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Friday Night Bar Edition

/hoc/vious: >>141597915
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first for
this cup doesn't count
What's on tap tonight?
Counts more than last years
Shit thread
today I've been reading a lot of opinions and articles about how goaltending is the difference in this cup final but everyone is saying Skinner is just having a rough patch and completely ignoring the fact that goaltending has been the Oilers number one issue for the last few seasons and have done absolutely nothing to address it like just because Skinner didn't shit the bed every game this playoffs somehow made him a capable goalie.
just like my islanders
Chinese Canadians you’ll get it next time
In pretty much every hockey related thread right now there's at least one keyboard athlete from the Calgary, Vancouver and Florida fan bases sneering and jeering about the Oilers.

And it's always the same, tired expressions. If people were creative it might be fun, but they haven't really been and it's just sad.

Don't take the bait.

Keep your stick on the ice.
The oilers best defensive defenceman is vinnie "seaweed man" desharnais any goalie would look like shit
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>leaf team in finals
>its a 4 or 5 game series
Every time...
between the blue jackets and the Kraken.
Which of the two would be ideal for the man looking for a live NHL team always overshadowed by the Major League Soccer team from the same city?
Nigga been doing this for almost a decade give it a rest man
I won't fall for your troll response

Also, I need a city in the United States where they are only successful in Major League Soccer.
he won't stop until people stpp giving him attention
stop replying to fernando you idiots
/hoc/ doesnt reply to obvious bait challenge (impossible)
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>put in all that time and effort and work just to see your team fail to do the same
He's like the neighborhood stray cat.
Ryan Reaves has more goals than McDavid and Draisaitle in the finals, despite the EDM duo making $21 million (USD).
You've been the one with the troll question for about 8 years. Now go root for the Braves, Chiefs, Blackhawks, Indianapolis Indians, and Spokane Indians.
And more importantly, kill yourself with a dildo machine
Flames went 7
Canucks have gone 7 multiple times
why cum neither panthers nor oilers have developed any form of traditions which in terms of awesomeness can equalize the communical dissatisfaction of this procedure
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This will grow the game
Potvin was the Panthers color commentator for awhile
Wonder how he felt about hearing that whistle still lmao
dumb retard
All Caulfield had to do was accidentally step on whatever the fuck that black guy is wearing on his feet and he would've been a hero after slicing through it
The Edmonton Oilers have no business being in the final. They were given a mickey mouse path to the cup and now they're getting exposed for the frauds that they are. There are 3 other teams in the Atlantic division alone that would have fared better than this against Florida.
yeah well that's why they play the games dipshit
Unironically it probably will if he continues to talk about hockey. All my little middle school aged cousins and their friends love dude and his fandom for Ronaldo(kek) has them being Ronaldo fans.
the fuck is he eating?
Why the fuck is this zoomer nog so popular? His videos offer no substance other than what's essentially a caricature of black people

Also lmao at the raped bitch crying to the jannies again for calling him raped
Looks like over night oats
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Blendered poutine
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Cornstarch probably
Overnight oats for max gains
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Someone please make another collage this year
>carbs for gains
lmfao tell me your a manlet without telling me
which goaltender has been available for trade that is better?
I drink champion horse semen for gains. Yeah it’s 10k a liter but I spare no expense. Yes, I do play for the Oilers.
Whats the point, everyone here is cheering for the Oilers. Collages are supposed to be for when a heavy favorite gets upset, or a team with lot's of annoying fans in /hoc/ gets upset, neither of which is happening right now. Collages have become so diluted and soulless since some autist decided that every series needs one.
I mean everyone here is cheering for the panthers obviously
collages died when that faggot made one for a mid season loss
>everyone here is cheering for the Oilers
Literally nobody is cheering for the soilers. fuck the oilers fuck mcmeme and fuck you
I can't help it. I came into these playoffs not caring at all and after watching Edmonton and their fans for 4 rounds I would cheer for anyone playing against the Oilers.
Calm down flametard, drink some water or something
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Anyone here been to Anaheim before?

Is it a nice place to visit? Looks lovely from what I can see.
Im not an albortion
I just realized my blue and orange team fucking sucks
It has Disneyland and a lot of asian girls.

It's paradise.
Southern California is a shithole
Cups haven't counted since >it was in.
Flamers got robbed
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This collage sucks. It includes a lot of obvious bait posts and lacks the soul of old /hoc/
nobody gives a shit about the loser flames
>b-but muh irreverent shitpost!!
nobody cares
Shut the fuck up Pedro (and you're looking for Portland I guess)
Where do you live?
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Please come to Seattle so you can be raped to death by vagrants
I lived in Santa Clarita for 19 years. Southern California is a dystopian shithole. Even the nice looking areas full of the fakest people imaginable.
lovely place for retards
I remember saying the oilers do not have the goaltending to go all the way earlier this year. In response I was called "delusional" or a "troll" by oily fans.
Santa Clarita?! Oh ok yeah I understand why you think it's a shithole lmao my bad

Where do you live now?
California used to be a nice place before everyone domestically and internationally moved here. Real Californians have bee displaced years ago.
lots of fake asses and tits
I might change my designated drinking day for tomorrow and watch the panthers win while getting drunk at a bar
Miamibros where do Pantherfans congregate
delusional troll
Should I do this to know what its like to be gay without actually being gay?
The other guy will have to ask his mom if you can come over and watch the game
>Panthers fans
>Panthers fan
my sober week ends sunday but i really wanna drink tomorrow for the final game :/
Greetings /hoc/, haven't posted here for a while. I haven't watched any of these playoffs because my team didn't participate, also I am busy wageslaving manual labour 6 days a week for 10 hours a day for $15 dollars an hour just so I can be poor, so I don't have much time to watch hockey and post on the /hoc/ anymore.

I'm turning 30 this month and there's never been a single Canadian team win the Stanley Cup in my entire lifetime.

Should I just end it already lmao (for real tho)
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I live in western Washington now. A state trying to become California.
I left because I could only afford to live in fucking Antelope Valley. It’s fucking cruel to be raised upper middle and be relegated to the ghetto.
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didn't ask
Chin up pal
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Youll like the weather for sure. Maybe too much.
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I downloaded this pic in 2015
I'm getting on a plane to the other side of the country tonight if the monsoon doesn't stop me. Unless this somehow goes to seven I'm gonna miss out on all the celebrations.
Big sad.
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I for one am looking forward to the off season moves and free agent signings.
The thing that's bad about the ghetto is the people. I don't mind the messy lawns, weathered buildings but the people are filthy, stupid and arrogant about it all.
my bad I thought this was sort of an open forum where we could speak our minds about hockey and life and stuff
Zero (0)
more like leads in high danger copes
This playoff series has been a disaster, hasn't it?
your thinly vieled blogpost is not open discussion
I care more about that than the actual hockey desu. These teams suck, the games suck
Just like my islanders
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One does not simply score a goal in the Final
Mcmeme would get eaten alive in the eastern conference. 100 assists means absolutely nothing. not a playoff player
Utah HC what a joke
Best option out of any of the others we came up with
My brother had a place in Palmdale and we’d go to the dollar store to get snacks and I swear every time I went in there I saw people stealing. Stealing from a dollar store.
>point scorers
it's a temporary name
No it isn't
Its the worst name imaginable
Not just no soul it's anti soul
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You should've paid the child support and stopped choking her when she tapped out, Evander.
Mullett Arena was temporary too and Gary almost let it go for 3 years
There's no soul in coming up with a name just for the sake of having a name
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You know what's really fucking funny? The Oilers passed on drafting Matthew Tkachuk to instead pick Jesse Puljujarvi in the 2016 draft
>we need to hire an entire team of marketing experts and have four fan surveys and go through seven focus groups so we can end up with a name as epic as the seattle kraken
they saw gold in them giant nostrils
uh evander bros...
still not as funny as the flames giving him up for hoob
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>He's never had overnight oats.

I kinda feel bad for Evander Kane, he's a single father with full custody of his children because this woman is so unhinged, and now she's publicly trying to fuck his opponents to make him angry. Imagine if that was your mother, those poor kids
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I just remembered Florida won 3 of their 4 wins over the bruins at TD garden kek totally mogged
I watch less hockey because I'm sick of seeing the same 6 experts and panelists jerking each other off all the time. the gambling ads too.
he was going to walk away in free agency anyway, better the Flames got something in return. otherwise it would have been like John Tavares leaving the NY Islanders with nothing in return
Then don't watch the panels
and then other article says 56% of all canadians are watching the finals (aka the white population of canada).
6-1 at the garden if you include last year
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I don't.
I'd argue acquiring a 10 million dollar boat anchor that is impossible to trade is worse than getting empty cap space
They were better off walking away with nothing
Oh yeah so let's just ho with literally nothing and call it a "club" even though this is America and we call em teams
The habs and leafs are technically still hockey clubs
What did you think the CH stood for?
worked for the islanders
that isn't a cope that's a fact. Tkachuk said to the Flames that he was not going to re-sign a contract extension with them, so Brad Treliving was forced to get whatever he could for him

Where Brad Treliving fucked up was when he turned around and gave Huberdeau a huge contract before even playing a single game
how the fuck do you think the other teams acquired their names?
Cucks du Hockey
what makes a team "technically a club", do they have to have a clubhouse or something, maybe a secret handshake
or Treliving could have just told Tkachuk to fuck off and sit at home until he's 27 if he didn't want to re-sign
The good ones have some history behind them. Utah doesn't have any history. Otherwise it would have been something gay like Predators or Thrashers or Kraken.
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Edmonton niggas right now.
john lied, matty could have been lying toi
would have been funny but it would still result in Tkachuk leaving
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cope /fit/ told me that oats maximize gains
Nobody is rooting for the oilers
yeah i wouldnt want to play in calgary either unless i was forced to
The same could be the said about most decent areas of America
every boy in America grows up dreaming of playing for the Calgary Flames you wouldn't get it
If you try it, I’ll try it as well
no wonder the usa is in rapid decline
Don’t give in, brother. You’re stronger than that
It’s called money laundering
which ones have history behind them?
I think Utah Outlaws is a pretty sweet name, it even rhymes. Utah Venom is pretty good too in a 90s roller hockey kind of way

The only names I don't really like are Utah Blizzard and Utah Yeti, so I bet they pick one of those. At least it's still better than Seattle Kraken
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damn this bitch is crazy
Don’t. Look into apprenticeships or certification
Read a book jeet
It's true just ask Craig Conroy
Still hasn't lost a trade
Let hin cook
Just like my Islanders
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Huh I can actually see it
which book?
That's the same person
>1 game left of the final
>discussing Flames
Flamesbros we run this forum
I'd start with something that has pictures
It's hard to get the kids as a man in those things, especially as a retarded gambling addict, but I suppose that's the way to do it
I know that feeling. It sucks that I can’t afford to live in my hometown
Forklift bro I thought you were dead
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Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid should never be spoken in the same breath ever again
>worst girl
>deadmonton supporter
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Amelia Bedila. It’s about a maid with autism who takes everything literally.
same tired defeated arguments from the fumes
>the peak of being a Flames fan since 1990 is a guy forcing his way out so he can win the Cup
Sid the shid lost his first final appearance
But enough about Joe Nieuwendyk
Florida needs to lose so they can win the cup at home and have and endless rain of rats coming down on Gary
also didn't take him 10 years to make it then came back and won it
He was 20, mcdavid is 27
So just to summarize for everyone, you claimed that new team names are soulless because they have no history, and then you were either unwilling or unable to provide the team names you believe do have history, then you further tell me to read a book to learn about the subject, and you again are either unwilling or unable to provide the name of a single book containing the information that forms the basis of your entire opinion.

is this correct?
That's sounding pretty antisemitic, goy
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No Florida needs to win in Edmonton and have rats rain down on their ice for the cosmic irony of it all.
They should be Utah Raptors. There was an actual dinosaur called Utah raptor
Same pattern on the table, same clock on the wall
But one case empty 9 years an all
Freezing slow time away from a goal
He's 27 years old, never won a cup
He's 27 years old, never won a cup
Unlock it, bud
Getting nervous?
Raptors is too "gimmicky" of a name for there to be two of them in the big sports leagues, it would be like calling them the Padres. It's cool, but you only get one of those
At this point in McDavid's career, Crosby went to the final twice, to the olympics twice, and got concussed twice
two is just the right amount of concussions and broken noses
That's a mars bar retard
crosby played with mario
mcmeme never played with wayne
At this point in McDavid's career we were already discussing Crosby in the conversation as one of the 5 greatest hockey players to ever play the game and then he would go on to win twice more. mcdavid has accomplished so little it's actually astonishing
Watching boreball and i'm thinking after the lee i'm not going to follow sports until October
Literally 26 games of washed up 40 year old mario on a broken back
Still good enough for almost a point per game on a line with michael oulette and colby armsbitch
thank you gary
Didn’t ask
Crosby played with Mario and McMeme plays Mariocart. Says it all.
We're obviously at the point of the movie where it looks over for our protagonist (Oilers) and it now we get to see the greatest comeback of all time
It's not Gary's fault he hasn't scored a goal
I thought he was supposed to be a gamebreaker who takes over games
Some retard said there’s a possibility of Jason Robertson being traded for Brady Tkachuk and I would just be so mad if that’s true
Need the Kitties to sweep so my Kings can buy out PLD’s contract
It’s not
I wouldn’t think so either. All the same hearing it disturbed me.
>all have same team names as in another sport
Come on man
crosby won a cup scoring only one in the final
when gary is ready he will alone connor to pot one in
those are all NPC names
booed in Edmonton
cheered in Florida
Gary will give a win to Edmonton tomorrow.
That one goal was a game winner to tie the series after being down 0-2
did ask, do care
sippin' post day drink cofe
ok, did he score again?
Which player under 24 is gonna have the best performance next season?
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best girl. so only a 50% cringe post
your fucking mom
I've had fun but the finals suck
Never seen mcmeme do this in the final
She’s not in her 20s but I’ll tell her you thought she was young she’ll love that
the olympics are usually a fun time on /sp/
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Hannah Bilka
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>I've had fun but the Oilers suck
Fixed that for you
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Yup. Happy for the Panthers but it’s really anticlimactic viewing.
>summer olys
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_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
he really is elite
this would've been extremely gay 2-1 trap shitter hockey and the stors would've probably gotten swept because the west is ass
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thanks for the reminder
my nuckies would have bootyblasted the kittys
McDavid will redeem at the olympics/four nations fag-off
jen the new /cric/ general is referencing us AGAIN (their last thread was also up for like 5-6 days keklmao)
best girl is supporting her fellow german
It would’ve been fun and would probably have gone to 7.
The west just plays 1-3-1 dump n chase bullshit hockey they can't handle puck possession teams like the east
because he'll play with crosby and mackinnon
Imagine having indian flags in your general
Were the Stors just fucking with us when they lost the series to the Oilers?
Seriously been looking back wondering how the hell the Oilers beat them ..
he is just going to be further exposed as a mcfraud
I get a sussy feeling about it knowing how they were unusually happy post elimination they were all smiles and joking around and so I wonder if they cut some kind of a deal.
fuck I don't want to study
Theyre just pussies who play in a pathetic hockey market so they don't get called out by the media when they stop trying
The Stars don't play defence. That's why /hoc/ calls them frauds all season long. It's obvious to anyone who isn't retarded.
They threw games 4&5 and I’ll never be convinced otherwise.
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reminder that you could be watching this
Real dick eating hours
>The Stars don't play defence
They honestly couldn’t because of Nils and what’s his face who got injured early on this year. Even then getting through 2 series with 5 D isn’t fraudulent it’s just risky and dire.
Literally the most meaningless shit
the caps farm team is the winningest in history yet the caps have won 1 cup in 50 years
The toronto marlies winning the calder did more organizational harm than good
Yeah you would know you’ve been munching on it since 1993
Everyones going to say Edmonton got swept, that's not what happened
sounds like a gm problem
yeah im not even going to read your cope if you can't even name the players on your own team
I accept your concession
>as always, Canada thinks hockey is all about Canada and nowhere else
you hoser.. I shall be furious with you during this entire intermission, excuse me..
Everyone said I got cucked. That's not what happened. I'm there, I'm in the room. Lindros is in my wife. But it could've been 4 inches the other way
dylan wants to be copey so badly kwab
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Kys R. B.
would Lindros be in her ass then, or would he be in you?
What do Canadian teams have to do with this being America?
Why would anyone want to be a vertically challenged Mexican fag who roots for a first round exit?
such a weird shot to take
He's right though previous events mean nothing the only thing that matters is this season
players are still a product of their past experiences
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Not sure how much they took from getting raped by vegas
Lindros is a bitch. I would be in his ass and slap his head until he gets another concussion
ya experienced losers
>the Canadien Habitantes
or I dunno... derp
Sounds gay
you would know fag
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smells like sex in here
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any anime tards ever seen this?
actually yeah my older brother had this on VHS in the 90s remember it being pretty cool
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the biggest cupless kwab if there ever was one
does the elf slut get raped by orcs?
It’s good but there’s not much gay subtext.
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Fun time is over the raped jannybabby is here
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sticks and stoned
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>he's out
>He's raped
>Canucks making their final offer on Zadorov this weekend. There are rumblings that some teams are prepared to offer him 6x6 on July 1
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fags getting filtered kek
try reddit if you need a safe space
>Let me shield my eyes from things I don't like
oh no anything but being filtered on an anonymous website :(
I cannot stop blasting long and sustained pelech
Like every ten minutes
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>nba final gets a sticky again
>stanley cup final won't
/h-h-hoc/ runs /sp/
Shut the fuck numale
shut up canatard
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/hoc/ doesn't do game threads
visa vi, no stickies
>yes let’s have a sticky so all the third worlders can spam it with porn
I asked a few times yesterday but you kept dodging the question - do you have a humiliation fetish?
absolute cope
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Look at the fucking state of our threads. Noone is gonna sticky this shit.
>the city of Bears
you promised me porn but the sticky didnt have a single booba
fucking retard
>the half-digested irony of it all
uh oh, Firebirds

>uh oh
>Hershey, PA, a city

They got chuddy to say "bipoc," that's some grit, that's a girl who wants to win a Walter
I drove through there once
Soooo why during a delayed penalty does the goalie not become the extra attacker?
I love local flavor, it's what makes the minor so appealing
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It seemed like a place where someone could live certainly
humiliation ritual, grim
The Panthers are Saskatchewan's team nya
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can a /pol/anon explain to me why the Gary Juden wants Florida? And what the end-goal is with all these sunbelt tax-break teams succeeding so much in the past decade?

I miss 90's Hockey. Oilers V. Rangers in 2024 would've been the most kino /hoc/ display you zoomer faggots would ever get to witness. Shame he wants the Haitian immigrant Floridians to be the hallmark of the league now, what a waste.
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>EDMfags are using proxies now

Mashallah anon
Allah will smile upon you and refugee children
you're a newfag if you don't get it and the rangers are shit got an easy division play boring trap hockey and got raped by florida
based retard
goalies aren't allowed to handle the puck outside of the defensive zone
>trap hockey
yep, retarded leaf. Shocker.
Okay so can an /x/ user explain to me why the Juden wants southern hicks jitts taking over?
bored so I checked my team's subreddit since we got eliminated earlier in the playoffs and they are all rooting for the Panthers saying they deserve with flimsy excuses. If /hoc/ was faster on the news for my team I would never go there, but alas it is not so.
have you considered following the beat writers for you team, so you get news about them as soon as it happens?
Following them on twitter or following them home from grocery shopping
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I try and not use social media for mental health reasons, 4chan being the exemption.
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>Calgary still in a water crisis for 3 to 5 more weeks

>Quantavous reading
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>still no answer about the Gary Juden love affair with Haitian Floridians
Canacuck please stop digging yourself deeper in a hole & deflecting the question.
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>samefag jeet
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Calgary sucks at ice hockey so they gotta pull out all the stops for off-season to impress
Me :)

Abdul you got us

Omg your mosque will be laughing about this one!
>american seething
never grows old
Sorry Soupy, maybe the laffs will take you back at 25% retained
Joe did nothing wrong.

Retractable Roof for the Golden Knights' arena so the Army's Golden Knights PJ team can land on the ice
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If you're white, then why don't you post hand?
I bet he was delsicious
the 90's were the white mans times, especially in the NorthEast. Shame they couldn't hold onto it entering the 00's
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>nobody gives a shit about [team]
>*keeps talking about [team]*
you can't make this basedkaf up
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Counter point:
>t.facebook kike
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for added authenticity, I do not remember posting this at all... seems like me, though... legitimate, even
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It's just a pipe.
In the pipeline country.
How is this possible?
>Oilers V. Rangers in 2024 would've been the most kino /hoc/ display you zoomer faggots would ever get to witness
kek it's been downhill since the 2010 you think Gary wants to provide actual KVNO? He's been bought out.
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no one asked
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it's a free compulsory service
Third world shit. Imagine paying property taxes in that jeet shithole
>shows up in 2018
>spams shitty 2018 twitter meme
>hey le lads i am le old spee poster like you lads *posts 2009 meme he saved off KnowYourMeme* see?
>proceeds to get BTFO for 6 years
>known as raped bitch now
is this true?
its real
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KWAB some leaf is angry must be from BC
Season ends tomorrow. Shitter lets in the 1st goal like usual. Gary gets booed
So you fags are just gonna spam the forced rags meme every time they are down this season even though they are number 1 with the best record and actually look like the best team in the league? Rent free hahaha
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helloooo :) YUMA who win the cup t ?
uh oh, Firebirds....
and it's spectacular
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>the city of Hershey, PA
god it was so cozy, for a time. When is the NHL gonna be better than the NBA? When is the reversal? When is the proto-90's timeline going to kick in?
my firebirdsies :)
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Keep Hope Alive, lad
>image partially related
Kill yourself
When gary bettman dies which will be never
good post iidssm
I hope Edmonton fans bring rats to the game to help celebrate Florida's first Stanley Cup victory
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I just want everyone to k kw nwo
Can we talk about my Penguins?
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might not be bad as a karlsson wrangler desu, he was also fox's first nhl coach
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Trade Shane Shite and Fatt Coronato desu
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made an edmongolian
I feel bad for David Quinn for having to watch all 300 of those games
Should've never let mario sell the team because fenway and dubas are sinking them
>go from a rebuilding >rags team to an abysmal Sharks team
He really got fucked didnt he
the bitch, gaped has a humiliation fetish don't interact with him he's also a jannybabby
just like my oilers
The only interaction that fag gets is brave hoc chadians reminding him of who he is
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Sunrise FL has the Based God's blessing
Edmonton AB doesn't
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>Quinn was never my friend and he failed the Sharks. I hope he dies.
What did Greier mean by this?
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Three of my posts calling him raped were janny'd today alone. And yet none of his braindead posts were. Curious!
>Edmonton is going to overpay Bouchard for a flash in the pan season then be stuck with 2 Darnell Nurses when he goes back to being a 40 point guy
Very interesting indeed
REALLY gets the almonds activated
it's a catchphrase
but it's a relevant catchphrase
the janitor team needs to get a clue about the easter of 22
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Janny doesnt even warn me, they just delete them. Janny civil war over the raped bitch?
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TONIGHT the SLAVIC BVLL begins clawing back from 0-3 to win his first of many championships and begin the legacy of LUKA GOAT to bring down the hated Micks’ team, Boston. Tomorrow the SLAVIC BVLLS run roughshod on the Great Mick Hope, Connor McDavid, and the Deutschbag, Leon Draishartdl.

White boy summer canceled, SLAV BOY SVMMER IMMINENT
*plays gnr on the juke*
No apehop team has ever come back from 0-3
Fucking literally me I go into people's stores and act like this
My monsters would've bootyblasted the firebirds
>this scf
My nuckies would've bootyblasted these SHIT teams
Don't the firebirds have a cute lady coach
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yeah too bad they got bootyblasted themselves cause they're a shit team
Probably does depend on the janny. I've received warnings, sometimes nothing, and occasionally a 3 day ban. Doesn't matter he's still a raped bitch
Nooooo you dont get it, Holland's gotta keep his 1st and 2nd round picks. Who knows what third-pairing D or middle-6 winger he could acquire. The Pens, Hawks, Kings, Lightning championship teams won it all by standing pat at the deadline.
but who will replace him?
just like my penguins
imagine taking a shower after the game and then she walks in and starts pointing and laughing at you
crosby is never making playoffs again
When I'm 43 I don't want a career or business of my own, or a wife and kids or even a gf, or really anything worth living for. I want to be on welfare spending my days online smoking weed and reporting people who call me a raped bitch. Think I got what it takes?
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>it don't matter cause his man pussy is still all itchy
that'll probably be me (without the rape part) because i don't have the balls to kill myself properly desu
He will next season when he joins my islanders
I hate that I might end up in that situation
If you find the courage give it to raped bitch instead
you mean when he joins the aves
Stanley Cup champion Kylo Okposo
No one asked
For me it's the St Louis Baseball Cardinals and the New York Football Jets
Stanley Cup champion Oliver Ekman Larsson
Haha then she whistles and a big black guy with a 10" cock walks over and she starts sucking it right in front of guy while making the making gesturing you have a small wiener with her index finger and thumb haha

Go bruins btw
Is there a more unlikable team than the Oilers?
Your team
my nuckies are full of americans made of glass that is why they are SHIT
tbg more like trb haha
Huomenta but opposite
Hi, I'm raped bitch. You might remember me as bitchboy and theblinkingguy
Based Canadian team full of Americans.
Atleast they have the right idea.
>he wasn't wearing a tie at all
In his defense this is his 2nd season in the NHL and only played 12 playoff games last year. He is still relatively new. You can blame goaltending but when you frontload to 3 forwards and they can't get a 5 on 5 goal for more or less than total of 4 games worth of play that is a bigger issue. Then add in shitty defense. I wouldn't write Skinner off, it's a good learning experience for him.
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the Missionary Hounds
>learning experience
Tavares what are you doing in America
tavares pay your fuckin taxes
Fuck her with his day with the cup and take a pic to send to him
Well this makes sense since you are a phone poster
Good for them. Always nice to see vets win a cup. Excited for Alex Stalock to get his name on the cup too
Hey /hoc/, the orange round ball series is going five. What are we to do?
put this one as first star of the night take the final lap
that's how you get stabbed with a skate when lunchtime rowdies retaliate
>there are anons on the path to becoming trb
grim, we need to do an intervention on you guys
Gary is going to boost injuries on the Panthers' side to 200% and someone on them gets injured so the Oilers win 5-0
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I'm playing wwe2k and using John Cena just went outside for a heater
kek, thanks /hoc/ bros
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if you think anyone will ever read this you need to reimagine your fucking life kwab
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You're on the right path
God Bless - going back in
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What even happens here?
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Magic underwear wearing
mass Jell-O consumption
When the Utah Jazz draft me, a championship winning basketball team
Kek no one gives a fuck about hockey
they learned how to rape dumbass
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sp is shit and piss outside of hoc
Y'know Subban doesn't need to be there
Fuck Gary
When the Panthers win and the snowbelt seethes yet again I'm gonna have a hearty kek
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He’s sending an intern to your door this instant
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ESPN really doesn’t care
Poverty network KWAB
Management never wanted to trade Tavares because they were "in" on a playoff push. Would've been a bad idea iirc for the Islanders to trade away Tavares in the 2018 season. However looking back, it probably would've helped out. Garth Snow made a few big trades in the 2010's, maybe the worst was the one he never made with Tavares in the name of loyalty.
KWABOSTUB (Kek What a Bunch of Shitty Table Using Bitches)
Surprised the raped bitch has not got his boyfriends fo delete this
More like KWABOSTUBOTY (Kek What a Bunch of Shitty Table Using Bitches of the Year)
still know it's you bitchboy
Is it worth it to put a bet on soilers now? It's probably like +5000 odds or higher
I wouldn’t
gary could have negotiated a blowout deal with amazon or netflix
instead we get this
Let’s get this thread wrapped up
And that’s why your life will always be mediocre.
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A clean sweep is on the menu
kek that post wasn't even me you're just seething at randos weetad
lmao its on you, cuck
yet pulju will rise the cup before mcdavid

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