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Free agency tomorrow
Nothing today
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We let the man cook.
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first for our flames
Why do they only give one american meal per 4 tickets?
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why do they only give canadians 5 prayers a day?
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God save the dome.
man that is some really nasty post-processing

yeah make all the players look like they're the silent hill panthers but make sure every logo pops
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Why are they building the new arena right beside the old one? As in right beside the river that flooded the dome
>best arena
>roof is crumbling
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Florida parade is more out of city Orlando and Tampa Bay goers than actual Miami fans of the Panthers KWAB PURE PLASTIC FANBASE
Let's get this shit started
Eat dick dylan
Cope hes going on LTIRetirement in 3 years
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>mfw its boston pizza time
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>i-i-i posted it again!
>come on guys!
Nigga dressed like the blueberry girl from willy wonka
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Vegas Knights fanbase is more real than Florida's and that's a fucking fact
Dare you to find 1 fucking pan out photo of the Panthers' lame ass public school field trip of a parade compared to this
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Just got back from the parade. Saw lots of bunda.

One girl behind me was asking me why people were boo'ing Luongo
Carter Hart is going to experience what him and his comrades did to that girl.
Kovacevic traded
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kill yourself, faggot
Man, you are SEETHING KWAB
and no water
Gay ass nigga
t. no cup raped bitch
To the debbies
lmaoing at dylan who spent months glazing tanev and the stars for uncovering the ultra secrete defensive defenseman only to lose him in free agency KWAB
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Florida could never honestly, some fucking "historical fanbase" you got there
ass nigga?
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Winner or loser pizza?
mental illness

That hat might as well be all black. It means nothing to me.
That's a 9/10 in miami? Yikes.
Looks like less than the florida crowd desu
>laffs pick up the corpse of tanev after he was already falling off a cliff by the WCF
>they're going to give him 6 years
>he's going to be injured game 1 next season
Prison rape is a (((Hollywood))) myth.
Mental illness to point out how literally nobody bothered to show up for a franchise's first ever Stanley Cup? Didn't know libtards lived in Florida KWAB what happened to being "keeping the kids safe" down there, is DeSantis slacking already?
Yeah, pretty crazy what you can do by offering $5 free play in the goysino.
Roof is crumbling is a lie
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>4th round pick
>for a right handed D
tell that to the booty warrior
Based Dylan making the leafs seethe
Best GM in the league and it's not even close.
Why aren't my teds making any moves
Source: my dad who used to work at nintendo is now the structural engineer and I've seen the blueprints and schematics
Nah Nill is
Dear god man have standards
It's all coming together
They made a move. Try to keep up
eat dick dylan
Gary Bettman just told me he will remove the Florida Panthers from next year's playoffs because they finally won their Cup
Cool. Still the reigning cup champs.
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lel you're a coping massivejewshits troon. historic regular season last year only to choke a 3-1 lead... only to get btfo again this year. no more bergeron (last game a L to the panthers) no more ullmark. get fucked
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No s.oyboy faces
Conroy will win every future draft and the flames will be scary soon
Would be smarter for them to not sign any big names this season anyways, they are at least two years away from the end of Elvis and Gudbranson
I hope the usa collapses so the cup can stay home
Panthers OUT
Senators IN
I see 59 of them not including the crword
If my country collapses I'm hopping the border and going to Canada. Hope you enjoy a worse labor and housing market
Senators lost the draft according to Scott wheeler from the athletic.
they already have those, retard
>Brannstrom not QA'd
Sad, I actually liked him. Wonder what Staios is cooking considering he was a serviceable third pairing guy
it's labour bud
Yeah, but worse worse
is this deal still available do you think?
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My penguins ):
Wonderboy strikes again
Get ready for American spellings on signs, menus, and government ballots.
Air Canada Centre (20km)
Air Canada Center (10 mi)
Centre Air Canada (20 km)
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man i fuckin wish nhl tickets were that cheap
What about Central Air Center?
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Aqua are leafs fans
>erik badstrom
I mean, fuck, worse case you get to see 29 other teams play or you can sell them. Hell of a deal even for a shitty hockey team.
Aquarium was GOAT-tier
What’s wrong with her face?
You guys actually write center?
Here that would be promouced "ce-awwnt-ai)
french is gay
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What did they do? I didn't pay attention other than Ullmark.
French is cool. Mexican is gay
They drafted a late first defenceman 7th overall
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florida uses the correct spelling in most places ;)
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is this sort of thing usually open to the public?
She's Norwegian
french are soft pusys. mexico is a lawless hellscape full of badasses
Who's gonna stop you from skating on a pond in the bush? Why is there open times?
I think so.
I was talking about the languages
it's july

why are zoomers afraid of making phone calls
daaaamn Quebec is going to get a Stanley Cup winning team in the Panthers! Panthers morphing into huskies?!
i'm asking my friends
>go to the main board
>nothing but eurofags and south Americans posting country themed pepes
Why is the rest of the board insufferable
Duchene staying in Dallas
>Dallas does not qualify Nils Lundkvist
Kwab. They paid a 1st for him.
Harley > Nils
>The #Sens qualified centre Shane Pinto. Keep hearing in league circles his camp will be looking for an offer sheet when free agency opens tomorrow.
Wtf is Pinto's problem?
Then NY gave it away for Tarasenko who left then beat them on the way to the cup

Cursed trade for everyone
>Gary Bettman allegedly spotted on roof of Saddledome with jackhammer
They made it to the conference final with him. He only ended up in Florida because Ottawa under achieved.
If you saw how much he was shaking during the Conn Smythe announcement, you would know that he doesn't even need a jackhammer. Just turn him upside down like a dreidel and let his shakes do the rest
>Lias Andersson
for me it's the golden knights
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kek why hasn't /hoc/ talked about this more.
Does Gary have parkinsons?
Why did the Lightning replace a 40 goal scorer in Stamkos with a 30 goal scorer in Guentzel?
Yes my mother has it and I can tell.
Gary fears Florida Man
He's been shaking for at least 5 years now.
he cant stop thinking about the coyotes
i remember it when i saw him announce the vegas franchise and that was 7 years ago i think
We get it: you're gay. Fuck off because pride month is over
>at the golden knights
kwab cup champs 1993
Stars fan actually.
[Strickland] There is no change in the status of both Joel Quenneville and Stan Bowman altho a senior, high ranking league executive tells me that could change in the “very near future”. Bowman has been linked to Oilers GM vacancy.
Cope there's a pride parade today
interesting because he was a barely functional wackjob, but in a way that made the hockey men actually overestimate him relative to his talent
>im so proud that i stick aids in my ass! WEEEEE LOVE MEEEEEEEEE!
Only parade I care about is the stampede one
True calgary will never have another stanley cup one
Flames and Islanders
You know what's funny? The Oilers unironically need more right wingers, they should take a couple from Florida haha
You watch men pretending to be japanese school girls. You also didn't get tickets KWAB!
2032 we will have it
dude seems like a bit of a prick.
>get suspended for half a season due to gambling
>immediately openly request an offer sheet
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You did?
Flames can’t get any worse it’s only up from here playoffs here we come
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I don't buy tickets
They can sign Kailer Yamamoto because Seattle didn't qualify him
Not with money, but with your mouth and anus.
this is true. Surely Huberdeau will suddenly stop being liquid shit next season.
erm... canes bros I thought a guentzel signing and a big necas trade were supposed to be happening?
>russians are steals
don't you have to wait like a million years for them to leave the khl
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lol we just keep winning
We grabbed a 3rd rounder for free and Guentzel is coming back to us after free agent talks
Flames win the draft whats new? We’ve been telling y’all for days now.
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>the image that triggered mass redditor sucides
>if you win the cup you lose
Why are Americans like this?
Not sure what the Randys plans are letting Necas, Teravainen and Guentzel all leave.
does aspartame still give me cancer?
no, that's a rumour being spread by big corn
no but the habs will
January - 90s electronic
February - Stoner Doom metal
March - Progressive Rock
April - Grunge
May - Sludge
June - Psychedelic
What's July
thank god they waited for bob
dub reggae
post rock
Summer of Spice Girls
we think they're scary. we prefer texting
you got it. I've listened to godspeed a couple of times
who cares? they had a ton of people
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for me, its sedimentary
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if only he hadn't had bogo chipotle before the bruins series
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Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic are the threeeeeeeeee...rocks of the ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK cycle.
too much cellulite
What is Yzerman giving him 6 million bucks or what
Mark rock and his spleen
If you like godspeed you'll probably like silver mt zion. its made up of most of the same people.

id say mogwai, talktalk, slint, and godspeed are the pillars of the genre.
new to hockey, what does this mean?
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> @FriedgeHNIC Hearing that a big trade is in the works: Jonathan Huberdeau is being traded to Edmonton in exchange for Darnell Nurse. Huge move for both teams. More details to come.
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>where is the father
I hope you are joking
he'll show up after the kid signs his ELC
Why were all the women at this years draft wearing underwear?
The Utah owner is trying so hard to be cool it’s pathetic. What a shit org
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Smiling away
You can see the tears in his eye. If he’s smart he’ll force his son to Adam fox Utah and come join Calgary
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eat cock randy
Eat cock randy
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>Aron Kiviharju
terrible posts
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4 months till hockey
Was checking some Canadian channels on IPTV and clicked on some random channel hoping it might broadcast hockey but it is covering a massive LGBTQ+ parade in Toronto. Do they do anything else in Toronto?
It got shut down halfway because of hamas supporters
I really hope that the troons and the muslims in all of these horrible cities kill each other
Senaturds wasting their first on a third pairing dman. Just like they wasted their 10th overall on a 4th line goon. I can see why they always end up trading their firsts now haha
Can someone explain the USNTDP to me? One team plays jrs and one team plays college teams?
I thought it was a development league for players going to university
All these people are retards
lmao sounds awesome. they are eating their own
Wangs gave up on Walman so they couls sign Kane for one year and still miss the playoffs
No the US has a junior league and the USNTDP is just one team in it
troons vs hamas cup. in seven games.
would there be a sweep?
It's funny because the hamas supporters were marching IN the parade and when it got to a certain point they sat down and blocked the road and another group of even more hardcore hamas supporters came out of the shadows and joined them then they cancelled the rest of the parade like an hour later because the hamastards wouldnt let them start again
I eat cock
This thread smells like potato latkes
One day you'll grow up and realize how wrong you were about a lot of things.
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why arent they better at hockey?
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33% of Stars draft picks were named Niilopekka
better than sweden
Thanks for the chart, even /mu/ didn't have it
you could have just said you're a boston fan and we'd get the idea
Same. I hate the heat and lack of hockey
I’m watching the boys now since hockey is over
If the bruins lose swayman and ullmark, they'll sink to the bottom of the atlantic like the titanic
Dear Stephen can we honestly e date? you're so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person
It’s a good show
What's the girls like
Plays in the USHL with Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Sioux City, Muskegon, Chicago, etc. The players that are good enough go and play at universities, then they graduate (or forgo school for their hockey career) and go play in the AHL or NHL.
Can someone explain the main youth hockey leagues and rank them by skill?
I find it hard to keep track of them
Panthers cheated. This was supposed to be the Bruins year.
damn i guess bing AI is a lot more strict these days

i keep trying to do Bret Hart in panthers gear lifting the stanley cup but it keeps blocking it
fry little bombston bitch
Floridini Riggetini Cheatini
Yeah, NCAA, USHL, USA Hockey.
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What about WHL OHL QJHL
How do all these leagues rank?
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For me it's the Calgary Flames, legos, and low functioning autism.
The trio of brilliance and ascendance.
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>reddit watermark
ontario jr b
ontario highschool hockey
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how many french canadians does it take to change a lightbulb?
The one girl is possessed by a fucking demon look at her eyes
The OHL is on the same level as the USHL. 16-20 year old ams that can either go to a college after a season or two of development, or they can go to their NHL team at age 18. Vanek is a good example, he came over from Austria as 1 of 2 non-NA players that a USHL team could have. Tore it up for a season, went to the U where he won a natty and then was drafted by buffalo and spent 1 season in the AHL before moving up.
Enjoy your fake ass Mickey Mouse Cup, Pantherisks *******
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1. The russian junior league that almost certainly has match fixing
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nhl final did better ratings than the inceltics lmao

seethe about it, nobody watched your shit bombston team while Game 7 of the Cup Final was one of the most important games in hockey history and the kitties WON
Two. 1 in each language.
*most rigged games in hockey history
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>tied with Barky in scoring
>preventing the >rags from being swept in 5
He's a winner in my book
wikipedia needs to start new notation for smytheless cup wins they're basically asterisks
They’re on cocaine virgin
wikipedia is a propaganda tool used by soros to spread misinformation. hockey stats are the LAST thing on their minds to amend.
beyond delusional massivewjewshits subhuman. bruins most cup final losses in history but you wouldn't even know that because you're a tourist bitch visiting here from the apehoop general

go pull your head out of david ((portnoy))'s hairy jewish asshole and blow your brains out with a shotgun
true. also the 200 fan turnout to their "parade" is a disgrace. i for one won't acknowledge their "win"
ushl usndtp and ncaa hockey blows
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no, you do.
Tkachuk is a Jew lmao
just read the interview with my team's head of amateur scouting and it's pretty much confirmed that they only selected future hall of famers
remember when bombston fans snitched to the local radio stations, forever killing off /sp/ radio call in threads because they couldn't handle the bants

You don't belong here. If you're a ruins fan, everyone here would rather see you dead.
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Good time for sustained edging, mewing, and jelqing all at once.

Imagine how insane you'll look by puck drop.
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what makes girl want to grind on mascot dicks?
Not according to the Early Life section for him or any of the other Tkachuks

But a bombston massivejewshits bitch being a lying coping cunt, what else is new?
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I don’t really care what Jew journalists have to say
>Early Life section for him
right, because that's not edit-able or excluded from certain people's page for (((some reason)))
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cope, circumsized micro-dicklet
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>trade for his rights
>don’t give him an extra year
Flames drafted a hindu
rather a hindu than a dindu
u cant give extra year if they didn't play for u, trading for rights is just to get ahead of other teams offering in free agency
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Shannon acknowledges them, and that settles the matter
He's already going to be 35 by contract end. This isn't the NFL where contracts just fizzle away...unless of course gary have a failing team in the desert that needs high cap hits to keep them above the salary cap floor. For example.
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Really? Numales lied to me then
see ya. Won’t miss him one bit. I tried to get behind him but he doesn’t look like he will amount to anything higher than a third liner on a good team. Easily replaceable
Thank fuck
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he's a AAAA player unfortunately
>image of a tweet, of a tweeted image which was tweeted
you sheep will believe anything
Keep seething about the slant eye getting 2nd place.
>Sources say that RFA Nick Robertson has no plans to re-sign with the #leafs this summer and has informed the team that he would like to be traded.
Shanaplan status...?
montreal will be all over him
>30 year old rookie

Chud bros….
The Coyotes' journey is over, who knows, maybe they succeeded after all :)
why hasnt Marner been traded yet
because the nhl is a nothing ever happens league
Sheldon keefe is coaching the devils
he's shit and costs too much
ryan nothing-happens league
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Nobody wants a crying homo (Native Torontonian)
Marner is the only player on the leafs who plays power play penalty kill and top line. if they trade him they would need 3 new players that could do all that. Marner is on an expiring deal and has to approve the trade since he's got an NTC so they are going to get nothing in return for him.
this already happened with phil kessel, they called him soft and traded him for kasperi kapanen and freddy andershit and watched him lead the stanley cup playoffs in points
Treliving ruins another Canadian team
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he has the entire summer to leave
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Huomenta but opposite
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>hey don't look at me!
>i had nothing to do with it!
The opposite of Huomenta is like Huomenta but 12 hours earlier.
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here is a new tongue twister:
trad tard got traded
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Paul's kitties :3
Buium is Israeli and already plays in the US
Demidov at 5 is "great value" when he was considered the 2nd/3rd pick by most
habs could've had michkov and demidov... sad
might hit up /gif/ real quick
Norwegians are a selfish people, only good at individual sports
srslytho theyre getting better, two 1st rounders this year has to be an all time high. 2 free sports at iihf tourneys helps too
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I'm the Bertuzzi of /hoc/
>Tanev 6 years at 5 million
Cute :3
Frank seravalli tipped off gary on brad's cap circumvention plan
is spencer knight's name going to be on the cup. i don't think he meets the criteria
yeah buddy you fuckin suck
Turns 35 in December btw
>Why aren't my teds making any moves
They have been. Dumped a bunch of trash at the deadline. Traded others recently. Did not qualify a significant player. Trying to trade Laine. They will be doing something tomorrow, they have more than a few roster spots that need filling and can't fill them all with 20 year olds. Please try to keep up with your own team, you should be telling us what is going on not me telling you.
/gif/ and all the porn boards on here are 99% tranny/blacked/NTR cuckshit slop and it's been like that for years

it's all bought and paid for shilling. Gary's people want to take everything from you, including your wank safe spaces
That's fine.
So then go to the work safe gif board
>make sure its at least 5 years
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>5x6 is fine for a 34 year old injury prone defenseman who's wheels were falling off in the wcf
Blacked makes good porn though
Try /gf/
after mr. I put buddy who got in the car wreck's name on the cup I'm pretty sure anything goes
>t-thats f..f-ine

Tarrana gettin TREE'D
Where does it say the contract is for 6 years?
This, and let's go Bruins!
3.5M of his 4.5M cap hit counted for 82 games of the season so he absolutely should
If chris tanev sucks they can just send him to robidas island with klingberg and muzzin
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Aesthetic af image. fr
Ok so where is the one that actually says he signed a 6 year contract?
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oh no TREE what are you DOING ?!?
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based he helped me win this year
will draft him again
At least the leafs have an arena and water
>maple leafs forward nick robertson has requested a trade
Who won the /hoc/ playoff bracket?
Whooopeee! Can't wait for (((NBC))) and their good goy sex-offender tirico to suck off these fags during the whole tournament.
The leafs are immediately better than they were last year because tyler bertuseless and nick manletson and connor dewae are not playing for them anymore
Who gives a fuck
clearly not this >>142275141 faggot
I won it I’m just basking in my superior hockey knowledge.
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tkachuks are catholic, you retard
yeah, sure they are. Be sure to show their wikipedia page as your argument you good little goy you.
Dimeless gimmick give it up buddy
>gary's tribesmen trying this hard to psyop
seethe you unathletic yarmulke wearing faggot
can someone post copey's bracket
If markstrom has another bad year the devils are missing playoffs. Then they’ll regret having keefe for sure lol
what time does free agency start so I can set my alarm
1) NHL
2) AHL
3) KHL
4) SHL
5) NL
6) Liiga
7) DEL
9) OHL
10) WHL
11) BCHL
12) ECHL
13) EIHL
15) USHL
>most yid leagues from most to least
i can post it because i made it retard brb
Based how was the experience?
Noon eastern
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>just one more year bro
>just one more year this is the year I promise
>one more
OHL great offense
WHL great defense
anyone know if Glass Bangers (its not a porn site i swear) is a good brand?
I wanna get an Atlanta Flames shirt that isn't that pre-distressed lazy garbage.
If Raymond, Veleno, and Seider sign their qualifying offers, that still leaves them at only 9 forwards and 5 defencemen on the roster going in to tomorrow. He must have something else cooking, something big enough to entice Kane to stay. Something more than 4-6 million bucks.
is he getting washed up old fart stammer?
Could be
Hey /hoc/
I enjoyed the playoffs and now I’m looking to root for a team for next season
Which teams are the most soulful currently? Wouldn’t mind rooting for Canadian teams
Fuck off we're full
Stephens is way funnier.

>the drive for 5

The drive for last place.
man that's a sick setup
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think ima login to destiny for a minute maybe
nucks are always good to cheer for if you're a newbie
My islanders :)
Flames if you want to root for an up and comer with elite young talent
Any flamesbros get rekt by that hail?
Imagine telling someone to cheer for a team that has never and will never win the Stanley Cup
you're one to talk, 1993.
>we need wata
couple years ago there was a hailstorm that costed 1.2 billion dollars to repair
Wow america is so good at win cups maybe they should win Olympic some time
Another newfag getting suckered in to cheering for a shit team solely so it's no life fans in /hoc/ have another retard to brain wash in to spamming anime for them. If you have to ask "what team should I cheer for" you don't fuckin belong here.
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there are no soulful teams in american sports (maybe the really old MLB teams).
each nhl franchise is the exact same thing but with different branding.

what do you like in your team and fanbase?
>amateur hockey
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agreed. so you get the fuck out and we'll take in this guy as a replacement.
No gold fucknigga
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debating childpuck
>amateur hockey
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ahahaahah he's so mad
Damn this nigga ugly
Hmm, let's see...oh, nope, there was never a Kurt Russell movie made about some canadian amateur hockey players winning an amateur tournament.
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panthers are the most soulful team
Who the fuck is Kurt Russell
he's Macready from The Thing
>americans winning gold is so rare they made a disney movie about it and called it a miracle
the only soulful team is my team

i'm not telling you what it is so you don't dirty it
>bragging about amateur hockey
kek, 1993.
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that movie wasn't about winning the olympics, it was about amateur children beating professional soviets.
A non-bitchy fanbase and a gritty mindset of playing
Doesn’t have to be flashy
Competitiveness is important (winning not exactly)
Anon the team you’re looking for is my islanders :)
passed over a lil bit ago. no hail but thats cause mountains
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So a comedy actor made a movie about america winning gold? That fits lol
they didn't have gold medal games back then but winning that game was basically the deciding game for gold. It was about winning gold
>A non-bitchy fanbase
Narrows it down to
Carolina, Columbus, New Jersey, Washington, Detroit, Florida, Ottawa, Tampa, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Minnesota, Nashville, St. Louis, Winnipeg, Anaheim, Los Angeles, San Jose, Seattle, Vegas
>Gritty mindset of playing
Further narrows down to
Carolina, Detroit, Florida, Tampa, Colorado, Dallas, Minnesota, St. Louis, Winnipeg, Seattle, Vegas
>Competitiveness is important (winning not exactly)
Assuming you mean teams that have a chance at winning a playoff round?
Carolina, Florida, Tampa, Colorado, Dallas, Winnipeg, Vegas

If you give a team bonus points for being flashy, then pick between Florida, Tampa, Colorado, Dallas, or Vegas.
No it wasn't. You fundamentally misunderstand reality (many such Canadese cases).
Boomers and pop culture look at the events and that movie as a triumph of American exceptionalism over the inferior Soviet system. The hockey was secondary and the Olympic stage was irrelevant.
>>Competitiveness is important (winning not exactly)
>not minnesota
Lost in conference quarterfinals, 1–4 (Blackhawks)
2013–14 2013–14 Western Central 4th 82 43 27 — 12 98 207 206 13 6 7 35 35 Won in first round, 4–3 (Avalanche)
Lost in second round, 2–4 (Blackhawks)
2014–15 2014–15 Western Central 4th 82 46 28 — 8 100 231 201 10 4 6 24 27 Won in first round, 4–2 (Blues)
Lost in second round, 0–4 (Blackhawks)
2015–16 2015–16 Western Central 5th 82 38 33 — 11 87 216 206 6 2 4 17 21 Lost in first round, 2–4 (Stars)
2016–17 2016–17 Western Central 2nd 82 49 25 — 8 106 266 208 5 1 4 8 11 Lost in first round, 1–4 (Blues)
2017–18 2017–18 Western Central 3rd 82 45 26 — 11 101 253 232 5 1 4 9 16 Lost in first round, 1–4 (Jets)
2018–19 2018–19 Western Central 7th 82 37 36 — 9 83 211 237 — — — — — Did not qualify
2019–204 2019–20 Western Central 6th 69 35 27 — 7 77 220 220 4 1 3 10 12 Lost in qualifying round, 1–3 (Canucks)
2020–215 2020–21 — West 3rd 56 35 16 — 5 75 181 160 7 3 4 13 20 Lost in first round, 3–4 (Golden Knights)
2021–22 2021–22 Western Central 2nd 82 53 22 — 7 113 310 253 6 2 4 16 22 Lost in first round, 2–4 (Blues)
2022–23 2022–23 Western Central 3rd 82 46 25 — 11 103 246 225 6 2 4 14 21 Lost in first round, 2–4 (Stars)
2023–24 2023–24 Western Central 6th 82 39 34 — 9 87 251 263 — — — — — Did not qualify
the only minnesota fan we have here is a huge bitch so i don't know about the first selection
No shit retard and being the WINNER, the WORLD CHAMPION was a large part of that
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shut the FUCK up stephen
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>then pick between Florida, Tampa, Colorado, Dallas, or Vegas
lmao you're citing that they haven't won a playoff series in 9 years as proof that they're competitive?
Yes, retard. Re-read the comment chain, you stupid fucking cocksucker.
i'm the health care grifter (i.e., right)
yeah, it's almost like fans with good taste value traits that make teams successful
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>flamesbros every time a goal is scored this season

If you can't win and never win, you aren't competitive you dumb pedophile. Nearly every single other team has won at least a single round in the past decade. And other teams aren't saddled with 8 digits of dead cap.
Reminder that the Wild forced Patrick Roy into retirement...twice. softpusys still seethe about it a decade later.
patrick roy has 4 times as many cups as the state of minnesota
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Congrats, success like that has led to many Cups right? Oh wait.
why didnt any anons go to the panthers cup parade? more than half of this general was cheering for them.
Who was even on the wild back then? Wes Walz and Darcy Hendrickson?
Softpusys seeeeeeeething about a team they "don't even think about" yet again
>Darcy Hendrickson
we were cheering against the soilers
What does Guerin have cooking tomorrow? Nothing as usual?
Very progressive to include the Walter Cup
No one likes the panthers. We just hate the oilers
yeah this is what he does, says some dumb shit and then when he gets called a retard he immediately deflects into pretending everyone is a mad avs fan who can't stop talking about the wild

if you want to talk about hockey with this guy and nobody else, cheer for the wild
He's won the cup four times. End of discussion because you clearly don't know shit from shit.
softpusy has to root for an american team since cucknadia has sucked since 1993. kwab
when will mild fans be raising a banner for this panthers cup victory?
>absolutely SEEETHING about the team he "never thinks about"
kwab, see you in the next thread for more of the same, bitch
I am genuinely asking you what the Wild's off season plan is.
Suddenly curious what you think shit divided by shit is
Is the Stanely Cup a curse? I'm looking at the past winners and it seems like there's a curse in which they fall from grace. Like Tampa is a trash team now but won it twice in a row during the asterisk years (I'm guessing it's asterisks like every other sports).
I dunno, call billy g, this season is a free year, like last, so who cares?
yes it unironically is because once players win it, having done so increases their value and they will leave the team to sign for an overinflated contract. thus dooming both teams.
great insight about the wild as usual.
2008–09 2008–09 Western Northwest 5th 82 32 45 — 5 69 199 257 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2009–10 2009–10 Western Northwest 2nd 82 43 30 — 9 95 244 233 6 2 4 — 11 19 Lost in conference quarterfinals, 2–4 (Sharks)
2010–11 2010–11 Western Northwest 4th 82 30 44 — 8 68 227 288 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2011–12 2011–12 Western Northwest 3rd 82 41 35 — 6 88 208 220 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2012–133 2012–13 Western Northwest 5th 48 16 25 — 7 39 116 152 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2013–14 2013–14 Western Central 1st 82 52 22 — 8 112 248 217 7 3 4 — 20 22 Lost in first round, 3–4 (Wild) PING!
2014–15 2014–15 Western Central 7th 82 39 31 — 12 90 219 227 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2015–16 2015–16 Western Central 6th 82 39 39 — 4 82 216 240 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2016–17 2016–17 Western Central 7th 82 22 56 — 4 48 166 278 — — — — — — Did not qualify
2017–18 2017–18 Western Central 4th 82 43 30 — 9 95 257 237 6 2 4 — 15 22 Lost in first round, 2–4 (Predators)
2018–19 2018–19 Western Central 5th 82 38 30 — 14 90 260 246 12 7 5 — 35 31 Won in first round, 4–1 (Flames)
Lost in second round, 3–4 (Sharks)
2019–204 2019–20 Western Central 2nd 70 42 20 — 8 92 237 191 15 9 5 1 60 41 Finished second in seeding round-robin (2–0–1)
Won in first round, 4–1 (Coyotes)
Lost in second round, 3–4 (Stars)
2020–215 2020–21 — West 1st 56 39 13 — 4 82# 197 133 10 6 4 — 38 27 Won in first round, 4–0 (Blues)
Lost in second round, 2–4 (Golden Knights)
kwab, also needed a gary season to suck just enough to get the 1OA. Something, even the Wild, haven't suck enough ass to achieve.
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Is it me or is this shit already forgotten about? They may end up being one of the least remembered cup champions of all time.
sharklay goodrow
Toffoli is a cool guy and I hope my team signs him.
Who is this team. Some bantam team in georgia or something?
Oh shit fuck we missed the land auction
i'll always remember them for cucking mcgaykid and divesaitl
I think it is AI-generated.
It's the hardest trophy to win in sports for a reason
Toffoli is a shitty little manlet he's a suitcase for a reason
qmjhl is pussy league for homosexual bitches
I am glad that 14-year old and his "huehuehuehuehue cup checking" faggotry got cucked again.
Sam Steel signed with the Stars for 1.2 million despite not getting a qualifying offer.
Sam Steel is lucky to get an NHL contract these days.
You many only post in this thread, and the next, if the team you cheer for has not lost 55+ games in one season.
He's doing better than Maxime Comtois is right now
Anyone with a brain could see that dumb frog doing worse than a man of steel...yet here you are...
maximum cummies
nice chatting with you thanks for killing my buzz
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I hope garly makes the 4 nations team
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Could the next thread be flames themed? Connie is gonna make some insane moves tomorrow
You are a coping raped bitch

McGayvid can win the next 10 years in a row but the history books will always remember him doing fuck all in games 6 and 7 and losing to the kitties
imodium wore off, marners still liquid

I wish he did too but it doesn't seem likely unless he plays out of his mind next year
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history will remember as one of the only skaters to ever win the conn smythe on a losing team and then went on to dominate the 4 nations and olympics with crosby
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Gn southern belt hockey fan.
>south belt
yep, only reason gary gave them a jewflu cup
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went REALLY gay this weekend. Homo shit. Probably a personal record. Butt stuff
Bertuzzi's reaction is priceless.
based UN-L, UN-O, The Lancers and the Stars keep eastern Nebraska in the hockey sphere...
>he calls himself by a name other than anon
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It's another episode of
>Anon Looks At Houses He Can't Afford
>It's another anon desperately looks for something comfy to listen to while falling asleep and ends up listening to a wrestling podcast he's heard 100 times episode
It's sunnier in the west than in the east. Calgary is sunbelt
waiting for the new thread so I can be disappointed and go to sleep
I either listen to rain sounds, this ambient stuff I found on Spotify, or Moby's Play.
that's gay
Less gay than wrestling brother and thats a shoot
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
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For me its ZFG Randos

the man has a superpower he does
fuck it i guess i'll just listen to stobe the hobe again
boring is just a code word for comfy desu senpai
>Hearing that WCW may have been mismanaged

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