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Do or die edition

Previous >>142150938
1st for BerHitler Out
berhalter is a symptom of deep dysfunction in the US national team
Why is this thread always in schizo mode between mentally deranged posters and all the imaginary MLSshills they see in the trees?
It's like arguing with my mom about politics
I would leave but this schizo posting is every fucking where
Reddit, Twitter, discord
Even the woke ones feel this way
I just want to watch this team. I'm not interested in getting in your weird delusions
If it triggers you then just hide Doyle posts with 4chanX
You're the fucking problem here
Your reading comprehension is poor
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Thanks for making a new thread I’ve been busy today
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Met puli at chipotle today
Why do you have no chin?
I skipped mew day
>and all the imaginary MLSshills
This is your routine, Doyle
>hype up MLelSoy player
>someone pushes back
>"Umm why are you shitting on MLS??"
>Dude, MLS is shit fuck off.
>"Umm why are you assuming I like MLS? I'm actually neutral, heh"
You do this every fucking time and think no one catches onto your retardation. There's only so many posters in a general before obvious personalities start to surface.
Schizo post
Get help
Oh and
>Berhalter is fucking shit
>"Umm okay, but what about Klinsmann losing to Guatemala 10 years ago?"
>Dude, who fucking cares about Klinsmann. He was a shit coach and still got better results than Berhalter despite having worse players. Berhalter is shit
>"Umm okay, but our players are shit and Berhalter is the best we go"
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Reminder to ignore Doyle and post about /talents/
Seriously get help
We believe in you anon
Come watch Mexico get grouped
Open this link incognito for a free one hour trial (you can do this again after it's up)
t b h desu I only enjoy watching Mexico lose when it's to us
I want CONCACAF to do well this Copa
Not sure if I should support them getting grouped or if rooting for them to lose will be bad karma for tomorrow
Do we have a chance vs Uruguay tomorrow?
Adams is dogshit offensively and we need a new 6 because having a DM who is only good at one side of the game is not nearly good enough

Musah can be the makeshift 6, he does well enough there
Based on how both teams have been playing recently, no
But US has a lot to play for and Uruguay has almost nothing on the line so who knows. They might do us a solid like England playing for a draw in the 2022 WC. Their coach is also suspended
Your boy Ream is letting us down
Man Mexico is so fucking crap now, I can't believe the Gregg shills bragged about him beating them for 3 years straight or whatever like it meant anything

What the hell happened to their team?
Ream is very on and off. I think his purple patch in the latter stages of the career is over. On one hand, he looks like the only defender we have who can making a simple fucking vertical pass to start a move. On the other hand, he gets completely smoked in basic 1v1 situations and loses his man. I feel like Ream's only utility for the team is being le ball playing CB
>Gregg shills
Don't exist schizo
Get help
I see them on twitter every day lol
>Seriously get help
>We believe in you anon
>Don't exist schizo
>Get help
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Honestly don't really care
Ream and Richards have been ass this month and we need to move on
we literally have no one else, cb is our shallowest position besides gk
i don't think either have been as bad as some people think either they looked good against Brazil for example and did fine against Bolivia
Where? I literally only see other schizos acting like anyone not actively shitting on MLS is a paid shill
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Who is replacing Weah tomorrow. Our options are fucking heinous up front there
Nice OC
You've been on /x/ too often
Idk i see them always bickering with tactical manager in his replies and shit, colin reese is a notorious one and wvsoccerdad is the other
They exist just because you think they don't they do, look at the us soccer reddit it's full of Gregg shills
Who the fuck else you gonna play there? Miles Robinson? Lmao
>Puli LW
>Balo ST
>Reyna RW

we'll be fine alternatively Gregg grows up and we go 4-4-2 with puli and balo up top and play with a diamond in the midfield
They were really shaky against Bolivia wtf are you talking about?

Anyways we should just go back to old school and not care if they can hit passes but actually fucking man mark and defend
That doesn't include CCV
>Reyna RW
Reyna plays a lot better for us when he's central like an attacking 8 or 10. I don't want Reyna pigeonholed on the flank
>They were really shaky against Bolivia wtf are you talking about?
passing yeah, but defensively they were fine and held the clean sheet, Bolivia offered nothing against them

you need to remind yourself they have matt turner behind them who literally can't be trusted to be passed to and tyler adams sitting behind a defender while they're being pressed 3v2, it's why Reyna was coming all the way back to get the ball because they couldn't pass it anywhere

some of you guys need to watch the game a little more closely imo
>Haji left wing
won't even give him a (You). Just atrocious
Him, Zimmerman, Geoff Cameron, Eddie Pope
Don't fucking care who
Just get us some defenders who defend and not just stand there like Joe Biden shitting his pants
>it's why Reyna was coming all the way back to get the ball because they couldn't pass it anywhere
This is why I like Reyna central, like he was playing an 8 basically against Bolivia. The shitters on our team (Adams) struggle to progress the ball efficiently so we need Reyna to facilitate ball progression because again we decided that we should keep someone who barely got 200 minutes this season and has the technical ability of an English 2nd division shithouser as our captain and starting DM
>passing yeah
Passing is what is being advertised in the Ream-Richards
And if they aren't giving us that and defending poorly as they were Thursday then they're fucking worthless
Yeah Bolivia didn't manage to do anything against us but Panama sure as hell did
Fuck off with your ball playing defender bullshit
shit gimmick.
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Gregg would never
ever occur to you they have no one to pass to lol, watch the game
shit gimmick
Fuck you. As much as I hated Klinsmann, when he stuck to simple tactics and we grinded out games, that's when we won under him
And it's how we will have to win now. We shouldn't worry about passing or whatever when our midfield gets leaky and our defenders don't want to bother with man marking
This is why I'd like us to move on and just start Musah at the 6 he can at least dribble through a midfield and lay it off to Reyna in their half
I like this lineup. Weston has the ability to play on the wing (and some experience playing that position in Italy), and Musah can help cover up Adams' stupid bullshit. Ideally Adams would be dropped so Musah plays the 6 and we have someone else like Johnny play ther but that's not happening
>Trying possession based soccer
McKennie, Reyna, and Musah can all interchange on that right side too
>We shouldn't worry about passing or whatever when our midfield gets leaky and our defenders don't want to bother with man marking
Somone must have poured gasoline into your mother's cunt when she was pregnant with you because I can't fathom any other possible explanation for what I just read
Yeah, Musah doesn't shit his pants completely when he gets pressed like Adams does. I've made my mind up that Musah should just be the 6 going forward but that's not happening under Berhitler's Regime.
next camp i demand balogun get the #9 shirt
fuck pepi
Playing winner soccer not pretty soccer
What's so hard about that?
There's no way he isn't getting the #9 shirt for the sept friendlies lol
I don't think you've ever played a full 90 in your entire life. It's all FIFA Playstation games with kids like you.
At least Mexico is going out with us
I can see what works with my fucking eyes
And Ream and Richards ain't it
Definitely not Ream
If Robinson prevents >>142272813 from happening again then so be it
>I can see what works with my fucking eyes
Get. The. Cum. Out. Of. Your. Eyes.
Idk why you're obsessed with defenders who don't defend but that mentality is why we're about to get knocked out
>back to shilling Miles Robinshit and Walcuck Zimmermeme
>lied about watching Zimmermeme vs Japan u23s and how awful he was
Just to make it clear this guy's hilarious gimmick is suggesting we have better defensive options than Ream / Richards and need to drop them. Doesn't deserve any more (You)'s.
How was Zimmerman and Robinson any worse than >>142272813?
Because that is all I fucking see
it's like clockwork lol

just ignore him guys he is already pumping zimmerman he truly can't help himself
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I guess we'll never know if Zimmerman would have been defending instead of shitting his pants
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Will Gregg play him tomorrow?
pecho frio merc
never looked anything other than shit in a US shirt
We really should move scally to CB musah to rb and retire reams bum ass but ussf and you guys arent ready for this yet
It’s because people can’t ignore the trolls. They would stop posting if people kept giving them attention, that’s all they’re here for.
If people stopped giving them attention*
Oh well lol, this general is about to disappear for a while
I think he’s legitimately autistic, not like internet autistic like medically diagnosed.
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you guys lied to me about pepi being good
His agent fucked him over
Sent him to Germany when he wasn't ready
And now he's at a team in a league he's better than but stuck behind a player who is better than him
He was a BEAST at FC Dallas. Give el train time!
we'll we got eliminated by the 4th best CONCACAF nation so actually it's a strong federation checkmate faggots
just looks like an all around shitter
I don’t feel so good about Uruguay bros…
Considering he's been shitting up usmnt threads for years by lying and samefagging you just learn to laugh at the dumbass whenever he pops into the thread
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USA or Panama goes on either way. CONCACAF chads stay winning.
I've given up on the team, which means they will win and give me false hope again.
This desu baka senpai
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>i-i believe that we will win!
I am ready for the seething when we beat Urgay
We're going to win because we're stuck with Gregggg forever
>muh concacaf solidarity
The fuck do I care? Fuck Mexico.
He should unironically just start Aaronson
name 1 game in the past cycle where aaronson has been anything more than completely invisible
nobody even chants this anymore
We don't exactly have great options
Josh Sargent to Leeds
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anyone else going?
No way lol
I'm going to the Charlotte semifinal
Josh Sargent is coming home to save Sporting Kansass City
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>Do or die
I'm guessing DIE
So jealous you have Bielsa. We had the chance to hire him and our federation didn't because they said he didn't speak English
wright, sargent, reyna, mckennie, musah, and tillman would all be a superior choice, not because they're great at rw but just because aaronson is that fucking useless. just runs around with no purpose like a headless chicken
I don't think Tillman has shown in his NT play that he isn't useless
...............Healthy Goalie............
Have reyna more of a 10 in the attack. We cannot function as an offense without dest or musah progressing the ball. If adams is fit he can replace mckennie but i doubt it. I'm worried he's going to plug in reyna as a RW and go MMA in the midfield with some 2021 ass lineup. Hell even a 4-1-2-1-2 would be better than that
You don't take your best player out of his best posistion, ever.

Against elite teams are only hope is individual magic and hes the only one capable of it. Pulisic has to start at LW.
If the team gets grouped send everyone who can get released to the Olympics.
idc if turner is healthy, if Gregg wants the team playing out from the back like against brazil horvath is the start
haji wright lol
Will today be the day Gregg gets shitcanned?
believe me I want this fag gone but I’m not at all convinced he goes with how incompetent our federation is
No, it's a country club
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>Owari da… berhitlerbros…
Hopefully not because I still want our team to advance
i only hope
also nice dubs
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you now remember aron johannson
>b-b--b-but he played for a power house like... *checks notes* Aarhus Gymnastikforening and not MLS so he must be good!

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