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NFL thread Carrot Top edition

Old thread hit bump limit
Tripfags are still fags
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First for Corndog
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second 4 corndog 2
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*roars in superb owl*
>In France, the term beignet de saucisse is used, which literally translates to "sausage donut"
Based or cringe?
What board do y’all flock to in the offseason? For me, it’s /gif/.
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>which literally translates to "sausage donut"
Something tells me Andy Reid would like the French translation
What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?
a big kahuna burger, they have $5 milkshakes
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For me, it's mac and cheese
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I just buy the Kraft kind in a box for like 2 bucks
Still needs milk and butter tho
5$ milkshakes?
The real secret is realizing a splash of water is better than milk for bluebox.
Yeah, you might as well go full poverty for the authentic experience.
because of the metric system
no matter how many superteams, how much money, prime time appearances the cowboys will forever be the laughingstock of the NFL.

The real joke is going to come next season where we restart the cycle.
>off-season silence (we are here)
>regular season starts “it’s our year, we’re going to win it all”
>go 12-5 against shit teams and the easiest division in football
>make playoffs
>lose on national television, embarrassment.
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What is it that makes them so likeable?
They're not the Jets
Because they always suck. Even when they win, they still suck.
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My in laws spend hours making shitty gourmet "homemade" mac and cheese and Kraft, Stouffer's, and Costco all taste better kek
Best thing about Kraft is that it never ends up with that disgusting burned up scabby top layer nobody wants to eat except sadists
that's gives it a bit of a crunchy texture, only a faggot would bitch about a bit of crunchy cheese, the fuck do you do burn it black?
Neutral fan, lived in NYC, I found the Jets to be way more likeable.
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/m/ used to be great until WFM. Fucking hate what that did to the board. Was super comfy before, why just why do people with no vested interest in a hobby/genre feel like co-opting it for their own agendas

/tv/ has fallen off hard but its still the most entertaining board day to day, havent watched Acolyte but those threads are the best, I have a bunch of family that love disneyslop so its always hilarious to see the comparisons. Ill post exactly what they say to me alot of times and just see the (you)s flood in.

Not much of a carfag but /o/ is cool sometimes to see what other anons did with their beaters. Looking to see what a modded VTEC engine can do, for nighttime highway research purposes.

Regrettably im a comicfag so /co/mblr I visit often to read whatever bullshit the big two want to subject us to. Ngl I know I shouldnt care about Bendis returning to Marvel but it bothers me regardless.

Otherwise im lurking on /hr/ for spillie threads or /wsg/ for old content to hoard that im not able to find on archive.
It’s not about not being able to afford milk. It’s a question of what the purpose of the milk is? You have half a stick of butter and a packet of cheese. You have plenty of savory dairy flavor. What the noodles and cheese need in order to blend is a little moisture. If it’s too dry it will clump. If you use milk it distracts from the cheese flavor. I’m telling you, try it without milk once before knocking it. It tastes better without.
Don’t ever reply to me again tripfag
>Was super comfy before, why just why do people with no vested interest in a hobby/genre feel like co-opting it for their own agendas
People who previously had to sit around doing nothing most of the day and working the other 5%-10% to meet their productivity quota now are allowed to have fun and not be wage slaves.

It isn't that they weren't interested in the mecha building hobby, it's just they did not have the time to invest into it prior.
Invest in this bussy
>If it’s too dry it will clump
Don't overcook the noodles and let the small amount of milk you add get to room temperature or close to it
The noodles will already be a bit wet with water even after you drain them in a colander
I do not like Mac and Cheese. Spaghetti with red sauce is infinitely better.
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Not talking about gunpla WFM apologist
Im talking about your kind not being welcome after shitting up the board endlessly about your failed yuri romance shitshow trojan horse of an mecha anime.

Its like 2016 was to /pol/. Just completely brought it a whole species of newfag tranny gremlins that only exist to ship shitty characters together, post lime bots and cause strife amongst fanbases for their faggotry.

Of course you would think its a disposable income problem you fucking illiterate millenial.
Im happy that Barry Sanders is ringless. What a fraud
I don't even go on mecha, I could've sworn the last time I clicked on there it was mostly about building mechs and now it just looks like the /vp/ to /a/.

Also, fuck off with the WFM Apologist shit. You want me to go back to office? Pay me the commute. Give me 10 extra paid vacation days a year, pay my commute at my wage, or fuck, the fuck off. I'm not going to waste an extra 300 hours a year approximately in traffic, that you don't pay me for when my job doesn't require being in office for anything more than the depressed management being pissed they have no lemmings to annoy while they're forced to work on site to justify the overvalued properties real-estate market price.
Illiterate millienial confuses acronyms, more at 11
are going to the OWL
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>minshew starting
>300 hours in traffic
Take the audio book pill.
Probably should have gone to sleep about 6 hours ago for fucking up that one.
In my defense I just got done having a heated debate about WFM elsewhere.
do you add the same amount of water as you would milk or do you add just enough to get all the cheese stirred in?

then why are you trying to join the conversation about mac and cheese? focus on your job, janny
>tfw ghosted
I feel like a real millennial now
Ghost this bussy
TRY ME slut
Try this bussy
Charges have been filed
Charge this bussy
You're going away for a long time
>CD Lamb is going request a trade if he's not getting paid 32 million a year as the 2nd best WR
Dallas is fucked between that Dak's and Micah's contracts
worst historical sack margins*

-51: 2023 NYG
-41: 2002 HOU
-40: 2000 CAR, 2016 CLE
-39: 2018 OAK
-38: 2023 CAR, 2022 CHI
-35: 2019 MIA, 2001 DET

*since 2000
Who's the best wr then? iPod Goat?

Go chiefs btw.
Justin Jefferson
The cap goes up 30 million a year, it truly does not matter
With the judgement on that Sunday Ticket case it might go up that much this year.
>is worse that JJ
>wants more money than JJ
>has a shitty attitude
haha, eat shit, dallass.
That's going to take 7 years to play out and by that time the nfl will be making 14 billion dollars a week
Do you at least add ground beef to the tomato sauce?
Reminder that it's DYNASTY BITCHES

When all is said and done Mahomeboy will have 10 rings and be the undisputed GOAT
Teams might push the to get this resolved sooner rather than later especially now that jewtube has exclusive rights to Sunday Ticket
There's only a handful of owners with "fuck you" kind of money. I'd imagine most don't wanna be involved in a second class action lawsuit
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Now that the dust has settled

Are we finally prepared to accept that they are now America's team?
CD is not the 2nd best and JJ is not #1
(Chase and Hill are better than JJ, AJ Brown is better than CD)
I'd conservatively give The Mutt 6 or 7 rangz
Without the cheating scandals of the Pats makes him the GOAT
Just enough to get the cheese stirred. Literally usually a splash.
>CD is not the 2nd best and JJ is not #
Cap wise, not general.
JJ is the highest paid WR right now and Amon-Ra 2nd highest.
chase peaked as a rookie
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Reminder not only is he a bust he is also a chud
Where’d you hear this? I can’t find anything
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Get ready for the New England Patriots to play next to the Celtics at the Wynn Sports Complex.
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>janny tripfag is a pedo
no surprises here
I didn't know you were a janny Temujin
Point being they're fine financially and any ridiculous contract now will seem a bargain in 2 years.
The Eagles face far bigger problems with Jalen Hurts and AJ Brown anyway.
I need to have sex
Where's the kiwi when you need him? Probably asleep or some gay shit like that
Chase is the only reason anybody knows who Joe Burrow is.
I wouldn't fuck him
>Jenny tripfag is a pedo
I wouldn't be too proud about that
Im a brony. Should I be a colts or broncos fan?
sex with jenny
I’m a furry. What cat team should I support?
Sex with this bussy
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Coach HEEM makin ya sleepy
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Don't blow it Raheem
Please nigga
Blow this bussy
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My Rammies :)
*raspberries you*
It's so weird how they already have photos of him coaching a falcons game
Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.

With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
Joe Burrow's passer rating went up when he didn't throw to Chase in 2022 so I don't think that tracks.
Has any team had more out-of-control breaks go their way than the Mahomes Chiefs?
I'm referring to games the Chiefs weren't even playing in, yet needed to go their way and involved either a huge upset or a freak play.

2018 Patriots-Dolphins Week 14: The Miami Miracle. A multi-lateral TD that ended up being why the Chiefs got the #1 seed in the AFC. They lost to the Patriots in OT, but it still took a literal miracle to put that game in Arrowhead.

2019 Dolphins-Patriots Week 17: An inexplicable loss by the Patriots that handed the #2 seed and first-round bye to the Chiefs.

2019 Titans-Ravens Divisional: A monumental upset that put the AFCCG back in Arrowhead.

2020 Bills-Cardinals Week 10: The Hail Murray. Enabled the Chiefs to rest their starters in Week 17.

2022 Vikings-Bills Week 10: The Vikings needed JJ to make the catch of the century to stay alive in the game. Even then, the Bills win if they don't fumble in their own endzone in a situation where they could've kneeled out the clock if they were literally anywhere else on the field.

2022 Bills-Bengals Week 17: One of the darkest moments in NFL history, but from a purely competitive standpoint, this game being cancelled essentially handed the #1 seed to the Chiefs. The first game to be cancelled for non-strike reasons since 1935.
>wow a whole 5 game sample size
now how about Burrow without Jamaar chase in his career

yeah nah, burrow been a Chase babby his entire career, and the only reason he was hyped up so much in the draft is because he not only was a chase baby, but a fucking JJetas baby too
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DeMeco Ryans ready to start back from zero in 2024: 'It doesn't matter what happened last year'
Breece Hall ready to prove he's an elite talent in 2024
Courtland Sutton contemplating training camp holdout
Von Miller 'angry' knee injury slowed '23 season
Oddsmakers pick Bo Nix to win Broncos starting QB competition
Jets "unlikely" to give LB Hassan Reddick an extension before start of season
Bears grant S Jonathan Owens time off to see wife Simone Biles compete in Paris
Chiefs EDGE Charles Omenihu: ACL rehab "going good"
Patriots, Matt Judon close to extension?
Aaron Rodgers makes first public appearance after trip to Egypt
Jonas Griffith says the Broncos are going to surprise people this season
Mitch Morse explains signing with Jaguars over another suitor
Eagles CB Zech McPhearson expected to take part in Training Camp
Mike Macdonald plans to utilize Dre'Mont Jones' versatility: 'He can do a lot of things'
Is Matt Ryan a HOFer?
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burrow played the entire 2022 season anon
>burrow played the entire 2022 season anon
I don't write the headlines you fucking hollow skulled troglodyte. I just post them.
Yeah, and chase played 12 games of it.
So the sample size you said "UHm Acksthually he performed better without" is 5 games against shit teams.

Burrow has literally never not had a top flight WR in his fucking career. In college he had 2 carry him to a natty.
>So the sample size you said "UHm Acksthually he performed better without" is 5 games against shit teams.
no i'm talking about the entire season, not just those 5 games. every time he passed to chase vs every time he didn't.
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>Chase eats up triple teams and Burrow just throws to wide open Higgins/boyd

what was your point again?
I’ve been looking for this gif for years!
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Yes, I'm mad!
lol he's moved on to saying Boyd is a top receiver. will it be trent irwin carrying him next?
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the kelce bros look a bit different from what I remember
I know the average shitcinatti citizen comprehends English at a 3rd grade level, but if Chase is eating triple teams pulling 1,400 yards, Higgins/Boyd will be wide fucking open for free yards with higher efficiency.
you're aware the majority of receivers in the league are getting doubled at a higher rate than chase is right?
Today's topic: Anon doesn't know the definition of "majority"
do not disparage my nigga trent
He was solid for the colts last year.
>pee eff eff
here's a list of receivers that get double teamed at a rate higher than Ja'Marr Chase:

Stefon Diggs
Calvin Ridley
JuJu Smith-Schuster
Amari Cooper
Drake London
Jaxon Smith-Njigba
Josh Downs
George Pickens
Marquez Valdes-Scantling
CeeDee Lamb
Brandon Aiyuk
Justin Watson
Tyreek Hill
D.K. Metcalf
Michael Thomas
Jonathan Mingo
Mico Collins
Jayden Reed
Braxton Berrios
DJ Chark Jr.
Courtland Sutton
Darnell Mooney
Jerry Jeudy
Tyler Boyd
Amon-Ra St. Brown
Justin Jefferson
Dontayvion Wicks
Chris Olave
Tyler Lockett
Noah Brown
Elijah Moore
Diontae Johnson
Trey Palmer
Adam Thielen
Chris Godwin
Christian Watson
Calvin Austin III
Wan'Dale Robinson
Hunter Renfrow
Robert Woods
Van Jefferson
Terrace Marshall Jr.
Michael Wilson
Rashee Rice
Donovan Peoples-Jones
Costco pizza is overrated
Wow, surprised davante isn't there
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It's still fucking amazing to me that Aaron Rodger's season began on 9/11 with him bearing an American flag leading the Jets, and it ended three plays later in a season ending injury.
How the fuck does that even happen.
it's what happens when you try to buy a super bowl instead of earning one
my bucs =)
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Now that the Brady horde has come and gone, what's your opinion, as a long time fan, of his stay in Tampa?
i dont know i started watching february 7th 2021
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your response pooa fans?
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Fuck you =)
Because they jave Boyd and Higgins
What shocks me is how these huge contracts keep growing but you still hear about most veteran starters making 3-6 million dollars a year. The tide isn't really raising all ships
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Less than 24 hours until SaJudas gets exposed in front of the entire country. He'll never so much as have lunch in the biggest market in the US again.
boyd gets doubled more than chase lol lmao
Double this bussy
So, anyways, 7>3.
Why are there so many America threads on page 1?
europoors are busy watching their girls get raped.
best country
Ok but that's a constant thing, it's usually only 3 or 4 threads max
You know remember Jovan Belcher
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I’m sometimes forget you guys exist. But when I remember it’s because I laugh at the thought of drafting a manlet
Guess the white player based on these made up descriptions

>Ed Jackson, S, SR, plays RB sometimes
>Santae Williams, TE, JR, is 6'8" and also plays basketball
>Troy Day-Beckett, WR, FR, runs a 4.32 40
>Max Powers, DL, JR, once ate an entire 70oz steak before a game and got 3 sacks
>Disciple Clark, FB/G, FR, avid drummer and Christian
>Jason "Biscuits" Bishop, SR, RB/WR/P/ST, listed as ATHLETE, also boxes
>Tex Jackson, TE/OT, JR, cowboys fan, has a tattoo of the cowboys star
>Austin Lowery-Jones, SR, OG/DT, fluent in 3 languages, likes calling protections for the QB
Powers and Tex?
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It's time for my favorite game, guess the minority!
>Ed Jackson
Black, I'd wager 100-1 on it
>Santae Williams
Name is black, but you don't really see football players that tall. btw there is a Santae McWilliams, who is black.
>Troy Day-Beckett
Black, speedy WR is a given
>Max Powers
Could go either way but I'll say white. Probably looks like Max from Advance Wars
>Disciple Clark
Black off first name alone. Probably a drummer in a Christian alt-rock band. Makes the group diverse.
>Jason "Biscuits" Bishop
Fuck me, if a player like this existed he'd be a legend. White.
>Tex Jackson
Hispanic. Will regress hard his senior year when he realizes he's not even making it in the XFL or whatever it's called now.
>Austin Lowery-Jones
White, almost stereotypically. There is an Austin Lowery. OL, and white.
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yes, i would marry a female conehead if presented with the opportunity within a church sanctioned marriage.
i would also marry a lady twilek (those oversexualized bitches with the tentacles on their heads from stah wahs).
its not that im into weird shaped skulls or aliens or whatever the fuck, i just think that the less hair a bitch has the less time she needs to waste on taking care of it, hence my advocacy for a tomboy pixie cut as the absolute max length.
if they have a good skull for it, buzz it down like kristen stewart in underwater or go full persis khambatta, i wont call you “cueball” for it. then boom, 7+ hours more free time per day because you arent worried about your fucking hair and i dont have to wait on your ass to get in the fucking car so we can go to fucking sbarro already. men dont care (about hair i mean, we do care about sbarro) so stop wasting your lives and try the tomboy cut at least (and tomboyism. your hair can reach your ankles for all i care if youre a toned tomboy, hot damn)
anyway go team venture
Max, Disciple, Tex, and Austin as the dead giveaway
>listed as athlete
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sometimes I don't understand why QBs fuck over their team with these monster contracts. Do you really need $50+ million a year? Isn't like, $30 million enough? That's an extra $20 million that can actually be invested into the team. If I had to choose between $20 million and a ring, I'd choose the ring. anyway go pack
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Almost like we need a regulation to ensure people get paid fairly as the market is incapable of doing so on its own...
Enjoy the last off-season because ghe Televangelist Dictatorship isn't going to allow it to happen next year once players start getting uppity about living in an idiocratic Dictatorship
People who believe Jesus rode dinosaurs can now tell you what to do without recourse. What's the first thing to happen? No more games on Sunday? Or just a fine for doing so since those people actually only worship money. Good thing the league is already prepared for that.
Sounds like you hate America and God and need to go to Freedom Camps for re-education
The cap is a cost control measure for the owners, nothing more. It's not the employee's responsibility to donate his own salary to his coworkers when the business owner won't even install grass. The cap isn't just a force of Nature, it's intentional owner jewery. It's the one thing Kobe Bryant deserves respect for, he talked about it a lot
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A manlet worked before
if you want it to sound more Jewish realize the ball got rolling on salary caps here from the current NHL commissioner while he was working for the NBA
If rednecks could read they'd be super upset by that
Well you're a cuck, you're more worried about everyone else having a good time than bettering yourself. "Sure, I'll lose out on $30 million a year so some rednecks can slam beers and act like retards, they'd be doing it anyways but now they can do it because we won a child's game." Yeah, making 40% of what you're worth is an excellent idea I don't know why more guys don't do it.
>11/13 games with an early window option and a set time are early window games
back to being irrelevant
You faggots done crying about your shitty GMs that can't manage the cap?
20th century Pats are back
Complete dogshit
The cap should be abolished
The draft should be abolished
But it doesn't matter because there won't be football next year
Sexy steelers girl'sà
Need Joe Biden to save football
>in NC for an in person meeting
>nothing but Panthers shit all over office despite July and the Panthers never doing anything
>about to discuss on /sp/
>you are banned
>wtf? Realize I am on corporate WiFi
>ip is banned for CP posting in 2021
Surely a shifted IP and none of the panther fags here are pedos… right?
Biden should use his absolute immunity to kill Roger Goodell and half the reffies and claim it’s an official act.
As a phins fan, I'm not surprised we didn't extend him. He has good regular season numbers, but for the past two years, he was:
>Injured in late season
>Tapered off against the Titans, Raven, Bills, and Chiefs late season.
I know a part of that is OL being duct taped in,but the OL is going to be a consistent problem. So, that is more of my priority than Tua. We have enough high-end talent in offense to compensate if Tua decides to go somewhere else.
Nationalize the teams and stadiums too
you'd be surprised how many bans and specifically for cunnychads there are across the country
>inb4 it was that guy who showed it on a jumbo screen
all me btw
oh wait that was jecksonville
Urban Meyer was surfing r/jailbait on the jumbotron after games
Some guy revealed his power level and showed cp, allegedly, on a big screen jumbotron in Jacksonville, can't remember if it was as at the jags stadium or a high school / college stadium though
convicted sex offender gets hired by jags without telling them he diddles kids, eventually gets fired but he hacks the jumbotron before he leaves. team eventually found it and the fbi raided his house and found cp.
>America's team?
Owned by jews and ran by retards
checks out
Objectively a useful designation. A 3-4 OLB and a 4-3 LB (or 3-4 DE and 4-3 DE) are very different positions. A 3-4 OLB is way more similar to 4-3 DE, and most players play the edge position with a two-point or three-point stance interchangeably these days.
Florida should be flooded and returned to the sea.
My Giants will continue to be terrible for the foreseeable future but at least Eli will finally become a HOFer this year.
What are his qualifications outside of his defense holding Brady to 14 points twice?
throwing one of the greatest passes in NFL history in the super bowl
having more rings than fraudgers
Don't worry. He doesn't go to /m/ either. It's been over six months since WFM dominated that board but the boogyman is still in his head. I know it's true because he would have surely talked about how Seed was front and center if he'd been there recently.
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>taking volume passers seriously

I bet you rate Herbert too.
not him but herbert is top 5
If OL is so important why do most OLs suck?
Why are OL men so underpaid?
Why not just pay a fuckload for an impenetrable wall and give a middling QB all the time in the world to not fuck up a pass
Excellent tackles don't grow on trees
there are 32 teams that require a total of 160 starting quality linemen and hundreds more backups for when the starters inevitably get injured. there isn't enough talent to satisfy that demand. pair that with the skyrocketing talent level of DL and you're left with piss poor OL play.
Top 5 at sucking dick maybe
You need 1 elite guy at each position
If Joe Thomas can play 10000 snaps in a row or some bullshit so can any other elite lineman
you spend a lot of time thinking about herbert sucking dick?
Not my type
>why don't teams spend $125M a year on 5 Joe Thomas's
Bet 5 Joe Thomas's would make even shitters like Bryce Young elite when he has 5 seconds to stand like a statue in the pocket every down
There is at least 1 really damn good player at each OL position and a team should really snatch em all up
I remember Joe Thomas...*sip* what a player he was
This guy is a JAG
Fuck NY. As they say, I wouldn’t eat there if my piss was on fire.
It's a difficult position to be good at and it's diluted because there are so many roster spots for it (~10 for each of the 32 teams). And most are underpaid for similar reasons.
>Why not just pay a fuckload for an impenetrable wall and give a middling QB all the time in the world to not fuck up a pass
1) you can't afford to pay top dollar to 5 guys on the line
2) they get injured a lot
3) even the best O-linemen get beat a lot of the time, it's not fool-proof
You can certainly afford top dollar for the 5 guys on the line
Just don't pay your QB the equivalent of the GDP of several African nations combined
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This NFL shit is easy. Just don't spend any money on defense and build an offense that scores a touchdown on every drive then make sure you get the ball first and score on the last play of every game. Besides that theres the fact that it's a statistical impossibility that both teams score a td on every drive. That means if you score a td on every drive it will be impossible for them to do the same, at least once in the game they'll have to settle for a field goal at best. 4 point swing right there boom.
This is called Madden.
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The top 104 highest scoring teams in NFL history have won the super bowl a total of 16 times.
None of those teams scored a td on every single drive.
Adam Silver is that you?
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I love my team but this is bullshit
No team, no matter how stacked, will ever do that.
You have absolutely no way to prove that.
>prove it
I could not care any less, you brainlet debatecel
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>steals from black folxs

>Just score a TD every drive
nice b8
This isn't a debate, this is you responding to a post without reading/comprehending it and getting embarrassed.
Explain to me how scoring more points than your opponents is a bad thing.
All this time I thought Josh Allen was the black Brett Favre
ebin troll, well done good sir! :^)
after the 2023 season. im convinced wink martindale was the main reason why the giants was even a competiter in 2022.(he came from the baltimore ravens which is known for their great defense)The defense was pretty much the ones winning games for them while the offense was struggling for most of the the season(not even scoring over 27 points over half the season) the last season i would say the defense was still good but not enough for the offense to keep up. now that martindale is gone i dont believe they will get any better. brian daboll will probably end up getting fired and daniel jones traded by next season
Concession status: accepted
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>yfw da bears win da superb owl
What is /nfl/ cooking for 4th of July?
meth mostly
sizzurp a tribute to my main nigga Jamaracus
tom brady retired
Mu uncle says hes giving me a footlong.
How you gonna get codeine cough syrup this time of year?
You have absolutely no way to prove that.
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Based Cowboys fan
Thinking about smoking some beef. Was going to smoke some pole but I stopped being a Chiefs fan when that Satanist started dating Kelce.
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*enters thready*
*throws tuddie*
*exits thready*
it’s coming home (to Los Angeles)
Wake me up... when 30 days end.
He was tired of stealing from Mark Davis.
joey bingbong mvp season incoming
Kirk Cousins is a mediocre QB with only one playoff win.
>b-but muh team
No, he's a mediocre stat padder.
That is all.
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I'm new to football. What's the difference with these? Are they different conferences? Leagues? Is one better than another?
all gay
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Based retards
I imagine every one of their fans is just Carl
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Nobody knows
College ball is a meme
>amateur sports
Don't know don't care
You know, why doesn’t somebody trash talk Mahomes and the Chiefs this way? Not the soft ribbing that they normally get with Burrowhead and Kermit, but real exhausting trash talk. The shit that would truly get under his skin and maybe lead to him having a poor game. The whole week leading up to a playoff game he’s being called a cuck to the media, being confronted in a hallway by a group from another team, if you’re really lucky and it’s a home game having your fans chant something specific at him while he’s on the field. Fighting sports style rattling.
>Lions kicker says about kicking competition that he wants to put his best foot forward
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Nothing. I’m ordering the usual
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Only a few more hours until Snakequon Benedictarnoldley is exposed as a backstabber and becomes one of the biggest villains in the entire NFL
I haven't paid for any streaming services in the last 9 years. HOWEVER, I so want to watch this shit. kind of cool they are going to do the whole offseason. I LOVED when the Giants released the video from last year's draft so this might be gooood.

Still not paying for it. 9 years is a great streak.
I'm gonna lol when this ends up being the one year he doesn't get hurt and puts together a full season
Hell I might even lmao
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*throws tua defenda*
The Giants medical staff is terrible and can't keep anyone healthy. Ronnie Barnes has had a great career but should have retired years ago. Daniel Jones was rushed back in the game where he tore his ACL and the misdiagnosis of Evan Neal's ankle injury was downright embarrassing.
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>I'm gonna lol when this ends up being the one year he doesn't get hurt
it would not be funny. It would actually be him living up to that "potential" everyone has spoken about over the last 5 years
Yeah but imagine the seethe from Giantsfags
Bix Nood ain't finna do shit
Believe it or not, there won't be too much seething. It would actually be awesome as he has some great skills but after seeing him over the last five years, the potential was just fool's gold. HOWEVER, it would be cool to see what the we he can finally do.

I expect the same level of production. 3 game of 125+ years, miss two-four games and average between 50-65 years every other game.
Getting your copes in early I see
Saquon Barkley has always been a home run-or-bust running back. And now he doesn't break tackles or have runs of 40+ yards anymore. He's going to get exposed massively behind the Eagles' O-Line which isn't going to be nearly as dominant without Jason Kelce setting the protection/blocking calls.
Why do redditors think the lion owl window is closed when it's literally just starting to open?
The Lions are an Icarus that flew too close to the sun. The interception that Brock Purdy threw straight to a Lions defender in the NFCCG getting tipped up and caught by a 49ers receiver is the sort of thing that doesn't happen to a franchise being smiled upon by God.
that's not seth rogan that's ricky
Playing the NFC South and the AFC West, beating the chiefs without their best defensive player (Internal pressure is Goff's biggest weakness), division should be better than last year.
Open this bussy
>Saquon Barkley has always been a home run-or-bust running back. And now he doesn't break tackles or have runs of 40+ yards anymore
yeah, that is the saddest part. I just do not think he was ever built for the NFL.
Goff can't get it done.
Lions were really starter dependent with their line and when any went down they suffered greatly, as their backups weren't good and goof is a clean pocket baby to begin with. don't know their oline situation now but it's a team that can unravel if a couple linemen get hurt
>despite the pushback one will get for having the audacity to suggest it, there is a scenario where a certain other QB who has as many 1x All Pros and MVPs as Mahomes were to win a ring, the best QB in the world title could be up for grabs as soon as the 2025 season.
>Aaron Rodgers makes first public appearance after trip to Egypt
wtf was he doing
Just came here to remind you goyim to preorder Madden 25
preorder this bussy
I'm homeless
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Can't catch.
>This is what Detoilets actually believe
Go giants btw
How come when I eat I immediately have to take a shit? It's super annoying.
Bengies are having melties
>I commented this in the Bengals board, but the dickriding for Stroud is outrageous considering how much disrespect the fans and the league give Burrow. Did people forget Joe threw for 500 yards twice in his first full season? And went to the Super Bowl? Came 3 points away from winning? Had to beat the Chiefs at the top of their game to get there? The following season, he took us to 10 consecutive wins and an AFCCG appearance. Which we lost by three points. We are six combined points away from a Super Bowl victory and back-to-back appearance with Joe Burrow. What has Stroud done to rival any of that? Win the least competitive division in the AFC? Win a single playoff game against the Browns? I like Stroud. But betting on him to be better than Burrow is actually insane.
>Shilling Madden
the last time I bought a Madden games, a lot of you fags on 4chan weren't even born. I am shocked people STILL buy that shit.
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BITCH! I was around the see the best football of all time that was Blitz on the PS1!
Joe Burrow fucking sucks
youngins is understandable. millennials still buying the shit are the ones that need shot
he's not wrong. QBs coming off a great rookie season regress more often than not.
I bought madden 24 on sale after skipping the last 13 or so. its pretty good tbhwy good modding community too
Mahomes wouldn’t survive in pre-21st century football where qbs could actually get tackled
do you make more or less a year than Romanowski's career fines?
I don’t know. I only know math enough to know 7 is more than 3
I'll buy it at bargain bin sale price after the season when I start missing football like always
I will not pay more than 20 dollars for a game thanks
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Is JJones senile? How is he so bad at his job?
Skip this bussy
what no one really brings up is that the cowboys are in cap hell right now and really can't do much
>implying he does anything
it's his son
Hence him being bad at his job
Fair enough, so what's his excuse?
oh i know, it's hilarious I'm just pointing out that in all the discussion about people not being paid their cap situation doesn't get highlighted enough
Based bussy poster
I need to have sex
cap hell doesn't exist
sucks to suck
Here's the blackpill.
Mahomes will retire after another decade or so. Hooray!
But Veach (the guy who pushed for Mahomes) will still be there, and they'll have attracted some new great coach by then.
You think their end will be like the Patriots?
It's only the beginning.
Is that fucking Carrot Top?
I don't believe in Veach. He's yet to build a roster that is good on offense, defense, and special teams. The Eagles, 49ers, and Ravens GMs are better.
He's also like a billionaire from Vegas money.
>Good defense
O I am laffin
Hmm I'm just seeing 70M. Pretty far from a billion.
>a hit that mahomes initiated
lmao. It wasn't even that hard, the plastic just broke because of the cold.
>Mahomo got to break the rules and not have to sit out a play for an equipment change
Not like it would've changed anything anyways. Just like deflategate, the outcome was clear as day.
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(You) mogged 142330212 badly. KWAB
Mog this bussy
>muh bussy XD
how about you find a new joke, you fucking loser?

are you 12 years old?

you've been spamming that for nearly a year now you'd think the lack of responses and attention would make you stop.

grow the fuck up.
how about you find a new bussy
They have pro bowlers on offense and defense. It only went to shit once their coordinator(s) left. No amount of good talent can make up for bad coaching.
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He's a schizo and full time Brady dick rider. Just learn to accept him.
Find this bussy
Spam this bussy
Grow inside this bussy
etc. etc.
Bussyposting is unironically the chemo saving this board from the cancer that is statmutt
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Stop responding to me tripfaggot.
That’s precisely my concern.
Don't listen to the nerds that look like >>142354492 who came out saying that on x after it happened, it's not like anyone was expecting Mahomes to shatter his helmet. This isn't something the refs at the fore of the mind ready to deal with exactly to the book. It's one of those things that sport nerds jack off knowing about.
Nobody cares
Was it that he looks like carrot top or that the thread is called "carrot top edition" that gave it away?
That's why I said it really didn't matter.
Same shit with that one play in the bengals/raiders game with the whistle. An FCS team could've scored on >us on that play, whistle or no whistle.
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I have been watching the history of the Packers on Youtube and I have to say that they are the very definition of SOVL. It's remarkable that a fan owned team has managed to survive and thrive this long.

It's just a shame they have Jordan Love, a completely charmless man, as their Quarterback now.
This. The Eagles have proven that the NFL salary cap is an honor system that contenders don't respect.
>b-b-b-but the Bills had to cut half their team
The Bills aren't making the playoffs this year.
>the burgers lost to both japan and austria, axis powers
>at football
Is it time to hire international coaches?
It's the thing bumping the thread in the offseason
The next person to post bussy... This has got to stop.
Der bußy
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Watch this
>NOOOOO you can't post the Chiefs or Mahomes you are only allowed to suck off Brady and spam bussy!
suck off this bussy
Stat mutt thinks that Jamal Charles is the goat, he’s a joke
i was shopping at walmart today and some whiteboy thought he was being slick by saying the n word to one of his friends. except it didnt occur to him i was standing right behind him. i stared him down him down and he and his friend scurried away like rats. if i catch your bitch ass again saying that word again dont you think im gonna be so nice

also russell wilson is a fake nigga and so is dak prescott
No he doesn't, because that's me and I'm not him. It's also only a "joke" to someone as clueless as you. Way to be wrong for an entire post, I'm sure it's a first
We're at the point in the year where Chiefs kings circle back to being "jokes" who don't know ball again, and all the retards who were wrong as usual feel like it's Tabula Rasa to come out and act like they know better again
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>coincidentally being a fan of a dynasty makes you right about everything
No, it's just rich that someone who spent the whole postseason calling me retarded and absolutely positively guaranteeing a Lions Ravens superbowl or whatever is going to pull up afterwards with no shame still acting like he knows better. I'm right every time I post, you're wrong every time you post, it's time to extrapolate the fact to less results-oriented matters like Jamaal
yeah but you would of said the Chiefs were going to win the sb regardless it's just a coincidence that they did
I'm not that type of fan, I'm predicting us to start this season 0-2 for example. I laid out extensive analysis about why we were going to win every post season game, it wasn't just homerism, and I got massively ridiculed by guys like that every time. It wasn't just Chiefs games either, I called Chiefs Niners the whole way
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How do the reffies keep getting away with it?
One of the craziest things I've seen in the NFL. I would've had trouble not having words with that ref if I was Lamar
>You now remember the unironic logo believers
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You now remember Damar Hamlin
Remember the guy who posted every night saying he doesn't bet for "personal reasons" but if he did he would bet his house on Ravens Lions and wouldn't shut up with his weird Vegas analyses about it lol
Most reddit moment in American history, prove me wrong
>fresh off a pandemic that apparently killed 1 million people
>on reality society is so coddled and bubble wrapped from nature a booboo on tv got treated like 9/11 while on-air
it was up there. nobody dies suddenly anymore from anything.
I blame the players association for this. Motherfuckers made tackling illegal in practice so now defensive players get killed by wideouts and runningbacks like this. Even a 5th string safety would've made a better tackle than Hamlin here who exposed himself to Higgins.
Not a fan of Chud Allen.
Honestly expecting everyone who frequents these threads now to be massive homos. Anyone who is fine with seeing that word being spammed or thinks its funny probably thinks traps arent gay.

It very much actively discourages regular people from posting here, I dont want to be around anyone who condones homos. This is all I have to say and I will no longer elaborate further.
>It very much actively discourages regular people from posting here
Condone this bussy
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it really do be like this
Condone Nix bussy
>Brady had like a 10 year playoff drought

Lol wut? He had a 9 year winning owl drought but playoffs his most was 1 year iirc
So this is the power of better football discussion... Impressive...
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Who is the Serena Mello of /nfl/?
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I’m from 20 years into the future
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Wow.... now this is real high IQ football analysts
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Delete your post pls
running protection for my boy eric. kwab
kek based >>142358667
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The 2nd best broadcasting duo of all time fr Aqib n Gus wuz straight bussin ong Goodell had to shut em down after the Cards-Vikangz game because they were making everyone else look like suckaz
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Friendly reminder this soup herbal win LITERALLY caused the biggest seethe the world has ever seen. stoolers and cheatriots fags are still getting worked by this image to this day
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Yea, I'm thinking that's gonna make Bradoids seethe
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Remember when JFFM was pointing out bustin cuckatini's redzone failures back in 2021 and everyone called him a hater? How's that looking now? 3rd head coach he's on? Still falling to break .500 as a started??
they're perfect
They linked up???
No she's mine actually and she's on IMDB now which makes her a world renowned actress worthy of Kiwi cock

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>Oh, hey AFC South

What the actual FUCK are the jaggies, titties and texxies gonna do brehs?
Nah I wanted the afro nigger to lose
I remember my dad was like "the 9ers have too many rangs son they're too close to our steelers, we need them to lose."
And I'm like "yeah that tracks."
Only thing I really even remember about this game is the power going out.
My dad's based.
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Your dad probably watches BLACKED and troon porn KWAB mutts lose to Kiwi's everyday of the week and twice on Sunday
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*remains undefeated in 12 years of /nfl/*

How does he do it brehs? How does The Kiwi brainmog every janny and moddie fag that crosses his path???
Nah he'd win
Just like my steelies against lameme twice a year :^)
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>the stoolers haven't won an owl since big rape stopped raping

KWAB franchise stuck in 2005
Wow you can't beat THIS!?
Sad bro, sad
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>With the 1st pick in the 2024 NFL draft.... the shitcago burrs select......
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Nah I've been rooting for the meteor for years now
Only team I could've stomached winning this year is the wions just for the funposting it was cause
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fucking based. not laughing because what the Jews did with the help of greedy frogs is sad. yet, you remain based
I don’t get it
so anyway
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go back to r**dit tourist retard
oh, and don't forget to kys faggot
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pats bros we are SO fucking back
>Seth Rogen
based retard
based and oldpilled
did you forget where your > button was?
>free agent nigee on the lam signs with NE patriots
please Lord kek
>black on black crime
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>posting reddit caps
gtfo nigger
literally kys. I hate the Steelers more than any other team and I'm still on that anons side because you're an insufferable faggot
>he said through sniffles and tears
kwab can't wait to watch another 6-11 season with the cowgirls level cope and seethe
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>go back tourist retard
Been here longer than you dweeb
>oh, and don't forget to kys faggot
Only if you go first bitch
John madden was a fat retard that was propped up by the mafia

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