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Mariners off day edition
whos the other guy in the sny booth? Blevins?
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Former Met, Jerry Blevins
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Jerry Blevins
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cant believe they gave this milquetoast loser blevins a push on the network over recker, recker is the real talent
>cubs in first place
clearly the fantasy of a disturbed mind
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Metsiners have not won a game on the same day since June 28th :(
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It's happened before and it will happen again.
Uh oh Metsies
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For anyone else, that would have been a shallow pop fly. For Oneil Cruz, it's a center field home run.
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>I believe.
>"N-LEAGUE" central
>houston but no milwaukee
actually based
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>Mets x Aime Leon Dore merch just released
its tempting bros need it or leave it?
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god damn I want
My pirates (:
Honestly with how fucking expensive regular mlb merch and how shit the quality is (especially the fanatics stuff) I wouldn't mind paying the extra hundred dollars for something that'll last more than a few months
I share the sentiment but at $400 I'm passing on that. At $200 it'd be a possible buy for me but money is different to everybody.
Off day is relaxation day
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>dink & dunk rally starter
I could burn $70 on a hate but I don't need to so I'm not gonna. Really like some of the crew necks, but they stuff I really like is already sold out.
lets go brandon!!
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NO DOUBTERRRRRR. Nimmo should be an all-star as well, btw
Now watch Pete fuck this up
Looks like a shitty Christmas sweater a normal human being would be ashamed to be seen wearing. Perfectly fine attire for a Mets fan, though.
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>being this mad about a sweater
Is that a negro league jersey?
Is the Mets fan just one guy?
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>shitty field
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I am the only mets and mariners poster on the genny, yes.
/mlb/ is all just like 7 "one guys"
the actual one guy who likes the pirates
umpie poster
everything else is posted by one of them and theres lots of very strange overlap
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I don't watch the Mets and I'm not sorry.
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>favelaposters up early
mets W confirmed
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I'm actually the only umpchad poster too and I'm also Ryan Shutt and I'm Barack Obama
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The Mets poster is Stephen
just like my islanders unironically
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jerry blevins lost this game for the mets
It feels like this manager just hits all the wrong buttons
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there are no right buttons in this bullpen
Why so many black kids at this game?
What's going on in the Vtuber world bud? Anymore Mario Kart dramas or Minecraft betrayals?
It's "bring a negro gain free admission" day at the ball park
is this tecmo baseball?
I played a lot of tecmo super bowl as a kid and the font looks exactly the same.
it's over, fuck this bullpen
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He really should've kept Scott in. I don't care about pitch count, let him finish the inning. Only one guy hit a ball well off him all game and that was Cruz's HR. Then he went to the MLB debutant in a high leverage situation and then Houser.

Who JUST gave up a 2-run blast
It’s about the principle for me. That thing cost $15 to make in a sweatshop in Bangladesh (including distribution) and they’re charging $400 for it
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they had a big night in LA I heard
I need to get this Pirates jersey. So nice.
Black people don't work
There are at least 5 regular Mariners anons, probably 8-10. PNW is full of shut in internet addicts
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h-haha yeah.
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cmon don't ruin the fantasy for him, he thinks I'm a /vt/ transplant lmao
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sure is.
it's all two guys the one who likes the mets and the one who doesn't.
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>Losing on Hololive night
Does rfast mean really fast?
Feel bad for Orze. Get's fucked by the ump on a bad strike call and the Vientos can't outhrow out fucking Rowdy Tellez of all people.
Most threads when Cal goes yard there’s 4-5 M’sposts within a minute
bring back buck showalter
Few weeks ago there was like 10+posts within seconds of each other and that was actually impressive.
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A friend of mine met him when he was in the states. True gent.
>pnw is full of internet addict shut ins
i lived near portland from 2010-2014 and swear on my life i fucked 10+ hot girls from craigslist casual encounters before it got banned. the northwest is a bunch of terminally online weirdos
>it will never feel the same as it did on a 14" CRT under a blanket late at night (8PM)
Vientos had no shot at throwing him out the way that ball was placed. The bullpen blew this game. It was his first appearance, not gonna hate on the guy; Scott also should not have been taken out when he was.
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>he averaged 2 girls a year
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that is fire
False there are dozens of us cubs fans.
No one believes you cubspie just stop the charade and post more pics
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Ok...now THIS is how broship is done, look and learn fellas
nah i used cl when i was between relationships/fwbs. it’s pretty wild emailing a pic to some random horny bitch who invites herself over 10min later. one time i met a die hard mariners fan but she looked so much worse in person we just watched the last 3 innings of mariners and i told her i have to leave lol
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Every MLB team should have a Hololive night.
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I agree
I disagree
Fuck off.
Every Doyerpaco who are not into anime and vtubers loved the atmosphere that night and compared it to October baseball.
i look like this
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I hate to say it, but the fact they came back made it lucky.
what about the I-League?
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didnt watch the game because I wanted to be a good wagie, but lol, holy shit. This pitching staff sucks so bad. Alonso is a bum.
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mets are paid to throw games
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I disavow
My brewies don't play today :-[
Kek smashed that kid to get the final out Pirate
Drunk Aussie /mlb/ is back love you all
Are you drinking boxed wine or VBs?
Go Blues.
post the webm
mets are not capable of a normal loss, they have to lose in the most humiliating way every time
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nice country you guys have
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Drinking Tennessees finest
Now this is the hustle and bustle of the BIG CITY!!

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