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/keem/ aka /heem/

Previous: >>142346294

>Friday Jul 5, 2024
ONE Fight Night 23 - Ok vs. Rasulov
ONE Friday Fights 69 - Kulabdam vs. Anane

>Saturday Jul 6, 2024
LFA 187 - Brazil vs. Latin America

>Sunday Jul 7, 2024
K-1 World MAX 2024 Final
Stoyan Koprivlenski v Buakaw Banchamek
Dengue Silva v Darryl Verdonk
Viktor Akimov v Romano Bakboord
Kacper Muszyński v Zhora Akopyan

Dricus is black
is lucaas tracy going live?
We don't watch that crap btw
flucas glazy
It feels like Dricus is laying a trap here. Israel is going to make a scene
Damn, Jizzstain has a tiny head compared to DDP.
Toes Them Up Aaron
Alright Canada all you*OHHHHHHH* all you need to *WOOOOOOOAH!* just don't die to Neil Magny fo- *JUST LIKE THAT!" fuuuuuuuck!!!
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For fuck sakes candada...
>got no (you)s on a shit meme he spent an hour making
>make it the next OP
>no one still cares
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r8 this card
typical 5'1'' kiwi
One of the cards of all time. Possibly ever.
belal muhammed (0)/10000000000000000
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The K-1 posting will continue :)
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>is there any, uhm, tension between you?
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I swear the guy from submission radio asked the first questions
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Ooooh Dricus got him
Damn, DDP is sharp. Jizzy got roasted.
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wait why didnt they do kkf vs kape?
Is the presser worth even tuning in for? cba
izzy is a golfer
Will DDP win this fight?
Kape said the no-no word
>I'll show him who he is
>yeah, whatever that means
This little monkey looks inbred.
he seems to just win fights so yes
so hes banned from austrailia? kek
Very low energy. Probably not really.
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>I'm gonna break stone brazza

he didn't say that
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Golf bros...
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>I'm gonna get my nose broken brazza

just saying if tai didn't eat like a fat bitch for a month before the fight, gane is in a grave right now
Jizzy needs to call him the nword to win momentum back
Those eating habits are the only thing keeping Tai in the heavyweight division.
i'm just say if gane's head exploded and he died, he'd be in a grave right now
>my belt is a tiara
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KKF looks like the dude from the Hungry episode of the X-Files. Soulless eyes.
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its over
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>Soulless eyes
I see what you mean
even erceg doesn't believe that shit
pantoja 49-46
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Dricus and its not even close
I'm actually impressed by how bad it is. Easily the worst I've ever seen (off the top of my head).
>home is where your bank account is
This reminds I need to finish watching season 2 of xfiles
Hunter Campbell Shadow Leader
erceg is a fucking little nerd
pencil-neck dweeb, that fucker
steverceg is built like a bowling pin
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>then they banged
Damn skullmogged
>long ass staredown
african niggas are ZESTY
gonna need to see the traced skulls
Kinda useless bravado from a guy who's put on the most mind numbing 5 round fights in the division for years and who got fucking dominated from start to finish against Memeland.
I didn’t even know a press conference was going on. Was poofc trying to hide this?
>title shot off a loss
all that's left to finish off the story of israel adesanya is a nice flush overhand right knocking him unconscious
Nah he's getting heemed by ground and pound similar to Stipe v Reem
No way that doo is 6'4
a lover's gaze
where is this staredown from wtf
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Erin Blanchfield's girlfriend is signed to the UFC now
I'm the Firestarter.
Israel will win and then he will call out Alex at light heavyweight and then regardless of that outcome he will retire. All this talk of head hunting and re-matching Sean is dog shit he wants to grab the belt and immediately chase a super fight so he can retire on a high note.
it's AI moron
it's up
Oh for me? For me myself oersonally it is Outer Space or Girls
Also I hate how every single champ immediately calls for a fight against another champ. It's legit insulting, defend your damn belt a few times please.
why are all the bitches childless dykes but all the women who win have normal male and female relationships? dyke shit is so cringe


When is Fiorot getting her title shot?
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oh nooooo
Need to see Sean Brady lose whenever he fights next
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fists clenched, pockets filled with mom's spaghetti
big zest
haha Adesanya looks like a big piece of poop
>black see le ebil white man
>neuron activation
I think it's gotta be this particular remix.
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Dricus already won the conference with his "golf is a retirement sport" zinger but that skullmog is what made it a 10-8.
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It doesn't matter, Izzy always loses at the conference to the point where it doesn't matter.
This fight is interesting, if Izzy is washed like many say, he is losing, but if he is as good as ever then he should either be able to brutally knock out Dricus or win in a boring decision.
>you like bbc?
Post flight tickets.
I'm not allowed on planes Im a flight risk
I can't go on Twitter anymore.
Apparently Kape and Mokaev bumped into each other on the street and Kape randomly decided to split his head open with an elbow
The fakest 6'4 in history bro what the fuck
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I hate that fighting nerd faggot
How do you think Alex vs DDP in MW would go?
every saffa coward is going to be at RAC arena for ufc 305 mayswell host springbok games while you're at it, they already do shit like that with the all blacks and nz expats
not on my watch
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How did Pooatan knock out Jiri with his small gnome feet?
The same Alex that beat Sean and Izzy?
DDP doesn't have the greatest takedown entires, so I could definitely see the world where Alex just times him and flatlines him, but I could also see DDP shooting for the legs the first minute in and blasting past his guard
middleweight feet are smaller you hold all your water in your feet
Easy heem for Dricus. If Adesanya can heem you then DDP can too. Pereira's chin is too shot at MW
Dricus doesn't hit hard tho
quote my post and I will violently heem you
I dont like getting heemed so I will avoid quoting that post
>If Adesanya can heem you
Every time people say this Pereira them proceeds to not get heemed
>Pereira them proceeds to not get heemed
>Legendary Polish wrestler
>Hands on my waist Jerry because fuck defense
>Hands on my waist Jerry because fuck defense
real impressive stuff
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You now remember ufc Africa lol.
Kape is quite possibly the most based midget alive
we don't watch that shit here
Heem said that all of them would heem alex
this is how legends are made

and it’s mindblowing
But surely Dickpuss DuPussy would be different
we don't use that language here
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man keeps these cunts accountable
The african finna heem the african
wtf that constitutes assault. surprised his fighter license wasn't revoked
I'll give wales the benefit of the doubt and say he doesn't have the tickets yet (even though he is supposed to be in Mexico next week) and give him the opportunity to post tickets any time this week or even once he is here if he comes just post a picture with a timestamp and ill hop on a plane the same day.
honestly the fact that izzy didn't slap that midget's head shows what a bitch he is
wales is a faggot
Let's say, hypothetically, that Belal Muhammad wins.
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One. Last. Run.
THE 41 year old Jan Blachowicz?
Chama? For me it’s Kurwa
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Are we going to watch this?
qrd on the whales mexico situation? are they supposed to fight or is wales looking for an irl paragraph?
gay lovers separated at birth
when is manel fighting or is someone ducking him again?
I'm not watching either of the next two cards.
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everyone say "Thank you, Dana."
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if ortega still gets his sphere fight he is the official anti-karma evilchad
Jan is the greatest living middleweight.
that man would have killed lopes
>heems a wrestler fucker in the streets saving us from a boring fight

name a moment more based than this in 2024
They have literally no reason to take it from him, he agreed to moving up to Lightweight months ago and his sphere fight was locked down. It's not even like he ducked Lopes, the doctor found him to be medically unfit to fight
Always finding elaborate ways to duck
on paper, yes. but someone asked daner what ortega's deal was and hes like "[shit you not but i talked to the guys after the weigh ins, and said is ortega acting funny or is it just me?]" he went on to say he wasnt sure if ortega has pesonal issues or what but he needa to get sorted out. something along these lines

sounded like daner suspected that ortega was never intending to fight or something. maybe he was just butthurt that the fight fell through
Gamrot fucked Tracy
thoughts on the izzy line: "idgaf where he’s from but I’ll show him who he is."?
I thought it was a pretty nasty line but dricus completely negated it by how cool he was in his response
dricus has on like 2 inch lifted shoes LMAO
I don't give a shit about all that desu.
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drinkass dudepussy
Pissreal Faglasenge
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The Guardian of Gaza
The Aegis of Al-Aqsa
The Liberator of the Levant
The Warrior of the West Bank
The Captain of Al-Quds
The Hero of Hebron
The Redeemer of Ramallah
The Terror of Tel-Aviv
The Judgement of Judea
The Scourge of Samaria

The Lion of Palestine
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inshallah, peon the kuffar will be beheaded
Leon is going to murder this rat lmfao
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What do we think of them?
yeah leon is gonna kevin nash this nigga god damn
glover threw the jiri and jamal fights so alex could become the p4p all time GOAT
They’re based, no reason to dislike any of them now that Caio’s heeming, Jean silva is extremely boyable
I like them, hues are extremely soulful by nature, the opposite of dagis
jfc absolute STATE of those pillowfists
Uh yeah...whatever that means
who is the top center nigga?
hope peon and smellal go to a split decision draw in a snoozefest and get boo'd to shit.
Nowhere left for Peon to run. Time to accept his inevitable ass whooping. Fakest fraud record in the whole sport.
colbitch lost
Plus once Peon gets bulldozed now Islam fraud ass has no easy champ-champ duck option.
It's crazy that there's unironically no good wins on this whole page of W's
This is advanced stat padding. /box/ wishes their fighters had this fake of records.
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Leon will be going to sleep on those pillows
I hope Bell wins solely as revenge for his permanently disfigured eye.
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STILL relevant edition
The worst win on that record? Colbitch Cannington
Cuz Colby won that shit with a broken fucking leg.
Having a title shot after a year long lay off and 3 of your 4 ranked wins being washed lightweights and the other being a split decsion is impressive stuff.
this scottish person really doesn't like colby
+ Nate Diaz simulated him
+ Fluke head kick
+ Lost trilogy despite RAMPANT cheating
His record is just beyond fraudulent. I hope britbongs just tune out after aspinal blaydes, this shit is beyond over.
'erb really did let leon get away with every manner of cheating that fight, it's weird nobody talks about it
fucking Bryan Barberena simulated him
The last time Leon lost a fight was during the Obama presidency. All Leon-haters BTFO.
Hate all of them with a burning passion all gay faggots
>Gimmick is that they're nerds with funny glasses
Gimmick fags deserve heeming
And seeing them heemed one by one will glorious
He got a point taken, which is more punishment than 99% of fighters get
Those "soulless" Dagestanis are going to smash the Brazilian twinks. Many such cases.
why are muslims so gay?
lack of soul
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>Feed me Pfyer, i'm hungry
conor mcgregor is never fighting again
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victim announced soon
41 year old Nick Diaz hasn't experienced his hand being raised in the 'gon since he was 28 years old
Nick Diaz and Jan Blachowicz are the SAME AGE
I love the rando kickboxing webms
The UFC would be all over that fight. They love the "They used to be friends" plotline.
Fighter Removed, Andrei Arlovski
Am I trippin or is Islam on HGH? Look at the bloat on his face now, compared to before, he use to have this sharp jawline now his face is puffed despite being lean
>is a muzzie rat on peds
gee i wonder
mad cause your GOAT is a chinless BJJ loser called Paul Craig?
About time. No more picking up big pay checks whilst fighting like an absolute shitter.
Ian sounded like he was for real gay for Maia on MMA Hour.
is dricus in heels? wtf is this height
>Belal is training with Team Khabib
The last time he did that, he had one of the best fights of his career. It's over for Leon....
Its a 6'2 individual and a height-fraud "6'4"
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I thought ddp was 6'1 and izzy was legit 6'4
fucking everyone is lying about their height
>fake gooby comeback
>24 million dollar tickets
>rugpull, slap together some underpaid bums
>nobody bothers refunding their tickets because flights + hotel already booked

kek, how many more times can they pull this one?
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>Baby, no me iba a juquear
>Hasta que empezaste a columpiar
>No es pa' hablar, es pa' echar par
>Na' más quiero que tú seas mi chichi partner
we don't post that PUTA here
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We post Magnificent Mick here
that dude would take your life man
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throw manel kape into the woodchipper after hasbulla
horrible little fucking manlet
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Caio is the future of Middleweight
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Give Caio Marvin Vettori man, come on
Marvin would kill that bitch
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Marvin is in hiding right now
How do short people not just go fucking crazy and kill everyone?
‘Tarded Marvin
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He posted himself in hospital bed 2 weeks ago, yeah, nvm. Caio vs Allen, Hermansson or Cannonier is next, really Hermansson. Allen vs Cannonier should be next to kill Allen once and for all
Woodchipper posting stopped when Hasbulla went on a tour of America, was feted like a king, and not a single woodchippercel dared to do anything about it. Based Bulla owns woodchipper cucks.
Poatan watch out.. Here's Magomed masterfully countering a body jab.. a poatan favorite
Mike Tyson molested that little bitch and they did nothin'
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Elite jab
K1 is good, but it is lacking a few aspects of fighting which makes it not as good. You just don't like grappling because most fighters use it as id they're having sex. Real grappling is exciting, if there were more high level grapplers like luiz Pena, Romero, and DC who use it to do damage you'd enjoy it
So Maycee Barber ducked Rose... The only time a barber didnt take on Rose... *badum tssh*
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jans hands looked bad this fight
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Poatan has a hole in his boxing and pocket exchanging
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ynr Zabit
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I don't feel bad for him. He gets to fuck Ronda, suck her toes and huff her braps. No one should feet bad for him.
is pereira actually a spastic
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Jean Silva is the protagonist of MMA but heem isn't ready for that conversation yet
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Toilet Tillbros....it's over.....
normal people like dancing with their friends you inkwell
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> the protagonist of MMA
Why id his fight with Chavez jr fall thru
>The Protaganist of MMA
I wonder what that sloped forehead could mean for the development of the prefrontal cortex. Very, very interesting.
>sponsored by Battle Of Memes
kek, perfect
the midget that was supposed to fight hasbulla is main eventing this
finally darren can pretend to have a son
Realistically could Chael Sonnen wrestle and win agains Periera?
Is Chael Sonnen the real GOAT?
Darren will get KO'd. He's been seen coked up around Liverpool most weekends. His brain elasticity is non-existent. Brutal KO followed by an absolute beast of a rub down from Purple Aki in the cold and damp back alleys of the Mersey unfortunately.
Godspeed b score as a fackin heem
God no you racist piece of shit
>purple aki
being a fellow britbong, i get this reference haha
ok I will delete my post, sorry
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guru is now buying costumes to try and outdo fightfairy
I wonder who of the two has a bigger cup size (tiddies)
He already had that outfit.
Based and true
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>people will actually pretend to like belal when he beats up peon
based Kape
This will never happen. Leon has only improved whilst Beneil has stayed the same. If their last fight is anything to go off, Beneil is heemed in the first round
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unironically rooting for belel against leon the dithisionator
fuck no
I'm a huge racist against niggers and I still would rather Leon win
belal should be cut and I'm not even the belal should be cut italian anon
hamas be like
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these niggas handsome!!
stop making me gayer
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Kek, based Kape, put muzzie faggot in place
Haha me too, friend. Upvoted.
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>put muzzie faggot in place
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Cope and seethe
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Alex Pereira uniting whites, blacks, chinese, vietnamese oldmen in their love of heems. Alex Pereira has ended racism. Chama.
I mean fake muzzie like Usman and Alex
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my balls hurt so much
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I could heem every in this thread
I have left hook just like Poatan
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got a slomo?
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thanks b
Not even close. Izzy's features are quite sharp and refined. Meanwhile that bitch literally looks like a racist cartoon.
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Mengs not hot
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you know remember when he showed up to Conor Cerrone wearing a versace robe that Conor used once in an off-hand post
Jizzy will heem Dricus
I haven't seen this in ages, I think this the only video that shows her nice Bum, never lose this because we probably won't be seeing her in the scene again.
Just woke up and found out there was a zesty presser.
da boiiiizzz
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Dickass is a dead man
>50-45ed by sean strickland
Haven't Smiffed in two days
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Yes dricus was in heels lmao
This is a serious mental illness, maybe even Downs
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The poppadoms, I'm waiting
He’s a literal medicated clozapine schizo. Just ignore his posts.
Dricus I apologize if anything I said crossed the line I even take back what I said about you and your coach. Honestly I support you. With that being said if you bring up my childhood like that again I will ruin both our lives forever. Again I'm sorry but I will murder you in cold blood. I hope you understand.
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i hope he gets his other eye mangled
Dricus doesn't have a path to victory
*teeps u*
Doo out here looking like a literal twig
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Never wore the Russian flag though. And now he’s a domestic terrorist and tax evader. Inbred rats on suicide watch.
Guess the fighter: o_O
I’ve got no clue.
What'shisname the Palestine guy
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You know my parents weren't shit. They made maybe 15-20k per year. So I worked hard to change my future. Thanks for working 2 and 3 jobs in a depression. I'll show you why you made these sacrifices for me. I'm here to make money but not to make friends.
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Khapisslandbros whats going on?

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