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Game 7
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my islanders have never been in this situation
Oh yeah St. Louis was the last Cup Final Game 7. It’s pretty uncommon throughout NHL history. Enjoy the moment tonight, boys.
with fins you don't win?? huh??
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Who's winning?
E-Gods are winning ya dumb tranny
have a fun day ami :)
The Panthers better win, I already counted my winnings and spent the lions share.
I thought it was over, and now instead of getting frivolous shit for "free" its going to cost me an extra $500. in lieu of the original bet.
Don't let me down Kitties.
i did seven got oilers first three than panthers for the next four and the tranny one zero kek
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Wrestlingfaggots OUT
I fucking hate the fact that the Panthers are so shit, that McForrestGump and Draisaicook will etch their names not just on the cup but into the NHL history books by being on a team that came back from being down 3-0.
Maurice is gonna off himself.
We all lost, not posting the screenshot.
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my bruins :(
Just post the trannies.
what's for breakfast, lads?
They Kitties will win and the Canadian legacy will remain with my '93 Habs, back in the good ol days when you could go to a rink and not see or smell a poo.
you deserve to lose your money for gambling
Why the fuck would poos like ice?
I'm a boring person, I ate butterbread.
Good morning /hoc/ anything interesting happening today?
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If Florida loses it will be the Kwaboty
You're crazy if you think the Oilers will deviate from the script.
Hershey could win the Calder today.
Maurice is 4-0 in game 7s. Chin up, champ.
Thread theme
Could Maurice actually an hero if the kitties lose
My islanders got as close to winning the Stan Lee as the knights did this year.
Considering they were the defending champs, you have to admit it’s impressive.
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saar we are just as patriotic as you
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he'll hit the bottle so hard even monty will be concerned
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And no team has overturned a 3-0 lead since the 1942 Maple Leafs.
History is being written.
if barkov chokes tonight, is he russsian or finnish?
> barkov chokes tonight
he'll legally change his name to sharkov
i golfed the best game of my life yesterday and got a cart girls number
>Fucking dive, fucking dive
>you only ever use the waterslide
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at least the sharks beat the oilers
Ukrainian. ))))
Noticed despite getting absolutely routed last game the cats were starting to get away with constant minor infractions.
Noted oilers hater kozari is drawing in as a ref tonight. Same one mcdavid told to “go upstairs” after scoring a shoot out goal after having a OT goal disallowed. The oilers have a 1-4 record this post season when he is reffing
1993 bros…. There is still hope
East slav detected
Based. I would eat slider ham sammies and drink Cosmo's with that little guy.
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>IT WAS 3-0
>retard makes an in season collagé
>oilers make it to game seven of the Stanley cup finals
Asking for it desu
It was ironic.
same for Edmonton now though
>come back from 0-3 just to choke
in the end, dom was right
Wasn’t there an almost reverse sweep in the AHL playoffs this year? I think it was Cleveland who almost pulled it off but lost in Game 7. There’s some hope for you Panthers fans.
yo I heard this guy >>141991814
called you a gypsy
There is no hope all. Panthers players are all bvckbroken. Minus Barkov because he's a gigaChad but everyone else has already given up.
He is not wrong.
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sad :(
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>mfw we blew the 3-0 lead on purpose
ya'll look so dumb right now
is Roman hungry?
get it? :--------D
>hurr durr it’s already over
Bro we get it already you’ve posted this like fifty times
the last time the good guys won the cup
Games a coin flip
I am a defeatist and bored. And hate the Oilers and want to punc McDavid in the dick. I am mad and sad.
Y'know I'm fine with losing 1993 because we'll ALWAYS have April 17 2022
Gary is experimenting with a new 'no checking at all' rule for this game
Pretty much. If either goalie plays great or shits their pants then that will probably do it.
I have it on good authority that tonight's game will be pretty good.
I won't watch because i don't give a fuck
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I don't give a fuck so much that I will watch
A day that will live in infamy
Good hockey play
whoever scores first wins
I will watch because I don't give a fuck (about my life and my job and my sleep regime)
no one asked
Don’t be such a defeatist fag. Both teams have lost 3 in a row in this series. Edmonton will get steamrolled if they start thinking they’ve already won. That’s what Florida did.
Good. Kitties will score in the first :90
I'm watching because I love hockey
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>no hockey tomorrow
I agree with this. Oilers path to victory is way simpler than the cats at this point.
The cats need monster games from multiple players that have been totally ineffective the last 3 games.
Oilers have been getting the performance needed from pretty much everyone. Shit they won with an invisible mcdavid in game six. Scary thing for the cats is He doesn't string two bad games together very often.
inb4 some fag brings up dykepuck
"Toss out all the statistics, forget all the previous games, none of it matters anymore, except for this one game, a game we've all played in our driveways and in our minds, 1 game for the Stanley Cup."
aren't the Krakens a new team?
thinking of beer but I'm scared I'll fall asleep and miss the game
I'll probably watch Raw and check the score on my phone until there's a minute left in the third
i'll wake you up Pekka
No theyre an o6
>Kids today quickly rat out their friends
Stupid meme
i miss ukraine poster :(
save your beers for the game, pekka
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_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
oilers have demonstrated that they have a ton of depth
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your sleep regime is going to get even worse when i tell you theres going to be double OT
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interesting read
The Oilers not winning now will be the bigger choke job. All the momentum and casual support is on their side.
They are lucky they didntrun into a truly deep team like the stars. They would have swept the oilers desu.
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I remember in 2004, by game 7 the Stankees were just cooked and got BTFO. Game was over by the 2nd inning.
Me and my pals are leaving work at 12:00 to get a spot at the Boston pizza across the street from Rogers I was only 15 in 2006 so this feels like a long time coming for me :)
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>no hockey this summer
the what now?
based have fun! :)
I imagine the whole city is going to have the day off. Be sure to tip the waitstaff they gotta work and deal with so many people today
which is a good thing
I kinda think I need to focus on something productive rather than to millionaires chasing a rubber disc on ice while balancing on knives
I hope every spot is occupied by poos
They are shilling hard as they can for the cats. What’s Gary cooking up?
What else is there?
Me and my pals (from /hoc/) are planning to watch the game together too,
same. I need to focus on other hobbies
if only /hoc/ could have a pizza party
same, but for me it's beisbol. ive spent too many nights watching it instead of doing literally anything else.
Sounds like something that would stop you. Fortunately, I’m not a pussy. I would get a table regardless
I tend to focus on getting out of the house as often as I can. Kayaking, hiking, swimming, reading usually
true I don't leave the house because I may see a non-huWhite
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But, ball is the best thing to have on while doing literally anything else. Just add something in
I love hockey so much but I hate all these teams, players, coaches, executives, rules, refs, officials, fans, broadcasters, journalists, etc.
You didnt say jewish commissioners explicitly
Gary won
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offseason bro's its almost our time
What would you do if you woke up today in a strange hotel room and you looked in the bathroom mirror and you were Connor McDavid?
stare at his cock
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mcdavid has not gone back to back games without a point in these playoffs. winning a stanley bowl is the only reason for his entire existence. and this is game 7, there is no reason to leave anything in the tank - he is going nuclear tonight
what are tonights viewer numbers going to be?
>yfw you're gonna miss twelve basedball games cause of the Calder and the Lee
worth it
all of canada is tuning in




4 gorillion
Read his private manuscripts on feminine penises
text memes to bulju
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Did anyone post prices for seating in ABA tonight???
>not resell prices, that's scalper nonsense: what did the booth sell the tickets for
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kguaGI7aZg
one day he'll publish his masterpiece trap novel
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>Mfw panturds lose game 7
here's some reference
>2019 STL-BOS: 8.723M (NBC)
>2011 BOS-VAN: 8.540M (NBC)
>2009 PIT-DET: 7.992M (NBC)
>2006 EDM-CAR: 5.290M (NBC)
>2004 CGY-TBL: 6.290M (ABC)
>2003 ANA-NJD: 7.169M (ABC)
>2001 NJD-COL: 6.95M (ABC)
not sure about the canadian figures
Yeah they cost $April 17, 2022.99
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even my normie coworkers are talking about tonight's game
audible kek
my blues :)
what of last years?
If the knights win a cup and no one watched, does it even count?
business idea: put a timer on the playoffs. if no one wins by June 10th its a draw
stop shitposting, fucking retard
Those are game 7s
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
how about the regular season ends in march and the playoffs are concluded by memorial day?
Do those count illegal streamers?
based boyfriend defender
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Scarposts: locked and loaded for the final game of the year
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Start sucking feminine dick and come out as a queer.
MT GWG to complete the Pulju curse. Never should have sent him to Bakersfield
Oilers were eating sushi last night in ft lauderdale. Seems like a risky meal to eat before game 7 2bh.
all busts
they should have been eating steak and pasta
Feeling the chill from inflation
Easter is my favorite holiday to be honest
love Jesus desu
Juolevi was such a major bust you forget he even existed
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If the cats pull this choke job off, it'll overcome the shorking vs vegas
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the redemption arc is coming, you just wait
Imagine drafting a finn
>the 1993 meme ends tonight
I'm mad
/hoc/ will spend all summer brainstorming a new meme
retards keep posting this cursed collage
What you eat influences what your reproductive fluids smell and taste like.
Sushi on date night is a bad idea.
if the penguins called him up sooner they would be in the finals with a 4-2 lead instead of at home
Way back when as a kid, I got into ice hockey thanks to playing the piss poor inferior NHL '07 PC port to shit and because of the '06 final, the first two teams to come up were the Oilers and the Canes. I always picked the Oilers and basically became an Oilers fan as a kid. I was broken when I learned that they actually lost the playoffs that year.
And now I fucking hate them with the burning passion of 1000 suns.
you should be a Flamesbro
stopped reading right there
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Their jersey is way too edgy for me.
No we won't
Just gonna be months of >rags and >jlmi
I want to see spencer knight in the crease tonight
I moved that year. Spent the entire run watching on a 3" B&W TV/Radio, until I moved and upgraded everything.
Got to watch the Oilers blowing it in shimmering 480 HD on a 27" DVD TV combo with cable instead of FTA.
Also bought a new TV this year as well.
Oilers are doomed.
I got a bad feeling its going to be 2-0 by the 1st intermission and bob will collapse even further after that
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I say they get Luongo out there
>because of the '06 final, the first two teams to come up were the Oilers and the Canes
based tradition by ea
detroit-pittsburgh was the de facto matchup of my first nhl game
Why does Bobrovsky always do this?
Like clockwork he always turns to shit
He literally only needed to last one more fucking game
Checked. McDavid tears incoming.
Bob isnt playing
They're putting the alcoholic bust in net
isn't he a little young to be an alcoholic?
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Knew nothing about hockey even I just liked the color of the Oilers jersey and I thought their alternate jersey just kicked so much ass. And Ryan Smyth had that crazy flow.
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I didn't know I was playing tonight. Shit I haven't even practiced!
All I see is reckless optimism that my oilers will win this and I’m getting nervous. Gary put on a good show for us sure, but is he actually going to just allow >1993 to go away? Has anyone stopped to think about what Gary wants?
gary wants heartbreak
gary wants to maximize profits and sell jerseys. he has the canadian market vs the miami market
I'm not getting excited unless i have good reason to during the game
I think the spoilers spoil tonight
>miami market
trips confirm numbers of canacups since 1993
How can I choose which team to be passionate about? I've tried for few years, but I just can't get myself to care about any particular team that much.
I mostly just follow the teams that have our players and how they're doing, but can't seem to care about any team itself
What are the odds we get Gary time tonight?
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over under is yes
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What's your guys' honest opinion on the fate of the Panthers' franchise if they lose tonight?

As a cats fan, I'm really worried. I know the memes will be infinite and we're gonna be the laughing stock of the NHL for the foreseeable future.
For decades, we've had a tiny fraction of a real fanbase, and it's taken years to actually get South FL into hockey and start filling stadiums.
After these last 2 playoff runs, we've grown so fucking much and have accumulated so many new fans, including people who never watched hockey to begin with and are now into it.

If we lose, I honestly think all those fans will disappear and they're never coming back.
Hell, even I as a devout Panthers fan, won't want to wear my fucking jersey or hat in public anymore. It's gonna take a lot for me to set foot in that stadium to watch another game next season.
There's no chance that any of these "new" fans will. I'm honestly worried that this will destroy the franchise beyond repair.
It might have actually been better to not even make the playoffs, or at least get knocked out in an earlier round than to go out like this.
This'll be our last chance at the cup for years, and this embarrassment would completely derail the whole organization.

Be honest with me, do you think that the franchise might end up relocating within 10 years after a disaster like this?
Or do you think South Florida sports in general have too much money to ever lose a franchise in this way?
stopped reading right there
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Gary wants whats best for his people
Just like my oilers will be the new meme win or lose tonight.
>Stanley Cup Final social media posts the past 18 hours: Edmonton Oilers: 15. Florida Panthers: 0
What can we deduce from this?
they'll merge with the flames
even they're preparing for the worst
they're heading to quebec city in 3 years
They’ve made the final two years in a row, would be an embarrassing loss but it could be a lot worse. If this Panthers team doesn’t grow the game in that market they don’t deserve to have a team at all.
I knew they were cooked when they didn't fly their families in for game 6
Can the next thread please be Flames
what an admission of giving up
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>According to NHL insider Kevin Weekes, the Maple Leafs are close to signing goaltender Joseph Woll to a three-year contract extension for around $3.5 to $4.5 million AAV.
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Not so fast oilers fans
Gary will ensure consequences for asking too many questions
I will cheer for Edmonton since I feel that we swedes are closer to Canada culturally compared to USA.
Apparently they want Woll as the starter and are looking at Stolarz or Brossoit as a 1B
he was the far better goaltending in their series against the ruins
If the Oilers score first they win. That’s too much pressure for mental midget Bob.
if only the team could give him some offensive presence
Why would they punish their families by sending them to edmonton twice?
they expected to win
This is why 1967.
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so this is equivalent to the distance between edmonton and miami...
four flights in two weeks sounds tiresome
if skinner can win a cup
then so can woll
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tell me about northern finland
Why has nearly everyone already crowned the Oilers?
same reason everyone tried to crown the shitties after game 3
Demoted and then the ever blades or solar bears will take their place.
I don’t know, but it’s feeling like bad juju. Who knows what kind of story gary is cooking up at this very moment
florida were mentally broken in games 5 and 6
the players have first class private jets with beds and privacy. unlike the retard fans and (((reporters))) who are flying row 28 seat B each trip.
the winters are hella dark and there's a ton of mosquitos in the summer so everyone there is miserable and practices bestiality
Gary is cooking his finest 1993 special. He can't lose both the coyotes and 1993 in a year
Its south Florida
They only care if you're good
Even the Dolphins have issues when they're awful
those poor reindeer
I wouldn't want to feel closer to Swedes. We're cucked enough now.
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gary's interns deserve linkedin recommendations for this season's spectacle
Cause Bobrovsky did what Bobrovsky do
airplanes are an affront to God's natural order
I am now rooting for the Panthers.
Didn’t ask
Let's go oilers
The panthers have to win it all for kyle okposo
you're a contrarian faggot to the core, no one is surprised
Well it’s over
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Just like the NFL Panthers you will be disappointed
Heh…my Carolina Panthers…they’re just in a rebuilding phase…they just…heh…need a little bit more time…
They are literally going to die.
The organization will fall apart. Maurice will do what he does best and will ragequit and a lot of players will request trades and will be traded. Whatever the Panthers were before this game will be erased and it's gonna go back to completely emtpy stadiums. It's literally over for Panthers.
Eat cock randy
>back to empty stadiums
Back to cheap tickets for me
people did the same when FL was up by 3 and look what happened
they'll find out the hard way
Good post
Bad post
last digit of this post is the number of periods of overtime game 7 goes to
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I don't believe it.
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after what they've done for the past two years?
gary please
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some of us have work tomorrow
You are a raped bitch
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just like my islanders
Thats a lot of foreskins Hyman will need in the dressing room
Gary buys them by the truckload no worries
imagine how many trap doujins mcdavid brought to florida
So true
Because the Panthers are completely broken. Look at the fucking stares of the bench when game 6 ended. No coming back from there.
Oilers figured them out and they don't have any idea how to respond.
Oilers won. Canada won. McDavid won.
You have no family. You have no friends. Spamming your shitty memes on 4chan and smoking weed as 40 something year old is your raison d'etre. Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger you loser faggot
eh fuck it, I never wanted to have a proper life anyway
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La bama gets played tonight
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and here you are crying about his posts
pot meet kettle
VERY good post
The Post That Saved /hoc/
lifes are gay and jewish
why is hungary so invested in this
shut the fuck up nigga, go starve somewhere else
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I've suspected as much
Update your raped bitch radar
It's honestly close enough, that guys a fag too
Hey I'm 36 you asshole.
Like all quirky flags its just some VPNigger trying to get (You)s
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>getting ass blasted over kornhesier
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when only two fags use the meme it becomes a question of avatarfagging so it makes sense you get lumped in with trb
so are you but we have the decency to keep it to ourselves
go back newfag
Kornheiser was here long before (You) started posting on /sp/ and it’ll be here after (You) stop posting on /sp/
>someone raped bitch with an extra chromosome spams off topic shit
>the only ones who are ever banned are ones who called him a raped bitch
Magyars are just Steppe Finns
Off topic posting is the meta of /hoc/
You take that back
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so wholesome
>this isn't the usual protocol, but...
>Connor, step aside
>Zach Hyman, לכבודך בוא וקבל the Stanley Cup!
it was always gay and only fags use it now
how do you know they arent circumventing their bans?
oh right you dont
performingvany critical thinking is hard
it's true look into it
Apparently spell check is hard too
His posts don’t get deleted
video games
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The nhl is a Jewish league now
Gary should do a poster like this but for most beers in a single /hoc/ thread
he should be a guest on the adam friedland show
I tried to post an antisemitic comment but my hands literally couldn't type it
Garys people won
Yeah basically this. Not really a stretch to see hes abusing janny powers
there has never been and there never will be consistency or logic in 4chan bans
Wtf it's real
it's ok to be jewish
just like my lou
It's if someone decides to report you or not. I dont think the jannies are searching for rule breaking posts
wish i capped it but trb once said jannies were needed or this place "would be crazy" or some shit like that. that to me prover hes either a janny or is connected to one, and at the very least a janny gagger
i dont believe you
what it would really be is tons of gore/porn/etc thats edgy when you're young clogging up threads and especially the catalog. the "discussions" we have are barely on topic as is, they wouldn't change a ton
That guy that derails every single fucking thread and never gets banned? Yeah, no he's just not getting reported!
Why not?
If Florida loses, Trump the Felon will claim rigged!
why should i?
What will be your top bantz to sling and bully Pantard fans off the board after tonight?
can I get uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh
game seven?
This is implying people serve their bans
Less than 8 hours until choke of the century
boyfriend defender please go
thanks pekka
you are derailing the thread now with your bitching
but that doesnt matter to you
I repeat his off topic posts all the time and they're never jannied
Do you ever see them get deleted?
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meow meow
the oilers do not have it in them to strike the killing blow
As cucked as the Panthers would be if they lose, I don't think they would blow their team up, or strip Barkov, fire Maurice, or anything like that. They'll go away with a whimper and lose in the second round next year
yes, which is why i dont believe you
Stop constantly defending him you colossal faggot
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Enough about this crap. Let's get some hockey related discussion going here for once
> game semen?
make me faggot
If it happens it’s rare
*cup checks you*
so if bob's out, which ahl tendie do they go with? surely you bring in knight
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Other than your local team, which NHL franchise have you seen in person the most? I think it might be Florida for me since they were the cheapest tickets compared to bigger market teams in my division.
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Didn't this year have a week long stretch of only like anaheim ducks ottawa senators games
Isn't it crazy this is an actual question at exactly the worst time in the series
now you admit you dont even know for sure whether they get deleted or not
no surprise there
Haha I remember that night! The Islanders got eliminated from playoff contention rofl
And the panthers do? Kek
More on-topic hockey related discussion. The playoffs start too late. We're less than a week away from July 1st and the cup hasn't been awarded yet. The playoffs should start way earlier, preferably sometime before Easter when it's still chilly outside
Ok next time he starts shitting up the thread and they don’t get deleted can I call you a fat retard?
What a shit night of hockey
>gary making people play on Easter
My last three bans were due to off topic posting when calling him a raped bitch in response to his equally off topic posts. Guess which ones were jannied, assuming you can take the brain damaged retard's cock out of your mouth for long enough
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if i told you no you would do whatever you pleased anyways
you are a worse poster than tbg
you are extremely mad about getting raped by the jannies
Before that asshole showed up i was never banned here
>Its not fair!!!!!
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>finnish photography
Nah I can just turn on airplane mode and go back to reminding him a fat weeb raped him on a chilly easter Sunday
This person posts here
Almost time for hockakino
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>being racist, sexist, homophobic, antisemitic, finnophobic, etc. is fine
>calling someone a raped bitch is a step too far
then why cry about being treated differently?
ive never bet in my life but i installed draftkingz today and parlayed:

>oilers moneyline
>2+ oilers goals in first period? yes
>mcdavid anytime goal

100 wins 715. easiest money of my life. panthers have allowed 3 goals in the first for the last 3 games so that’s guaranteed. mcdavid definitely will score again. and theres NO WAY the panthers stop the slide.

the rangers were able to stop the 3-0 comeback. they were mentally strong enough. the stars were able to do it too. two mentally strong teams. but the panthers? NOPE.
>Hotel Engineer
Why can't we be honest with job titles anymore?
For me it's SUN 17 of April 2022
White women are the most gullible dumbest fucks there are on this planet. They swallow every kike bait hook line and sinker as long as its forced on them long enough. They lack logical and critical thinking, they can't be individuals because they have never been alone, they are a hive mind. Some white whore gets a baby, others need to follow suit, no matter who the daddy is, just need to have it because others have one too.

Ofc, not every white woman is like that but sadly, most of them are. Funny thing is, the coal burning whores are the ones that will be responsible for the downfall of the society, they breed useless mutts who have never seen their dads and never will. The kids grow up to be criminals and outcasts in society thanks to their moms being whores and idiots.
I’m drinking a Coca Cola
was his cock out or what?
brother its a semenslurping 1-0 for the kitkats
The Rangers wouldve kept the >1993 meme alive
It’s possible for a white woman to marry a black man.
But most the time, it’s some physical sexual desire that leads them to have risky sex with a nigger. And the nigger of course, only lives in the immediate moment, so he will always choose to creampie dat white poosy.
The fact that it may or may not result in a kid isn’t a factor. That is not in the immediate now. That’s basically some other niggers problem.
I worked with these 2 black guys at my last job. They were both single. Both almost 40. Both came from a “temp agency” doing temp work.
One day they were complaining to eachother about having to pay $250 a month on child support.
I said, that’s pretty low, my sisters baby daddy had to pay like $800.
>fo how many keeyidz?
>oh mah gawd…
>why how many do you have?
Between the 2 niggers, there were 9 fucking kids. And they were both complaining about paying around $250 in child support, PER MONTH.
To cover 4-5 kids.
Holy fuck. And one of them was 3 baby mommas the other was 4.
Fucking crazy. They literally don’t give a fuck about their kids. The women, government, or her family or her new guy have to fucking do it all. And these guys do it over and over and over and over and over. Creating babies. Not giving a flying fuck about how they’re raised.
Guess what? Those kids will live. They’ll survive. And they’ll probably all reproduce as well. Those 2 niggers, who spawned 9 niggers, will probably end up being atleast 27 niggers.
Me? I’m white. My 2 parents created 2 whites. My sister has one kid. I have a high likelihood of never reproducing. So in the time my parents created 3 total lives, those niggers created over 35.
Oh they’re also mutting up (with the coal burners) the gene pool creating more mutts and niggers.
Great future we have!
You're honestly retarded enough to seem like you're just tbg on a VPN
Why do you people have to be like this . I just want to talk about hockey not racial fetishes . U.S.A was a mistake
>tbg posting
>now /pol/ schizo posting
we just need redditposting to make it the trifecta of a shit thread
Wow! That's so epic! The brown person watched five minutes of hockey the game has grown!
that’s racist.
We did it Reddit!
now you're crying about me too
I don't remember specifically why but I do remember hoc hyping up this game. It lived on in infamy for other reasons, but I can't remember why we cared at the time. Maybe just end of the season playoff banter?
remember that black dude who got famous because he posted about watching hockey and reddit went crazy over it? the blue even hooked him up with free tickets
I've never seen a black person in my life. I thought they were a myth created by AI.
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Do flames fans really?
i want aoc's latina booty on my face
was he crucified already or is that still on the todo?
I need to pick up snacks and sips before the big game
I’ve seen like five in the mall I’m currently in
Bunch of pajeets and chinks as well
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>0-2 in cup finals (about to be 0-3)
>holds the record for most losses by an NHL coach
>losing record in regular season and playoffs
>about to be reverse swept for the first time since mfers were storming Normandy

Will he be remembered as the worst coach of all time?
What are the odds atm
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They have streetshitters in finland now? Jesus, i need to lay down
Just popped a child's soccer ball
His interviews are funny haha
Probably students of the nearby technical university
le quippy man hasnt been so witty lately
Finland has collapsed
don't they have universities in Godless Red China and Saardia
why are both the oilers AND panthers listed as favorites to win the cup?

god betting is so retarded. only ONE can win.
the jannies are Canadian
I remember that it was crazy. His name was Tony and if I remember right the teams official account was tweeting about him “woah a black guy!!!!”
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tonight is simply a coin flip
First goal wins
The REAL prize for today
I think the panthers are going to win it
whenever the media here starts hyping up a canadian team as "canada's team" is the exact moment they're guaranteed to lose
holy based Hunter don't miss
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Do it for Tiki
Remember when they brought the cup out for game 1 and didnt announce it before hand and just kinda showed up with it? That was fucking weird lol
>even odds
why wouldn't you bet on the oilers?
>This'll be our last chance at the cup for years

What makes you say this? Barkov, Tkachuk, Lundell, Loustarainen are all signed at pretty reasonable deals. Reinhart can be re-signed. Goalie situation needs some fixing and some new blueliners but I would fully expect them to go deep again win or lose.

t. Oilers fan
nah i didn't start watching until game 4
>getting reports some members of the florida panthers showed up today already clean shaven
Holy shit... it's fucking over
maybe growing the game wasn't such a good idea
guaranteed one of them is tkachuk
Martha could have been growing a game in my pants if she weren't so melanin obsessed
>martha lebron
says everything I need to know
stephen a smith talked about hockey? kek
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Yeah he said the only thing he knows about hockey is that the puck is black and he's going to be at game 7 tonight
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i hope we get another 8-1 EDM game
black people invented hockey and kraftwerk
We won’t
canadians invented basketball
can't win em all
I'm hitting up the local Tesco supermarket and then going to bed and sleeping until the 2 AM game kicks off.
What's the most Canadian drink there is?
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Who remembers Clip Art Pigs
oopsies ;)
For hockey games beer
I just Fjärted
Can't wait until we all get to laugh at the Panthers for being such complete and utter failures today
Just like my islanders
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All bot accounts
Panthers should just save face and literally just not skate out. Give up. Lose with honor.
next tell black people that you invented basketball as well
There's no way nerves and pressure won't affect the panthers tonight. They're on the verge of a once in a century loss. Shit like bob getting pulled and tkachuk getting a diving penalty has to also affect them personally. Just a lot of desperate scrambling around, like not flying their families out for game 6 and the owner flipping his shit publicly. I can't imagine the butterflies for them
can you get me a Blueberries and Cream Haagen-Dazs instead?
It's a script and they know they're the fall guys
Coffey and Knoblach coached 5 games going into the playoffs and they're about to take a shit on Paul Maurice's head
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lets play: spot the /hoc/ poster
since when do they cover the NHL
>smiles at you in your path
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Hockeybros gets your pancreas right
its a screenshot, what do you want? a penis with a golden trim?
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Flames fans wya?
>i'm not the zodiac
I don't believe in american medicine
a description of the scent
Finland will win tonight. It is written

Remember: Wanna win? Get a finn.
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if they have pistachio, i will be pleased. thanks, anon.
they're busy
For women to play and be entertained while the men were at war.
good luck, anon (me wanting panthers and anon to win)
>Be me
>Family from South Bay but raised in LA
>Be a Rams/Dodgers/Sharks fan
How haram is this?
I don't know what that means
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the entire team looked like they just found out their parents were raped and murdered
but I do think the key this game will be the first goal, if the kitties get it they have a shot if the oilers score first they collapse utterly
Didn't ask
being a sharks fan is a noble pursuit. i don't recognize those other teams, are they planned expansions?
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Detroit could realistically win it next year
Which team is Jesus with tonight?
Those eyes just say it all. Those cold, dead, broken stares. Oilers have them figured out from top to bottom and they have absolutely no answer for them.
just want a conner win don't care about canada or 1993 or the panthers le historic collapse
Shut he fuck up numale
i like these posts
just want a conner loss don't care about canada or 1993 or the panthers le historic collapse
gonna be tough to prepare both kitties and deadmonton elimination day posts at the same time, some say it might be impossible
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I can smell your breath from here nigga
Killing themselves
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but is only game

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