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>1.4 billion living beings
>not a single world cup
what causes this?
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Shit eating doesn't help them, but they do it
LMAO seething LOSER
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Have fun never lifting a world cup while your former colony wins FIVE of them
Which world cup from what sport?
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This is footage from Pakistan or Bangladesh

The only degenerates in India are British tourists
They just won the cricket World cup
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>shit in the streets
>shit in their stomachs
nobody knows about this
nobody cares about this
it is not related to football in any way
Rajesh pls
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They always say it's from Pakistan or Bangladesh, when it is Hindu's eating 'sacred' cow shit.
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Me when I chit on test
God every day I wish we had just genocided India when we had the chance. Victorians fucked up not doing it while they could.
they have world cups on sports they invented and no one else plays like american football
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Ahmed pls you have to stop being triggered and bringing up your doctored videos the moment you get owned by an Indian

Stop fucking your cousin and go back to Lahore (which belongs to India anyway)
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>God every day I wish we had just genocided India when we had the chance.
Lol delusional fool

30% of the subcontinent was under direct Indian rule while even in the British administered parts Indians constituted a majority of officers and judges

It was rule by Indian elites. The British were just useful tools in getting rid of the Muslims

>Victorians fucked up not doing it while they could.
Victorians never ruled India. It was a partnership like leasing some land to Apple to set up a factory

Unlike now, when Indians actually rule Britain
why are indians addicted to shit? is scat porn popular there or something?
just doo it
More of a cricket nation anyways
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If compulsive coping and lying was a country:
Canada is the greatest hockey nation in the world thoughever
>Canada is the greatest hockey nation in the world thoughever
Hockey is played by a lot of teams

Ice hockey is played by Canada, USA and maybe some elves in the north pole
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>Ahmed got triggered by the cousin fucking statistic
Lmao good job scamming ISI to pay for your trip to the UK


But where are they getting the money lol. I thought your country was bankrupt (again)

as always buckbroken mlecchas got no reply
i wish anglo mleccha subhumans adopted the american strategy of exterminatus of the natives instead of sucking dicks and rimming assholes of local indian kings who were so so rich that they dropped to their knees automatically like they rat fucks they are.
The nation of """great""" britain would have stop existing lol. we buckbroke alexander some inbred limey niggers thousands of years later who got raped into exitence by the romans int he first place would have been obliterated
you cannot genuinely believe this lmao
yeah all the videos of people showering themselves in cow piss are clearly white anglo saxons. i'm so sorry for slandering india and forgive my ignorance
noooooo its not india sarrrrr
everything is pakistan's fault or it is a white anglo saxon dressed up as an indian
just because your mleccha subhuman ass and your subhumans parents generation grew up learning that the raj was just a happy coincidence which was given up on request of ameirmutts lmao donesnt make reality dissappear where its going to catch up you mlecchas

go on mleccha post your internet meme while we bharatis buckbreak the anglo race lmao
>yeah all the videos of people showering themselves in cow piss are clearly white anglo saxons.
No they are not

That's not nearly degenerate enough for the Anglo Saxon mind
this thread is funny
keep going
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Reminder India is rape capital of the world
we have hate India threads on /sp/ too? wow we must be doing something good

we just won a WC btw
google it
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Here's one rape we are safe from

Transgender rape happens only in the UK lol
be careful he's going to accuse you of being from pakistan. because anyone who holds a negative view of india is pakistani. the east asian girl i met the other day is also pakistani bceause she told me about her bad experience in delhi
this one?
how can they still bath in shit and piss in 2024 ?
clive said you subhumans (ruled by muslims) literally threw gems and gold at his feet the second he walked foot in india. that’s how weak your people are. subjected by the moguls, you begged another foreign power to save you. there were no indian kings, just cucked vassals who did our bidding or were killed and replaced. you literally had a (using medieval is an insult to the european middle ages which were more advanced, so i’ll say feudal) feudal culture that we walked over in seconds. even today “industrial” india is 90% slums and neolithic level villages. we left your country because we didn’t have the money after ww2 to continue running it, and what have you done it that time? nothing. you use the same steam trains we built for you, the same schools, same hospitals. you’ve created nothing for yourselves other than a reputation for having the most smelly, ugly, rapey and unsanitary population on the planet. all you can do is cry “paki!” not realising that to the rest of the world there is no discernible difference between you and them. you were humiliated, dominated, subjugated, and it was funnily enough the greatest and most relevant period of history you will ever have. you are now the worlds sweat shop slave labour pig for the manufacturing of plastic dildos and the disposal of toxic waste. if your entire people were eradicated from the globe it would instantly be a more liveable, better smelling and safer place. now get the fuck back to your scam call centre and trouble the white man no more, “sar”
literally every site in india tells them it's healthy too https://www.ayurtimes.com/gomutra/
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Literally a global skidmark of a country
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Is this also not India?
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>come to america as cheap labor in the 80's and 90's
>stereotyped as poor taxi drivers, hotel managers, gas station owners, and programmers working for little pay
>irrelevant in most fields

>fast forward to 2020's
>quality of indians coming to america has decreased yet indians are more successful than ever
>stereotyped as doctors, businessmen, hedge fund managers, politicians, lawyers, researchers, and computer engineers
>only ethnic group to have upward social mobility across generations
>only ethnic group to out-earn whites at all IQ levels aside from east asians
>highest earning ethnicity in the US, per hour worked
>one of the highest rates of business ownership at all income levels

Keep fighting the good fight, pajeets.

t. nafri
It's their religion that tells them to.
Weirdly their philosophy in medieval times was fairly sophisticated, people like shankcara made cogent responses to plato and so on. I don’t think india was ever a civilised place, but at one point they had something going on. Whatever it was is now lost
i dont like india but fact is india developed all of the computers and software used by the West to win golds so technically we have won many golds sir
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>eat cow shit and drink cow pee to cure covid
ohhh yes ofcourse the melchha quotes some other equally subhuman lying mleccha 2 centuries back because thats all he has. The sheer cognitive dissonace of the anglo subhuman melcchas devoid of any culture or history themselves when they landed on the shores of bharat was so sheer that they had to create cope about we wuz aryans and shit.

I can write a paragraph too melccha but again ill be content with killing the anglo race while all you can do is seethe on the internet and cope what ifs and regrets of """exterminating us""" as if it was ever cosmically possible lol

We will literally kill and replace every single one of you while all you can do is cling on your flase superiority which was due our wealth in the first place even though some thatcher lowclass subhuman that you are , you never really got a taste of that wealth lmao, yet you still defend it lmao
what a buckbroken mleccha
Do they have a football team? I have never heard them play
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WTH Niger that’s racist
Nice wet pussy
WHY, seriously why?
What kind of fucking religion is this that makes you literally eat shit and bathe in piss?

I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who invented was just a huge troll that wanted to fuck with people.
hey poopy, stop stinking up the sports thread
Trust me, we're just giving everyone else a head start
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