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This is the year Matthewsbros
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nah he'll sharply decline by 6-7 points per season from here on out. he is only getting older and his teammates; shittier
When you think about it if the cap goes up contracts like nurse and huberdeau will become good.
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if you met bedard on a train would you ask for a picture
Nylander literally took 3 games off with a headache the fact that he says anything to bitch marner is laughable when Matthews had 1 goal against fuckin Linus Ullmark and where was the captain in all of this? idk somewhere on the bench thinking about how he can ruin the next powerplay and not score against Swayman. honestly though they played way better after they yelled at each other and Matthews was sitting in the press box. 1- 22 on the powerplay ahahahahahaha.
I'm not sure if I would ever ask someone else to take a picture. Seems a bit too weird
what contract is worse - nurse or hoob?
Nurse without question
"It says in his draft report that he models his defensive game after Mark Schiefele"
it's going to be very funny to watch zadorov beat the piss out of them next season
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>blots mess up a 3peat on the third cup final
>kitties mess up a 3peat by losing the first cup final but then winning the next 2
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/ H O C /
>1993 on the patch
zadorov never beat the piss out of anything except his dick
that's not how you are supposed to piss. you should stop doing that every time you need to pee
Oilers win at least one game between G1-G3 without Nurse & Ceci, and thus win the 'tanley. The long term implications point to Nurse
Auston Matthews needs to go back to being a 40 goal scorer but actually playing defence and being a teammate. it's clear this season he was selfishly chasing individual stats and it cost them a playoff series
so did March assault sign up with a diff team?
he signed with the K. he's done with NA.
had to look this up cause sounded like bs and he went with memeville
are you calling me a fucking liar
>predators got marchy and Stamk
okay so is Gary giving them the cup next year got it
nah stammer is gonna suck without kucherov and marchy is a whiny little B and is going to spend every game crying and wetting himself
an old fart and a manlet isnt gonna win you a cup
>the washed up corpses of stamkos and marchessault are going to help the team that couldn't even get past the starterless canucks
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>when the third period is about to start at the leafs game
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Why don't we do this?
what the heck is a SFT/G stat?
shots... per game?
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My penguins (:
sounds like some numale "advanced statistic"
I wouldn't worry about it
the official NHL site uses it.
my guess is "shots for total" which would be absolutely retarded as it provides nothing over simply saying "shots" but I just made that up
also it's probably not shots for total if it's 20 per player lol maybe should've looked at that
shifts per game?
the advanced hockey stats glossary doesn't know of SFT
Have you considered hovering the mouse pointer over the name of the stat?
yes, and it does nothing
I can't even find the page which displays this stat
americans cannot be trusted. every single nhl or other sports stadium would be burnt to a crisp within a season.
the regular "stats" page. you have to scroll horizontally.
idk what type of pajeet programming this is but only the stats up to OTG have those hover-over labels
That row doesnt show up on machine
Well I am guessing it is shifts per goal perhaps
Yep it's gotta be shifts per goal. Case closed.
maybe it's only on the team specific sub-sites https://www.nhl.com/panthers/stats
scroll to the right. I checked other teams' pages too to make sure it wasn't a typo. I'm guessing "shifts".

oh shit. per game or per goal. what a great abbreviation that leaves nothing ambiguous. I'm going "game" since TOI/G is definitely per game.
players with 0 goals have varying SFT/G stats ranging from 12 to 19 so I'm still saying "per game"
>oh shit. per game or per goal.
Just in general I imagine. Shifts per goal on average.
It has to shifts per game otherwise those numbers don't make sense.
If we want to be sure, look up Drai's SFT/G before the 3rd round and after the 2nd
somebody crunch the numbers!
Who was swept in the first round? Go look at one of their players per game stats and average out their shifts per game, and see what the SFT/G stat says. I'm not going to do it because I don't provide solutions.
yeah it checks out. thanks capitals.
Who will be at the bottom of the standings next season?
to answer that question you must ask yourself: where does gary want to increase the fanbase the most? and once you ask yourself this question you will find out that the answer is utah.
Saw some girl on tiktok who is obsessed with Ryan mcleod
any port in a storm for desperate gold diggers I suppose
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I think they should bring back ties.
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I’m fairly new, what’s this inside joke about “1993”? I wanna know.
When they started rigging the nhl
When Gary decided to throw the integrity of the NHL out the window and begin to prioritize profit above all else.
fucking retard. go watch soccer.
Why are redditors so mad at Utah for "stealing a franchise"? The yotes sucked.
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Just downloaded couple of roms for PCSX2, the A.I in NHL 2004 was something else, I almost forgot that A.I defensemen used to dive and crouch to block shots which is missing entirely in modern NHL games. Defense strats is what missing in newer games which explain why you can score so easily.
Yotes were the only team that supported trannystine which is why Arizona couldn't stand them cause they stood for everything Arizona is against as a red state.
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In February 1993, the owners of the NHL had devised a very devious plan to maximize (or in theory what they thought would be maximizing) profits in the NHL. To do this, they found this little goblin hooknose, stubby devious little gremlin looking man named Gary, and he was to be the front man, the spearhead of this operation, and the plan was this
>we are to create new fake markets in the southern United States were copious amounts of niggers, spics and dumb inbreds live
These people are so fucking stupid as we show them that as long as these teams are the winners they'll support it. They'll buy merchandise they'll buy jerseys they'll support the team, so then it began. Upon the end of 1993 the first southern United States franchise ever made it to the NHL finals sadly they just weren't powerful enough and Canada still won the cup, but it did not deter them for after a full off-season they got the plan ready to go and they put it in motion and through the proceeding years more times these southern United States franchises start making it to the cup and start winning the cup.
This little jewish man he had no care he doesn't care about the people he's scamming he doesn't even care about the tools he uses all he cares about is sheckels and all the owners care about are shekels so over time this Jewish man got his tactics honed in and from 2010 to today almost every single Stanley Cup has been played by or won by a southern United States team.
Everybody with a brain knows it's completely falsified, fabricated and rigged. They create these power teams in the south and they rear the games towards those teams and rig them so they win. Before 1993, not a single southern United States team ever won a cup but in 1993 this Jewish man had changed the course and now our product is as fake and gay as the government that you're governed by. I personally cannot wait to see this little Jewish man be stripped of his power and die of Parkinson's.

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goat status?
Preds vs. laffs in the SCF
>I personally cannot wait to see this little Jewish man be stripped of his power and die of Parkinson's.
Have you seen him presenting the cup in finals or at the draft? He's shaking like crazy.
Is Mike gonna let him play at the NHL next season or he's going back to Boston?
It's his decision supposedly
It's not up to Mike G. It's up to the kid.
Preds come back from being down 0-3 and raise the cup in Toronto.
You know it's true fucking love bros when she calls one of your hockey jerseys a 'shirt' and you don't even slightly want to kill her.
Thats some hard hitting journalism, I work for a popular sports media fabrication, how would you like a job?
>would you rather: "get a guaranteed calder trophy" or "have your team suck so much ass again you get another top tier team mate to play with"
Tough choice for him
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Goddamn dude. He really went for the throat crosscheck there.
It's that ancient azetca lust for beheading manifesting in real time there.
I would the win the Calder with a shit team then sandbag my GM and demand 7 milly then tell him to fuck off when he won't offer and then sign for the my boyhood team the Calgary Flames
>shows more emotion and fight in a random game against the sabres than he does in the playoffs
What kind of a retarded organization runs that way? Of course he wants to go back to college and fuck sluts, but it would be a development waste year since the competition in the NCAA stinks.
The amount of beta blockers he is probably taking just to get out there and present the cup could probably incapacitate a fully grown horse.
gotta gettem fired up ya know bud
leagues barely worth more than once he started once real inflation is considered anyway. not even good at that. considering there's been 30 years of advancement on how to milk that better the NHL is worth a fraction of what it should be. another lovely thing about effective inflation is it makes incompetent retards already in power look like magicians and stay in power
That ginger kicked the latinx ass so hard that some other dude had to jump in to pretect the latinx
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Yeah thats true and theres to appraisal on my end towards how the plan has worked. Because if you don't sustain these teams winning era's they fold.

Thats what makes it the fakest and gayest of all. Arizona is the best possible example, but we can also look at Atlanta (twice).
golden knights desu
was it intentional that this graph looks like a menorah?
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No thanks but I heard theres this kid frothing at the mouth for an entry level position. Try him.


You can thank me later bud.
Just like my islanders
You are such an integral part of the 1993 quest you have done much great work towards the cause copey. Or should I say, King.
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Yeah well next time Dahlin better watch out. Matthews is bulkin' up for the next tilt.
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He's almost at the goal physique
i'll be 38 next month
he looked real skinny when he was at UFC last saturday also I Keller looks like a little baby in street clothes
there's nothing to look forward to
Guys you better be careful, Stephen will use this against you.

Shortly after Kassian went to rehab for amphetamine abuse.
goes to show every player should be doing amphetamine
Copey you mean. Although Copey has barely been seen since the Golden Showers were eliminated.
based kassmanian devil
shalomenta hockey club lifelongs
how was the trench?
how was your shift working for Mr. Chang at your local Shang-Chi Food Restaurant.
how's your shift going at the cia glowie
How was your shift at the local synagogue, shlomo?
fucken retard hwtrb
dumb retards, none of you have jobs
Oh don't worry, they do.
If a boost of dopamine is more their style its nose beers instead.
Can't believe toronto took treliving. Are they stupid or something? Did they not see him sign hooberdoh
cope i have three days off
bud Dubas literally sabotaged the team with his handler Shanahan

it's up
not so bad, drank more water than all of the Alberta combined
>lets bring in somebody worse!

great logic
Shanahan is still sabotaging lil bro
>amateur hockey
kek, 1993, faggots.
Your team is bad and you should feel bad.
I have my 4 week paid vacation in one and a half week
Americans don't understand playing for something other than money
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He casts out the bait.
Will he get a bite tonight? Lets watch.
>he has to root for an american team in >his own country's sport
I'm on a 365 days a year vacation
Congrats on your future vacation maybe a trip to Örnsköldsvik?
There are three diamond tier /hoc/ trolls ITT at this very moment. Moments are tense.
Wrestling is for children
maybe for you pedo
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Oh, Uncle Paul!
Did the Blues go mad? They gave a 30 year old Buchnevich a 6 year contract worth 8 million per year
No, I already drove through it in the beginning of June twice. Last year it was four times. That's enough for me.
No bite yet.
He casts out a juicer fatter worm.
Just shit myself. Keep me posted
it's true. I get 1600€ per month from the government to play Euro Truck Simulator and watch hockey on the second monitor
WWE is you mean. AEW has mature storylines and impressive athletics.
>no 503k
oh no no no no
Bend down, take a big long sniff, and describe the smell to us.
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Nope that's WRESTLEFAGGOTS like you, homosexual (You) are known for touching children and watching wrestling
tastes and smells like shit
Just like my Islanders
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needs more tests
That's about 500€ less than I get per month to work 5-7 hours six nights each week.
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>honk honk
Feels, sounds and looks like shit
nah that's you
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can you smear it on your scalp and check if it has positive effect on your hair growth?
I used to hate the eagles but realized I just hate Henley songs. This song is very very good.
kek nice, also glad you made it out mate.
wow apparently >we re-signed Buch
wtf is Army doing, we're rebuilding or what
Way ahead of you buddy. I'll a-b test with my wife. Will report back as soon as the results are in.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxQXKO194XM As is this, how does one hate this stuff?
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Impressive, very nice.

Let's see Paul Allens meme.
grim gay and retarded *pukes*
What is it like in Russia? It just seems like endless nothingness that gets less and less the more east you go.
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>Paul Allens meme
>t. taylor swift and eminem listener.
>It just seems like endless nothingness that gets less and less the more east you go.
Sounds like canada when starting in vancouver
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Welcome to our home, where there is always space for one more on the bandwagon

Decent songs.
I remember going to the 'pede when I was 9 and waiting in line for a long ass time for pancakes.
wtf I love calgary now
One of my neighbours always makes pancakes and sausages for the street. Nice guy.

Better that than going to one or those mall parking lot events
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I also remember going to lake bonivista
you must be wondering how the boy next door turned out

have a care, but don't stare bc he's still there

Never been. Was probably very cold. Did you come here specifically for 'pede
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fully for the 'pede
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Here's a story, I remember being in pee-wee or atom or something and my team (Crowchild (the best team)) were playing Lake Bonivista and I didn't have anything to eat all day so I got a little caesars pizza and ate the whole thing in 10 or so minutes right before getting on the ice and it was the worst fucking game of my life. I never did that again.
True story.
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Are you an oily boy?
Is the 'pede known outside the city? It's hard for me to gauge.
nah, Cascadian, West coast. on the coast.
Crowchild? Bud played with Makar.
I kneel
Maybe bud IS Makar...
what is the defense equivalent to a 40-goal scorer?
a 40 blocked-shot snorer
+/- 40
>a 40 blocked-shot snorer
that would angry gary greatly
I personally know somebody who played against Nuge in a midget tourney
got my oil changed in my old but functioning car so i was very productive
I'm not Cale. He was probably in tyke while I was in midget, or something close to that.
"______ is the best pizza" - cale

"thanks for the great ice" -cale
Varsity Pizza :3
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Wft are you my neighbour?
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new year Russian style pizza
there's nothing finer than your diner -jerry seinfeld
didn't you say his dad was the ice manager or something kek
not the worst pie I have ever seen
Yah his dad literally runs the rink. Told me to fuck off once when I was lacing up and he was starting to flood the rink
Just go get a pizza from Varsity Pizza bro and then all will be understood.
What is on it? Potato salad?
Did the guy crosscheck Nothing Happens in his face?
yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah. claim to fame this, 15-minutes-of-fame that.
You wanna know MY famous moment?
I'm Wayne Gretzky
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Caлaт Oливьe or you might know it as a Russian salad / salad a la Russe
THE New Year salad
I'm Gayne Wretzky
I'm scared now. What will I learn? Should I shout some stupid /hoc/ meme to see if anyone reacts?
>wow this pizza is JLMI
nigga that is coleslaw
You shut your WHORE mouth. If you say Gayne's name again with your cum-breath mouth I will trigger Article 5 myself, you MOTHERFUCKER
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Okay okay I'm sorry

No, there's a signed photograph of Cale that says Varsity Pizza is the best pizza. Thats all.
Don't be spooked.
Looks pretty good desu
I would appreciate it if you could be more funnier please and thanks.
That's exactly how I imagine Wayne Gretzky talks.
Yah I've seen it. I'm just impressed anyone else here knows that. I'll keep my eye out for you. I'm the best hockey player 'round these parts.
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A top pairing penalty killing shut down defenseman who can eat 26+ minutes a game
Adam Pelech
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Well, I don't live in Calgary. Too many problems walking around those parts, more specifically around 75,000 problems in the city.
Thankfully there's only 55 problems around me.

>I'm the best hockey player 'round these parts.
I bet you got a mean slap shot bud i'll take your word for it.
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Good morning /hoc/
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I'm actually impressed, there's only about 80,000 problems around you give or take. It really doesn't feel that way when you go there.
You've also done a fantastic job in incorporating only one singular hyper-confined problematic enclave only.
Go to bed chud
>Tanev out
Ok, who in their right mind gives him 6 years?
>Dumba two-year, $7.5 million
>Smith signed a one-year, $1 million contract
>Lyubushkin signed a three-year, $9.75 million contract
>Lundkvist signed a one-year, $1.25 million contract
LMAO DeBoer doesn't want him.
>Duchene signed a one-year, $3 million contract
>The St. Louis Blues acquired Radek Faksa from the Dallas Stars for future considerations
What a joke.

What a tragic day. It's over and the season hasn't even started.
GM of the Year over Allvin and Zito btw
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happy birthday to teemu selänne
And Miro still has to play on his weaker side
where's everyone

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