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Flames mentioned
This is the thread
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>panthers and mild are same age
>3 appearances and 1 cup vs 0 appearances
Hockey is ruined
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Cry your little bitch tears.
>panthers win
>every thread is flames themed
>mild STILL haven’t won’t a playoff series since the early 2000s
>both Florida teams won a cup before any Minnesota team won a cup
Holy fucking pathetic
>>panthers and mild are same age
American math.
If I lived in Calgary I would've burned them.
Mild fans have had to watch 2 teams in 2 years that have NO hockey fanbase win a cup before them.
>no hockey fanbase
emptymonton cope
Imagine rooting for the mild KNOWING that you’ll never see them lift the cup. Sad
>”state of hockey”
>0 cups
>0 finals appearances
>1 relocation
Lmao imagine believing this garbage.
mildcuck fangays we keep getting btfo
a single year only makes a real difference if you're talking about children
Bandwagoners such as yourself are the scum of the earth
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oh nyo
Mildcuck fangays will literally spend thousands of dollars watching their team lose
most of them were on cars. too fast to catch
>this won the conn smythe
>be the mild
>never win anything
>repeat until relocation
Can get a true hockey city matchup in the final? This is getting fucking stupid
Literally all the mild have to do is not draft busts, but they can’t even do that after 20 years. They don’t have a single good player drafted in their history, not even 1 HOFer.
>McDavid's sliding doors moment
Sunrise IS a true hockey city.
Edmonton is more of a lacrosse and baseball market, though.
Yeah, like the Mild and the Snes? Two markets known for their success and growth of the game LMAO
20 blue bottlers
Sitting on a bench
game 8 is a must win for the Oilers imo
Anyone realize all they do here is post annoying shit they don't even believe to maximize (you)'s
Another cup lifted NOT by the mild LMAO
>best of 9 series
Take notes Gary
>this is the Conn Smythe winner
yah would be pretty kino
shoutout to vancouver for actually having balls to riot
>Minnesota mild STILL haven’t won a cup
why is edmonton not burning are they pussies?
Oilers would have if it were a home game
If mildcuck fangays cared as much about hockey as they did some felonious nigger, they’d have won the cup several times over by now.
I should be sleeping, but I'm going to go to Tim's soon and wait for a little bit. Maybe there'll be Oilers jersey wearers that I can make fun of.
why would anyone riot after a game like this one
imagine the ad revenue
Seems like the good guys won
why would gary want record low ratings?
Is wolf the real deal or what?
to satisfy his nba overlords
def not pal
The Sens would be CANADA'S TEAM. And the Wild.... well... CANADA STILL LOVES HOCKEY.
>this is how a true breakdown by the American Oilers fan looks like
any offseason gimmicks you've been working on?
Even Changs in Vancouver rioted

The absolute state of Edmumbai. Completely soulless
i'm thinking of moving to /mlb/ for the summer
thinking about taking the path of obie trice this offseason
my little brony?
my little baseball
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i want to expand on this
The pic's still not crusty enough. We'll have to recycle it next season.
shoutout to the laffs for the 'we want florida' chants
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Who will win the offseason?
imagine the sad little face mcfraud would have made if he accepted the conn smythe
me if I don't off myself
you now remember "fuck McDavid"
based canucks fans
Why off yourself when you can enlist in the Russian army and die on Putin's frontline?
Steve Dangle unironically defended McBaby for it.
The oilers were objectively the good guys
I'll root for the fucking mild before I start doing pootin's bidding
Absolutely not
any finnish busts to be drafted high
I’m not arguing, but explaining
>Source: My arse
>shithead GM
>literal insufferable head coach
>McBaby and Draisaitl are the entire team and they are grade A+ assholes
>worst fans in the NHL alltogether because the average IQ of Alberta is around 50
käärijä has an eliteprospects page and i don't
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why do his pants have wings?
Helenius has bust vibes because of his ego. I hope that my flyers dont take him. Kiviharju confirmed as shit too because he is made of glass. Unironically our goalie prospects are the most promising this year
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Its the equivalent of the beanie with flames on it.
This and no one wants to admit it no other team would have put up a better fight and come back down 3-0 to force game 7
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KWAB players
KWAB coach
KWAB stadium
KWAB la bamba
KWAB fans
>we were better at losing
>no other team

Lets face it, we're only talking about McDavid going nuclear and Bob shitting the bed.
Capitals fan here. Hockey fan here.

I hope you guys know the entire USA was pulling for you, minus about 50k Panthers fans and the Tkachuk family.

This is quite simply the most inspiring playoff run I think I have ever seen. You have the best player in hockey, you have a bright future, and goddamn you have the best fans in the world.

You’re going to get yours very soon
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so where will the panthers relocate after winning the Stanley Cup? maybe Quebec would get a championship team
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Florida fans are classless chuds
La Bamba more like KWABamba.
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Again, what you say literally doesn't make sense.

You cannot assess what a team's reason for losing is if the officiating is bad. Bad officiating overrides literally everything else in a game in terms of impact. Ekblad picked up McDavid's leg and dumped him on the ice and it was no call. It is literally impossible to "play better."

The hooking and slashing started in the defensive zone. Nurse's giveaway on his last shift in his own zone was because he got slashed then hooked down to the ground. Whenever they zoomed in on our defense you could see their hands getting slashed on every breakout.

It continued all the way up the ice, Hyman literally had his leg grabbed by the Panther on the ice when he had the empty net look that stopped him from putting it in. On an earlier play he was going to put his stick on the ice and a Panther choked him from behind to stop it on one of the early cross seam passes we found.

You just factually cannot assess how good a team is if the other team is allowed to break the rules of the game, and it's ridiculous to claim so after a game as tight as a 2-1 loss.

If your hypothesis is that the league is rigged, the past 31 years of evidence support your claim in a statistically significant way. Just look at how the officiating changed in THIS series just for THIS one game that would determine who gets the cup.
I think the real reason McDavid didn't get the trophy is because he'd get rats thrown at him and security would have to get involved
Regina, easy choice.
We want Florinya!
>best player in the world
>no cups
something doesnt add up
Im just happy Kane's name stays off the cup to be honest

That and im glad those faggots at sportsnet cant ride a single cup won for the rest of my natural life
>0+0 game 7 statline
what exactly did you do to stop them matty?
Utah Hockey Club fan coming in peace
Why do people make fun of the autistic kid?
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He blocked a shot in the first period.
McDavid was the correct choice for the Conn Smyth trophy. Anyone thinking otherwise does not understand the meaning of this trophy
Thanks Gary
He was such a correct choice, he didn't even come out to take it. It's an MVP award, not a crybaby award.
I absolutely despise this kind of "notice me please" posting that's solely for farming upvotes
Big Tkachungus wambo slambo my bussy
i have some /hoc/ edits i want to make to unrelated pictures but my desktop is busted and my laptop is slow as shit
>Capitals fan here
I hate having to share a fanbase with such an insufferable fuck.
It was a fluke for soilers to even make the SCF. Then they skate laps, and only attack the net with 2 minutes left? The dickknob coach shortens the bench to strangulation, and then expects a few perennial playoff chokers to go out and score late? Pottery.
Hey you’re the Hungary guy. I told you not to be defeatist mothafucka.
don't say swears
Pray for the finnish kitty fans, don’t know if their body will survive from all the drinking
he rode the bus?
how fast would he be if he combined the two?
Doesn't stop Hrudey from talking big shit
>when I played with Gretzky
fucking seive, kings could have been something really special
sickly fast
parketti kutsuu mua ku en oo enää lukossa
niinku cha cha cha mä oon tulossa
I laughed at the soiler hiding behind the net after skinner was pulled waiting for a play to develop with 20 seconds left
Games 4-6 gave plenty of practice
Brother, the game started at 3:30AM and after the match I pretty much started working immediately, I closed both jira and slack just now. But yes I'm going to get a small buzz today
Stay mad loser
I am crying happy tears.
Then again now I'm absolutely convinced that this fucking final was rigged.
>Panthers are mauling gigaChad teams all the way through their run
>Oilers are struggling their way through struggling teams throug gigastruggles
>finals come
>as it was predictable Panthers maul the Oilers 3 games
>suddenly game 4 comes
>their forecheck is gone
>their backcheck is gone
>their defense is gone
>their goile who was a wall is now suddenly swiss cheese
>this goes on for 3 straight games
>game 7 comes
>Panthers are suddenly being Panthers again and win with relative ease
Yeah, this was rigged as fuck.
I drank an smoke after stanley cup to realize we all lives inside a dream we live in a dream
I hope you're not suggesting that the league wants to prolong playoff series???
so my cult leader was right?
I don’t know, I love you
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93 bros, I thought this was the time
at the end, his script was brutally evil
Make the playoffs three game total goals series. Home, away, and a game at a neutral venue.
He moved the puck to the other side of the crease when the goalie was already on the ground. Pretty good play by Mcdavid
home, away and penalty shots if tied
I'm suggesting jews like money.
People who have never seen their team hoist the cup, are you still filled with hope every post-season?
Make it a best of 11 series.
benuldies :DDDDD
how about moving the puck into the net cock sucker
Too hard for him
Prease understand
Yeah, if my team is in it. The competition is fun and there’s always that chance.
Who doesn't, proxy child?
Me. I am poor.
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Retard. Gifted a playoff run. Then exposed.
you are so mad right now
meanwhile the wongs are garbage
Hooray for Florida
>stuart shitter
>can't spell binnington without bin
So who's goaltending for the 2025 /iihf/?
I had hope for the Jests until the goalie stopped being good and the rest of the players stopped playing. Wont make that mistake again. God christ this year's postseason was rough.

Last time I had hope in them was when they and Nashville were the best 2 teams in the league, had to meet in round 2, ground each other into paste over 7 games that had a few Garytimes and then got rolled by a very rested Vegas in the WCF. If it was gonna be any year it woulda been that one. That Nashville series was high level hockey kino though, I still think about it sometimes
>you are so mad right now
youre acting like a jilted lover
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that game was such an anticlimax

yeah, I got emotionally invested in the Oilers midway through the series
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Rats rats we are the rats
Celebrating a Stanley Cup bash
>youre acting like a jilted lover
How the fuck could anyone like the Oilers?
I get all the leafs because MUH TEAM DU CANADA, but anyone else? The Oilers are insufferable. Especially when you have a Finnish "C" on the other side.
and im proud to be an american
where at least i know im free
you know
because of the 3-0 comeback
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Is this picture kino?
So what's the move?
> anticlimax
How? It was a close game until the end even if the oilers were gassed by the last quarter of the 3rd period. Reverse Sweep are rare for a reason.
Very Kino
It was scripted.
Come on now, you didn't really believe laffs-west were gonna win, did you?
laffs-south managed to
I got a bit worried after game 6 but I knew that McDavid would be out of gas
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>laffs talk
Remember, being an away fan is more fun.
I was pretty worried the kitty cats would pull the ultimate meme choke based on games 4 5 and 6, but alls well that ends well
I'm curious about this guy, what happened to him for him to become a batman-tier enemy of the laffs
I stopped being worried after Edmonton fans chanted "we want the cup" to undo the curse from Sunrise doing it in Game 3.
This game was the most hockey game to make vibrating my fingernails.
It could have gone either way. I was dooming hard because after being down 3-0, they stood up and the Panthers seemingly forgot how to play hockey. But then again, scripted or not, Oilers got Jebaited by Maurice and they played McBaby and Draishitter for like 25 mins or something crazy like that. Edmonton got ground down.
matthew tachuck is a sex knight
on a positive note
I might get to see lord stanley in person this summer if they arrange a party for barkov
>I'm suggesting jews like money
Cool it with the reality.
try to find my fingerprints on it
He’s actually so Tkachucky beautiful and I would let him have animalistic sex with my ass
>McBaby and Draishitter for 25 Minutes
Did he want to make them the heroes? Both of them combined for Game 6 and 7 was just 1 point.
Barkov is Russian
I have a picture with Rantanen and the cup, I also touched it :^)
Soilers were getting battered, and dumped their entire strategy and started flipping the puck out and playing for breakaways. They had some fluke success, much like their fluke playoff run, but in the end they took the knob hard.
My Bruins made a trade :)
i want to look at the cup in person too but i don't have the travel funds
Now youre never going to win it
Ullmark is on the last year of his contract so there's no way he remains at sens, I think he's gonna get exposed
Touched the picture? No duh, you own it.
I'm proud to be an American
And I wish that everyone could be one
But it's impossible to give equality and justice
To inferior foreigners too envious to trust us
Dont you stop believing in me, Jean-Luc >:(
flames won the markstrom trade*
*not really they're going to use the pick on a bust
Much like every tendie that is expected to carry the snes he will face 50 shots a night and tank in value.
I would eat nougat from the cup if me dreams
Fuck you satan
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The win is unleashing the Wolf
yeah but he still grew up here
Pictures of him playing in a russian jersey or in a russian team NOW
Bob gets passed the Cup first. McFraud gets the Cope Smythe. Jen.
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I now appreciate him more
when did an american get passed the cup?
>josh mahura is 11 regular season appearances short from being engraved
Fuck. They should give him a ring at least.
That trophy will really tie the black cabinets and torture furniture together in his creepy house with all the other not Stanley Cup trophies.

Proud of them

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Good post
short of* not from
i think
>This is quite simply the most inspiring playoff run I think I have ever seen.
>caps fan

lmao did not take too long to forget their cup run? :D
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>really tie the black cabinets and torture furniture together
The dog days are over panthers bros
what the fuck is a dog day
Hell of a run. Still a mystery on what the hell happened from Game 4 thru 6, but a win is a win.
Tkachuk is from Arizona you mong
He played in the Final so he gets it no matter what
way back then?
haha you guys suck
Where's the Dale Earnhardt Panthers guy?

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>Tkachuk is from Arizona you mong
and surely they gave him the cup before a canadian, right????
He lifted it after the game but he was scratched in all 7
Actually Bobrovsky handed it to Okposo
An American
Fuckin retard
what you are saying is that matty didnt get the cup before a canadian did
Normal people want any canadian to win
It isnt fair
No, what I'm saying is 1993.
it's ok canadabros you still have cricket
imagine soaping him up in the showers after the game
panthers are canada's team
Barkov is barely Finnish lmao
His name aint Barkovienen
guise, what are we to do about canada?
>It's a "Samir exposes is lack of reading comprehension" episode
Fucking reruns
okay so
what meme teams are still left in the NHL after the cats finally won the cup?
the oilers are the biggest meme franchise
All of Canada

learn english omar
based takes the L like a man
It wasn't a comeback tho
It was just a choke
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a shit ton of new champions recently lads
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Blue Jackets mentioned
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I posted the wrong fucking file
cope 2016 it was in
NHL tried so hard to make McDavid the next Gretzky. Even giving the shameless complimentary Conn Smythe which rightfully should have went to Reinhart, Verhaeghe, or Bobrovsky. Gary "Make the NHL gay" Bettman is seething right now. Probably contemplating on what level of sodomy-themed nights begin next season. Florida booing him was classic, and required.
My Sensies are coming off this list next :)
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>anon thinks these were the good guys in miracle
No it's Utah HC
Maybe if you're retarded
not mutually exclusive
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A "comeback" ending in the other team winning is just a copeback
>actually wanting McDavid to pull off a reverse sweep
How do you feel about Tom Brady? Just asking.
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>arizona gets an expansion team right after relocation but atlanta doesn't
They won cups tho
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The Senior Senators folded decades ago.
yeah so did seattle
Are there many other conn smythe winners who lost and went 0+0=0 in the final game?
If there were any thrasher fans left I'm sure they would be outraged
That was just Gary showing off his lawyering skills
>Don't worry bro you'll get another team all you gotta do is get your shit in order. Surely you can do that?
most goalies who won while losing i imagine
obviously we're talking about skaters
genuinely and unironically the most autistic general on /sp/ with the certified worst memes
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blue and orange hockey teams
Stephen likes it
sad how nobody remembers the islanders going to two conference finals in a row because they were asterisk years
he's only the second skater to win it while losing so it's 50-60 as they say i can't be arsed to check
no wait just the first after a long time but i still can't be arsed to check
Wait, you're saying mcdavid also had zero saves? No wonder they lost.
Can Gary have the Canadian team lose to a non-sunbelt team next time? If the Canadian team is going to lose anyway I'd rather it at least be a watchable game and not a shitshow played on slush.
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i cry every tiem

can't wait for the amazon series
>muh ice
Someone post the wheel of excuses
>"This one's for you, Sam"
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You're the only ten I see.
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what do you think, did bettman really want this outcome?
He's a jew but he truely is our greatest ally
Not really. He really wishes there were TV timeouts in playoff overtime so he would have a reason for a couple 3OT games.
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>"Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing"
>no rats in alberta
Panthers should've won game 6
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finland just keeps taking Ws
>been coaching for longer than most of the team has been alive
>finally win it
Nobody threw a rat at Bettman
I'm disappointed
Maybe because we’re not stupid chimps like you make us out to be. We all know who would’ve won the cup without Gary but enjoy your bread and circus. I for one won’t be watching a league which rewards the likes of tkakchuk for diving. Every playoffs from here on out will be faggot soccer thanks to gary
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yotes are finished
>Maybe because we’re not passionate like you make us out to be
yeah i overestimated
Nobody deserves it more than PM. Look at the shit teams and shit markets he had to work in before getting here.
So why did Edmonton give up the last 2 minutes? No dawg?
This desu
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Sucks that Oilies lost, doesn't seem likely Gary will let any team win except southern States teams for awhile, isn't worth getting invested in
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Here's a clip of the Oilers PP last night with the game tied at 1 in the 2nd
corey perry in the 2020s
2020: lost in the finals
2021: lost in the finals
2022: lost in the finals
2023: lost against the leafs
2024: lost in the finals
Yeah ok, did you know half of Americans can’t read a book at an 8th grade level? Maybe focus on that before trying to call albertans stupid. We’re not going to riot over what Gary already decided. It’s obvious to all he was going to choose his sunbelt team
He slept with Bedard's mom though
>lost against the leafs
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It sure is
yeah I agree that was by far the worst year thuss far
yes i'm aware the south exists
Hooray, another team to join the permanent no cups club
Atlanta got a second try already
>crossroads light didn't change to the walking guy even though I pressed the button
Thanks gary
Happened again. I guess I can't use this intersection. Fuck me.
didnt ask
Guys this actually hurts so much

I know getting game 7 is good, conn Smythe is OK but I'm not ready for cope
7 straight final losses
4 straight final game 7 losses

now I'm convinced that I will never see a canadian team lift the cup in my lifetime, they are truly cursed
thank you gary
This, I hope Gary knows what he’s doing going full sunbelt. His growing the game has reached a limit. Not many people in Canada will care to go through a humiliation ritual like that again. Watch as the oilers revenue goes down below #1 again.
and it was actually 5 game 7s kek
canucks (1994, 2011)
flames (2004)
oilers (2006, 2024)
>Not many people in Canada will care to go through a humiliation ritual
I thought that was common pastime in the leafland
Vancouver rags next plotline
>no Canadian cup in your lifetime
Gary's lifetime you mean
Gary refuses to allow it to occur
bill daly will just be Gary 2.0
Who even invited Finland anyways? Can we start a Finland and Flames containment board? I’d even start my own hoc without Finland and the flames
Boys I have to admit something embarrassing. I've only been pretending to know what kwab means for months. I have no clue what you're talking about whenever. I can't even tell if it's a verb or an acronym or some kind of reference.
Good morning Calgary, how are we feeling?
I am running for the NHL commissioner this year.
What can I do for you when I'm in charge?
what's wrong with Finland
I did. Check the /hoc/ Telegram.
Make Canadian teams competitive
Remove virtue signaling
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Anyone else notice the giant cat on the oilers teampage?
Phoenix is such a large market, I feel like there is a decent chance the name coyotes will be used when they expand again.
end revenue sharing
let the teams who cant earn profit fold
Get rid of the ads on the jerseys
Tear up the contract with Fanatics.
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>The way it slides as if it were on an air hockey table
The turkufolk
Business idea: /hoc/ without canada
Fuck you. My kid's playing U18 AAA this coming season. He's my ticket out of this frozen shithole.
>/hoc/ without /hoc/
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Going crazy waiting for SKA to release our boy so he can come and take the NHL over. Today should be the day
Okay I'm finally unbanned so I can actually talk here now.

Fuck the Oilers. Fuck McDavid. I'm so disappointed I'm sick to my stomach and have been since yesterday. I hope their fukcing plane crashes. I hope they feel terrible and continue to feel terrible for a long time. I hope it haunts them in their sleep and ruins their life. Fucking bitches hurt me and now they must also hurt. Connor or Draai put a fucking gun in your mouth bitch
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>Canada remains cupless for another year
Hell yeah
McDavid is not a leader. Just like Gretzky couldn't win without Messier who was a leader.
avg flames pedo
Good luck to the boy!
I'm so glad I became numb to this 15 years ago
What kind of fuckign pathetic performace was that last night from McDavid? I used to be his biggest fanboy but after watchign that gutless, shitless, worthless fuck play I think this bitch doesn't deserve anything. When the Cup is on the line he just doens't show up? He's fucking nowhere to be found like he's some fucking 4th liner with 4th line talent? Fuck him, he truly doesn't care at all no matter how much he fakes it afterwords because if he cares he coudl do it. I feel like such a fucking fool believing in him or believing in anything. What a fuckign stupid fucking bitch retard I am
He better be there when the sharks win the cup in 2035. Sucks he didn't get one as a player. I thought this might have been his year. My favorite player personally.
Why does this faggot get his name on the cup? Can’t accomplish anything in Vancouver so swings to the first sunbelt team he sees
Game 7 prison rules obviously. McDavid, Boucherd and Draisaitel are PP merchants.
>loser bitch that doesn't show up when it matters most
no he didn't fucking deserve it. give it to Bob, the guy who could actually fucking win. McDavid is a fuckign loser
>Make Canadian teams competitive
That's the job of the head coach and GM. If the Flames want to be competitive they should hire ME.
He spent more seasons with the Panthers than he did with Vancouver.
Stop blaming Gary.
They didn't even show up on the PP though. They simply didn't care, that's all there is to it. They fooled you and they fooled me into thinking otherwise but it doesn't matter to them. They're rich anyway, it means nothing to them they get paid either way.
So what are you guys watching now?
personally I'm looking forward to the draft and keeping an eye on the euros
How are we feeling today Canada? What do you think is the reason for this 30+ year championship drought and how would you change things to end it?
I still wfh at the moment so I watch all of the sports and also racing
whatsa matta you heh?
got no respect
Gary really thought giving us a shit trophy would be ok and distract us from the past 30 years of his reign
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The Jays hitting rock bottom.
Im legit heartbroken to the point where I don't know if I can ever give a shit about this sport anymore. I feel like it's actually over for me. There's no point in being anything but totally cynical about everything always and being excited or thinking anything good is ever going to happen is a fucking joke for fools. Fuck all of this. Fuck everything.
Cope last night asserted Finnish supremacy
Edmonton psych ward status? No free beds?
Why does Gary hate us so much?
remember that for the panthers to get there, they had to crosscheck a player into a goalie to score a goal, and it wasnt GI
You'll be back, just older and sadder, but that's normal
He's jewish
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better luck next decade, Maple people.
When were the sharks eliminated again?
Canada's team won.
I said it before the series started that the Panthers were going to win, You guys didn’t believe me. you have to learn how to lose first .before you can get to that higher level. Let’s go Panthers for life.
No I legit feel something changed in me yesterday.

I knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Panthers were going to win. I waas 100% sure. And I still allowed myself to get hyped and think it was possible. What pathetic, fuckign subhuman retarded fuck I am. I deserve al lthis sadness. I deserve misery because of what a stupid fuckign pathetic baby I am.

I can't let this happen again. I cannot get attached to anything, it only leads to sadness. There's no fun in watching hockey anymore, it hasn't been for a few seasons at least, it's only sadness and heartbreak.

This is why I stopped playing hockey too, the losing hurts 10000000x more than the winning feels good. Wining just makes me feel numb, like it was supposed to happen. Losing makes me wanna fucking suicide and hit my teammates (which did happen once) or hurt myself.
I knew the kitties were winning, soilers were always frauds. I’m still surprised the oilers took them to 7 games
I brought up a Barkov Adidas Jersey cause I didn't know when they'll lose stock.
Sergei bobrovsky is a fucking FRAUD
>suicide and hit my teammates (which did happen once)
So I can still watch hockey and post on hocgeneral.com from the afterlife?
at least mcdavid will get a wedding ring :-------D
i stole this joke
Based sharks fan
literally crying because you made it to and lost a stanley cup final when there's literally a fucking SHARKS FAN 2 posts above you

Which do you think it's worse to be a fan of?
This cup is the work of at least two previous season plus this one.
Oilers only got this far because some of their non-McDavid line players started to do something. Imagine if they can keep building on this loss and actually get a full roster of decent players + McJesus
he only likes 2d traps
mcdavid is based?
He was a huge liability during that series. Shesterkin was the best goalie in playoffs
Aren't the sharks about to draft Celebrini?
what does that have to do with the league having subjective rules for GI based on the team that commits it?
No death is forever and the end sadly and we're all getting there

It's worse to give someone hope then crush it. At least the Sharks never do that.
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Mostly disc golf, some MLB when I want to take a nap or want an excuse to day drink.
I meant to reply to the leaf not the amerimutt
>He slept with Bedard's mom though

and got her pregnant
Sounds painful bro
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more like mcbust hah
>macklin bustitini
McDavid strung up like Mussolini once he gets back to Edmonton
He's a big guy.
I’m sure he’ll cheat on her regularly
Where is the sadness porn. I want a video of a failed riot in edmonton and everyone does the virgin walk home
You know what’s funny? In my entire lifetime, every single terminally sick kid in Canada has lived and died without seeing a single team they root for win a championship. You know that for over half of them that’s all they wanted. Only the black kids in Canada got one when the raptors won a chip a few years back. Every single true blue red blooded Canadian child in every single cancer treatment center in the great white north has died after a life of nothing but disappointed. Canadian hockey is a disgrace, you should be ashamed
The problem right now is that it's kinda unlikely that they can keep all of the "good" depth pieces like Brown and Janmark because someone will overpay for these guys.
This is pretty good question. Is it better to be a fan of a team at the worst of the worst depths of the league that's so bad they even finished under the blackcawks? Or to be a fan of a team that is 2nd best in the league and made it to the highest echelon of competition falling just short?
I’ll read vagabond and watch ghost in the shell
Has McDavid even held hands with a girl?
Quit watching the sport entirely and watch as it goes under slowly year by year from here on out
Do you watch the KHL Russ-Bro? Does it even compare to the NHL?
You did pick the underdog, usually they lose. Still worth picking them because when they win the pay off is worth it.
It's here. It's entirely within me.

Agreed. I seriously hope people kill themselves over this shit because it's gone on way too long.
So what happens to the team's history then?
Does it just disappear?
Does it automatically transfer over to Utah?
Do the Jets get their part of it back?
I don't like KHL, it's too slow and boring for me. Also there's no parity, not team cycles (rebuild-pretender-contender), no laffs. Nothing to see.
>kill yourself because my team is shit and run by retards
I’d rather be a fan of the latter since I can feel pride that they were elite. Former has nothing to look forward to
Yes a girl (male)
Good morning Flamiacs
think I'm still /druk/
It’ll be a miracle if I can make it through the workday
Makes sense. Forced parity is communism.
Is the NHL the only league to give post season MVP to the losing team?
euro & copa america
Thank you Gary for letting our kitties :) win. I will now buy your jerseys.
He fucked a Latina
It’s a weird dichotomy. The Phillies and the Eagles both went to the championships and lost two years ago and anons on here were calling Philly the city of losers because of it. But meanwhile a Dallas cowboys fan would probably sacrifice their first born child to Hillary Clinton just to go to an NFC Championship game and they’re having a laugh at the eagles for losing in the super bowl. It’s weird. I guess that old Will Ferrel/Ricky Bobby quote was more profound than it gets credit for.
oh right there's an anaheim jersey from the anaheim-buffalo game played in finland from back when at me parents' place
>still hasnt won a Cup
>was given a consolation prize even though he's a LOSER
If he was so valuable why didnt he win the Cup?
Are you going to the kitties/stars game in Tampere?
We need to bring more violent, suicidal shame to society. It would fix a lot of things. Things were better when generals killed themselves if they lost a battle, gave them actual motivation that nothing else quite gives.
Chuck Howley got Super Bowl MVP at Super Bowl V even though he lost
I won't. I still have to buy a maid dress and cat ears.
no but lundell might bring it to helsinki
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Well /hoc/? Was it a good script? I'll admit, I had a sweep written but the boys and I thought that's what everyone expected so we took it back to the workshop to have some last minute touches done. I'm pretty proud of it
MacKinnon has a stronger overall game that McDavid. If the PP wasn't a thing we'd all thinkg Mac was the goat instead.
Sounds epic but my dad has been a Detroit Lions fan for over twice as long as Canada has been cupless and longer than 10000 cancer kids' lifespans and he received nothing but condescension for it until last season
>Things were better when generals killed themselves if they lost a battle
That truly worked out so well for Japan...
oh i just read tampere and assume cuppi party anyway no too expensive
I hope McDavid kills himself over this.
yes gary ill buy NHL merchandise now thank you
>we'd all thinkg Mac was the goat
I don't even watch hockey but I'm proud that my state won and Canada fucking lost
Tampa had already won a few times beforehand
Well they become, even if only briefly, a giant world power empire under that mentality. Instead they're a collapsing demographics, economically declining nothing of a nation now. Which is better?
Your state sucks
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will the oilers make it to the finals again next season?
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Based make sure to see him
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So is he going to die now that they failed to secure the cup of youth?
Hurry up and relocate the Jets
>Well they become, even if only briefly, a giant world power empire under that mentality
My guy, they lost 4 carriers in less than a day in a single battle all at once
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Give me freedom
Give me fire
Give me Silovs
Or I retire
See the shitters
Take the ice now
Feel a slight tap
I must go down
Referees are
As I statpad
Regular season
>Instead they're a collapsing demographics, economically declining nothing of a nation now.
How are we any different then?
The Oilers absolutely choked
How did they not score when every Panther was on their ass and Bobrovsky was basically out of the net?
Build the team up for what? The only worthwhile adjustment my oilers can make is relocating to Bakersfield for next season.
they might lose draisaitl this offseason
it's looking grim for them
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w w w w winnipeg and the jets
No. That was it for them. They will never have that opportunity.
They got incredibly lucky this year as it is after that horrid start they had
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The fact that you don't have the balls to tell what state you're from automatically means that Florida is better
NHL Fraud Teams List - Final Edition:

just like my penguins
I'm devastated and I'm not even canadian

All of Canada's star players should sign for canadian teams in order to make a canadian team win the cup so that the 1993 curse could be chasen away. These canadian in the south should not be able to enjoy hot weather, beaches and low taxes until the curse is gone.
Hwat about >rags?
this >>142033280
>hot weather
Fuck no.
you forgot >St4rs
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Brady is going to ride the high and lead our Sennies to victory next year
>Yeehaw Florida
Y'know there's a place in Florida called Yeehaw Junction
Why would they take the name?
>oilers lost quick deflect to the stars
The beat a rebuilding Kings team, a hospital Vancouver team, and a Peter DeBoer Team. I'm not convinced
>All of Canada's star players should sign for canadian teams
those players are not well liked
It will only get worse from here on out as Trudeau imposed something like a 50% tax on millionaires. I hope you guys are happy because Canadian hockey is finished
They became a nation that could even field 4 carriers. That's something to be proud of. Is it better to be a nation that has never lost any because they never had any?

We aren't and people should be greatly, deeply ashamed of the state of the western world.

Because they didn't want it enough, simple as. They got complacent.
No. This was McDavid’s last shot at the cup if he remains with the oilers
It's pronounced carry ehs
Brady's too ugly to win the Cup
Plenty of cities have long ongoing championship droughts in certain sports sure but it’s not like 90% of the NFL is made up of players from Detroit and the people who live in Detroit only care about football. Your dad has the tigers, the pistons, and the redwings and he’s also got your sweet hole to keep him entertained and fulfilled. The average Canadian couldn’t care less about the raptors or the blue jays
Based Trudeau working with Gary to ensure Cantnada never wins
Nobody was talking cup preseason, like frauds do.
The Blue Jays are more relevant than the Oilers (who were supposedly canada's team) in Regina
The NHL is only 41.7% Canadian
>offseason /hoc/

Now the fun begins
regina rhymes with vagina
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All these retards need to be fucking fired
In Wisconsin, milk comes in bags.
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>this panel of PK, Sharpe, SAS, and some Latin girl talking about Connor's Coon Smythe trophy
Can Ullmark save the team?
Based Ryan S. Clark
Forcibly relocate Gagnon and Spector to a remote Nunavut island
for me it's stephen whyno
just like 15 guys? I always thought that there were way more people choosing the winner
how about dem canesies :)
>losing to >rags
>The average Canadian couldn’t care less about the raptors or the blue jays
But they do seem to care a lot about canadian teams that aren't their own
>Emily Kaplan said "thank you" in the player's native language last night after interviewing them
*canadian nhl teams. Leafs have been psyopped by Gary kwab
It’s only 15 for the conn
If we get a good defenseman on the offseason theres a good chance. And if Gary doesn't cripple us at the start for fake reasons like gambling as per last year we'll be fine
Bud hates Evan Rodrigues he's probably still seething
>calling the laffs the "leafs"
Don't try this at home
That ain't a hockey name
He should be an outfielder for the A's
I was seething so hard I didn’t notice that one voting for all panthers
>last season
the future is bright while the sun shines on carolina
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Don't tank too hard, your first round pick will be mine
Bud can’t get over his hatred for my penguins’s sad
Auto racing and I guess baseball now
>mcdavid is a panther
seethe into some glasses
Canadians hardly know sports suffering but should kill themselves anyways
NAHYOU are a leaf leaf
Nobody voted all Pants
Someone did vote all oilel though
making one more 1993 post then im gone til next season
Well that's a scandalous decision. I mean sooner or later they're gonna have to come up with a plan to make Canada become as dominant in the NHL as they were in the 80s. Or else the sport might get replaced by soccer or basketball
Deadmonton living up to its namesake soon
Your team is shit and run by retards.
edmonton is more of an australian rules football city anyway
Wheres TRB
It already has been replaced by basketball and soccer in Toronto.
Meant for
Ryan S. Clark being the only real hockey fan yet again
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'Fraid to say it, but the Oilers are in for another decade of darkness
Nice pic
it was in
Why? Who cares? Why even watch this crap that is only about enriching the players and shareholders.

Getting emotionally attached to sports teams is like getting attached to Apple or Google products.
>I hope you guys are happy because Canadian hockey is finished
All sport is finished, except maybe Olympic sports.

Golf? Ruined by the Saudis (LIV tour)
Football (soccer)? Also ruined by Saudis/money

All sports organizations are globohomos too. Don't support them.

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