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Bertollo edition

Current and upcoming races:
25.06 - 30.06 Internationale LOTTO Thüringen Ladies Tour 2.Pro
26.06 - 30.06 Okolo Slovenska / Tour de Slovaquie 2.1
29.06 - 21.07 Tour de France 2.UWT
02.07 - 07.07 Tour of Austria 2.1
06.07 - 09.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour 2.1
07.07 - 14.07 Giro d'Italia Women 2.WWT
07.07 - 14.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake 2.Pro
07.07 Argenta Classic - 2 Districtenpijl Ekeren-Deurne 1.1 WE
10.07 Giro della Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria 1.1
13.07 - 15.07 Tour de l'Ain 2.1
14.07 Giro dell'Appennino 1.1
17.07 - 21.07 Baloise Ladies Tour 2.1 WE
21.07 La Picto - Charentaise 1.1 WE
22.07 - 26.07 Ethias-Tour de Wallonie 2.Pro
23.07 Vuelta a Castilla y Leon 1.1
24.07 - 04.08 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta 2.1
25.07 Prueba Villafranca - Ordiziako Klasika 1.1
27.07 Olympic Games ME - ITT [Olympics]
27.07 Olympic Games WE - ITT [Olympics]
30.07 Kreiz Breizh Elites Féminin 1.1 WE
02.08 - 04.08 Tour de Berlin Féminin 2.1 WE
03.08 Olympic Games ME - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 Olympic Games WE - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 - 07.08 Arctic Race of Norway 2.Pro

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:

Previous thread:
Whatever Padunski did in '21, other people should do the same. It was very entertaining
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koláč belongs to Texas and Czechs simply copied it.
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Hello fellow cyclists, do you like my bicycle?
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Remove kickstand, that shitty fender, and the spoke reflectors.
It has never been so over, Czechbros...
>mudguard to ride in the rain
this is how you know this isnt bertacek
Another long Czechman, do they defenestrate all the manlets?
If I were a ref I would everything I could to officiate matches like Turkey vs. Czech Rep. It looks like a lot of fun just busting out 30 yellows
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can't let Slovakia get to the knock-out stage and not follow suit.
that's pretty normal when Turkey is playing.
Going to watch THE BIKERIDERS (2024) tomorrow
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what kind of accent is that supposed to be that Bane uses in this movie?
I unironically wouldn't know how to ride that
Movies are best when the actors do funny voices
The gypsy ref is fucking melting under the bright lights hahaha
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found it

it's a fucking bicycle
Just pedal innit
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Are Bertaceks really this prone to chimping out
he would be too intimidated by such a stallion
I'm much more prone to chimping out
but only when Uran is in the break
I like it
How will you react when you lose to Romania, van Bertwijk?
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I don't give a shit
kek I used to do that in Dark Souls many years ago
Will he go the Wiggo way soon?
Unlike the *ngl*s, slovaks actually know how to drink
Seldom I've seen such a free bracket to quarterfinals for the NL
Wonder how we'll fuck it up

Don't really care though, getting hype for the first giro tour double since Pantani

Whats the wc route this year, chance of a triple Crown for Pogi?
>now back to *hic* commentator team *swerves bike into a ditch*
man I really hope so
Meant semis but whatever
Please pay attention to the thread, SAGAN will be a colour commentary on Czech TV and they don't have no motobike at the Le Tour
He might chute on his way to the studio though
what happened to Sagan
he went from being King Shit to pack fodder that was never even acknowledged in passing commentary on broadcasts in the blink of an eye
Very weird how he was by far the most famous cyclist in the world to almost a nobody so quickly
Where Wiggo 1 Wiggo all
whats that thing sticking out of the chainstay?
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>In April 2021, Sagan was drunk, riding as a passenger with his older brother Juraj Sagan in Monaco when the pair were stopped by the police as they were in violation of a curfew due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Monaco. The younger Sagan "struggled like a madman" during the incident giving a policeman a minor injury. The pair were arrested for violating curfew. He later apologised for the incident and was fined €6,600; he stated that he feared he was going to be taken to the hospital against his will and forcibly vaccinated
Went and did some polderbullying. Legs felt really good. BIG WATT SUPREMACIST pulls all ride.
What's the decisive stage this year on the tour? 14? 19?
Now watching INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1978) on Prime Video
ate more than my share of ripe peaches and cherries
waßermelon tommorow
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Well I may have found a contributing factor to my saddle sore. It turns out my bike seat was rotated about 10 degrees to the left on my trainer. I have no idea how I didn't notice this.
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This is the most soulless shit I've ever seen
I like the bike. Pants are too busy. Jersey too busy.
when did that blink of an eye happen?
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We burger now
Reminder before the Tour
this is /frankfurterhours/ now
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bottled my sour ale (going for Berliner Weiße) I fermented with my sourdough starter, aged on sliced peach and loquat (east Asian fruit, tastes sort of like a sweet, juicy apple) — really, really good
approaching Intermarche-Wanty-Gobert Materiaux level
Did they change BORA's U23 team kit as well?
4am Grandeposting?
Just got a storm alert, nothing better than a overnight storm at 26C to really drive up the humidity
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Daily psyopp just dropped
Psyop? What else would carlos rodriguez have as a goal
I mean psyopping me into picking deplus. Honestly he has looked good this year but the dude is probably 4th or 5th in that team and they don't send their rider in breakaways so it's useless anyway. Rogriguez will be good, top5 I believe
I'll give you some inside info I read after the dauphiné.
He's not going to do anything but dom in the tour but is going to be allowed to ride his own GC in the vuelta
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This is my current "main" team. No jonas to have some fun. I'm considering putting myboy ciccone instead of vlasov, not sure.
Make sens
I have forgone the optimal boring team to take remco and ciccone to ride and die with my bous.
I will probably do badly but I can't look at 3 of those few 4 pointers available all race.
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I think I'll settle for this one. Took the wrong Yatesi but I want my boy Pello. Could have sacrificed jasper for mads but don't know what to do with the points
I think Simon will do well again
didn't know jenson button had a cycling carreer
Hating on anglos all the time is just reddit tier at this point
All anglos must burn
I just filter them, no need for violence
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>Tfw no royal sprint this year
who cares, you'll get to watch fish gain another 3 minutes to a total of +10
This but remco
>I hope we will offer the audience what is needed. I believe we will. We all come as the best. It will be a big fight. What will it take? We will know at the end. Looking at all the stages, we will have to be at a high level from start to finish. If I look at the last two Tours, it would have been welcome to come on two wheels to the finish in Nice.

>You have to be there. There is no big philosophy. We will see. We always say that every race is a new situation and that's the charm of sport. You have to prove yourself over and over again to be the best. If I watch Tadej this season, I hope that I will be in the camera shot when they show him, which will be a good sign for sure.
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Contract news of the day. At least 6 more Lombardia wins for pogi
>Wout van Aert
Hahaha. Lol
Honestly feels like he hasn't looked special since TDF 2022
Pandemic "advantage" had to end some day
He was great in PR last year desu.
>from getting outsprinted in RVV by benoot to dropping pogi on HC climbs at 80kg
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I have to admit I didn't know who KEUKELEIRE was. Sounds like a fake name lmao
Mathieu had 7 racedays so far
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2030? Who thinks that far ahead.
>it is in 6 years
Jungles to ineos? I don't get it. Maybe le heckin' experienced rider? Their transfers are demented.
>6 years
At least 4 tour wins for poogi there
Only 3 wins
Worse win/race ratio than Pogi, what a loser
my ratio of wins is infinite
Schrodinger's winer.
They also signed that other rodriguez for just invisible domming
I get that because they're simping for hispanics and shitalians at the moment, that's their new meme. But Jungles is not even a cheap domestique. I suspect they are trying to get riders from other teams who've perked up recent years for some information. Jungles isn't a bad signing if they want domestique but so many better, younger, higher potential options who cost far less. Pissing away that budget.
Launched goombler for the first look at this tour and it's hard. Vingegaard is a risk, if he isn't sharp he's definately not winning stages, probably getting 2nd instead of first but 100% podium. For the 4 points saved which this year is a lot considering the rider pricing you could get a Roglic likely 3rd place with zero stage wins but decent GC points allowing for quality elsewhere. But it all comes down to whether visma are being petty and psyoping the public because UAE damn well know what the score is, visa versa. Mohric at 6 points is a steal.
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I'm tired boss
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>Belgian cycling fanatic
Kek, not calling him a journalist?
riders so drugged up they cant even follow the road signs anymore
guys have to scream in their ears instructions like in a rally lmao

wout! WOUT! listen to me
square right, 100, 2 left dont cut
Lol imagine getting cooked in the back of this just to say
>Come on eh Jonas, you are strong keep pedalling
Cycling tactics are such a joke anyway
The official video is terrible
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First cycling sisters, we are losing the war
PCS CHADS won AGAIN fsissies could never
>Using pcs inaccurate live data for your tactics
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Can't beat good old fashioned autism
I mean once you go down the rape van path it wasn't really an option
Looks like an ad but not sure for what. I don't see the advantage of having a guy looking at PCS in a van when they could just do that from the normal team car. Did some sponsor ask for this?
I mean just do it at home. it's not like they're using anything but internet anyway
ye that's why I think it's just a Visma promotional stunt talking about how good they are at data collection and whatever. It has no actual use as far as I can tell.
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It's probably another expensive, pathetic 'psyop'.
Of course not, as belgian bert said team tactic is a gigantic meme anyway. Just push some watts
i can see a /cyc/ tab in the bottom left
It looks fine but who will pay 12k to ride a bike that looks like a billboard?
motherfuckers were so good coz they were stealing our tactical ideas
I hate that they merge aero and lightweight bikes to make a fairly heavy bike that's pretty fast but not that fast. Trek are doing the same thing. Old Emonda was light, responsive and a pleasure to ride. New emonda was really heavy, stiff but much more aero. Madone was extremely fast but needlessly heavy. New Madone apparently isn't that aero, nor light.
Aero kino is now dead.
Doesn't PCS just get their info from the race radio anyway?
>tactical ideas
The capacity of /cyc/'s tactics is just repeating
>"why are ineos riding?"
Aero is a gigantic meme
but are we wrong?
why indeed
stop posting here and spill the beans bradley
mizkif looking ass
All that pacing was essential for carlos rodriguez to get gifted 2 stages this year
>I don't see the advantage of having a guy looking at PCS in a van when they could just do that from the normal team car
the answer is dopage, van provides much better stealth for wormblood transfusions
>And it's like, guys, have you ever done anything in your life that's really pushed you to the extreme, that you've really committed to and given everything to, and not been scared of failing? Or do you just go about your mundane life, in your mundane job, just giving it out to people on Twitter? Get a life, you know what I mean?
one time, when i was younger i jerked off 7 times in a day until i cummed air and a drop of water
i really think that was the last step and never again i went that far
redbull logo goes hard

2 dysgenics and a world champ
>pissma wearing the cuck masks
Easy excuse to pull out vingo week 2
this looks like someone doing a parody of Jumbo try hards. what are they gaining from this other than people sneering at them
It's funny because they all look similar.
even the frediest freds don't buy in team colours
I saw someone over weekend with the Visma tricolor pink-yellow-red S5 from last year. Guy looked very out of shape (FTP likely ~300)

I would buy Cofidis Look tbqh
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adjusters be adjusting
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the not so secret, secret picks
Nice. Also MM looking STRONG
>that many people getting baited by bettiol
I'm one of those but it's on purpose at least
Not bad. Should have been their normal kit.
he kinda looks like Nadal
The hybrid allrounders like SL8, SuperSix, Dogma and Van Rysel are the best race bikes on the market right now. You get 99% of the aero gains of dedicated aero bikes while being lighter and more comfortable. Also some of the aero bikes use proprietary stems and bars that can't be replaced to achieve those wind tunnel numbers. Your S5s and Aeroads. Both of which will be slower than any of the allrounders when you add a rider in an optimized position to the bike because you can't optimize rider position with the proprietary parts. Because Cervelo and Canyon don't do even pro specials of their cockpits that can match a normal stem and bar.
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>I don't think Jonas will break at all at the first stages
based Remcking is Vingegaardbeliever
Nice from jajco.
this seems like a colour they had before in the past
pretty good
I rode an Emonda a lot and it was very aero, not quite madone aero but then it wasn't particularly lighter so felt like a compromise. I don't have the new bike stats but probably for the Madone it'll be 500-800g lighter I'm guessing, if any more then that's significant and probably worth the loss of aero. Bottle and cage they sell supposedly makes it nearly as aero as current gen Madone BUT it costs 100 pounds, 20 if you just want to get replacement bottles.
I know we're splitting hairs and these are fairly insignificant numbers to the vast majority of consumers but you like to see things constantly moving forward in design and performance, not just to cut SKU's and make it easier to sell. Apparently they're going to be even more expensive but I've not seen the price tags yet. Van Rysel is a great protest against big bike and I'm sure, well we know due to the fact they're all sold out, there is a HUGE market for high end bikes that don't cost the same as a small performance hot hatch.
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Big Fake at it again. This guy never existed.
Also they need to make a very basic super light frame that's pretty cheap, like the old emonda that was stupidly light and stiff. Sure you're not going to be as fast at 25mph but up hills it's more of a pleasant experience, and lighter bike ranges have generally turned into heavy less aero aero bikes.
can't believe this legend won 1436 GCs
>vismachud psyop: "I wouldn't bet three fiddy that Fishboy can finish the race on an e-bike"
>oilchad psyop: "pog has broken his 7th power meter this morning, from what we could read it means he outsprint jaspy with only his left leg"
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quick grab it while stocks last. phwoar what a bargain
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damn that's nice
Yeah, basically perfecting the semi aero with dropped seatstay look.
How can it be Team Replica if the team is riding High Mod frames and not LAB71?
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winterchan, come back, all is forgiven ...
>The Visma mobile goon cave
Pure sexo
Didn't this guy get busted for dopage. No wait that was Di Gregorio. You now remember Di Gregorio
Or as the french used to call him, Di Domestique
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ya know when they show all these comfy castles on the tdf route. you can buy them and they're not even that expensive.
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The most kino bike you can ride

Interesting top 10. Tony Martin NOT NORMAL. Tondo died two months later. Maxime Monfort accidentally getting in there instead of being 15th.
Perfect /cyc/ frat house
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Makes sense, he was shadow banned in 2012 after all:
>Le 10 juillet 2012, Rémy Di Grégorio est arrêté durant le Tour de France à l'hôtel de l'équipe Cofidis à Bourg-en-Bresse dans le cadre d'une affaire liée au dopage. Il aurait été interpellé à la suite d'une conversation avec un fournisseur présumé. L'équipe Cofidis le suspend « à titre conservatoire »et annonce son licenciement si « les faits de dopage étaient avérés ». Le 12 juillet, il est mis en examen à Marseille pour détention de matériel prohibé mais le coureur nie s'être dopé
Why is Matteo Jørgensen considered a non factor?
Didn't they used to sell castles for 1 euro or something but nobody does it because it's still not worth it
This one is close to cannes so still worth it. The cost of maintenance must be insane though
>Tondo died two months later
one of the most bizarre deaths in cycling
And then caught AGAIN in 2018. Squeakers are clean-bros...
So you can vine again?
they do that in italy but with shitholes that need complete renovation.
this one is in perfect condition and on a huge plot of land in a great location. I don't know why it's so cheap

I have read on The Clinic once that he knew stuff about affaires des dopage and then suddenly died under mysterious circumstances...
That's.. cheap.
Probably you're getting strict oversight and guidelines what you can and especially what you can't do with it and how you have to maintain it in a very expensive way but 2 big euros for a castle and infrastructure on a decent piece of land in this part of the world?

Doesn't seem like a robbery.
You have to pay 1/4 of that for a good home on a good piece of land here, and that would be in the suburbs not some fairytale land.
Missing one 0 probably
>huge plot of land
Fucking 35ha, there have to be bodies buried somewhere or at least a toxic waste dump. Too bad I am a lower middle-class fag who doesn't have 10m of my money to spend because I would be starting a research right now.
progress on my status
>will be quitting my job
>mind broken, afraid to go to work, worrying that i will forever be shit at everything i do
>started taking jewish poison (SSRI)
>my boss torments me
>my earnings can be politely described as "dog's cock" (not very much)
its over
another one for the pile
CBD is better than any ssri
I raise you
stop taking jewish poison and pedal harder bert, you gonna make it
ah you don't actually get the castle. you get a smaller property on the land. false advertising
Not even once.
I know its a meme at this point but anxiety is not something a magic pill cures.
A treacherous, long a bumpy road is more useful than a sugarcoated dead-end.
He's not a non-factor but he's obviously not going to win.
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Mazel Tov!
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>With Kuss, the team further learned how capricious the virus can still be. A large number of tests were negative, but the American ultimately tested positive for corona. Furthermore, he continued to have symptoms of the virus for much longer than expected.

Lol just keep testing till he's positive, a well planned emergency escape for Jonas Vingego it seems
>A large number of tests were negative, but the American ultimately tested positive for corona.
Sounds like they didn't want him there. I wonder if there is some juicy drama in the team.
What if Sepp is secretly a mass shooter?
we shall see, we shall see. i have felt this way ever since my third year of uni and i reached the point when i felt i cannot take that anymore. usually i just clenched my buttocks and at some point got used to the difficult situation but i don't think i could live like that for the rest of my working life. especially since anxiety makes me perform worse which in turn feeds my anxiety.
bert schizoposting
we live in germany with german ladies I guess
Boomer in a car has entered the circuit
Feels like I am in South East Asia right now.
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Have you been assessed properly by a psychiatrist or just GP visit? Anxiety depression etc are not normal but do the SSRI work? Age of onset is interesting because early adulthood indicates a psychiatric condition, unless something traumatic happened. Stress from education and work can fuck you up big time though it's a lot of pressure. I hope you feel better.
SSRI I think is only worth taking if you struggle with things like getting out of the house, eating and being healthy beacuse otherwise tehy can compound issues. Just be very careful with them because they act like street drugs and do cause long term effects.
you're a sex tourist in Germany?
The Durango Strangler
I'm in Livigno and Puck Pieterse just rode past me on her mountain bike, I'm not making this up. So you can say I kijked her for real.
>pick two riders
looks like 2020
probably got weirded out being surrounded by vaxxie weirdos
What are you doing in Livigno bert
real sprints don't even exist in cycling
before it was super boring stage with exciting finish
now its super boring stage with boring finish
i don't think GPs prescribe SSRIs here. no, it was a proper shrink and he considered pregabalin as a prescription (which i heard is actually addictive contrary to what physicians try to tell you). i mostly feel stressed because i feel like a failure and terrible at what i do and no amount of rationalization (oh, you are just starting!! mistakes are normal!!) can help. it's also funny how i always feel worse before a GT starts
how do you become a sport fanatic of something you dont even do yourself?
people that looooooooove Basketball but have never played are fucking weird
its doubly weird to do this in cycling
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Tour preview
Its a Chinese OEM frame by Adapt in Xiamen
I've never been there before and it's integrated in the Swiss public transport system. so I took the train to St. Moritz and from there the bus to tax free bertolo lands. There are so many cyclists up there. A lot of bingoal shitters were clogging up the road. Makes me understand why Livigno wanted the Giro, mamils are an essential part of the economy.
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boobakino in germany and kurwabert is depressed, makes no sense
i dont need to own a bicycle to see who's pedaling faster
Grande. What do you think of the parcours?
Brought your hardtail?
Do the SSRI's work to any extent? Do you feel zoinked out and out of reality or does it just pick you back up? Does it make you hyper like a lot of caffiene? Pregabalin is gaba which obvious is a different neurotransmitter so it's like taking EPO or HGH, both increase performance but they are different. Can you pin point waves in mood?
It's a very sad thing to hear and it's life destroying but once you find correct medication and a correct diagnosis you will look back on it as a blip I am sure of it. People are horrible cunts, they are like predators and if they sense weakness or difference often it is a point of scrutiny but quirks are what separate the dullards from others. It is freakish to me that people are stable and can function 12 months a year 24hr a day.
get rid of every single flat slurp stage

this is so gay. ban this and ban radios. olympics and worlds are so much more entertaining to watch because of it.

making a science out of a sport in the long run always ruins it. all sports that have become "modernized" with technology absolutely fucking suck now. F1 sucks, MotoGP is starting to suck, football/soccer sucks, and it's all thanks to introducing massive amounts of technology into the sport
I don't approve final stage TT, better having it before the last two stage
For the rest pretty good
literally man, nerds should have stuck to their gay textbooks and test tubes in the library but now they win all the sports. death to nerds by 1000 wedgies.
why is policeman dabbing?
what job was it?
why would people on bicycles be interesting to you if you don't ride bicycles?
people watch sportsball because they want to live vicariously through people better than them at something they do
its not like F1 where its this glamorous life and super exciting cars and huge amounts of money and tons of whores, its a fucking bicycle and people that get paid 50 dollars to prance around in gay clothing
that's just her data collection van guiding her through the course
Luftwaffe stands ready
how do i move to Switzerland?
its the only place free of globohomo
any secret picks for the velodrama?
4pts will be 0pts unless assists points. 6points are lapeira, vauquelin and moho
Pogacar will score many assist points
>MiG 21s
That waffe is certainly not going to the luft, at least not for long.
pretty unknown rider, pogačar
Blumelein of Germany goes solo in a sudden downpour
Lapiera is the only one who will possibly bring in 3 digits. Moho is shit this year, Vauquelin is gassed.
If anything it is pas normal Abrahamsen but you are getting him in a very strong stage hunting field starting with Remco.
who is that? never heard of him before, is he any good?
Those are Su22
that has to be static display, no way those are still being used
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perfect bike for one certain Sanne Cant
any power meter with a e-ink screen?
You mean bike computer? No
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what can i say
im a fan of snooker and sumo and have never touched any of them
LAPEIRA is this Tour's PITHIE
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So is Arkea going to sprint with Demare, Mozzato, McLay and Capiot
i am barely week in and i feel like the bad emotions are damped (i experience them on an intellectual level, but i am not as much in touch of them as before) and i certainly feel sleepier, but that does not bother me. is it placebo effect? idk, but i am less stressed and i don't have diarrhea before work every time. like i said i realize the problem is me and my fragile sense of self worth and my lack of motivation and avoidant personality and being just slightly drugged won't resolve everything. imagine being a domestique and before every stage you fear how will you fuck up delivering the bottles or how you'll get caught out of position. it is destructive and it comes in waves whenever i experience even a minor failure.
high cadence chads wwa
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lmao at commentators unenthusiastic
>Riders crashing...oh no, what a shame
Demare won't sprint a single time
Sweating from just eating a noodle soup.

God damn it
DNF stage 5 or something
Good soup?
i'll be going to my non-airconditioned gym in about an hour and do some olympic weightlifting hell yeah brother
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Careful what you wish for, I can see the end of days quickly approaching on the horizon
It's also extremely humid here. I really prefer the 35+ than this
is nicotine performance enhancer
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Will look good in a reasonable size
Lots of rain and thunder yesterday and today. Proper sauna innit
Yes, dry heat isn't as much of a problem.
Being sticky all the time is disgusting.
No wonder tropical diseases are now spreading in Europe.
Yeshindeed, I am inclined to think so too.
Really wanted to get 4 extra points so I can pick two 6ers but the shortlist is very short and if Lapeira is the best bet - who will be a top10 merchant on a few stages - then there is no point getting of the shitty 4s.
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another very cold take from a burger. first the lad who said you should never spend money on anything. now a lad who says you can't enjoy anything. stupid fookin nihilists
Ah yes, nostalgia of the first model I have ever put together kicked in so anytime I see a pencil shape it is MiG-21.
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Bertollos' waifu wins again
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SDworx sisters, what's wrong with us
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holy fuck
how many Benjis make up /cyc/
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instant +30w
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the favella of SDworx
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Apparently there was some sort of shitstorm at the finish
there are great (or should that be bait) options in the 6 pointers. loads of stage hunters who are actually strong like Williams Aranbaru Harper Kung Madouas Lutsenko Squillaume Meijntes. even a cheeky Gaviria could get a bunch of top tens. spoilt for choice
why don't you guys ride topless, you'd think the wind would take care of things
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top 10
that's like saying you don't want to watch war movies or play video games unless you want to get shot in real life
i'm fat and ashamed
also have weird tattoos
just ride faster
Good to see she's back after her surgery. :)
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Commentators on PADUNI:
>"Marco PADUNI, one of the BIGGEST stars of the Team Corratec - Vini Fantini, is the only runner who didn't start today because he was outside of the time limit"
>"We don't know why, whether he chuted or had a mechanical, is a mystery"
what should my ride today be?

1. 4 hour endurance grable
2. 2 hour with Vo2 interval sesh
3. try and get some PR/KOM on strava
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regretting that swastika now eh Jakob?
old Di2 is so disgusting
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>Matúš ŠTOČEK is one our biggest future talents
>He's only 25 years old
I'm still convinced his two Dauphiné stages are the most blatant ebike incidents we've seen in professional cycling.
The way he rode from all the best climbers two days in a row without breaking a sweat looks like more than just being juiced up. Especially considering it was only two days in his whole career.
i've read somewhere that it's the first tour since 2011 without sagan
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climbs for stage 1
>>142119302 Froggy summed it up very elegantly here >>142119164.
Nothing the shrink provides you with will fix your problem. I was on an SSRI for like a month and a half and I don't understand how some people just continue to take them for the rest of their lives.
Unironically one of the things that freaked me out the most was that I could barely orgasm. Could literally fuck for hours without edging at any point. Life is meaningless if you can't feel the extreme ends of the emotional spectrum, good and bad.

You won't feel as sad on the poison pill but you won't feel as happy during your moments of joy either. It's difficult to explain but just imagine you're in a situation where you know you find it funny, and you are laughing like you normally do, but you don't feel anything at all. What's the point of that?
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>Colle Tre Faggi (Souvenir Schizobrit)
three faggots?
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Colle tre faggi = Col of the three beech tree
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The total is around 46 km of climbs, more than the two Pyrenees stages
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any last words pandillero?

also are all of you guyses with an FTP bigger than 300w just heavyset? I thought you guys were all fit intermediate/advanced riders here.
So UAE smashing it?
4hr endurance get that base nice and high
I had full blown panic disorder from lockdown and one (1) year of SSRI cured it 100% . Don't listen to these schizos. CBD anon is right though, that does help it.
First, second, third of the stage, possible also 4th
>much anictodals
I guess it gave you brain damage too? I think the point everyone is making is to be VERY careful on SSRI's because if it's undiagnosed psychiatric disorder and not just a lifestyle issue then the SSRI's can completely destroy your neurochemistry and take years to recover from short spells on the medicine. I'm glad it worked for you but it's best not to flippently jump on these meds because the price to pay if they are not correct for you is immeasurable.
I wonder whether the chaotic state of the world triggered your disorder and within a year there was much more stability and optimism which meant it went away instead of meds fixing something, which in psychiatry is very rare and likely if you have a real chronic disorder, it never actuall goes away.
Taking iron supplement, albeit only 14mg, and making sure I don't drink coffee before or after 2 hours of intake.
Also same pattern when eating meat/eggs.
just eat red meat
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>also are all of you guyses with an FTP bigger than 300w just heavyset?
unironically had a 300w FTP here, it's not very high unless you're unathletic and then it'll take years. It is not high even for 3rd category racers doing 8hr a week. Push your pedals harder and more often you don't even need to train it it'll get there after a year. I was probably 15 there 64kg or something 175cm.
600 grams of beef...every day.
tour de france starts tomorrow, in Florence, or Firenze as it's called in Italy. it must be quite a moment for Bettiol as he'll be wearing the Italian NC jersey for the first time in a race that starts near his town
I've been waiting for Three Faggots Hill since the parcours was announced
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Nice heart disease my dood. Go vegan or go fuck yourself.
Doesn't it start Saturday??
oh right. they've been pushing me so many articles this week i thought it was starting tomorrow haha
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get fug outta here
we have a woman over here

PCS Bert should add a chat to the live stats
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Slovak commentators already expect Lukas KUBIS to surprise everyone at the Olympics
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new zealand maybe
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the rapevan has been impounded
anyway, you still dont need 14g unless you're pregnant
Efficacy in acute phase treatment

Antidepressants acting on the serotonergic system are effective in treating panic disorder. These include the SSRIs (citalopram, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline) (Bakker et al.2002; Hoehn-Saric et al.1993; Lecrubier et al.1997; Michelson et al.1998; Pollack et al.1998; Stahl et al.2003; Wade et al.1997), the TCAs imipramine and clomipramine (CNCPS, 1992; Papp et al.1997), the SNRI venlafaxine (Bradwejn et al.2005; Liebowitz et al.2009; Pollack et al.2007a, b), and the irreversible MAOI phenelzine (Sheehan et al.1980; Tyrer et al.1973).
Buy our sunglasses
Maybe should have prefixed it with "unclassed". But. But but but.
There is one (1) good finish for him that is also sub 200km, stage 8.
Sprinter slot. He has some merit but it is a slightly faster (if faster) Lapeira driver.
Climber. Will for the lesser sheikh, can't wait for another chute or some other sketchy DNF.
>Onley - for that matter is also NOT getting through 3 weeks with both collarbones intact.
For some soul reasons only.
Even more soul reasons.
Something is off with him.
Ok. Can be your top 20 merchant.
Ok, Can be your top 30 merchant.

You can also get a Cristian Rodriguez, Laurance, Danny Van, GODon, Abrahamsen, De Plus, Haller, Sobrero, ACK, Waerenskjold or Steff.
Great picks for Dauphine or Itzulia. Too loaded startlist to dillute your picks, this is 4 point breakaway shitter crapshoot tier.
>equitable access to technology and the primacy of man over machine
Visma bros, they're going to take away our motors...
Slovak is really the most universally intelligible language for other Slavs.
Slovenes agree? Do you understand a lot or not?
I never doubted it's efficacy to help certain disorders and increase stability, however in people with chronic psychiatric disorders they will often relapse despite medication working, often whilst on medication. I'm glad it worked for you, you know your situation so I'm speculating but the onset was at a stressful time and whether it'll relapse, which obviously hopefully it doesn't, is an indication whether it was environmental factor or a chronic disorder such as bipolar.
I reiterate, making strong recommendation on a medicine that worked in your case is foolish and reckless because IF it doesn't work for someone it can destroy their life. Promoting CAUTION when discussing these topics and presenting risks as well as positive experiences is best for the person who's looking for advice. If you actually understood this topic, you'd know that because SSRI's are not a very simple topic at all. A life changing medicine, either way.
5 km to go in Czechoslovakia
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Carlsbad knodles are an abomination
It's interesting that almost every slavic country has a completely different word for "race"
the days are getting shorter bros...
enjoy the hot Sun while it lasts, for soon the leaves will start to turn and then fall and then only darkness will remain
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Foldager wins
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some Mexican lad almost won
It's over for allah, zero snap in those legs.
October is best season anyway around the mediteranée
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>it's true
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Found on strava
rasa? as in a persons race
dirka as in a cycling/F1... race?
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top 10
>Di Gregorio
Every time
cycling race
as far as i know it's
>zavod in czech
>pretek in slovak
>dirka in slovene
>wyscig in polish
>utrka in croatian
Anders "Next Di Luca" Foldager
>soit jusqu'au 7 mars 202219.
that's kinda harsh

there's a map in Battlefield 4 named zavod 311. Had to google the word, apparently it means factory in russian
Sprints became boring in the late 80s when the first pure sprinters arrived like Jean-Paul van Poppel. Then it became even more boring when sprint trains arrived in the late 90s with Saeco
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they still use that Sagan picture
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Taureau tricolore
very good jersey
so glad he won
>Van der Poel wants to "finally win another stage", but is not immediately thinking about the opening weekend. "The first stage is on the edge. A doubtful case, but I would rather say not. And the second stage is too difficult anyway."
adjoostments needed
I was certain Foldager was a fraud, now he’s beating future hof’ers like Berckmoes
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I had a good long look at my supplements and it appears I might have been overdosing on iron (legally)
Looks good
Very nice, now EF has to adjust and it will be a kino jersey race.
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>3.6k for a 105 mecanical
>great pricing
lmao even
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EF can't do a jersey without scribbling shit on it
I know we've talked about it a lot, but how the hell do you design that seatpost thinking it isn't a giant liability?
Like what is the purpose even, weight savings?
It's clearly a marketing gimmick
Expected worse. It is not Astana's Velasco but I can live without squeaking about it.
My boy is looking LEAN. Yellow in florence rimini
at least there no color whirlwinds
to make it look different
everything is better than UAE national jerseys
but then again this reminds me of watermelon
This is the big issue with bikes now, they are so heavy because it's le aero meme. The added 2kg to the emonda and now it's a piece of shit up hills which was the point. Most consumers don't go more than 20mph anyway so lightweight is more beneficial for enjoyment. Trek is a dying brand anyway.
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Added weight has nothing to do with aero, it's entirely the d*sc meme
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Two stage wins
What kind of illegal data could they possibly collect?
we've been receivin' reports that bike riders are riding on this bike lane...

atleast this guy has shown a lot of eagerness to attack this year so I actually expect something from him
you're not allowed to transmit HR, power etc.
guy bike touring with his two kids?
I hope they didn't film him against blue chromakey
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Virage Bardet is real
I think I have a crush on Bettiol... he's so handsome
>ride like fucking dickheads
>cry like little faggots on social media
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how many of these masks did they make during that vuelta that he still has them on hand
Lmao Jumbo nerdshit banned
A kid and a dwarf I think. The reach on the front position is kinda long compared to the very short leg length.
i mean, just put the whole thing in a white van
who the hell will know
this fraud gets exposed when it's 25+°C
Why angry bertollo?
you simply cannot call mvdp a fraud
Dunno why it has taken so long before a team tried some kind of 'control center'. It makes no sense to have a guy driving a car, to make all the calls and keep the tactical overview.
others teams put guys on the team bus every now and then that coordinate a little
this is just another marketing ploy with
>we're so advanced guys look
I mean you can do this from literally anywhere, why sit in the back of some stinky van
The "control centre" is basically what every bert do on their couch while watching the race
I just stated a fact, it was 30°C today he ain't going to do much with these temps
>Pogacar has fewer race days than Rodriguez, Hindley, Vlasov, Bernal or Carapaz
yeah ofc. Visma has done that too. But you can't get radio contact with the riders from the team bus or back in their home country. It's a hilarious thing to get worked up about.
Because he never won anything with in these conditions
but the rape van doesn't ride in the convoy so isn't the radio contact pretty much the same as the team bus
Bernal has already done 6 stage races (4 of which major tours) this year, kinda nuts
The only time where it's 25+ is in July-August-September. His goals are the classics that take place during the spring
Vlasov has raced a lot and he's been good in every single one which is impressive
>zoomer meme music in the team presentation
I think it's a nothinburger. The team did it to advertise Visma and UCI released a statement either to stop people complaining or just to seem important.
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time to troon out?
son you were conceived in the visma control room in the hot sweltering summer of 2024
The SCORCHING summer of '24
i accept your concession
Stop posting /asp/ memes please
I accept your defeat
He has to prove me wrong first
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The infamous ITT going on right now
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Bring back the real spanish jersey
We're live in florence. Guys please go back to 15 minutes ago lmao
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That time. Very interesting choice of music
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>real spanish jersey
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Grande Bettiol
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Bettiol promised he will win saturday, adjust
ANOTHER blue jersey jesus christ
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I want to live in toscana
The lady has an AI voice
No he didn't, sneaky Bertolo.
love the Bull's bike, too
>not living in tuscany
holy fuck that Arkea jersey is SOVL
because UCI doesn't allow for live data transmission from riders to the team. So it is kind of a moot point, it's not like they can hook the riders with a bunch of shit and know how exactly close to red they are, they can't even have the riders power data in real time. It's more marketing than anything, but I guess having an actual computer and screens is better than looking up Tiz and PCS in your phone
>having your phone out for the presentation
Campy with his wet fart face, kek.
Didi there <3
time to make lelgiens seethe
it might actually be, they didn't want to hire someone
How hard will Belgians seethe when Mark wins?
man cavendish really looks like a guy with a mental handicap
Really hope that this disgusting anglo doesn't win anything
As if I needed to adjust anything. Bettiol is in the boys team
the isle of man gene
absolutely nobody cares
not even Merckx
why is the sound so fucked
RAI doing its thing again
caring about these type of stats is a very anglo thing to do
I don't believe that
somone give that man a new microphone
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>Dannebrog right at the center front
fix the fucking sound you useless shits
>La Sinda*a di Firenze
>Viva il ci*lismo!
>Viva tour de france, viva firenze, viva ciclismo
truer words were never spoken
who is the mommy in the blue dress
that's me cyc gf
very cool
>EU flag
someone punch that guy
nobody compares the eras anymore, the people from then who would get upset over it don't even know who cavendish is
Mark Cavendish - 1 memorable win (Champs 2009)
Eddy Merckx - 34 memorable wins
based tour sending all tourists to Rimini
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wtf is that zoomer hair on Juul
no one compares sprinters with real cyclists
Groenewegen is looking thick. Solid. Tight. Hope he keeps us all posted on his continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight he can get. Thanks for the motivation.
yates looks deathly ill
>thanks guys GTFO the stage
that Cofidis jersey is so nice
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What is this jersey?
gayco should just make this their permanent jersey
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the elder YATESI looks ready
not sure about these Cofidis jerseys
fatman looking fat
Kristoff looks OBESE
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he looks ready, absolute beastmode
holy fuck grug is SKELLY
GREAT bike for Grug
GRUG first time on road bike in two months
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what are these things the riders have around their wrists?
looks like flags
>Japsper the CHEATER
Hoping that Grug kino isn't limited to sprint leadouts
Jonas already on TOP FORM
Youtube comments is pure schizo shit
what are these shitty interviews
why the fuck they ask him if he's gonna get yellow, have they seen the stages
this is worse than the allah yellow meme
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Portugal federation demands this btw
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It’s cool that the Tour is starting in Italy this year, because there’s no other big races that race in Italy very year
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what is this
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who are these 3 vagabonds they found
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Andrew Thomas knows
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very based music
like in my little town festivals
Arkea jersey is cool
hahahah kek
always when in Italy for the start of GT's they must have cringe ass music or dancing
just stop
lmao that woman in the audience looking as confused as us
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very summer vibes from this
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grandebros explain yourself
the goverment bots are in the comments
you would love this in some old bar with a sunset in the background
Pure sovl. We better match this during the Vuelta presentation.
sovless white people just can't enjoy life like we do
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Nothing to explain, just soul to enjoy
once again nothing has beaten the presentation in København
Only if they play Careless Whisper
>Pogačar contracted the coronavirus during the altitude training period, between the end of the Giro d'Italia and the death of his grandfather. “I got sick and felt very tired,” says the top favorite for the overall victory. “That made me a bit of a question mark, but I have recovered very well from the Covid infection. In the end it wasn't that big of a deal. I honestly feel great now.”

It's over
yes they should have told us to get drunk beforehand
but that's my fault
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Viva Marco Pantani haha this is great
yes I'm behind
Get this old hag off the stage and show us more young Italian ladies
sauce plz
Oh no, not the flue
that is where cyc lives innit
Haha look at that fat little goblin
>Where Visma | Lease a Bike and Remco Evenepoel are wearing face masks again, the Slovenian is surprised. “Covid is no longer such a serious problem. Especially if your body has already carried the virus before. I've had it before, maybe more than once. Your body therefore gets used to it. It wasn't too heavy, but more like a cold. I was only off the bike for one day, then I rode indoors on rollers. And when I no longer felt sick, I started cycling outside again.”
gogo memquito
>Memco in normal jersey
incredibly lame

and only 7 (seven) names?
He said he had covid 10 days ago in the press conference
Remcking and Landismo
/our/ duo
odd seeing Remco in a regular jersey
>Yves Lamepart

What does he do
Serious look
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people fucking love Landismo
He's actually looking good
not help the team, ride for himself, suck Patjes cock
he looks like video game character
Fedtmule is about to talk
he looks already defeated
Why are they interviewing Landa's domestique?
He looks way leaner. Must have been fasting these past weeks
Landa is Hirt's gregario though
camera man had a stroke
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farm stages innit
Remco is skelly. good luck other riders
>interview for bini but not remco
Oh nonono
whens music break, fuck this shit
Based blind and deaf bert
Thanks for that psyop with skelly Remco.
Thanks a lot.
? they interviewed remco
will pogi show up with his usual lip aids?
god totalenergies has such a terrible team
More like tour de half France
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look at that gaunt face. yellow jersey stage 1 with time gap
Hello tourist
mads looks skinny
get that man a roast chicken
Skujins KWAKed
Fuck Toms I guess.
he got buccal fat removal
he is ready to hype up all of lelgien with his week 1 yellow jersey and then crash and burn in week 3
if you want I leave, the regular bertollo never posts
just stay clear of the russian, he's know to hunt down Italians
surely the next thread declares tour fever
Cic goes will go for stages, adjust
Great, can't wait for some dancing zoomerina.
bring back the saxo boomers
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>Jonas gets the microphone
>"uuhuuhuu, i feel ready"
>"we will do our best"
>i will do my best"
>"it will be hard"
>"week 3"
>"uuuhuuu so yea"
im already cringing knowing this is coming
Pure Southern Italian phenotype
Italians really can't do without bunga bunga
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last year was pretty fun
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yeah I got a fever alright
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timbert is in the know
>Europeans don't sexualize kids challenge
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Hugo Houle? More like Hugo Schwul
where dawg?
Stephen Williams is this year's Lafay
horrendous team
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>Della Germania, Steven Williams.
god damn Mohoric looks almost as skinny as the skeletons Haig and Poels
waar Moho's nc armbands?
sam bennett lachée
>the entire crowd suddenly develops some kind of cancer
My boy formolo. Haven't seen him all year
gay earring on aranburu
Rog barely held the heil in.
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the reason Jonas not doing Vuelta
mountain bike bros. I saw 3 ebike users today and 0 (zero) hardman
ROGLIC looks sober
please refrain from posting me cyc gf
Newey designed bikes when?
MTBers are abosulte frauds.
would be overkill to use Tapentadol for a team presentation
based happy tapentadol man
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our brand ambassadors are not very personable and the other fixture companies are laughing at us...
I will NOT adjust
*crosses arms*
why is old mark cavendish singing
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waar ramazzotti
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maybe just a little bit
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>Those Danes at front waving our flag

Please stop youre embarrasing us
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just look how skinny this junkie is
someone help him
adjoosting as I watch
Remco IN
Roglic IN
Mads OUT (too skelly)
You wouldn't know because you live in flatland but go anywhere hilly and they just blasting uphills on ebikes
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My local trail has 600 meters of climbing
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Greenday are playing about 5 miles away and I can hear it clearly with the windows closed. What a fookin racket
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Over 10 loops?
boomers doing 50km/h on ebikes on the flat is a menace
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1 loop of 25 km
I just got home from a lap
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Top 10% soul, bottom 10% points
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solar almost chuted
Tim wellens finally accepted his fate
/elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/ /elite/
team looks incredibly ready
gonna need /elite/ to betray the doper
Atchooso next to the battle lines
>that long-covid stare
it's over
whats with the blue bike
>random white jersey prize
here come dat dopeur
>all these bruises and half-healed cuts
the man just can't stop chuting even outside of racing
so basically every world-tour rider has completely fucked their immune system and gets covid 5 times a year now? thank god for safe and effective medical interventions
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it's the 20k bike they're trying to get the uberfreds to buy
irishbert you know what to do
is that a little lip aids i see starting
>that random Turk flag
Take those sunglasses off while you speak you uncultured pleb
fights breaking out for the bottles
it does look good, ngl
Is that cope I'm smelling?
high end motos are like 15k so why would I buy a 23k euros bike?
I dont rate gradient coloring
what is a fred
its more hopium
Big /elite/ betrayal on Tuesday if we lose to sLOVEnia on Monday, you heard it here first
Gaudu looking like some video game villain.
don't you see, p*rchasing sloppa is the only way to enjoy your life la
Martinez looking good with the headband
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he cute
people who buy Colnago/Cervelo/S-Works bikes as their first race bikes
He's just flexing his hairlines to the berts
Bernal more loved than he was before
ineos merda
my king.......
Bacardi Lemmen in yellow stage 1
Ugly shirts bring back JUMBO
Oh no, Vingo looks sick to the bones, he won't even survive week 1
Jonas looking kinda chubby
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>irishbert sharing velodrama secret to get some milf's number
shirts looks like shit compared to the promo pics
go on matteo my son
lel people are already walking away
>people leaving
full villain arc
That's just default Jonas
>Sepp had covid
>Pogi had covid
first assasination attempt from Visma?
Based Vingegod showing his eyes as a gesture of transparency and being forthcoming/respectable to the crowd.
>happy to be here
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lel remember when he had covid in the giro and they just let him spread it around
My king
Too weak to wear sunglasses
>the danish anchovy
never let a dutch woman pronounce maillot jaune ever again
This man will wear yellow after stage 1
Trace of hesitation and sadness in Vinge's look
Det er ovre
>le tour de france vingt vingt-quatre
det slut
please watch >demiwinslol
Kasia so pretty
fined for littering
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weird bib design
Not a fucking chance
time to feast on many frankfurters avec waßermelon
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It's over coupe omnisports bros
who's this yellow thot
ah yes
the fruit bowl trophy
Sitting in ceske drahy wagon. Let's see if I can be bertaczek for an hour.
drømmen er slukket
dopøren vinder på uærlig vis
the blue thot from earlier
we are officially in /tdf/ mode now
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Haha it works. Rui Costa deserves the rainbow stripes.
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its that time of the year again
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Morbidly obese
it's time

yeah, it's factory in russian

in polish it's
>zawód - profession
>zawód - disappointment
>zawody (plural of zawód) - competition
based noticer
the jersey finally back on a lotto lad
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i did my ride
i got 12th out of 526 on a 7 min climb
and 6 out of 90 on a 4 min climb 2day
then i tried another 10 min climb but was 20 seconds off my PR which was 67 out of 1426
then i puttered around for an hour all gassed
i saw a beaver scooting mini beavers across a road which was nice

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