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jiriviously: >>141982034
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>pereira needs to posture up to throw good shots
>jiri thrashes and rolls to his stomach
>pereira is forced to throw cucked shots to the side of jiri's head
>jiri starts to lift himself with his knees
>pereira goes for the rear naked to stop jiri from slipping away
>jiri refuses to tap and eventually volks his way out
>the fight continues
if you can't simulate this in your head you are an inferior being
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Miracles are real.
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Passable thread
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*presents bussy to the thread*
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oooooh hes hurt
three fights in one night
I really hate Goddard
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what if every fighter gets a brain chip that sends realtime data about the fighter's brain to the referee who wears smart glasses and so they know if a fighter is really getting heemed or not
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excellent thread
Tourist here who only cares about jiri. When will he fight again?
what a can
very compelling evidence that jiri will recover and win any fight that isn't stopped early
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i hate boy vs boy fights
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Jireddit just needed a BBC bussy injection to restart his brain and he would've recovered!
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Just how much of a contrarian poofter do you have to be to dislike jirGOD?
Backstory? Why is she being such a cunt?
finland is having another schizo moment
he doesn't realise he's here every day
umm don't you know that hes a chad pussy slayer whos out every night in between posting on heem 20 hours a day being a hospital janny and working with food?
smart marketing strategy, MMA is becoming pro wrestling sadly
Jiri is cringe but based
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>proposing after losing
Chiesa is a fucking dead man
jiri is in better form but i still this playing out
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ass on face guard (heem)
What if refs would be required to have at least 10 pro fights themselves, same for ring side judges
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some men spend their entire life fighting the man in the mirror. for others, it's the man in the wall.
Is all food scran? Or only food you eat while watching sport?
Raj terribly upset I was away almost all weekend, that Jiri is a popular heemer and that Sean Sheehan is shaped like a potato. Tragic really
The man is Tony's walls was his ALLY, his source of strength. Tonebeast needs to get off the meds and invite him back in
Scran is just a word for food, so all food is scran.
Why is finland so obsessed with random youtubers
Why does he bring up youtubers at every opportunity

I definitely don't have Autism. You said something stupid, Joe doesn't make that sound to ridicule people it's a whole different energy for him. If you had a shitty favourite fighter he's get all serious and try to over explain why you're wrong.
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Sherdog man looks like guru and gets like 150 views a pop it's enigmatic what can I say
Again this guy and youtubers
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this is why Khabib fled to abu schaubi
Is Tommy Robinson talmbout mma when did this happen
He uses MMA media personalities to simulate friendship
By calling them fat? You need better friends mate
All because Khabib didn’t want to pay taxes to Russia
the story is he lost a fight, proposed and she rejected
but it's random ass promotion mma, it's probably not even real
We know you project a lot clozobesity
Palpable irony
it appears that 4 other anons with less autism didn't try to fact check the joke scenario where you're hitting joe rogan for laughing at you
euro cuppin' with my two favorite allies
goobs vindicated
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>where you're hitting joe rogan for laughing at you

I really didn't get that bit. Well most people don't give a fuck about anythjng but a few things, I like things to be accurate, it's just annoying when things don't make sense or not done properly. I hope we've come to an understanding now
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jiri theasian
Cryptic post who do you mean
Good job. I hate public proposal faggots.
>be in the middle of nowhere mountain paradise
Makhachkala has a population of almost 600k lad it's a shithole just like the rest of dagestan
within the scenario joe rogan is intentionally fake laughing to make fun of who your favorite fighter is, which is just barely an exaggeration of when he fake laughs at someone for giving a goofy/funny answer to a question.
>joe: so how many calories are you eating per day now?
>guest: at this point it feels like at least a million
>joe: baaaaah
so in the scenario joe is mocking your favorite fighter as if it's a joke and now you're going to hit him.
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I think he was being sarcastic never heard anyone refer to Chechnya/Dagestan as a paradise
>public proposal
>retarded hair color
I gotta side with the foid on this one
Oh I forgot about the hitting him part, I get the silly joke now. Well anyway, there's a bit of a difference, but I'm not going to argue the nuances, he just wouldn't do that
the south of dagestan is mountains and very few people live there
the city where all the dagis live is on the russian steppe, with is flatter than a pancake and on the coast of the caspian sea
they have kfcs, beaches, and tourist traps
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>the city where all the dagis live
>in dagestan
Well I stand corrected, there is one person itt who thinks Chechnya/Dagestan is a paradise
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why the fuck was there a synagogue in dagestan lol
It's like sitting on a powder keg, it was bound to happen
>on the ground
>still heem or be heemed
Jiri's as real as it gets
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>be in the middle of the octagon
What kind of people go there for a holiday?
The only question I've been having looping in my head the whole time, of course heeming a church and priests is despicable but the schaubagogue question is very bizarre and not losing me any sleep
it wouldn't be a joke if it's exactly what would happen. the post couldn't even be made.
>you just told joe rogan who your favorite fighter is
>he responds by... asking you why that's your favorite fighter
Rogan would just say a lot of words like "specimen" and "freak" and "bad motherfucker"
honestly I only saw where Khabib lived and figured it was all like that lol, couple of shithouses and untouched nature

don't they have MEAT by Khabib?

do you remember the two finnish girls that went to Afghanist by themselves
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i guess it was some mountain jews that are native to the caucasus. There are entire villages in Azerbaijan where muslims and jews live peacefully side by side for centuries.

btw, i just found out astana has a synagogue too, not that shocking tho considering how zogged our capital is
Can that fag from the last thread redpill me (with links) on how Ariel is now a Trumpfag? I'm assuming it has to do with Israel but I want to see an actual link where Ariel says he'll be voting for Trump not some convoluted chud mousetrap logic like "well he said this, which means he definitely believes this, which means he believes this, which definitely means you support Trump whether or not you have said you'll vote for him."
All the synagogues in Sweden are surrounded by high fences and intensive CCTV surveillance, makes you think
Looks fake and gay
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jews are just wary of Scandis with their church-burning traditions.
Ariel is from a very conservative (small c) family and afaik has often been open about it during election cycles, his uncle is Gad Saad
>don't they have MEAT by Khabib?
For some reason meat by khabrap only operates in qazaqstan I think
Can you confirm b
Almost makes you think the whole thing is a see-through psyop by hecking survivors trying to landgrab and shift the demographics over to Europe. Almost.
Nords too, don't leave us out prkl
Is that Conor?
I think so yes.
Khabib's idea of döner with horse meat was really successful so he probably only stayed in qazaqstan
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>don't leave us out
my bad, b
i thought burning churches was exclusively a Scandi thing
Fair enough, many people think desolate schaubholes here are nice because they see some instagram pictures but the reality of living there is very different
Has anyone walked out to an Burzum song
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heemed my youth. gonna need a time machine to get a title shot now.
>shouts out to daddy-..er daddy drink??
M-Eat by Khabib horse kebab with a sprinkling of meldonium brazza
Jiri is to mma what Xavier Renegade Angel was to television
'uv me some Bohemian Knödel, preferably with a Pils, but I guess that's not possible for an pro athlete in this day and age
dont forget makhachkalinskiy kvass to drink and lidl bet tiramisu for dessert brazza

the decree of the almighty is amazing
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it ain't over til it's over young blood
Tfw gooby was right all along
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Rate this card.
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>June 30th
>make a post that simply says "Jiri"
>receive 20+ replies in some variation of "Who?"
6/10. could be better if the good fights weren't all short notice and i deducted a point for smith vs dolidze get it off my telly NOW
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Brain bleeding
Don't give a fuck if you break my jaw heeming
Do you even care if I die sleeping?
Would it be wrong?
Would it be right?
If I got DQed tonight
Chances are that I might
Split decision out of sight
And I'm contemplating groin strikes
please tell me jiri is getting custom shorts. this is the only thing that matters to me.
Thats the doo from Ju-on
Learnt the epic creampie face from the best
11 good fights and 2 bathroom breaks. not bad at all for a scheduling disaster.
doubt it, the custom shorts are purely a marketing tool and they’ve not had enough time to design and put them into production

you just know the goobsters custom shorts are waiting in the wings though
>they’ve not had enough time to design and put them into production
b they're not stocking shelves it'd be maybe 2-3 custom pairs.
are you retarded mate they sell the custom shorts on the venum shop for $100+

they were up on the store before the fighters had even seen them
And? Those weren't short notice. If they needed a few for the night they 100% could make it happen. If you think that's not possible then I don't know what to tell you.
when a fighter is cut with fights remaining on their contract do they get paid out or are they just cut?
they’re not going to go through the effort if they can’t sell them, simple as
I would assume no since they're probably cutting them for a reason that nullifies their contract, like pissing hot.
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We are used to being an afterthought even though Finland pioneers many things. Here is Randy Couture being forced to crotchsniff a real heemer and yet the lobotomite anglos are obsessed with some retired Kurdish man who lived in Turku for a while and had an unremarkable UFC career
how about like when woodley got cut simply for losing to many fights in a row. that happens all the time
>pereira goes for the rear naked
Stopped reading here
I always thought his contract ran out on the Luque fight
is that even a woman? looks trans.
yeah could be actually but still they cut people mid contract simply for losing or being old, etc all the time.
Bisping said he signed 8 fight deals regularly even though everyone on his team told him to make 2 fight deals to have better negotiating power. I assume people less retarded than him (most the planet) would make 2 fight deals
reddit said that she said something along the lines of "..after all that happened, no" something about him cheating on her before the fight. he denied it on instagram or twitter though
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How does Izzy stop this?
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tsuruya fight week
The guy has pink hair, so her being a dude wouldn't be that much of a leap
heeminder the south africans had to reinvent fighting fundamentals from the ground up due to lack of internet access to the main stream fighting fundamentals. it may appear unorthodox, but only because it literally and technically is.
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it may appear to suck but only because it does
People like Dricus aren't raised by Mufasa in the savannah you silly little fewl of a ting, I know some guys from there who lived very opulent lives before coming here
best chin in ufc
saaiman was corrupted by the westoids and began to imitate them like a white kid in the suburbs listening to gangster rap. he will mature and return to his roots.
Listen to Kyle imitate Ariel's voice to Moicano kek 32.30

this guy is a fucking retard bum
he lost a 2v1 special rule bout, both of them got submitted, and then he still tries to propose
holy fuck man
Izzy is essentially Tom and Dricus is Jerry.
Dricus is going to sleep.
Even more than me? Who is that?
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Saaiman and DDPS one weakness is the only guy in the division zestier than them
in other words its over
See >>141992766
do blacks have an unfair advantage in decisions? damage is harder to see on their faces.
they have no chins just heem them
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Who ya got?
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>give me the one brazza that cant into wrestling
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Can't you do this in your heemcord? We have some 8000 year old Georgian gefilke eaters that browse here and stand with Israel (Adesanya)
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If jerry lost while having a full camp what makes you think he can win at short notice?
Favorite African MMA?

For me it's gotta be Dricus DuPlessis
Izzy lost motivation after the Periera rematch because he essentially beat his final boss. Then he gets mentally and physically broken by Strickland. If this was Izzy from two years ago I’d favor him in the match but 2024 Izzy doesn’t have that dog in him anymore. Only question is whether or not Dricus heems him or it goes to decision.
What brazza should he fight?
Rabwan al Whittakher
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>Shara Bumlet
shota sean didn't fight contender izzy
All I had to do was scroll up one, excuse me I haven't had much time for the thread today. I used to put her down but she is so fucking juicy I can no longer deny she has somewhat of an appeal.
Imagine that bare puffy dripping pussy. Boy oh boy
Fuck Dana
Why is every dagestani in mma unironically a terrorist?
Very true
high T
They are both bums.
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She looks a bit greasy lad but fersure an easy heem
I want Shara to win but since his striking is kick based with little power something tells me Bo will just grab a hold of a leg when he throws one and take him down for the whole round. Flying knee tko would be great though
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Me? I'm just a country boy, chasing his wildest dreams and taming them into plain reality
He didn’t have a full camp, in fact he barely trained for the first fight, his shoulder was still fucked
June 2020: Bobby Green calls for the BLM protests to stop
What are they known for besides extremism and mma not being funny I've just never heard of them mentioned in other contexts
I'll KO Alex Standing!!!
he literally tried to submit jiri in the first fight
he lives mma. so does pereira to be fair but pereira is more an athlete that stays practicing, jiri spends days in solitary confinement to heem his demons
there was no frickin shoulder injury he got suspended for roiding you tard
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Last week of june, coward bitch pussy hasn't show up.
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shut up you mong
Did you tell him what your gym is and your usual times
this must be an old picture since the archive is now kill
only returns 1 page of results
Oh, look, it's a screenshot of a post I didn't care about then and don't care about now.
>t. jabroni mark
>t. clueless smark
9/11 for schizos
i heem every here
Alex pereira I will fight you in abu dhabi in 7 months stop duck me
Iktf b, the estonian challenged me on /box/ and is now ducking 4chan entirely
No one cares
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You cared enough to reply to a post not addressed to you though
Anyone. Anytime. Any Abu Dhabi card.
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ronda rousey can beat any man on the planet
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heeminder derick lewis heemed
>curtis bladez
theres levels in this game
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I read that she might be doing the bloodsport thing are Rampage does these days
The male fights are all bangers with the exception of Arlovski so it's a 8-9 on paper. HEEM DAY! (MAYBE?)
That's the only (You) you've gotten in hours finland, be grateful
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Bo Nickal is a PROBLEM
NongO is a lady boy now? I knew he was flushed but this is sad...
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Not true and so what? Damn b you really are butthurt over something I really don't care to know about
Very greasy, very sloppy, Ass maybe even a bit stinky. But I'd love to
We agreed that he would post a picture of a Street in Tijuana when he is here and would meet.
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I been getting the bad gateway pop up often but in there it works fine for me.
I will spam it if he doesn't show up.
So Khabib trains in a camp full of steroid abusers, cheaters, misogynists, ducks, murderers, and now terrorists. Got it.
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mortal heckin combat?!?!
Movsar Evloev's key to victory is his understanding of antimatter
if you strike a wacky pose I think you're obligated to win, shame on lineker
khabib trained with the blackzilians?
Damn, you are making me start liking him
you described every MMA gym
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mike perry is starting to look like arlovski
Is using IV prior the fight banned by the athletic commission?
It's a dirty heem but someone's got to do it
That doesn't work at least based on my experience with the duckstonian
he is gonna telekinesis choke pereira
Its called culture and values. Your culture is Jerry Springer and fat poon tang in lineups at Mcdonalds. Respectfully.
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my culture is weems
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>if Jamahal wouldn't have gotten hurt, he would have gotten his rematch with Alex instead of Jerry
>Jamahal would have been off a full camp and Alex would have been off vacation
this nigga's luck is horrendous
jiri vs pereira 2 was the plan all along
jacob malhoun decisions both in the same night
if Jamahal had a perfect 2 month camp and Alex had been up all night shitting out his guts, Alex still knocks him the fuck out in a round. Levels to this game son
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>pereira/hill was 4 months ago
maybe. but now we'll never know for sure
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>half of /heem/ picked jamahal to win solely because he's black
How many black people bullied you growing up
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Black history ends on August 17th 2024.
Jiri can't win unless he finally admits leg kicks are real
heem picks are just six guys submitting vatiations of picks. not a representation of heem at all
jiri winning, and then pereira winning a trilogy would be kino.

even funnier if they do it all before retard Ankalaev is ready to fight in October or whatever he said. not that he deserves a shot until he gets another win.
Pineapples are elite
I can vaguely remember one instance of an anon getting perfect picks two weeks straight but that's pretty bad considering it's been three decades since picks started.
Half of heem is some shade of brown
Pineapples are ducking Apples they don't want the smoke they know what happens when they step in there with the GOAT
I never believed there were somalis on the internet until I came to heem
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Heem doesn't really understand how grappling and striking work
There were a lot of people here who thought Jamahal beating up an old man on short notice was impressive and proved he was elite and these same people told you O'Malley was a fraud
this doo eatin raphides
this webm makes my knees hurt
O'Malley is a fraud.
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what the fuck is wrong with you?
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you have a gross fetish
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How is Izzy supposed to survive?
One of the two girl that got beaten up by the fat guy in that joke organisation.

She's an internet personality and looks like she really hates fighting and just enjoying a second of it. What's the deal with these fights?

Why couldn't Jiri beat up the old man like Hill did?
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by pulling guard
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Tony has won
You're fantasizing about every other person here being dark. Thats a you issue
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> whitesplodes onto the scene in africa
>*oblique kicks you*
>fights 2nd oldest mma champ glover for title whilst being rank 7
Dude is the luckiest, most can champ I've seen since bisping
none of that has to do with knowing how grappling and striking work
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what do you mean?
everyone says its a ladies time of the month but that shit is every three weeks so it happens 17 times a year which means sometimes twice a month it's bullshit
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Daddysanya will Heem
Why would anyone choose to live in Africa?
That was a Glover post the Jiri fight
>crossing legs
I have better footwork than this retard
Anon is right
his dad killed hundreds of blacks during the South African Border War
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but all I need is one
>never stole
Is this like a badge of honor in the darker community?
dana said leon vs khabib might be next
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>most can champ I've seen since bisping
that's unironically Jon Jones. Both Jon and Jamahal fought for a vacant title against a former title challenger that lost. Glover even at his age then was a way better competitor than Gane. Gane is dog shit. Jon ducked heavyweight for 10 years then suddenly moved up when Francis left and was gifted a title fight against an bum. No one would call Glover a bum ever
no he didn't
That's not uncommon you guys just do too much boxing larping i cringe when i hear someone complain about a looping punch
100% unironically the nightmare matchup for jizzy prophesized for years
What does broken native mean
toon force dricus beats tom aspinall and jon jones in the same night
I've been meaning to ask: Is the implication that you are in fact Elvis or that you identify with the spirit of Elvis impersonators?
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what do you think?
Watch the webm again and tell me that is good footwork
I may be too much analysing without context
Not sure which round this is
But watch it and tell me this is good
Jbj may have been gifted an easy fight with Gane, but he proved himself unlike hill
>That's not uncommon
Crossing your legs is one of the worst mistakes you can make in a fight
Its probably not its also nothing to shit yourself over especially when you're only clipping that one part of his body
Do you know what footwork is? Footwork involves the feet
>he proved himself unlike hill
>Jon trampled over an overmatched opponent that should never have been in the cage with him
>Jamahal beat the absolute shit out of a gritty vet that is known for being tougher than $2 steak
Neither one of their wins was historic but what Jamahal did was way more impressive than what Jon did. Gane just laid down and tapped
>no countdown yesterday
>no heembedded today
>only upload today on UFC's youtube is PVZ slap fight promo

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>Dricus emits some kind of energy field that turns every fight into some kind of cartoon where retarded shit happens and there just isn't anything people can do about it. He drags you into retard town and its home turf
get the fuck out of here with your creepy fetish, weirdo
My point stands
Hill is one of those undeserving people that lucked their way into becoming a champ
Rakic is by far a better fighter, for example
jiri is bound to win this one
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What's up brit bros ?
Jiri? Boy
Alex? Boy
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FootworkCHADS we have to humble these crossedlegcels
Really I thought it was the penis
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you watch gastelum fight jizzy and think "if only he were bigger"
you watch whittaker fight jizzy and think "if only he were more durable"
you watch cannonier fight jizzy and think "if only he were more aggressive"
He stepped up and beat the former champ which Rakic has never done
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this is what will happen to izzy
How big is DDP compared to Vettori?
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you could have saved her
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Vettori has pillowfists like most shittleweights
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Garry by KO
>get a dna test
>HE BE....
Why are they so revved?
>Name: Marvin Vettori
>Height: 6'0" (183cm) | Reach: 74.0" (188cm)

>Name: Dricus Du Plessis
>Height: 6'1" (185cm) | Reach: 76.0" (193cm)
wtf are you talking about
i wish i were friends with sean o'mally.
No you don't
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>lets you be a neet in his houses
>lets you fuck his wife
>gamer bro
>funny when on his podcast

why wouldn't I
Holy retard. Dricus is tailor made for Izzy and will be the easiest fight of his career.
Every time I think a fight will be easy work for Izzy he shits the bed
Every fucking time
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He talked about he' kids. (not okay)
she could kick MY ASS that's for sure!
> dricus sucks
literally said this before every single one of his wins lmao. COPE
Canor seethes like some of the fags on heem or a wrathful woman
complete delusion and you will only say jizzy was never good after he loses
i'm a virgin, what does bending over a girl and having his hand on her stomach look like
(gay man)
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He plays hecking basketball doe.
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>>dricus sucks
like a Dyson b
And then they call the winner a project.
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dricus will acesplode on that nigerian prince
He is black.
Like clockwork
Dricus loves his daddies
someone tell hill's parents that it's spelled jamal
Topuria was supposed to lose to Ryan Hall
Why do you fantasize about everyone being black
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talmbout Turdpoorhea?
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Talking about Diego Poopes?
Topuria was supposed to lose to Volkanovski
You obsess over black people then get upset at a logical diagnosis of said obsession. Not my problem
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admit it... you like wmma.
prey eyes
hunter eyes

i know who i'm choosing
damn just how bad is kwabsar shitloev?
Topuria was supposed to lose to Bryce Mitchell.
>The logical diagnosis.
Im really liking Wo Long. Not as hardcore as Nioh but thats ok. Could use an nice simpler one before weeming Tonberries in Stranger of Paradise. Dont ever speak about games to me, you all know less about them than WMMA which is, frank, ebrassing.
That's fucked up. He knows what he's doing wearing that where Izzy's "broken" tattoo is. Hopefully this gets media attention on twitter and reddit. Someone @ this image and explanation to luke Thomas.
can someone shoop his tshirt to say /heem/
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He closed as a -225 favorite
wo long was the most forgettable game i've ever played
couldn't tell you a thing about it and i forget i even played it most of the time
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You're obsessed with black cock. That's why you've decided to rehash the exact same point to hear me tell you your fetish
Didn't read.
in like 2-3 years edits like this right out of some shitty chinese app are going to look so incredible. what a time to be alive
that's me wtf

It's really weird, I'm supposed to be Indian. They visualise you as their ideal for here, it's a creepy obsession
You obviously did. You just want me to tell you that you like black cock
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caz here. has robert ever had to resort to the forbidden reaper death seal technique? which heems his opponent, but also himself
Banter is good and all, some weirdos here just get really fixated without out any real trigger
100 to 0 combo
Kek he's gets something from hearing his obsession out loud now, that's a new level of perversion.
>Does nothing.
what do we call him? BBC Anon?
That's like the majority of USA and canada flags.
I see the type of shit europeans post about Messi you guys aren't innocent either
>Arlovski all the way in the early prelims
Damn that's fucking grim
The indian edits are better.
Why are you interested in football or is this another case of m*tt's law
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have you watched any of his fights in the past decade
Pretty good.
I literally cannot be heemed
I think you'd be surprised.
Why is arlovski fighting some rando unranked guy?
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>mfw discovering heem.org
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cant be heemed
cant be rocked
cant be shook
cant be stopped
Remove Silva vs Chiasson from card entirely and put pyfer there instead then start it 5 hours earlier and it'd be a solid 8/10. as is, its closer to a 4 or 5
Mutt law, not even funny when it was new, you guys are just obsesed in the worst way.
How do you cope with slamming someone on their face, head kicking them as they get up and they aren't even rocked.
jiri will be speaking with ariel helwani today. you do NOT want to miss this one.
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his name is Jerry
I would soccer kick you worse than roger huerta
Yeah but surely he at least deserves the prelim spot over THE Payton Talbott
>You don't want to miss this one
I think i will.
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you either buy other man made heeming resources of vow a life of pacifism
It's so weird to me but it is a real meme
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For me, it's the fighters who never quit on themselves.
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gastelum has the same reach as volkanovski
Whats the thought process behind shooting for a takedown there?
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Gastelum was styling on bum MWs before izzy flushed him.
This is what prime gastelum does to Dripass.
It's just a mindblowing fetish and very weird, but you can just go to /gif/ and see how obsesed they are. They truly worship them.
it's the first thing you learn in mma training
>rock your opponent
>go for takedown
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aint got time for that but you can finish it
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more like this
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took a 50min walk in the sun, so lucky to live right next to a forest and fields and nature reserves
saw a deer yesterday, feelsgoodman
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He's not flushed, he's just lazy. Highly talented, bu an underachiever. Rogan told him he would be the champ if he was just disciplined enough to settle into 170 properly. That's enough for his ego to be satisfied.
nah, he deserves to fight in the PFL nowadays
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No bloodsuckers?
it's called mixing the martial arts
It wouldn’t even be worth it to fight in poofl, arlovski gets paid a fuck load on his current contract
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By PeeFL standards, that's a first round finish for Strickland.
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>it is 2024
>I am forgotten
damn, heem has forgotten its history
>no apology to volkov
Not good enough, mentally flushed by GODspinall
was that doo really from heem?
Whipped cream on his dinner? double you tee efffff
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ye, he posted the pic then he showed up on embedded a day later. that was back before friend simulators ruined heem so we gave him shit for a while but nobody latched on and tried to make him a permanent thing
is that a samurai?
shaved cat?
That's when he used to spin his Arms. It's frustrating that the answer is so obvious, he could be great again today
Pablobitch honestly needs to take a page from Dricus and Nggubu' playbook and incorporate some slop takedowns. If you can't heem, retard juggernaut wrassle and hammer fist them out.
He's explosive enough to do it.
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>goes to /gif/ and explores other peoples fetishes

i knew it was shaved cat. guy has a monstrous head. logo on the shirt threw me off a little but nobody else's head is that big
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>canadian poster is chinese
Stupid SlavNIbba
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What up
Why no countdown?
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heemiliation ritual
Too short notice
I miss the YouTube mini series they did whenever they had events in Europe
Dana said Diego Lopez and Ilia Topuria just beat Ngannous punch machine score (they didn't break the record tho). Pretty impressive none the less.
>Those posters that all the fighters sign sell for £600+


Literally who the hell is buying this at that price
Funny how Ngannous record immediately got broken when he left the UFC and they couldn’t use it as a promotional tool anymore
real fans
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i started swinging a sword around but it didn't feel right
then i realized the most powerful movements were like punches
so i just started stabbing the air with hooks and uppercuts and jabs
it turns out sword fighting is a martial art (and therefore should be allowed in mma)
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Im just gonna say it. I dont care who gets mad about it
I do not care about Mike Perry. He's not funny or a good fighter. Nothing he has ever done has interested me
Are you Taiwanese?
Where in the states do you live?
Joe Pyfer bros... Even the featherweights are doing it...
I fucking remember
The day heem was on heembedded

Fellow anon had a pepe made out of him
>we gave him shit
No we fucking didn't
Everyone was happy
Why do you think I'm from the states and not flag related
Is my English that good?
lol u thought u were on the french vpn
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what's up with ngubu, haven't heard about him since aj zeemed him. When is he returning to mma?
His son died
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Read about that
Poor lad
He's back training for something with Nicksick. Not sure if it will be a boxing or mma return. PFL will be looking pretty stupid if he fucks them over again.
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Too late in the day to get some Schaubs going? Lets go!!!!!!!!!
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they gave him the antiheem gloves... it's over.
his keeping his hands upper, its over for pooreira
His beard isn't square and sharp anymore... aura gone
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In the 2nd second of the webm when he does a jab with his body and put his right hand high on head in guard
Why don't fighters do that more often?
Like they do in bare knuckle!?
I don't get it, this looks like the perfect defence against pereiras deadly left hook
Long guard as he does as well
I'd add Teep kicks
Gotta re-watch adesanyas fights
He did ok against pereira
you just know jerry will be placebo'd by the golden gloves and somehow have twice as much power now
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>embedded drops right after i got food
steroids fucked his hairline up
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i just noticed azaitar shamlessly in the crowd behind turki al sheikh
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Jiri will crotchsniff even more this time
What matters is that he will be victorious
Who's the guy Jiri's sparring? He imitates Pereira's stance well, down to the non telegraphed leg kicks
>aka was a terrorist cell this whole time

I doubt it
He is very stubborn
I feel like he wants to win against pereira standing up
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Cody Brundage spotted
ortega tapes his mouth shut during cardio to "keep himself mellow"
has anyone heard of this? seems very counterintuitive to make proper heavy breathing harder so you don't feel like talking or some shit
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Yeah its legit. I use the O2 trainer and I swear im due for some results soon. Been an year using it and I can feel im close to an result.
dude valentina does the same sort of retarded shit. she doesnt let her TUF team drink water during training so they have to overcome adversity or some shit like that. completely retarded. it just keeps you from performing at your max
Did you know that once every five years, eagles uses leaves to cover their beak for a week straight?
That's gonna give him brain damage unless he's doing it to incite nose breathing, which doesn't make sense he could just use one of those mask things athletes use or work on it naturally
What has Jack Hermansson done to this man
your life is not worth living
who has the webm of anderson doing stupid shit on a smith machine wearing a o2 mask
I'm unironically convinced that some of the random regional featherweights they found are better fighters than Valentina and that she has nothing to teach them
What possesses a man to wear Leggings, I'll truly never understand
>doing stupid shit on a smith machine
You repeat yourself
Please supply us with some evidence
women can't fight
Why do they go for an unnatural hairline that far down? If I go bald and get a hair transplant, I would keep the receding hairline shape and just fill in any bald patches.
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>>>1 inch height difference
I long for the day companies will measure height for themselves instead of asking
Shit like Ngannou vs Rosenstruik was comical
ah it's supposed to make breathing harder i see
yeah those masks seem a lot better for that
Angela Hill would simulate your death several times over within 5 minites. Pull your neck in.
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they should sprinkle in some arm hairs to make a more natural overall texture and free bulk
Weird beard. Chinlet beard?
Angela Hill would simulate my orgasm several times over within 5 minutes
lol they can drink before and after. don't be a cry baby karen. they'll be okay. it's gonna be alright
Show some respect. Thats someones daughter.
jiri finna pull off the very first foot stomp ko ever seen in the 'gon
JUST poopfer
Valentina can fight you won't dispute it. Sit down and shut up
you will never be conor mcgregor. you have no titanium shin. you have no lawsuits. you have no yacht.
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What did they mean by this
the ufc actors have real names
Jiri will HEEM
Lads can one of you send me a 303 ticket for free? TIA
>27 years old
*never wins another fight*
>unnatural hairline
yer balding m8
Insecure fag I have an bigger peins and more hairs than this doo lmfoa
Jason lmfoa
Your death is coming "Jerry"
>hair transplant while cortisol and DHT and other hairline-reaping hormones levels are through the roof
The secret backfist technique, captured on video..... donwnloaded
you do that one time and you get a deadly left hook to the liver the second time
Ajon D'jones
jerry has confirmed that he'll win the fight
Fuck you
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>mfw when jiri sama enters the octagon
I came here from the future to tell you that Jiri lost
Put all of your money on Alex by headkick
You fucking retards
a real time traveler would try to sway the odds while they bet on the real outcome of the fight... i think i understand what's going on here.
You were one second late b
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you fucking goofy ass niggas. get your heads straight or heem yourselves

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