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Dynamic Duo Edition

/hoc/vious: >>141613634
I'm ready for the draft and trades and free agency
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I wonder how many goals they've scored this series
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Disney made a McKwabid movie
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Riley watches the Zednik injury and has a panic attack
Do you have a humiliation fetish?
When you think about it, since NHL rosters are mostly Canadian, Canada wins the cup every year!
Thank god all the lames fans died from lack of water or they'd have some unsavory opinions about this movie.
How unsavory?
Is there a cute hockey girl villain? asking for a friend haha
I'm drinking extra water for my Calgary bros
I've turned on every faucet and flips on every light for good measure
What’s your team’s version of Publix?
What does this even mean
Sam Bennet
Thats good you may do that. You're American. We have water!
Show those calgary fags that we don't live in a third world country lol
Just emptied out the ice maker...
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>It's your store
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Bandwagon fan here, what is significant about the Flames? I see they bitch about the Oilers with the Canucks all the time, but I dont get them as a team. What years were they good, are they considered Bruins/Leaf/Hab tier?
what now? did /pol/ say something?
BC fag here. None of you amerifats can even drink your tap water wtf are you idiots going on about.
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What the fuck are you talking about? We're not Mexicans.
>being under 30
anyways lelgary is too scared to respond to this post >>141623918
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I hope you’re not a zoomer, jabroni
You dumb idiot that's always been around.
I mean 35% of your population is Hispanic so idk about that.
We are the main characters, were the most beloved, we have the funnest team, we make the best posts it's simple as that. We also live in the best area in Canada and we have the best lifestyle.
It's regional. I have good water in upstate ny but florida water is revolting.
Learn to fucking read
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All this does is just make it mandatory.
Wow, it's fucking nothing. Michael Tracey is a bozo. Not registering was already a federal crime and a bunch of states already required it (and automatically submitted info) for things like driver's licenses.
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who revved them up this thread?
This and we have the funniest posters
It was always mandatory.
What this does is make it automatic at 18yo and increase the age range from 18-24 to 18-26
>HB2274, the bill here that (as amended) addresses the creation of theme park districts (which provide tax relief), passed the Senate yesterday and received House concurrence by a 37-21 vote today, meaning it's heading to the Governor
The US military created raped bitch in a lab
to derail us
What happened to test tube babies, anyway? That was such a big deal in like the 2000s. Test tube babies.
>there are Americans in this thread right now that are probably gonna have to serve in the military

Honestly a bit excited for less cantskate posts. Post quality is gonna go up
You’re a fucking retard lol
and it worked!
Just imagine the victory party when Canada defeats US Military and we get Maine back
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Are Canadians having a melt down right now because their team is about to get swept outta the playoffs or is it just one of those days for them?
>my mavs coming back from down 3-0
>my oilers about to as well
You love to see it
are you going repost images and type like a tryhard fag?
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Guess I got my answer. I thought you guys didn't even care about the Oilers?
I'm canadian and I couldn't be happier.
I'd rather the cup stay in america forever if it means the oilers aren't touching it
You gotta make it alittle less obvious when you switch your VPN canatard.
I mean either that or you're just a canada simp.
(Neither is a good look)
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See this. Based and truthful!
Don't worry the Stanley Cup will stay in America where it belongs.
you're a newfag and a redditor and barely over the age of 18 this most recent semester
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You gotta make it less obvious how mad you are.
Atleast try.
it's probably going to get dragged out to 6 games
5 games I could see, Oilers get lucky one game or the Panthers just want to take it back to Florida to win at home.
But 6? With what defence and what goalie?
That's me being generous and presuming Mcdavid and Draistl will finally be able to break through for a couple of games. But what do I know, I thought the Oilers were going to come out gangbusters last game and they ended up folding midway through the 2nd.
>bombston lost tonight prolonging final
>gary borrows same script
It's all so tiresome
Gary is a nice man that wants to give Florida an extra game of SCF ticket revenue plus winning it in front of their home crowd
I'd rather see mcgaykid get hit in the face with hundred of rats than a full sweep
panthers should be trying to win it tonight
Based. I agree.
lol kek image
now slam him !
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Chara hates those kinds of people
good slovak boy
waste of time type finals
The oilers would probably complain that rats were the favorite animal of one of their 5 years removed assistant coach's offspring and its incredibly insensitive to their organization's deep and rich history to throw them
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Thinking of opening up an oltermanni supplyline. Thoughts?
>first Utahs arena had too many obstructed seats
>now the city's planning commission is ruling against building it due to zoning issues

Holy kek it's like watching Arizona play out again in fast motion
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Are they even going to be allowed to serve beer at the games?
>uproot the yotes in the middle of the season
>everything is having to be rushed
>no team logo, no plans for an arena, city shutting down their renovation ideas
>soon they'll be playing in the suburbs like Arizona

You get what you fucking deserve Gary
Anon learns about legislation
the flames poster ringleader has done more damage to this place than anyone else in history
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I love my AI girlfriend.
>However, the City Council has the last say, and could still approve the plan.

Who cares
i hope we get to see that press conference with gary and the yotes owner again
too bad he died from lack of hydration kek
Is anyone here going to become a Utah FC fan?
I will treat them with more respect than Seattle
my krakies :(
Not unless they pick a real name. For now I will treat them with less respect >>141625067
>In the United States of America it's mandatory to die for Israel
I lost the little respect I had for every American hockey team just now.
Happy Day of the Rake lads
Unvaccinated Japanese hymen
I love the kachina Mormon I kind of want to get him on a tshirt
kys retard
because maccelli and välimäki yes
Bobrovsky is due for a bad game
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Tonight we feast
Is the 2024 season really ending tonight?
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i hope so. it's been an awful one
Why haven't Oilers fans been posting here as much lately?
Sure the Oilers can win a single game
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rent free
IShowSpeed plays hockey, this is huge
don't cry too hard calgay. You can't afford to waste any water.
The kitties will collapse due to having more swedes
But enough about California
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this is nice general
real canadian schizo pedo weeb hours (again)
>he hangs around a thread with canadian schizo pedo weebs
There is literally nothing wrong with being a weeb
the only good weeb is a dead weeb
Sir this is an anime image board
>Curious as to why would they bring back the old Mighty Ducks logo
>Find out it is Donald Duck's 90th anniversary

That's a nice gesture desu
Are those tampon boxes?
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
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Speaking of tampons, where has Hymen gone? I haven't seen him during the finals.
I live in Montreal, no one here gives a flying fuck about McMeme and his Soilers
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Why they choose Habs and not a sunbelt team to market to the Americans?
see >>141623422
Maybe he was in Montreal for the F1
Watch the video they were playing in a small rink somewhere in US, it wasn't in Montreal and the Bell Centre removes the rink after the season.
For Oilers fans, I hope these contract talks includes a way to terminate Nurse's contract at the same time.
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Get in

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comparing the SCF finals of the early 90s and the early 20s does not bode well for NHL in terms of exposure and hype

NHL got crazily lucky in the early 90s with all the big teams reaching the final 4, often numeral times. Today, we have Montreal, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Toronto, NYI still in rebuilding-mode and the odds of them competing against eachother gets slimmer and slimmer with every small town getting a new start team handed to them
I just found out Pamela Anderson hit the wall wtf bros?
>Why haven't Oilers fans been posting here as much lately?
too busy crying in the cuckshed
she's like 60
>Pamela Anderson hit the wall
she gave all her pussy energy to Assange
So is Tom Cruise
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lmao he was right about superstars when a low iq retard jorno asking him why he isn't signing big name players.
Has Jennifer Aniston yet?
She needs the Todd Bertuzzi treatment
Every year I get older but Judi Dench stays a GILF
Superstars are okay. 30 minute per game playing McClown isn't.
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You have to be dumb to think it's "luck" that's kept big market teams out of the final. It's all about growing the game buddy. A canadiens fan will show up to every game regardless and he'll wear his old CCM Roy jersey he bought in 1992 for 40 bucks because he loves hockey. A floridan however does not show up when the team isn't competitive. Hell, he might not show up if they're the president's trophy winner. But a floridan might start paying attention if they start winning. And they are going to buy a brand new $350 adidas custom printed sasha barkov jersey to properly support the team. but he can't wear a long sleeve jersey in the sweltering heat of florida so he'll buy a nice Panthers t-shirt. And a Eastern Conference Champion hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. Because nobody cares about hockey, the more he flaunts his gear the more he gets to feel special and different.
Blame bettman or blame the owners for being complacent it's certainly no coincidence
Teams should only spend league minimum on goalies to be able to spend most of cap space on skaters.
Maximize deserve to win % and get a good excuse for losing.
Teams should only spend league minimum on goalies to be able to spend most of cap space on skaters.
Maximize deserve to win % and get a good excuse for losing.
I just said that
can gary even get a 5th game or a ot game out of this series? he's failing the nhl's valued tv partners.
Crosby vs. McDavid through the first 9 years of their career
>Age 18 - miss playoffs
>Age 19 - make playoffs lose to snes
>Age 20 - make cup final to wongs
>Age 21 - win stanley cup
>Age 22 - win olympic gold medal - 2nd round exit vs habs
>Age 23 - first round exit to blots
>Age 24 - first round exit to flylels - first concussion
>Age 25 - third round exit to ruins
>Age 26 - 2nd round exit to rags
>Age 27 - first round exit to rags
>Age 19 - miss playoffs
>Age 20 - make playoffs 2nd round exit to ducks
>Age 21 - miss playoffs
>Age 22 - miss playoffs
>Age 23 - qualifying round exit to rapehawks
>Age 24 - swept in the first round by the jets
>Age 25 - swept in conference final by avs
>Age 26 - 2nd round exit to Vegas
>Age 27 - swept in cup final by panturds
crosby had completed hockey by the time he was 22, what a chad
That's Melbourne Ice hockey, baby.
We're the strongest!
To be fair it was off the back of Malkin
36 playoff points retarded
Though to be fair malkin didn't play against the other team's best, he played against their 2nd best and crosby had 8 goals and 5 apples vs craps
Crosby ATOI in the Final - 22:55 (2nd highest forward), 18:39 (2nd), 20:21 (1st), 19:44 (1st)
McDavid ATOI in the Final - 25:31 (1st)
>adelaide adrenalosers
Oilers pulled a Leafs when it mattered
the edmonton police service is getting the tear gas ready
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Leafs would have at least made it to game 7 before disappointment
Edmonton is safe since it was over before they left Florida and even the fans knew.
wrong thread bud
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Magazine status: girlie
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McKwab Status?
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hoggi ends today?
no, there is australia and new zealand on weekends
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>nobody even died in the vancouver riot
Legit pissed
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i'm a bit scared of a reverse sweep since amerant bank chanted we want the cup during game 2
canada's team might lose to the oilers
Crosby: had a generally competent front office

Mcdavid: doesn’t have a competent front office

Sometimes I skip main channel streams just because I already get the announcements from here
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ive been dreading a reverse sweep since they won game 3
feels too good to be true that the kitties might actually win the cup finally after us having to experience decades of mediocrity from them
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this pic is from 2017

we've been spoiled with these new champions recently
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>pg 3 during the scf on a friday night
dead sport
dead general
dead gimmick
just like my islanders
and my penguins
and my cockfosters
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i'd go to a match but that would mean spending over 90 minutes in london
IT'S BUD THE SPUD from the bright red mud
rollin down the highway smilin
the spuds are big on the back of bud's rig
they're from prince edward island
they're from prince edward island
Hey, PWHL fans. I first just want to say how incredibly honored and grateful I am to have been selected by PWHL Minnesota in the league's second draft. I would say it's a dream come true, but for many of us this wasn't even a possibility until very recently. It's all thanks to amazing individuals like Billie Jean King, Ilana Kloss, current/former players and just so many others, that this league has been so successful.
I recognize that recent events have caused many of you to form an opinion about me, about who I am and how I live my life, and I think I owe it to you guys to come on here and directly respond to these concerns.
I specifically recognize that my social media activity has resulted in hurt being felt across communities including LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals, and I just want to apologize and take ownership of that. I have family members and extremely close friends who are part of these communities and I love them very much. I've always tried to support them in their pursuits; I wish them the greatest success; I want them to be included and I'm going to continue to do that. I've played with countless teammates with different personalities, different religious beliefs, political views, different lifestyles, and we've always been able to maintain mutual respect and love, and I believe that my former teammates, coaches and staff would agree that this is how I carry myself in and out of the locker room.
However, I hope to better demonstrate this, to PWHL fans and just to the general public. I do not, and I've never held hate or judgment toward any groups or individuals. I've learned so much through this, and I'm seeing it as an opportunity to grow in humility, and grow in love, and my goal in this league is the same as it always has been. I want to make a positive impact, be a good leader, a good role model, train hard, play hard, and just give my heart to the people around me, and to the league, and to the sport.
sex with quistis trepe
wtf are you doing outside the trench ivan?
having sex with quistis trepe
ru an girrle?
of course
for me it's making shit up and not elaborating when asked for more detail
b my gf?
Don't look at Skinner's Memorial Cup record, baka!
will you take me to piss on the United Center building?
if by "united center building" you mean my face, then yes
>located in some shady ghetto instead of the downtown
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Why did they ever change from the pouncing cat
The shield sucks
>instead of the downtown
Umm.....what about parking then?????
maybe because it was too complex to draw from memory
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Oil bros...
that's a thigh slapper
Is today the day?
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is today the day?
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dude... florida doesn't know hockey!
*hits blunt*
*takes shot of listerine*
yes it is :3
Must be nice to finally see finns win, shame there's nothing to be done about
>finnish goaltending
are fans going to spend 200 bucks on these jerseys knowing that they will be temporary?
I do not, and I've never held hate or judgment toward any groups or individuals.
Except women
this is one really tanned Swiss man
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i mean colorado were champions not long ago. also pens had määttä when they went back to back. many finn has raise the cup after 2000. but finnish captain raising the cup is sweet, also i have followed barkov since he was 16 yo so it makes it even sweeter
Based Kazakhstani hockey fan
Barkov's not ethnically Finnish
People in the neutral zone might, just to be special snowflakes.
I saw people with golden zebras jerseys in Regina in 2017
so you are not american
he played for Tappara and Finland, not KHLiggers and the USSR
Yes because it shows they are original fans and these jerseys are limited run we swear
What if Utah HC wins the vote?
I guess they'll get a crest like European football teams
Norm didn’t say that
If Utah HC wins the vote I hope they go 0-82 and end up folding
he could be. maybe there's a starlink satellite to finally bring internet to the pine ridge reservation
nobody else has a computer or a phone so the chief turned his house into an internet cafe
the laffs and flames and oilers and islanders and rags and teds would find ways to lose them
his ancestors were settlers, not immgrants
Utah HC is probably the long shot next to Venom. Its outlaws or yeti
Only the teds would possibly lose to em
lmao some queer thinks Draisaitl and McDavid will sign again with Edmonton
McDavid to Seattle
Draisaitl to Buffalo
lmao why is he holding that thing?
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You know so much of our tribe brother yet I know nothing of yours
He’s a good Tampere boy
/hoc/ team base city? is it Gary Indiana?
Home of the famous Gary dialysis center
Abbotsford, British Colombia
>Shit D, shit goaltending and shit depth >For 10 years straight
>Good GM
Only a soilers retard would think this.
Why can't Canadian teams win a Cup yet the 2 teams in Florida can make the Finals 5 years in a row and win 3 of em
Chiarelli and Holland are the only general managers during the McDavid era. Holland is somehow the worse drafter of the two
poor ownership is the only non-meme answer
Ownership Ownership Ownership
does tampa have the cap space for one of them?
Florida needs to just get it over with today.
Hockey is a latinx sport. Too many white people in edmonton, they don't understand the sport.
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It's Nikko my nigga!
wild wild west
don't type slurs on /hoc/. see
Oilers force a game 7
They lose 1-0 in 4OT after Skinner gets a clue and Bobrovsky has the best game of goaltending ever seen
Cap this.
Florida will intentionally lose tonight so they can win the cup at home.
I dont see that happening
Unfortunately we're not gonna get a flooding of rats
Only one rat that'll get boo'd to hell in Edmonton as he presents the Cup
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nobody intentionally wants to lose a chance at winning the cup.
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it would be 2 rats on the ice if my band's chief didn't suck
where the fuck is my settlement money?
what did he mean by this?
Maybe Bobrovsky will be too busy thinkin of the vodka he'll drink after the game and let in 5
Never give up.
This team has been dialed in on one goal since two weeks after Vegas lifted the cup and Barkov summoned everyone able to skate for the first players-only practice. Meanwhile Knoblauch is mindbroken and already begging his GM to address Drai's winger situation in the offseason. Easiest sweep ever.
Delightfully devilish.
There's a first time for everything. The Good Saskatchewan Boys (aka the Blues) went from being #31 at the start of January to lifting Lord Stan Lee of Preston's Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup in 2019.
Why cant the teds ever do that
the Blue Jackets are terrible and nobody wants to play for a college town
5-3 panthers
He did then he said just like my islanders after I heard it myself
9-11 was a national tragedy
Honestly just get this shit over with tonight
9th of november? what happened?
Too many beans on your team
How are my fellow flames chads celebrating oiler elimination day?
had loose marners that day
the world celebrated cirno day
probably going to post some Panny
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thinking about attaching an illegal balcony
we don't pay you to think sweetie just look pretty
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2019: Ryan O'Reilly

2023: Jack Eichel

2024: Sam Reinhart, Evan Rodrigues, Brandon Montour, Kyle Okposo
To be fair they’re looking scary next year
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15 years of wasted top end draft talent, grim
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Is it happening, bros?
so you can drink outside in your boxers?
ya rite they fuckin suck
anybody who goes through the sabres learns how not to play hockey
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Who the fuck would hire Bylysma right after he got fired by Pittsburgh?
yeah and pee on peasants below
I sense the sweep
That defence looks grim
so who's gonna con smithers this year?
reminder that it's for the playoffs, not just for the finals
Why wasnt Ullmark good on the Sabres
Reinhart, Barkov or Bob

But Bob will get it for how insane he was from round 2 onwards.
It's not even close
bobrovsky but mostly due to recency bias
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It should be Barkov also.
I have a tinfoil-hat theory that canadians want to snub barkov because it's easier to swallow being nullified by a hot goalie but almost impossible to accept that florida's skaters would be better (in the playoffs) than mcdabid
>Corey Pronman says on The Athletic Hockey podcast that Cayden’s Lindstrom back injury was the result of a herniated disc.
he's gonna fall now.
Looks comfy
If I was a high ranking russian state official I would stay very far away from that thing of beauty
Is Bobrovsky gonna make the hall of fame?
two vezinas and a cup should be enough to be desu
No team has won the Stanley cup in recent history with a goalie they traded for all goalies are developed talent
Patrick Roy
>Recent history
You faggot Kuemper just happened a few years ago with Colorado, along with Adin Hill.
Come to think of it, Thomas also won two Vezinas and a Cup yet he's not there...
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m8 Adin Hill won last year
Ah yes Avalanche-grown talent Darcy Kuemper
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For anyone going to the game tomorrow night
Should the worst happen and Tkachuk is able to raise the cup on our own ice, I propose that every fan in the stands drowns out the FLA victory with the loudest, longest, and most raucous chorus of LETS GO OILERS the city has ever seen.
He had the wrong political opinions and voiced them publicly.
Honestly I really have no opinion on whether or not he should be there.
Tim Thomas is too generic of a name
They probably forgot he exists
>the O is missing
just like on the ice
They don’t add Russians to the hall anymore
I wonder what's with the card. Is it a throwback to child slave miners?
>Alberta has no rats in the province
>Edmonton is getting swept by the rat team
american jew in charge
> card
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terrible trade
They're the championship hats they had ready since the start of the finals.
Just like my islanders
Panties are a very good team, and soilers are outclassed completely. They could swap goalies, and it wouldn't matter. That forecheck would still destroy soilers, and Bob would be alone with a wide open shooter. McFraud would still be skating laps really, really, really fast.
Where is McDavid going when Lundell and Barkov have him in a blender?
Nowhere, but he'll go there very fast.
I see, well it's better than pic related anyway
Your team is shit and run by a retard.
Worst thing about this is the Oilers logo isnt in the center of the Cup
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I accept your concession
wtf is this
You shouldn't. They charge 9,2€ for a beer here during skoda cups.
No it's not normal.
>tomorrow night
the game is today, boris from alberta okrug.
Our Sennies :))
conference champions are just code words for cup losers desu
>that panther paw
don't raise president's trophy banners either unless you go on to win the leeb owl that season
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wait... Utah looks like this?
I was going to say penis but that's a lamp
car-centric dystopia
everyone in that image is going to Hell kwab
>the game is today, boris from alberta okrug.

it'll be tomorrow for us, chugalugger
no this is mecca
interesting the nhl has a game scheduled for Tuesday.

02:00 is more like the morning and not night
maybe i'm biased because the sky starts getting lighter at like 3am in saskatchewan summer
Ynr Anti Nemo
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Gary Gary he's our man
If he can't do it no one can
Goooooo Gary!
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E-Gods we have a Premium Live Event soon
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do you know IYO?
FlamesChads activated sigma male grindset no water required
deported to /asp/
No thanks. I'll stick to my green tea and strawberry milk
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Yeahhh it’s fuggin over
>We should have won
I'm headed south today for a family reunion with a bunch of rabid Flames fans who are going to roast me over the Oilers being down 3-0 in the series. Can you suggest some good comebacks to their taunts?
go kitties :3
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it's actually wrestlechad
just tell him you had sex with his wife
Chad is a codeword for fag
Connor brown is shit
How high on their own supply can one team even be
You're a Chad
Thanks I'm really into wrestling
If I were at the rogers I would chant oilers suck in between each let's go oilers
too bad youre poor
Been running all the taps in my house on full blast since the water main broke
I have never seen a Columbus vs Anaheim game
Do they seriously play each other twice a year?
and ive reported you to the authorities every hour on the hour
fraid so
Lotta shit teams for retards play each other
Maybe on planet retard
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more fodder for the water jannies
when players start sounding like fans, its over
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>Colin Campbell: Vice president and director of hockey operations of the NHL
>Gregory Campbell: Florida Panthers assistant general manager
Happy Father's Day Oilers fans
I hear a lot of /hoc/posters have moved there
Just show up in your new york islanders jersey and say "jlmi" to anyone saying shit about the oilers
He must be from the Trudeau school of hockey.
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who won in game 4 after going down 3-0
also the last canadian team to win 4 games in the finals
>who won in game 4 after going down 3-0

i watched that game, Tampa threw it on purpose
to win at home
The flames won in 2004
I have a feeling that Tampa lost on purpose, they would have celebrated a cup in another empty building in Canada
>they would have celebrated a cup in another empty building in Canada

double asterisk cups with no ambience victory
Losing on purpose doesn't happen eurotards
This guy knows alot about losing
copey copey
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*pulls the goalie*
tie the ropey
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_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
I've lost my virginity on purpose
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Then how did EDM get all those first overalls?
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Nice larp we all know you're a qt virgin grill
2014-2015 sabres
they literally traded off players because they were too good
fine fine I've been saving myself for a /hoc/'s prince harming
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Yes hello
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*pulls the goalie in the second period.*
Utah Polygamists
The Utah Golden Plates
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> Polygamists
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Hey beautiful
how does an honest girl choose
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This could be us
I have that hairline
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this could be us
you both make excellent offers
Suicide is permanent solution to a temporary problem
What to do before the game
not drink yourself to sleep before the game starts that's for sure
Unfortunately for TRB his brain is cooked and it is a permanent problem
Watch Chad Gable win the intercontinental title
Visit a prostitute is legal for you after all
Will /hoc/ apologize when the oilers reverse sweep?
you like watching topless muscular dudes
>t. saunaposting naked with the boys
clean your room
Try doing the sexo in a 100 degrees celsius (212 in burger units) and come back.
It's just not a sexual setting at all.
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I'll fly to edmonton and eat a bucket of my shit in the McDavids
>best offensive duo in the nhl
>-7 differential in 3 games
Conor McBitch learning that you can't just speed around along the boards for 15 seconds and expect a goal against great teams
It would be the greatest SCF of all time so thats not happening
I can't have sex until Xhenya married me
I could probably beat up 75% of the posters ITT
I'll post my titties
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the bunny trail
Hippity-hoppity, Easter's on its way
>beating up fat americans and eurosissys
Real impressed
pumped some iron for the first time in a month and my arms hurt
why did you set your discord status to invisible last night kitten?
i saw you typing in the server
I'm 6'0 skinnyfat
how do you measure up?
Sorry 3-5 weeks away please understand
How much can you bench?
You're first Samir

5'9'' with strong quads
There’s nothing gay about that. Only a guy ashamed of his tiny pp would sauna in his boxers
>5'9'' with strong quads

PWHL girl...hello
a bottle of listerine and the chief's daughter
clash starts soon boys AND it's dotr kwab what a good day
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Go kitties
Henya is MY wife
sup dear bro do you think based Chad will win
If you want a real answer: It's lack of pressure and management. Look how long Tampa sucked after 04, Yzerman comes in and starts to build up the farm system and starts to draft players deep in the draft and didn't rush them. They brought in Cooper to learn the AHL for years. There was no major pressure to go crazy, esp after 2011 when they made one deep run. Once they started making deep runs they didn't do anything drastic, fuck even in 2019 they had every reason to fire Cooper and trad one of the core pieces but didn't. And then the Panthers were just an ass team for decades. They brought in new Management and had no pressure and slowly built up talent as well. The got Jagr for the name but at that point in his career he was good locker room guy to show the young guys what it's like to be a dedicated pro. Then when everything was getting good and made the playoffs to get stomped by tampa two years in a row and then made changes and now they are in the finals two years in a row. Every Canadian market sees one super star and says WIN NOW WE WANT OT WIN NOW MCJESUS IS 18 WE SHOULD WIN 6 CUPS BEFORE HE IS 28 and then they start signing shit contracts or fire a 6 coaches in 10 years.
Wrestlefags suck farts directly out of their boyfriends butthole
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The only thing wrong with firing 6 coaches in 10 years is signing the shitters to begin with
2020: Zach Bogosian
this post needs reddit spacing
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Sabres, the team formerly known as the Yotes, Laffs, Rags, and the Canes are all teams that always look good next year and then always shit the bed in one way or another. Until they actually do it they are frauds. Anyone thinking otherwise are retards.
that's an amazing roster
Yeah I hope so. Sami (like most faces) is a better chaser than champ. How are you bro?
how are you doing marchand?
Makes me want to drive drunk into a tim horton's
got some ribs in the smoker just cracked open a cold one
Cody vs AJ match will be mad dimes
They say this when they just statpad and see they had 50 shot attempts but all the shots were from the outside while the kitties have like 20 shot attempts but all from the slot. It's just pure cope.
No way Gary does order the series to end tonight because he doesn’t want to get pelted by rubber rats on Tuesday
based on retardation
When does the sportsball match start?
canada elimination day
when are you telling your mom you're a flaming homo
Crosby won a cup with 35 year old Ron Hainsey as the number one defenceman and shat murray as the starting goalie. and he turned Chris Kunitz into an Olympian. what's mcmeme's excuse? he's supposed to be able to take over games. so far he's been invisible and has 0 goals
crosby never had two 50 goal scorers, a point per game defenceman and a 100 point 3rd line center
makes me think of the hawks from the mighty ducks
That was on May 23. Same with USA.
that was supposed to be a shitty third rate tournament which doesn't count
It's third rate when we lose and matters when we win. Skoda is Schrodinger's car
Dimebag Darrel was killed by a Columbus blue jackets fan
the day the music died :(
He'd be dead by now like his brother
Pantera had like 3 good songs.
Just like Taylor Swift
Based Rob Van Sam came out to Walk shit was dimes
>washed up has beens
just like my crosby
does he speak Russian?
For me it's Billy Joel
This is longer than most fights!
Elton John - Gary and the Refs
ask me about my cock
what about your cock
Asterisk, not really the roster they ran with the entire season.
A gun
i'm more excited for the draft than the finals
post, we are close to 500
Mcnigger will chimp out tonight
posting to make Finlan happy
Hey Calgary bros I'm gonna go swim in my pool while you die of dehydration
dead thread
dead league
dead sport
gonna take a nap without masturbating
"nobody cares about calgary dude -__-"
*posts about calgary*
>Box Office: 'Inside Out 2' Heading for Historic $140M-$150M U.S. Opening, a Near Record for Pixar

We did it hockeystacies
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I can't understand you, go back to India. Red + white power.
little bitch gettin upset that you're getting made fun of AGAIN?
Ya'll never stop crying do ya?
I dont even want to watch the game tonight because edmonton is probably going to win but then I have to watch it in case Florida wins
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texas not taking the stars loss lightly
easter of 22
yeah.. I don't even know what that is. Nice insult attempt though?
God's Plan that's the only Drake song I like
>stars' fans' oldest gf
>Blasts that song in my office while making loud grunting noises
feel like jorkin' off

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