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If the Panthers actually blow this they should just relocate, we don't need more than one Florida team
What an absolute fucking embarrassment of a franchise
Imagine blowing a 3-0 lead and losing finals twice in a row
Panthers will win.
They should fold. there's too many teams in the NHL. They should've stopped at 26, maybe 28 teams, the nhl is too watered down. The league was better when it was more tightly knit. Rivalries were better because teams played each other more. Great players shone brighter because they weren't competing with 31 other team's best players for the spotlight. The game was more popular because they didn't have 31 franchise players to try and market, each player got his own space. You'd never have rivalries like the Avs and Wings today because they only meet teams in their division 3 times all year. There's too many absolute poverty franchises with no fanbases. The NHL was better when every team had an active fan presence. That's what made the 2021 canada division season so captivating.
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Just took a giant shit(post). Cannot wait to see the choke of all time by the Panthers. Consider this a taste test of the collage that will go down in /hoc/ history when the Oilers end the 1993 streak

OK so we remove Panthers, Blue Jackets and who else?
If Panthers win im happy because Cancucks lost and if Oilers win im happy because i dont really care about hockey to begin with
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i hope the devils do a reverse retro with this logo but a demon riding a burning skeleton horse
Tampa Bay, Anaheim, Los Angeles, Utah, San Jose, Vegas, Dallas, Raleigh. All soulless markets with nothing but plastic fake fans if any at all. Having these teams in the league makes it look worse bg default. there are places in the world where hockey simply just does not belong
>only lasts 2 seasons
Were they the shittiest team of the expansion era?
Bettman bros, did we get too cocky? Or is this all according to plan?
Golden Seals/Barons. Never had a winning season in their history, never had more than 29 wins
Gary is not gonna move the teams that already won the cup once so that just leaves San Jose and Utah

Maybe your teams should not choke so bad in the finals
You lost against sunbelt teams in the finals like 4 times now
We're trying to expand into the Canadian market
Contrary to the popular belief, gary is a very hands-off guy.
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I don't run the teams nor do I play for them. In fact I hate all the other canadian teams that aren't mine. However New Jersey, Anaheim, Dallas, etc all had stanley cup parades in parking lots. I remember the CBC went to raleigh before game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final and they asked people what their thoughts on the first major professional sport championship coming to the state was and the general response was "Uhh, yeah I'm not really watching, but I hope they win.". I think that it is pathetic that hockey should be played in a city where the championship is largely ignored by the general public. If you went to any of these sunbelt cities and asked them who their star player from the cup winning teams were they probably couldn't tell you.
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cope cope cope cope cope cope cope :)
how come they never show the outdoor viewing parties for these teams? surely if they truly cared about hockey people would gather en masse to watch the game together
It's funny how Rangers are much more popular than the Devils when the Devils have almost always defeated them in the play offs
look into these men's eyes and you tell me
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is this outdoor enough?
>the team that invented tailgaiting at NHL games doesn't do enough outdoor stuff
just go to bed, retard
Gretzky literally called them a mickey mouse franchise. they were a pathetic organization until the flames gifted them Brodeur late in the first round by taking Trevor Kidd and got gift wrapped the niedermayer pick by a senile harold ballard. not to mention the stevens offer sheet saga
the devils have always played in a dump it is no wonder the rags outdraw them despite being a much more pathetic poverty franchise
It genuinely pains me that everyone in this photo is now 18 years older. That series seems like it happened yesterday. Time is cruel.
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your source retard?
Lou really saved them from being relocated again
lou is literally just smart enough not to look a gift horse in the mouth. extremely overrated GM and was a disaster in toronto and is a disaster in long island
Is Barkov playing with an injury? Will Florida still win Game 7?
I'm just here for the Sweep in 7
Barkov is just a giant pussy typical finn
Toronto and Isles are beyond saving
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Janmark was a monster all game
Sounds like excuses
Lou is just too old now
Does Bulju get his name on the trophy if Oilers win? I mean Oilers haven't forgot all his services for the team and the city? They should honor him
I haven't watched since game 2, so I'm gonna need a QRD on an the memes and stats so I can fit in for the game thread on Monday
Hockey is not for you if you decided watching the stanley cup final is optional
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McDavid? More like McFaggot. LOL.
Soilers came back from 3:0. That's all you need yo know. I watched all the sportsnet highlights and i am 90% of the way there. Some losers watch full games.
I never expected 1993 to end like this but I’ll take it
It's now or never for Canada to win the cup
Everyone is acting like 1993s death is certain not realising Monday will usher in a 1993 golden age
Thank you Gary
If Oilers win it, June 24th should become a public holiday in Canada.
Quebecois will seethe
Good morning Flamiacs
For something that has not happened since 1940, this feels way too scripted to be organic. Shan’t be watching Game 7
Based noticer.
>A gritty Canadian comeback will increase tv viewership
>But Mr Commissioner you had already promised Florida would-
>Do it. Think of the jersey sales...
Something to consider. Dallas played Vegas (won Cup in 2023) in Round 1, played Colorado (won Cup in 2022) in Round 2. That’s two Championship calibre teams in the first two rounds. Yes, Dallas was probably exhausted.

Then, the Panthers who played Boston, Carolina, and NY Rangers. Boston was the best team last season, Carolina and NY Rangers are Cup favourites (Rangers President Trophy Winners). Those are some good teams.

Now, the Oilers. LA Kings? Lol. Canucks? No Demko (Vezina calibre goalie), No Boeser, and a useless Elias Pettersson who had fewer goals than Ian freaking Cole in that series. Yet the Canucks took them to Game 7. Then Oilers play a tired Dallas team.

Yes, the Oilers have had an easier path which has given them confidence. They are not a Stanley Cup calibre team, they’re just making good use of their lucky appearance in the Finals. They’ve got nothing to lose.
I like how Oilers won despite McDavid getting 0 points
Hmmmmm the smell of yummy cope in the morning
Well they were getting stomped by Florida until period 3 of game 3, when something clicked and made them start playing looser. The “fuck it all” vibe was definitely present during that 8 goal blowout the following game 4.
Pretty much this
They easily had the easiest path to the finals from recent teams
That's just Dylan he likes to start his day forcing Stars discussion and a side of dick
The Panthers are really gonna blow it aren't they. They've been dominated in these last 3 games and now they're gonna have to try and flip that momentum in a do or die game. At least if they lose we can laugh at Miami for losing like 4 championship games in 5 years but holy shit. Imagine being the team that let's canada break the streak and doing it by blowing a 3-0 lead. They're never gonna live this down
seething flametard detected
How the fuck is Skinner gonna win the cup? Why do elite goalies almost never win the cups anymore?

Swayman, Hellebuyck, Bobrovsky, Demko, Shesterkin, Varlamov, Saros and even Oettinger were all better than Skinner but didn't win.
Skinner is 10th in goals saved above expected in the play offs and 36th in the season
Cope Tiny Murray went back to back
Bobrovsky is clearly finished , they should just put Stolarz in net for the final game
Vasilevskiy and Hotlby deserved it, the rest were just on the right team
Binnington also had a lucky year
Don't get rid of Raleigh, move it back to Hartford and you'll instantly have real fans.
Yeah, soilers were getting beasted by panties' forecheck and were doomed. They took to flipping the puck out of the zone, as they are incapable of executing a proper zone exit. That and leaking out 1-2 cherrypicking forwards has resulted in periodic odd man rushes. It's desperately gay, but it's working. Gary gave them a nice boost last night, too. They really don't deserve to be here, but here we are.
Might as well kill the whole Pacific Division and contract the league while realigning western Canada to some sort of central division.
This image evokes feelings of confidence and security in one's situation
In all honesty, the Panthers look like they’ll lay over and die next game. Gary doesn’t need to be involved anymore.
I get the same expression on my face when samir (You)s me
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Of course a series with an absolutely retarded schedule and huge distance between cities had to go to 7 games
I think the turning point of the series is game 3 when the Oilers finally scored on Bob. They broke the logjam and confidence flowed
As someone who’s been a Panturds fan for about 20 years I can legitimately say that if we blow the cup after being up 3-0, letting Vegas humiliate us last year, and break Canada’s streak, I will be completely done with them. The jersey and shirts are going in the trash and I’ll pick a new team or just stop watching Jewish sports leagues. Honestly this shit is starting to feel scripted, at least partially.
>the Cup is coming back to Canada on Saint-Jean
The Alberta-Quebec alliance is staying strong
>active Order Game 7 Shekels
Should have picked Bolts instead
Rank the teams on the NHL misery index

Top 5

Bottom 5
Utah or Canucks
Shoulve picked the Flames instead
Since it's a misery index shouldn't the bottom 5 be the top 5 and vice versa? Also I feel like watching their biggest rival pull off the SCF reverse sweep while they waddle in mediocrity should earn the Flames a top 5 spot.
True I guess
Flames definitely should be in bottom half though
They were competitive fee years ago and now they are mediocre
Agreed. Even though it didn't win, I feel those two goals they scored in the 3rd period to make it close made them realize he wasn't invincible.
this is so hard to equate because what constitutes misery
is it better to be the worst team in the league or choke in the playoffs every year
is it better to be consistantly good but not winning the cup or fluke one cup then be dogshit for decades
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We can all thank this woman and her magnificent boobs
holy shit i love Peter gabriel
Winning the cup is all that matters
My favorite thing about her is that she seems like a low-inhibition milf trophy-wife who will bang the plumber (me) while her doctor husband is at work
she's a retarded meth addict who works in the oil patch
No one is fucking the plumber you delusional porn addict

>Every WHA team ever

That's every woman in Edmonton
I think all of this happens because I picked the Flames as my team in kindergarten because the logo was cool, sorry Flamiacs
canadian tending > all else
It's Brad's fault
That's my kind of woman
Worst powerplay team
If he didn't get injured
Cucked by special teams
Most penalized team
Swayman had a shit team. Poor guy
The year the Panthers were founded. Gary loves poetics.
lol this trashy bitch fucks oil field workers. that being said i'd probably hit it after 6 beers anyway
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Cope and seethe retardo.
You'd die if heatstroke doing one day of real man's work, that or your manboobs would chafe too much and you'd file an incident report
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windows closed
You've just described every girl in Alberta
sometimes Alberta girls get double stuffed at the Calgary Stampede
oh no my friend, it's only beginning to open
that's what she said
not with that defense
the dynasty that’s known for getting swept by columbus, winning two asterisk cups, and ending toronto’s drought

Sometimes on a chilly Easter...
>m-muh asterisks!
1 cup = 1 cup
in the Year of Our Risen Lord Jesus of Nazareth MMXXII
now do it in an 82 game season
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1 cup = 1 cup
Florida has been completely exposed and quite frankly it’s some of the most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen. All the Florida fans who just got into hockey will probably never watch hockey or root for this shit franchise ever again.
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is he the best jewish athlete of all times? ancient baseball players do not apply
real subtle garebear
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What the hell are the Panthers doing? I have been busy these days, can someone explain it to me?
It's going to be the first time of a 3-0 reverse sweep in the Stanley Cup, right?

2nd time
First time since Hitler
Damn the 7th game is at monday 2am... Maybe I will watch one period. This is history.
i enjoy the cope, thank you for providing it
>NHL founded in November 26, 1917 (106 years ago)
lol how were the rinks maintained at that time?
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otter vid for the pain, and also otter
im gonna make nussschnecken everybody, who wants sum
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Oilers and their cocksuckers, i can't stand you hoes
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they lost game 4 and since then have given up
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Look up the term "Hoser" in hockey lore
So hows the rest of the canadian fanbases dealing with this? Happy the curse will finally be broken or pissed that they have to deal with Oilers fans being insufferable for now on
>Hoser: (n) Canadian hockey derogatory term that is similar to the American "idiot" or "loser". It is derived from the pre-zamboni days, where the LOSING team would have to hose down the ice after the game.
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New panthers logo just dropped
There's going to be some devastated silence in the building on Monday interspersed with grown men screaming in elation a la Boston 2019
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There's no hockey this weekend
Found a half full beer this morning so i have that going for me
>best scf since 2011
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La bama got played!!!!
nothing like a coffee-beer to start the morning
game 7 is a must win for the oilers
>the last three cup-winning goalies are stuart skinner, adin hill and darcy kuemper
we have officially returned to the 80s when goalies barely mattered. shit will be bleak if the recent high picks like askarov, cossa and wallstedt don't pan out. pure adhd every-other-bum-3rd-liner-is-a-PPG-player hockey
keep your stick on the ice lads
truly grim. the age of elite goaltending is over
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the future is looking bright
If only the rangers didn’t let Shesty down. Or the Jets let Helly down. Or if the Stars let Otter down. Or if Demko didn’t get injured.
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thinking about cofe
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>This breaks the Panthers
I fucking hate the oilers so much.
They don't even think about you
Lamoriello has done fine for both unless you’re a leafs fan still mad at him for the marleau contract.
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Edmonton winning and Don Cherry dying the day after prediction is on course
Plebs is down
Morning bud
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bruh.... don't say things like that.
Plus everyone knows that Don Cherry is immortal and will never die.
We're about to see the first non-asterisk cup since covid (if the oilers win)
there really only shouls be about 12 teams.
This, unfortunately there a possibility of this years cup becoming asterisk if florida wins
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>the absolute city of Lady Ottawa
Thank god, California playoff hockey was fucking aids to watch. I for one welcome a new era of entertaining hockey, and so will many new fans of the sport. Who the fuck wants to watch a game where nothing happens? I was ready to see my Leon Draisatl on the broons at the start of this season and look where they are now. That’s entertainment.
my debbies have better history than half of these shit teams
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Right on brother!
Oilers deserve it. They want it more. They buck broke. The panturds and figures them out. Florida isn't even trying anymore.
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Our Sennies desu
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Dangle almost cried in his last cup-check talking about the oilers fans "...I have no idea.....no idea...none..what those people feel like..."
stupid phoneposter

Pantards blown out.
It’s up
Some people just take sports too seriously
Realistically what happens to the Panthers after this if they lose?
Rags cover the area, and are much more successful financially.
Lemme guess, penguins fan?
Leafs cover the area and are much more successful financially.
Relocation to Quebec City
Florida is a huge market, and the panthers are a drag on the league when they arent good. (every single year up until last season)
>much more successful financially
lmao what a cope
almost included them but then I remembered they almost relocated until they were gifted the best player in the league, twice.

flyers remain financially sucessful regardless of league intervention
>more successful financially
stop with the garyslop. I'll take 3 cups in 40 years over ticket sales
The Philly market is way bigger than Pittsburghs
Sorry I dont believe in communist revenue sharing you pinko faggot
A man should stand on his own, and an nhl team should too.

Cups won by teams that only exist because of league intervention via revenue sharing are the biggest asterix of all.
So what's the deal with the Pantards? Were they just a one trick pony? How have the oilers eviscerated them so effortlessly for three straight games?
Our Sennies mentioned
Which is why I included them. The penguins shouldnt exist, and neither should the jets.
They get ref pucked then collapsed I blame the bald fraud Paul for that
Bobrovsky did what Bobrovsky do
>32 Thoughts Podcast: Elliotte says the Winnipeg and Rutger McGroarty’s side are not talking and that his name has come up in trade talks.
a rat can smell a sinking ship
The stars should exist though? Retard
who brought up economics you dumb tard. Your team sucks even more than your posting and literacy ability
Why did hellenbuck re-sign lol
The DFW area is too large a market to ignore.
communist economics are the only reason your pathetic franchise continues to exist.
You can since it’s sunbelt
>Muh market
>Cups won by teams that only exist because of league intervention via revenue sharing are the biggest asterix of all.
so much fucking cope
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Absolutely correct. Leave it at the o6 imo
Rutgers should have a D1 hockey program imo
Do people in Miami or Florida for that matter even care about hockey? It doesn't even snow there. Besides the tourists I don't think anyone has even put a skate on let alone seen one.
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Growing league revenue is important as well. DFW is 8 million people, and wouldnt have a rival fanbase for 800 miles.

in contrast, greater pittsburgh has 2.3 million people, and would be within a few hundred miles drive from a proper team.
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>captialist sport
>capitalist country
>captialist market
>its duh communists
O to be a fly on the wall in the Panthers' locker room after game 6, watching the slow yet crushing realisation that they'll be the laughingstock of the professional sports world come Monday night settling on each player's face.
>Muh finances!
>Muuuuuuuh maaaaaaaarkeeeet!
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>mfw the panthers lose the stanley cup
>saying the nhl is a business is a controversial statement
>Katz vile jew magic
>Hyman vile jew magic
>Injun shamans
Oilers are stacking up on curses and its working
>forcing successful franchises to prop up over saturated markets that would fail without league intervention
At least make a coherent point.
Oh yeah I’m sure larger markets always do great for hockey I’m sure phoenix turned out wonderful
>Muh market
is as coherent and as sensical as yours.

Hockey isn't like selling iPhones or Internet plans.
I need an iphone my screen cracked when I fell off my electric scooter
That was 2019
find a flaw
I understand you feel emotionally connected to "your team", but this is yet another hard lesson for you.
The NHL is a business in a western country, and should function as such. Its surprisng to me that I, a citizen of a pseudo communist state, have to explain this to you.
>He think Gary will let a Canadian team win the cup
>He doesnt realize this is just a plot to further increase Florida's interest in Hockey by increasing the stakes and letting them win the cup in a home game 7
>At the same time he lets the delusional Cucknadians still think they have a chance and props up Mcmeme
Trust the plan Gary chads
Fair point, although I will add that the DFW area is nearly twice as large as phoenix metro
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>western country, and should function as such

This guy wears DEI pins at work
If oilers win it’s the darkest timeline. We’ll never stop hearing about this for the rest of our lives I might actually stop posting here if that happens
>be Bobrovsky
>play well
>remember you're Bobrovsky
>turn to shit
They tried to make me go to DEI training but I didnt show up and nobody has said anything.

id argue that DEI is just another tentacle of communist thought, similar tp revenue sharing.
dont (do) let the door hit your ass on the way out faggot
commies out
Take your meds, schizo
Silver linings and all that
>Destroying the original rivalry between Detroit and Chicago for expansion teams.
NHL still hasn't recovered
Bad take,
If oilers win it’s the brightest timeline. We’ll never stop hearing about this for the rest of our lives I might actually pay for a 4chan pass to for rapid fire posting here if that happens
>game 7
>On a fucking monday
fuck the kikes
The oilers coach was right they proved they could beat this team. Apologize immediately.
Leafs would still never win lol
It's directly coming from investors and executives. The heart of the capitalist machine.
>Muh market
One more fucking time. I'll have the jannys ban you.
I haven't watched porn in 24 days :)
As a Calgarian I feel conflicted because 17th ave should be filled with red jerseys in a perfect world, not disgusting oilers jerseys, but on the other hand it's an Alberta team in the finals so I gotta root for them...
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Florida honestly has no right to win game 7 with the way this series has gone. Unless Bob goes back to being Bob, this series has Oilers in 7.
Know what pisses me off the most if the Oilers win this thing? It's not McDavid getting a cup of Draisaitl, or even Cory Perry for that matter.

No, what pisses me off the most is Evander Kane will get his name on the cup, more than that, Cody ffreakin Ceci gets his name on the cup. The worst. These undeserving deadweights get their names on the cup and Jarome Doesn't. It's infuriating.

It's worse than understanding that IF they win Monday, it just cements their delusions as reality forever more.

I hate it, I hate all things Oiler and Edmonton so much. And that these clowns have this thing to hang over our heads .....again.

Worst and darkest timeline indeed.
But anon this is Bob being Bob
He always does well then turns to shit
He just chose to do it at the worst time possible lmao
Oilers found out what kills Bob anyways, but the bigger issue is that the Florida defense is done. Ekblad, Forsling and even Montour are all ineffective. They cannot carry the puck at all. They're all neutralized. Thats the scary part.
I don’t want mcdavid to win I don’t want him to be better than Crosby ):
Cmon guys, lets keep it AHL related.
Birds and Bears ONLY!!!!
Maybe we were punished when the timeline split during the 2004 Calgary season; good people got to go into the timeline where Iginla won the cup, and the rest of us are on this dark path.
Game 7 OT itll be happening
Gotta wonder what’s going through Maurice’s head on that flight. He interviewed knoblauch and turned him away because he thought he was meant to be head coach. Now in what should have been an easy cruise to cement your legacy and quell doubts, the man you turned away has come back to haunt you. Knoblauch is completely beating him at his own game in his first 6 months behind an NHL bench. How will he rally his team to be winners if he’s feeling like the biggest loser himself?
retarded zoom zoom, were you even alive in the series? there were 2 extra OTs, not 3
mad at the flames?
>third period
>first OT
>second OT
That is three periods.
no all 4 leagues have to be exactly the same that's what makes them stand out
you wrote "three extra periods", define the word "extra" for me, mongoloid
but it's clear you are a playoff tourist so you probably don't even understand there are normally 3 periods in a hockey game, don't worry.
I think you’re pathetic for caring so much. Get a life.
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How the hell did Janmark manage to become good again?
probably had them do some autistic 2 hour session on the ice
>The Florida Pampers
Why won’t Gary introduce technology that can detect is a play is offside immediately then blow the play dead? These offsides reviews are ridiculous.
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No hockey today
why is some coming out of his ASS

captcha is V0MGP
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>no hockey tomorrow

Are there pantard fans even here anymore?
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me too, especially their fans.
The series was over in game 4. The Panthers gave up after a single defeat.
Just like my islanders
>muh sabres miss the playoffs
>muh rochester americans get rekt in round 2
>muh south carolina stingrays miss the playoffs
>muh RIT tigers get bootyblasted in round 1
>mug SUNY geneseo ice knights get bootyblasted in round 1
this has not been a good year for me, hockey wise
Maybe you shouldn’t cheer for shit teams
you're doing well anon, keep going not-gooning
im watching twice as much porn for you buddy
Flames fans gonna boo Tkachuk mercilessly when panthers play in Calgary again for letting this happen.
2 x 0 = 0, retard
nah it doesnt
his statement can be interpreted that he's watching twice as much as HE would otherwise, not that he is watching twice as much as you are.
might go out and get some gelato later
>95% of the building gasps
>5% drunk retards go off
>can hear the players celebrate
>stupid upbeat organ music plays after getting btfo
best sound in sports, shame the panties fans won't care enough to gasp though
make my legs feel like gelato
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Crosby eats McDavid-O's for breakfist,

then he pukes because it's gross,

then he punches the puke- because he hates tards.
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When the panturds lose on Monday I hope the mods either rangeban the cryami IPs for a month or permaban anyone that posts on support of cryami.

It would be totally deserved and fucking hilarious. Get your posting in cryami, come Monday night you will be absolutely bullied and ass paddled off this board!
don't really care that much
monday is a must win game.
bite the pillow
probably gonna watch raw
Wrestlefags OUT
BlackedRaw for me
it's actually E-God
were you squatting heavy the other day?
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nice job lad :)
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I could go for some spruce beer right now
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>mfw gookmoot finally range banned Finland and Sweden
I miss Pekka :(
digits and the team you root for wins game 7
/hoc/ used to run /sp/
It's unfortunate you think that because it represents you as a person to anyone outside of cryami. When you travel or people visit it will be on their mind when they look at you.
that's always a good idea
i bet bob is shitting bricks right now
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i long for those halcyon days...
imagine getting reverse swept in the final hahahahahaha

KWAB OH NO NO NO NO look at the top of his head
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> boyfriend
aren't they all dykes?
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bring it back......
I want to be a pwhl player's loyaal house husband
When ___ leaves me for her cute new linemate:
You’re as good at hockey as you are at sex and I would know
>no "get pucks in deep"
replace publix with trader joes
It already is...
That oilers girl who showed her tits is white trash. I was watching biz on tiktok celebrating the oilers goal and she came over and started grinding on him.
>girl show tits bad
get a load of this faggot
would be funny if Florida wins game 7 but there's no fun in that.
it would be incredible, 1993 stays alive and we'd get tons of "at least they made it to game 7" cope
I'm not a panthers fan retard
Even if that happens oilers won in the end Florida is a embarrassment
oh no no no no
If we lose game 7 that will destroy our franchise. That isn’t an exaggeration. Don’t know how the players come back from that, the coach will probably be fired. It’s do or die
Doesn't matter you live in cryami.

>Not cheering for any local hometown sports
move the losing team to Utah, name them Utah City.
then after a few years merge Utah HC and Utah City into Utah United
I live in Appalachia ya pinhead
How could you say that? The Oilers coach was hired mid season and has now made it to the Cup finals for his first year.
My message to the players if I was in the locker room: Live in this embarrassment. Really feel the worst you could possibly feel about this loss. You make 80 million a year to play a kids game. If you don’t win game 7. This is all you’ll be remembered for.
Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but does anyone honestly think that the oilers climbed out of 0-3 hole just to lose in Game 7? Absolutely not. This Panther team are frauds and I’m going to laugh hysterically when it all comes crumbling down on Monday
Panthers are winning the moral victories, which, imo, are more important
How's the meth this time of year?
What moral victory?
pretty good probably i stick to booze myself
>Hard R
>three Western Canadian goalies
we run this league
BASED moral victory chad
not hard to win a moral victory against alberta
it's Wolfie's league now
how do i get over my urge to impregnate third world asian women?
NHL fans love to poopoo on the islanders yet they’ve managed to be one of the better management teams in the NHL, only blemish being Toews. NJ is a mess. They traded for Markstrom and probably will overpay for Pesce now.

Don’t worry, the isles will still back door in by April.
didn't ask
What have the Devils done since Lamoriello left?
Then why are you talking about cryami?
talk to them
don't give a shit
I wasn't crying about Miami I was saying I didn't care much about them ya fucking retard
>look at me! i'm forcing islanders discussion!
sorry bud, playoff team discussion only
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dude why the fuck do they serve mud in panthers games?? like wtf is up with that. any floridians here who could shed light on this??
I would trans myself for a pwhl wife
If you don't care about them why even chime in?
to call you a fag
Thank you based Maurice
poop from a poop franchise, simple as
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Take your (you) and get out
Based Stephen he’s righty markstrom sucks and flames won
Even the finns have abandoned the kitties, it's literally over
based broship bud
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ᴬˢ ᵃ ᴴᵃᵇˢ ᶠᵃn, ᴵ ʷᶦˢʰ ᵗʰᵃᵗ.
Flames and islanders mentioned I’m out
I'd love to read more about my islanders, are they are beat writers I should follow?
I'm in
What is Sid Seixeiro's ethnicity
Sweet you can circlejerk between the two of you.
>two man circle
>samir in charge of shapes
Old In Flames is so fucking good
yep yep yep
I didn’t bring up the leafs once
>b-but he's the frontrunner for muh com snythe, it's his to lose
I just said you were overrated bob, you didn't have to melt to a 0.80 save percentage.
Florida missile crisis
If the Oilers win on Monday, would that unlock the Canadian potential to bring even more cups back to Canada? Dear god no, the laffs winning a cup would mindfuck /hoc/.
Type tip
Type tic
Time Tic
Time Tip
Flames rebuild era finna go crazy.
Dismantle the panturds, it's over.
They are actually just pumas
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She got a shoot in playboy.
Full porno if they win?
more like poomas
Then she opens her mouth and you see her meth teeth. Oil and gas workers are disgusting people.
dredd scene first scene
>Hearing that Marner to Kings is all but done.
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I’m so fucking scared right now… what the fuck happened to my kitties? Dear lord, please let them win game 7… sweet Jesus dear mother of god.

/hoc/, how could this happen… please tell me we have a chance? I mean come the fuck on… 1-5 in game 6 and 1-8 in game 4???

I’m gonna kill myself, my anxiety is kicking in.
stay scared m8
Oilers have all the momentum now. I'm sorry, Florida sports fan.
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we're fine bro
Biggest losers in the finals
>Calgary (Regardless if the Panthers or Oilers win)
She bought the “I fuck niggers” tattoo starter kit
Zero islanders in the finals. Unless you count Okposo who hasnt even played for them since 2016. Obsessed.
>Zero islanders in the finals

Just like my Islanders since July of 1984
Where in Florida is the Cup right now. In a car? At the arena?
in me
up your but haha
McDavid might win the Stanley Cup in the same building where he got drafted first overall almost exactly 9 years ago, poetic
its definitely not with the islanders lmao
Woke up more depressed. Just a sense of inevitability of the Oilers hoisting the cup in Florida. Urgh. McDavid drafted in that arena, and now will be raising the cup and conn smythe in that arena. :( You just know the talking heads are going to love that story.

Also, watching this series in Canada is awful.
for me it's when my islanders lost 1-0 from a shortie
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fuckin’ rekt
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>got laid off work on Thursday
>the shitposting on here Monday night will be glorious no matter who wins, but now I can't enjoy it
I hate my life.
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the oilers are canadas team and honestly i'm here for them
>arizona coyotes
Just know your window is shutting close next season because the entire team needs to re-sign, lol
64 points in the ncaa is fucking nuts
I only see one or two normal names here
I see at least one (((name)))
See trashcans, it's called a gamethread:


It's too bad you're too stupid to figure it out.
why did celebrini go to the USHL and the NCAA? was he too powerful for the CHL?
shit meme that never drew a dime
see this:
>heems you
Unironically what "Just Like My Islanders" is, but its too hard to admit that right?
just like my islanders
it's been drawing dimes for years at this point
not as hard as it is for you to stop worshiping virtual sock puppets kwab
>retard doesn't know that /hoc/ is it's own game thread
Reminder this general went to shit because the Flame faggots got uppity and wrestlefaggots can't go to their containment board.
Real bud hours
reminder that ywnbaswogtj
Flames and islanders discussion
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Reminder gibberish text is breaking the rules of 4chan
Awwwwwww little bitch are you really stupid? And really worthless? Yeah you are but not my problem.
> “The #GoJetsGo 2022 first-round pick, Rutger McGroarty, is likely to be traded, a league source told The Athletic on Saturday. The league source indicated that McGroarty’s view of his long-term future with Winnipeg changed since the conclusion of his NCAA season.

>Winnipeg wanted to sign McGroarty in April, but was unwilling to promise a path to playing time.”
Take a pic of the inside of your home and post it so I can laugh at your poverty level.
the previous generation didn't either
>Fredrick Andersen
hell Tuukka's only cup he got riding the bench behind Thomas. It's better to be lucky than to be good
oo are they opening janny applications soon?
Uh oh /hoc/ you better go tell them theyre doing it wrong


Go on, go tell them they dont need to make a thread for the event and should just stay in /heem/. Tell them.
because there isn't a game on, you fucking retarded /heem/ faggot.
Goaltending is a meme. Show me a good goalie and I'll show you a good coach.
Damn youre fucking DUMB. You'll never earn good money.
You're dumb as fuck for posting on /hoc/ to begin with.
Weird how I clear six figures and you don't.
During the post-game media scrum, Barkov was asked about the Panthers players being angry throwing items around in the locker room after the loss. Barkov gets a look of panic in his eyes before immediately ending the scrum and signalling he wanted the media out of the room
also embarrassing
youre both retarded
Just like my islanders
Takes one to know one
Are you twelve or just a dumb nigger?
I know you are but what am I?
You must be a dumb nigger then.
This guy >>141929513 is the most retarded of them all.
I know you are but what am I?
My parents are millionaires so I never have to work so I just post here 24/7
Where's that faggot tbg? We need his janny connections to clean this thread up
I envy you so fucking much
got em
Heading to the gym to bench lads
21st Century SCF Game 7 avg viewership in the U.S.:

2019 STL-BOS: 8.723M (NBC)
2011 BOS-VAN: 8.540M (NBC)
2009 PIT-DET: 7.992M (NBC)
2006 EDM-CAR: 5.290M (NBC)
2004 CGY-TBL: 6.290M (ABC)
2003 ANA-NJD: 7.169M (ABC)
2001 NJD-COL: 6.95M (ABC)
Go to work, Elon
Why not anon? I’ve been comfy the past 4 months getting paid to get drunk and watch my oilers make history. Start investing your EI checks in crypto or learn some kind of skill while you’re laid off
With finns you crash and burn
afraid not bud nobody is more retarded than you
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for me, its the dorsal fin
If Florida doesn't win now, when will they win then?
>2003 ANA-NJD: 7.169M (ABC)
Good numbers for two suburb teams
That's russians
what's the prediction for this year's game 7?
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Florida Panthers draft pick Zach Hyman
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That 2010 class for Florida was pretty good. Just not for Florida.
Skinner is getting Conn Smythe
You sure?

Panthers have 4 finns on the roster and they will have their names on the trophy.

That means: With Finns you win
69.420M :DDDD
The nerds are saying about 7M since there's no home market for Edmonton to boost it
It's over for the kitties.
We'll probably see barkov getting his cup in a veteran role in 6 years or so.
And that's the absolute best case scenario.
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> 3 butts
dr Mephesto approves
>meaningless soccer game between romania and belgium gets a sticky
>stanley cup final will never get a sticky
Which teams have the longest stanley cup contender windows right now (from today and 10 years forward)?

Is it Colorado, Dallas, Florida, Carolina, Utah, New Jersey, Buffalo, Detroit, any other team?
All those teams are shit and for retards
Whatever helps you cope
my team
stickies destroy gatekeeping
One of you incels shilled the game 7 in the euro 2024 thread. Bad american, bad!
*hits you with a spray bottle"
how the hell is that a cope
Half those teams arent in a cup window
*shoots a firework in your direction*
No depth, no goaltending

Sure but they're entering a transition period where they will have to pay the kids while the old guys fuck off. The D is just not good enough past Heiskanen

It slams shut after next year


Still rebuilding

Not a contender



Latvia, not Catvia
>m-m-my favorite star player will win a cup 6 years from now on a different team as a veteran role player
That's pure cope and more evidence of your bandwagoning.
Good. These threads are in desperate need of new blood.
sure it is, shlomo
If you would pick your teams with the longest windows, which teams would that be?
This website has really done a number on you.
No you illiterate cunt, I said he's unable to carry a team to victory and *at best* would contribute to a winning team as a supportive elemen as is.
You deserve to get run over by a zamboni.
You literally don't say any of that
There are none. Windows are short and constantly slamming shut. 2025 UFAs


All of these guys are getting significant raises and making their teams worse because of it.
I wish you luck in your life, you'll need it.
Can't read your mind autist, keep that in mind the next time you post and expect people to infer things you never said.
if draisaitl lifts the cup monday night nobody is going to give a flying fuck what his raise looks like he could take a league max for the rest of his career and never make the playoffs again and nobody would care because oilers fans could tell you to kiss the ring
You misread my post and added your own retarded assumptions.
Must be hard in your economy to be sub100 iq.
It's ok to be ESL. Keep working at it.
True but in terms of window, the Oilers will be significantly less dangerous with McDavid at $16M, Draisaitl at $14M and Bouchard at $10M. The same thing happened to Colorado this year with MacKinnon doubling his salary.
Who cares. The Oilers are winning the cup.
Lotta cope seethe and dilation itt
>we don't need more than one Florida team
Who actually should move/fold between the Panthers and Lightning? I always liked the Panthers and their name and uniforms. Do the Lightning do better business?
prolly finna watch smackdown when i get off lads
slopdown was cancelled
Florida really doesn't need a hockey team at all. Hockey doesn't have broad appeal like football and basketball. There is no need to continue to force the sport in places it doesn't belong
None of the other Canadian teams have the mental fortitude to come back from losing to the sharks and keep that momentum all the way to the cup finals, let alone 3-0 comeback
>Sorry I dont believe in communist revenue sharing you pinko faggot
You believe that the centralized power in this hypothetical should box-out competition for one favored monopoly. You're a mincing socialist midwit who doesn't even realize it.

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