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Pa'eh edition

anyone who posts world history is a faggot that like penis
Are you the Ohtani slurper from /mlb/?
What's the next fight worth watching?
nothing interesting will happen until next Jiri fight
see you in 6 months /heem/
Fun fact, Khabib Nurmagomedov was raised in Bellevue WA
i banged your mom last night is that world history
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>I'm gonna break stone brazza

Michel Pereira vs Chimaev
Jiri is a flushed retard who has more balls than brains. That was a career ending loss.
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Jiri Pookaka bros....
Jiri Amateurchazka
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Jizzy status?
How do you think he feels now that Pereira has eclipsed him in every way? Pereira is basically the face of the UFC right now.
Pereira still got flatlined in their last fight. Pereira needs to avenge the loss to even be in the GOAT conversation.
This faggot had a chance. He would get heemed anyway
Are they all failed prospects
michael venom poopoo
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>GOAT conversation
Not what i'm talking about.
Also Israel has like 23 wins to Pereira's 11.
>but those wins were cans
Fights are fights and there's still a chance he would have lost to another can. Israel never got choked out by a gigabum regional guy like Pereira did.
Pereira vs hill 2
all my picks were right except jiri, i was a gamblin ramblin fool but i regret nothing
>Makes you fall from a stare
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Bookies are OVER THE MOON about this guy
If he wrestles he mauls Pereira. He almost killed Jan in the 5th round. Jan got every close round on two judges score cards. He won a round that he got outstruck based on a slight wobble from previous round leg kicks and an extremely close first round. At the end of the day it was a questionable decision and Ankalaev outdamaged him. Other than that he's steamrolled everyone since the fluke vs Craig.
Dan Ige is based. Four hour notice. Ortega is cringe.
Knowers know that danny gay had a significant advantage over lopes and dieGOAT still overcame the odds
You made that pick with your heart not your head.
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she'd be beautiful if she was a man
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>Curses your favorite fighter
Stop giving women power.
O'Malley is a champion
>mayra bueno bunda wears a skirt so you can't look at her ass
This should be illegal 2bqh
just looked up this fight fairy whore and you fags are pathetic fr fr
>If he wrestles
he won't
>Other than that he's steamrolled everyone
no he hasn't
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I hit up 'Erb Dean on WhatsApp last week and he gave me these picks
Keep ducking the true champion.
Anklevs wrestling is good enough to 10-8 Jan on the ground, and Jan proved he has better grappling than Alex.
His fight iq is too low though, it took 15 minutes of getting his ass kicked and nearly heemed from leg kicks before he thought to go for a takedown.
I can't believe the next card is in an actual arena
they actually expect people to buy tickets to watch that shit
not only that but the apex card directly after it has way better fights
what the fuck is the UFC doing in 2024
fuck that jiri KO was difficult to watch
i hope my boy takes a full year off and does some serious consideration about his style and his future as a fighter
Pereira looked fucking crisp, not sure theres anyone who's gonna really challenge him in the division at this point, with how he walked through jiri ankalaev certainly isnt a hard fight for him
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shes fucking beautiful and funny
jiri unironically would've better off spamming imanaris
he only fights once a year bro he's taking a year of regardless
Built for BBC (Big Brazza Cock)
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funny. shes cute and makes me smile
sort your life out rod
shane gillis is funny
this is a dumb attention whore
This is Total Energy Jiri
Next gonna be Baguette Jiri kek
It's over
Ankalaev should use his brazza connections through Khabib to squash the beef with Dana.
Dana just hates him for no reason cause of a misunderstanding and he's been getting shafted ever since.
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He's going to ditch his weak weeb magic and go drink ayahuasca in the jungle to learn Periera's secrets, and that's going to completely heem like it did Wilder. Jiri will never win another fight.
Dana just thinks he can't sell fights but if he just wrestles he can maul Pereira. Pereira is a paper champion.
she's having sex multiple times a week while you constantly think about her and what your life would be like together.
kys srsly
is that your account?
shes an mma fan just like us, but not super hard core like Lucas and Guru that watch EVERY fucking fight on the card
youre just sad lonely and horny
get your shit together
she's having sex with women multiple times a week*
>a woman's opinion
Yeah Jiri is pretty overrated. He acted like he learned nothing from the last fight. Hands down the entire time. Literally just a meme.
Same but airhead jourdain heemed my retirement parlay
Godkalaev could have his way with Poolex anytime he wanted to. Pooreira is a little fraud project bitch.
Isn’t this RigoMMA’s girlfriend?
This is the only time I wish aewtists were here so they could bully this YouTuber slag
I thought mma was a manly sport not a simp sport
I would understand the fight fary simping if she was hot but shes nawt
If I was a femcel, I'd grift you lonely virgins as well
>parlays jourdain
this is the dude that walked out to john wick theme last fight in his hometown and got dogwalked
The Poatan situation is heartbreaking. He got emasculated by the Jizzy ko and I cant buy his hype ever since.
Why the fuck did he let that ugly anime fag heem him? He was supposed to be the chosen one.
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Ankalaesaurus smashes this braza.
the only fighter with losses i can boy is petr
Hes a retard, im a retard, it made sense in my head
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lol no
how could you boy petr after the way he got humiliated by MERAB Lol. The fucking giga manlet
Izzy is good. You are letting your racism blind you
You can just write it off as him being drained. He regained his dignity by beating Shamalama Hill cause he's black. Kickboxers get knocked out all the time and still fight like 80 match careers. That being said Pooreira is still a fraud cause Ankalaev could easily wreck his ass by wrestling.
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There are numerous aspects of fights that are often overlooked by cazzies.
For example, the Conor/Khabib fight.
Many people think that Khabib bested Conor that day.
Many people are wrong.
Let's take stock of the events.
What did Khabib win?
>The fight

Okay, now what did Conor win?
>the standup of the fight
>the third round of the fight
>the overcoming adversity of the fight by fighting with a broken foot
>the minimising damage taken of the fight, came out unheemed
>the honour of the fight by Khabib chimping out and his teammates attacking poor defenceless Conor
>the money of the fight
>the family of the fight by having a big titted non-towel to return to after the fight
>the promo buildup of the fight by heeming the bus and ray borg and gave rose PTSD with the dolly while Khabib stayed inside
>the twitter war of the fight by verbally 10-8ing Khabib with the towel and goat comments
>the nobility of the fight by putting over Khabib as a big star due to khabib beating him
>the humility of the fight by not being rude afterwards, even when Khabib chimped out, and solely said "good knock. Looking forward to the rematch"
>the banter of the press conference of the fight by having a drink of Proper 12 with Dana while Redditbib refused to drink because muh relijin
>the world war of the fight by driving Russians into a frenzy with his comments about Putin and the chechens
So you see, after all of these things, can you really say that Khabib won? I think that all of these things add to Conor winning the story of the fight, and thus, pretty much winning him the fight.
poatan lost several kick boxing fights so idk why it's such a surprise that he lost another one
merab is on every endurance enhancing drug on the planet
>if ankalaev wrestles
How many times do I have to tell you that he won’t, he literally said it himself, he’s too retarded to wrestle.

He’s going to get his legs battered (again) and clipped, his inbred glass jaw can’t take pereira’s shots.
GODkalaev has never been knocked out.
i miss khabib bros
I think Ankalaev will wrestle against Alex Pereira
So you admit he's better than Pereira but you're hinging your hopes on him not fighting in an optimal style.
>can you really say that Khabib won?
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This is the worst part. Jerry didn't just get heemed, he got BUCK BROKEN by Adesanya's sloppy seconds.
Ankalaev will save the White race. Alhamdullilah
the athletic commission should do something about this voodoo magic
Ankalaev has a Greco Roman background lol, that shit is useless in MMA.
Poatan is improving his grappling and just got his judo yellow belt.
You can't just "Wrestlefuck" Pereira.
>denmark kwabbed
>prolapska kwabbed
Fun night for you?
Are you Pereira's girlfriend?
He'll try to do it though, Jan also said he won't wrestle again Poatan and thats the first thing he did.
Anka tried wrestlingJan after his leg got chewed up, so he knows Leg kicks fucking hurt and he wont want to feel them again
Andreas Michaelidis managed to wrestlefuck Pereira for a round. Magomed does combat sambo as well.
Conor tapped to a fucking neck crank. He literally just gave up to a little bit of pain. Khabib won.
The way he attacked his character and culture and personally insulted and offended khabib a family and religion is one of the greatest chimpouts in sports history and it’s also the reason why it’s also the greatest story loss in sports history. Conor got dogwalked in an unprecedented away and lost all his aura and was never the same after. Biggest example of talking shit and not being able to back it up.
I think pooatan is getting gassed up way too much right now. Jamahal Hill and Jiri are not known for their grappling and are favorable match ups.

Idk where this narrative that Ankalaevs grappling is shit came from, he literally wrestle fucked Jan after his legs became compromised. People are gonna pretend that Alex was always shit when he loses to Ankalaev
The pressure on that jaw crank was prolly strong enough to break Conor’s jaw if he held it much longer
this was 3 years ago.
combat sambo is not grappling, its MMA with shoes on. Ikram did that too and all he did was box. khabib did it and all he did was wrestle. islam did it and was 60/40 wrrestling to strikin
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He looked so scared and submissive after, kek
I don't watch soccer
Jiri isn't my boy
Khalil Rountree is the one to defeat Alex.
ankalaev was striking with johnny walker
he also struggled extremely to get a take down on jan
he wont close the distance and will most likely eat that left hook and die
I think what bothers me is the fact he lost it at middleweight and didnt immediately regain his honor by beating him or at least beating someone else for the middleweight belt.
It just feels like he ran away to lhw with unfinished business. I get he's too big and old now to make that cut, but its still a stain on his story arc.
He was always shit. They've been protecting him from Magomed all along cause they think Ankalaev is boring. Everyone knows he's the true champ. I love Jan and I liked the draw at the time but it was the most favorable scorecard he could have possibly gotten. I knew it would allow some can fraud like Hill or Pooreira to become champ.
if he had a hand free for tapping he had a hand free to push the elbow to fight the choke
Why is Greco Roman useless? Worked for Jon
Goober acted like an unhinged retard prefight because he knew he was facing total ego death.
Khabib made him his bitch before the fight was even over, saying "comeon bro, it was just a prank" hoping he'd get off easy.
Then Khabib soloed Conor's entourage while his brazas slapped Conor around like a bitch. He did nothing, and none of his boys did anything.
>humility of the fight by not being rude afterwards
He was being deferential because he got sonned and taught some respect.
Ankalaev's wrestling is in another world from Michaelidis.
>Ankalaev first began training in Greco-Roman Wrestling for one year whilst he was a student at the Dagestan State University, where he graduated in the sport faculty. At that time he also competed in combat sambo, where he was honoured with the title of Master of Sports in the discipline.
If he did wrestle Pereira is good enough to minimise damage on the ground and get back up, every round starts on the feet and shartkalaev is not a submission threat

At the very least he won’t start attempting to wrestle until he’s already compromised
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If he becomes a 3 weight world champ can you even make an argument for him not being the GOAT?
Magomed can bounce the back of his head against the canvas with punches and elbows.
ankalaev sniff stone brazza bamhole
>Not including Belal
>Not including Amir Albazi
Kek, I wonder why....
Once again counting on a bad game plan. You admit if it's skill for skill Magomed wins.
coked up Dana will still say Jon Jones is the goat no matter what
Jones is way fuckin gbigger than everyone.
check everyone else with a greco background, its so bad. the silver medalist dude, ank himself, theres other guys too but i cant think
holy shit, so hes newish to greco roman as well, kid is trash
dont forget the insane amount of times conor cheated in the fight
in round 2 khabib wanted to break conors arm in front of dana until conor kneed him in the head while grounded to escape and thats just one intance of cheating
multiple glove grabbing, shorts grabbing, back of the head strikes, 12-6 elbows
conor tried every trick in the book and still got turned out
Ankalaev is gonna smesh ur boy
U know dis brazza
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Why did he try to mock and grab an unconcious Jiri?
kek did you see him volunarily sucking off jones again in the post press conference?
>ankalaev was striking with johnny walker
Do you really think Ankalaev is gonna stand up with Alex after seeing what he did to Jiri and Jamal?

>he also struggled extremely to get a take down on jan

No he didn't and Jan is way harder to take down than Alex lol
Mate I just said it there in the first paragraph I think pereiras good enough to mitigate shartkalaev on the ground

Fight IQ is a skill btw
>the virgin letting a guy break your arm
>the chad illegal knee
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You cant be the goat after this kinda loss.
Im not accepting his goat status unless he regains his soul from Jizzy
yep, and it was embarassing
why is he such a wet pussy for Jones?
Fuck it, Poatan vs Jiri 2, the full fight
is besneed shartoosh one of these
he wanted to say sorry for breaking his reddit antenna
Honestly? I wonder if Jones has something on Dana.
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Lucas Tracy is too fucking based
fight fairy isnt a thing
stop trying to make fight fairy a thing
Has anyone seen her pussy? That looks like a dickhaver
When’s r/LucasTracy dropping
>defeats izzy at LHW early next year
>moves up to HW
>takes the belt from Jones
GOAT status?
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Hang on... Magomed deserves a title shot because... He beat THE Chinny Walker? and before that he... Got a NC when it should have been a DQ loss... and before that... He lost to Jan? Ummmmmm....
>ducking Ankalaev to heem some geriatric
khabib exists
it's like you and that fight slag
bruh islam's resumé is up there with khabib's now
It's him or Krylov
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Reyes eats both for lunch
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this card sucked
Back to plebbit
Dolidze puts this flushed bum back in his place.
a loss takes your god status especially when you are knocked out and in spectacular fashion
khabib never had a scratch on him like some kind of mythical warrior
Looks like he kinda felt bad
Krylov died in Ukraine
Jiris on twitter crying
Ankalaev mauls the chamacel
Apparently Ilia and Volk also have greco background. But yeah… Being taller definitely benefits this style, so it shouldn’t work for Ankalaev. And put some respect on Mark O Madsen‘s name.
grappling is cowardly and you can't be a god because of that
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yeah i know but pound for pound islam possibly has a better resume now. i'll have to look at them more closely.
Nope. Try again.
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Does this interpol most wanted geezer look cowardly to you?
Cope bitch. Sorry you didn't wrestle as a kid and therefore I can grab your neck and end your life at any moment.
Cucklidze cant heem vaxxmaxxed pensioner smiffy
Reminder that Jiri still has two more shots of scoring a a victory and winning the rivalry under Jizzy rules
Trump, a long-time UFC fan, couldn't hide his admiration for Payton Talbott during the podcast. He marveled at Payton Talbott's perfect record, saying, "I met Payton. Who’s 9-0, he had painted his nails he just said, that’s it for me and you know his bussy is immaculate."

Moreover, Trump emphasized Talbotts's dominance in the octagon. "Probably he never lost even a round. I think he, 9-0, they say he never lost a round," Trump continued, clearly impressed by the fighter's skill and discipline.
Anthony Smith
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>g-give me Jiri a third time!
Some of them do represent France but I put their real flag there, weirdly, Salim Touahri is Polish-Algerian lol
No, he's Assyrian
Potential goat.
Would still need a few title defenses in my eyes. Maybe 3 each in lhw and hw from decent contenders and id rate him.
the most kino thing that could happen to ufc is conor actually fighting and beating chandler then getting his special treatment title shot against islam triggering khabib to come out of retirement to avenge his fallen brother
khabib vs conor II will restore order in our fucked up timeline
>No, he's Assyrian
>tfw have no idea what the difference is
god it feels good not being a race obsessed mong
>ducking Ankalaev to duck Aspinall and fight Jones who is also ducking Aspinall
True GOAT shit.
Assyrians are very ancient people but Arabs destroyed their civilization and stole their land
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He already won
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She was off that YAK celebrating Poatans win.. she is too goofy.. going 9-5 on picks for the UFC Card is pretty good
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Ank is people's champion. Goodnight.
women with male hobbies is a red flag
u tired already?
this nigga an actual fruitcake? wtf
Oinkalaev, his best win is.... THE Johnny Walker lol
care to explain? i've never had a female friend and my youth was stunted due to covid and social anxiety
>Jones beats Stipe, retires to duck Aspinall
>Aspinall handed undisputed HW belt
>Poatan moves up to HW and beats Aspinall for the belt
GOAT status?
has to run it back for jizzy III
>beats Izzy at 205, beats Aspinall at HW
GOAT status?
pereira can't beat aspinall or jones, if he goes to heavyweight it should be to heem cans like gayne and pooeyvasa, we already saw him beat him in sparring
he could easily knock both of those out
Alex and Phillip beated and submitted indo aryan nomads on the steppe of crimea and central asia
And he submitted them so hard that they paid a tribute of women to the macedonians
here we fucking go again just stfu this is mma discussion general
Ah yes Khabib the can crusher, UFC's MVP
>this is mma discussion general
No it’s not
Khabib is too stupid to wrestle against connor
its certainly not im a fucking faggot french nigger talking about ancient civilization general
seriously nobody want hear it
fuck off to the actual board for it if you are that much of a virgin on top of being an mma fan
Why are you seething
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How fucking good was this man in his prime?
youre bringing shit from a different thread that wasnt relevant in the first place to stroke your ego about how knowledgeable you think you are
fr*nch nigger fuck
Connor McGregor is akin to St Patrick, driving the snakes from the UFC. The titanium shinbone will NEVER fail
Hes a brownoid mena nafri french people arent this gay and low iq
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>Con el Aka en la cara
Anuel AA reacts to Poatan Pereira knocking out Jiri
>THIS can will beat Alex fer shure!
It starts to look like Jones situation. Only few HW can beat him
Go die in a war, unless you're a based Dagestani or Chechen. In that case, go kill Russians.
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reminds me of the time they sucked gaycheese off for weeks like he was a god at wrestling and would stop khabibs tds but then khabib just effortlessly mounts and submits him
jiris heart is crazy though
Kys, terrorist muzzie faggot lover
You know someone got their ass beat when niggas start bringing up "heart"
no he has a girlfriend, but he is zesty in the respect that he wears nail polish and wears flamboyant clothing like izzy
pereira heems aspinall in the first round
Bulgarian faggot still mad about the 500 years of muslim domination
I would just like to remind everyone, every time Aspinall has lost its been leg related
Pereira has fought 5 ranked fighters and lost to one of them
He's no Jon Jones
So he is a faggot
soijack ruined the internet forever
if the first fight wasn't stopped when it was the only thing that would've changed was the amount of brain damage jiri took
done complaining about marc goddard
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How was Garry Vs MVP?
Garry is a pussy
He's probably going fo fight the same way against the entire top 5 except Colby since Colby has no power
garry threw like 3 punches the entire fight and laid on top of him the rest of the time
mvp was too fast for him
jon looks small af there
jon jones lost to a ranked opponent before
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A double fraudcheck? Kino
Garry looked formidable, image GSP and Khabib combined. Heem loves to hate him but he will continue to be a problem for the division
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You have to go back to where you are from inatead of trying to pass as french grekojew turkmutt
Why do you still have turks in your country tho ?
fight of the night
Jiri is a fun fighter to watch but he drops his hands way too much.
fuck it let jiri go to middleweight
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2025 title run starts now
Incredible how no one is asking for the trilogy with Izzy and just want a superfight with Joones lmao. Pereira deserve all the money he ask for that fight and then retire a happy life, he was everything we thought Chimaev was gonna be
Izzy has shot down the trilogy like 50 times
It's jot happening
Poofc were trying to set up the trilogy, the plan for Perth was Pereira/prochazka 2 and dricus/pissy in the co-main
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Because they would rather be here and speak bulgarian than go back to turdkyiv and live among the uruk hai hordes just like you would rather wash dishes and granny asses in le france instead of getting bussy busted in istanbul brothels by bug chasing kurds.
Roachyboy know it doesnt quake in france, but if enough of you gather there im sure something terrible would happen, how many thousands of roaches got crushed anyway?
>wins once
>refuses a rematch he was given multiple times
What a pussy
Im not even turkish you idiot
Anyway they still owned you and you are still seething to this day
>zero Jon Jones tweets about Pereira or the fight night
Weird as hell.
hes terrified
>im not turd
>i w-won

Just wait until the Manchester card
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Jiribros... this one hurt
he looks like he just lost his toy truck
Jiri looks like he is about to enter into a deep depression. I feel for that dude
Quaking in his boots, and not from the coke
I hope he’ll be okay. He looked crushed.
No matter what he’ll always have given us the legendary Glover fight
this fucker is definitely using magic

fuck this captcha system
If Jiri loses his next fight he’ll retire, I recall him saying that once he got the belt he didn’t want to stick around long, there will be no tony-esque run from him
He wasn't all there
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Are Chama done broke his Abetenna
I'm gonna tattoo "Chama!" on my dick
if magomed fought alex i would 100% expect some stupid ass scrambles and daft shit like alex blatantly baiting the uppercut for 8 minutes and Ankalaev biting anyway
i can't believe the conor pasta is still baiting cazzies
Gane would easily defeat Pereira and in fact he will
In what font size b
/x/ won
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>Fights to make after 303
Alex Pereira v Magomed Ankalaev
Jiri Prochazka v Khalil Rountree Jr
Diego Lopes v Yair Rodriguez
Dan Ige v Calvin Kattar 2
Ian Garry v Shavkhat Rakhmonov
MVP v Joaquin Buckley
Joe Pyfer v Kelvin Gastelum
Payton Talbott v Bekzat Almakhan
Rei Tsuruya v Jake Hadley
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>*chuckles* Yes… feed me to Pereira.
Nah he was awake and forming memories but concussions can make people very emotional, compare his face to the look of absolute confusion on ghenmouri’s face after he got heemed, he probably didn’t wake up til he was in the back
Yeah man i had to know what the fuck is going with Hill. He have the mind of a sore loser 12 year old boy
if alex pereira is so good why hasn't he beaten connor mcgreger?
do hill vs ulberg or hill vs jiri
jiri vs jamahal on short notice in 1.5 months
Shit forgot link

Hood individuals are like that
If Hill injured the same leg he injured before he is gonna be out for a very long time
pyfers transplant failed miserably lmao
this isn't even bad imo, i find his general seethe hilarious tho lmao
does jan seriously think he's getting a rematch with alex without having to fight somebody else first?
let him cook....
its the youtuber themselves shilling
>only one thing goes through my mind: I will evolve to the next level or I will never fight again
jiri was never good
glover win was a fluke
someone had to say it
MVP vs Wonderboy seems like an obvious one. Any chance that Colby takes the Garry fight now, since Garry didn’t look too impressive?
Cutelaba cast a Moldovan hex on Ankalaev, his entire career has been silly ever since those fights. He has some skills but fights like an idiot and will get sparked by Alex early in the fight probably.
Garry isn't a draw or remotely interesting why would Colby demean himself
Ian Machado Garry just keeps delivering mind blowing performances. This kid looks unstoppable a
Dana defended Colby and said he never turns down fights, so Dana likes Colby and will probably give him something he actually wants
Garry fight was boring and they knew it, Dana said he scored it a draw kek.
UFC 303: Ige vs Lopes
He watches all his fights cheering for the other guy and then seethes when pereira wins, spiteful homosexual mindset
hello i am movsar evloev
i beat diego lopes
Schaub's podcast buddy said Colby's foot was legit heemed beyond ballewn status and as of recently he still had a visible limp which makes him baiting Faggy into a fight that wasn't going to happen even funnier, iirc at media day Ian claimed the excuses for it not happening "didn't make sense" like Colby "not being cleared" which all makes sense if what Callum said is true.

Izzy also had maybe the worst fight in history against Yoel Romero
Daily reminder to be joe pyfer
Ian Macho Garry fucked MVP up man, he raped his soul.
she's coked out
why do white women insist on wearing so much makeup when it's clearly aging them
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some german was saying the lightning strikes in germany were horrendous last night and near constant
has it cooled down, was there much damage?
Ian Machado Garry once said: line them up and I'll keep knocking them down. He hasn't knocked many people down since then but fuck it I am Garry
What is this the weather channel
>lose fight
>work on your mistakes
>make the right adjustments
"I would invade his favela on horseback and kill anyone that was not fit to work. But we are in a new time." - Ian Garry
Does that nigga know he's got a goatse logo
Ok retard
>If you don't say something nice about me Dana Imma get injured again
Anime training arc incoming
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Jiri deserves this for pissing hot
Let us all take a moment and appreciate Jan Blachowicz
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>Uses Voodoo magic to steal Jiris remaining energy
I don't get it
He is super likeable but hands down one of the dumbest fighters I've seen
Bros I'm making some OC content. Can any kind anon please help me get any of these 4 pics?
>Adesanya vs Pereira face off before their first kickboxing match
>Pereira's hand getting raised after the first match
>Adesanya vs Pereira face off before second kickboxing match
>Pereira's hand getting raised after their second match
Meme will be used to dab on Jizzyslurpers
Best I can do is a 1080p photo of my anus
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made £1000 profit last night. From £120 worth of bets. Feels good bros. Anybody who frequents /bet/ can see my breakdowns etc. 304 is going to be amazing
Same vibes as this, from 3:30 onwards
look how they massacred my boy
man it fucking hurts, that was a devastating knockout and his instagram video made me sad. i think i'll be taking a vacation from heems untill the end of summer at least. i hope jiri recovers.
I seriously doubt they'll put Roman in the top 10.
People give me a lot of criticism for labeling a fighter as "reddit", well let me explain why Jiri is a reddit fighter;
He's a weeb who abandoned his heritage for a reddit interpretation of japanese culture. In contrast, Alex Pereira embraces his heritage and uses it to fuel his desire to win.
heem sleepy
Apparently Pereira's entire gameplan came from watching Jiri post instagram training videos and seeing how focused he was on leg kicks
He decided he would be so focused on leg kicks he wouldn't properly defend a switch kick
Love that Herb runs a loop around them rather than take one step to the left.
take notes goddard, that is how you let a real one go out on his shield. herbal dream delivering another masterclass on the ref game
peieria is such a bum embarrassing how dominant he is
Ian Garry is a reddit faggot by your definition
>peieria is such a bum
Midwit take from some one who had a very basic understanding of kickboxing
How does it feel to be dumber than Rogan?
i went to bed expecting a brian ortega fight and woke up to danny gay
what happened ortega heads?
he has no chin, no defense, he's completely clueless, there's a clip of him sparring some amateur boxer and looking like a retard jiri fights like a complete fuckwad
He got a fever or something, Daner suspects he has personal life problems. Cartel good Brian evil?
>he has no chin
At LHW he can take a punch
>no defense
You know NOTHING about even midlevel striking if you genuinely think this. Like this is on the level of just not watching fights
>he's completely clueless
Yeah man he's just falling into all of those KO setups just getting lucky man
>clip of him sparring some amateur boxer
THE 30 second sparring clip that means absolutely nothing because it's just sparring?????
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Jiri won
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its over
he was the yamcha all along
>sparring clip
Oh, you mean that time where guys are honing technique in a controlled environment and no one is trying to heem?
Perreira heems tom and jerry
>worlds manliest czech
still can't cope with the fact my boy lost to him
>no upper lip
disgusting, she's only posted because half the site has a short hair fetish and her body is nice
Asspinbum has been real quiet since are Chama heemed Jiri
i always look out for my heem bros
palestinians are jews who converted to islam
Assyrians did exactly the same thing as arabs retard. Before arabs took over everyone in the middle east spoke assyrian, because they conquered the region and "destroyed" what existed before.
You're a fucking gypsy btw, in France you are even more hated than arabs how is that possible ?
Didnt face any grappler
Half of them arent arabs
MENA ≠ arab
Blaydes heems tom asspiss for not stopping illegal immigration
They're usually a bicycle if you catch my drift.
what should he do to get in touch with his czech heritage? beer, speed or filming a porno
Heeminder that Danny Gay purposefully lost when he could have effortlessly KO'd Lopes.
>count iranians and maghrebis
>doesnt put assyrians who are semites like arabs

You negative IQ retarded brainlet gypsy
They didnt
Thats what persians, greeks and romans did retard
Assyrians are closer to arabs than any other
>losing on purpose
what is his plan?
did anyone else feel like the Jiri vs Poatan fight was faked? its like they rehearsed when he is going to do a knockout in end of rd1 but jiri messed it up so he now had to take a KO fall and pretend hes out in rd2
Jizzy will NEVER fight him again.
Somebody check Pereira for energy sensors on his hands, that guy gives DBZ android vibes.
no, jiri just didnt recover enough between rounds
I just wanted to sound cool like Nate Diaz b
This retard doesnt even know that
1) Arabs and Assyrians are extremely clause because both are semites
2) It was Persians, Greeks and Romans who destroyed them, not arabs, when arabs conquered the mid east, first of all they were here since 2500 years ago in the levant and mesopotamia, two, you had multiple peoples there not assyrians and those people were already destroyed by romans/greeks and persians
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pootans coach the fat 500lbs guy gave him a sip of monster right before the UFC inspector faced him there could've been roids in it he should be disqualified
Jerry heems
Beatable high-ranked guy and the only fighter more hated than him. If Colby’s writers come up with good lines and he wins he could get somewhat relevant again.
Why is Jamahal so zesty?
Why does this look so different from MMA?
Hill vs perreira 2 ufc 304
Journeyman Jan was the greatest journeyman of all time. Too bad his stamina bar is always on E.
Guys this is fucked up, Alex's voodoo actually worked on Jiri:

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alex is a scholar
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Why is Daner like this?
Why does he sound like my Boomer parents with nostalgia glasses on?
Wow Michael Sean is getting a real stone cold ass whuppin
Colby should have a predictable snoozefest putting Belmao what'shisname over, that's a better fight
Jiri needs to go the Strickland route and train with pereira
Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots works great until you lose your chin. Jiri really does need to evolve if he wants to stay in the sport.
Norffside gangstas be on dey bidness like dat ya dig jive turkey
What loss? he kod alex and is teh champion
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it was a different time
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dana's performance in the presser today was completely unhinged. when that journo pointed out that alex has cleaned out the top talent at LHW and maybe he should go to HW to challenge the champ there completely mind broke him. he is genuinely scared of people thinking that poohand might heem portajon. nobody actually cares about jon vs stipe daner
There is always an anon who finds himself in a parallel universe after the event
Yeah nobody cares about Jones vs Stipe, so why does Daner suck Jones's dick so much?
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I have similar bicep inserts to Poatan. Chama!
>tries to appeal to zoomers and gen a
>develops child like eq
So short bicep insertions like 50% of humankind?
Don't know why I don't like Pereira he's entertaining with great Knockouts just seems like a prick
I've noticed that a lot of hard punchers' upper arm is basically deltoid-dominated, you should try heeming someone
Jiri sisters, how are we holding up?
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No there isnt your just a fagot
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*gasses out against a fighter on 10 minutes notice*
Jiri bros, this is sad.
I guess there's no time like now *heems you*
Seemed like Ige's plan was to do fuck all the first two rounds.
danny gay was already training for another fight and cut zero weight
>guy who didn't cut weight is more durable
you dont say
those guys from fighting nerds are performing quite well
>has to make weight 3 times
An mma fighter was training?!!?? No frickin way dude
Fuck off retard
no freaking way, unironically
He's past that at this point in his career
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>no good fights until august
>last event was shaite apart from the main event
>last two fight nights were absolute xanax tier sleepy pills
Holy shit why are we talking about Jon Jones at every post fight press conference. This isn't on Dana either. These fucking "journalists" keep pressing the issue. Who the fuck cares. Let it fucking go.
2 horrific ppvs in a row carried by the main event. the next one will be good r-right guys?
the fadeback left hook is what he used on strickland too
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How you even get mad from that. Concession accept pasta chink
What a fucking goober
Just looking at him annoys me
talbout he mantled ogre frok tekken?
Ankalaev is fucking shit and will get heemed and if he was named Johnson he would be completely unrated
his best win just got schooled by dolidze off the couch
that left hand power makes no fucking sense
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he finds the chin very consistently. no saying he's doesn't have power, but his placement is perfect nearly every time
Woke up to my boy dead
Shut up
If Ankalaev bad why does pereddit keep ducking him?
But Pereira asked to fight him early and Ank is the one that said no because he HAS to fight him in abu schaubi, how is that ducking?
>Ank is the one that said no
Where is the inbred? Why didn't he show up?
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nothing but facts here
I accept your concession.
ali is so cringe lol
>I do not need to take him down
famous last words
I look forward to Shartkalaev's frail little inbred legs getting torn apart in december.
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>"Heh you sure got me with another great hook there Poatan, good one"
Third pic should be Jizzy saying best 3 out of 5
Why is Anthony Smith still on the UFC roster?
Thanks anon, fixed.
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This kills the Pereiratard.
It literally defies physics. His feet aren't even planted.
pereddit keeps ducking sadly
So do we agree now that the magic talk before the fight was just Jiri getting shook and trying to shake that fear off from him?
yw, good stuff
No. That was sorcery
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>1. Izzy won, robbery
>2. Izzy Tkoed pereddit and the ref stepped in. Anything that happened after is non canon.
>3. fake early stoppage while izzy was up on the cards, technical decisions win for izzy
>4. brutal KO win for izzy, rivalry ended
In many Chadesanya 4-0
That main even was way better than what the chandler and mcgregor fight would have been
Id rather see Conor get KO'd than Jiri
>His feet aren't even planted.
Who's says they should?
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>my boy got heemed because conor couldn't get off the nose beers in time for 303
Jiri looks shook even in this webm, watch his expression in the first 2 seconds - he already looked defeated.
Actually Jiri was pretty shook for the lead-up to this fight, in contrast to his warrior-persona. Was it really because of the spirits thing? Jiri that fought just now is not the same Jiri that fought Pereira last year. Not that I think it would've changed the result, but at least Jiri wouldn't have been mentally buckbroken.
Poatan is the craziest fighter I have ever seen. Guy just shows up and makes the UFC look like a total buffoonery. We need more Glory fighters in the UFC they are elite.
But most top guys don't wanna switch over
many such cases. getting mentally heemed by a robbery can fuck up the best of the best. look at what happened to reyes
Why didn’t Jiri put his fucking hands up for the single most powerful puncher in the organization?
there was no robbery copecel, pereira beats jiri 99/100 times
Last fight wasn't a robbery! Early stoppage, but only by a few seconds. 95% chance Jiri was going to get finished for real last time. I think Jiri knew it too and felt underprepared for this fight.
If heem steps to me I'll become violins. I'll break his eye orbital at the sugar factory
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The shamantic magicks willed this into existence.
ignoring all the other failed attempts because he can't chain wrestle, he just dove for open mat single legs the whole fight
he has good trips in the clinch and good timing but he doesn't setup his shots well and often doesn't commit to anything at all in the clinch
zero jiu jitsu to speak of either. can't pass guard or submit. sad!
The moment Jiri started coping about Shaman spirits, everyone should have knows he was mentally spooked
jiri speaks
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>pisses hot and hides behind a fake shoulder injury
Jamahal heems Jiri
Fuck you
Jamahal vs Jiri is a good fight to make.
feels like a bonus that jiri's even gotten this far when he fights like such a retard so this doesn't hit that hard
lhw is dogshit so we can still get a few quality heems out of him for the rest of his prime
why won't dana feed jon bones men jones to pereira everyone forgot about ngannou there's no need to protect jones anymore
Fuck you
Shitmahal has zero power. Jirka will kill him
Jones will retire after the Stipe fight.
Jones is too fat and his hormones are all over the place. He can't keep a proper camp without injuring himself.
Jones will take a free win off 90yo stipe and retire
Just wanna draw attention to this cope before the thread dies.
>Conor ran his mouth... therefore he le heckin won!!!!
>"At the end of the day, no one knows who the fuck [Alex is]. And he's gonna be that guy, when I'm a world champion, when I'm a legend, he's gonna be at some pub, talking some shit about "I beat that guy one time," trying to get his dick sucked from a crack whore or some shit."
really is unfortunate how egotistical izzy is. people would be a lot more forgiving of his cringier qualities if he had some humility about him.
Where are we gonna get our heems next week?
How do we raise the collective iq of the sport?
It's the cringe that mage him as big as he is
Make it so that getting punched in the head for a living doesn't cause brain damage
literally every fighter does this shit but every real one is able to be respectful after the fight which izzy always is
>source? i made it up
factually false
I slept through rise.. cause my schedule was turned to watch ufc.. not worth at all
watch any of his post fight pressers
Poatan has been nothing but respectful towards him since he joined the UFC and has pretty much moved on from the rilvalry while saying he wants to train with Jizzy. Jizzy is still talking shit about him a year after their fight, he fucking hates Poatan and is jealous of how popular he became, let's be real here.
Izzycels are dangerously low iq b don't waste your posts debating such a barely sentient lifeform
he obviously has a lot of fans who try to excuse his cringy behavior or don't think it's cringy at all, but most people prefer a more humble fighter. if he were as flashy as he is - to the extent that he is - but showed better character, I don't see why he wouldn't have better public favor than he currently has. he honestly could've even minimized all the ridicule he got for the dog stuff he's now commonly known for.
>literally every fighter does this shit
define "this shit." at best izzy only ever gives a half-hearted acknowledgement of his opponents skills after he loses to them. in that same interview when he was talking about alex years ago he couldn't help but qualify that "that was my first and ever knockout," and he's made similarly insecure comments about his boring fights, his fight with strickland, you name it. alex (and plenty of other fighters) haven't done that.
last part meant for >>142233336
I think fighters should be more humble too but just look at Conor and realize that you're wrong.
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You keep using that word
Do you need a tissue little boy
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today i will remind them
Speaking of Conor has he posted any new pictures of his penis lately or does his little pinky toe hurt too much to put on the speedo and show off his penis on instagram
heeminder dannygay wasnt even given tickets to the fights
Blood Diamond somehow looking the most zesty
>but just look at Conor and realize that you're wrong
conor's an exception, and even there as famous as he is he's fallen out of public favor a lot in the past few years due to his extracurricular activities. if he himself were more humble in defeat, he would have even more fans.
>"Believing oneself to be better and more important than others due to one's position, popularity, wealth, appearance, etc."
yup, that's izzy
And Pereira has avoided every wrestler in two divisions, specially middleweight which has a wrestler infestation
He's performing well but the matchmaking has been extremely favorable
Adesanya fought a lot of wrestlers that were a nightmare matchup for him on paper and shut them all down
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>damn that nigga lookin ZESTY
lopes crotchsniffed
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>sweet as a sugar plum you say
Man it's to fucking hot to live
he hooks nearer than the usual hook goes. look closely into it. most people hook from further away while he does it when very near with oponents, this way less power dissipates.
Its his retirement fight
name these wrestlers hes avoiding, ank doesn't count he declined a fight with alex at 300

Roid jones is retiring

>jealousy is disrespectful
every pro fighter has insanely inflated self belief but some are more willing to mask it than others
izzy was very respectful to jan, pereira, and strickland after losing to them, but why does humility only have to be shown after he loses? it doesn't make sense why people would dislike him for this when he's won for most of his ufc career
true disrespect is rousey refusing to shake hands with tate after winning or dustin getting up in hooker's face after winning cause of all the shit he talked before the fight
either way ego is a horrifically cringe thing to dislike about any fighter, if you don't like izzy because of his personality or fucks dogs or whatever that's fine
no i fucking hate izzy it's just ridiculous to say his ego is bigger than any other fighter when we only see it more often because he's a superstar former champion
He needs to watch some grappler baki and get some new techniques
Is it me or has Peirera gotten way better since the first Jiri fight.
How did he go to going to war with Bruno Silva to completely obliderating Hill and Jiri without effort.
Why are you so mad
>every pro fighter has insanely inflated self belief but some are more willing to mask it than others
self-belief is isn't exactly the same as self-conceit. you can think you can beat everyone in the world - even if there's not much evidence for it - but that doesn't mean you'll cope and try to rationalize your losses if and when you do lose. after alex lost to izzy he expressed gratitude for his lot in life and said he lost to the better man, but izzy can't bring himself to make those same statements. he's even convinced himself that "he know" alex doesn't like him, when there's mostly been evidence of great respect, calling izzy a warrior, among other things.
the shaman
Bruno Silva is just. That. Good.
you were warned but you didn't believe. he is using supernatural aid. expect painful payment from pereiras side in the future. have your eyes open.
That version of Peireira fucks ups the version of Jon that nearly lost to Santos and Reyes
LHW is bum central, perennial contender smiff just lost to short notice dolidookie
what if ankalaev outgrapples and subs pereira
ironic coming from you
Explicitly ducked, told him they could fight at 205 (for nothing) when Pereira hadn't even fought there yet, we're talking about a guy that can make 170
>Robert Whittaker
also mentioned pereira, pereira never acknowledged him, primarily a striker but has amazing wrestling when needed
>to a lesser extent jack hermansson
He was ranked above pereira and could have been the fraud check that most fighters go through as they try to rise through the rankings, except pereira
He didn't duck him but he got to leapfrog him as a consequence of his successful ducks from before, bad matchup for him, he has zero qualms about turning a fight into a semen slurper
Guru shited trousters
make a new thread i won't be coming here for a long long time
lets go for it
see you in the gym
Alex would heem every fighter you mentioned you faggot
Didn't heem 40yo jan (not even a wrestler), got wrestlefucked by him for a whole round and arguably lost, the decision was coin flip
You're under the impression that he's now invincible because he's fought two wild bums who leave their chin up in a row, idiot

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