to let down by Radiohead or strangers by Ethel Cain :3

Green Day, Linkin Park, MCR, and Radiohead used to be my jams back in the day! Shiz I got nostalgic even though I was too young for scene, at least I grew up along the alt stuffs before moving to hip hop and rnb w/the weeknd w/his bbtm and mdm mixtape stuffs

For me I alway saw it as my escapade, hope it'd be the same for you :)
could I have you?
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Aside from being ugly, you aren't even good for self-harm. Yeah, I'm a piece of shit, but you are just mediocre, boring and unremarkable.
This thread is only alive because of the few simps that find you cute.
As I said, you don't even deserve the attention of pervy old men because there are girls much better at what you are attempting here.
Oh ncie !!! Yeah I love music sm it usually does work to distract me :)
Oh dear my self harm is attractive enough for an old pedo whatever shall I do :0 just kidding I literally dgaf
19 f ! My user is on the pic . Message me if you wanna watch me cut on call . Mostly doing styros / epis but l've hit beans before ^-^ I can provide more / better pictures also . Not sending nudes etc , I just want to cut
I love ethel cain
Ur cuts r so aesthetically pleasing I'm sorry if this is weird to say but still
what’s ur fav Ethel Cain song??? I personally can’t decide between strangers and sun bleached flies for my fav but I also love family tree intro!!
I absolutely love sun bleached flies and also american teenager ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
That’s not weird at all Dw!! Thank you so much :)) the heart on ur lower stomach is so cute!! I wish I could cut more circular shapes X_X I can only cut straight lines so my hearts look a little funky 0_o
Omg peak taste !!! I love American teenager so much too !! It’s the song that originally got me into her :3 and sun bleached flies is just such a beautiful song FRRR
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Thank u sm ! (*^ ^*) The heart was a little difficult to do desu , it took me a while and its definitely not perfect but i like it
TO DO DESU * I have no idea where that came from
It's a filter kek
It's okay, sorry if I was mean and being negative on your thread
It’s so cute !!! :3
Posting this here too , https://discord.gg/wpT6ja3Kus | I'm gonna cut in that server vc later tonight so join it if u want to watch when i do ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
Lips, face shape, hair, etc. It's pretty easy to spot, I guess rest of the guys here also noticed it but didn't wanted to look "racist" just for saying you're asian
Join our discord server for self harm. We have cutting in VC

Fair enough I guess I just don’t rlly think I look that Asian
Would you make cuts on your tongue so you have a red, blood dripping tongue? That always was the hottest thing to me, and kissing like that ofc
A message for OP. I came across this post by chance. Im into a lot of shit but I'm not into watching a lady cut her self. Wanna know more about you. Wanna chat? Not looking for nudes. My kik: abstractwhisper
I cant tell whose more fucked up. The girl cutting herself, or me who just came to it.
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They get too obsessed with wanting to contact you :p
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I know this wasn't for me but I did that yesterday and just wanted to share . I have a video somewhere but Idk how to post it on here
upload it to some other side like catbox.moe or redgifs for example then paste the link in your reply
could upload it to redgifs dot com and link it here. probably easiest way.
you look noticeably asian.
OP I'd really like to talk to you about your cutting and life, add my discord pls: sterak02
OP, where's my apology? You literally got mad at me for nothing yesterday in the other thread, accusing me of being the anon who said he didn't want to date you when I wasn't.
Mb we lost power and I didn’t have any data. Look I’m sorry I already said I’m sorry but surely even you can see how your message could be interpreted that way
these tits are perfect. have you thought about maybe sucking dick instead of cutting yourself? would probably be way better for you
I’m sorry I misinterpreted your message anon
Thank you :3
maybe I should give it a try but it’s hard to find ppl irl who are t disgusted by self harm scars x_x
So hot I cameeeee.
Why don't you let a guy from here fuck you? One of them said he's even willing to date you and be your boyfriend and not just fuck you and he seems genuine from how much he cares about you. It really seems like you're missing out on something good on purpose desu.
I accept your apology, but I think for like absolute closure about the mistreatment you gave me yesterday that you need to do something special, just for me alone (◔_◔).

I think you should just let me cum as much as I want inside your pussy and kiss your face while we do the hook.
tfw no one to encourage ur cutting
Idk about encourage, but we could have fun with it.
You got discord?
This topic is kinda weird but I understand why I just want to get to know the people that do this if you want to talk my discord is: hehe0451
Thanks for accepting my apology anon :) is there any requests u have for some cutting rn?
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I want to cum inside you really bad.
I tried I’m not ver flexible icl
Perfect (• ◡•)

Do you know how cruel you are being to me btw?
I just want to take off your underwear with my own hand and start working hard.
My load not being blown all over your pussy is a crime.
I’m sorry x_x but if u have anything else u wanna see lmk maybe some more on my chest cus the ones on chest r actaully healing rlly well
Can you do it again but hold the leg up more up with a center leg lift rather a side one?
I want to cum inside you.
edge enough. im gonna cum to this
I want to feed you a cake made of my cum.
Like this?
can you write something for us?
star on tummy?
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Not quite but I can tell you're not that strong but I forgive you for that.

If one of your legs went perfectly up like, I'd shoot ropes desu.
Uhhh it depends what
something you would find embarrassing if people see in public.
like how you wanna be used without permission
Sorry I’m rlly weak i can’t hold ny legs up like that :(
What like slut or whore or smth?
would you cut a star on your tummy?
Or you can write “property of *my name*”
Something along those lines.
Is it ok if I do it on my thigh instead? I feel like it’d be too hard on tummy sorry x_x
I just see how clean your tummy and feel like it needs more
What about on your side? Like your ribs or something?
>neuron activation
no just "rape me"
That would be even harder sorry :(
seems you're losing your interest in this. Fair enough, you've been a legend so far
I can try a heart on my stomach or just more lines but I feel like I would just butcher the star and it wouldn’t look nice sorey :(
My name is easy to write.
wait how far down are beans actually >>33283862 makes makes it look like it's super easy to hit
How'd you butcher a star? It's just a few straight lines
Cus it’d be upside down and kn a weird angle to cut I’ll try tho ig :>
>I’ll try tho
legend <3
Sorry I just did a very light heart cus a star seemed way to hard
It did not turn out very well kek
Nah, it turned out great.
I just meant like, the kind of start you'd see in a pentagram, just without the circle to turn it into a pentagram lol

But this was amazing. Thank you <3
Alg anon!! Have a good day :)
hey OP, I've been lurking your threads and to me you seem like a kind, good person and I also think you have a very nice body, if a girl like you showed interest in me, I'd consider myself lucky

of course, I know that, in your current mental state, that's probably hard for you to acknowledge, but just know that I mean it

i hope one day you'll be able to love and appreciate yourself, I wish you the best (and please don't let some of the psychos posting here get to you)
How about my suggestion (◕_◕).
Did some more on my chest :p
As I push down the half-asian girl, my strong arms wrap around her waist tightly, pulling her closer to me with each thrust. My cock slides in and out of her pussy with ease, the wetness from her lactating fluid lubricating every stroke. Her small frame quivers beneath me and my power as I fuck her hard, my hips moving at a fast pace that leaves both of us breathless. She wraps one leg around my waist, pulling me even deeper inside of her and moaning in pleasure with each thrust. The sight of this cute girl's face contorted in ecstasy turns me on even more, causing me to fuck her harder still. Her pussy squirts white and clear fluid all over the bed as I continue to pound into her, my body moving hard and fast like a beastial machine.
"You think you're ugly?"I taunt in her ear, her legs lock around me even harder and I kiss her neck in response. She mumbles "yess....nooo..." she wouldn't stop cumming.

Saying how much I want to fuck you or cum inside you didn't describe enough, so I wrote this (_). Please let me fuck you. I will make you so happy.
Thank you so much anon !! I hope u have a wonderful day/life :)
Can you maybe surround your nipple with a circular cut?
do this but without the panties
Sorry it’s too long but I did do slut !!
this still doesnt really give me much if an idea of actual size
Thanks anon <33
No nudes sorry :p
Can you add the initials N.L for me?
why tho?
you're kinda hot. easy validation too. why just be a tease
You're missing out on literal nirvana - me pounding your little chink brains out. If you were going to kys, wouldn't this be the one divine pleasure you wouldn't want to miss out, your womb being slathered in tons of thick cum after getting pumped out by a big dick? Just be mine. I gave you a gmail. You know I'd love every part of you, why are you resisting?

Two reasons, 1 I am disgusted by naked body and don’t want to show anyone my completely naked body, 2 I don’t want the focus to be my body if that was what I wanted I could go to any soc thread but this a sh thread. Okay and third reason it keeps me from feeling like a complete and utter slut even though I know I am a slut already I feel like I haven’t reached the final level yknow
I agree don't become a complete slut plz that would be next level pathetic.
Just let me screw you and everything will be ok. I can make you feel alive again. My cock is the medicine for you're everything, and you're refusing to take it.

Just let your cervix taste me. I want to rock you and your bed frame against the wall repeatedly.
You don't want the focus to be your body but that's the reason you cut. You want to get fucked or you wouldn't be showing us it. Admit. You are hungry for dick and denying yourself it bc you think you don't deserve it.
You're like a homeless man who hasn't eaten in weeks refusing a burger from wendy's.
I'm going to leave soon, to be honest. You're really determined to be sexually frustrated and in pain, and I guess I can't fix that if you want to be like that. If you wanna talk to me, you have my Gmail but other than that bye.
Ur entirely right I don’t feel deserving of love or affection so instead I destroy all the chances of relationships I have. I’m incredibly self destructive I’m sorry but I think the best thing for me is to continue being this self destructive till I kill myslef

You’re very kind but I don’t deserve kindness
Goodbye anon I’m sorry I wish I could be better but I can’t
Because she's in New Zealand and unwilling to travel.
I’m 18 too mentally unstable to hold down a job and I have 50 dollars to my name it’s not that I’m unable to travel I can’t
you just need to find someone willing to take care of you
It's only around $2000 for a flight there from where I am. That is penny change. Any properly established man could give you the means to get to him or go there himself.

You're going to die without tasting gourmet cock in your pussy. What a waste of a life and a body like yours. I just want to give you the fucking you need and maybe buy you some gifts and go home.
By any chance do you live in Auckland? You seem similar to someone I know and I’m kinda worried
Thickness of the layers varies for different parts of the body.
3-5mm should get you to beans most places.
You literally need dick, and you'd stop acting like this. God chinks are stupid. You people kys for no reason.
Well can I be there while you destroy yourself. Although you said you don't feel like you deserve it let me love bomb you. I love giving attention to girls that self harm let me give you all of mine intill your at your end. Discord: dexter_fan I'm a M 18
Don't you want to taste my cum, OP? I know you saw it, didn't you think it looked good? Imagine over 20 mL of that stuff gooping down your throat or getting sucked up your cervix.
>I feel like I haven’t reached the final level yknow
I believe in you.
A flight from NZ to here is $700.
I've spent more than that on a single LEGO set.
Are you more fun than stepping on a lego?
Are your boobs or tits weirdly angled or disproportionate? Are your nipples a different color? As long as I suck and kiss on them, I really won't have a problem with them. I've seen your pussy through your underwear too and that looks fine as well.
Wait a second. You're smelly, aren't you?
She's being stubborn bc she smells like shit and doesn't bathe. I just realized oof.
bro if you want pussy that bad just go to your local farmers market and pic a girl up there. for me its a gold mine for older women. lets keep this thread self harm bro.
This is all pointless. You are cutting yourself bc u don't shower wtf. U are retarded. I revoke my offer.
I don't struggle with pussy, I just want a soc one kek.
awfully ironic complaint coming from a nigger lmao
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Negro, you are sounding more mentally ill than the chink carving words into her thigh.
can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
>can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
then can you carve the letter "I" into your thigh
>>can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
>then can you carve the letter "I" into your thigh
then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
God, I'd lose my shit if she actually carved nigger into her skin. She'd become 4chan royalty
>>>can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
>>then can you carve the letter "I" into your thigh
>then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
>>>>can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
>>>then can you carve the letter "I" into your thigh
>>then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
>then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
then can you carve the letter "E" into your thigh
need her to come back asap I need someone to love bomb. I'm loving bombing one of the self harm girls here on this thread but she isn't on discord rn. shit pisses me of
>>>>>can you carve the letter "N" into your thigh
>>>>then can you carve the letter "I" into your thigh
>>>then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
>>then can you carve the letter "G" into your thigh
>then can you carve the letter "E" into your thigh
then can you carve the letter "R" into your thigh
which one?
need the chink back so for the other girl she also drew a heart above her pussy. the girl that also drew the heart is going to sleep rn.
y'all gotta calm down, bro
Dude what is even going on and I also I have no plans to carve the n word into me sooooo
I CARVED ONE WORD INTO MY THIGH :p I am normal trust
I agree

Also this thread has reached the bump limit soooooooooo goodbye everypony I guess :3 I cbb creating a new one
Urm perhaps …. This is gonna be really embarrassing if your actually an irl I think I’d kms
I wonder why this phenomenon does not appear in males
Yeah nah I was just messing with you lol

But I think I saw you at the cbd the other day
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>I cbb creating a new one
NEW THREAD: >>33288398
Idk but at least a week I think
I have like no sense of time so
My friends and I were guessing your race
Aaaaaa this is making me lose my mind
It probably wasn’t me ngl HOPEFULLY
It does, just less talked about. Perhaps less common. Men tend to project trauma outward. Hence why they become serial killers instead of sleeping around
i got blocked for love bombing by a cut slut on discord ig you guys prefer being insulted
Have you tried not being retarded? Love bombing is gay, nigga
never love bombed a cut slut before had to try it, next time ama just insult them and make them cut more
nigger, just be normal, ffs
Both of u are freaks ngl
Not that I can say anything cus I’m posting my cutz on 4chan but anyways
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Hey chink, you're retarded but here's some advice. Run away from this nigger anon unless you want to end up in a trash can as dismembered pieces after a gruesome death
Ur right thanks anon :3 genuine question at what point of being mixed would a person be considered no longer a chink like I’m wasian ( half Asian) so would a quarter Asian person still be a chink? Asking the real questions fr
"One Drop Rule" aside, terms for mutts didn't extend past "octaroon".
That is, you have eight great-great-grandparents, and seven of them are white, and one is non-white (black, specifically).
So, presumably, if an octaroon got bred by a white guy, that had sufficiently bleached the mutt genes that nobody bothered having a word for a 1/16th.
But, again, that's in the context of subhuman bestial nigger heredity.
Bug-person genes might become acceptable with less dilution.
Anyways I'm the guy that was talking about love bombing a cut slut. Add me on discord I wanna see you cut. It turns me on! My discord is : dexter_fan
I personally found my way out of self harm through sports and the community and people around those circles (dopamine from running = more motivation to keep running = building routines = ... ).
take good care of yourself, take it easy. you have time to do things and think about life, you're still young. bottom line is that you should THINK about things. thinking makes us keep living happy lives. <3
Can you do some are your thighs I personally think they look better on them.

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