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Mariners won btw
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>2hu is watching his Mexican Football team slurp against Jamaica instead
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>my frens won today so I’m doing a-okay!
Mets btw
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absolutely love me mariners btw
>not losing by 10 is like winning the world series to Aaron Judge
closest he'll ever come, I guess
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Based brice with the 4 run homer
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Sorry Party Animals, the Fire Department is shutting your party down!

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Us M'sbros gotta stick together.
this is the same poster, sadly
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mariners btw, but metsiners tomorrow btw
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oooh so close!!
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doyers vs angels



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Yay series win for my Chadres. Also holy fuck, we definitely need bullpen help. Fucking fucking terrible. GG broors! Going in for da sweep if we can.
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Yankees won btw.
Knew the Braves were losing this one tonight. Keep him on as a coach or something but dude is done being an effective MLB starter.
so they won, right? MVPs lead their team to victory
We should go get Bauer
Aren't you and your family suppose to be watching Mexico at Copa America?
Not gonna happen, AA is very picky about clubhouse vibes and the circus Bauer would bring with him isn't something the team will put up with. Right now I'm starting to think we may need to give Nacho Alvarez a callup. Arcia has been a plus defender but he's literally been the worst hitter in the league for the past month. That and a power bat for the outfield. Maybe try and get Pillar back.
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Lmao you’ve been trying (and failing) to push this all day
Oh no, are you that lowercase faggot?
Meds now buddy.
>people still having "serious" discussions about signing Bauer being a viable option
>Do they make meds for mental retardation?
Anyway, meds.
>attention seeking behavior
Metsiners broship is not real. Sorry.
Got em! This is him btw (the schizo).
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It's a complicated relationship, don't worry too much about it.
was meant for >141945488
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>Metsiners broship is not real.
like hell
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m's bro here. claimed.
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Looks pretty real from where I'm standing
isn't the point of chaps to wear them over the jeans? and it defeats the purpose of assless chaps if you wear jeans...
Just lazy desu
>trying to reason with metsiners
>attention seeking behaviour
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>they are seething about a week old broship
>imagine the seethe when we pull it off
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forgot this
dodgers your new uniforms are really shit, especially the gay cutoff number with the name at the bottom.
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Metsiners will be winning tomorrow and /mlb/ will be seething!
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One day /mlb/ will show our metsiners the respect they deserve.
also cope seethe etc etc
I don't think you know what spam is
Gg broorbros see you tomorrow for the sweep (probably not)
it's a portmanteau of "spiced ham", created as a cheap way to distribute ham product to america during world war II, a go to for many housewives at the time
>hello kino based soul ltd please hold
the best one was when Sarah Palin thought Bernie Sanders was someone named Bernice Anders
look it up stupid :^)
lowercase chads, we are feasting
Uppercase chuds, you are seething
if you have ever pressed these keys you are not allowed to post for 24 hours
what consumes your life is trying, and failing, to pwn people here. christ, how pathetic are you?
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Sentence case chads*
what if I did it ironically?

LikE tHiS?
Now this is an MLB Broship!
no longer keen to eat anons cum? :^)
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this has been debunked
based braves bro!
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Quick reminder;
>If your team is BELOW the Seattle Mariners you lose your /mlb/ posting privilege.
Secondary reminder
>The line MOVES with the Seattle Mariners.
Thank you, that is all.
my dodgers are shit if they're only 2.5 games ahead of the forever-garbage-memeiners....
how can anyone be against broships after seeing this
the entire NL, every last one
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These threads have eliminated any possibility of the Seattle Mariners receiving my support.
How is a team with just a +19 run differential 11 games over .500? Looks mega fraudulent.
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ad worked though now I'm hungry
but enough about the poodres
There's like 20 burger ads per game. I understand why obesity is such a problem in America when you can't go 5 seconds without being bombarded with someone telling you to eat more.
My .500dres have a run differential of +16
looks like 18 to me
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My Braves ;_;
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Gentle reminder that this man makes otherwise reasonable anons seethe and forget everything they know about the game of baseball in a fit of blind rage
bet he does
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Cleveland's gonna win it all this season.
don't you get tired switching your proxy on and off?
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We'll be fine. :)
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Caption this image

for me, it's
>goddamn it
>[inhales through teeth]
>ooooh shit
>Glasnow perfect through 3 (not a lot of innings but still)
>first base runner allowed is due to catchers interference
imagine he finishes the no hitter? he has 5Ks in 2.1 innings; would you be mad?
KEK he gives up a double the second I posted this
>also meant 3.1 innings
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so no?
2024 subway world series put it in the books
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Lets go Mets! Lets go Mets! LETS GO METS! And lets go Mariners too why the hell not!
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neto is kil, halobros... god damn.
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I ate anchovies today and the marlins lost, coincidence?
he got his hit tonight. rip angels...
marlins won that game
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Does your team need beer chugging?
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>teleports to the left handed batters box
>give you this look
wwyd anon?
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How tf ump called a ball a strike
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Arguing balls and strikes? We don't hook with that jive.
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Hideki Irabu is the ONLY Japanese guy to play in the MLB.
any other chad lower case enjoyers in the genny?
Uh... both pitches in this image are strikes, Anon.
On the broadcast, it looked like the ball went outside the box on the screen
Perplexed by this post
maybe because he an heroed?
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how many rectangles anon?
Wow that's a hard to get joke
well, it's a stupid post that wasn't funny, so you're excused
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Average Bisons scoreline
reckie gang, reckie gang, reckie gang (reckie gang)
reckie gang, reckie gang, reckie gang
reckie gang, reckie gang, reckie gang, reckie gang (reckie gang)
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>score 10
>lose by 11
What did he mean by this?
nats rocks game turning kino quickly
Same two posters
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Anthony Recker
Clark Bear
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Me and cubspie were friends briefly but then the Mets and Cubs gaped one another in back to back games, now it’s complicated :(
>recker poster is the ohtani fag is the yankee 27 fag, is the metsiner spammer
so many things coming to light the past 24 hours, schizo gonna schiz
>attention seeking behavior
>glasnow coming back for the 7th
>61-42 in 6 innings
welcome to the doyers show
>lowercase fag seethin
You love to see it.
Redpill me on “Glasgow”.
i was off /sp/ for like 48 hours n the genny has gone skitzo mode. its like you guys created your own language. i cant tell if you guys are chit chatting about baseball or trying to heat a can of soup
glasnow very good pitcher....I saw him in 2021, i was at the game where he tore his elbow. true story! google where it was
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>fuck i gave up a home run
Thanks. I meant to write “Glasnow”.
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>tyler transnow
Actually the Rockies city connect looks cool
the genny is in an uproar!
LOL !!!!
For people who use MLB 66...

Is there a way to skip the commercial breaks when you are watching on your phone?

On PC I can hit the left/right key to skip back or forward in increments. Yet on phone I have to manually push the duration bar with my stubby fingers and it's impossible to not skip too far ahead.

Help would be appreciated!
>pitch clock game over
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Just got a piece of the plate, YER OUT
if you use an iPhone and enter full screen view there should be dedicated +10 seconds and -10 seconds jump buttons
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Kek I am enjoying your meltdown
one of the most pathetic loses i think i ever seen in my whole life from any sport by these nationals
i almost want to drop the sport completely after that display
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baaaaaaalll 4
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Really? Webm?
bumping this..I’m a payfag but hopefully someone can help you
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the most exciting play in baseball
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a walk off bases loaded pitch clock violation i crave death
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tell 'em!
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call looks good to me
Jesus christ what a joke
We're in Hell
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we can only dream of game 7 of the world series ending like this
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Keep the faith Natsbro
schizo em!
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gotta pitch faster my natties
wait until it happens in the 'offs
how do you lose on a pitch clock violation? like just pitch it nigga its not hard like look at the clock
was a ball anyway, but good shit umpchads
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>you are close anon
>there are only 5 posters on /mlb/
>there's you
>there's cubspie/ERG/Reckerposter
>there's the one metsiners poster who posts every mets, mariners, and metsiners meme
>there is only one 27/yankees poster who also astroturfs as an astrosposter
>and a poster to be named later
>you must figure out who that last poster is anon
>don't let them falseflag you and throw you off the scent
>you are close
doyers won :)
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gg Angels
no game tomorrow :(
see you next time
Finnegan has been pitching right at the end of the clock every fucking pitch every fucking game tonight was just the night he couldn't stay cool in a high leverage spot
>rockies need a pitch clock violation in order to beat the 2024 World Series Champion Washington Baseball Nationals in a regular season game
Rockiesisters, we are so back
Fuck Anaheim
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El Paso Chihuahuas win!
>Beat Sugarland!
El Paso Chihuahuas win!
>Beat Sugarland!
El Paso Chihuahuas win!
>Beat Sugarland!
El Paso Chihuahuas win!
>Beat Sugarland!
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>Metsiners mentioned
Hell yeah. Weird thing is, I've never made a single Mets post so I'm confused.
would have been ball 4 anyway
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Metsiners :)
it was also a ball, so...
he threw a ball anyway but this is still hilarious
>pol brain
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You might have have a change against my poodres. They beat good teams and shit against bad teams like you. So you'll get back to 500 very soon after we sweep these broo croo.
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uhhhhh no it was a no-pitch, clock violation, walk, RBI (walkoff)
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>Dodgers treading water despite injuries
I am pleased by this
well, an argument could be made for the batter chasing
>thinking you know what an injured team is because 1 player is down
>Thinking only one player is down
Fuck it, I'm drunk and pissed but I'm just going to go ahead and get this out there.
I'm calling it now: Jusn Soto will be traded back to the Nats after the All-Star break, they will secure a wildcard slot, and make it to the World Series. I will gladly behead myself on livestream if I am wrong, but I am not wrong. Screenshot this, archive it, do whatever the fuck you have to; this series of events will indeed occur.
I am now leaving the thread for the night. I will not return, so don't even bother with the naysaying. Deep down, you know I'm right.
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>wrong, because when I do this it means GAME OVER.
…the fuck is your problem?
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wut, doyers have an entire pitching rotation injured
there's no way that's a real team
Soto back to the Nats would be the ultimate form of kino.
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Despite all these injuries Dodgers are still cruising comfortably. And almost all of them will be back in time way before the postseason.
the genny is going wild! lets all take a deep breath and calm down after all anger is one letter away from danger gennybros
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>I will gladly behead myself on livestream if I am wrong
That's a bit extreme don't you think?
Woman’s ass
I use Android unfortunately
t. falseflagging as a seething lowercase poster
rehabbing and healthy guys go down when you start thinking like that. just stay in the moment and don't think too far ahead.
fuck no i would never l*wercase post
this ain’t accurate…at least for the cubs.. Ben Brown and Jordan Wicks are injured…that’s two sp….you do the math…
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hes right anons, lets remember what brought us all here in the first place: our love (whether realized or suppressed) of the New York Metropolitans Baseball Club.
not accurate for the Dodgers either. that was pre-Mookie going down
its a week old, i think, but the point still stands that the doyers have dealt with pitching injuries this season
Too based for this thread unfortunately.
My (first word) Berds (proper noun) are on fire!
sometimes i go back and uncorrect autocorrect when it capitalizes for me
its /mlb/dinals the entire purpose of the genny is to lie about the cubbies
all lowercase used to really fuck with me when I first came here also. it's a tell on who's a newfag.
newfag em!
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they bring the snark but can't hide that thin skin
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Cubsbros (handshake meme) Brewbros: Bros
Cubsbros (handshake meme) Brewbros: Devastated by pitching injuries.
Should I make that meme it would be hilarious kek
contreras should be coming back soon
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And to think you fuckers make fun of bananaball
How come no one can break Cal Ripken Jr's consecutive games played streak?
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Based chihuahua bro
Can I get a QRD on the banana posts?
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Get a room
You don't mean that.
5 of the last 7 seasons of that streak he posted a sub-100 OPS+. Who wants that on their team just to break a record that only actually matters to one person?
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FANTASTIC capitalization in these posts. This proves everyone here can actually be better.
These are tolerable but please learn to capitalize proper nouns; yes that includes team names.
Despicable lowercase filth.
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>be Jesse Cole
> get hurt playing the baseball
> get into team management
> see people leave games early
> fix baseball
> Manfred is commissioner
> destroys baseball with the (((pitch clock)))
> bananas sell out Houston, Boston, and Las Vegas

What is not to love?
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josh gibson would not approve of this post
>lowercase poster
>/pol/-tier Negro League troll
Wow. Personally I am shocked...
morel is about to catch fire…don’t say I didn’t warn ya
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keke turned out great!
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I do not like the mest.
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4 sale baby!
That's fucking retarded.
you don't want to part with your hard-earned money to be patronized as a generic fan?
Well when you put it that way...
hey! looks like youre lost :) this is the /mlb/ thread
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What’d you say about my based Visitors?
whoa he is literally me
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what the fuck is his problem
this has to be fake. it has happened so many times I refuse to believe this is still happening.
goodnight /mlb/. time for sleepball.
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Castellanos lol kek he hit a home run and somewhere in the world people got injured omg no waaaaygygyyyyyy
Spammy seething that casty will never hit bombs for his team
ok thats it its time cubs mets mariners broship
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We got what we came for (which was the midseason champions btw) you can have a couple games little guy
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This was from more than a couple weeks ago anon, I remember it because I posted it
I could suck ya
My pirates (:
we could suck each other
Sorry, I'm not a Cubs fan but happy Pride!
would you suck a berds fan?
braves fans? any response?
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Sure thing bro! Go Braves!
My kekkies = in orbit
Based kek
Sigh *unzips*
How many special people change
Kek ugh sigh kek
2many ;_;
Cubspie is actually a fucking faggot
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>in Dragonball Z episode 56: Zarbon’s Mission, in which Vegeta steals five dragon balls from Freiza’s ship by throwing them from the bridge before escaping unnoticed, Vegeta later finds the Dragonballs and states, “I throw a mean curveball if I do say so myself, the only thing Freiza’s pitching right now is a fit.” Having only discovered Earth a short while before this, and being quickly dispatched by by Goku, Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe we are forced to conclude that baseball is not only canon in Universe 7 but that it was likely played by the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta.
this just isn't true and everyone knows it
why are you lying
>gay ants fans call you you gay for sleeping with a woman without asking about her pronouns
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>match with someone on tinder for the first time in weeks
>qt 3.14
>meet female presenting human being at a bar
>we hit it off instantly
>get a little bit too drunk because we are having so much fun
>fuck this person whom has a vagina in my car right there in the bar parking lot like the alpha male chad I was born to be
>ask them for their pronouns afterwards to be polite and for iphone contact info
>mfw they tell me he/him
rangers fan btw.
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>first team in NL to reach 50 wins
I feel happy
gay asf but we celebrate you this month
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sorry >>141950726 was meant for >>141950723
my bad
Fuck off cubspie
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my sincerest apologies i didn't realize how fucking gay philly is. we celebrate you too!
lmao the timing
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SHAQ threw a rap concert on our infield after the Guardians' win Saturday afternoon.
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good morning fellow umpkings let's make some history today again
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Good morning Mariners will be winning the series this AM btw
so.. how bout my injuns??? what do you like /mlb/? what dont you like?
The sport will likely never see a player as great as Barry Bonds ever again. It's good the league is finally showing him some damn respect, though i suspect that only happened because he was beloved by mays.
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your boy Jose is one of my favorite batters that is not on my team
>Roku game for my team
I seethe
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>next game 11:35am
Why must this game be so goddamn early? It's London all over again, innit?
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>Mets won that series btw
>Get swept by the Phillies on the road in London
>Sweep the Phillies at home in London
what a series of events
It's because hes a giant black eye on the record books. People could live with the Sosa and mcguire home run chase because then they fizzled out before they broke all the all time records. Bonds used steroids to improve his play and extend his career an extra 7 years at least and re-wrote the record book which fucking sucks because Ruth and Aaron didn't have to cheat to get to their career totals.
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based phillybro, see you in the NLCS
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>see you in the NLCS
You're going to have to buy a ticket anon. Good luck during Red October
Fun fact, that wasn't actually a series for statistical purposes. It was simply a Mets home game followed by a Phillies home game.
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lmao got em right where we want em
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Just according to keikaku
Why is the Phillies vs D-bags game on so early today?
Roku paid $1.98bn to get 6 MLB games a year
That seems like a high price to build a roku sports following.
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Good morning /MLB/, my Yankees are in a tough spot today as Giancarlo Stanton has been placed on the 10-day IL. Oswald Peraza from Triple-A will replace him.
Praying for an earthquake in and around Yankee Stadium today with no survivors. Fingers crossed!
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Max Scherzer vs the Royals today. He'd be a good rental trade candidate for the Guardians front office if he comes straight out of the gate looking healthy and sharp.
Let me know when judge has a stroke otherwise I don't care about Yankee injuries.
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neets gotta eat
He'll also be a good rental candidate for literally everyone else, assuming Texas wants to sell.
>Can't watch local games
Then why would I even give you money
Is probably what they're thinking
What I'm really curious about though is what those people who actually do give them money are thinking?
You have to buy the local regional cable sports package.
I know the Mets are retaining most of his salary but even so, I doubt the Indians will trade for him. That's not their sort of move.
This MLB Pitcher threw a no hitter and hit 2HR in the same game:
The whole point of MLB.tv is for people to watch out-of-market games. I live in Philly so if I could watch Phillies games on MLB.tv (which I get for free because I have T-Mobile) then I wouldn't have to pay for CSN. And we can't have that!
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I don't live in my team's primary market anymore but:
>streams go down all the time, the websites are cancer, recap rundown, access to archived content for webms, access to the entire stream instead of just the last 30 seconds for webms, not being a poorfag...
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why not? It's a half season expiring contract. His full year value is $23m and texas might pick up some depending on what prospect(s) you sent them. Cleveland traded for Jay Bruce as a rental in 2017 and Josh Donaldson as a rental in 2018. I'd see them doing something like Sherzer or Jack Flahrety as an expiring rental before they move for Crochet or someone who costs a ton more prospect capital because they have team control.
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MLB was right to go with Roku. The young adult audience on Roku will jump to the MLB
like when they win
'ate when they lose
Am racist, just like em.
Simple as.
>fuck i hate living in an area where installing fiber will cost me 40,000 dollars, guess i'll just continue to bite the bullet and pay these greedy bastards
is generally what i think.
Fags on this site defending this gay shit is ridiculous. They black out games for you that you aren’t even close to the market for, so that point is dumb. Also, you can’t watch the postseason on there, it’s literally over priced and you’re retarded and the reason baseball fucking sucks if you pay for this shit.
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Mike Schmidt knew the ball was a home run on this frame. Pretty wild
I like Kwan, don’t care for the rest of the team. Also hate your fucking commentators, “book it” like what a fucking fag
broadcasters have the script newfag
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>majority jews and investing
>name a better duo
>get called up on Friday
>Suspended on Sunday
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>Philthies are literal cancer
Evidently your cancer must be of the prostate from being so repeatedly ass blasted.
Who thought a baseball game at 8:30 AM was a good idea
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>game on Roku
same shit they did to chris davis
it's 11:30 here where it matters
Baltimore Maryland?
Cristopher Sanchez's no-hit bid ends after .2 IP
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My clients payed good money for those broadcasting rights
no, i'm not brown (thank God)
PST is fucking cringe m8 EST is all the matters mother fucker
>Eliminates Philadelphia and Atlanta as well
uhh.. Patterson New Jersey?
>Baseball at 7:30 AM
>living in the past
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>ctrl+f ARI
>0 results

1. Central
2. Pacific
3. Mountain
4. Eastern
5. Atlantic


99. Hawaii
9999999. Alaska
99999999999999. Guam
Alaska has two timezones.
how much longer are they going to subject us to that faggy tmobile ad
Who is the "knuckleballer" calling the Roku game with McCarthy?
>being a flyover and a dumb namefag
kys asap
>Sex with Marisa Tomei
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Slade Cecconi is all time bad at home, but a very good pitcher on the road
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the nightmare season continues

Nope. Why are the Californians moving here in droves? Dumbass. Enjoy your shit life and shit time zone though
What a feeling!
Dbacks? 2 hits
Phillies? 0 hits
Californians are spreading manifest destiny. When they're done, America will be 50 Californias
how was yesterdays game? i missed it.
How was the game before? How about Game 6 and Game 7?
Actually laughed when I read that this morning, because of course that happens.
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Imagine watching your Daddy celebrate winning on your home field
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Will we get Kerkering slop today?
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>But you do live in a flyover dump, Clint.
i saw that shit show live
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>Why are Californians moving to Texas
Because parts of Texas are just miniature versions of California with higher-paying jobs/fewer taxes.

See: Austin, TX
pretty close iirc. which is weird because wasn't it your 2nd starter with 5 stats against our charity case 6? i would have thought u guys could do better. anyways, yeah u beat craig kimbrel congrats. shame about what happened after tho.
You know what they say about Texas.

Steers and queers!
The classic Bryston Stott 8 pitch strikeout
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>me(in the front) when a weeb(subhuman) tries to convince me Ohtani is better than the great bambino
Mcmahon didn't check his swing, so it actually mattered
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CAUGHT 24 hours later.
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WC2 to 13th place is wildly close
Not surprised, looking at his dad
Why is there even more than 1 wildcard per division?..?
There isn't?
Dodgers humiliation ritual
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>I won't be happy until we have every boy in America between the ages of six and sixteen wearin-ack!
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>fertility drug
Damn, the first female player in the American League and she pops for illegal substances.
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The forgotten NFL/MLB player. By far the best MLB career, but also by far the worst NFL career.
Phillies-Yankees Eclipse

What are the odds that the Phillies beat the Dodgers?
dodgers are a soft .600. phillies are built for the playoffs and they have soul. phillies in 6.
How many MVPs does a player have to win in your mind before you say "Yeah, they should be in Hall of Fame discussion"?
>you MUST win an mvp to get into the hall
That's the opposite of what I'm asking. There are people who never sniffed an MVP in the Hall of Fame, and there are clean multi time MVP winners that never sniffed the Hall
So, a player would win 10 MVPs and you could make the argument that they don't belong?
Based Freddy Galvis appreciator
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HOF depends on having a WAR over 60.

John Olerud missed the HOF with a WAR of 58.2
theres a lot of factors, retard. barry bond leads with 7 and no one will ever win 10.
I want to fuck the girl in the back
i look like this
i talk like this
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50-65 seems to be the borderline zone. You have guys like Fred McGriff with 52 bWAR but a Plaque, and Bobby Grich with 71 and no chance at a plaque
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>The official fertility drug of The Toronto Blue Jays
That's my point though. How many MVPs does it take for you to say "God damn that alone gets him in"? That number exists, and it's what I'm trying to figure out
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how does roku manage to do green screen ads better than apple?
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i hate white women and fake gay videos
Poverty provider = sovl
they target a demographic that routinely has eye exams and wears very strong glasses
Like Dale Murphy? A Hall of Very Good player, borderline maybe, but he had the Big Beautiful Women Association of America's kiss of death - playing for bad teams and getting extremely little postseason play.
I was thinking Roger Maris
They put Harold Baines in; they'll take anyone.
My poodres finna win today and sweep the brewers (probably not gonna happen and end up back at .500?
mccarthy's peepee is way too small to be wearing pants that tight
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>They put Harold Baines in for being a black baseball player
>But they keep Dick Allen out for being an outspoken Black baseball player
I wish I remembered which writer it is that had a personal bone to pick with Dick Allen and fought hard for the committees to keep him out during this last years on earth
she looks like a boring, old biddy
Low career production, bad postseason performance.
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the other multi MVP I can think of is Juan Gonzalez, But he came from the steroid era. Even though he was almost certainly clean, he was a prolific, but not prolific enough hitter
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>Authoritarian Right dominance
Same as it ever was
Another victim of BBWAA faggotry. It's why I don't take baseball awards seriously anymore.
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a Home run caught by this fan was ruled fair
Probably harder to maintain a great MLB career in general. Bo and Coach Prime were uniquely gifted at football so for them to even play baseball at the major league level at all is a monumental feat.
Isn’t wins above average a better metric for HOF?
nothing beats the eye test
The Ump is literally on Harper's team lmao
a bohm bomb and my girl will let me cum on her back
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Go Sneks
go scotland
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Looks tasty :)
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Good morning to all m'sbros and /mlb/posters alike.
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You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that.
Albert Belle is my personal favorite hof snub
>yeah he's 1 of if not the best hitters in the best hitting generation of the mlb, but he's.. le heckin mean to reporters!!!
sheesh. what happened next?
Yeeeerrr outta here!
lmao snek coach just got tossed by dr disrespect
Literally no MLB content creator is a fan of my team, thankfully.
we'll give u hunter brody for free
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He was also a known cheater
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NYY @ ATL, 1:35 PM

Let's go Yankees!
never accused of roids unlike half of the "great" hitters from his era. Frank Thomas is the only player that has any claim to being a better hitter than belle at the time
I watch them sometimes in the offseason to keep up on news, but I have to DNR them during the regular season because the faggots cannot stop posting immediate spoilers in their titles and thumbnails.
We literally know for an objective fact that Albert Belle cheated. There is absolutely no debate in this regard.
For some reason they're all either New York, Seattle or Atlanta fans.
ok? my point still stands. 40 and 130 per 162 still stand.
>Webb vs Gray and Scherzer starting
Berdgers eating good today.
>40 and 130
>Go to the bathroom with the Phillies up 3-0
>Come back with the Phillies down 5-3
How did this happen?
>How did this happen
You forgot to take your Xylopram.
>a black player getting arrested
Noooooo let him play.
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Oh, it's 1:30. I should check and see when the Phillies play, and--
>it's already the middle of the 7th
What the fuck?
Will they let Sanchez try and get through the 8th, and possibly the 9th?
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Why is Pitch 2 so faded?
looks like my stinky poo bowl swirler i took this am
Cheaters' stats don't count for people who care about fair play. Albert Belle was a cheater. Fuck him.
>exclusive to Roku
I am so tired of this shit of sports games being exclusive to certain streaming services. I'm not paying a monthly subscription just for one fucking game.
Just use the radio.
Roku is free
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>McKenzie falling apart after 10 pitches
I smell a bullpen day
wake up earlier
vlad remembered to take his fertility treatment
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Nasty Nestor.
JP what the fuck
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Nestor the Molester
speed I think? could be wrong
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>Pull Sanchez with under 80 pitches and 0 ER
Dbacks will come back
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Figure it out Bryce..
He's gonna walk burger
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Nestor Plunk Kino
>Nestor Plunk Kino
Nestor Plunk Kino
>Nestor Plunk Kino
Nestor Plunk Kino
Or worse!
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Another one smoked by Nestor
Mariners have joined the slopfest, I see.
Should I pick up bliss in my fantasy league? Or is he benched when polanco comes back?
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Who snubs him and starts in the ASG? My guess is Zack Wheeler as a makeup for 2021, where he was the best pitcher and was only thrown in as a pity at the end of the game
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>dom "swinging" buntzone
I think they'll keep Bliss.
Bliss. Good chance we don't see Polanco again for a while.
>Pull Cristopher Sanchez
>DBacks bats get white hot
Topper will earn 100% of this loss
Kikuchi legit shocked his middle middle pitch gave up a run
Sasuga, you hate to see it
>Philthies about to lose to the lowly Dbags
caught lacking
>Xylopram prescription empty
Reddit won, 4chan lost...
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Baked status?
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>hates whites
>loves bugs
checks out as gay

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