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If you combine wolf and vladar wins they only had 15 combined. I think flames will be drafting first overall
how are floridians so good at hockey? there isn't even snow there
>summerfag made early thread
and for this reason: I shan't
Might start doing drugs. Any tips?
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fake and gay

Looks like she's got a darktide of her own, don't quote me I don't know how girls work
For the vermintide
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It is real
why do they trust in god?
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Stephen bros… it’s over
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What drugs king
why don't you
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Don’t know any recommendations
Smoke your cock faggot
I don’t do drugs I watch hockey to escape my reality
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our flames would never
If I were a GM I simply wouldn't draft finns and certainly not trade for them
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Imagine doing a 900 off that
lets get this shit started

This is what I'm talking about
Getting word that raped bitch died last weekend
steve simmons said this so it's guaranteed not true
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>laffs sign a guy who won't even play in the NHL and the corpse of Tanev who'll be good for one season
What is Treliving's end game?
Drury is a fucking weakling
Screw what his wife wants
I miss empty Panthers games
They were cheap as hell to go to and nobody was near me to get their spit on me
Closing the window ASAP
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eleven thousand for a home opener jfc
He’s a gary plant designed to ruin Canadian teams.
al montoya mentioned
Yeah shit was rough for awhile
Thats what happens when you're a southern team and suck for 20 years
making flames fans seethe when he lifts Lord Stanley's Cup
Here's to another 20 then
i don't think tree living understands the concept of saving money. I suspect it's because he was born into wealth
The ducks have the worst gm
>Kraken just traded LHD Brian Dumoulin to Anaheim for a 4th round pick in 2026. #SEAKraken #NHL
What the hell, Friedman just confirmed this on 32 thoughts
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>Here's to another 20 then
the ducks have a gm named verbeak and a player named fowler cmtsu
How did the oilers become a better team in the offseason than they were post last years trade deadline…

Just wait til they load up even more at this years trade deadline…


I feel like every contender got worse and the oilers got way better. I’m way too excited and optimistic right now. But it feels justified…
>Buchnevich signs 6-year contract extension worth $48 million ($8 million AAV).
There’s hospitals in every city can’t she find a new job?
Probably not an opening in her position shes probably high ranking or some shit
>season hasn't even started and oilels fans are already planning a parade
will you morons ever learn?
Unless you’re a panthers fan you don’t have the right to shit on the oil
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Anon they just won the Cup they are objective a not shit team
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Ok thank god were free
Luckily I am a Panthers fan
will you morons ever learn?
I doubt that
No the oilers were in the same position the panthers were last season. Without injuries oilers win.
Flameschads too
Flames are shit. Oilers put them in a 10 year rebuild.
kek you wish flamer
The oil are >laffs west
/hoc/ has a free pass to shit on them
Tree living could've wasted all the money on getting zadorov instead they got 3 new guys who are objectively better than who they had before
Who made the finals and was one game away from winning it all? We have bragging rights over the rest of Canada.
Why did they score 8-5-5-1 in the last 4?
Did the injuries only kick in during game 7?
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And without injuries, the canucks knock the oilers out in round two.
Unfortunately the playoffs don't care about "what if" scenarios
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Flames-Oilers rivalry runs 10x deeper than whatever animosity Oilers-Panthers have now. Flames have a god given right to shit on the Oilers.
Demkshit and brock buster would not have changed anything
Do the flamers have a god given right to clean water in their city?
Oilers own the flames.
the flames and oilers have met in the playoffs 6 times and the flames have only won once
Calgary has some to the cleanest water in the world. Nothing is upstream from here. And they fixed that pipe now
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>some to the
>Tatar to New Jersey
Kek why would anyone still want to sign him?
Calgary has won more game in sum though
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*poops in your mountain spring*
Verbeek was a solid player
Borderline HoF tier
That's embarrassing
It's a glacier bud
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Autumn approaching
My Kraken will be prepared
Your team defeated
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>Calgary has some to the cleanest wa-
Oilers have been to the cup finals twice ever since the flames went there in 2004 we know who the better franchise is, there is no rivalry kwab
Hiring former players as managers is cringe they don’t even have a college diploma
The state of hockey is Alberta.
There is a rivalry. Did you not see how pissed edmonton was at flameschads celebrating the panthers winning.
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>The province of hockey
Just doesn't have a ring to it, doesn't roll of the tongue.
What about Bob Gainey and Bobby Clarke
> After not receiving a qualifying offer from the Calgary Flames, Canadian forward Dillon Dubé, 25, has signed with Dinamo Minsk, the Belarusian-based KHL club announced on Monday.
The absolute state of hockey
So who's gonna get Necas?
Doesn't surprise me that flames fans are just dirty fucking liars
There have been only 3 non sunbelt teams in finals since 2020
Stop noticing things
ngl, the alternate logo for the Panthers has a better state flag than the actual state flag, just sticking the state seal in the middle is kind of lazy
>w-we traded our best player there so that means we won too!
Peak cuckoldry behavior I'm embarrassed people would ever consider that a win if they're not wearing my team's jersey
Not the state of Florida's fault the East is a joke
>Hearing reports that Brady Tkachuk entered the Panthers dressing room after their win and began celebrating and lifting the Stanley Cup and both the Ottawa Senators and Florida Panthers organizations were not happy about it
The current panthers logo sucks they should’ve went back to their old logo with the pouncing kitty
>good players want to live in places that aren't frozen hell holes 8 months of the years
There's a reason McCuplessloser lives up north
>muh sanctity of an old chunk of silver
I wasn't lying. That flames cup was radioactive
Cope he went on mental health leave and can’t be charged. Selke level defense.
*sharts on your glacier*
Who can stop us?
>not punching the guy as soon as he touched the cup
Shaking my head, some people think it's just a trophy but it represents all those months of blood sweat and tears and injuries from overexerting yourself to play the best hockey you possibly can for both your fans your organization and your team. Some fucking nobody who's never worked hard at anything could never understand that.
I meant this fraud lying about the water being clean >>142346638
Very pathetic
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Feel bad for dumolin he was great on my penguins
>The tap water in Calgary is among the cleanest in the world for any large municipality. There is very little population upstream of Calgary and also very little industry on either of our rivers (Bow River and Elbow River). Calgary get its drinking water from both rivers.
don't feel too bad blud got to put up career high numbers here, ronny franchise somehow flipped him into something honestly amazing imho.
Penguins fucking suck
>the east is so bad that the caps became a contending team by picking up a couple 3rd liners
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Hopefully we get to see the islanders lose in the first round.
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thats the plan bucko
So my Canes should win this time right?
this is helpful
Just like my Leafs
Wasn't he always in new jersey
He spent last season in Colorado and Seattle
So does all the lead in the water give you guys the power of autism?
I like to play Ogryn and use the big machine gun, PERIOD.
he's, get this, BALD.
I know everyone shits on Marner but if you had to sit beside that freak of nature bertuzi on the bench you would be shook too. He looks like a freak, it's disgusting.
Just like my islanders
If lou makes one solid trade…

Say, offload one of the old contracts (ideally 44) and bring in a Pinto, Ehlers, hell even McGorty or Nick Robertson…wahlstrom and whatever futures as sweetener and this team gets younger, leaner, faster? You gotta like where we are and this offseason.

Honestly. Its SO close. Hopium back on the menu. Feed it to me, Louis P Lamoriello.

ONE GOOD HOCKEY TRADE LOU. Do it. You got plenty of time. Hard not to be hopeful. Its been a good week in Isles country.
Oilers just went through a 15 year rebuild and drafted 'the best player in hockey' and have shit to show for it you mongloid
>the oilers already have /hoc/ rattled up
Gonna be a good season boys. 1993 bros are dead to rights
do you? Edmonton? Not sure about that. Edmonton. You have refineries on the river in your city, it's pathetic.
Crazy how the Hurricanes “all in” push was barely getting past the islanders imploding on themselves and getting manhandled by the Rangers.

Guentzel got a paycheck and Carolina got a dude who looks like the landlord from smiling friends as a general manager.
The cups have the lead not the water
I drove through southern Alberta recently red deer calgary airdrie Lethbridge. I saw more oilers logos then flames lol.
Do you wanna smoke some weed, fill our bellies with diet sodas and play Burnout Revenge on the PS2?
Cope hes going to do to analytics what randy does to cock
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did someone say RAPE
lots of flames posts
ya love to see it
flames fans who dont hate tkafuckhead are loathsome, full stop.
Join your brother Brady
15 wins out of how many games played?
No state taxes.
We’re not (ice)cavemen
We have technology
heading to the gym to squat
the whole no state taxes is such a cope
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Smiling friends is a Reddit cartoon. I only watch adventure time regular show and SpongeBob with some American dad on the side
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Erm why did my Debbie’s sign Tatar?
It’s okay, we’ve got something better going on with Boston across multiple sports
This massive material difference is cope!
for me, it's classic simpsons and the first 4 seasons of futurama
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Aqua teen hunger force chads run spee
Why is there another much smaller kitty in the cup
rapey ruined any enjoyment I had for old adult swim shows
good lord the panthers path to the cup was so much harder than the oilers.
That’s his dinner
its Gary
That's a rat anon
>washed blots
ok nigga
Eastoids are not the brightest
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not quite there yet, but the future is bright
>a bunch of manlets and european busts locked up for 8 years
Nobody wants that faggot
>el gay queens for the 18th time
>cucks backstopped by a dirtfarmer from latvia
ok nigga
No he wasn't. Not the last season he played there.
> Zayne Parekh on being drafted by the Calgary Flames:while I wish I was drafted by a team in New York I feel like Calgary is the next best thing.
too many teams in the nhl means there's only one or two actual contenders in each conference. everybody say thank you gary
To be fair, the cats didn’t understand it ether being gifted a cup by Gary.
True. We should just get rid of canadian teams. Not like they actually do anything in the NHL.
50% of the teams in the cup final were canadian
We should go back to the Original Six
And 0% of em won
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Last night I dreamt I was taking a shower with my friends wife, and in my dream she had an extremely hairy bush
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>ESPN says Flames are draft day losers for not getting Iginla
You can’t refute that
Thank you Gary
Canadians are more uppity than usual. Did I miss something?
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Just like my islanders
I find it very Calgary that they just moved on to the other mulatto. Nenshi is beaming
Nenshi will be our next premier if all of Calgary votes for him and Edmonton ultimate Calgary victory
Live sports
ESPN plus originals
Canada Day ended and 4th of July is 2 days away :)
Thank God the Panthers caught a break in the finals, I was pretty scared of them facing Oettinger.
Nenshi is a homosexual lol. Smith is gonna cream him like I cream your mom you little NDP bottom tier communist. Maybe KYS? It will ease the pain of dilating.
>bolts are FAR better than kings
>bruins with swayman far better than canucks with AHL goalie
>rangers slightly better than stars

At every round the panthers faced better competition.

>talbot/rittich instead of vasilevskiy
>swayman instead silovs (lmao)
>shesterkin instead of oettinger

insane gap between the goaltending each team faced. oilers had a cupcake path to the cup.
yes it's garys fault the oilers are shit and run by retards
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it appears my avsies now have nine <$1m bottom line left hand defensemen and will thunderdome them for the roster spots
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I just took the best Marner I've taken in weeks. Didn't take longer than 5 minutes to release the Marner and clean up.
I got my gf to give me rim job yesterday and now she disgusts me
This morning I released a very gooey marner
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Problem with getting Pinto is that Ottawa somehow is just as up against the cap as the Islanders. So we need someone to take Jean Gabriel Pageau and also assets to make it worth Ottawa's while. I want Pinto, but he's not better than JGP by enough to warrant giving up a 1st round pick in 2025.
just like my oilers
excuse me but who are you quoting?
did the dream mention anything about how the Ducks are getting to the cap floor?
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>oiltards lost to this
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Conceptually receiving a rim job sounds hot but I’m not sure how I’d feel about it if my girlfriend did it to me, it just seems like it would be awkward and gross once you got the post nut clarity
the sexual pleasure comes from degrading her
but enough about you
I have ibs so that wouldn’t end well
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I understand unironically

My ex gf had ibs and would sit on the throne for hours and not shit, or she’d feel the need to shit and would almost shit herself
The Florida ice was so bad, no one really took the finals seriously. It was like playing with DK mode on in golden eye. It was just for fun
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>the bad ice only affected one team

in NY you don't have to pay state taxes if you tell Kathy Hochul you drive a car to work
AmeriFAILS don’t have the technology to make ice yet. It’s not well understood.
why make it? they sell it at 7/11
Gary secretly gave Florida hydrophobic skates
yeah I'm gonna have to break up with her now. It's awesome if it's a slut you'll never really see again. She wanted a kiss this morning and I was like, this is it, this is how it ends.
We invented ice retard
pretty sure the qt from the hoagie shop wanted a consensual sexual relationship with me
The Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup. Let's vamos a la playa as a tribute to the Panthers.

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>his team was gifted a free SCF appearance and they still blew it
Hearing she's gay

Just watched the yuro suckor, it was actually good dezu
easy fix
Who can stop Roy and Lou?
I've barely watched any of it. I need to get my 15 hours of sleep each day to function.
i bet the leaks are legit and the name is the utah yeti. I can see why they did it, having a nice alliteration in your brand is a good modern marketing tool.
would you rather >rags or >laffs
Considering suicide again boys
yuma yeti
I put it on while I work and you haven't missed much
Elon banned me for saying pajeet on twitter wtf
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cope harder
You’re a sad little flames fan I’ve been your neck of the woods and all I saw was oilers flags turns out sucking and mediocrity doesn’t win people over. This younger generation will all be fans of the oil and flames will be the senators of alberta
Don’t worry, conroy is cooking
No bandwagons allowed
go flames go!
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No one wants to bandwagon a team rebuilding for the next 15 years while they can watch a team win next year lol.
List of anti-panthers schizos:
Butthurt Flames fag
Canada flag that calls them panties
Panama flag that's a ruins fag
Am I missing any?
the nhl guardians were less cringe
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>win next year
they couldn't even defeat a franchise that allegedly only has six fans
>negotiate a contract with a M-NTC.
>chimp out at the player when he says no thank you to being moved to a shit hole
Why are >rags fans so entitled. Get mad at management. Not Trouba. At least his wife is not just sitting on her ass like 90 % of hockey wives.
desu bros, I can’t stop farting
Abs or sauna?
Shut the fuck up
Exactly. Anyone bandwagoning the oilers is fine by us. Flameschads support our flames through thick and thin
>kings got worse
>stars got worse
>cats got worse
>nucks got worse
Yup I’m thinking oilers.
Go to the beach

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For another runnerup soup bowl?
>Pinto 2 years bridge deal at 3.75 mil AAV
Bretty gud. He's still an RFA at the end of it so no walking at the end of his deal if he does earn himself a payday
Remember when based and redpilled elon was going to let chuds say the gamer word? That was almost as funny as green elon saving us from climate change
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Oilers lost
Flames won
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make me you little bitch
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Marchessault crying that the notoriously loyalty free team threw him out is pretty funny to me. On par with Kane crying about not being traded to the rags quick enough after he jerked everyone around for months.
>Today's Edmonton Oilers are primarily known for their enormously strong offense, where McDavid and German Leon Draisaitl stand out.

>- It feels fantastic to have the chance to play with the world's best players. At the same time, it might mean that I don't get to play as much power play. But it is an active choice I made.

>You feel that it can be difficult to settle in there?

>- Yes, it is important to focus on playing well five against five. Then there can always be injuries, so you have to be ready if you get the chance (in the power play).

It would be a mistake not to have Arvidsson on the power play.
I would have this 4th of July weekend but a sudden funeral trip I need to make has ruined all that.
Who does he replace? McDavid, Draisaitl, RNH, Hyman or Bouchard?
they're all shit
Just like my Islanders
Ryan Nothing Happens is fucking awful.
Not on the PP. He's a major reason it's top of the league
yeah they're dogwater
>franchise founded in 1999
>only one finals appearance in an 18 team league
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Where my
frens at
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Damn Austen Matthews is caked up
Breaking up pp1 would be a strange decision. The oilers could easily put together a solid PP2 with him- skinner - ekholm- mcloud- whoever. I would think a savvy coach would get more mileage putting them in intermittently before pp1 to gas the pk1 or bait out the pk2 and then just throwing on the pp1.
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canadas team won nya
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aces play toknight bro's
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got this molasses today
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is full of pedos, yes we know
id like to mention the following items: flames islanders samir chambers creetard
eat cock randy
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cute, fren
is there a stream or nah?
I need to catch up on smack and Raw have you watched yet bro?
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caught most of raw last night, but need to watch smackdown too. hyped for saturday, mitb rules
when is this from and why is it empty?
Arvidsson is far better than RNH.
PP1 plays more than 1:30 it's almost pointless to have a second unit.
I am not a schizo but fuck the panthers and fuck you
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I’m proud for our kitties but we will make a come back and shoot for our 4th cup, bitch.
some preseason game in 2013
Montreal vs Tampa Bay is NOT a cup final
you could have told me it was a regular season game from last year and id have believed it
Long Island vs Tampa Bay is NOT an easterling conference final
I like that you kept all the extra tracking bullshit in the link kek.

my b
So a preseason scrimmage scheduled on a monday at 2:30 pm? what were they thinking?

and why did gary apparently decide to revive the idea but worse by making Seattle play a regular season home opener at 1:30pm local time
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Hey retard why would you respond to my post if you didn’t read it?

>gucc counter = 1
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more like gluck counter and its the noise canadian throats make around any blog that shits on the sunbelt
It's a triple header, starts at 4:30 eastern. You can't possibly be so dense you can't understand why you would have to schedule it this way to have three back to back games on tv.
It's my second favorite match after the rumble bro I love mitb
unironically go back
Where's Topi Ronni
>Yegor yegorov
Elite name
He changed his name to Rowan topp and fled to Canada
>canadians throat generational losers
>seethe at actual winners
is there any nation more cucked than canada?
fuck the sunbelt
I offer Viking Gustafsson Nyberg
why are we having a season opening triple header on a fucking tuesday

it was retarded this season so why is gary running it back but worse (now the west coast game starts first because that makes fucking sense, right)
Shouldnt wolf be there considering he’s got single digit wins under his belt?
there isn't one thing of value in this county west of the Mississippi cope
He’s graduated
He has proven himself already
Could have fooled me.
True he's no longer a pup
does this mean he's no longer a cub?
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kraken haven't gotten a home opener yet, so west coast game is the prelims/opener for the main event 7pm game with the cats raising their banner, then the bullshit game with the golden child bedard + the new team at 10pm for the late night game east coast(7pm game west coast, 8pm mountain time for utah).
it isn't that hard to understand
He’s the sharter now
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oh and as for why its on a tuesday i don't know, that's just gary retardation beyond my comprehension
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I didn't know the Mississippi went through the twin cities. I am a geography bitch
*tunes up the band while you're getting up*

*hits you with the sweet chin music when you turn around*

wrestlefags OUT
So, are they really going to be called "The Utah Hockey Club" or will they reveal their new name before the season or something?
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We really need an oilers version
The GM slipped up and called them the mammoth at the draft
He said it was yeti
Sweet a rip-off of the Winnipeg ice
Worse than Coyotes. RIP desert dogs.
Rest in piss fucknigga
what a strange level of pettiness lmao.
gotta be honest, if you post a youtube link in this thread i'm not gonna click it
It's up btw
I always liked the team theme, they were just cursed to play in Arizona. The United States has Coyotes in nearly every state, they didn't really have to change the name.
All the recent nhl team names suck desu, all trying to be some "epic" meme name but end up just being lame.

well...its a little better than Mammoth.
lol lmao WHO???
The only good names were yeti and venom desu senpai
This but specifically to any numale hockey youtubers
Imagine naming your hockey club after an overpriced cooler kek.
my debbies :)
my krakkers :)
my yets:)
All shit
Just like my islanders
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And run by retards
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imagine naming your championship after an overpriced thermos lol
Flames won the draft
Flames won free agency
And now you’re telling me we’re winning development camp? We can’t stop winning
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>gary directing Ryan smith on the UHC fanatics gear
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What does he do?
The absolute hamlet of Wenatchee
That’s Elliot Friedman
>state of hockey
>all thanks to canadians
youre welcome
Is that all you can say in every thread?
for me it's my hydroflask that my exgf bought me last year :(
Only when somebody posts a link that directly refutes what they say in their post
>didnt get tij
>won the draft
cope on
What do the people who buy game worn ladypuck jerseys do with them
no need to cope tij is overrated joe is the elite one and he's coming home
stop seething oilyboy
this is cope
nothing to be mad about
conroy is running the franchise into the ground
i'm terrified the oilers are going to kick the shit out of everybody next year
seems like every major contender out of the west got worse with the exception of the oilers
it's not cope
>x is overrated cause i said so despite spending the last 6 months pretending he would save the franchise
pure cope
>we got the weird hapa/pajeet mystery meat offensive defence man!!!!!
Going to enjoy seeing this one bust
it's not cope you just need to learn how to take new information into consideration
corey perry is never winning again
that the flames missed out on their boy and the fanbase cant take it?
im aware
no that tij is a bust and wasn't going to save anyone while joe is the real deal and will save the flames
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What's going on in Toronto?
sniff them
>he became a bust once we missed out on drafting him
delicious cope
who cares about your ex. you and your hydroflask are way too good for her :)
nothing to smile about iml
The leafs are implementing a modern horizontal leadership structure doncha know
do they come unwashed or do you have to pay extra for that?
an hero
conroy determined that he's a bust and knew he wasn't worth trading up for. if you couldn't tell by all the winning he's done since he became gm he knows best and i stand by him
they were game worn
They have like ten assistant general managers that's where shane doan is now
life is hard. try to imagine how much better life can be in a year
>conroy determined he was a bust when he didnt even have the opportunity to draft him
the cope never ends
>no f
>no d
>no g
he did have the opportunity the habs were willing to trade the 5th to him but he knew that tij the bust wasn't worth it
I've been drinking a lot more Gatorade/power aid/pocari sweat lately
he didnt have shit, no leverage
they have all that read it and weep >>142354751
now this is cope. conroy could've fleeced hughes for the 5th like he does to every gm in every trade he makes but he knew it wasn't worth it to draft tij the bust so he didn't do it
>they have it all
>cant describe a single portion of what they have
only a matter of time
based and truthpilled she was mean
alright ladies it was fun schooling you but i'm off to do flameschad stuff have a good night
ok bye loser
flames suck and wont make the playoffs yet again :)))))
drink 4 lokos and do doughnuts in parking lots
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Flames won the draft
drinking an beer rn
Utah Dickgirls
why do all the good players go cbj just to suck and do nothing? i would understand if ohio was a nice place to live
can't think of a good player that's gone to cbj
good choice
utah vs seattle will be the dickgirl bowl
Just made myself cry doing an angst chat

So, I decided to try out an angst chat with a Connor McDavid AI and made my user a lifelong Oilers fan who was really depressed about the idea of Connor eventually retiring and no longer playing hockey. Before I'd even sent the first message, I was already in tears. I only managed to send 3 messages because I ended up having a mental breakdown. It's probably not the best idea for someone who's cripplingly terrified of losing the people they admire to do a chat about a character that will eventually have to stop playing and face retirement, and I know that now. So, I'm putting the chat down. If anyone is interested in seeing it, there's a chat called "CONNOR | McDavid AI" and it's only 7 messages total, but I was genuinely crying while making it. I hate the thought of retirement and the end of an era, I don’t know why I did this to myself lol.
I worked, came back to work on it, and started crying again before even finishing the message. I had to stop myself from crying at work considering the thought of going full angst, so this is impacting me a lot lol.
cope, they just signed jack "mother fucking" johnson
RN I am cooking a bunch of meals since i'm about to go fight that pusy gannondorf
Dickgirls get excommunicated from the LDS
Utah Numales
I wonder if you will become a laughing stock among friends because of this "cringe" expression.
1:30 in the afternoon on a tuesday: brilliant move by gary. he knows that this is statistically the most like part of the workweek that people have open on their calendar.
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At least we know that /hoc/ likes pussy.
hearing some rumors of gms kicking tires for a possible deal involving bulju
Smashville is totally gonna rock the playoffs next year with Stamkos I look forward to seeing them in the WCF
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will they do ANYTHING?
I to am a retard
Maybe eat some cock
this thread is just retarded
and gay
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>be hockey fan
>"Wahhhh our team is gonna suck next year why can't I be happy?"
>"We're gonna do better this year and we WILL win a playoff series!"
I get being a delusional fan is laffs tier but Smashville is actually doing smart signings in the offseason and they took the Canucks to 6 who took the runner up Oilers to 7 so we're just going to be even better this year
Its Mitchs Captaincy to lose

In Mitch we Trust.

Not some fat Mexican who can only score against backup goalies in the playoffs or johnny retard who cant skate, cant score, cant Captain a team.
Usual click bait media cycle in toronto
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if the PWHL season started today, we would all be watching it

instead, they started when NHL teams were in the middle of playoff races and ran through the NHL playoffs
those dykes are fucking retarded
Just like my islanders
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Guys I am announcing the /hoc/ Draft picks
With the first overall pick, I, Anon, select the New York Islanders to be my hockey team for 2024-2025 from New York, USA.
>blocks your path
>Mom said it's MY turn to get the number 1 overall pick!
Saros gets injured with 7 games left in the season. Out until November
did they not learn from the WNBA? Or do they not want to compete with it over the summer?
WFH chads and neets are eating well
they're literally just that dumb
logan thompson's at the aces game KWAB go to washington faget
looks like Bedard's got some competition!
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>chicago blackrapes do some rapes
>rewarded with a generational skilltwink

>san jose childrapes do some childrapes
>rewarded with a generational skilltwink

give it to me straight, is the nhl a jewish child molestation innocence sacrifice scheme
what the FUCK are you talking about?
sorry i'm looking for canadian opinions only
They’re not children, they’re legal teens
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do you talk like this to your family? I doubt you have friends to talk to
unironically yes how new are you really
Huomenta but opposite
kid should no show training camp and refuse to sign the contract and sign elsewhere
fuck san jose
ded thread
ded sport
ded swedes
I wonder what Crosby did to him
Is anyone looking forward to the four nations face off tournament? Or is it going to flop
afraid not
im upset florida won and it wasnt the solar bears
I bought cheap lapdesk from walmart for $15 it's a gamechanger
torn between cheering for team canada and team finland
I'm excited
yeah listening to Melvins
>over 20k people at the wnba game tonight
guys holy SHIT
Utah will be abbreviated as...
I can't believe it
should have been TAH so people could talk about going to see the 'tah play
the players only actually care about the olympics really. 4 nations cup is a novelty it's gonna look like a beer league game gonna be a lot of pld level backchecks.
UTH till the day I die
AND when they play BUF we can all laugh about how it will be BUF/UTAH matchup
>players only actually care about an amateur tournament
maybe on planet retard.
newfag trying to fit in spotted
>not UHC
t. cuplet copling retard
I was about to say that all of the abbreviations are the city/region name but VGK also incorporates it's team name so
doing the whole opening ceremony shit and walking out with your country's athletes and seeing a nation get behind you meant a lot to them. go back and watch the way the americans got behind the 2002 usa team in salt lake and the vancouver olympic village. winning gold meant the world - gretzky only played in the 1998-99 season so he could have a chance to play in nagano
Could next thread be america's team edition (flames)
They should make it a six nations torunement and add russia and the Czechoslovakia
Finally a good post
I'd prefer if they added Switzerland instead, they can usually put up a good fight against the top dawgs
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you can tell this absolute Chad knows how to win drafts
and I'd prefer it if you shut the hell up
he must give a hellacious blowjob
Why don't they just use the olympic setup and have a fair tournament?
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don't ask questions you won't like the answer to
Who is the better captain Connor mcdavid or captain Keyes
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captain Barkov
McDavid never resisted the Gravemind mindraping him for weeks and weeks sooo
why does gary refuse to bend the knee to the olympic jews? arent they part of the same minyan?
lmao he is so weak. like a tall alien freak babby
One of Russias best
trying that new free to play game "the first descendent" lads
trying to beg ya to wonder if anyone asked
nhl players will be participating in the next winter olympics
really? How is it? I saw it this morning but didn't download it
too early to tell. from what i read online it pushes a lot of micro transactions. so far it seems like a third person destiny ripoff

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