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"Toss out all the statistics, forget all the previous games, none of it matters anymore, except for this one game, a game we've all played in our driveways and in our minds, 1 game for the Stanley Cup."
Can’t believe the panthers are going to blow it ):
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no 503k tranny? KWAB
Womp womp
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The one on the left gets touched more
>gets touched more
by men
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You can fall for chains of silver, you can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
so what
KWAB you btfo that guy
would x8
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Wrestlegays OUT
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panther fans report in
This >>141934094
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Get your posting in now while you can. Come Monday night when the panturds lose you and your fan base will be bullied off this board and be a meme for decades lol
Stay strong panthers we will win game 7


Thread theme go kitties!!!
The biggest lesson to learn is that Sam Reinhart is a massive Barkov babby, and he's going to swindle some sad saps this offseason. I hope its the Rangers. Would be fucking hilarious.
Taking a panturd in the bettman
It's interesting to know that on Monday night, either the entire dynamic of /hoc/ is going to change after nearly 2 decades and 1993 posting will no longer exist or the most sun belt of sun belt teams is going to win the cup.
>It's possible that the Panthers will be back to back SCF losers
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Vegas wins the cup again if they didnt throw against the Ducks
Chicken butt
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It's going to be great but we know which is going to happen and it is going to be incredible.

Pantards on suicide watch
Probably Utah
I have very little emotional investment in hockey as is, but if this happens I'll just completely write it off as a waste and be glad it's a dying sport.
At least the euros are comfy and then the lympics.
For someone with no emotional investment you sure so seethe a lot.
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Not a bad move for Utah but they probably want to sign more defensemen. Boston is Reinhart's spot. They need another forward besides an aging Marchand and Pasta at wing.
The Euros make /sp/ unbearable for a month due to the tourists making it /int/ lite
Little doesn't mean none dumbfuck, it's good bread&circus entertainment at its best.
Football is the official sport of 4chan anyways
Quick reminder to please keep the discussion AHL related!
Birds and Bears only, please!!
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The most embarrassing team in the history of the game.

Say something bad about them.
Hearing the pretty strangers have formed a sort of polycule
Boston had the capspace but that wouldn't leave them much room to fill out their bottom 6. They have a lot of free agent forwards they need to sign or replace as well
>tfw emily kaplan will never interview you after an intense fap session
>living under the tyranny of a HOA
time to end it all
Perhaps boston takes on some more contracts this offseason. I'm curious what they do at the draft, especially with the recent Ullmark rumors
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my checkersies :)
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It just seems too good to be true. Taking Game 7 in their building to complete a reverse sweep. But paul maurice literally sounded like he was about to cry like a bitch during the post game. zito looks like he's seething and about to trade everyone and fire everybody. watch the postgame from all the players verhaeghe literally sounds like he's going to bust into tears.
muh amerks would bootyblast your shit team into the 5th dimension
>I-it's bread and circus it doesn't matter
holy seethe
It’s pretty obvious it’s rigged for the oilers to win. With all these commercials about bringing the cup to Canada from kfc Boston pizza and more Gary finally agreed to rig it for Canada for a change.
Heem seethey
The best part about Game 7:
>If Oilers win, Panthers choked a 3-0 lead
>If Panthers win, Oilers choked a series where they played better for at least 5 games.
Either way, it's kino
choking away your first cup to be is very very painful Id think
They had NO FANS before last year and they will go back to having NO FANS after they lose on Monday
Naheed Nenshi elected new leader of the Alberta NDP

As teams explore the goaltending landscape, several clubs are reaching out to the Vegas Golden Knights about both of their netminders.

>As reported by ESPN’s Kevin Weekes, the Golden Knights have generated interest from various clubs about goaltenders Adin Hill and Logan Thompson.

>Hill and Thompson are both entering the final year of their respective contracts and are eligible to become unrestricted free agents in July 2025.
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What emotion does this look convey
He’s coked out of his mind
RIP whoever does that deal
>The Ottawa Senators, Detroit Red Wings, Toronto Maple Leafs, Buffalo Sabres and Carolina Hurricanes are among the teams evaluating their goaltending options and it is possible some of them have reached out to the Knights.

>Hill, 28, has a $4.9 million salary cap hit and an eight-team no-trade list that drops to a five-team no-trade list starting July 1. Thompson, 27, has a modest $766,667 cap hit.

I could see the Hurricanes or Leafs going for either or. I keep hearing Stolarz and Broissoit as names for the Leafs as well.
Corner Gas is peak comfy kino
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Thats unironically a better tandem than Samsonov and Woll, or whoever the other backup was.
Piecing together what we heard from our internal sources and outside noise, it sounds like Conroy did a good job:

-Fitz and Conroy open discussions and the discussion is serious enough that it warrants Conroy to seek Markstrom dropping his NTC to NJ.
-Upon hearing that Markstrom dropped his NTC, Fitz decides to lowball Conroy with the assumption that he has no other option and wont keep a goalie who has essentially one foot out the door. Rumours were that he only offered a second and Conroy wouldn't bite.
-Deadline passes
-Fitz wastes assets on 2B goalies and complains that other GMs were trying to extort him
-NJD miss the playoffs

-talks restart, we hear internal rumours that things are advancing and a preliminary deal is in-place
-external rumour that Fitz is offering a conditional 3rd
-Conroy does an interview with Francis stating that Markstrom hasn't demanded a trade and he is happy to keep Markstrom going forwards
-The next day, the trade is consummated with a 1st round pick

All of this leads me to believe that Conroy wanted a 1st rd pick from day one and held firm until he got his price. I too fell into the trap of imagining a 10th overall, Mercer or Casey but he got a more than fair price IMO.
The leafs would make Patrick Roy look like Antti Raanta
>As the Hurricanes carry out trade talks with teams about Martin Necas, the word is Carolina is looking to complete a 'hockey trade' not a deal strictly for future assets. Teams like Nashville, Seattle, Montreal among those still believed to be in the mix.
Jack campbell had a .921 with the leafs
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What a buck broken franchise. They lose game 7 easy
When a team rides a .950 goaltender all the way to finals and the he craters in the finals it's hard to recover.

That's what happened last year.

This year they made it to game 3 before Bob cratered and now the team is reeling because they've seen this movie before.

They gave 43 goals in the first 20 games of the playoffs going 15-5
They've given up 18 goals in the last three games going 0-3

Bob is cooked
Panthers are cooked
Said the nervous leaf homo for the 267th time.
Which franchise implosion will be funnier? The Orlando magic Shaq getting swept in the finals culminating with him leaving or the panturds getting reverse swept and what ever happens to them?
I don't think most people remember shaq on the orlando magic
Every Orlando fan sure does
how many orlando magic fans are there really
Panthers because this was the final legit season they can have with this core. Orlando fucked up anyways because of how they handled Shaq, and they get steamrolled if Jordan played in '95 btw.
I don’t watch basketball
Pipe down numales
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Americans will spam 3-0 and >2024 more than the 28-3 comeback in the Super Bowl
The chaos will be exquisite
Speak up numales
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reminder the draft is in like 6 days
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>I don’t watch basketball
The oilers are the bad guys
Fuck no
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Just got back from a long as business trip and had very little in the way internet or communication. I left when it was 3-0. What in the absolute fucking Christ happened?
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clear as day
Not sure what paul maurice is crying about how fucking hard is it to drag your foot when you cross the blueline why is this retard doing crossovers
Because super high powered offense pew pew pew!!!
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I hate gary so much it's fucking unreal
shut the FUCK up stephen
Good post
Yep this is the post
fuck you brooksie
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>Mama Stanley would give up cannabis for the Oilers to win the Cup
It's never been more over for the Panthers
>Its a farce
its only a farce between the Oilers and Panthers are so far apart that they needed an additional travel day. I really dont care when the offseason starts right away, compared to waiting forever just to get moves started.
tomorrow is sunday, go to church and pray for the kitties
>pray for the kitties

fuck the Panthers.
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>You were probably beat up at the bus stop most of the time
If the panthers wanted to win then they shouldn't have let the Oilers win.
Simple as. Fuckers just got autism and how to forgot a hockey gaem.
really? I thought r*ddit was full of atheist knobs and college-educated idiots
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Why didn't you bet on the Oilers when Bobvrosky decided to throw the series? I'll be collecting an easy $26k on Monday, boys.
You know what I miss? Big League Chew.
cats are declawed
oil is a global commodity
I think we all know where this is going
It's actually illegal to declaw cats it's most civilized places and oil is on the decline due to regulation.
big league chew didn't go anywhere retard
flordia isn't civilized and I just bought some olive oil today
I think everyone is really forgetting about the Gary factor
They’re talking about /hoc/ over on /twg/ total War General
I forgot the Coyotes died again yesterday.
Peak oil in two more weeks.
Don't think I asked
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whats he do in the offseason
I liked medieval ii a lot and shogun enough to play through it a couple times, it seemed like when they tried to up the complexity from there they just started making bad games
Goes to in n out
Yeah and I think we all know exactly who he goes In N Out with...
>ESPN:the Florida panthers held a closed door team meeting after losing game 6
Probably planning who is getting traded where or who wants who to help suicide whom after they lose.
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I would guess when they're not good they're the least followed team of the 124. all the other bottom shitters are in bigger cities
Are the oilers supposed to be concerned? There's not a snowballs chance in hell they fix their defense.
it's wrestlechads
Chad is a codeword for fag
>we uhh need to forecheck more and uhhhh
You’re a chad.
Whenever I hear the word forecheck my head immediately thinks foreskin
Thanks I'm a big wrestling fan
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nhls season has been shit long before gary came around
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Hes been commissioner for over 30 years thats not an excuse
Oilers didn't have much to lose anyway, they weren't even expected to be here. On the other hand this is the last chance the Panthers will get for a Cup for a long time (and their first one at that). If they choke this, this could legitimately snowball into a relocation later in the future. Franchises never recover from losses like this, just ask the Buffalo Bills and Atlanta Falcons.
The Oilers have just as much to lose as the Panthers that which being the Stanley Cup
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>Gary is the sole operator for opportunity and success in this League and failure rests only with Gary Bettman
lads i got so drunk at the bar with the local degenerates during and after the oilers game and some tatted up chick gave me shrooms
man, I can't wait until Monday night after the game is over and it's finally Off Season, lads
Yes that is his responsibility as commissioner ya raped bitch
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let's go
Oilers won the hearts and minds of the people
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I got the Kitties
Yeah obviously losing the Cup would be soul-shattering, I'm talking more about the long-term repercussions of losing. The Panthers losing this would unironically kill the fans (what few of them they have that aren't fairweathers anyway) and any further interest in South Florida hockey.
Bravo Gary for this kino script
guarantee you the average floridan doesn't even know they have a hockey team. They should have folded long ago
That's what's happening when you have Roberto Luongo in your organization. You don't bring in losers if you want to win.
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
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>Sunrise loses on Monday
>Canada finally ends the Lee Drought of '93
>Sunrise moves to Hamilton and we have a new Tigers team in the Gary League

I'm not saying that's what I want, I'm saying this league is a balancing act and some losses can have a huge impact
Shut the fuck up
I think this question should only be posed when a team is 1-win away from hoisting the Stanley Cup, and that is: if the Oilers win the cup, who's McDavid handing it to first?

And then who will go 3rd, 4th etc
>they weren't even expected to be here.
Except in every interview the Oilers players had before the season they said cup or bust.
This would be a crowning KWAB moment of the century if the Oilers win the cup in Florida and complete the reverse sweep.
every day until you learn
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Corey Perry curse is broken he won another cup.
Maurice needs to scream at them
The Islanders can still win if Mike Pence does the right thing
for a mostly american administered league it's been remarkably tame in getting worse
>that's not an excuse either
you're right but it's a fact of life
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Pic related was the best decision he's made in over a decade
2005 CHL Team Of The Century Memorial Cup Champion Corey Perry
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why does /hoc/ rate russian memetending so highly when leaf goaltenders are about to win 3 cups in a row?
hangs out with crosby
I know I’m about to sound sooo stupid for what I’m gonna say and please don’t attack me but I genuinely feel sad for both teams because I know one of them is going to lose next game and they’ve worked so so hard to get to this point and they’re so close to winning the cup and they’re probably gonna feel so sad going home with their family’s after feeling so defeated. That being said I’m an oilers fan so I’m definitely hoping they win but I just still feel kinda bad for everyone else.
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Lightning has always been the superior Florida team anyway.
There's no way Maurice still has a job on Tuesday
A canadian goalie has won every stanley cup since 2015 except for the two asterisk bowls
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If he blows this, he's heading to Finland
Just like our Stephen
To kill every Finn?
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Also, I told you so. Retards, never doubt me again.
defiling bedard in the showers?
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You're just upset your meme team couldn't win the same "Mickey Mouse" Cup that everyone else was playing for.
manlet st poopie
I live here sometimes. Western Union doesn't clear sometimes though
If I take test supplements, am I still natty?
never say itoadaso before your chickens are hatched
Oilers have less to lose. They were the underdogs in both this series and against Dallas and have put on a dominating performance
is Impossible Beef meat???
phony ass motherfucker
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A team with connor mcdavid does not have "less to lose" stephen
Iconic moments. So where's the Laffs' Cup from this?
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the league needs to be over by memorial day. gary must burn
Draisaitl or RNH
I needed to know. In that case, I'll stay natty
Adam henrique corey perry or connor brown
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what accomplishments does connor mcdavid have?
Is “stephen” in the room with us?
On monday he can become a Stanley Cup Champion
It goes to the longest tenured oiler so sam gagner
I know it's you bud
i was talking to this dude earlier who this legitimately happened to, him and his gf went camping
barkov looked like he was going to cry. he knows this shit team isn't winning
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> monday night game instead of right now
yeah fuck you gary
fuck gary. why isn't the game tomorrow?
Be my Russian gf
It should be RNH after McDavid. He’s been through some deep shit
>zachariah herschel hymenstein come get the cup
how many toasted ravioli can you eat in one sitting?
>muh travel
isn't he heading to the sens?
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The NHL is a Jewish league now
The Sens need to get rid of Korpisalo first
>This is the highlight of the Tavares Leafs era
in any case, the bruins need a center
Boston has managed to make Zacha and Coyle good centers. Imagine if they spent money on a top tier center. Good lord the chokes in round 2 would be amazing!
Not everyone can afford Bo Horvat to anchor the first line
considering how weak the east is, a legit center could make them one of the best teams in the east. I'm still amazed they made playoffs with their glorified AHL roster
mcdavid won't hand it off
Because a good goalie and a good system can mask a lot of deficiencies with a roster. Then again, their defense is pretty stout. Maybe they do trust Lohrei more, he has a lot of potential.
As many as it takes
still obsessed with dear john eh bud
who's the one who made a massive deal about going to Toronto? Times almost up on that deal. Its been nothing but a miserable flop for the Leafs since day 1. But hey, at least they "owned" long islanders. At least JT can be comfortable in his pajama's seeing the Leafs lose again in round 1 because he went to such a lazy team.
Holy fuck give it a god damned rest already
stay scared m8
I'm home alone in my boxers on a Saturday night. I'm living well
Thinking about going to get a pizza negroni or something but don't want to put real clothes on
This general doesn't give a rest about "le chilly winter" or "just like my islanders", so how about I keep beating the dead horse that is the Tavares Leafs era. Actually its even funnier they went from Dubas to Treliving. Why not have someone even dumber than boy wonder who's currently fucking up the Penguins as well? I win either way. I get to see Toronto fall apart, and I get to see Pittsburgh relocate when FSG starts to do the bare minimum once Crosby and Malkin retires. Isn't that amazing?
Im in shorts with no shirt on
I'm naked and fearless and my fear in naked
post cock
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Pacific > Atlantic > Central > shitro
>Para bailar La Bamba
just thought about that time big bossman was hanged on raw
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OK, now without looking it up on the internet...

what Tool album was I quoting, and who was the vocalist assisting Maynard on that track
I am NOT reading all that
Undertow with Rollands, basic bitch shit
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great news, you're right

Thanks for playing
without looking it up, what track did maynard do back-up vocals while Tim Commferford played bass
Without looking it up how about shutting the fuck up
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>Henry Rollins
not Rollands

I said "Thanks for playing" which implies the game is over, lad
I blacked out twice this week. Gonna take tonight easy and stay sober
>he doesn't know
you lose bitch
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48 hours remain

stay safe fren!
Bouchard babby
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i played fetch with my doggo and now hes limping
what do
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Amputate or euthanize
It’s up
he strained something
give him extra treats and let him rest, ya Mother Hen
wait 48 hours. if he's still limping, take him to the vet
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>he's out
Enjoying a hot cup of coffee SO MUCH right now. Laughing SO HARD at the panthers
ok, ill do that. hes not whining, which is good. i think we just went a little hard today. its 95F here and we did fetch with the doggypool. think he just slipped or something on my shitty uneven yard.
Shit's like $21 now i can't stand this retard economy anymore
tool aged well desu
Good post
very good post
I still like tool
They usually hand it to the longest serving player unless someone else was just lights out the MVP which isn't the case so he probably hands it to RNH if they win
good idea. he'll appreciate a treat
Sam Gagner
it's a little late for coffee
Thank you
Hershey Bears hockey
RNH has been there since 2011, gagner since 2019
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One, please...
Didnt the Avalanche had the cup first to Cogliano? Whats preventing the oilers from giving the cup to Gagner first?
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k, coming to Canada instead
Gags comes and goes as needed. This is his third stint
They will give the cup to Sarah Nurse because of Wokeness
I dont think they hand it to an undressed player unless he almost died or some shit
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You should get a roto-tiller and till your yard, then maybe get some more dirt and level it
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he's cute :3
invade finland next
Besides, I don’t remember exactly who the first handoff was for last years cup. I turned off the game after it was 9-3 and Gary showed up
He looks like he's ready to lose to the Oilers. Nice.
love finland
If Edmonton scores first in game 7 it's gonna be like a funeral in that building. Kek
After the Pantards lose Monday, do you think their fans would be ambivalent if I sent a picture of my zoomed in dirty anus to them?
their five fans won't care
but Novorossiya isn't Ukraine :^)
it's too hot to wrap your kitty in a blankie, lad
same <3
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he's a rude (Canadian apparently) cat
>if Florida wins the Lee this Monday, there's a chance they won't be sold to a Quebecois franchise operator and made into the next Nordiques =(
he should be grateful a canadian team is finally winning a cup
maybe he's a flames fan
so I'll pray that they lose
Just one more land deal just one more city council meeting it'll all be ok I swear
double-edged sword, lad
>firen'nice.. I gotta tell ya.. fire'n'ice...
I get it
holy rentfree
and waterfree
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>in a world of double-edged swords, Gary is a nuclear bomb
meds. now.
He’s eliminated the kings from the playoffs three years in a row.
AI was the worst thing to happen to 4chan in recent memory . SO FUCKING UGLY
You can choose to not spam AI slop
in honor of pride month, who is the most SEXO hockey player and why is it Ron Maclean (the not hockey player)?

The cat was leading the SCF 3-0 right before I found him making this weird noise
no coincidence its the resident unfunny retard who's embraced it
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>the Utah Gods
Monday is going to be crazy. I hope we see some tits in the stands
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Calgary still has no water
>The Utah God (just one)
olli jokinen and espen knutsen
he was checking out the local strip club
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oh god, Imagine how few tits we're gonna see at the Utah arena
>Negative Tits
imagine the smell
It's gay to want to lick hockey girl muscles
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>the city of Calgary
what about their abs?
lol get it the raped bitch will spam AI slop utah logos with wacky garbage names

get bent you fag
We will if you take your shirt off
Game 7 is a must win for the Oilers
Thank you
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>Woah Buddey!
>one shitty game left in the year
Are Calgarians drinking breast milk to survive?
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Oops I didn't post the modern day Leafs fan. My bad
>Please bud, thank 4 u sars
Mr. Smith and Co didn't just unload their Conestogas there. It's not like that anymore. They sell booze at Jazz games
soon summer /hoc/ will arrive
my pecs aren't developed enough since I suck at benching
They've been reduced to listerine
Only 48 more hours so shitpost while you still can
one year after 1992
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Do we have any plans for Off Season?
The Greatest Game Of All Time is taking place RIGHT NOW
I will never forgive the floride panties or their fans for this unfathomable betrayal.
I hope they become the next san jose sharks now.
I'm gonna make a game thread and see if the mods sticky
blogpost and share music
shan't be posting there
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>posting from his phone like a faggot
They dont sticky us because we used to make 20 threads. They literally hate us and its better that way because we avoid the third world retard esls shitting up the gen
he never stated that as his end goal
yeah i dont think oilers can do what MY leafs have dont
don't care still shan't
Shut the fuck up bitchboy. Go get raped by a weeb again you dumb unfunny faggot
My Habs will take their playoffs spot next year.
thanks for sharing. his wife sounds irritated
no i like big burly bear men
no but i fingered auston matthews in 2018
No I'm gay
Go flames btw?
Off season bros, hockey is finally over on tuesday we are so back
I'm into garyboys
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this general goes from being based to being cringe attention whores every off season
>it was 3-0
>they were up 3 wins to none
The draft is usually fun, insane hyperfocus on 18 year old russians in "oshawa" who no one has actually watched
both teams should agree to cancel game 7 and share the cup instead for maximum fumes butthurt
just like my islanders
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The Islanders actually DID a reverse sweep.
Shannon just came up the middle with his head down and some 6'5 tard absolutely demolished him. Yvonne is crying really hard shannon isnt responsive
Just like my islanders
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Hope is the second finest thing since tits...
>shannon isnt responsive

But can he read the numbers?
She's now fantasizing about the other guy
the only tits you see irl are the ones hanging from your chest you old fatass
what jersey was the tard wearing
trb is ted
ted is in heaven now with sam
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Hmm... okay I see it. He's more fit than I am, fuck.
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does /hoc/ like kpop?
probably a knights chad with a killer instinct
there's no way either of them got into heaven
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no one asked
at least ted did
Heaven isn't real
miss those two. safe to say ted and sam are looking up at us right now
Cope lardy
Just like my Noel
cant watch that, its not available in my country :(
much better than the current crop of personalityfags
I miss ted's cock
you're so insecure that being called a fatass causes you to indirectly reply to another post about how fit you are. bitch tits = confirmed
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post body
stfu Ted
feeling sleepy lads
no one asked
Wtf this isn't /fit/

Prove it
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kiss your sister?
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who's your favorite AHL team, /hoc/??

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Elbow Finns. High stick Finns. Slash Finns on the ankle. Accidentally fall and cut a Finn's neck open. Knee Finns. Crosscheck Finns. Board Finns. Trip Finns head first into the net. Spear Finns. Rule 48 Finns.
/hoc/ is a subsection of /fit/ since it often discusses benching and fitness
you are a raped fucking bitch
>Utah hockey club
Most soulless franchise name I've seen. What the fuck
that was the momentum the kitties lost momentum
>most dangerous draw in Coachella Valley
Be nice it's PWHLcore
I give the PWHL 3 more years until it folds
It really is lmao. Low key shocked that no one looked at the other franchises and thought "hmm maybe ours is pretrt cringe, gay and soulless we should revisit it". What was the point of the survey?
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>not posting The Original

fuck the Pussy Whiny Hockey League
Utah literally had 3 months to make a logo, jersey and brand. They did a better job for a placeholder than /hoc/ would
shut the fuck up you worthless unfunny faggot / raped bitch
nonsense, men are the ultimate size queens
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
You guys are watching my birds play right????
Utah Hockey Club was LITERALLY one of the team concepts we were talking about in here before the release from Salt Lake

if anything we have a case for theft of intellectual property...
>I mean, I would sue Gary... but people have before...
speaking from experience?
it's second intermission

>>I mean, I would never sue Gary.
On what evidence?
gary's interns are always happy to steal from us
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>it's second intermission
Yeah but you're watching it right?
you're a raped bitch
I've jacked off more than most girls have given handjobs
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prodigious little fuckers, aren't they???
Excellent posts
watching the Nats-Rocks game until they come back, but yeah....
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Huomenta but opposite
Another very good post
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>most dangerous Calder draw
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>this guy doesn't like ice hockey in the middle of June
what a cunt
>this entire thread
I'm sorry, but did the panthers already lose?
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How is the Cap's baby team so good?
I would if I could find a working link, but so far I can't.
No regular season just quintuple elimination playoffs
you'll have no problem ON the website i watch HOCKEY, i don't use my TV though.
that one doesn't work on my pc anymore for some reason
also you don't have to pretend to be sneaky about it, we all know about onhockey dot tv here
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Works on my machine. Also I'm not being sneaky, I just don't spoonfeed. I'd prefer to make somebody work for at least half a second and if they can't figure it out..
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You're a raped bitch
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>mfw reverse sweep
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I want the reverse sweep but I fear Florida will find a way to actually wake up
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post your team and ill give you 1 pro and 1 con
Florida looked mentally broken on Friday
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>scoreless second period thusfar
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pwhl ottawa
somehow got a cup
have no fans, not a hockey state
haha remember the 80s?
JLMI has some truth to it
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Hockey Club
>have no fans, not a hockey state
wrong and wrong
emily clark is a qt
part of a meme league that wont last 5 seasons
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gave us brad marchand
gave us brad marchand
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>North Carolina is Sunbelt
Birdsbro and krakheads we arent winning this. I can feel it.
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>most dangerous second intermission
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previous record of all 3-0 deficits in SCF history
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started smoking tobacco and weed at the same time
weak roster
no history
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that's the way old-timey pirates used to do it in the Caribbean
A proper blunt is great
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kept 1993 alive in 2011
has marchand
Why are tattoos and the people who get them so feminine?
barbed wire biceps are not feminine
It's like a public display - shows you think too much about what people think of you
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>Long story short: the land department has determined that the site is not currently zoned for the type of project that Meruelo has in mind. A special use permit would be required, and the department wants to see that permit approved and in place before the ownership of the land changes hands.

>Long story even shorter: as we’ve seen time and time again since the Winnipeg Jets 1.0 relocated to Phoenix in 1996, unexpected red tape has thwarted the plans to build the Coyotes a suitable forever home.

>Friday afternoon, the Coyotes issued a statement expressing their disappointment in the situation. Other than saying they felt they'd met all the criteria and would be exploring their legal options, they stopped short of explaining their next steps.
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proving his point, anon
>scorefull draw in Twenty-Nine Palms
>he doesnt know barbed wire bicep tattoos are a way for gay men to "signal" to each other
das a yikesy mane
heard u talkin shit
having a mouth as fuckable as you do is a big signal too
uh oh the gay faggot is angry and is engaging in faggoty fantasies
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no need to tell everyone about your emotions, ya goof
eliteprospects told me it's adam johnson's birthday
oh new thread, please get here soon.... -_-
>I promise we'll try to do better, I swear

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