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Did the last thread get deleted early? Are chudcel jannies oppressing us?
how much do you guys get paid to spam an empty general
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I get paid in exposure
But enough about /hoc/...
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then dont let this happen again
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parda feia
Not parda, just med
You're almost convincg me...
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I take it the thread didn't survive.
souf american cup got delayed 2 hours and went into extra time. by then everyone (me) was asleep
Who is this whore
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Big mommy energy
>there's an u-19 euro championship going on
I didn't even know. England won their opening game 10-0 too.
what went wrong lads
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>foden over palmer
what a retard
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do any of you guys watch college soccer?
shouldn't it be more popular?
> soccer
Are you a Yank on holiday?
What I'm getting from this is that Kelly hates Stanway, Hemp and Toone
yfk her arsehole is gaped wide open in this position
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She was with Arsenal for 13 years, which is an eternity even in the men's game let alone women.
for me, it's back row 2nd from right
For me it's Kim Little
any lehmann nudes yet?
Feel bad for the Lithuanian girls. They're playing at home and still going to get humiliated every match. IIRC correctly they were pumped 17-0 by Switzerland late last year.
Just learned Ria Bose was let go by Chelsea. Fucking bastards.
she's a bit of a slag desu
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Has nothing to do with her football skills desu.
true however she could be a bad influence on the tradfus (guru, JRK, nusken, Niamh, musovic) in the senior team

Damn and she's only 18, she's gonna be Alisha 2 slagectic boogaloo.
London City Lionesses is a powerhouse in the makings, the womens championship club signed Kosovare Asllani and PSG coach Jocelyn Precheur.
>London City Lionesses
It's Kosover...
London City Transformers

London City glue factory
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what do you guys think about my girl Putellas
Many such cases.
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wb Panini
There is also some weird Mexico/USA hybrid league/tournament(?) starting later this week.
imma keep it real w u chief
she ugly af
minnie mouse cup
I watched a female game for the first time, out of curiosity.
Belgium - Denmark
I was literally crying from laughter. My local village team - consisting of drunk old men, plays better. No wonder there were only like a dozen Danish fans in the stadium. Their gf's and dads wishing they had a son instead.
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t-take that back!
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It's the same for most women's sports, it's slower and less technical. I'm not sure what else you were expecting.

In most sports, the top women are as good as men in the good amateur to semi-pro range. Sometimes it shows more, like in football, sometimes less, like in athletics.
I'm not sure myself. But from all the media hyping, I was expecing at least something worth being called professional sports.
Not "me and the boys playing some footy in the parc after school" kind of stuff.
doro is an all-timer.
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Two more years!
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>she's a bit of a slag desu
that's a real shame, but we still have erica
I am so tired of this whining. Go back to studs instead of sharp blades and padded leather instead of a thin layer of plastic.
i've been doing the same trying to find cuties. i came across this searching the girl in OP lol. absolute screamer of a penalty. and this is top flight female league in brazil? why does it look like they're playing in someone's backyard.
is it already confirmed yet?
He can't keep getting away with it

It got overrun just like the security guards at Hard Rock Stadium last night
why are women with this skin tone so SEXY
The Denmark team is mid (Pernille Harder is the only great player), and the Belgium team is bad. I know this is a troll post farming for you's but bro be for real. At least choose better teams.
It's a couple milliseconds slower, more technical, and the passing is faster because they're less afraid of it being intercepted by a sprinting lunatic.
Media hype? Women objectively get almost no sports coverage. It was 3% on ESPN a few years ago. Now it's up to 15% (while men get 85%) and men think that's a lot. Lol.
You said it yourself. Top versus semi-pro. Top is top. Gender is worthless in sports.
Shut up.
s-sorry mommy
Ok apology accepted.
She was my fav wArg player, good enough to play on a real team. Sounded like she retired from the national team because it was run by Argentina.
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Bonmati is so big right now
Also what the fuck is Jude wearing because it doesn't match the others at all
looks like russia national team
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i miss this little nigger like nothing else...
wish jordan'd polish my nobb iykwim
wfgsisters... the moids are making fun of us again >>142804193
>tfw don't have access to my moidball fail webms folder
It's so over
Imagine playing FIFA past FIFA '96 on the Megadrive lmao.
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Happy Birthday Frida.
Just watched the pre-match England press conference and I’ll tell you what, Leah Williamson has gone from a 7/10 to a 9/10 since she got injured and came back.
Hmm, please provide evidence for this claim
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ive already had 3 women in the office this morning snarkily telling me that England men's team should appoint Sarina because "she knows how to win"
I tried to counter by pointing out that Wiegman's approach has largely been sussed out by opposing teams, and that her side was comprehensively out-thought and outplayed by the Spanish women's side at the WC final last year
now there's a frosty atmosphere in the workplace
Your best option is to suggest we hire a consistent winner like Emma Hayes instead, that will get them back onside and stop them talking about you when you leave the room
Your best option is to become the office frettslave. Your new role is to crawl around on the floor, taking your time to worship each woman's feet: licking, massaging and caressing them. This won't stop them talking about you when you leave the room, but it will stop them from plotting your downfall.
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Happy birthday Frida Leonhardsen
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BestDottir wife when
>kiss and make better?
>mmmm mwah mwah
>no i'm pretty sure the injury is located on your asshole, let me do my work
>mmmm kiss lick slurp
>actually i think the injury might be internal, hold still bb
that's not how arseholes work, you fucking moron
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Please support us today
I want to lick this webm
I am an expert on Chloe Kelly's arsehole
in Iceland, due to the small population, they have an add-on to their dating apps to let you check that you aren't accidentally fucking your cousin
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We all are
Tonights the night our gals qualify for the euros!
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Engen suspended
it's an U-20 cup
>Engen suspended
Is this some kind of lesbian bondage sex game she does with Mapi?
It's obvious they dressed him to stick out among the others.
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>not building the team around Park
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Every britbong in Gothenburg is here I think
>Pia-Sophie Wolter

>BigButt Sævik
also based
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cam on johanna score sam fakin goals
Post Williamson's, I heard she had a major glow-up
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after Waru the koala the German DFB Frauen have a new mascot for the Olympic Games in Paris, France:

Ottiene the Otter
Who is that on the left? She has excellent eyebrows
looks like alicia vikander which is "IT" for me
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Where's Stina?
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any streams? all my usual sites are showing only m*idball
This ref (NOR-NED) might as well be wearing spandex with how tigh her shorts are
It's on ITV1 if you can stream from there.
Aslani with some lewd handholding with Leah there
I'd hold Guro's ponytail with my hands if you know what I mean
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she must be at home with her husband making Köttbullar
excellent eyes (although heavily filtered methinks)

>holding Guro's ponytail
and jerk it (no homo)
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>excellent eyes (although heavily filtered methinks)
Goes with the blue trim on the new kit.
Would ignore anyway if she was cousin
Imagine growing up, and BestDottir is your sister's best friend and comes over all the time
Our grils getting bullied :(
Somone should probably tell the Swedes they need to win this game
We're gonna lose
bit of a slurper this swengland game

england dominating but no good chances
I would not be depressed as I am
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Karólína is kill
I'm so mad we blew it against Binland
You'll win tonight so it won't matter. Spitse as a CB is a huge liability with space behind her
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Why don't women act like this?
especially when wearing white shorts
In your educated opinion, who is the sexiest member of the Sweden team tonight?
riggi riggitini
>Kosovare Asllani is an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo. Her parents moved to Sweden where she was born. Asllani has a tattoo of a black double-headed eagle, symbolising Albania, on her ankle.[32] She also has the words "Stay Strong" tattooed on the inside of her right biceps.[33] Asllani considers former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to be her hero.[34] Asllani is a born-again Christian.[35]
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Rytting Kaneryd in a hot female PE teacher at school kind of way
>Asllani considers former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to be her hero
Based and Toniblerpilled
were so back actually
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An uncommon surname in Sweden. Surely a misprint?
What happened to the free-scoring England’s women team of 2020-2022?
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can't say that without posting, chuddie
Told you >>142816990
Leah looking shaky
Williamson having a bit of a shit game
Spent too much time on the sybian
Why would she need to use a sybian when she’s got a girlfriend?
I didn't know ghosts could feel pain
Because the girlfriend blindfolds her and ties her down to the sybian while she goes off to do groceries and the like
Chloe Kelly gets hotter everytime I see her
H-how do you know this?
she looks like she has an IQ of 40
>they killed my wife
We're gonna fuck it up, don't worry
Obi down. Pls be a serious injury...
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Pls no....
That's it says in the fetlife profile of the gf at least, and judging by the photos it was Leah. But of course you can never be sure with the blindfold
Based knower
If I'd tell you that >we (Germany) have currently 1 (one) player of worldclass skill/potential, who do you think I was speaking of?
our dykes are so fucking useless trash
Obi is as close to a female Van Bommel as I've seen, so probably her
how i wish i lived in a country where athletes get executed after failure
What are some pathetic national teams?
put them in a fucking labor camp for 12 months and rape them as punishment
get out chud
Bjorn is kinda cute, no?
Son of Benis hehe
Ireland 3-1 France
wrong so far. two more guesses and I solve
Kirby got THICCCC
Frida's Maanum's are bouncing all over the place
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We win 0-0
how did this affect her ponytail game?
Need proofs. Please, I need it after suffering through Norway's games times after time
She is beautiful, she seems the sort of gentle woman who will cower a bit but still take her beatings with honor and never tell a soul for it would be disloyal and clearly her man just had a bad day.
Chloe Kelly is a fucking whore btw
The absolute state of France
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She deservers a bonk on the head.
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>her face when she realized his country didn't qualify for the Euros
Couldn't be us!
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Lovely nose and forehead
She should start having babies ASAP
Don't look at me like that, Giulia...
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>*wastes time in your path*
Attached earlobes... my niggdar is going off
She’s so good at the shithousery that I’m convinced she must have southern European/South American genetics

Her time wasting in the euro 2022 final was 10/10
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Why is her skull shaped like that?
Guro Reiten update?
What does she do
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Kelly is an Irish surname. Many such cases!
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I dare you to show me a current professional women’s footballer with better boobs/cleavage than this
physically strong at a young age. sadly I feel that she cannot (and will not) live up to the high expectations.
critically underperforms in big matches - and let's be honest - she's not really a rookie anymore, so better should be expected from her.

also physically very strong, beat 30 year olds into submission at age 16 already. however, similar problem as Brand: she seems to be done with her developement, barely improved (if at all) during the past 2 seasons. Also underperforms in big games, especially with Wolfsburg in matches against Bayern and with Germany in tournaments.
She should be the leader and carry the team when it struggles but she doesn't.

Not gonna say much about her. Impressive physique and mostly solid performance. Actually, unlike the previous ones I cannot recall having ever seen a really bad game by Bühl. However, there's a good reason why there have never been rumors about joining a European champion surrounding her. As a forward/striker she has to be compared to the likes of Hegerberg but she never will reach that level.

Similar to Bühl, mostly solid, however even more questionable regarding her worldclass status. Her performance is more fluctuant and she tends to attract injuries. Also reminder that she started as a forward and is now mostly played as a fullback.
Speaks for itself regarding her skill level.


The correct answer is Sjoeke Nüsken.
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>The correct answer is Sjoeke Nüsken.
damn I was going to say her! top cute!
All lesbians
And that's a good thing
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It makes them much less likely to pass on their genes
Brand has a nafri bf
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i've seen enough, just give us the gold medal
rewrite this meme and add feet to the list
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Russo has 10/10 feet
>She’s so good at the shithousery that I’m convinced she must have southern European/South American genetics
She's of Irish descent.
Sierra Leone is smart?

and thighs. we must not forget thighs when speaking about Russo
Isn't that some muttmerican mystery meat instead of nafri?
>and thighs. we must not forget thighs when speaking about Russo
Someone post THAT photo
This is the saddest thing I’ve seen all week :(
the random gossip I have is that Bonmati has started spending a lot of time with some female chess pro from Spain
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which one?
Great taste
The one of her sitting down on that couch
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I wonder if they can win back-to-back Euros instead of losing 2 finals in a row.
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lezzer russo wooaaaaahhhhhh lezzer russo wooooaaaaaaahhhhhhh
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Allow me
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the great debate
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She's dating her male agent I'm afraid. Most impure behaviour
>alessia russo
>not russian
better tits than ckelz desu
Russo's face on Stina's body
Russo's body on Tooney's body :)
Russo wishes
Why does /wfg/ always descend into purile discussions of footballer’s sex lives and erotic photos???
Because I'm really realy horny and haven't had sex all month
coz all the European international women’s footballers are highly fertile, highly desirable potential mates
an entire month without sex?!
One man is about to do the impossible....
couldn't be me lol
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I do like Stina.
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lucky pal
kek nice one


I'd like to get Obi's autograph but I wouldn't want to bother her by trying to talk to her.

I think that I'd feel very out of place as a dumb moid surrounded by superstar footballers

My imagination would be working overtime if Obi got up to go to the toilet
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Who's your favourite female football player? for me, it's Martina Piemonte
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Second favourite is Linda Sällström
yeah, 4 is a poisoned chalice
8 looks comfier
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As a very long time Arsenal fan, men and women, probably Leah Williamson.
she kinda looks like me
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obertummy update
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not so smug anymore
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>physically strong at a young age. sadly I feel that she cannot (and will not) live up to the high expectations.
>critically underperforms in big matches - and let's be honest - she's not really a rookie anymore, so better should be expected from her.
she's a stupid pace monkey imho
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You must be very beautiful then
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She's a talented amateur painter as well
I'm new here. Which one of these chicks should I be a fan of?
the rare non dykes
Who is this sweet favelafu
the good ones. you don't wanna turn up to a tier 4 game just bc they're hot or smth
carol gil
dubs and the row is also next to the restroom
fucking hell...
>Horan will constantly dig her giant knees into the seat back and bully me if attempting to recline the seat
>Hayes will spend the entire time yelling at nobody in particular and will steal my bag of peanuts
>James will curbstomp me if I try to make her stand up so I can go to the bathroom
>Rapinoe will spend the entire flight being 1000 times more obnoxious than Hayes
>Cross views to the seat in front/next over will at best be another fat ugly anon
/swoon damn she is a cowgirl too.. It's too good to be true. She must be a dyke
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Obi thighs
When my head crush
Niamh Charles
I'm going to be incredibly happy no matter what roll I achieve.
Lindsey Horan, our best player at the moment.
Korbin Albert, new young player, did very good tonight.
Trinity Rodman or Sophia Smith, pick whichever one you prefer.
Jessie Fleming, our Canadian neighbor, plays in the NWSL for Portland Thorns.
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>Trinity Rodman or Sophia Smith
Ignore this nonsense. Malory pewpewpew Swanson is miles better than those random ngubus.
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Is Kerr still ded?
yeah she's out
positive thing is that didn't seem to matter much during 2023 wwcup
rip in PEACES anon
no Jessie Fleming but I will roll anyway
omg I can just hear Tooney's accent. It's going to be a whole flight of yapping
I wish I was in the middle of them
for me it's ASS!

(not in general but in this webbum in particular)
Babsi Dunst: the woman who saved wundes
also thought there's nothing good about that seat but at least you can hope that Big Horan's long legs peek from under your seat on your side and you can spend 20 hours playing footsies with her
>also thought there's nothing good about that seat but at least you can hope that Big Horan's long legs peek from under your seat on your side and you can spend 20 hours playing footsies with her
It was upon this tiny hill of hope that the mountainous peaks of sucess were built.
Its turning into a slurp fest as well
A friendly match between usa and costa rica ended 0 - 0
Some years ago i member there used to be lots of goals AND owngoals.
dont worry theyre getting there.
Do you think str*ight players communicate with the club when they're trying to get pregnant? Seems a little selfish to just give yourself a season ending pregnancy without telling the club so they can prepare for it.
give me OBI!
please not Hayes and James
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under UK, and I imagine also EU, law it's illegal for employers to ask about this
Chelsea have signed Lucy Bronze.
Sure it's more on the player to communicate rather than the management to explicitly ask.

I think that if I were in the players position I'd drop some hints so that it wasn't a complete shock when it happened. Of course you need a high level of trust for this.
vilda was gonna be in but i couldn't find a portrait pic of him
also thought of having jessie in
jewle :)
Rolling for 8
no chance tnis is a professional football player. or ever was
Is 7 the jackpot? also roll
good job
how will the flight go with you sat between guro and Engen?
>how will the flight go with you sat between guro and Engen?
it's a well known secret in Norway that Engen and Guro have a tendency to bully shy boys
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USWNT just arrived in Paris
places 0 and 2 don't get served any snacks
same energy
>england-serbia still 0-0
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>conceding against serbia
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imagine korbin winning the bdo

she is long
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She gets around.
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Lucy Bronze? More like Lucy Gold! :)

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