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Is Klank Thompson the missing piece for the Mavericks to win a title? FUCK NO LMAO
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Now that the dust has settled...

The Splash Bros are a top __ guard duo of all time.
>win finals
>sell the team
what happened

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no one wants to play with LeMickey
Klay is washed but that's not a bad number for him
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No wonder teams will be tanking for Cooper. He's got a 7 foot wingspan and a 40 inch vertical. We should be calling him white lebron
Selling the team at its highest value. NBA franchises are business ventures most owners dgaf.
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Oh nooo, anyways
TateGOD city
They're right behind Luka and Kyrie imo.
LeParent and LeNepoBaby
I unironically dont rate Hartenstein. Think he got the playing in NY rep boost. Still good to get another center to play when chet isnt. Helps with their size.
>Drafted a guy with all the tools you could ask for minus shooting
>Everybody available around 5 had shooting concerns
I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand I get that a problem was you had no one to reliable score besides Kyrie and Luka on the other hand Luka Kyrie and Klay are all bad defenders. What about when Klay is having an off night which will happen. I get the move but I'm very skeptical of how it will turn out. I'd still take the Celtics in 6.
>Even Cryami players have the Celtics living rent free
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>Kills your dynasty
Potential costed them 2 more rings because he called KD a bitch lmaoo.
buy low sell high, they probably don't think more titles are coming anytime soon, so may as well cash out now.
Now that Chet Holmgren is a bust I'm looking forward to Cooper vs Wemby
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didn't glay chumpson want like 4/160
how'd he settle on 3/50
This is a very good signing for the Mavs and for Klay. Fools who don't actually watch basketball are going to be shocked.
>KWAB list
Imagine if the Spurs get two top 5 picks next year
Am I crazy or are most of the stars retiring in the next few years and there aren’t many to replace them? What’s the NBA look like in 5 years?
Grant Williams had similar takes from fans and it wasn't too long before they changed their minds kek
It all depends on Klay's ego and if he's fine just being another catch and shoot piece when most of the time the ball is in Kyrie or Luka's hands
are those his parents or grandparents?
you just aren't paying attention to the new stars because the media still thinks the old dudes are good
It's sad how much the media was pushing the "rivalry", but now that Chet's on the bench, they'll need to find a new Bird to Wemby's Magic.
Which players have superstar status despite
probably aging out of that qualification?
all the "stars" went out first round and are trash
there's just an old & washed get maxed out meta cuz lebum tricked owners into thinking everybody else can also play into their 40s
>Klay's ego and if he's fine just being another catch and shoot piece when most of the time the ball is in Kyrie or Luka's hands
when has he been anything else? his handles have been trash and never good enough to be a primary ballhandler
The fuck you talking about? Vast majority of the best players in the league right now are under 30.
zoomers have no star power unless they are women
Klay isn't ball dominant anyways, I hope Jason Kidd incorporates more off ball actions to get him open.
you just arent paying attention
People throw the term "SOVL" and "soulless" around so loosely. It should be known that the only soulless teams are the teams who have made zero history within the NBA or have teams that will be forgotten years down the line. The objective list is:

SOVL teams:


Soulless teams:



There really aren't many great backcourts. Their competition is like Parker-Ginobili, Thomas-Dumars, Rondo-Allen, and Paul-Harden.
Wemby dominating and in discussion with WB to make "Space Jam International"
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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
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we aren't going to pretend that the last few months of dick sucking and hype didn't happen
Give me one good reason your team isn't running split action
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I need to emphasize this I HATE this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Shitty ass team ain't doing shit but jobbing in the 2nd round.
From Lakers reporter:
>The Lakers thought they had Klay lined up. I've heard the offer was as high as 4y $80M and Klay STILL said he'd rather go to Dallas.
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Your 2024 NBA champions.
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Yes those are his grandparents. His parents are pic related
Klay is terribly overrated. I'm sorry. His whole career was just "wait in the corner for Steph to get triple teamed so I can shoot my wide open meme 3". Once defenders stopped biting on the triple team, Klay became Klank. Idk what he's supposed to contribute to the Mavs. Seems to me the Mavs problem in the Finals was ball movement and perimeter defense.
West Conference
Anthony Edwards
Jazz/Blazers hopefully have Lauri and Clingan develop into All Stars
Clippers/Warriors/Lakers LOL

Eastern Conference
Paolo Banchero
Uhh don't really know if anyone else is worth mentioning from there maybe the Hawks if they don't fuck it up this time (they will)
damn still a warrior for life
lol does no one want to go to the Lakers anymore even with LeBron and AD? I guess the Lakers front office is that dogshit.
Klay is delusional and still thinks he can elevate a team to championship contention, or he was afraid of the LA media and inevitable LeBron circus
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Welcome to the bench after you're done serving your suspension for that tweet, you fucking stick.
>welcome to the O

>wanting to be scapegoated by Lenepotism
can you blame him. After 13 seasons in 'Cisco, I'd pick Dallas over LA
There’s tons of good players under 30 yes. How many stars? People that fans want to watch, follow etc? Who are the steph, james etc of the under 30s? There’s like a dozen of them retiring and I just don’t see their replacements. Wemby could be interesting if his body doesn’t fail him(which for guys his height doesn’t seem likely) who else? Maybe luka but I’m not sure
everything he did was real kd a bitch klay bitch made only curry is a real nigga
Mavs should've just kept Josh Green. Klay ain't it anymore.
now please someone save Markkanen from Utah
I could see why Klay chose the Mavs over the Lakers if he fails with the Mavs it won’t be a ton of drama. If he fails with the Lakers he’s gonna have to deal with Laker fags and LeBum Fags. Also unproven coach and the whole Bronny thing.
>[Stein] Klay Thompson had face-to-face meetings with both the Lakers and Mavericks in L.A. on Sunday night, league sources say. In addition Dallas had Klay's former @USABasketball teammate Kyrie Irving to counter recruiting from LeBron James.
i'm gonna miss him Wsbros............
Quinten Grimes is their Josh Green replacement.
its over
>Kyrie stealing players from LeBron
>lakers bubble had fans sending death threats to danny green over the missed game winner in game 5
>2021 loss to phoenix in the 1st round
>alex caruso leaves in free agency because lakers front office lowballed him, kyle kuzma and kcp get traded for westbrick
>2022 swept in conference finals by the nuggets after trading westbrick
>you know how the story goes, they fire darvin ham, flame the shit out of dlo online, draft knecht and bronny
It's a fucking clownshow and no one should ever in their right mind go there
klay probably left when lebron asked him to teach his son how to shoot 3's
It’s gonna be funny when they send death threats to Bronny when he plays like shit.
>Herro requesting a trade soon
We back, Heatnation.
Mavs and Warriors game would be hype until you realize they're gonna bench Klay 5 minutes into the game for Naji Marshall
>Eastern Conference
>Paolo Banchero
I mean, I don't like the Celtics either. But let's not pretend JB and Tatum aren't stars. Both under 30. Embiid is injury prone, but he's still a big draw too.
You're getting Keldon Johnson and 1 second round pick for him after the season he just had
but enough about Anunoby
Klay trying to get Draymond ejected from the bench will be more hype than him trying to play basketball
Mavs replaced DJJ, Green, and THJ with Marshall, Grimes, and Klay. Two of those are essentially lateral moves, but Klay is a huge upgrade over Tim Hardaway. They are definitely a better team now.
I'll take it.
>Who are the steph, james etc of the under 30s?
ESPN hasn't decided who to tell you yet. Sorry. Maybe watch the game instead of relying on Klutch media to tell you who ziggiest of all time is or whatever.
Klay is washed.
They are but I'm not sure if they'll be on the same team in 5 years with how expensive both their contracts will be for the Celtics
Embiid is cool but yeah I don't know how long his body will last him, honestly would be crazy if he and Jokic teamed up before Nikola retires
Expansion when?
LA fans are mutt retard star fuckers. They're gonna say that Bronny needs more playing time and blame Reaves for not passing him the ball enough. They would be happy if Kim Kardashian was on the team. Absolutely retarded city. Just full of celebrity obsessed mongoloids.
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it's next on the agenda
Not more washed than THJ
>but Klay is a huge upgrade over Tim Hardaway

just checked the calendar, it is in fact not 2015 anymore
That's Ron perlman
The all-timer talents without rings are Luka (if in shape) and Wemby (if he doesn't get crippled)
Ant I'm still not sold on yet
After the new media deal. soon. Its gonna be Vegas and Seattle

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The Celtics AND Embiid are gonna win a title in back to back years truly the darkest timeline
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>The main note worthy thing he did in his NBA career is fuck over majority of nba teams with the new CBA.
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I can understand not wanting to live in LA nor dealing with Lebron. Better chances to make a good playoff run too
>Emsneed has literally never even made it out of the 2nd round
>now I'm supposed to believe not only will he make the finals, he'll win it
lmao eveb
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Curry, Lebron and KD are the only megastars. NBA has plenty of second tier stars though
Will it be a punch, a tackle, a kick to the nuts or one of Draymond's more inventive technicals like a choke or chest stomp?
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>Blazers would have had a ring if prime Dame had literally any better 2nd option than CJ
It hurts Blazer bros but Clingan is our hope now
someone's getting The People's Elbow before adam grows a spine and draws the line
why would the warriors refuse to trade cp3 and wiggins for Lavine. That was like the perfect bailout for them
He also dropped off Jokic in a game 7
D. White extension

We did it! It really is White boy summer.
Incoming Dynasty.
they didnt want to give up wiggins
>Curry, Lebron and KD
Yea, because they've all been playing for 20 years. Nobody knew KD in 2010 or Curry in 2013. Hell, nobody knew Jokic until last year. You guys are really confused as to why a Brunson or a Haliburton isn't as famous as these guys yet? Maybe if they'd fucking retire already and stop being greedy ring chasing legacy builders.
those are words but can they be used in a sentence like that?
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My first experience of disappointment was seeing Greg come in, and it felt like the blazers were going to the fucking moon. He was so good when he was healthy- for like 5 minutes one time kek. The blazers do not have a good record of not fucking shit up, and of drafting well.
Based. Gotta love the godfather! Ignore losing key roleplayers we got Herro!
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to be fair the blazers have been a fairly competent franchise for most of their history. They've just had absurdly bad luck often
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yep, stay the course you old senile bastard
>lose all your roleplayers for nothing
>add no one
>we can contend
legit feel bad for Oden, he could have been great if he wasn't cursed with easily broken knees
How does a 7'3" guy not know how to rebound? That should be day one shit. Hartenstein is going to have him riding pine for the rest of his rookie contract.
I don't believe he believes this. What I do believe is that he knows his garbage bin of players are useless in terms of trade value so there's no way he can actually improve anything without completely gutting the roster, which then means Jimmy is requesting out.

Their window closed. And he knows it.
Who's more mentally gone Pat Riley or Biden?
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>retards seething over Klay

can't wait for more tears
The Warm should just do a fire sale
thats a pathetic looking handbag
>Pat Riley trades everyone except Tyler Herro
Jokic is officially an idiot for wanting that washed-up fraud to play with him
The nuggets are having an underrated terrible off season. Lost KCP, and trying to bring in Westbrick.
>believing "reports"
Yeah but the Blazers were 23rd out of 30 in rim protection last year so an anchor like Clingan who prioritizes blocking shots and getting rebounds is going to help them out a lot and he is sneakily good at 3 pointers too
It might be okay to have a bit of hope and excitement for this year
Chet is a shooter on offense and a shot blocker on D. Both those roles take you away from rebounds.
better someone mentally gone than someone mentally a sociopath :^)
nuggies, please, anyone but him....
True I cant wait for more Luka tears as he bitches to the refs :)
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get the fuck away from my nuggets pinoy
Giannis and Jokic will never be as big as Curry or Lebron because they're foreigners
damn pat riley is a sociopath? i had a feeling
I’m a warriors fan, and I think people are being too down on klay. He’s a shell of his former self, but it’s not like he’s totally useless. He just needs to come to terms with the fact that he’s a role player at this point in his career.
several things need to happen with the blazers

>scoot henderson needs to show up next season and prove he's got star potential
>shaedon sharpe needs to look like michael fucking jordan especially since he has some ludicrous 50" vertical or something
>ant simons needs to go to orlando, maybe jerami leaves for the right price
>clingan needs to look good and start as a backup center for ayton in hopes he can surpass him
>pray that avdija and camara aren't total dogshit wings

So basically they need to hope their backcourt has a big year, pray that clingan won't fall apart to a stiff breeze, and get rid of their older role players so they can invest in some star forwards. It's a lot to ask for, but that's what rebuilding is all about; gambling until you succeed.
>forces all his players to have a certain body fat %
Yikes take. He's extremely skilled for his size.
See you in the play-in Demar DeGODzan.
Magic are extremely soulful. What's there to debate? Nearly their entire team is players they drafted or took fliers in FA on like Fulz. They even added the most soulful FA in KCP. You're trolling.
40% 3 point shooting last year is overshadowed by that 0/10
>Klay Thompson
Luka has to be asking out now, right?
They called him a mad man
The saddest thing Klay has lost is his ability to defend. He used to be an elite perimeter defender.
I respect the nugs for trying to be home grown
serb, i am literally rooting for your team to not make a catastrophic move.
first, they lose KCP,
then not even make an attempt for Valanciunas or Hartenstein
and now, Jokic is supposedly pushing for THAT player?
if they want to stay competitive while Jokic is still in his prime, they need to have good role players both ok the starting 5 and off the bench. they lost perfection with their starters when KCP walked, and their bench is in dire need of a complete overhaul.
i want more kino Jokic moments in the next few finals, i really do. but, their front office making dumb decision after dumb decision is just...
They become soulless if they get Westbrick
Yeah I like the Magic. Dwight era was kino. Shaq/Penny era was kino.
joker got his ring and his mvp, I don't think he cares if he remains irrelevent at the nugs for the rest of his career as long as they pay him
he'll be a 20mpg backup point guard, which is something they're in desperate need of. i don't understand the bitching
Jokic is dull like Tim Duncan
Giannis has been too injured for deep playoff runs to get into the public consciousness
LeBron and Curry also are exceptional talents
They're actually thinking of running Ayton at Power Forward and Clingan as the Center to play big against teams like Memphis with Edey and JJJ, Cleveland with Mobley, Denver with Aaron Gordon.
But yeah Scoot and Shaedon are the future, sad because I really like Simons but he doesn't seem to be panning out as well as they hoped.
klay thompson is a bitch for leaving his brothers and not even at least going to the lakers
he can't shoot and does dumb shit all the time. There are a billion sparkplug manlets in the league yet the nugs can't land one who isn't washed
>and not even at least going to the lakers
Please expound.
>at least going to the lakers
that's the last team any warrior fan would want him to go to
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if klay went to the lakers that would be acceptable because that is not only his own childhood dream, but also his fathers. but the fucking mavs?
The fact that I see zero humor in this hawk tuah thing makes me very happy. Being as disconnected from zoomers is a positive sign for me. I fucking hate these kids
The Sixers are gonna look like the Suns except more injured.
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Brunson will be washed in 5 years
Yeah, but...being around Lebron.
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>tatum and Brown won a ring
>splash bros broke up
>lecrony got his son drafted to the lakers
>the ghost of cp3 on the spurs
>pg13 being passed around like a 17 yo freshman at a frat
>larden completely disappeared
>kd completely disappeared
soulless era and i say that as a semi-celtics fan
I've noticed it's actually a boomer thing. Only midwits with American flag emojis in their names and bios that repost facebook memes are spreading it and laughing
I don't believe these niggas are in serbia or that jokic picks up a phone for them
Game recognize Game
It's funny because of the sound she makes and also how absurd it is to actually spit on someone's dick before giving them a blowjob
Wesbrook would be a good cutter. Locked up Booker in the playoffs a couple seasons ago. Just don't let him shoot or close games.
>players get old

nigga welcome to your mid 20s
too busy riding chariots or whatever to actually do homework on these guys, i guess
1 and it's not close.
Actual retard imo
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We gon get Slo-Mo, celticsisters
>bunch of over-the-hill stars on the downslide
>Shai, Edwards, Doncic, Chet, Wemby, Banchero, Mobley, Brunson ascending
SOUL era incoming
Cali taxes pretty much make it the same as the Dallas offer
Lakers are straight fucked. They basically had to bank on a Hail Mary move, and now they don’t even have any of those left.
Kay is trash now
Phil needed Jimmy Buckets
Not Paul George
2 months into the season PG will go down with a fake injury now that he got paid
then you are not the same philipino that i argue with in every thread. carry on brudda
oh shit so they're going twin towers with clingan and ayton, that will be neat to watch. Hope their pacing isn't dogshit because of that. They should hold on to grant just in case so there's a spacing option at the wing spot before they find a better alternative.

Simons would be great in Orlando, they need a volume scorer to simply put up numbers. They have the cap room for it too, just send Black or Cole Anthony plus 2 picks or whatever. Shame he didn't work out in portland, he's a good dude.
he's not good anymore but he'd still be the 5th best player on the Nugs
only one of those players are soulful and he's a fat serb
Emblid and PG in street clothes is Phil future
aren't they at the super cap now? good luck doing anything at that apron
Lebronetty lost.
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all this talk for him to stay in ainge's jail and not see playoffs for another 5 years..
In what way is that a bailout? They were already getting off CP3s money and Lavine is slightly above average player making max player money
Her delivery was funny. You're just bitter and likely an incel.
>how absurd it is to actually spit on someone's dick before giving them a blowjob
feel bad for you lol
Fuck you draymon green for destroying the Warriors not once but twice...first time was KD 2nd time with Poole 3rd time was with Charles Shaq and Kenny
I'm not bitter or an incel. I just didn't find "viral clip of the month you're supposed to find funny" funny. Sorry if that hurt your feelings
>Boston Celtics All-NBA star Jayson Tatum is finalizing a five-year, $314 million super maximum contract extension through the 2029-30 season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. This is now the largest deal in NBA history.

The Celtics just spent nearly half a billion today.
The Lakers spent $0 Million
tranny boilin itt
Is Klay the first player to just straight up say that lower taxes played a major role in his decision to play in Texas instead of California?
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this is insane
I don't know but I respect his candor. Now everyone knows that he's just a mercenary
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every greedy billionaire in town lining up to buy this, i'm sure
Get rid of proziga and white both are trash you can get for less
What does Golden State have to do with it at this point? I thought Klay was a free agent
theyre selling the team so the current owners wont have to pay >>142298320
He said it's the 5th
probably no one with outright space to sign him at this point, for him to get the money he wants i'd have to be a S/T
>JokGM singlehandedly ruined his franchise


LeGM clears
Alla that to get beat by Jimmy and a summer league team
Who is the slampig
sydney sweety
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Stop misusing words. Slampig is for bbws. Youre eroding the foundations of our great language with your cavalier attitude to our customs and history
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the current jewlywood fotm sacrifice
pamela anderson for zoomers
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>The nuggets have lost this off season
Reggie Jackson
6 2nd round picks
>The Nuggets have added
Daron Holmes
She can stand to lose 15-20 pounds
you should be beaten to death
Dat mountain air
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nah thats her. i recognize her from euporia. that show with zendaya about the high school girl addicted to pills and weed
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Oh OK thanks...she is today's Pam Anderson
This is a case where they both parties already know they gonna do the S&T, but the Warriors are just trying to involve some other teams to get back something that they actually want.
Plug called
Said Cason Wallace and Ousmane, 4 first rounders for Lauri
OKC winning the West
>mpj in the 4th quarter
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TateGOD got paid!
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Lauri can't play defense
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Way too fucking easy today.
now Malone must play the youngins. Trust the vision
Blame Drayton green 1st KD then Poole now Klay
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Luka would've made at least two of those pens
i think calvin booth will end up running the team into the ground because he believes in his draft picks too much
Parker and Ginobli were the best pass/slash to the basket duo
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what kinda dirt does drayboon have on warriors ownership to be such a cancer with such low stats and constantly get resigned?
you can say "glue guy" until youre blue in the face but hes cost the warriors multiple rings and players at this point
What's the penalty tax on this looking like?
Nuggets status?
You can tell someone doesnt know ball when they dont rate DrayGOD
>with such low stats
you dont know ball
supermax these nuts
fuck the boston celshits
Pack in the air

The more the team is gutted the more Joker has to do, put your house and all your bitches on Jokic MVP
You take that back. I don't give a shit if we get Lauri, I refuse to lose Cason.
this isnt a rodman situation where he plays amazing defensively and gets a shitton of boards, drayboon is mediocre at everything he does
>Being as disconnected from zoomers is a positive sign for me. I fucking hate these kids
>I'm not bitter
okay lol
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U have body dysmorphia lil sis
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about 51mn in taxes?
who the fuck is cason wallace give us jdub for lauri and keep your trash
>this isnt a rodman situation where he plays amazing defensively
0 ball knowledge
tingis yes but white is a hard working gym rat that hustles on every play and plays the game the right way
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Imagine this bussy
>i think kids are dumb and annoying
smoked everyday
>bro you just dont get it yeah he cant shoot cant defend is a locker room cancer and causes fouls at the worst moments consistently but hes just a grinder bro you just gotta believe me bro plz bro
get that lazy coons sack off ur chin it's a bad look
i hope klay works out in Dallas and becomes that missing piece for Luka. As a WSU alumni and being the most prestigious player to ever come from the school it makes me sad seeing his decline, if he can fill a role that he's called to and maybe sniffs another ring hopefully he ends up redeemed in the public eye.
WTF is that real????

>One of the main reasons for a team winning 4 rings
>Uuuuh he's actually le bad ok!!!!
This is your mind on mayo
What is the difference between stadium and arena?
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>Warriors and Nuggets sabotaged by their front office
>Wemby the best rim protector and unblockable shooter has a godtier point guard now
Chet going to the bench now?
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>As a WSU alumni
Damn bruh that fuckin sucks. What do they do now that their entire conference ran away? Go cougs though
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went from premium chicken tenders to burger king fire sale to get rid of the low quality garbage
slot any body into drayboons position and they have at least one more ring, probably more considering KD never would've left
An arena is like Staples or MSG. A stadium is where Football is played
Even Gobert?
Yeah, Chet on the bench, only 12 mpg.
>The qualifying difference between an arena and a stadium is whether it’s a permanently enclosed structure. Stadiums are open-air construction that feature tiered seating around a sports field or stage. They have no permanent roof or walls.
About damn time. Dude was a liability in the playoffs.
gobert wouldnt be ejected for kicking lebussy in the nuts ike a bitch
His legs hopefully hold out one more time for one last playoff run
Actually, they're selling the team so they don't have to pay the massive taxes when Wyc's Dad dies.
Is klay even good at anything apart from shooting open jumpers?
Do you work for Brazzers or something? Why are you defending this woat meme so hard?
Tatum and White paid in the same day.
Celtic bros. Everyone on the team gettin the bag.
They really said, 'you get a bag, and you get a bag, and you get a bag'
he was a dpoy candidate for like his first 7 or 8 years
Dejounte Murray went from a Hawk Tuah Pelican *skull*
yes but he's washed now
i read "was" not "is" srry
>Paul George
>Kelly Oubre Jr
>Joel Embiid
Who is the 5th starter? It's almost certainly not Eric Gordon.
Maxey shouldn't be a ball handler
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>The Lakers last resorts are now going to be Demar Derozan and Jerami Grant
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Celtics were a juggernaut, you're counting on the Sixers being healthy and not choking for the Celtics to not make the Finals again
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This has to be the deepest lineup in the league, yeah?
More importantly, who's gonna be the starters when Embleed and Pandemic P are injured?
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Only one more contract remaining..... Please Wyc pleaseeeeeeeeee
>not as bad as drayboon but just as exhausting
why do they still have drayboon then
Ainge doing what he does best, trying to win every deal as hard as possible.
the hit pieces are starting
Qrd on this?
Jared McZesty is the point guard they drafted for a reason bro move Maxey to 2
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Jesus Christ
He's a scorer
I think they already did, they are just negotiating details
>Booker making $60 fucking million in 2027 just to lose
God I wish I was him
And now all is coming to light. We already knew Klay was whinny and a bit cancerous, but hearing the stories coming over the next few years will be fun
because he's still a good player
why is it okay for drayboon to do it
>singlehandedly ends the Warriors dynasty aswell as the Lakers, Heat and Suns franchises
Yeah OKC is gonna be a big problem
Big if true. Having X back wouldn't hurt either
>this is worth getting rid of klay Thompson, kd, Jordan poole and losing at least 1 finals run in both /nba/ and the warriors estimation
Some white trash coalburner is now famous because she said "hawk tuah" about spitting on a dick. It's a Brazzers PR stunt or something. Just ignore it, please.
>my lakies under 100 mil in luxuries for once
what a sight for sore eyes
Still way too young. Maybe 4 years from now.
Ok. but what the fuck is going on with donovan mitchell
he's having a camp in la right now
there's only rumors about him extending, and none about teams that are interested in him, which the exact opposite situation that lauri is in
To my heat to counter boston
Waiting for a Garland trade to be in place before signing the extension
connect 4

bench: d-lo, rui, max christie, jj redick

literally name one team that can stop us
they should bring jj off the bench
West is just the Mavs, Thunder, and Wolves now.
probably wondering if he wants a long term signing. the cavs are shit and thats a tough pill to swallow.
No one wants to play with LeBum
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>having to play with lenepotism, his son and his crony söi surrogate as HC
none of those teams will be shit except MAYBE the thunder but people overrate them because they overachieved in the regular season. Wolves will never win anything and the mavs got worse
He's going to the Spurs
Rockets stomp
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Who the fuck is gonna stop them?
Euros will replace them
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> the mavs got worse
At worst Klay becomes bench warmer and they run essentially the same squad as last year's post trade
Bronny, JJ, Bench, etc
this pic gave me CHILLS
lmfaoooooo based. fuck the gaykers
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>Lakers beating the Bronkers
If only Kobe had a son who was playing in the NBA....
So, the Mavs and Wolves, then. The Zoomers aren’t doing shit.
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Spursbros we're about to enter the most entertaining tanking season the league has ever seen
>Nikola Jokic has pushed behind the scenes for the Nuggets to get Russell Westbrook. This isn’t the first time he’s wanted to play with him in Denver either. Westbrook would give Michael Malone a trusted, veteran ball handler, which is something the Nuggets need right now.
>Heat paying luxury tax for play-in birth and 1st round gentlemen sweep
i hope popavich dies horribly
fuck that shabbos goy vaxcattle
i thought russ wasnt valued? shows how much the media knows
Ngl the new spurs rookie (#5) seems like a fucking dawg
I don't believe this shit for 1 sec
Window closed
2 more weeks /pol/ cuck
why's he on the list and not jokic, who's younger and will fall off less
Where does he play now, Russia? China?
kek why
East has Scottie Barnes
nigga WHO
Jokic is gonna retire in 5 years bro he ain't playing when he's 35
AND Dick
why'd you ignore my post
>westbrook has a $4,027,525 contract. if it was a vet minimum his contract would be $3,634,148
>the <$400k difference between the cheapest signable contract and his actual one is money nba teams lose in couch cushions. the nuggets are in dire need of a bench playmaker to develop their young players and it is literally impossible for a pg to defer passing and chuck more shots than reggie jackson did
>falling for a tweet from 2016
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>Eastern Conference
Stop hating nigga and mention them. You know them
i cant believe this isnt a meme image. what a fucking joke franchise
you fell for the meme
that was from 4 years ago dudes
AND now Ja'Kobe
We finna win the east
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um…bros? Everything ok with NBA players?
There should always be an excuse to laugh at the Weap
oh wait 2016 was 8 years ago not 4...
>you now remember the mpj interview about the poop cookies
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Lakers will be giving Bronny 300 millions soon
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how did curry keep these niggas functional for a decade?
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When you win the championship people will buy luxury sweatpants
idk but free agency is so exciting
FIBA is terrible
by being the most selfless superstar the sport has ever seen
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>That piece of crap
>Almost gone
Damn my CeltGODS eating good
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>first Durant
>then Poole
>now Klay
Who is next?
Klay only became whiny when he started falling off
Curry and Kerr were on the same page, everybody else has to fall in line
lebron really went from handpicking his team mates, to literally crafting them in his own balls. True GOAT
>what if we got Ja?
>what if we got Kobe?
>most skilled backcourt duo of all time
>got gentlemen swept in the finals
>have to go and sign one half of the actual best backcourt star of all time (even though he's washed)

LeBron should be trying to get youth on the team anyway, we already seen multiple old guy teams fail, the Westbrick Flakers, the Kawhi/PG/Harden Clippers, the KD Suns
Warriorbros is Tim Hardaway Jr better than Klay
He is just as capable of missing all his 3s in an elimination game
Will THJ whine and be locker room cancer if they don't let him chuck though?
No, his dad will do it.
As soon as the Warriors hired Kerr, I knew they were gonna be really good.
Absolutely bleak. I would add tyrese maxey to the list
THJ went 5/7 and 0/1 in the two Finals elimination games
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thank u based white god
Because he's Christian
replacing mark jackson with kerr was like how WWF switches managers when they're about to push one of their stars to the moon
Bro you guys can make your own list lmao I just listed who I thought would be top stars
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kek, this bum is so goofy
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Flashback to when Woj announced something that ended this guys run as a coach and had the audacity to put his face on the image lol.
You now remember Jordan Poole.
How does a guy that big fall thatmuch and that easily? Weak as hell. They're never winning a 'chip
>The husband of the woman who Ime had an affair with chose to stay with her.
Public Cuck No. 1
Shamscel malding

WojGOD thread
Based Woj
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You NBA fags have no idea. 3 years from now, you won’t even be able to understand the winning guys voice from after the game. 6 years from now, the entire league will be a bunch of athletic F1 racers that have shit English. Get ready for it fags.
He took one for the team. It's all about sacrifice. The Celts got a chip. He did the right thing. This is how you play the game. I'm pouring honey on that man.
All you Warriors bandwagon fans, you caused this, you cause Klay to leave, it's your fault

Go root for your own shitty bottom feeder team and stop bandwagoning
Reminder that Shamickey is a gambleslop tool now
Everyone else as well. Every time I open up an Instagram sports post I see “Klay went 0/10 in an elimination game”
This is why /nba/ is a woj certified general.
He did do that tho
I know he lost his legs but that's crazy to go from a top shooter to going 0/10
It was me, I caused Klay to get old
if you're gambling on free agency you need to call the number right fucking now
Come off it.
just took a big ole poop
It's simple really, I just used this special trick called time
is that some serbian slang for jokic?
Had a buddy at work that bet on a nuggets/heat finals last year during the ECF. Put 3k on it. When the Celtics almost cameback from 0-3 he was actually losing his sanity. Before game 7 he refused to talk to anyone.

Dude had a wife, kids and just bought a house. He couldn’t afford to lose that bet. He won it but he never put that much money on something again.
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Does Oklahoma city offer better quality of life than NYC?
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Why are the Celshits selling their team?
By far probably unless you're very wealthy and live in a New York highrise condo
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The reason why you aren't hearing anything out of Cleveland re: Mitchell and/or Garland is because they're in the middle of trading one of them to the Rockets, who/what compensation/etc. is all up in the air right now but expect news to come out by Wednesday afternoon, deal will be wrapped up by the 4th. It's why Houston did that weird picks trade thing with Brooklyn last week, Cavs preferred those picks
only one guy in the group is.

he's 63 and getting 15x+ return on investment. probably wants to retire
Back in 2021 I predicted that the Hawks and the Bucks would make the ECF way back in the off season. You can find the post in the archives. It has a bunch of misspelled words. Could have made a bunch off of that
Don't the Rockshits have Jalen Green and Manleet? Why do they need more guards?
We talking NBA salaries
Because Green will be out of there at the trade deadline. They view Sengun, Jabari, and Amen as their "foundation," Green is the odd man out and they think that the 3 above plus Mitchell would be a legit contender year after next. Reed Shepphard will be included in the deal
klay is a good fit for the mavs. thank god he cucked the lakers
>Marc J. Spears reposted
Kendra Andrews
The Warriors are getting two second-round picks from the Mavericks to complete the Klay Thompson sign-and-trade to Dallas, sources tell ESPN.
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>4 players on $200m
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He's done miracles on me
>Sam Amico
Jazz Taking Calls On Lauri Markkanen, Warriors, Kings, Spurs, Timberwolves Showing Most Interest

>losing a decent backup pg to the bucks as well

god fuck off pat riley. he is fucking cooked.
Barry Jackson
Heat brings back "Dru Smith" on a two-way contract after cutting him five previous times (once because of last year's knee injury). I'm not kidding.

Jesus this is one of your big acquistions. fuck off
gave everyone the bag and can't afford the tax
for ime udoka it was the end of his time with the celtics, a period of turmoil and upheaval, a shattered professional reputation and a firing
for based woj it was just another scoop on a tuesday
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We'll lose the bandwagon fans but never gain back what they took from us
Pat Riley still thinks it's the 80s or something
Bryce James, YOU are a future warrior
Warriors bandwagon stops when Steph retires
Mavs colours are better than Warriors ones
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NBA players seem to not want to live in New York, probably because you pay more for less, and you can't drive your sports car around as much. VS Living somewhere like LA or Houston where you can drive sport cars and buy a nice mansion to store all your cars
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I feel you senpai
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What's he waiting for? Is he taking his talents someplace else?
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well done celtics, however
Jayson Tatum's income after taxes

$62.8M: Salary
$23.2M: Federal Tax
$4.7M: Jock Tax
$8.1M: Escrow + Agent
$1.4M: FICA/Medicare
$25.2M: Net Income
Dont understand the outrage of Nuggets letting KCP walk except if they're just gonna promote Braun to start and not signing a replacement. I watched the playoff against Twolves and he was horrible.

Also I think Westbrook's signing will be kino, has a lot to prove now that he thinks he's joining a team with one of the better chance to get his ring.
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>Fenway Sports Group has come out as the lead potential buyer for the Boston Celtics
>Lebron is part of the FSG
>LeMickey might actually literally OWN the Boston Celtics
Is that even allowed? There's too much conflict of interest and personal bias.
they're losing depth and spacing when they need more depth and spacing. Team is just going backwards from their championship team while the competition gets better

Well I expect Nuggets will try to bring in a new player to replace KCP. From the starting lineup, he's the one that's upgradeable.
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>watch 300 year old LeBron coast through defensive possessions and walk up the court
>coach is LeBron's podcast buddy with zero (0) years experience coaching at ANY level
>have to treat LeBron's nepobabby, who might unironically be the worst player in the league, like he's a peer and deserves to have the same job you do
>have to listen to LeBron blatantly lie about having nothing to do with either of those previous two points, it's just a coincidence that his completely unqualified good personal friend and d-minus college player son wound up on his team
>have to listen to Jeannie defer to LeGM and then lie about it
>Ad still doesn't want to play center because despite being 8 feet tall he wants to be Steph Curry and is a pussy
>can't say shit about any of it because LeBron runs the team and will throw you under the bus in an instant followed by hit pieces from his friends in the ((media))
>might get thrown under the bus anyway because Jokic still exists which means the Lakers are getting swept again at some point

Yeah, I can't believe nobody's running to join that particular circus
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Draymond got 100 millin for four years
Klay got 50 for three
Damn, If I was Klank.. er , I mean, Klay, I'd be pissed too.
Taxation is theft
KCP was an all star level player in Denver. There's not an equally good replacement out there.
he played like shit and then acted like a pouty bitch over it. he's lucky he was able to swindle some other team that hasn't experienced it yet.
they paid him 2 years for rehab. He has nothing to bitch about
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If playing like shit and then acting like a bitch is a reason not to re-sign someone why did they give Draymond money
yeah, dude was getting paid bank AFTER his energy
>He signed a five-year, $189.9 million contract with the Warriors in 2019, just weeks after suffering a torn ACL that would cost him the entire 2019-20 season. The five-time All-Star would tear his Achilles the following offseason and miss 2020-21 and much of 2021-22 as a result.
>>Fenway Sports Group has come out as the lead potential buyer for the Boston Celtics
God I fucking hope it isn't john henry that fucking hack owner. He's running the red sox into the fucking ground.
Are there any active players connected to the Sonics beyond Durant (and Westbrook technically since he was pick by the Sonics) or are they it?
draymond's play is fine.
In this case, it isn't. That is an absurd amount of wealth. He doesn't need all that.
>draymond's play deserves a fine
G: Maxey
C: Embiid
6th: Kelly Oubre
7th: Drummond
8th: McCain
9th: Eric Gordon
10th: Council
11th: Reed (Not guaranteed, potential trade piece)
12th: Bona
>2 empty starter spots and then this bench scares me, sixer bros what do we do
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Uncle Jeff played a year in Seattle
McCain figures to start, no?
Need to resign Melton he was great when healthy last year. That 3 spot is going to make or break them though. Council might be the best one they have right now and that's not going to cut it.
Uhhh I would be very surprised if he starts. More likely that oubre starts before mccain
Why do people rate Jabari Smith but hate Risacher who is basically French Jabari Smith?
Melton signed with GSW
nvm Warriors got him, big upgrade over Klay for them
LOL they specifically carved out a new rule in the CBA allowing players to own percentage of teams they play for. It's for lebron. And some people think the league doesn't suck his balls every chance.
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Name one team with a better starting line-up. You can't.
The Sixers injured reserve 2 weeks into the season.
2 scrubs
Why do they paint their nails?
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Will Tobias Harris have a tribute video when he returns to philly? it's the end of an era....
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>young guys getting better
>got two great defense players for cheap
>their MVP candidate is still in the beginning of his prime
allegedly mccain said he does it because he had a nail biting habit that he wanted to break and then just ended up liking it. do i believe it? fuck no, but that is what he said.
The next Warriors vs Cavs will be OKC vs Celtics
>Free agent F Garrett Temple has agreed on a one-year deal to return to the Toronto Raptors, sources tell ESPN.
Holy shit
I'll be honest, Inceltic media has done a good job of having everyone look to the Lakers and Klutch as being the one everyone colludes with. No doubt Klutch has dirty moles but the Lakers do have a tough time going for trades while the Inceltics have everyone give them everything for free and nothing in return while having actual moles within most organizations. They probably collude to not have people trade with Klutch which would make sense. Would explain why there's no Klutch assets in Boston too.
New York Knicks :)
Talk about a downgrade
Yo fuck that snake ass nigga paul george
>young guys getting better
In the regular season maybe. Dudes folded like lawn chairs in the playoffs, and to an even younger guy in Luka.
>From the starting lineup, he's the one that's upgradeable
I'd say relative to their salaries murray and mpj were more replaceable
They didn't have the playoff experience though, and now they do and will continue to gain expeirence.
LeCuck stuck with a shitty roster.

Good! Fuck him.
the diddly minutes are gone now
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The Lakers are a dumb team that uses collusion to mask their ineptitude, the Celtics are a smart organization that just fleeces less competent teams. The Jaylen Brown pick goes back to Danny Ainge ouging the Nets in the Pierce / Garnett trade
They were gone in the series too, and a shit lot of good that did them.
Brooklyn Bridges
Orange Julius
Big Mitch
Joshy Poo

Yeah, I'm thinking chip
Based Pat GODley
Klay could tear something again though

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