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Gary Awaits
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The real winning team of the week will be announced tomorrow.
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Lifelong Houston Oilers fan here, I can't wait for them to finally win Stan Lee's Cup!!!
Lifelong Carolina Panthers fan here, I can't wait for them to finally win Stan Lee's Cup!!!
Oilers won. Congrats Canada.
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8 hours until la bama gets played
If they win tonight Edmonton will pass Pittsburgh at 5 Cups and tie Boston and Chicago with 6 Cups
our canesies :)
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Imagine being Canadian
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I can't wait bros...
They have as good a chance to win it next year as the Florida Panthers has to win it this year aka 0% chance.
The PM does a lot of gay shit so I'm surprised you had to post a Photoshop
Today's the last game of hockey and you couldn't be bothered to make a better thread?
Panturds will lose game 7, too easy
That's not a photoshop
Will Oilers be welcomed as national heroes in Canada if they win tonight?

Would it be as big as when Canada won the Summit Series in 1972?
Calm down santa
We don't put effort into out threads here. I think Reddit might be more your style
kek no
The pixels on the dildo are all wrong . are you new?
AHL still going and we have Hlinka Gretzky in August

If you only care about NHL that your own personal problem
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is only game
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>into out threads
Soilers are globohomo's team and all good people want them both destroyed.
if he blows it tonight he should never get into the hall of fame
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Until the secret final boss is announced at the Flyers press conference tomorrow… You ever see the end of the first Mortal Kombat movie? Yeah, it’s like THAT.
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Can't wait to see the Oilers win one for the hometown boy, Bret the Hitman Hart
The only fanbases that would genuinely be happy would be like Sens and Habs fans

Canucks and Flames fans are suicidal as is
Leafs fans likely jealous (why not us)
Jets fans not sure of their stance
>Will Oilers be welcomed as national heroes in Canada if they win tonight?
Hahaha no
theres probably going to be at least 3 more threads today
we dont put effort into proofreading out posts here. i think reddit might be more style your
Honestly Panthers should just start Knight or Stolarz. Bobrovsky is just swiss cheese for the Oilers by now.
He definitely should be in there with a huge sign saying THE GOALIE WHO BLEW A 3-0 CUP FINAL LEAD.
y u hef 2 b med
I'm pretty sure everyone hates the Oilers outside Edmonton.
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Flames fans who are you rooting for tonight
i will be going to bed now and wake up 3am to watch this piss
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Fuck you Panthers you were never a team that I cheered for
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Kitties winning would truly take a miracle from god. If they lose I’m gonna assume the NHL is rigged.
Don’t worry anon. The new Red Army is being forged in the Wells Fargo Center as we speak. Come draft day the Flyers will move up to grab Demidov to pair with Michkov. With Fedotov in goal. Just like what is happening on the world stage, Russia will lead the countercharge against globohomo
gun and badge status?
does deep dish pizza taste as bad as it looks?
Jets or Sens would probably be the only 2 teams Canada would fully get behind of they were to play for the cup, Leafs and Habs are universally hated (by even some of their own fans) and the Canucks are gay. Oilers/Flames fans wouldn't be caught dead cheering for each other.
buck status?
Shit, work got busy and I missed the end of the last thread. What did I miss? How did it end?
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While true the panturds are so buck broken they will not win. They have no idea what the problem really is with the collapse that's the scary part. You can't fix this.
I hate living in Sweden.

I have to wake up at 2 AM to watch the game. The worst possible time!
zero chance gary lets the oilers lose tonight
go flames GO
Call out of work tomorrow
never had 'go 'za. apparently the true best kind of pizza is detroit style
Nobody likes the fucking sens
The only team that would universally be liked is the jets because gary stole their team and was forced to give it back when one of his sunbelt projects failed
0 chance + 100%
How does it look to you?
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kitties are winning this you fucking cunts
You retards. Deep Dish Pizza is superior to any other kind. It is the Goodest of goyslop
Hey samir buddy hows it going
gary is actually planning to go back to atlanta if you can believe it
maybe the nordiques will come back this time
Same here. Living in NA must be a dream. You could all the best sports events in Europe during the morning and noon, and then you can look forward to the best sports events in NA during the evening/night
not very good 2bdesu
but I've never had one
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Yup. They are losing tonight God damn that's some PTSD eyes
It is very comfy now that you mention it. Especially living on the east coast. Love watching west coast games as I’m going to bed
>Oilers will be the one to break the spell
It would have been better if it was one of the more soulful teams like the Jets, Canucks, or Habs.
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>gary is actually planning to go back to atlanta if you can believe it
Gary really can't die fast enough
ai slop only cements the loss further
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Stampede bros, how we feeling?
the game starts at 5:00pm for the west coast
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How lazy was this?
The stars don't usually score the SCWG it's usually some random shitter but I could see McMemid being unleashed tonight
I'm really going to have to look at this hockey utah club logo all year damn
This guy let connor brown score on him i'm not too confident for tonight
I didn't really pay attention to the finals last year

How did Marchessault win the Conn Smythe when Eichel had more points?
don't worry its just temporary the real logo will be worse
I cheered for the Flames in '04, and I cheered for the Oilers in '06. Then none of the faggots from either city cheered for my Sensies in '07. I will never cheer for another Canadian team again. I hope McDavid never wins a Cup unless he signs in Ottawa for League minimum.
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Here's your GWG celly boys.
>your Salt Lake City Buzzing Bees
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The ride is truly never-ending for them
I don't know who I'm cheering for. I cheered for Oilers cause I like Janmark and they were down 0-3. But now Panthers are the underdogs and redditors seems to be cheering for Oilers, so Im gonna have to go with Panthers.

Go cats, meow.
>Would it be as big as when Canada won the Summit Series in 1972?
And this is why I'm cheering for Florida. Because it would cause so much pain in Canadians.
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Post >yfw overtime starts
oilers are a combination of everything i don't like about hockey
when they win this will be eternal suffering because we are never going to stop hearing about how great they are
i am absolutely seething right now
>The last time a Stanley Cup Finals Game 7 went to OT: April 16, 1954
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this guy should be in prison
>muh reddit
>muh underdog
>muh contrarian
Pleb mentality. Cheer for Oilers because we're witnessing true greatness with McDavid.
Every time a Swede wants something hockey related it doesn't happen.
Quit jinxing the Kitties
Looks like a custom typeface and some sort of photoshop pinch effect on the UTAH, inspired stuff imo
We'll get him one day
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We’re due. As a neutral fan it’s all I want to see.
As long as you stay off it i guess it was worth it. If you relapse it wasn't
I'd like to see the power go out halfway through the 2nd.
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graphic designers cannot get any lazier
I just want to see a plane crashing into the field during the superbowl or some crazy shit like that at lest once
Go easy, I think it was Ryan Smiths inbred retarded niece who designed and created it.
So it's not bad with that in consideration
then we'll unironically have to fly to edmonton for game 8
Honest and unpretentious. I like it. Consider me a fan.
>Quit jinxing the Kitties
Your attempt at reverse jinxing won't work. You actually just jinxed it for Edmonton instead.
april 17
i remember it was quite chilly that day
I'd settle for a guy in a parachute with a bottle of Pepsi in one hand and Mentos in the other, and when he lands he drops the Mentos in the bottle of Pepsi.
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I'm off it for a month+, just going through major PAWS. Fuck me and my dumb head, gotta get myself straight for next semester.

Also let the better one win tonight. Don't even care who, it's gonna be majestic. This ia how hockey should be.
samir was mentioned
wait til you hear about AI
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Bit that's not what I was doing.
Digits for kitties
that is “AI”
looks like shit
99 77 (3+8) 11
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>it was 3-0
So how rigged are these finals ?
0%, trust me goy
pissi levels
Next goal wins
Sue this fool, Mr. Bettman
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The fix is in.
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>Bet- Man
>Brings betting into hockey
>Bet 99
I always thought it was a meme but his middle name is literally cuckitini and the wiki jannies had to delete it from his wikipedia bio
I am enjoying this script unironically
I could see this being real, panthers usually outhit the lers but get then get outshot
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Yuma Hockey Club
Iused to still play 04 not too long ago.
Gretz was definitely one of the last guys to stay clean shaven during the ploffs
Oh its true
It's damn true
>win the cup the year gretz leaves
kek what an overrated bum
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>penalty after penalty after penalty after penalty after
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Gretzfraud cucked out to pedowood shekels
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My cat looks at me like this and says that all the time.
Gretz just couldn't grow facial hair same with sid
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Still the best one for PC, doesn't really mean much since they stopped releasing after 09 but you know.
remember when his wife (not Wayne, definitely not him) got caught up in a gambling ring?
neither do I
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even ted could score like 80 goals against that opposition
"Hmm tonight I bet that I will score 5 goals and 3 assists"
It wasn't Wayne it was his wife and Waynes best bro Dickie Tochet
islander bros I'm starting to think it isn't our year
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eat cock randy
5 bongs 10 bings approx
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Ihaven't watched hockey in nearly two years. It looks worse than the nba now in terms of officiating. Every sport is staged entertainment now, I should kill myself.
that’s what I said
it was his wife, his friend, and his agent who all knew each other through separate ways
he was completely unaware
they did it behind his back
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Maybe just get blackout drunk on quality Champagne instead
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80 pts only happaned twice before Gordie
McDavid OT winner while Oilers are on penaltykill incoming
Just a reminder if you aren't any of the following
>an actual Floridian
>an actual and legit Kitties fan >from Calgary
and you aren't rooting for the Oilers you are both a
a) a piece of shit, and
b) you hate hockey
strange I wonder if his fellow famous athlete bro Michael Jordan knew
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Gary and I both hate hockey
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If it was really in you'd think marty gelinas would've saw it and celebrated or something
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nigga ive hated the oilers my entire life i won't stop for a day
in a parallax universe it went in
imagine having three (3) illegitimate cups
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that whole panthers thing
Calgary sisters...our status?
rn I'm malding at work. Luckily I'm the only one in the building so no one can hear me seethe. Gonna boil my piss later to drink it.

In some positive news, Nenshi won NDP leadership!! HYPE
flames fans on suicide watch
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i am sure our kitties will do the job this time
>alberta is white
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>good news kids, we got tickets to see the utah yeti
the sikhs and pajeets need to go
imagine sucking on her hairy cunt and big boobs
I predict a huge letdown and florida leading 6-0 by the last intermission
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they just can't
I would 1993post like never before
I’m so fucking excited for tonight’s game bros. My wife is going to let me order whatever pizza I want and watch it in my oilers-themed mancave. (I even have a signed Gretzky puck)

She’s planning on having a girl’s night out the town for drinks and such. she said sorry about waiting up on her so I can drink whatever and eat as much pizza and ice cream as I want.

Game 7 is going to be so fucking epic.
need to go? then why vote them into positions of power
Justin Trudeau is based
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>I’m so fucking excited for tonight’s game bros. My wife is going to let me order whatever pizza I want and watch it in my oilers-themed mancave. (I even have a signed Gretzky puck)

>She’s planning on having a girl’s night out the town for drinks and such. she said sorry about waiting up on her so I can drink whatever and eat as much pizza and ice cream as I want.

>Game 7 is going to be so fucking epic.
bloody benchod, learn to take a photo.
because whitoids are cucked. They needed to be morally strong. Also, boomers
>girls night
>don’t wait up
Jesus dude how big of a cuck are you
your wife is definitely fucking other men, faggot.
ok cuck
this but ironically
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Leon score for Asuka tonight, Check em
both wasted
fuck yeah
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fukken checked
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Mfw enjoying this excellent game with you as best buds
>christ benoit
pretty good but for me its brock lesnar
shut the fuck up my dude
I can trust her, I don’t have to treat my woman like my property. She told me she would never do anything like that so I’m taking her word for it because I’m not insecure
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>the halfway point between edmonton and miami: detroit, michigan
wasted get
what kind of pidser is worthy of this game 7?
they don't have "Fuck you and your script Gary" pizza sadly
so close
get out of ukraine and cheese
If Edmonton wins I'm starting a riot in Calgary
Dubs and I get drunk tonight
Dubs and that anon gets drunk tonight
Screencapping for the Panthers 3-0 blown series loss
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do it
>girl’s night
yeah, she’s definitely getting fucking railed by strange men.
>b-but she says I can trust her!
that’s what all cheaters say, you’re a sack less faggot who deserves this
Any combination of numbers and that anon gets drunk tonight
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started from the bottom no we're here
this has to be a shitpost
If Edmonton wins I'm starting a riot at the nursing home
Stampede grounds are being built and have zero security
>pretending to fall for bait
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Sudden Death
They rigged it for Florida to win 3 so the Oilers could win the last 4
Im worried the game will be a blowout and not worth it
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>Monday June 24th
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Game 7 blowouts are kino
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Just like the Panthers
ted face reveal
Why does gary like edmonton so much? 4 number 1 picks in 6 years.
Is he just trolling calgary?
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He was planning on them going to Houston
how many flim cucks will rope when tkachuk scores the cup winning goal in triple overtime tonight?
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fraid so
As a Snes fan I’ve been pretty fortunate the Leafs and Habs have been so ass, but one day they will be in the Oilers’ position and it will be insufferable, especially due to the size of the fanbases.
It's gonna be kino tonight when the Kitties faces all look like this cause they couldn't score over a single goal
What do I buy to snack on? Not really a snack guy but i've been crushing 6 packs on an empty stomach the past few games and i get hungry
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snack and dip in one
>watching the game past midnight
Shan't. Gonna be in bed by 12am sharp.
That looks fucking disgusting
>triple overtime
don't joke about stuff like that
A greasy burger and fries from skip will perk you right up, or make you pass out
About 6 and half hours until la bama
Just like my islanders
it's god tier though
Florida forgot this one simple trick at the end of game 6. They are mentally cooked and it will be a miracle if they get lucky tonight
>white people
I wouldn't call Americans people
>the Utah Yeti
hol up hol up I did some quick research and it's real. Why is everything made into a moquery ?Sometimes I feel like I woke up 10 years ago in an alternate reality.
This looks like a better example, probably should've started with that one
Why is plebs fucked up
bet that's yummy with cheese
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I just slapped down $25 dollars on the Oilers to win to basically win $25 dollars.
Yeah thats right I'm a high rolla, big spenda.
The presentation in this one is much better. 8/10
Since the result is certain I'm listening rn
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it has cheese inside yeah
alright I'll get through the next 45 minutes using methadone (second half of the divegrass game)
Hockey players dont eat and drink at the same time for some reason
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This is it.. this is fucking it...
1993 posting is about to be over.. fucking goddamn panthers you pathetic worthless fucks how did you fuck this up for everyone?
we prosper in the loving but firm bosom of Mother Russia
Very nice gary
buljubros... i dont feel so good...
but how will you afford pizza tonight?
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oh fuck I forgot about that
that's honestly one of the better names they came up with
i gotta try making this
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Bulju derailed the Oilers for the whole duration of his time there. They have only now recovered. The hero we needed, gone too soon
soccer is always boring xhenya
That's just bird in a nest but fancier.
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I come here to post that calgarypuck.com is the gayest website on earth (reply to this if you post there so I can make fun of you for being CRINGE).

it is when you don't root for either team
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>Aleksander Turndapuckova
I'm not sure whether I'll study a little more or go to the gym before the game
Tomorrow the hockey season is over

What will you do then? Have you secured your summer love yet?
>2 seperate round robin soccer games each get their own sticky
>game 7 of the stanley cup won't get a sticky
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>panthers changed their PP1 line
they're desperate
I'm sure I didn't ask
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Not like this bros.......
I have more porn to download if that's what you're asking
>making adjustments for game 7
its over
have they announced who's in goal?
I'll focus on maximizing my gains so I can post body in October
> What will you do then?
grind. gym, self-loathing, the usual plan

Have you secured your summer love yet?
I am as ugly as Bulju but not as lovable, so no
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Yeah Belchy is in net tonight
Most Flames fans have no ill-will towards Tkachuk who gave Calgary the opportunity to get the best return for him unlike Johnny. He also wanted to re-sign the year before. We're all cheering for him.
Luongo's team wouldn't choke a stanley cup final game seven
>tkachuk or oilers will hoist the Lee and calgarians literally wont be able to wash away their tears
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can they even wash themselves right now?
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We have snoop dog though
Certainly not on home ice
Will at least this grand final game get a sticky?
/sp/ hates us for running it
Lol no
jannies will get a sticky tonight
/sp/ fears /hoc/ too much
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What happened in the 00s? 7 game finals used to be rare and for 3 decades only happened once and in the 00s we suddenly got 5
today is a huge day for college football
Only for the winner
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Did you see how shit OP made this thread?
It's nothing of sticky quality
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no jannies fear the collective autism of /hoc/
what makes an OP good in your pea brain mind?
cuck tried to effortpost for a while these playoffs but nobody cared
The game won't need more than three game threads. 90% of the posts will be redditposting, scar false flagging, or tbg being a massive faggot and people calling him raped
hopefully not i interact with enough third worlders in real life already
We used to have 1v8 seeding that was more fair and pitted healthier better teams in the final
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>collective autism of /hoc/
>since 1993 all five canadian game 7s have come from west of the rockies
uh atlantic bros?
>relevant picture and edition
>dates and times for games
I wonder what the catalog will look like after the game
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>Be Flames fan
>Huberdeau contract
>Kadri contract
>Dilapidated arena
>Your lottery pick 1st is out the door
>Just traded starter for magic beans and retained
>Bottom 5 prospect system
>Biggest rivals in cup final
>Player who requested trade leading team in cup final (Tkachuk)
>Player who busted magically became good again (Bennett)
>Turn on the tap, no water
>No future
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but the national anthem is do it again by steely dan
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Sounds pretty reddit
top cuck
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These are all things that scare and confuse canadians they aren't capable of such things be reasonable
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he doesn't look a thing like Jesus

isn't it kind of sacrilege to call this guy McJesus?

tell me /hoc/, what are some things that would make me like this guy as a person, not the player and his stats- but the person. is he nice? funny? there is this emptiness about him.
so cucked LMFAO
I turned on my shower and have had it running 24-7 since the pipe broke. I hate the south east asian mayor
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/hoc/ goes to /b/
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
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finally a /hoc/ thread that can feature mcdavid's literature
gay lol
hatsapuri is nice

I'm a 15 year season ticket holder, you probably can't even afford a beer. Go post on calgarypuck, the gayest website on earth. You little homosexual, any true Flames fan hates Tkachuk for asking for a trade. YOU ARE A FUCKING RETARD AND IF I SAW YOU IN THE SADDLEDOME (you can't afford to get in) I WOULD CURB STOMP YOU AND HARVEY THE HOUND WOULD TOO
Thats me posting the Bulju

what ever happened to Greecefag?
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He posts under an Ireland flag every now and then unfortunately
Are we looking at a top-five SCF Game 7 of all time tonight? Let me know if I've missed any factors:
>possible first reverse sweep since WW2
>mcdavid's first, best chance at a Stan Lee
>mcdavid at 42 playoff points and looking for more
>paul maurice ever winning a Lee
>Bobrovsky ever winning a Lee
>Okposo ever winning a Lee
>Perry redemption arc's last chance
>Ken Holland's last year
>Canadian Cup drought
>philosophical battle of offense vs defense for the new NHL metagame
>snowbelt vs sunbelt
>Calgary's hated rivals vs Calgary's hated traitor
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my personal opinion is cocaine use lead to the demise of grease
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every day until you learn
should've gone with CATNADA
You have no idea who the fuck you're talking to buddy. I would shove my arm right down your fucking throat, shove my other arm right up your fucking ass, and play your little pussy ass like a fucking accordion you fucking mutt. Gimme your address right fucking now you punk pussy.
I'm excited :)
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what's wrong, anon

look at more bulju and you'll feel better
Alberta retards in a tizzy this afternoon
i am here just for the drama
>philosophical battle of offense vs defense for the new NHL metagame
this is a retarded take
edmonton plays great defense
lmao this queermo likes to play with dude asses
For me 2001 final will probably always be the best one
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>The last thing you see before it all goes black
the memes will be impeccable
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You forgot that if they win this Oilers team is probably the single worst roster to win a cup in the modern era.

At first you may think it's a the beginning of a new period similar to the NBA where star power can carry you to a cup but I personally think it's an aberration.

1. McJesus is quite literally that good.
2. Easiest path to a cup in two decades.
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Anyone else get in on the action when the fix became obvious?
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yep, i'm also retarded
i dont know if its the easiest. vancouver should have been better. 3rd string goalie still nearly beat oilers. petterson and most of team complete ghosts. team was dominate for most of season and they had like the lowest shot total in playoffs history or some shit. and still nearly won with their 10 shot per night performance. easy in hindsight, but most would pick vancouver over oilers.

same for dallas. they were monsters first 2 rounds and a cup favorite going into playoffs. i dont know if they threw a single hit vs the oilers. watched most of their vegas series and it was literal war with monster hit every other shift. not sure if all injured or what the fuck happened to them. it was not the same team from first two rounds. i thought they were going to walk over the oilers. it was a super easy finals in hindsight, but, again, i would not call it an easy path if you told me they had to beat dallas and vancouver to get to the fianls before the playoffs.
>the prairies
>west of the rockies
2023, actually, lol
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Not so fast
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/hoc/ 10 years ago
So we've all seen how copycat GMs often model their teams after Cup winners.

How the fuck do you copy Edmonton?
for them, not us
jews robbed us many times
canadian goaltending
canadian defense
canadian forwards
canadian coach
canadian gm
canadian owner
The boss is sending us home early to get ready for the game
Remember when /hoc/ used to be funny and not retarded?
laffs still want to be center of attention in cup finals
Draft the next generational player and randomly team build around that
There have been at least 3 teams in the league like this every year since 1993 and this is the closest we've come
It was a SCF on a platter. If Edmonton played Vegas and Colorado before facing Dallas can you honestly expect it would have played out the same?

This is how it goes. You need luck to get this far. Favorable matchups, no major injuries, the league preferring to get a star to get a cup etc.
20 years later and it's STILL FUCKING IN
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/hoc/ killed caesar
Ah yes the 2023 Vegas Golden Knights.
last year we had 5/6
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one of the most based post to ever grace /hoc/
delicious cope
drais been injured since he left game with the back spasms or whatever. his production basically disappeared halfway through playoffs after all the articles on him being better than connor ppg and best playoff perfromer, etc.
I don't know what I'm gonna eat while watching Florida lose.
The canucks choked hard. up 3-2 and got blown the fuck out 5-1 in game 6 and was down 3-0 in game 7 until the last 5 minutes. 1 goal in 115 minutes saying they had a third string goalie is an ultra cope
dallas was also ultra frauds and pussys and youre a midwit if you couldn't tell a team led by geriatric jamie benn geriatric joe pavelski a finnish #1 defenceman and an american goalie was going to choke
However saying a team had an easy route to the finals is a cope that only works in the NBA you simply do not fluke into 16 wins in the stanley cup playoffs
Keep crying
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i'm ordering pizza and chicken
>the leafs subreddit has 336k subscribers
wtf I don't think that any other has over 100k
He's been skating quite well during the final. He looks fast again.
post pics
game 6*
Good answer my post was just a test
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I was thinkin pizza and wangs too
It's not his legs stephen it's his wrist retard
Edmonton fans were perfectly willing to believe the league conspired to get a sunbelt team a victory but the idea that they'd want the best player in history and today's only real star to get a cup is somehow ridiculous
Just like my islanders
>a sunbelt team
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Yes desu if the Panthers lose tonight hockey is dead and buried in south florida nobody is going to watch Gary's rinkydink league if their first exposure to the sport is their team having the greatest choke in sports history
The post he responded to said it was his back you pajeet cousin-fucker
thanks for the update, we couldnt wait to know about reddit subscribers for the leafs sub
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will do when it all gets here during the first period
you should post your food too ameribro
Firstly I'm going to need you to unlock it and secondly teams lie about injuries to prevent players targeting it
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It was a dominant 3-9
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/hoc/ always ran /sp/
Darnell Nurse is going to win a Stanley Cup. That fact isn't being talked about enough. That's absurdly, cosmically funny.
Big meat n potatoes team that plays d and kills penalties so the refs can't steal the game.
If you need to get high to enjoy hockey then there's probably something wrong there.
Just like my islanders
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really not that surprising
you wont ever understand why though
I've been investested in these playoffs since late second round I can't believe they are finally coming to an end
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i dont want oilers to win. too many of 'those people'.
just like my stars
Watcha eatin, drinkin, and betting on tonight?

Dominos on the way, cola cool in the fridge, and betting on nuclear levels of shitposting regardless of the outcome tonight.
>off-season begins tomorrow
Based! Off-season /hoc/ is the best /hoc/ :D
>worst roster to win a cup in the modern era
That's not 2019 Blues
Literally 0 HoF worthy players
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>Canada is bringing it home
>england is bringing it home
What a time to be alive
If McDavid doesn't produce tonight he'll cement his legacy as a bust
Pietrangelo, Ryan O'Reilly, Bowmeester
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>england bringing it home
Final score in OT will be 4-3. Winning team could go either way.
McMemid natural hat trick in the first
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>it's Desharnais and Kulak who woin this cup!

Why do Canadians diminish Connor so much? He's having what is probably the best single offensive playoff performance of all our lifetimes. Even when he's not on the scoresheet he's making space for teammates or guaranteeing a clean entry on a power play.
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>england is bringing it home
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dammit that soundbyte is permanently etched into my head. what a wholesome chad
Could the next thread be flames themed please? Oilers play later and so I think it would be funny.
Top end players you have a point but that Blues team was deep and 2019 Pietrangelo was like if Ekholm and Bouchard had a baby and it wasn't homeless and crosseyed.
0 Norris Trophies
He was never considered elite
it damages the flames ego too much to acknowledge his greatness
Extremely based
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>pk subban
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>+1100 bet on Oilers to win the cup
wew lad
when did you place that bet sheesh
Then maybe you should get your eyes checked. The pixels were added to give context
he made the second all-star team three times
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Can the next thread be devils theme? The panthers play later so I think it would be funny.
2 Stanley Cups and an Olympic Gold playing 25+ minutes a night is a bigger award than a regular season trophy like the James Norris trophy.
Alex Pietrangelo is the best defenceman since Lidstrom retired.
I'll make it so
Sorry bud next thread is flames. Maybe next next :)
Why has everyone here and in the media crowned Edmonton already?
Numales wants mcgaykid to win
Because panthers only deserved to win game 2. Rest of the games were flukes
/hoc/ recognizes greatness
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i live in florida
because most people are retards
They have the best penalty kill of all time. It's just as impressive as what McDavid is doing.
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imagine betting on the panthers with even odds
Just like my islanders
just stopping in on my lunch break to say


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All forms of nationalism and being proud of canada are banned here. Whatever celebrations are likely to take place will be confined in between a horse's cock.
faggiest state in the usa (excluding indiana)
Because the writing is on the wall. Edmonton has all the momentum right now and McJesus who won't allow this to go quietly into the night. Panthers are playing with all of the pressure on the world on them that they're all about to become the biggest joke in NHL history by being reverse swept in the SCF after having 3 chances to end this series. If the Panthers don't score first this game then they are done.
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If we riot /hoc/ don't forget to bring your pillow.
/hersch/ is on nhl now bros
got a top tier analytics for the next thread
the kind you don't see on non-paywalled resources
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3rd worst state in the country after Alabama and Arkansas. Swamp hicks should be nuked.
Better shitposting potential.
are soiler fans getting ready to riot tonight?
if oilers winning is such a sure thing then why is it split 50/50
how many db will the "let's go oilers" chant be in the panthers arena?
Of course it isn't a sure thing.
I just don't understand why anyone would take these odds given the way things have developed in the series.
because they're not, hockey is a high variance game and acting like there's a clear favorite is just silly
i still believe bro
kevin owens and bruce boudreau just linked up
Panthers will blow it worse than Croatia today
finally the kgb puts their resources to good works
keep it
How did you get such a good bet? I only get twice the money (if I bet $10k I win like $15k).
Just like my islanders
>best defenceman since Lidstrom retired
He's not better than Josi, Hedman, Doughty or Makar
Why download porn when you can stream it ?People still download porn ?
Damn. Now I'm rooting for you.
I go backcountry camping a lot.
>better quality
>no buffering
>can still goon if your internet goes down
But it says "bonus stake". Was it free money from the betting site? Then they're not gonna pay it out.
streaming is downloading
No cups
great offensively but he had voynov, martinez, muzzin covering his mistakes
same as doughty but smaller and less physical and he had devon toews covering for him
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We're winning big tonight
Fuck you're right, and that made me realize I have some downloaded porn on an external hard drive. What a fucking loser.
You could treat yourself out to a night at A&W!
That's gonna buy me 3 days worth of groceries my boy
You know the rules.
This is the thread.
shit thread
Or Karlsson.

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