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Tour de France (2.UWT)
Stage 5
Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne - Saint Vulbas
177.4 km


GC after stage 4:

Live stats:

Eurosport / Discovery+ / France TV / RTBF / RTVE / Rai / NOS / iTV
13:00 CET

Previous thread:
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Current and upcoming races:
29.06 - 21.07 Tour de France 2.UWT
02.07 - 07.07 Tour of Austria 2.1
06.07 - 09.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour 2.1
07.07 - 14.07 Giro d'Italia Women 2.WWT
07.07 - 14.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake 2.Pro
07.07 Argenta Classic - 2 Districtenpijl Ekeren-Deurne 1.1 WE
10.07 Giro della Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria 1.1
13.07 - 15.07 Tour de l'Ain 2.1
14.07 Giro dell'Appennino 1.1
17.07 - 21.07 Baloise Ladies Tour 2.1 WE
21.07 La Picto - Charentaise 1.1 WE
22.07 - 26.07 Ethias-Tour de Wallonie 2.Pro
23.07 Vuelta a Castilla y Leon 1.1
24.07 - 04.08 Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta 2.1
25.07 Prueba Villafranca - Ordiziako Klasika 1.1
27.07 Olympic Games ME - ITT [Olympics]
27.07 Olympic Games WE - ITT [Olympics]
30.07 Kreiz Breizh Elites Féminin 1.1 WE
02.08 - 04.08 Tour de Berlin Féminin 2.1 WE
03.08 Olympic Games ME - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 Olympic Games WE - Road Race [Olympics]
04.08 - 07.08 Arctic Race of Norway 2.Pro
05.08 - 09.08 Vuelta a Burgos 2.Pro
10.08 Donostia San Sebastian Klasikoa 1.UWT
12.08 - 18.08 Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2.WWT
12.08 - 18.08 Tour de Pologne 2.UWT
13.08 - 16.08 Tour du Limousin-Périgord - Nouvelle Aquitaine 2.1
14.08 - 18.08 PostNord Tour of Denmark 2.Pro
15.08 Grote Prijs Yvonne Reynders 1.1 WE
15.08 Tour of Leuven - Memorial Jef Scherens 1.1
17.08 - 08.09 La Vuelta Ciclista a España 2.UWT

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:
https://pastebin.com/Y15cg3xg (embed)

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:
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Pogacar did the same thing last year
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This shape building during a grand tour is a gigantic meme. You barely have time to recover and the fish looked COOK
another psyop
dane cries in pain while he strikes you
they just want uae to relax
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>when you know wout is going to kill himself week 3 to hopelessly try to crack pogi and you're just doing a good training block before the olympics
uae simply wanted it more
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Woutje's hero arc is on schedule to begin in just two more weeks.
Why is the tour obsessed with doing less time trials and more mountain memes???
because time trials less entertaining for general audience
By the way, was there any talk of Kasper BORREMANS obliterating the prestigious Course de cotes d'Herbeumont yesterday? Easily beat the local heroes Matisse Van KERKHOVE and and Cederic KEPPENS. Paul SEIXAS better watch out in the coming years.
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pic most certainly related given P2-P23
Time trials are kino though. Cyclists understand this. I really don't like this current generation of riders. Give me skellyngton, or 2agan. These current front running zoomers are so boring
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>Tom Pidcock will not let anyone else tell him what a successful Tour de France will look like this summer.
This may finally demolish his GC delusions and get him to focus on doing something he's good at.
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I've said it for years, he should be doing classics + XC and basta
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>LR now says he's convinced fish will win, with a fake non convinced smile.
Top kek, these retards really believe they're grandmaster chess players
i have inside info about pogacar being very sick
Why don't the Ineos management tells this delusional retard to become a stage hunter in GTs? MVDP has no issues becoming a leadout man for his friend. Pidcock has to realize he's nothing against the spanish speaking faction of Ineos during GTs
He's a deluded manlet with a contract waiting for him at bora
He's Ineos british poster boy though. Tarling can take that spot but once he starts winning things
I think they're tired of him. His interviews pre tour says a lot, and the team only talks about bernal and rodriguez for GC
thats what they said about /ourguy/
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>God I wish that were me
why is grug such a king
Perfect genetic and though but fair parenting from adrie
semen gobbling sprint stages i dont even care who wins
wout was nowhere to be seen yesterday while someone like laporte worked for a decently long time
he's finally thinking a bit about himself
Based. I shall not be viewing today's stage.
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>ponomar is 21
>turns 22 in september
he doesn't really want to be there
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another chute today
Based openstreetmap enjoyer
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you really need to be good at 90 degree turns that’s such a position filter
Hopefully poogacar has a fatal crash today
da boyz
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rogman was cooked, probably was glad they were at the top because he was ready for a full parcheggio
really incredible sight how Rog was losing positions one by one here
need to get la guardia in there to control the mongs
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he was already a minute behind last year
For me it was the moment where Joao was screaming for Ayuso to come and take a pull. Then Ayuso has the audacity to look back like "who is this guy talking to?"

Ayuso was slacking off, pull or drop dont just stay there helping other teams.
Joao truly showed leadership here and Ayuso pulling showed he still had something to give.
Joao doing god's work unironically here.
It's kinda funny that everyone said he would be a betrayer the moment it got announced he's going and then he pulls this shit after dangling of the back the first 2 stages.
Unironically, Alemeida saved Roglic here by letting the pace drop slightly. Roglic might have exploded completely had he kept on going
Based Ayuso. We haven't had a proper villain in the peloton for a while
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>Nils Paulette
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Sir Christopher Horner MBE is NOT happy with Pogger
He's getting big. Almost 50k views. A lot more than the LR podcast.
He’s also gradually getting worse
Many such cases. He's already doing ads like Lance
I don't think he even believes half the shit he says, mostly just rambles without breathing
That applies to all Americans tbf.
This knucklehead post got me fuming on the chesterfield
so whos gonna start /cyc/ podcast with different berts as guests
>we know tactics better than every directeur sportif
>knowledge of bicycles far precedes any wt mechanic
>calling riders frauds if they come second
>multinational so no favoritism
>funny and fit with lush hair
>squeak louder than anyone but secretly want everyone was roided
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Wait it's true. He should get hired by some team to do the tactics
what were the tactics today, do we have any footage from the control room?
Most of the tactic will happen during the rest days
everyone writing ayuso articles now the spanish rat has been found out
The most important days
they say the second day after getting dropped is the worst it’s vingover tomorrow
now that the tour isn't in Italy anymore RAI doesn't broadcast from the start anymore. I wished Rai or France.tv would show the Vuelta. Spanish TVE Internacional doesn't show the vuelta, while Portuguese RTP Internacional shows the volta.
Good morning berts
eating slightly mouldy fruit will make my guts bullet proof for the apocolypse
this was a good book. any other frens read it?
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I fixed the HLN headline.
Eurosport Italia is the superior way to watch ciclismo anyways, but i think Rai Sport still get the whole coverage of the Tour
this loser blows with the wind too, a couple of days ago he was saying his team was dogshit and useless and now he's praising them
He’s infact a fucking retard
just envious because no team would take him as a DS after his retirement, so he became the lowest of the low, a pundit
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yes, I'm aware that Eurobike is basically a e-bike convention nowadays, but look at this abomination.
top speed?
25km/h in Deutschland unless you find a way to put on a number plate. the news article was more about that the frame and wheels that are made out of recycled materials.
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my dad seems to order me this one if I continue through off season which I obviously was going to anyway, will be an upgrade on my snail resistance trainer 10 year old domane.
>Als ik mij na de ritten wil ontspannen, grijp ik naar…
>Mikel Landa: “Een boek. De laatste jaren ben ik verknocht aan wielerbiografieën. Die van Ocaña, Fuente, Anquetil en Vandenbroucke heb ik al uit en in de Dauphiné ben ik aan die van Fignon begonnen. Ik vind het vooral leuk om over de kampioenen van vroeger te lezen, want toen had je nog niet veel beelden en had elk verhaal vele kanten. Over mij hebben ze ook al een boek geschreven, maar dat heb ik nog niet gelezen, uit schrik voor wat er allemaal instaat. (grijnst) Ik had misschien ook mijn accordeon moeten meepakken voor de sfeer! Ik ben redelijk muzikaal aangelegd – als kind speelde ik piano en fluit – en tijdens corona heb ik mij daar toch mee geamuseerd.”
>Als ik na de Tour op restaurant ga, bestel ik…
>Mikel Landa: “Een goeie, grote steak, met een lekker glas wijn erbij. Kaas als dessert en doe als voorgerecht anders nog frietjes. (lacht) Begin dit jaar ben ik met de ploeg nog naar een Belgisch frietkot geweest en dat was de moeite. Ik kan ook zelf koken, hoor. Ik doe dat steeds liever en ik hou ervan om die mannen als Jordi Cruz en Pepe Rodriguez in Masterchef bezig te zien. Maar eens lekker uiteten gaan met vrienden en genieten van het goede leven: graag. Al hebben we daar als renners eigenlijk maar één maand de tijd voor, waarin ik dan full gas ga en soms overdrijf. (lachje) Ik ben geen zware drinker of roker, maar dan kan er wel al eens een gin tonic of een sigaartje van af.”
Good life Landa
>Over mij hebben ze ook al een boek geschreven, maar dat heb ik nog niet gelezen
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one of us
one of us
one of us
>5k frame
>shimano 105
I really enjoyed that youtube video they made about him
do you seriously still rely on your dad to buy a bike for you
what are you a toddler
groupset matters least on a bike
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>my favorite video
GOONING...with sam hyde and sniperwolf
times are tuff in britainistan fren. dont shame my old world fren
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>disc brakes
Wow. Eurosport and EF did this and it's everything.

thank fuck I don't have to listen to this shit
good thing we have our boomer duo on sporza
Whats a good tire repair kit, I have bontrager R3 hard-case lites.
a spare tube
I can see why Lefevere took him
Thank god I'm listening to CLEAN jalaBERT
Yes the 500 carbon, it's heavy like 8.5kg at least but basically his thinking
>sell groupset
>sell wheels
>buy carbon saddle
>1 piece bar stem
>ultegra because 105 is compact only
And it should work out like 4.5k or something similar to this. Otherwise would do the sl7 but only gen 8 which is new ugly looking bike.

Yeah I see no problem? Me doing well in races is also his hobby. I'll be cat 2 next year most likely so it's fine having a nice bike and not a 10 year old endurance bike with 150 pound wheelset.
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Whore Categorie climbs
more like suddenly. when he said Wout has had a better career than Boonen I pretty much stopped watching that day. and he was in his comments defending himself when everyone called him a clown.
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dont listen to the haters fren. he just wishes he had a chaddy daddy DX like u
see you in 4 hours
Deutschland Tour is now LIDL Deutschland Tour
leader's jersey is changed to blue
kom jersey is changed to black with dots in lidl colors
white jersey is no longer for best young rider but "community jersey", there'll be a vote on Instagram to determine who gets to wear it
what a nice and musical language
the fifth GT
lemme guess the course stays 1/10 boring garbage regardless
kek imagine being THIS flat
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my french wife mogs and btfo's this chart
are you going to work lad?
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i live a bohemian lifestyle that is guaranteed to attract my stenchy frenchy
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Wont have time to go and watch the tour passing by on sunday, i even made a 2nd squeaker sign already. Fuck this gay earth
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>Do you believe in Wout after Grug?
>I can feel something inside me say
>I really don't think you're strong enough, no

gm /cyc/
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aldibros, how can lidl afford all that sponsoring? even the ball kids at the football world cup are wearing lidl kit.
its a lidl world they can do anything
they even got paraplegic Kämna
Lidl make a loss last year while Aldi sat on a 1 billion profit. That's a fact.
Can you buy these at the local Lidl?
in the end all we have is time
we pay every trade with our lives
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very comfy summer so far. I don't miss the heat we had last year.

Has this been discussed yet? I cannot be bothered to reread the threads.
Philipsen and Van Aert both have 46 wins each. Kristoff himself has 92 wins

Crazy stats
You cannot suffer in Nomandie
Absolutely love it
I posted about it a few threads ago, nobody else did though
so you're saying Kristoff is a stat padder
that's just untrue, many people posted about it including an american and the czechian
All sprinters are
wtf how is that even possible
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compared to philipsen?
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not very lidl-priced desu
indeed, so chinesium from ali it is
Japser has 9 grand tour stages out of 46 wins
Kristoff has 4 in 92
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I want to give him a hug :(
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how old is demare? yeah, I can look it up, but dude looks closer to 40 than 30.
I like the cap. Would wear if they gave it away for free. Would not buy
Saw a FKW in this recently. Dude was skinny as hell and looked good. First FKW I've ever seen without a pot belly
King Carlos don't need your hugs, he will top5 this le tour
I've never really seen Jonas look deflated like yesterday

But then again my attention paying qualities are questionable at best
first time he's struggled in the tour since 2022
he looked the same in PN
don't think he was deflated just wrecked after going full gas when he's not 100%. he'll be happy he didn't lose more time
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Jalabert fan with his idol
No complains, last year we were dying of 40 degrees since june.
Hopefully we stay like this until august.
He actually said it was a good day for him compared to the Pllan so there's no need to feel bad
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do you think hannah is a morning shitter type person or afternoon? do you think her shithole is still a lil wet from the dump she took?
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good excuse to post this one again
>Loses 50 seconds on a 3900 meter climbing day
>On a 5% climb
>Only 6th hardest stage according to PCS
>"Good day"
O i am laffin
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he admiring the 78kg build
>le tour est encore long
NOOOOO stop making sense and not trusting the #plan this anti LAB sentiment must be stopped!
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haha how quirky xDD!
So ASO has only full colored skinsuit except for the white jersey
It is statistical certainty that a rider in the peloton has had sex with another man. This blows my mind and I wonder who exactly it is.
Just you wait when it gets harder! Sepp will drill the climbs!!
He only lost 8s on the actual climb though
Pog looks really w/kg maxxed here, super slim torso
Parijs is nog ver xDD
you don't get to choose?
it's you
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>Pretty much nothing happening but a 25km TT for the next 10 stages
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i can't be the only one
the tour is already over
nice, do you also have evenepoel (2nd in GC, white jersey)
>tfw forever the coldest part of the country
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la vuela a francia kinda kino
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c'est parti! and no attacks of course.
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wait until we get to the good stages
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>the pedalton not climbing up this road this year
what a waste
I’m looking forward to Macon - Dijon stage because it’s my favorite region
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now they aren't even pedaling anymore
Couple of stage might be good for gc, couple of good breakaway battles. The last week is too hard again
Not a lot of Mads pickers today.
carapaz with a banana

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