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We lost 1-2 to Panama

USMNT v Uruguay for the final match of our group stage on Monday at 6pm PST

Van Gaal or bust
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You're welcome
You’re based
Cant really blame gregg for this one. He played bunkerball well enough and he had no control over weah chomping out
You have no idea how happy I am that we're about to get grouped and fire the bald freak. Should've happened 2 years ago but as long as we get a new manager for 2026 idc

Fucking phone
>He played bunkerball well enough
You don't park the bus against Panama, they were doing fuck all before BerHitler decided to park the bus with 5 defenders. Take out Gio and adding another CB just make it worse.
>and fire the bald freak
Not a chance in hell this is happening
Based canal worker
US soccer are retards but they're not that retarded. They ain't going to tolerate losing out on game revenue from the knockouts or how stupid Groggggg is making their decision to rehire him look to everyone. They cannot be ride or die with a manager who has gotten grouped in a group with Panama and Bolivia, one of the easiest groups of the tournament.
I’m blaming Gregg he surrendered to a back 5 instead of going 4-4-1 like any normal, better side does when they go a man down

Instead of subbing to our strengths (midfield and forwards) he subbed in CCV instead and took off Reyna, basically our best possession player on the field

This game put me firmly in GREGG OUT camp
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>they were doing fuck all
Interesting theory, even though you’re wrong. They pressed Turner the entire time before half, even got a good bicycle shot just over the crossbar within the first 5 minutes. They dominated most of the game and all we could do was rely on counters to get anything even close to a shot on goal. Holden I think even said “Panama’s keeper hasn’t had much to do after the red card” because they had the ball so often
just found out they named a country after a Van Halen song and it just beat the Jew S of A

not gon' lie or nuthin' that shit is whack
>This game put me firmly in GREGG OUT camp
The fact that it was THIS game and not our worse embarrassments, let alone the OTHER times we’ve lost to panama makes me think you don’t watch NT games at all
I gave him a do over when he got rehired, I’m back in the camp
member when adumbs turned into a defender at like 34' and lost the ball kek.
that nigga sucks!!! stinky mlels shitter needs to go back to NYRB. also lol at the arrogance of Gregg playing him when he's on a minutes restriction. complete caca dogshit player. can't wait for Gregg to go, there's not a shot in hell the next manager plays adams with the midfield options we have
>They pressed Turner the entire time before the half
We created chances with Balogun and Pulisic because they opened themselves up and we were willing to attack them. Then when he switched to a back 5, we lost another midfielder that could've helped press higher up and we looked toothless. BerHitler made the wrong subs, Mckennie should never have played it should've been Johnny and Musah.
You're responding to a troll , you're wasting your time giving him any attention
lets take out Balogun for the Mlelser that can't score a tap in. someone check Gregg's fanduel account
Why did Gregg pull Balo for Pepi anyways? Sargent or even Aaronson made more sense in that moment
why didn't Pulišić save 'Merica? he even has that deadly Croatian gene in him, what happened?
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there's still time....we NEED your support monday
Went down to 10 men 15 minutes into the game. Manager told everyone to park the bus. Hard to run up and down the pitch to defend and score goals.
Sargent with his foot and Aaronson who isn't even a striker?

Honestly the sub should have been Musah for Pulisic. Pulisic doesn't really have the speed or the dribbling ability to counter the way you need in that situation
Crowded and boxed in

Honestly don't know why Musah was left on the bench
The last time the US was down a goal and a man it was Musah who got us back in the game with his dribbling
Drew a red card
We created what? One chance? Balogun missed and every other time our crosses got intercepted
What am I trolling about? I watched the game
Sargent and Aaronson support the press. Aaronson has played as a SS up top for Union Berlin this season. It was the most obvious choice when you needed cardio buddies like those two to help press up top and Sargent is an outlet and good at holding the ball under pressure. Pepi doesn't do any of that well.
I'm fucking tired of this propping up him just because he's in Spain
I don't want to see his mutt ass on the field in a us shirt again
You completely ignored Sargent's foot injury
Doyle, your MLelSoy exports Adumbs and Pepshit failed us hard.
aaronson definitely should’ve played yesterday there’s no question about that
You move Aaronson to RW and play without a 9 in that situation and let him run centrally when we do actually get a ball
I'm sorry that you're just so excited to suck down that Brazilian's cock but he sucks
He's not ready for the role that's been given him and Gregg should be fired for calling him up
Musah would have been a better option for that
no matter what I’m glad we seemingly all agree berhalter mishandled the subs yesterday
38th for Pepi being a shitter
yeah we needed....brendan aaronson....where did he start his career again? oh yah that's right
I'm sorry that you're just so excited to suck down MLelSoy export cock but they sucked and costed us the game
They're not ready for the role that's been given him and Gregg should be fired for calling up MLelSoy exports just because they statpad goals against tulip farmers when they're team is up by 6 goals
I just don't understand why he would give up the midfield like that
Moreover, it's clear CCV ain't it
I watched the Iran game a while back and he's got his hand around an Iranian neck like nearly every attack yet still kept getting caught out of position
How the fuck is Tyler Adumbs getting national team minutes in a COMPETITIVE GAME when he have Jonny and Musah? Are Adumbs and Gregg gay lovers?

Adumbs was trying to give the game away yesterday
Worse than Balogun and Sargent. Never call up this beanlet ever again.
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44th for Pepi being a shitter
>They cost us the game
Bro it was Johnny
It was CCV
It was Richards
It was Gregg keeping Musah in the bench
You can't say "It was Adumb's fault" then want a guy who fucking played even worse
How does Johnny's cum taste?
> then want a guy who fucking played even worse
b8. get a hobby doyle
holy fuck I can't believe Gregg took Balogun off for that mlels dogshit shitter. He would have fucking won us the game, I just know he would have. He was playing at a level I'd never seen from him.
at least its only one more match with him. fuck the federation for bringing him back
Adumbs fags... what the FUCK do we say now???
You're all fucking idiots. Always trying to pick on mls when mls is the reason why we're so good. Keep trying to blame our mls exports, I'll just double down and shit on your eurosnob players. God I hate this shit general.
What did Johnny do that was better?
I can remember all the times while defending and he just stood there like a deer in headlights
Yeah Adams got dispossessed there. It's not his game. Probably another reason why Musah should have been on the field.
But I don't know how you watch the second half and think Johnny is better
I’d have brought Musah on for Adams anyways
yjk Gregg is going to give adams another pointless 45 minute shift and sub him off at half time when we’re down 3-0
Not bringing on Musah at all was suicidal
I don’t think Gregg has the balls to do that, I think we will see Musah, Reyna, and McKennie start on Monday
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> You're all fucking idiots. Always trying to pick on mls when mls is the reason why we're so good. Keep trying to blame our mls exports, I'll just double down and shit on your eurosnob players. God I hate this shit general.
Shut up Doyle
so why don't you want to talk about Adumbs mistakes yesterday?
He complains about eurosnobs but he has his own general and refuses to go there to talk about Cremaschi and Tolkin being world class pffffffft
B-But J-Johnny....
If Aaronson starts on the wing I probably won't watch
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I cant find a clip of this but I remember it, it was so funny, whoever called adumbs the "headless chicken" nailed it. just so fuckin bad
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Just ignore him bros he’s obviously shitposting lol
reyna was already pressing and adams comes up sprinting pulling the US out of shape. I don't remember him being this bad, I think the injury caused him to lost confidence and he's pressing.
He was playing like there was still 11 men on the field, but that’s his MO, he runs around and causes chaos but he completely lacked discipline yesterday and was exposed for it
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Good evening muchachos, he's not an american talent but I'm sure you watch a lot more MLS than I ever will. Is Julian Carranza any good?
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In all seriousness, this is on Gregg
This is why modern teams don't play 4 in a flat midfield anymore because the midfield gets outnumbered
Gotta be compact yet there's 4 playing on the outer third
What the fuck are they doing?
It's inexplicable. Especially because your back line is clearly the weakest part of the team; the manager never should have ceded all possession.
But the strangest thing was Panama retaining 3 CBs all game for seemingly no reason. Balogun was constantly marked by 3 people just hanging back doing nothing. The attack could have been so much better from Panama.
It's still possible to finish bottom of the group
it’s not lol
He's fine
Beat player for Doop so far
But pretty sure anyone can score in that league
kek even random sports radio stations in the US are talking about how shitty of a coach Berhalter is. Bye bye gregg
Good. I hope he goes to sleep knowing he's wasted one of the better young USMNT rosters of the century and is a giant laughing stock

He does look like a chicken with the national team. Probably needs more confidence and consistent play time. Maybe stopming on some D tier concacaf teams could do it for him
But anon... the US is a D-tier concacaf team
>pepi missing 5 opportunities to score from 3 ft outside shows MLS’s ability
We are objectively B tier. We always HEEM mexico and Canada is faltering
Goddamn you fuck
Gregg sucks but don't act like this is an actual golden generation
Can't talk like that when our best player got dumped by Chelsea, the second best couldn't get off the bench for Nottingham, and another good one is getting chased out of Juve a second time

>better young usmnt teams of the decade
>you in charge of reading comprehension
I mean before this USA players would always stay stuck at low to lower-mid table EPL teams
Comparatively to the top teams, I don't think this pool is any better off really
why didn't you just FIGHT and WIN???

I just wanna relive 2016 Copa America before we got ass raped by Messi
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Disingenuous as fuck but keep your agenda for Bercuckler's dumbass decision to sit deep
Are you fags really gonna pull against your country?
That's traitor speak
>But it will get rid of Gregg
Doesn't matter. Support your team regardless of who plays or who coaches
Yes. A sacrifice for the greater good that being a 2026 semifinal appearance. This Copa is done for with the swedish second division failure managing us anyway.
Yeah sure
A new manager is gonna take this team to the final
It's only Gregg in the way
I don't have to do anything, they'll do it themselves
Doyle, why do you keep riding hard for your My Little Shitstain with an objectively bad managerial resume? Explain that to us before you resume with putting Berhalter's hair dick back into your mouth.
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>Tied in points with 4th place Costa Rica in world cup qualifying
It's the players fault, they're too young to know better. Gregg dindu nuffin
>Loses to Netherlands with bad tactics
It's the players fault, they all play like shit when it matters. Gregg dindu nuffin
>Beats a historically bad Mexico that got grouped in Qatar and is one more game from being grouped in Copa
Oh my god, Gregg is a fucking genius. Mexico is a world class side and beating them three times in Nations League finals means that Greggy is the American De Zerbi Guardiola Arteta. Greggy for the win!
>Loses to Colombia 5-1
It's the players fault, it's just a friendly why are you taking this so seriously incel? Just a coincidence... Gregg dindu nuffin
>Draws Brazil 1-1 parking the bus
See, this is a Gregg masterclass. The players are shit, btw. Greggy did his best
>Below average performance against Bolivia. Loss to Panama. About to get grouped in Copa
It's the players fault, you can't expect this team to play well against a Concacaf powerhouse who's best player plays for the mighty Houston Dynamo. Gregg dindu nuffin, he did his best
Repeat after me: IT'S NEVER GREGG'S FAULT.
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kek it really do be like that with the doyle fag
Don't forget that he has the worst winning percentage against non-Concacaf teams in the top 25 out of the current modern national team managers.
>peepee poopoo

I apologize to the Dutch anon he was right all along about him.
We just need more 2nd division european benchwarmers and to bring back Klinsmann
We just need more My Little Soccer all-stars like Arriola, Morris, Zardes and world class superstars in the making like John Tolkin, Jesus Ferreira and Ben Cremaschi and to bring back Bruce Arena.
Lippi or bust
Gregg is a terrorist
Pepi starts in Holland
I put money on us beating Urugay
He's a benchwarmer for PSV and Luuk de jong is the starter
And? An new manager might be better but let's don't act like it's Gregg that's holding this team from being elite
We don't have elite players
>Ben Cremaschi
Don't worry, the GOAT taught him all he knows. With that and superior Argentine genes, he'll be insane soon.
I hope you realize he's just a meme and Mascherano didnt even want him in the u23s. He's not even good enough for our senior team yet either.
He’s Uber raw right now, needs to leave the MLS soon where he’ll learn some actual technique soon imo
Can we try signing some actual Americans on our team and not just nationalized Mexicans, South American, Africans and Balkans rejects? Maybe team usa sucks because it has so few people who are actually from USA so few of them play with pride or effort?
Exactly bro. MLS is a top 5, no top 3 league, no arguably it's a top 2 league with 38 year old Messi here. We don't fucking need euro trash, we just need good old American MLS all stars to fight and win. Sorry, my phone just rang, I gotta go to an lgbtq pride parade and then a lemon party to get pozzed up.
kek, decent shitpost
Gregg only got his job because of nepotism and he doesn't represent the country in a way that makes me proud. I'm not rooting against us but fuck him
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Honest question: How did Gregg get the job?

Some random Swedish tier 2 team and Columbus Crew doesn't sound like much of a resume...
In all fairness he was a pretty good MLS coach
Given how when he was there they were near bottom in spending
And he was a national team player in the 2002 team
But probably should have just let someone else get a turn
His brother was a high up in the federation at the time, US Soccer was at the time (and still is in some ways) an old boys club made up of dudes from the 00s and Gregg was seen as a natural hire for them
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The fed has made contact with Wilfried Nancy
his brother was on the USSF board the first time. The second time -- who fucking knows. but its obvious the problems go beyond just the head coach. The fact that the US can only pay the next coach whatever Emma Hayes is getting is fucking asinine. They knew they were hosting in 2026, handicapping yourself should be a fireable offense. Fuck the USSF and fuck those old dyke hags
Oh yeah to any foreigners lurking, the US can only pay the next HC whatever the women's head coach is getting because the women sued for discrimination (the case was immediately thrown out) but the USSF bent the knee anyway and agreed to equal pay ON TOP of a $24m settlement. We deserve to be mocked and you should ALWAYS root against the US womens national team
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>being upset that the mercenary tranny propagandists get blown out
why shoud I care about this team?
The fanbase is 98% ultra libtards, and the players think they're all racist because they get some DMs from latinos.
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Because Puli is kino
what's there to follow after this summer? Nothing until the world cup. is /talents/ just going to be about watching Mckennie's weight for 2 years?
Posting them on their story only gives them the attention they want. Our players will never learn
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>and if you dont like it youre a traitor
They deserve to lose and I will enjoy the atonement of USSF’s sins. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a faggot
This is the best argument for firing gregg. Things are going to get so stale if he sticks around. Make the players learn a new system to keep them from stagnating.
I’m sure there will be /talents/ threads during the international windows but since our friendlies are slated to be boring there won’t be much to talk about until those pre WC friendlies
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interesting stuff. elo isn't everything but I thought its a little insightful
Olympics + friendlys, July will be slow but it'll be active again in August for the start of Euro seasons + end of transfer window
Justin Moran, fuck off
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Weston McKennie was at a hookah bar last night after losing against Panama kek
>gay colors on the emblem
kwabbed country
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Just throw Weah under the bus lol. not a leader of men
If it's over for us, what do we do now?
Nothing? Just get as humiliated as Qatar was for the next world cup?
humiliation ritual
it's true but you can never say that as a manager. he's in self-preservation mode trying to save his job, what a pussy
throw a virgin into a volcano, sacrifice your first-born child, pray for a miracle win over uruguay.

when that doesn't happen, yes, just dogshit friendlies a probably a meme gold cup before the wc
Yeah it’s definitely true but literally part of his job is protecting his players (which is easy in the US anyway because of how little interest there is and how Mickey Mouse the media that covers the US are) from the fans/media.
he also threw Reyna under the bus at a “leadership conference”

Also I don’t buy that the Weah red card is the only reason they lost. Sure it might be the main reason, but almost every decision he made afterwards was a mistake
lol if bolivia beat panama. now you’re talking about a humiliation ritual
Soccer doesn't love you or this team though
Maybe if triple G were to get fired that could change
i honestly ok with getting grouped if that mean gregg got fired 100%
it stings but better than going into the fucking world cup at home with this dude
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You guys keep hoping for Berhalter to be fired but whos your new manager once you sack him? do you have anyone in mind that would be good for the USNT?
We mostly make threads to follow the player sin the european season. And if you want to follow american players in mls, there's /mls/.
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this but southgate
He's beholden to you, the citizens of the USA, and has absolutely no duty to protect a traitor that grouped you
That retarded nigger deserves a lot worse, if anything, trying to just move on is as good as it can possibly get. You expect him to try and make it his fault that some nigger black chimp donkeypunched a spic due to total lack of impulse control?
We need Bruce Arena back
The US is a betting favorite
gregg is going to magically motivate the team to not suck or something
the "american ultras"
https://files dot catbox dot moe/clb4ch.mp4

Dest to PSV permanently. Contract until June 2028.
Turner optimistic to play
He was in a lot of anguish that first half
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Why did you make me see this
I hate gregg but this comment is fair if it was just a bad tackle maybe don't make that comment but throwing a punch in minute 15 of a game is retarded. If you have that little impulse control you shouldn't even be a professional athlete.
We have the worst fanbase jfc
There are certainly 10+ no name literal whos from mls just like GARGG who we could give a chance to at any time. Now are they going to be any better? No one knows, but this current thing has gone on long enough
Are you surprised? Meanwhile in europe:
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I seriously cannot believe that these were real messages
Like there cannot be real American soccer "fans" sending monkey messages
First of all, don't really think Americans call blacks monkeys to their face. That's a European thing
But these fags are too limp dicked to actually do anything
We need lifelong bans for CCV, Johnny, Pepi, and Richards
>mexico owns us for decades
>gregg figures out how to beat them consistently
>this gets held against him
I hate having to be the Gregg "defender" when I don't care for him
But I just want to say that Gregg has little effect on the team as a whole
He's not the coach for the players most of the time
He's just there to mostly babysit
You can go get van Gaal or Bielsa and get slightly better results but it isn't gonna close the gap like you want
We lack smart savvy players at every position
Look at Tim Ream on that last Panama goal
Just wandering around like he's Joe Biden
He's 36. He should have known better than that. If Berhalter has to coach him to defend then Ream is a lost cause.

So again, I don't care about Berhalter. Fire him or don't. I just don't think any coach is going to be satisfactory given the shitty player pool.
don’t even bother with them. they’ll never understand
gold cup and nations league finals next year
Really would prefer never sending the A team to the gold cup again
Gold Cup will always be for the MLS lifers.
I was unaware that this team had strengths
it does relative to Panama kek, their best player plays in the MLS
Maybe 25% of this roster represents people from my "country".
wait did someone say
>You can't blame Gregg because the US bunkered well?
The decision to bunker was a mistake AND they only bunkered for a half and they gave away the game. do words have meaning anymore?
bro I understand what you're saying. feel free to stop watching at any time, you seem like you don't enjoy this and the team would be able to survive without your support
Still astounded by Gregg's decision to go to flat 4
Might as well just played with a sweeper
apparently a bunch of teams are getting invited and its getting expanded next year for world cup preparation might be worth the A team time
Taking a summer off before the world cup is better than just playing a shitty tournament like that
It doesn't appear that they're doing a good job surviving if they're losing to Panama desu
Hahaha it's so fucking over
and why are you happy about this? reyna is that you? lol.
incase you didnt notice, they are all shitters except for CL winner pulisic
I'll believe it when I see it desu, I just cannot see that happening
Wynalda is a tier 300 source
Turkish fans will fucking kill him
He's literally never wrong and highly plugged in
What I'm saying it's easy to say that now but it's a whole different animal to be the first Copa host since the 90s to get bounced in the group stages

The players will give up on Gregg and they'll be forced to find a new manager
this is a cope
seems he staying. unbelievable. even fucking Lalas thinks he should get fired if we are to get grouped
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Say it ain’t so…
He was also the first to report all the fighting and reyna stuff with Berhalter and was right about it all.
>ok at the end of the username
He’s Argentinian
Are you autistic? He's clearly not an American lol. He's Argentine.
Kek we are wasting our time with this sport. Germany Denmark look like they play a different sport from us
Lamborjimmy is worse than Gregg and Mexico is keeping him. Why does the US think that they're entitled to some great coach?
There is a large gap between Gregg and a good coach, we don't need to land Klopp
Define good
Someone who coached at a higher level than the MLS and has a winning record to boot
grim stuff, at least they're having fun at least
i've noticed a lot of these MLS ultras are the nerds/dorks from high school who never really got to participate in this sort of stuff but now they can "judgement free" i guess at MLS games
So Southgate?
Southgate is getting fired after this euros anyways unless he wins it
Then he should be free
He probably has experience with Crocker
If we hired Southgate I would kill myself (on minecraft)
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Caleb Wiley to Chelsea who would be loaned immediately out to Strasbourg

How can our adopted son do this to us...
I want a league wide ban on selling to Chelsea
I heard Jude was going to be Gio's best man at his wedding kek
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We're going to get out of the group and smoked by Brazil, who finally started trying.
How do I read betting odds, are we just below favorites?
Slight favorites
Lmao what how, do the bookies think Uruguay is going to play their bench and go for a draw?
+145 = 40.8% implied probability
+220 = 33.1% implied probability
+195 = 33.9% implied probability

Hmm looks like a pretty even spread so the bookie chuds are saying it's a toss up?
Gio-musah-mckennie should be our midfield fuck Adams
Based, Mourinho will turn him in to a winner
Should Reyna replace Weah on the wing?
He probably will although the actual move would be to simply move Puli to RW and bring on Haji at LW
pulisic on the right. haji on the left
To weird and nerdy to like other sports so they try to find another niche with MLS? My local team is inter miami so I don't really have an adequate frame of reference but there's a reason the tickets were cheap/no one watched prior to messi. Cubans don't really watch the sport, only south americans.
MLS itself is deeply unpopular in the US, the games themselves remind me a bit of MLB in the sense they're mostly for families to go check out and bring a bunch of kids/friends to

I live in Seattle where the Sounders are like moderately popular and it's still mostly family/kids and then the basedboys in the ultra section you saw in that gif kek
>>gregg figures out how to beat them consistently
By "figure out", you mean "play a bad Mexican generation with no talent in europe and veterans returning to mls"
If I was the manager I could heem Mexico 4-0 no problem that's how bad they are, I have almost 5k hours on football manager games I could 100% do it too
Mexico is keeping him because they finally realized there's no hope for them because their player pool is shit. They've gone through 3 managers in the last few years, same results.

Why do you want to stick with a shit coach taking us backwards? Because he coached Columbus Barcelona and markets MLelS?
I find this pretty wild as baseball was once incredibly popular like 60 years ago.

I would guess that the culture of attending local game is only applicable to football(handegg) teams here, namely university teams.
Haji isn't really a winger
I know Gregg said it (lol) but he's a left forward
>Haji isn't really a winger
Just had a career year as a LWer at Coventry
I think MLB peaked out around the late 80s/90s but it used to be similar to European soccer where a lot of MLB stadiums were located in cities/towns that didn't have anything else and were located around neighborhoods which resulted in mass support we used to see in the past

Nowadays no one really cares about baseball, it's not a good sport to watch on TV, there are too many games, and it feels antiquated and frustrating with it's rules
Most of it came from being a left center forward in a 3-5-2
And he still produced at LWer though which is my point, he can play it just fine and looked pretty good when he came in on the left for us recently
Why the fuck do Germany get home refball but the little fuckin MS13 Mayan Midget that refereed the US fucked us
>the little fuckin MS13 Mayan Midget
holy shit my fucking sides KEK
It peaked in the 1970s I’d say, the popularity of the sport waned as AM radio became a secondary media to consume sport
>someone posts a pic of Mckennie fucking around with dumb bitches in a hookah lounge
>confirmed by a source close to Mckennie that it was him
>some gay BerHitler dickrider with a bald head and a tryhard Viking beard and who makes tiktrash shorts of him dribbling like a retard in his backyard starts calling the person who posted the pic a raycis because you can't call out black players
I love the retards in usmnt twitter. Dumbest fucking retards providing entertainment.
> Nowadays no one really cares about baseball
What are you talking about kek, it’s obviously not as popular as American football but it’s still very well attended and does well on tv. What an odd statement, are you even American?
It's on a downward trend and has been for decades though which is my point, less people go to games than ever (even if it's still in the tens of millions over the course of a long season).

The biggest issue with Baseball is how deeply unpopular it is with millennials and downwards, kids do not care about it.

The 55+ age group is what keeps baseball alive which isn't sustainable in the slightest when you realize it's been on a downward trend for decades
>they’re allowed to have personal lives!
No shit dumbfuck. It’s the fact that he can’t even stay in for ONE NIGHT after the US just had an embarrassing loss. And what does it matter if I’m racist, it’s not illegal to be racist. How could anyone not be racist after what Tim Weah did. Why are we supposed to hold them to different standards
attendance increased by 9.6% last year. A lot of the recent immigrants from Mexico and Central America are becoming baseball fans, it’s a nice way to spend a day for younger families
NobletStrength, take your nasty pubic hair of a beard and shove it up your ass while sucking off BerHitler.
It's down over 10m from 2008 though
going out to dinner after a game is over is perfectly reasonable imo, these guys are millionaires back in their home country, they're not going to rot in their hotel room
Still waiting on this explanation for the Johnny simping
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Why did he do it?
>I have to pretend that Johnny was bad because you're all shitting on my boyfriend Adumbs for being a reckless pressbabby
Give it a rest
>Still can't tell me why Johnny is this amazing player
He sucks man
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Johnny boy's transfer value is now 25-30 milly while your pressbabby yt boi wannabe captain Adumbs has gone down considerably and rotting away at Bournemouth.
I want to see that shit with my fucking eyes
All I've seen on the field is a fucking mess
Doyle, it's been established for a while that your eyes are dogshit
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>competitive tournament
>planned substitutions
what the fuck???
is he retarded?
I have yet to see a good word on a Johnny performance for the US
Especially Thursday's
He was fucking turnstile in defense
he's black. he's predisposed to this behavior.
thankfully we only have to see Adams play one more match for the US. I’m so tired of these Berhalter All Stars
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how do we fix this shit?
>I have yet to see my little sawker dot com write a glowing piece on Johnny, all I read are Adumbs propaganda on their MLelS exports articles
Thinking that they would make a good hire if they fired him is wishful thinking anyways. US soccer could do better, but there is no magic fix
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yeah why the fuck the leafs got him and we can't?
Pulisic vetoed Jesse because he didn’t want to run like Jesse wants his guys to run
it was between him and Gregg and Pulisic/McKennie/Adams backed Gregg
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Nigger are you gonna keep deep throating this guy? Because all you fucking talked about the last few months is how great this fucking guy is
And in the 45 minutes he got Thursday he disappeared. Just a fucking turnstile
I don't give a shit what a player does in Spain or MLS or Slovenia or whatever
Just fucking perform for the shirt
And Johnny has not done that

If you want a recap of his 45 minutes, that final goal buildup should help
He misses a few tackles, fails to close down on a few balls in no-man's land, and on the final kick fails to clear the empty space he knows exist
Just fucking trots over. No urgency at all. Useless fuck

Furthermore, let's get rid of CCV. He didn't fucking man mark at all. Tim Ream looks like Joe Biden here, clueless.
Not really
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This Johnny shitposter is so funny I guess he moved on from whining about Gio
>Let's play suicidal ball
No thanks

Maybe for a full cycle
Not for a salvage job
That wasn't me
Tim Weah to miss the Uruguay game and the first game of the 2028 Copa America
>let's get rid of CCV
He needs to move at the very least
Playing in a tinpot euro league like Scotland or Belgium is no different from MLS
Fuck Timmy gonna do xD
He's probably just at the level his talent deserves
we're not like fucking brazil where every player in the team is from top teams of top leagues in europe
If the players can veto marsch and keep Berhalter in after failing to get out of this easy fucking group than they obviously have too much power and that's our real problem here
Playing centerback for a dominant team is retarded career suicide. CCV might suck after all but he could certainly improve by moving to a worse team in a more competitive league
I think we need to look more at performances and less at what league they play
You fags kept hyping up Chris Richards and yet I haven't seem him play like he's a better choice than Zimmerman
All the "Zimmerman is a turnover machine" really stings when Richards is bad at man marking AND bad at passing
It's literally all Pulisic
He's the one with all the power. The federation panders to him. He may be our best player but if he's the one keeping Berhalter in he's holding us back. he's the whole reason we brought a shitter like zendejas in and haji when he was still in Turkey.
The ref for the Uruguay match will be Peruvian Kevin Ortega
> At the Copa Libertadores game between Club Always Ready from Bolivia and Boca Juniors from Argentina in May 2022, he was at the center of a controversy. Boca Juniors won the game 1–0 on a controversial penalty, after which the Bolivian police searched the referee's booth and seized several Boca Junior shirts that had been given to the referee team before the game. Always Ready representatives accused Ortega of taking advantage, while Boca Juniors commented that the gifts were a standard gesture.
We are fucked
Unless the referee is american, its joever. Do you guys not understand that every other country in the world hates us?
>Panama-Bolivia is the location of where we eliminated them from World Cup qualifying
Can't tell if that's a good omen or a bad one
Richards has performed acceptably for the US recently apart from the Colombia friendly
And the Brazil friendly and the Bolivia game and Thursday
Also the Jamaica game
Jesus he was shaky
On the bright side this will finally give my boy yunus an opportunity to cook
Richards looks so damn slow every time he plays for us
He must be tired during international breaks or something. I refuse to believe he would be able to last 20 minutes in the Premier League running that slow
Still baffling
Considering how well he played in the El Salvador game when we went down a man
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Anyone have a real reason for him to not be starting other than another gregg fallacy? Every person I see agrees hes top 3 in pure /talent/ on the squad… gotta find a way to put him on the field when we are still losing to fucking islands
Yes the meme ratings
How do they calculate man marking on that?
The only one I can think is the planned substitution and he was always gonna replace Adams with Johnny
Musah should have been on the field the moment the red card occurred
Richards was not at fault for either goal against Panama and was decent on and off the ball. You're just mad
>Red Card for Chili
Fucking hell
He wasn't responsible for the goals that were scored but that doesn't mean he played well
I have yet to see why he's better for the NT than Zimmerman
back to the musah mckennie adams midfield trio that was oh so creative back in qatar for this must win match.......
Well now that it’s effecting the bottom line I assume that’s gonna go by the wayside. Not making it out of *this* group is unacceptable to the suits running the show
He's right, people only care about handegg and apehoop
Literally CANADA is getting more refball than us. Fuck that little el salvador imp until the end of time. he’s just an inferior being,
Scheme just doesnt match the players at all
More people watched women’s college basketball than watched the apehoop final.
It’s American football 1st and everything else after it. which sport is #2 is up to whatever metric you choose, but nothing comes close to American football
It's good for stifling stronger opposition
It's not good for dominating possession
I don't think Gregg starts it either way
The pitch clock worked and the Yankees and Dodgers are good. Baseball is in a pretty good spot right now. Next tv rights deal will determine a lot though.
Oh that I don't doubt, but apehoop is definitely number two.
He was fine in the Brazil game
well it may be #2 by whatever metric you have created in your head, but it’s not #2 in attendance or television ratings. So I’m not sure what metric you’re using but in measurable metrics it’s not #2, it’s probably 3 or 4, behind baseball and women’s college basketball
>tim weah

also usa is going to crash out of the groups because fucking gregg berhalter sucks dick
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I don't know really what to do here
Ream and McKennie need to be dropped
But I don't really trust Richards on the left
Musah should probably be starting at the 6 but I don't trust Johnny and I don't think de la Torre has performed well in any high intensity games for us
And I don't think Gregg moves Pulisic off of the left for us
Anon cooked? Are we back?
I don't think we win the midfield battle against Valverde and Ugarte
And the more I think about it, Aaronson has always been the next guy up for all winger and non 6 center midfielders
I just wish mckennie gave a fuck when hes in shape his size is massive and allows him to be physical but that nigga do not care about anything
>chile playing like they're not even down to 10 men and making canada very uncomfortable
>but some homosexual gay faggot who watches mlelsoy and defends gregg berhitler says that playing competitive with 10 men against the powerhouse of panama is impossible and that berhitler did nothing wrong
Who the fuck is defending Berhalter's management against Panama?
>still hyping up My Little Shitstains like Zimmermeme
He was dogshit vs Japan u23s. You have no clue what you're talking about
Bros... how bad is the Uruguay game gonna be
Listen I’m a casual but I lurk these threads. I’m looking up Berhalter’s record and he has a sub 40% winning percentage in MLS, and a sub 40% winning record in the Swedish League. He has a high winning percentage for the US team, but at a closer examination, he has very few wins against quality opponents. Transfermarkt values aren’t everything, but the US have the 16th highest rated national team value.
My question is, why are people so attached to him? Is he like a fan favorite to certain members of the fan base? What does he do for those people? He seems just like a normal guy
You dumbass nigger Zimmerman didn't play badly against Japan
Why are people acting like Klinsmann was any good?
Yes he did lol
I watched the game on Youtube, retard. He was dogshit. Same My Little Shitstain bumblefuck on the ball that he always is. Useless in possession while the nips passed circles around him.
>why are people so attached to him?
are these "people" in the thread with us right now?
I can’t believe Canada is going to advance and we aren’t holy shit bros
I’m confused kek, my question was just about Berhalter. I don’t really have a strong opinion either way
>MLelSoyboy deflects to Klinsmann
Incredible how you can't even answer that anon's post, Doyle.
Do you have any idea how pathetic you look that a glorified yoga-loving cheerleader like Klinsmann had better results against European teams than the Columbus Barcelona Gregg Arteta Berhalter?
lmao no they aren't
>My Little Shitstain
Nigger stop acting like you give a shit about anything your dislike of MLS
Richards has been nothing but dogshit in his possession and manmarking since he's started playing regularly yet all you can see is that he isn't in MLS
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck if he plays in USL or MLS or the Slovenian second league
Richards has not shown he's an upgrade over Zimmerman and I don't care about your yuro club fetish
They literally are about to
>Jurgen Klinsmann still living rent-free in the heads of my little sawker enthusiasts
I remember him losing to Guatemala and Jamaica
He did untold damage to the MLS fans psyche when he told them what the world thinks of that Mickey Mouse league
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>I don't give a fuck
You do give a fuck lol. My Little Shitstain.
everyone knows lelbron, Michael jordan, kobe

No one knows or gives a shit about the flavor of the month woman
Nigger you're the one mentioning it
>Richards has not shown he's an upgrade over Zimmerman
he has though
I’m the anon that originally asked the question, I know you guys are fighting but is that real? I do remember people were mad at Klinsmann because he said the United States could never win the World Cup and because he used a lot of German American players
I’m a zoomer not a basedlennial
Just ignore him Zimmerman is so far down the depth chart he’s not even worth discussing

Little Japanese zoomers made him look dogshit just a few weeks ago on YouTube and he has one good knee now
>admitting to being a zoomer
I was pro Klinsmann until I saw that mess in Atlanta with my own fucking eyes
I don't give a shit about MLS. This is the only team I follow
we're the future CHUD
Alright I’m going back to lurking, I have no idea what you guys are talking about
He was german, said bad things about mlels and did above average with shit-tier tactics but mlels enthusiasts need to act like he was so horrible. Like fatman Bruce and Bob didn't have their fair share of problems vs minnow teams. I would not have rehired him after 2014 was over but to this day, so many mlels fags love to blame Klinsmann for Couva when fatman Bruce had 80% of the qualifiers to get enough points and even going into Couva it was still possible to qualify with a draw but they failed.
come watch the canada game
no shit because you're the succeeding generation, tard
Thanks I am watching, Canada are almost there
He didn't say anything about MLS that wasn't painfully obviously true
smfh Canada gets +6
still furious about the +4
>a fucking LEAF
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some kind of cosmic karma that jesse advances to the knockouts after he was snubbed by our federation in favor of gregg
We are either going to win 4-0 or lose 4-0
MarschGODS, we're humiliating Bershartler simps
>lmao no they aren't
the LEAFS just fucking advanced because of you
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Canada advance out of a much harder group with a worse team. Congrats Jesse! From Racine Wisconsin
what evidence is there that a 4-0 win is possible
There isn't
But that's the score line it would take for us to overtake them in the standings
Peter Vermes should coach the national team. Sporting KC should rebuild without him, and he'd be a better country coach than club.
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We could have had a psycho like Jesse Marsch playing all out attacking football but instead we got Gregg Berhalter having our guys play like robots and autistically plans his subs out a week beforehand regardless of the state of the game
no mlelshit coaches please. Just get some random south american
I think the next coach should be from a better league than MLS — the quality of the league is really low. If the guy you mentioned goes to a respectable league I think we should give him a look.
You sure about that?
Canada just got out of a much harder group. US needs to beat Uruguay lol.
>Chile got the first half red
>made a tactical adjustment and kept a clean sheet against a team superior to Panama
>with defenders not even in Europe
Grug is a fucking joke. It all falls apart after the 70th minute for whatever reason and we're left clenching our cheeks hoping the opponent doesn't score more than once.
I mean Canada faced two teams with 10 men and we had to play down a man
Seems like they just got lucky and we're unlucky
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I'm going to call him that from now on
No, not luck. Marsh hasn't been at Canada long and he already has them well disciplined and playing composed. Not a single red card for Canada the entire group stage. They didnt concede a SINGLE goal to Peru and Chile. Marsh is clearly a better coach than Berhalter. If you can't see that then you should keep your mouth shut and listen and learn.
Maybe Doyle is right, Jesse is winning with MLS players. Interesting…unfortunately whenever the US played MLS players they often lost.
He also has Canada playing how they should be, they're annoying to play against and defensively they're very organized and don't play out of shape/attack in a way that leaves them super exposed
People thought he was going to turn Canada into Red Bull or something
>a coach that got a job with a premier league club is better than berhalter
wow never could've seen that coming!
I think people were fair to think that desu, I think that’s what got him fired at Leeds. Maybe he has learned and adjusted. Something Berhalter seems unable to do.
I think I get why Jesse had them playing like they did, they had zero defense but they had an attack that could still punch and they just missed too many swings when they needed points to stay afloat
If Bamford converted like 3-4 of his misses Jesse would have kept his job for example
> If Bamford converted like 3-4 of his misses Jesse would have kept his job for example
Fucking this. That motherfucker killed Leeds, Marsh and McKennie were scapegoats
Yeah , Canada sure were “lucky” when the Chilean goalkeeper RAN OVER Jonathan David and Canada weren’t awarded a pen. Give me a break
Marsch is literally an MLS coach
I can't believe gregg went from our new redeemed savior back to on the verge of being fired in 1 game.
Was. And his coaching education was all european red bull shit since he went to study at other red bull locations where he was influenced the most.
who the fuck is gonna start at RW Monday? If its Aaronson I'm gonna strangle Gregg
probably reyna
who cares about winning the group?
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>our new redeemed savior
How do you even come up with this shit? His second stint as coach has been atrocious and nobody claimed otherwise after beating Bolivia (a failed state)
>7W, 1D, 5L
>0W, 1D, 2L against good teams
>Losses to fucking Trinidad, Slovenia, and Panama with the A team
Pulisic at right, Haji on the left. Pulisic is good on the right like at Milan and Haji has Ngubu burst of speed to run in behind.
gregg is not doing that lol
he's playing reyna on the right, he used to do that often
He's not moving Reyna from midfield
I think he actually might because he isn't dropping Adams and he probably feels the need to try MMA again
At this point it's been a year and a half since they've tried that midfield
Plus he's probably gonna want some athleticism on the wings in the counter attack and Reyna isn't exactly the fleetest of foot
The Brazil and Mexico results coupled with the palatability of making it out the group in Qatar without Reyna and then showing willingness to unleash him created the aura of success going into Copa. Apparently he should've been fired earlier.
>not lucky
They scored one goal in 3 matches for 4 points
Chile and Peru scored 0 goals on them and Canada kept both of those teams to under 1 xG each.
They also played half of those 2 games against 10 men
They were deserved red cards.
I feel like I'm building my hopes up just to be let down
And people unironically want our next manager to come from there. I swear these MLS fans don't actually want the national team to do well, they just want their league to grow. Fuck off.
You're seething, Doyle.
>we've looked at the data heres why AHKTUALLY Canada out performing the US shows that Berhalter is actually a good coach!
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Shaffelburg is essentially Christian Pulisic
Why are you such a nigger? Kill yourself
Canada was always too close to us, and now with Marsch (the most accomplished American manager thus far) they are now better. What other proof do we need that this reddit faggot mls coach isn't going to work
Listen buddy. You were wrong about Gregg. You were wrong about Marsh. It's ok, nobody is perfect. But you should stop giving your opinion, you only continue to embarrass yourself. Go make an MLS thread, you'll be a lot happier
How is Marsch not also a faggot MLS coach?
Adumbs is a MLS guy because he's from a MLS academy
But Marsch, who only left MLS 6 months before Adams, isn't?
We're lucky we got an easy as shit group in the WC and Canada had a group of death. I bet if we switched groups the results flip. We had a much easier group in the Copa and we still fuck it up.
Canada is not better Marsch just has them playing exactly how they should be playing which makes them really hard to score against, they're still the same Canada talent wise which is shit especially their atrocious midfield
And you fags were wrong about Johnny and Richards
So a coach is tailoring his tactics to the players he has available to them, resulting in a sum better than the parts?
I've watched all 3 of their group games now and their friendly against France, for as tidy as they are on defense they cannot score either, either way I think Marsch would have us playing way better attacking football if he was our manager instead of Gregg but I'm not so sure he'd be any better in terms of personnel selection
See that's the opposite of Marsch's career since he's always been committed to energy drink soccer
Tell me more. Got a few days before I can enjoy the quarter finals.
you guys can probably beat mexico now
Someone popular on twitter is finally calling for what we've been begging for, for the last 3 years.
>Justin Moran
This is the guy who sucked dick for bus fare and then walked
Pulisic is just gonna go wide, Balogun is gonna go central, and we will either have a hole on the right or Reyna will just drift over there and we end up with a 4-3-3 again
Gregg OUT
I’m not actively rooting for the US to lose but I am gonna laugh pretty hard if Aaronson starts
You're much better defensively than you were under Herdman but you struggle to score goals and you struggle against intensity. Before the Peru red card, Canada were struggling pretty badly. Likewise against Chile.
Don't try new stuff in a must win game
We not gonna talk about how canada is peaking with marsch while we are spiraling with berhitler? Even the press conferences its like one of the fucking virgin v chad wojaks
What did anon mean by this
That guy looks like he would say "I have HIV but my partner doesn't" in an advert
Aaronson's not that bad. And his pace could be good for Uruguay.
Bielsa suspended for the Uruguay game
tig if brue
Well I feel a little better about our chances
But Coco being suspended for Panama is probably the biggest thing still
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USA fell for the skill meme and abandoned all dog.
It’s safe to say that Soufgate is a lock for the job should we get grouped tomorrow
>destroyed by Argentina
>one goal scored when you played 11v10 for majority of the last two games
>needed to park the bus 11v10 against Chilel to get past the group stage
Canada are the real CONCACAF babies
>US losing to shit caribbean countries
>Mexico losing to shit SA countries
>England losing to Slovakia
Quite the summer for banter
Alexi Lalas just said Saka isn't a good player.
In fact he said the opposite
Marsch is such a tactical genius for getting his opponents to go down a man
Berhalter doesn't have that dawg in him and we ended up a man down instead
>Reyna drama
>Fired and rehired
>Dest throw-in chimpout
>Weah boxing chimpout
There's a pattern
Yeah it's having players under 25
What are we yelling about?
he’s right
England are like the Dallas Cowboys. USA is like the Jets but the fans with with one weird trick they should be the Chiefs.
The US is Illinois with Ohio State expectations
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what does this mean for the future of concacaf?
The team takes on the personality of the coach. Mostly calm but prone to emotional outbursts. It’s just as many of former teammates of Gregg have said.
Yeah it’s crazy how much better Canada are already. But apparently Doyle’s new angle is that somehow Berhalter is still better (?) and that Canada are lucky (?)
Idk kek, he’s dropped any pretense of pretending to be sane and lucid
Why is thread always so fucking schizo?
it is kinda crazy how fast he can spin something to be pro Berhalter. only two more days
Canada is awful and they will lose 4-0 to Venezuela unless ithe refs bail them out again
GGG will get sacked Tuesday morning
I really dont get why you think this will happen. Greggg's lost us far worse games then the panama result(even against panama those other times), theres a less than 0 chance this will be the straw that breaks the camels back
Canada wasn't bad under Herdman. You're a schizo making up history.
Foden might be worse at set pieces than Pulisic
Gregg was gifted two easy games to guarantee qualification and he blew it
Even the USSF can't trust him to make it out of the group stage in the next world cup now
Doyle is gangstalking me bros
>Even the USSF can't trust him to make it out of the group stage
they dont care. theyre sure we'll make knockouts again and have settled with that. Their focus is just on the tournament as a whole building the sport
Generals inevitably get schizo memes like Doyle that long outlive their namesakes
This is bad. They'll all be playing hard for Bielsa.
They've already all but won the group and are playing without their coach. How is it bad
Usually generals are fun or shitposty
These threads always feel like arguing with my mom about whatever political candidate she's become obsessed with
because american fans treat the national team like a club
Gio Reyna is tore his quad cheering for Bellingham
What's the rule on if transfers fuck up the Olympic team after rosters have been submitted. Can they change the roster after the deadline (July 3)?
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Southgate turned things around. Gregg will too.
suspend gregg and let BJ act as the interim
BJ can barely get an MLS job and you tards think he's Alex Ferguson.
they have bellingham, we have a guy who gets benched on a bundes team. usa is ngmi
Herdman was the coach of this team >>142213975 btw
Southgate just got bailed out by a Bellingham bicycle kick in the dying minutes of the match lol, I can see something similar happening with Reyna or something tomorrow
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Gregg has been saved
No it wont
You are all going to seethe win we win 0-0 because of a Panama draw
Theres no way we can beat the scholar darwin and his pack. Its literally oger
How do you lose to a canal?
>looks like the calls have been made
what does this even mean
with a cheeky chimpout and a red card at the 15th minute
>the call has been made
but who made the call?
I would normally enjoy the banter if we had just blown it but we never had a chance
>lose to Meatchicken three years running
checks out
Tyler Adams is going to start again tomorrow kek
People need to just start ignoring Doyle but they can’t help themselves.
I don’t think he’s SAF but he at least played Gio as a 10 and doesn’t miss use him in a double pivot. Whatever kek, one more game and we’re free.
All of our players that play with edge are forwards or midfielders. Our back 5 is too nice. Someone should have decked one of those little imp abominations after Turner got taken out.
and be subbed at half
gregg is so retarded
Gregg is going to prove you all wrong tomorrow
It's fine as long as McKennie doesn't play and Musah does
never has posted in one of these threads
doyle hasn’t posted anything on this site about the national team since trinidad 2017.
get a new nickname for the berhalter baiters, they don’t even support him, they’re just trolling
Potter IN
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>gregg berhalters final game as manager is tomorrow
I will be enjoying the funeral
Not convinced he’s going yet
Doyle has never once posted on 4chuds
Pulisic vs Shaffelburg vs Gimenez rivalry kino.
Yeah, just take away the technical ability, finishing ability and movement ability for the mlelsoy shitter and you basically have an Arriola 2.0 who can cross and run fast.
*take away Pulisic's abilities
Shaffelburg will be playing in the Copa America quarterfinals and Pulisic will not
Doesn't really matter, Shaffelburg will always be an MLelSoy shitter who can't even post double digit goals assists.
My Little Shitstain, Doyle.
You really love hating MLS more than supporting the team
You really love worshipping a dogshit league that's closed off and multiple levels below top 5 leagues more than supporting the national team.
Nigger when did I say I cared for the league?
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this aint /mls/
I want the best players for the USMNT in Europe's top leagues, not a backwater retirement league like MLelS
Lets hope bershartler gets fired
Really just proving my point
Your point is that we should worship My Little Shitstains because they had one good game in a tournament which is short-sighted and antithetical to improving the national team.

Bald fraud

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