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You can call me a "soulless Anglo" or whatever other retarded buzzwords you like. This is simply NOT normal behaviour for a 40-year-old man. A captain, no less. It's clear that watching Messi lift the World Cup completely and utterly destroyed him. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is a fundamentally sick man who urgently requires intense psychiatric help. I'm not saying this because I dislike him. I'm saying this because I'm genuinely concerned about what he's going to do once his body inevitably gives up on him and he's forced to retire. This is not a normal human being who can just 'switch off' like that. Something bad is going to happen. Mark my words.
agua > cola
agree. writing is on the wall. this man was crying in desperation after a mickey mouse cup in Saudi Arabia. he unironically cannot cope with father time.
I think he spends too much time on social media, which is pure poison
It's common with steroid use
the NT will never truly play it's best football as long as penaldo's interests are being catered to
we look like a fucking reddit team every time there's a set piece and we have to endure the fucking cringe ronaldo shit where he prepares his famous CR7(TM) styled free kick technique where the ball just goes straight to the wall or the keeper
It’s kino.
but still you won in 2016 and you didnt play any better then
Ronaldos presence gives you something
Does this tournament even matter? My friend invited me over to watch USA later tonight, I didn't even know they were in it, isn't it Euros? Also random people watching soccer and discussing it on the commuter train, wtf is going on, who cares.
Soccer and WNBA this year have proved to me that you can force most people to adopt hobbies by just making them believe other people are into them (by spamming them nonstop on the TV)
2016 was 8 years ago, he could still perform back then and was very important for the team
Penfica fan spotted
Keep crying Ronaldo is the GOAT and always will be
he's a narcissist, it's really that simple
This reminded me of Thiago Silva, what is wrong with this football generation? Game is not over, head up
>What are anons on /sp/ thinking of me now?
>They must be shitposting so hard right now
players get old my man. he is almost 40 and its clear that he is washed now and does more harm to the team than good. He is one of the GOATs but Portugal is currently better off without him.
He's a sociopath like all famousfags and celebs
im not talking of /sp/
every social media is poison
you think he doesnt read that people make fun of him after the world cup?
I honestly dont see any good social media has brought to the world
You're an incel that hates itself of course you hate a little self appreciation
yeah i agree with this. the soccer psyop has gone on far too long like no one actually watches this stuff.
I feel like he has been at top for so long and now that he is no longer than player he used to he finds it difficult to come in terms with that. Also he failed to win WC and his dream was always to be the best ever and he didn't accomplish that.
Well, he did, and he took the first penalty in the shootouts. Chorando Silva was too afraid to even watch the penalty kicks, a complete bitch, never compare.
People always say hardship makes strong men but RuNaldo is a bitch and had a very tough childhood. Dont hit your kids, anons. My father disciplined me and now I want hiM dead
Agua is for bathing/washing
Cola is for drinking
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he has been finished for at least 5 years now.
>This is simply NOT normal behaviour for a 40-year-old man
you are right
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Again, it has to do with Portuguese soul and culture




we cry singing the anthem

How do you think he felt when he realised he mightve bottled it for the entire nation? We are an extremely proud people, as it was once said "if the red and green rag falls, soldier, pick it up right away even if it costs you your life, for in that red and green rag soldier, you have the entire nation of Portugal in your hands"

In the context of American sports fandom over the past 10 years, bud
we will lose tonight and you won't hear another word until world cup 2026 anon don't worry
He is realising that his football career is dying along with his ability, that he will never be great again (at least not in this lifetime), and that is apparently too much for him to take.
He should use some of his millions of dollars to pay for a top quality psychotherapist.
Normal Ronaldo would be angry about a mistake, fuming to get better and destroy them next time, but not now. He faces now the end of his career — "the last WC"; "last Euros"; "last champions league". It's all too heavy for a man with such a huge ego and so obsessed with excellence and being the best. I agree with you, it will not end well. It seriously look like depression right now.
Most European countries aren't millennia old nation states like our own country but fake 20th century fabrications
It's time to move on, Italy are not the same amazing Italy of 2006 for example, there is no more Pirlo, and with the old folks it's time to let new talent take over.
thank you
Portugal was never really good with him, I dont see much difference
Italy and Portugal both made it to the u17 euro final, let the young guys play.
Do you think Alexander the Great didn't cry?
>u17 euro
not as relevant as you think
They won in 2016 because Penaldo pretended to be injured in the final because he was afraid of choking
Jordan taught him that real men cry
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>a little
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>be Portuguese
It's their national identity
maybe not, but many bad coaches make poor picks instead of better younger players
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Fool! That's not the true meaning of the colors. The green represents the Order of Aviz, the red the Order of Christ. Learn the real history of the country. Same with Brazil. They teach the little monkeys that the green is for the trees and the yellow the gold (kek). But it's just the colors of the royal houses of Braganza and Habsburg
I can pretty much guarentee you that Portugal wouldnt win without Ronaldo
They had a golden generation with players like Figo before him and went nowhere, nor the decades before
He gives them something, they are a small nation afterall
We have this with Women's football.
Not us :)
He cried because of his ego, not because of patriotism
Get a fucking grip
> The green represents the Order of Aviz, the red the Order of Christ
I know this! the green is for Aviz and the Red is for the templars. The republicans then changed the meaning, but that's why the sash of three orders (Aviz, Santiago and Christ) is Green, Red and Purple (for Santiago), the sash worn by our president.
>>This is simply NOT normal behaviour for a 40-year-old man.
I agree. It’s easier to stomach than Suarez biting people though. To me, that was some of the weirdest shit I’ve seen a grown up do in sports.
he should just cope by saying the euros is harder than the WC like everyone else does and move on. It's too late in his career to be having mental breakdowns over losing when most people at his age have long retired.
There's two tournaments going on at the same time (faggot)
why so defensive?
I didn't say it was bad.
>I can pretty much guarentee you that Portugal wouldnt win without Ronaldo
They literally did
They wouldn’t reach the final without him maybe, but if he played the final then France would have won
My bad he didn't even lose but that's what my mind went to because that's what I assume would make this grown ass man tear up but he just missed a benulty kek
yeah, but he was still part of the team
im talking about his mindset
just ask the dutch
players thats can keep the ball up 2000 times are nice, but players that know how to win are rare
He already did that
You just have to be there
Based oldedt ally
having a breakdown and crying every time the game is difficult can't be healthy desu
This lmao. Even after more than two decades, Penaldo cultists STILL believe that this pathological narcissist gives a shit about anything other than himself. He was crying because he wants to score in six consecutive Euros, as well as becoming the oldest scorer in the tournament's history. That's it. That's all he cares about. Another meaningless, stat-padding, individual record to throw onto the pile, alongside the rest, so he can look in the mirror and pretend he's equal to Messi.
I refuse to watch NT games until this guy retires.
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kek this
for me, its the free kicks
Your anthem is a Masonic fabrication from the 19th century written by a German
>Alfredo Cristiano Keil (Lisboa, 3 de julho de 1850 – Hamburgo, 4 de outubro de 1907) foi um compositor, pintor, poeta, arqueólogo e coleccionador de arte português. Keil é conhecido como o compositor do hino nacional português (A Portuguesa).
Fez parte da Maçonaria, sendo iniciado em 1893 na Loja Gomes Freire do Grande Oriente Lusitano Unido com o nome simbólico de Meyerbeer.
hes entertaining
and he scored the first penalty today in the shootout, giving your team an edge
Faggy Catholicism is what causes it

You're all crybaby butt boys
our anthem is an anti-british war song originally. But the symbol it has taken among the Portuguese people far sruprasses it. Also Hino da Carta was better
Anyone can score a penalty.
My bad, the German mason was only the composer then and not the writer.
ask England
It's actually not that easy, I used to play football in a 3rd division team and had to score a penalty that would guarantee us winning the league and moving up to the 2nd division and when I placed the ball down and was facing up against the keeper both my senses started going wild and my mind started making all sorts of calculations "should I go high, or low, left, or right, if I miss will I be blamed by my teammates, etc" I eventually did score but the pressure was immesurable. I can only imagine what it's like for someone in the Euros
he had the GALL of saying he was sad for missing the penal but somewhat happy because portugal went through. his priorities >>>>> portugal priorities
lets hope france gives a wake-up call to these deluded has-beens
this guy getting plastic surgery or something? his face is starting to resemble those 40-something actresses a little.
Most of those players are used to pressure.
creepy when people try to rewrite historical context like that
botox and hair transplants
ask England
yeah they changed it because they wanted the flag to have no relation to the previous monarchy, even though Portugal was founded by the Templars (hence the red) and it's height of power was during the rule of the Aviz (hence the green). But to remove traces of royalty they changed the meaning to hope and blood. Most Portuguese who know history know it's true meaning.
He's literally a failed abortion. His own mother even admitted as much. It's a terrible knowledge which he's carried with him since he was a young child. Couple that with growing up in extreme poverty and a deadbeat dad, and it explains everything about him. In his mind, his entire life is basically a test to prove that he's 'good enough'. Worthy enough. It's why he is the way he is. Why despite everything he's achieved, in the process becoming arguably the most famous human being who's ever lived, nothing will ever be enough for him. Not in this lifetime or the next. It's a curse he can never escape.
Well now I do too, so thanks
>his career end is well overdue
>refused to accept it for the past 4 years
>he has nothing else in this world than kicking a ball in the limelight
>literally nothing he's illiterate
I mean it doesn't take a psychologist to figure it all out why he's depressed.
I have a theory that he was bullied growing up. A lot of people who were bullied as children end up being narcissists in adulthood, with a constant need for admiration and attention.
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Now look at Wayne on the other hand, jolly, feel good vibes, don't give a fuck about anything, just get him his pint, couple british roses, and lads and he'll be jolly. Even looks like a character straight out a Charles Dickens novel.
The actual theory is that while on Sporting's academy he had two players who were extremely better than him and he developed an inferiority complex: One was Ricardo Quaresma and the other was a dude named Fabio Paim
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>Emotionally invested in something
>"He's a sociopath"
American Education at its finest.
Rooney has a 100% Irish phenotype. He looks like something from a pikey caravan site. But I agree he has matured into a decent well rounded guy.
and then noone ever saw Fabio Paim
funny how that works
he went on to rape some girl in Lithuania or something
Portugal even gets it's blacks and foreign coach to belt out the anthem.
Big fan of these posts, keep up the good psychoanalysis work
Unironically based
Normally I empathize with players crying but he definitely overreacted since they weren't losing + there were 30 minutes left
Common signs of an overt narcissist include:

1. Self-Absorption & Importance
When an overt narcissist enters a room, you immediately feel their presence. They are masters of presentation, reveling in their own words and appearances.2,3 To an overt narcissist, everyone else becomes invisible beneath their over-inflated sense of self-importance and brilliance. They expect others to envy their opinions and intellect, and feel warranted in their elitist behavior and arrogance.

2. Lack of Empathy
Empathy refers to considering the needs, wants, desires, opinions, and feelings of others. This skill requires sensitivity and kindness. However, those with narcissistic personality disorder lack the ability to experience empathy.

In other words, an overt narcissist is not unwilling to feel empathetic but may be incapable of caring for others. Their self-involvement is so severe they believe their needs take precedence. With narcissistic parents, this startling lack of comprehension can result in childhood emotional neglect or inadequate parenting.

3. Underlying Depression & Anxiety
Beneath the overt narcissistic facade of self-absorption and self-centeredness lies hidden anxiety and depression. The narcissist cannot recognize these struggles and will become defensive if another person points them out. They may react with narcissistic rage because they feel slighted or criticized by this person.

4. Hidden Vulnerability
Outward manifestations of aggression disguise the unconscious vulnerability of the narcissist. Overt narcissists behave as such to overcompensate for their deep sensitivities and low self-esteem. They may have experienced childhood neglect or trauma that affects their ability to trust others and be vulnerable. Due to an inability to accept the care of others, they perpetually seek approval and recognition.
5. Hyper-Focused on Self-Importance
Overt narcissists may have lacked proper parental nurturing as children. Children need validation and approval to establish healthy self-esteem and confidence as they navigate the world. The narcissist does not have this foundation and seeks evidence of their worth by maintaining the appreciation and admiration of others.

6. False Altruism
Overt narcissists often exhibit altruistic or even magnanimous behavior. They may create an image of selflessness to publicize their perceived noteworthy actions, donations, or talents. Receiving public acclaim and recognition feeds their narcissist supply, ideal image of success, and perpetual need for reassurance.

7. Lack of Boundaries
Overt narcissism in relationships often manifests as a lack of boundaries and manipulation. Given the self-importance, self-aggrandizement, and grandiosity characteristics of overt narcissism, these individuals cannot recognize appropriate boundaries in social, romantic, or professional relationships. They overstep their welcome, overestimate the importance of their presence, and exhibit malignant or manipulative qualities. They cannot develop ‘healthy’ boundaries because these require them to appreciate the needs and opinions of others.

8. Masked Insecurities
Insecurity is another common overt narcissist trait. Of course, everyone has insecurities, strengths, and weaknesses. However, an overt narcissist cannot accept their shortcomings or mistakes. Their idealized sense of self misaligns with reality. Overt narcissists use clever words and charming mannerisms to minimize missteps or flaws.
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hmm, rings a bell
No, its the fact that he tried through every mean possible to score a goal...sometimes it was bad luck and sometimes it was his own inability.
He feels like he is dragging his team down when he used to be much much more decisive, he knows his age and he also knows that he is no longer the same, that is why missing that penalty almost broke him. Hell look no further than his own friend and football brother 40yo Pepe, he almost ruined it for everybody with like 3 minutes in the clock and that shit almost broke him as well.
Ronaldo is the kind of a guy to get addicted to plastic surgery or something like that, wouldn't be surprised if he's bogged beyond recognition by the time he's 50
Portugal only struggles against teams with very rough defence, you have the ball but don't really know what to do with it once you reach the area. Literally any eastern european team will cause problems for Portugal but I think you will win at least 2-0 against France, why? because their defence is trash.
It really described him to a t
the defense is the best part of france, though?
Everything about Ronaldo is image. He's like a black man in a semi-white man's body. When they fuck up they don't care about the team just how it reflects on them.
>You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win
>William "Billy" Hoyle
Sums it up perfectly. You see it with all black footballers and footballer with a black mentality. Expect to see it more and more as zoomers desperately try to emulate sub-humans.
If you truly believe that then the stand no chance.
But what I meant is that France defence might be Ok but they do not rely on their defence to win like Eastern European countries do, they have the ball in every single game they play and that is not gonna be the case against Portugal
I rate France thats all
If Portugal wins that it will be one of the biggest wins in Ronaldos career
you could just tell "I am a loser and useless piece of shit that hate a person with passion even tho he doesn't know I exist" instead of all this yapping. get help dude really.
yeah i think people are on 2 extreme ends of the spectrum they either make too many excuses for him or they lie and say hes shit. i think at his peak he was one of the best players of the world but hes nearly 40 now and i think if people stopped inflating his ego he would retire which would be good for everyone
You introduced football in my country in the 60's with the disgusting Marshall Plan for Franco. If it wasn't for you we would still be playing frontón or national sports, not this globohomo sport.
what no? who told you that nonsense.
>the narcissist recoils in horror as one of his own is exposed
it's just a midlife crisis
>The republicans then changed the meaning
in retrospect that makes your first post >>142314256 even more cringe. secularism is grim

wth I thought we were your greatest allies?
it's the opposite, i remember watching that show Intervention about drogadicts and i kid you not like 80% had been kiddle diddle, abuse in childhood makes people weaker
It was because of the Pink Map, when you back stabbed us, that's when the song was made, We never once betrayed you but you threatened us with invasion
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more yaping.
alexander cried after killing the dude who saved his life in a drunken rage

>Pink Map
they don't know what that is, moron. just say berlin conference.
Imagine us having to endure this shit. He has nothing to prove for Portugal, why can't he accept that he's no longer the hero and that he shouldn't steal the show from the younger players? Even on the quick post match interview he barely thanked and praised Diogo Costa for saving his ass, because he had to focus the speech on himself.
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Yeah but it was the pink map especifically that backstabbed us in the back and led to the end of our monarchy since we wanted to break our oath to them as a people but the king refused to break the alliance. The Portuguese people saw it as a national humilliation and therefore killed the entire royal family. Our monarchy literally ended because of the pink map issue. Also he can just google it
this is the translation of our anthem, originally, instead of "against the cannons" it said "against the bretons"
yes, and I thank the engloids that today my country is a Republic. save your breath when dealing with foreigners. the english don't give a fuck or even know about "muh oldest alliance". when asked, they'll say holland.
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Ah yes because the first republic was such a good time for us until Professor Doctor Salazar decided to fix it all
Also they do bring up the treaty of windsor whenever it is benefitial to them, they did it in WWI, WWII and even the Falklands war, we kind of trust them uncondiditionally for some reason, and I do believe most educated Englishman still see us as their greatest ally, even though they've betreayed us quite a bunch when we refused to betreayed them. For example, during the Spanish Armada, when the King of Portugal and Spain was the same guy, therefore being able to control the Portuguese armada, he used mostly Portuguese sailors, who were better, but they refused to fire upon ships flying the British or English flag, for it would be oathbreaking, which Portuguese are allergic too. Another thing is that England refused to take sides in the colonial war, to not go against Portugal. They never directly against went against us, only through underhanded methods.
For some reason we still consider them our greatest ally and the Windsor Treaty takes precedent over NATO treaties meaning if England for some reason decided to invade Europe we peobably wouldn't say no and happily join them. Another thing is that the SAS trains our special forces ever since it was founded because of it
the english dont give a fuck about you
I'm aware
>when asked, they'll say holland
Asked what?
Portugal-Germany alliance (vassalage) WHEN?
Who your greatest ally is
for me it's guarana
its most likely the US or something like that
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Right, I thought that was what you meant, but I wasn't sure because it seems a bit random. I don't think most people here would say the Netherlands are our greatest ally. We don't really have an obvious ally in the way that Spain does with Portugal or Germany does with France because the countries closest to us all hate us.
thank you greatest ally
stop typing holy shit take the hint
Giggs taught him
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He was trying to hit the Messi jersey all night...based
>It seriously look like depression right now.
You would be surprised on how Portuguese are akin to suicide. Maybe that's the reason we are mostly coping all the time
He has 100's of millions of dollars, he'll be fine
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My sides. I'm literally dying over here
jewish argentine living in england or argentinian using VPN, fuck you
This nignog is so cringe. You can't even tell if he'sl laughing or crying anymore with all that botox in his leathery mask of a face, and if he truly cared about his national team he wouldn't saddle them with his presence, which at this point is like Portugal playing while having to carry a gigantic malignant tumor. Don't get it wrong, he's not crying about missing that Penaldo because of what it means for Portugal chances, he's crying like a bitch because of a missed personal record and embarrasing himself in front of the world while his ""rival"" lifted the sport's ultimate prize two years ago. Can't stand narcissist faggots like him, pressing S to spit on his grave.
Without Ronaldo, Portugal does not pass the group stage, you surely watch Tik Tok football, you fucking obese
He has 5 champions of which in all 5 he was the best player in the competition, isn't that being the best of all time? Please win a European Championship and then give your opinion about football.
More like KWABOAT (Kek, What a Bitch Of All Time), LMAO.
>He has 5 champions of which in all 5 he was the best player in the competition, isn't that being the best of all time?
No, not even close.
He said top quality not a random guy who sells benzos
he was a professor at a top uni for decades
>Anyone can score a penalty.
Anyone can miss a penalty no matter how great the player is.
TSU is the soul of football, you're very lucky to have him.
Itt: Messi manlets.

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