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PREVIOUS: >>141849795
>White Sox, Mariners, Rockies BTFO
AL hats > NL hats
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>AL hats > NL hats
The nation league hats look so much better. Also go Os.
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I'm 99% sure Stalin would throw those faggots in the gulag if not just outright putting them against the wall immediately.
Is there any team in this universe that can stop my cubbies?
>enter the game with a 1.89 ERA
>exit the game with a 2.96 ERA

What did Imanaga mean by this?
>trannies and homos rent free
You know what they say about these types.
kek Clayton Kershit gonna be ready to give up 6 runs in 2.1 innings in game 1 of the NLDS
The cream instead of white for the NL hats seals the deal; they should’ve went for a dark greyish blue on the NL hats.
when's his return?
dunno just the Mets broadcast said he's making progress.
possibly right before the asb
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Ted Turner and the Braves will save Baseball and the MLB
from heterosexuality? your month ends in 9 days.
When is your month?
I don’t have any braveskino. Their old mascot was the Indian headdress.
October is cubbies month!
no their old mascot was the kino bleacher creature, even I know that and I hate your team.
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My Yankers but in the NL colors.
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Jesus, those AL hats look like a diabetic's puke.
reminds me of Pete Rose lobbying the league to let him back in after Giamatti died
He's right, though. The MLB fucked up bigtime and they're liable for the consequences.
I hope he does it, it's absurd what they are doing to him just because of one slut roastie
Would you suck off Acuna for $500? I probably would. It would be tough to scrounge up the money but that's a pretty good deal.
He's kinda ugly so no. I'd do it for a better looking player though
You would be the first in line to get sacrificed by the Illuminati
rapist says what?
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>the league does not belong to the commissioner, nor to owners, nor even to the players...
>it belongs to the people.
I would do it for free, I'm a Cubs fan if that matters
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>Would you suck off Acuna for $500?
he'd pay me
But he's been so great for my Braves over the years.
You sure did.
Based, it’s a PUBLICLY traded company after allz
Damn now imagine if we had Hodge pitching in a game that mattered
sameposter by the way, ignore all 27 schizos
interesting, two more weeks?
Lowercasefags desperate cries for attention are fatigue-inducing. Get a site-wide already.
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midget letters got ya seething?
>what is attention-seeking behavior
lmao hello Trevor (retard)
He should win like Johnny Depp against Amanda Herd for losing all that potential money
>Amanda Herd
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>what is attention-seeking behavior
My Yankees should sign him.
Terrible PR choice, kid should’ve had his wiener in check instead of laying with bipolar thots.

Pic related: what these kids should be doing once they make it.
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>forced pitbull meme
don't have to force it
I wish there was a baseball game on so we could talk about that. MLB scheduling sucks, the only thing on right now is the Mets scrimmaging against some middle school team.
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Yankees are a hound franchisez
the only way this stops is that people who make these false accusations get the same sentence that the accused was facing. Like if it is 5 years for rape, a bitch that makes a fake rape hoax allegation should get 5 years. But the (((government))) will never do it because it's a very useful tool to use against men, especially Chad men who attract women.
I want Trevor to sue mlb and for mlb to do what they did with Angel Hernandez and pull out Trevor's sabermetrics, stats and call him a below average pitcher who can't get a job because he sucks ass
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These are your Cy Young Rankings, provided by ESPN
based mexican midget
This is why the Negro League matters so much, Black Love is needed and this is proof
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>Mets smoked the shit out of Imanaga in Wrigley today
Revenge for that terrible Cubs series in Citi.

Holy shit is JDM a breath of fresh air at DH.
Ranger is gonna fall off so fast in the second half of the season, holy shit I can't wait
>Ranger is gonna fall off so fast in the second half
/pol/ brain rot has done a number on this guy
don't worry
>not linking a post
>attention seeking behavior
I just realized that despite bWAR focusing on RA9 over FIP, Baseball reference lists FIP on their standard stats but NOT RA9
That's not an answer. Why do you think he's going to fall off?
If the shoe fits bitchz
ironic :^)
you don't need a reason, just enjoy the carwreck
NTA but predicting that a <2.00 ERA starting pitcher will regress is generally a pretty safe bet.
you root for the yankees, nobody cares what you think
Regress? Sure. "fall off so fast", implies more than that.
Continues to admit he doesn't actually have a reason to believe
FIP is the gayest stat
Can we talk about my cubby bears?
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>Mets have clobbered the cubbies
>Mariners playing the Marlins
Metsiners we eatin good tonight (be nice to the Marlins as a fellow, albeit lesser, M team though)
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Wish that Mauricio was here man...

Funny how I felt that Vientos was the "weakest" of the 4 Mets hitting prospects and now that honor belongs to Baty, AAAA king.
nice attention seeking behavior
Your cubbie bears are #1 other teams are coping
thamks :)

AL has the four best hats in baseball
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>two navy/whites
>one navy/red
>one accidentally based pic
what did anon mean by this?
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>appletv tonight
>fox tomorrow
Shota Imakaka be like: Time to kill my Cy Young candidacy in one outing-de gozaru!
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>Mets strike out Nido to end a total assrape of Chicago
Mendoza has managed to be a decent manager the past few weeks. Cubs are in dire straits if they keep faltering like this DESU
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Moral win for the cubbie bears today
gg metsies

Fly the cubyayou!
Baltimore good 'fun' cap
Oakland good 'classic' cap

Rest are pretty ugly desu
cub bee bares
baseball opinion not considered
Metties enjoying themselves
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>Basic bitch orange/blue is no. 1
Yeah no.

The best hats are determined by sales. The people have spoken. LA and NY win.
IMo cubs won since mets used umps to cheat
>ERG is talking to himself again because Chicago has been a massive letdown
Cubs won that game
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Cubs raped you and your mind lol
Cubs out here mindfucking niggas
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>money over soul
kek typical yankeefag/doyerfag; you are lost, child.
>ERG displaying clinical attention seeking behavior
Cubs own ya
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Oof looks like my cubs are making a LOOOT of inferior team's fans angery!
>yankee reddit fag is losing it
>Cubs win

spiritually, they did
>Narcissist Mets fan believes his hat should be worshipped
What other metric besides sales can be used? Personal opinion is worth a rats ass.
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>attention seeking behavior
is this the new humiliation ritual or some other such gay meme?
>Chicago sees their NLCY candidate get absolutely decked
nobody likes you, fucking raped bitch.
the best hat is my teams hat, simple as. you having to bring sales into it.. well your soul is so blackened that you may as well work for the commissioners office.
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>They will never be fans of the Chicago Cubbie Bears
the AOL ones look like what Lids was trying to push as Homerun Hues a few months back and no one was buying. The NL ones are ok, but only for like a few of the teams. I bet they all have nasty black UVs too and raised batterman on the back.
Mesty iffy uh
Lol cubs won that game without umpire interference clear as day.
>t. Cards fan
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your ace got brutally gaped, it's gonna be an easy sweep
Blow it out your ass
>Cubs making mets fans seethe even in defeat
Get a straight jacket asap
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>mest paying 300 million only to get gaped by the cubbies neways
Cubspie is undefeated
>Ryan Helsley now in front of the fraudulent cubs nip
Hey chicago waddaya say the cubs are gonna win today
But the revenues match the expens- never mind Mets can’t even sell a hat if it was free.
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Cubs fan here!
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Chicago Cummies!
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mets won
O he copin!
Point and laugh!!! Point and laugh everybody!
>biggest fanbases buy the most hats

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>mets won
O that's a kekini from me
Matthew 25:14-30
What other metric for hat popularity do you want to use?
ERG needs to be fucked for this...
Purple and black are minor league colours
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Mets WIN

>Seth Lugo in a Cy Young race
Happy for him. Wish he were still a Met, but he wanted to be a starter, and we'd never let him.

So much better than having Vogelbach/Ruf platooning there, or just Vogelbach and whoever he was platooning with last season. If a guy is going to be a full-time DH, then at the very least he needs to be able hit both righties and lefties.
>Mets WIN
Watch it but closer this time
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kek frontrunnerfags and taking the shitposting seriously
>Mets win
Were we watching the same game? Might want to get your eyes checked
mests won, post more big titty gook whores
>Mets WIN
Watch it again Misaki bro I'm a mets fan but it was clear as day the cubs were robbed. I wouldn't be making posts like this in the genny.maybe if we had earned the victory but we were basically handed it from manfred.
What happened with the Mets? How did they go from headed for 100 losses to barely losing all month and even beating the Phillies?

It's bullshit, they were supposed to be trading us for prospects not competing with us for the wild card and dealing us Ls.
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>thinks his opinion matters
>when he's attracted to bugs
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My cubs are getting hot at the perfect time!
We need banter god's advice (8) to tell them who REALLY won that game now more than ever...
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>the best hat is my team's hat
I already told you. You could have responded in kind but you started sperging out about sales numbers instead
Seconding this
The giants fan was so buttblasted for this type of posting. At least mets fans can roll with the punches
Find banter god's advice...
Nothing wrong with having a cool hat that people want to buy.
only the truly autistic get upset about obvious shitposting
>see: hatfag spazzing about sales numbers
>NL with 2 relievers in the top 4
espn is stupid and gay
>if I say it enough times it will be true
>gay ants
This is a false flag trying to break up the Mets/Mariners friendship. They fear us working together. The fact that they put us in a tier with the Br*ves proves it. Do not take the bait.

I would also like to propose an alliance with Red Sox fans, grounded on hating the fucking Yankees.
Great game against the Brewers. I don't want to call it too soon, but it seems the Padres players who've been sleeping for the entirety of June are starting to wake up (Machado, Cronny, etc)
don't take it as a win, he's seething about everything, especially my use of midget characters
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the best hat out there, simple as
but enough about the padres camo hats
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Hey guys just wanted to say the the Cubs won that game. Okay carry on.
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Cheers, Italy-anon. Are you drinking wine today? Either way, enjoy the day and the game today should be good
he called me a narcissist lmao, that's the same guy?? what a tard.
This is being said by people
Logo good, colors bad.
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I'm hearing this a lot, is it true?
>this image has 2 men and one japanese female
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kek greg
Metsiners started as a dream to produce the ultimate World Seethies 2024, if Boston would like to help us (Metsiners) achieve this goal then I welcome them. But there can be only two of us in the end.
This is the future of Baseball, powerful
Me on the right if that matters
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i prefer this one desu
Asshole fuck you
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Good win for the cubs today. See ya tomorrow mets
who's greg?
Is that a Braves fan in the Brew Crew?
hefty pay raise is more than worth the ribbing
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greg clownsell uhhhduh!
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If you wouldn't let the big one put you on her shoulders and suck you off standing up then you are gay, sorry I don't make the rules I just enforce them.
Thanks m8.
My only vices are trash food and cigarettes. Alcohol never got me
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Cubbies own that ballpark btw
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>that's a bit small, but it works in a pinch
Ross had sovl
ahem anyways.
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What is this turd mascot?
Kek Gay Mets KEK!
The embodiment of goyslop, sponsored by God’s Chosen baseball team.
oh kek
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For me its the Mets Father's day edition 2024 cap, non-blue teams that did this looked retarded (and were/still are).
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M upside down is W
NL teams are knock offs of the AL teams.
will mets fans ever recover from this? on a day they lost like THAT?!
AL dominance in the World Series lead to the DH universal rule, never forget.
Jeebus kabeepus
>I only KISS Cubs fans
>I take dick from everyone else
should have went the other way however
someone is mad he doesn't get laid
I’m baffled Blanco from the Astros isnt in the top 10. I saw him when he was in Oakland after he went through the resin/sweat thing and he was nasty. 2.43 ERA, 75 SOs after 13 starts, and is the only pitcher with a no-hitter so far.
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mets won that ballgame btw, and they looked good doing it
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Ignore the Das and his kid but why do cubbie fans think it's okay to wear a Russell jersey after what he did to his wife and kids? Like wearing Benoit shirt
Sox fan? Sorry! Your fault you picked the wrong team kek have fun with Meg
Mest fan? Why do you care mets fans are gay kek
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what's the Northside Chicago phenotype?
>Reynaldo Lopez not mentioned
Checked and kekd
>Fans 15 and over get a ring
>Fans 14 and under get NOTHING
Phillies are evil
the new york mets are now 2 games under .500 and 0.5 games back from a wild card spot
the chicago cusb are now 4 games under .500 and 1.5 games back from a wild card spot
I think german
Fuck off troll
How can they even verify that?
the winning phenotype
Honor system
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+10 Lyricism
+5 Fluency
If they have hair on their balls they pass.
>Phillies fans booing Carlos Ruiz on Cole Hamels night
What did they mean by this?
I thought Ruiz was one of the most popular players when he was there
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>No Cliff Lee
Has he shown up to literally any MLB event since he retired?
come honor cole hamels
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Yankees Roster Update
signing all the former Dodger relievers
they're saying CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH you idiots
also death to apple tv, phillies home broadcasters should be doing this game
they are

Yankees cut González, demote Marinaccio, bring up Bickford and Gómez in bullpen revamp

Its so bad for the Yankees bullpen atm that they signed Tim Hill last week and he couldn't even last in the White Sox bullpen.
on apple tv?? and all the streams are fucking terrible quality wtf
not watching. I took the other guy at his word.
Yesterday's game highlighted that, and management handled it. No doubt some more adjustments will be needed but Gomes is a great move.
Go on the Phillies Twitter you ape
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Hey baseball fans, I got some fresh lettuce and tomato from my friends garden, so I made BLTs for lunch. Hope you’re out here watching baseball, eating well, and taking care of yourselves, anons!
do they broadcast the entire game from there too?
Find bantergod
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>Not in the lineup.
>Jamal Jackson stands in
There goes our clinch hitter.
We need bantergod
Toss an over easy egg on that thing
>majestic jersey
Gay braves, you in here?
>game is on Apple tv again
oh god damn it
Go Yanks.
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Cubs fans are faggots
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they did him dirty
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Angel was objectively a good umpire. It was all a (((narrative))).
>161st Street, Yankee Stadium
>Half those letters aren't even train lines
>That many trains doesn't even stop there
>161st street - Yankee Stadium station is an elevated station, not underground

I hate it when when people use AI art so lazily
>takes one to know one
anti-cubs fans we failed...
Why the Barves has to interfere with the broadcasting? AppleTV+ is so fucking gay.
this is basically going to be a Yankees home broadcast isn't it?
we don't want it either hue hue
cubs fans have taken the genny!
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no Apple TV or National Network games is the only benefit of rooting for a bad team.
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Wait until you see the elevated ones. For me, it's Orlando Hernandez
gay braves kek
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Let's go Yankees!
>2 pitches 2 runs

I like this start
>Rodon Anxiety start
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Orelvis debut tonight
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Phillies will find a way to drop 2 in this series
Vladdy ded, terrible news for the Mariners
Riley bomb!
Now I'm wishing the Yankees had just tanked the season from the get go. This fucking sucks.
gayves on the board!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>My Braves which I've been a life long fan since 2023 or something
>chippie jones
Chip or jones or something...
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Sac fly, thanks mitch
>bob eats cocks
>Yankee fans already getting ready to kill themselves after 2-3 bad games
You fags always do this shit
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My brewies
Nice glove and great range for a 2nd basemen
It's a close 1st and 2nd in the AL East you dumbfuck, that's perfect cause for a meltdown.
Its bad games against teams who the Yankees would need to beat to advance through October and win the World Series.
Sale pitching for the Braves? Fuck man, he owned the Yankees when he was with Boston.
A potential small speed bump in mid June isn't going to derail your entire season, calm down you histrionic fucks.
How is Soto still in a slump?
Kwan and J-Ram are looking dangerous, if the Guardians can get a decent #2 and #5 hitter, they could actually be in contention.
>red sox
Its becoming a pattern
Groovy Judge on top of the entrance music game.
Yeah, I wouldn't my team doing well into the All-Star break either, you are a serious dimwit.
[W]ell played cusbies, we’ll get them tomorrow. We love you. xx
Volpe getting gunned down after hopping around like a crack head out there makes me happy
The B and D run underground.
You have the best record in baseball. My Braves are coming out of one of the most putrid month and a half stretches I've ever seen and they're turning it around. Seasons ebb and flow. Shit happens man, it'll even out.
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go Sneks
>Yankees took to long to challenge
Boone once again making the case for being the worst manager in baseball
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Kirby threw 13 pitches against 5 batters for a scoreless first, that's nice.
His contract is up soon anyway.
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>enters thread
sorry i'm late m'sbros
I want you to know Diamondbacks are now my second team due to your history of posting.
>b-b-but he yells at the ump and gets tossed all the time!
So how long is it going to take for Cy Young nominee Carlos Rodent to adjust and stop giving out Nukes to the Barfs?
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Good to see Trent Thornton getting fans in Seattle
is this the vaunted Yankee starting pitching our announcers spent all week talking up?
I'm booing Rodon through my TV screen
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Yeah I love that fuckin 4eyed nerd
>Cy Young nominee
>toronto blue jays
>and seattle mariners
>legend trent thornton
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When you're a star they let you do it.
2003 bros...
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Rodent is a cy young nominee btw
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>D Bags
>History of posting
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>robles tipping his hat
That's polite.
B L I S S oh baby a triple!
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ribeye steak triple
>runner at third
>infield plays in
>go on contact without waiting to see if the ball goes to the outfield
Why do baseball players do this? Its one of the lowest IQ things to do in sports
how bout an ozuna dinger?
Jays outfield is now quiet quitting
But Gils will win the Cy Young.
Ozuna just hit a grand slam on the yankees

Bye cruel world.
dude that ball bliss hit had 104 EV. Little dude has some pop.
>Jazz moment
>braves filling the gaping anal cavity the Os credit
He's gonna get the heckin urban youths into the sport though
>rogers has to rely on the infield catchers to not choke
truly miserable
Alonso got gunned down at home trying this today; the thing it's harder than you think to make an accurate throw home and apply a tag in a high pressure situation. You bolt and force them to do that and maybe they fuck it up, and you steal a run. Or you are gunned down and look silly.
Stankees in shambles. Anything short of total yankees death is unacceptable. I hope the suck 'em barves pull off a sweep.
>his team isn't represented here
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Cruisin' with the Braves
anyone want Taijaun Walker?
Wait until they get swept by the Mets next week.
He’s a retard but at least he’s a goofy ah ah retard for the kids
They'll take 2.
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Nice fucking catch you retarded dominican
the real meltdown will occur when the 81-81 astros sweep them in the alds
>Sox really traded Mookie and Sale
Curse of the Mook
they got rid of everyone who was involved in the cheating scandal of 2018
No worries feeshbros, as long as we keep putting bat on ball we’ll get one to drop
I never doubted you! (I did).
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That's when I'll start to worry.
wtf is philly doing
anyone? hello? taijaun walker? please??
Is Elly De La Cruz the most overrated player in the sport rn?
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bro with the massage gun
what is this called?
when an outfielder misplays the ball as badly as Duval did it should be a fucking error
he's literally Ozzie Smith Jr, are you some kind of racist who doesn't think the wizard was one of the all time greats?
>outfield misplay causes pitcher to collapse
mental midget Jays
I think he's pretty fairly rated honestly
Duvall is a shitter man
>don't allow facial hair
>don't allow pony tails
>all this
absolutely disgusting
the I can't wait for this stupid company to go bankrupt graphic
Fun fact last year the Rays had worse attendance than the White Sox
Which is the more satisfying result today? Phillies getting BTFO by sneks or stankees getting walloped by sub .500 braves?
My Yankees will be okay.
Eh, they're very hot right now. I feel like luck is on their side for now and even two losses could be chocked up to that. No doubt they will catastrophically tank come September.
>by sub .500 braves
they're not below .500 retard lol
plot twist, they still do
>sub 500 Braves
You fuckin what
He’s a very streaky player. He usually doesn’t do much but when he does do something it’s highlight worthy
>sub .500 braves
>implying I pay attention to the inferior league
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Me & the boys thoroughly enjoyed the Mets gaping of the cubs tbqdesu
That was my real gripe was that he wasn't very consistent. He clearly has talent
then why bring up the phillies? which you clearly pay attention to
Phillies are my 3rd team
No he's not overrated. I think he's a B tier level player who is fast so he's exciting to watch. Just watch the video of his inside the park homerun and tell me that's not impressive.
Taijaun Walker started, it's an expected L
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How is the senior Junior circuit better than THE National League?
He’s really young, he’ll get more consistent as he gets older
What are the other three top four in alphabetical order?
Dugie reassuring me that Jahmai Jones was the right person to replace him this game.
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>Mariano Rivera stadium in Chorrera, Panama has been officially inaugurated.
>capacity is 10,000.
>the local government wishes to continue developing and growing the sport of baseball with these facilities.
Kek Yankees getting lit up by the bottom of the Braves lineup.
Martinez might never debut at this rate
He's top 20 in WAR
really nice looking stadium honestly. is this for a professional team or just for the community?
speaking of gapings...
at plate? Yeah. He's already got an error to his name on the field though.
Lets go injuns
Josh Naylor is my thicc king
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ump bros
so kwan is winning the batting title, right?
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Both, baseball season is actually kind of short (From November to April). So the local team will only play here for a few months and the rest of the year it will be hosting local provincial tournaments. There's even talks of it hosting the local soccer team as well.
lel. 66 total pitches that inning, good lord. 12 batters!
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>speaking of gapings...
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Howdy yal
Good luck Os bros and thank you for beating this piss out of the stankees. Don’t bully our minor league start too hard.
i still can't believe the braves conned the Red Sox into giving them Chris Sale for Vaughn Grissom and even tricked them into paying his salary this year. Steal of the century.
>and the rest of the year it will be hosting local provincial tournaments
based, that's a fucking awesome ballpark to play local tournaments especially if they're teenagers
Goddamn right, that little asian boy knows how to hit a baseball
how far is it from where you live?
>The City of Dodgers
>The City of Rockies
>The City of Rangers
7 runs on 4 hits, 5 walks, and a whole bunch of errors and defensive blunders.
jokes on you, my rangers don't play in a city
Is there a specific reason the Yankees have been letting people drop so many runs on them lately?
Just remember this thought when he inevitably lands on the IL
because they STINK
I know I'm watching the game, this shit is awesome.
sometimes you based
sometimes you bawl
AL peach colored hats go hard
>are gay
>0 outs in the first
it's already over 'stros bros :(
they're a team that's only built to start out the season strong
Where's that nigga what says Bliss can't hit?
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Mario Joseph Loperfido
give 'er a taste
Arlington is a city in Tarrant County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Mid-Cities region of the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan statistical area, and is a principal city of the metropolis and region. The city had a population of 394,266 in 2020,[7] making it the second-largest city in the county after Fort Worth and the third-largest city in the metropolitan area, after Dallas and Fort Worth. Arlington is the 50th-most populous city in the United States, the seventh-most populous city in the state of Texas,[9] and the largest city in the state that is not a county seat.

Arlington is home to the University of Texas at Arlington, a major urban research university, the Arlington Assembly plant used by General Motors, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV, Texas Health Resources, Mensa International, and D. R. Horton. Additionally, Arlington hosts the Texas Rangers at Globe Life Field, the Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium, the Arlington Renegades at Choctaw Stadium, the Dallas Wings at College Park Center, the International Bowling Campus (which houses the United States Bowling Congress, International Bowling Museum and the International Bowling Hall of Fame), and the theme parks Six Flags Over Texas (the original Six Flags) and Hurricane Harbor.
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This hat goes hard
It's like a 2 hour drive from the City, there's gonna be a metro line to Chorrera opening soonish, so it might reduce travel time too.
gooning to this
The Stankee gaping continues
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Olson breaks it wide open!
>people wonder why the astros aren't .500
image related
ooooh ahhhh owwwwww ouchies!!!! clarkie bear got his boipussy gaped!!!!!!!!!!
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Welcome to the Big Leagues, kid.
Rodon already up to 90 pitches not even through the 4th yet lol
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>1 inning down
>a literal minor league pitcher who hasn’t pitched in triple A yet
>already doing better than one of the stankees best pitchers
>Altuve, Bregman, & the literal whos
>AAA starter Yoandres Gomes to replace Carlos Rodent
meant for >>141895801
>4th inning
>rodon 90 pitches
at least the bullpen hasn't been used hard the past couple days, r-right?
>giving up a triple to the catcher

fucking kek
Rodon can't even close out the inning, pathetic.
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welcome to the big leagues, kid
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>gives up an rbi triple
I really shouldn't be enjoying this but lmao stankees, one positive to come from the new wild card format is I can watch a division rival gape the yankees and enjoy it more.
3 of those guys got DFA'd today.
>Vladdy dinger
>no jacket :(
it's over
>Yankee bullpen coming in again in the 4th
Oof, might be a long series in the Bronx this weekend
Better than yesterday
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>the stankees have allowed 25 runs in the past 24 hours
>AAA pitcher comes out and gets a K
rodon lol
>walker starts
>turnbull has to be brought in early to stop the bleeding
many such cases this season
i thought you faggots said the yankees were the best team in baseball
That sandwich isn't Kosher, please do better when representing the Mets.
>Ohtani’s first time back to Anaheim since he was an Angel tonight
It’s about to be boooo city for Shotime tonight
he's getting juiced balls anyways
>Rodon crying as he exited the dugout
no, we said they were the best team in new york
Os bros, are you just going to play small ball today?
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My pirates );
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well i do declare, these yankee bucks surely do break easy
>Soto bitching about strike calls well inside the zone
Eat a dick fag
You would fuck men lmao
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>Soto, Judge and Giancarlo vs Sale
>0-6 5 ks
Sale trade was the best and more lopsided deal of the offseason
Now they're tanking their trade values
>De La Cruz
>tie game
Feeshbros we’re so back
It's the most Phillies thing imaginable to suck against Jordan Montgomery. That on top of the fact that last year's trea beats out that run by a mile just kills me
They always do this. Win against good teams and then lose to jobbers like the Sacramento As I wouldn't be surprised if my Os lose this game.
except they're playing at Dodger stadium moron
these damn fish always do this to the Mets too :[
We’re a very streaky team and tend to be good against good pitchers and shit against mediocre ones. This offense will be gone tomorrow
>Blue Jays are the first team to throw 70 pitches in a single inning since the Tigers on August 22, 2014
I thought the Yankees were good
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How many pitchers? That's the kind of shit that would give be an aneurysm if it was my team.
70?? How many batters?
>Blue Jays are in last place .5 a game behind the Rays
Holy shit I knew they weren't good but...
kek saved
It also doesn't help that Rodriguez is pitching like ass. Hopefully he can chill out and (((shut it down))) soon.
what's with all the gaping???
At least we got a run, surely this won’t come to bite us in the ass later
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>minor leaguer better than the big leaguer
that's crazy
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if one team had to win this game, I am glad the other one was embarrassed.
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What princess are you dressing up as for princess night on Sunday?
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Lmao fucking white sux fucking kek. Kek
The Aryan queen from frozen of course.
Buck status? BROKEN
I wish the Yankees had a starting pitcher of Chris Sale's caliber.
I think we had 12 lmao
gj cal
gj ryan
gj ty
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>How many pitchers?
Just two, Yariel Rodriguez (starter) threw 40 and Bowden Francis (long reliever) threw 30. There were also 4 fielding misplays that inning.
13 batters came to bat.
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LMAO fishes
gay fish kek
>already at 45 pitches
Man this kid is in for a long night, I can’t believe they thought the Os was a good team to make a debut against

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