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>Caitlin Clark sets WNBA turnover record with 159 in a season with 15 games left
>Angel Reece double double streak stopped at 15
>Cameron Brink is still out
>Bridget Carleton is playing for Team Canada at the Olympics

Still games tommorrow, and day after tommorrow, then still the All-Star game.

Where will the Olympics female basketball streams be avaible?
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Did anyone else notice the eye similarity in op pic with this yet?
Also there are some similarities between smile, and mouth motion to the annyoing orange from youtube (from about a decade ago).
how is this not a 40 year old man?
They don't show the friendlies like they do the men's
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>can't unsee it
Kate Martin has come out as a lesbian, and it looks to be her hand on the shower curtain in Caitlin's nude leak. Martin must pay for her crimes.
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Hot. At least not a coalburner like her teammates. Any nudes of her out yet?
>current* teammates (Plum, israeli Clark)
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None that I know of.
Is Kate Martin jewish? That is a huge fucking nose. Also Martin is a common jewish family name.
Plus the sloped forehead, also hands rubbing even mid air, she is scheming about something.
I had originally seen her as a sweet corn-fed cutie from the heartland, but no longer. Lesbian, jewish and seedy amateur porn producer all seem to fit together.
Dad's surname is Martin and Mom is Fitzpatrick so no
>read that Kate Martin's nickname is "The Glue"
>first tought: "too bad it's not The Soap, that would fit better for a jew"
Bridget Carleton
Nothing about her screams Jewish. She's German - Irish
I've been fantasizing about worshiping her neatly trimmed bush, she should retire and just stop shaving completely though let that bush grow free, you can just tell that she'd have a great bush.
Why is her nose big than?
Before the start of the 2021-22 college basketball season, Iowa head coach, Lisa Bluder, praised Martin's leadership as team captain and called her "The Glue" of their team.[
Carleton was good in 3 point shooting during last game against the Fever. Last year she played in Hungary too.
Dorka is also from Hungary. Pretty good scouts at Minnesota
When I was trying out WNBA vidya, I was looking up a lot of players on wikipedia, for more information on them, and it seems like almost every team have a player (or more) that played in Hungary already. That was completely new information for me.
There's a wnba Vidya? With this year's rookies?
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Carleton is cute, well-spoken with no visible tattoos. She could serve as a nice backup waifu in lieu of Caitlin. And she might make an otherwise bleak Olympics almost worth it.
There is WNBA league mode since NBA 2k20 (only 1 season, not MyGM, and the trade function have no bargaining, so you can just move whoever you want to wherever you want). This years rookies are not in any game currently out yet, maybe they'll be in 2k25, but I don't know for certain. I only tried the games till 2k23, since 2k24 requires win 10, and could not get it to work on earlier windows (will never upgrade to 10, fucking bloatware with telemetry, stay with old timey win till hardware allows, than rather suffer with linux).
Add to this >>142797896 ,that most rookie faces are not detailed, but kind of generic. 2k23 already had Lexie Hull, but her characters face was nothing like her real face, and with plenty of white players even their characters hair color is not accurate.

I guess they took it out of the Android version then
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>Kate Martin has come out as a lesbian
Disappointing, but not unexpected. Cait will pray for her at mass
Will Hungary be fielding an Olympic team too? God please let Team USA suffer a humiliating All-Star game loss or take silver or worse in Paris. After Caitlin defeated the Liberty, Mercury and Lynx all within a week, I now believe in miracles.
Not in women's basketball, I checked. We had a very tough qualifier group, and was barely pushed out, ironically we beat the team with the top result in the group (Japan), but with winrate tie for 3rd place we were pushed out by point difference being counted. It's seem so poorly designed qualifier ranking, since there was only one try against each team in the group, there should have been at least best of 3, as first round in WNBA playoff. Also I wasn't even aware that it was happening... So I missed out on it.
Unites States
Puerto Rico
Nigeria is a really bad team, they only got in, because that qualifier group had 2 african teams, that were both brutally mogged by the other 2 teams in that group (by massive score), losing both those games, and Nigeria was the better from the Africa vs Africa matchup.
The qualifiers were retarded to begin with, without them there would be 16 teams, and a proper playoff tree. Now there is only 12, how the fuck will they even make that work, to be fair play?
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Bummer. I would've at least watched, had I known those were going on (if it's even televised).

I'd like to see a women's USA vs Europe or USA vs International match, kind of like the Ryder Cup. It would be competitive I bet.
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>tfw no caitlin game
Get to have the last regular season game prior to the Olympics break, against Dallas, and is a likely win (though should not get overconfident after that Mystics game, because refball is always a risk).

Pre game (or mid game) talk show asked for tips how to improve the league. Spread it out, at least quadruple the number of teams, or even more, and make sure all year, every day have at least one game (except maybe holidays). Also make sure never 2 games going simultaneously, so all games can be watched live, by everyone. Playoff should be in December, next season should already start in January.
I kind of like having only 12 teams. It's cozy, makes it easier to follow what's going on around the league, and less waiting for rematches and rivalries to play out. But if adding expansion teams is what it takes to get more games, I'm all for it. Christmastime finals would be awesome.
50 states in the USA, but you could only do around 40 teams, if you want to make them face off each other 4 times in the regular season, without making the games too frequent (for team rest purporses). But if you would only have them face each other twice in the regular season, than you could have more than 80 teams, and still would only play twice a week, the regular season from the first full week of January to the last day of November, and December would be the playoff.
Of course the longer season would require expanding the roster, but not the roster brough to a specific game. E.g. teams could have 12 active players, plus 12 on leave/standby (any excuse, but they could only bring 12 players to play to a specific game, and they would need to annouce them before the game starts). This would make minutes played per season more competitive stat too, because it would differ a lot, as in it would take endurance to remain healthy all year, while playing full games. But this would also allow simpler injuries not being season ending ones, because with a 2-3 month recovery time injury, a player would still have 7-8 healthy months to play. Also the 12 player on standby would finally allow some players to get pregnant, and remain on the roster. Also would make more meaningful prioritizing with starters, e.g. older star players would be left to rest during games that are expected to be less difficult.

Also the more players in the league, would finally cause at least partial abandoning of the draft system, to be able to fill all teams. Would not force it's full abandon though, because it's possible that college players could still be drafted, but than if they expect them to be willing to go to a random place, than pay them properly already while in college, so the wage during the college would still retain college as desirable career option, as opposed to immediately entering the league. Also it would be interesting that drafted players would enter in the middle of the regular season, so drafted rookies would play half a rookie season (still way more games than now), but it would also make their drafting more on demand, because teams would already know what role they have a shortage of during the season.
They deleted the actual good thread
Jews don't live in the middle of nowhere. She's from a suburb in Illinois that is nowhere near Chicago
Why not made those posts here? It's a general, any WNBA stuff welcome here, and that commerical link would have been seen by more.
Being on the same continent is already way too close to Chicongo. Anyways don't anyone with common sense flee from that city? Fleeing to the suburbs have been started already before Kate was born.
Having a larger roster, would also allow more flexibility, as in what if a player is not willing to fly, or hate a specific city so much that not want to go there even to play, could sit some games out without hurting their teams on the same level as it would now. Maybe top star players whom already have "fuck you money" could ask for contract that only requires them to play on home games, so they could settle down.
Also overseas commitment, such as the Olympic games would not require rescheduling the league, because out of 24 players, teams could afford lend a few stars to their national teams for a while.
Maybe mandate the teams to have at least 12 local (by state) players whom were born in that state out of 24 players (and maybe at least 6 that were born in the city the team have it's home stadium, out of the 12 state local players).
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put /wnba/ in the subject field not post field next time, or should the general name be /wbg/ - women's basketball general, or something similar? I assume people will wanna talk about women's college hoops once they have begun
also for next thread, link previous thread in op so it makes it easier to navigate if people miss threads and wanna catch up
>put /wnba/ in the subject field not post field next time
Yes: "/wnba/ general"
>or should the general name be /wbg/ - women's basketball general, or something similar?
"/wb/ general", or I'd be fine with using just "/wnba/ general" for every female basketball thread, even if not the american league. It's timely to think about it, because Olympic break is soon, and would like threads for those games too. I'd prefer /fb/ general (female basketball), but it would look too similar to football (which should be called divegrass).
>I assume people will wanna talk about women's college hoops once they have begun
>also for next thread, link previous thread in op so it makes it easier to navigate if people miss threads and wanna catch up
I think at its height there were 16 teams. I think that'd be a sweet spot, especially if they added teams in Denver & St. Louis.
yeah im fine with any name, just throwing suggestions out there, regardless this general will be the place to talk women's basketball outside wnba aswell, so it's a worthy thing to think about, think bueckers will get a lot of attention the next year, even though she's a dyke and coalburner, but she's good and white and decent looking
Jews would flee to suburbs near the cities. They don't want to give up their 6 figure salaries. Any Jew living in the middle of nowhere would likely leave by college, crying about all the "rednecks" they're surrounded by.
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Peek a boo
Are the jews in the room with us now?
Goddamn, she straight mogs nu-sticc blonde and CC.
Lesbo messing around with females of other races doesn't count, because no risk of creating a mongrel.
Tuesday, July 16 (times in ET)
>11:30 a.m. PHO@WAS
>3:30 p.m. SEA@LA
>7:00 p.m. CON@NY
>10:00 p.m. CHI@LV
when she's done with the lesbo experiment, there's a higher chance she will go for blacks than whites after she's been messing with blacks since her teens
Not guaranteed. I would not even exclude that her lesbo phase with the darkie girl is just so she could refuse approaches from male niggers, while also avoiding the racist accusation for refusing them.

Or if she is actually into the darkie girl, than maybe after they break up (lesbo relationships usually end badly), she'll go for the complete opposite, and pick some nordic guy, just so she won't be reminded of the darkie girl.
I think I'll watch the PHO vs WAS game, and will be routing for WAS. Dolson, Vanloo, and Walker-Kimbrough have all played in Hungary (separate times, separte teams). Would be interesting to see a Dolson vs Griner fight! Also Engstler is kind of cute (aside of the tattoes). On the Mercury I only like Sophie Cunningham. Though almost guaranteed I'll be raging with hatered, when seeing Copper play ghettoball.
Vanloo vs Copper (wigress vs nigress) fight could be interesting too.
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I'll bump the thread with Vanloo pics, trying to keep it alive until the Mystics (her team) game start in 9 hours.
If you had half a brain, you'd realize I am denying the
You have any electronic device in the room, that you consume any mainstream media on, the jews are "with you" thou, through content.
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Previous WAS vs PHO game, was lost 80-83, but those who were inaccurate in WAS during that game are injured now, so they have a chance to win.
i'll full court press her if you know what i mean.
Connor is so lucky
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24yr old, still in university
what does she do aside from playing non-paid basketball ?
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Sucks I'm gonna miss the Storm game. But I might try to catch part of the Liberty one.
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3 hours till todays first game starts!
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Sophie playing first
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6th man. She had a big game vs Indiana last week
Nika Muhl always my fav
>i dont watch
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Nice 3 pointers.
Just because she is a slav?
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>2nd round, 14th overall pick
I don't think she was in hard demand to begin with. Even in college she did mostly passing (nearly matching number of assist to her score). And for some reason bad at free throws (based on her stats).
>"Mühl attended Kelsey Plum's second annual Dawg Class"
Plum is a coalburner. Mühl attended some class held by a coalburner.
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Game start in 30 minutes.
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methstreamer stream have started
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Game is starting...
Even Streameast is starting to stream other wnba games
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Karlie plays for the Mystics
but still on the injury list
Taurasi almost tea bagged Atkins, xd.
The Mystics coach looks like Pete Buttigieg and both are gay
Vanloo did the same "hug" "guarding" on Cunningham, that she did agaisnt CC. That can't be a legal move. Off court Onlyfans the hugging action would be more welcome.
Dolson is being cold with the 3 pointers today. Also I think Dolson is legit scared of Griner. Dolson had no such issues when facing Boston during the Fever game, and got tangled up repeatedly.
make up is a helluva drug
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She don't need makeup. It's just optional.
Vanloo is pretty nice 3 point shooter, and she keep increasing some 3pt Mystics franchise record (can't remember if rookie, or general per season).
Refs are siding with Mercury, and did not call Copper offensive fouls, 2 Copper offensive fouls in the same play.
Copper ran into Melbourne, see that refs ignore her foul, get emboldened, sent Melbourne to the ground with a charge, refs still ignore it. Rigged bullshit. Would not put it behind the Mercury, that they intentionally try to injure Melbourne before the Olympics, to weaken the austral team.
Now the intentionally run Melbourne over, when she tries to pick up a lost ball. Bullshit, sent her to the ground half a dozen times already, intentionally.
If Dolson would have the common decency after the fouling against the Fever, she'd break Copper's arm, and Taurasi's too...
Dolson get's the chance to aggro on Copper, and just steps back... She's jump on Copper, security could not get there for seconds.
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Sophie with the dagger 3
Seriosuly, Dolson is all shy when facing the mostly clean playing Fever, but when facing one of the dirtiest teams in the league, and ref rigging, she is all shy...
Some security guard should shoot Copper dead, while she is still there...
>Dolson was all aggro* when facing the mostly clean playing Fever

Everyone is giving it their all vs Caitlin. It's just the way it is
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She's a star
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She should go to Indiana
Dolson is legit afraid of Griner, skin was all red, having a downbeaten posture. And too pussy to use force even the smaller players on the Mercury. Dolson did not send anyone to the ground this time. Only care enough to fuck with the Fever. Dolson pushed Lexie Hull off court, yet she did not even dare to touch neither Copper or Taurasi. Taurasi teabags her teammate, and Dolson does fuck all to retalliate. What does she have to be afraid of? She is aging out of the big role, might as well bring a gun and shoot up the place, instead of cucking out, when she could take out some hated players.
>Just because she is a slav?
Yes (and she cute and I find it hard to care about basketball as I once did)
>I don't think she was in hard demand
she is in high demand by me
Yes, I want a white superteam. The building blocks are already in place: Cait, Lexie, Kristy Wallace, and I guess you could count Katie Lou and Grace Berger.
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Katie Lou Samuelson renounced her whiteness with racemixing. Samuelson should be kicked out of the Fever immediately, and bring in the twin sister of Lexie to replace Samuelson.
What is even more angering, that Dolson is a dyke, she'd enjoy jail, could have easily hospitalized Copper or Taurasi (both were within arms reach), and might even have had time for both, but she cucked out.
She works for eBay now. Don't think she plays basketball anymore
Minnesota has a good building block for a white team but their coach hates Caitlin
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I don't think she forgot how to play. At most for now she'd have less minutes, but would bring her up to speed by next season. Imagine 2 Hull's on court at once, in the same team again (same as they did in college)!
It would be funny though to keep Samuelson, bring in her sister, and Lexie's sister too. Dual sets of sisters.

And in certain cases I'd accept a racemixer (for in-game action). Hailey Van Lith, for example, has the redeeming value of being cute and an actually decent guard. Samuelson has no redeeming value.
Haley isn't getting any playing time if she even gets drafted.
I don't accept females mixing with anyone darker skinned them them (hetero couples, don't care for lesbos, because those don't produce mongrels).

It's very angering to see Samuelson at all, it spoils the Lexie experience too, when both are on the court, because internally I'm constantly raging against Samuelson, and that does not go away as fast the ball is being passed.
Chicago is pretty much gonna lose vs Vegas. I doubt Reece outrebounds or outscores Aja
I want angel reese to squeeze my head with her thighs
Here is my Olympics challange for every countries team: whoever permanently injures Copper, enough that she'll be out of the WNBA for the full remaining season, I'll watch the team where they came from, all their games, in their league, wherever it may be (if it's possible to find any streams). I will wake up at midnight if I have to, I'll skip appointments, as long as fucking Copper is out of commission (preferably forever). I'll change my sleep schedule to Australia time, if they deliver, but fucking Copper have to go down, break her limbs. If anyone blows Copper up, I'll worship their religion, if Russia nukes Paris, just to get Copper, I'll praise them forever.
Even though she only played 5 games her rookie season, Cameron Brink is still getting multi million dollar sponsorship
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She could make more on Onlyfans. Also look what pic I have found!
Russia could nuke DC right now, just to get Copper, WW3 could break out over it, billions could die, and I'd still praise them, for doing the needful.
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She's good enough for the Olympics. I suppose you could argue she was chosen for her looks, but that just makes the selection panel even more genius (unlike the 5x5 numbskulls).
She's good at 3x3 because it's half court and you don't have to run that much. She's got a stubby build for "fun" instead of athleticism
Challange to any countries, nuke DC right now, and I'll learn the main official language of the country, however much it takes, just kill Copper.
MN has too many white bigs, they need to share. Would Boston for Alanna Smith be a fair trade? Probably not. Maybe NaLyssa Smith / Fagbenle for Juhasz.
Would have to be Boston for Smith & Juhasz. Boston is gonna be an all star next year. Clark can probably improve her teammates
With all the european leagues having timetables for the autumn, winter months, WNBA teams could easily sign their fill of white players from there, there'd be plenty for everyone. Also even if just looking at american colleges, not all white players get drafted, could easily fill all WNBA teams with white players from american colleges, if there would be a will (because new college players every year, but WNBA players don't retire at the same pace).
Storm will probably win over Sparks. Aces will likely win against Sky. Only the Liberty vs Sun is a close game, with Liberty more likely to win.
Emma Messeman went back to Europe after 7 years in the wnba. Imagine her with Caitlin. In a basketball game
No Yueru, No Brink. And they're tanking for Paige
What happened to Yueru? Is she ok, just resting or practicing for the Olympics already, or did something happened to her?
Euroleague pays way more, doesn't it? Hopefully as the WNBA increases in popularity, pay will improve and more will come over.
Resting for the Olympics. Taurasi was doing that too but her team kept losing and Indiana got too close for that 6th spot
>Euroleague pays way more, doesn't it? Hopefully as the WNBA increases in popularity, pay will improve and more will come over.

If it did, wouldn't Caitlin be there?
No, because she's making a killing in endorsements and her profile would dwindle over there.
Would be nice I guess (was high stat in WNBA vidya), don't know much about her. What trivia I read, that there was an other belgian Julie Allemand in the Fever, who had a mental break after the previous Olympics, and was not willing to come back to there Fever (more likely story that she was molested there, or that she had nigger fatigue). Allemand still "only" 28, could still be active.
>Emma Messeman
Seems like she was traded to Chicongo, had nigger fatigue, rather moved to play with the turkroaches in the Euroleage (whom does not belong there), and helped them win it.
she played in europe during that stint aswell
wnba made it impossible to play two leagues now by forcing everyone to be in america when the training camps that start in early may, so the same time as playoffs are being played in europe
if you don't show up, you're banned for the season
Protectionism to retain nigger players.
Can't have the fucking monkeys have enough white contrast to them, because it would make it obvious how much groids foul. I hate Copper so much it's unreal, I want full blown nuclear war, just to make sure she dies, I rather have all life on earth end, just so she could not get away with her fouls.
Copper should be slave labour in the cobalt mines, anything but malaria, dirt cookies, and dysintery is too good for her.
Entire WNBA is a fucking humiliation ritual, having filthy sheapes disregard every fucking rule of the game, intentionally hurting whites, and they get awarded free throws for it too. It's all rigged to pander to niggers, and every fucking commercial is nigger filled, and they keep being repeating every fucking break. "Aaah poor goyim, ahm... poor whitey, you did just seen an assault taking place, and unjustly hushed away on court, let's show you clips of niggers with vehicles and gadgets that is better than any of their race deserves, to make you forget it, while blasting their monkey noise presented as music into your ears..."
they should move to regular length season instead of this summer shit if they wanna be taken seriously
then again most viewers are prolly bored nba fans
The NBA owns both of them and they dont want both of their products on at the same time.
Sucks this general is so shit.

Yueru is already in China I believe to practice with the team,

Also, across all sports, having separated seasons means more profit for each.
Caitlin has no game until wednesday
Fuck off trannys
And? I was hoping to catch the Storm and Liberty games today.
Its slower when she doesnt play. Reece games are somewhat okay since the gamethreads at least move
Oh I meant it was shit because it's all just one /pol/tard spamming nonsense.
Close game between the Sun & Liberty
Yeah, we'll see if the Sun can take it in the second half. But I think the Liberty are gonna beat them.
Tie game after the 3rd
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Fucking Ionescu is going off
Would that /pol/tard happen to be sporting a Hungarian flag?
The Liberty center looks like Zach Randolph
She's done fucking around. Though Carrington has been guarding her like crazy all game.

Indeed they would.
Carrington shut down Clark but can't slow down Sabrina
Carrington about to have her 3rd loss to NY this year. Can't do what Caitlin could: topple the Liberty
I can get behind Sabrina (figuratively & literally). One of the few veterans to genuinely welcome Caitlin, even offering to mentor her.
i will fly angel reese out to my place after the game
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I didn't even know there was another game today. Hopefully the Aces do some serious work tonight. I'll have to catch the highlights tomorrow.
Kate Martin got injured
How bad is it?
She didnt come back
Damn, Chicago won. Plum with a other shitty game. Guess the fever needs to win tomorrow to keep ahead of them
Maybe bump the fucking thread yourself than. Death to America! No country should be allowed to exist that tolerates Copper fouling on court. I meant the nuke DC part (or whichever city Copper currently is by now), as in unironically would take out the whole city just to get her, I blame everyone else being there for not killing her first.
I don't hate Dolson, I'm just mad at her about having double standards on how she plays facing different opponents. And upset that someone like her, who would be capable to easily injure Copper, misses the chance to do so, despite Copper being maybe the most horrible monkey in the league (by playstyle). I was unironically hoping for a Dolson vs Griner fight before the game, because I think Dolson would have the chance to beat him in a fight, due to her weight, and when seeing that not only did she ignored Griner, but didn't even dared to pick on the smaller players, like she did against the Fever, than I got angry at her.
There still is a chance to injure Copper before the Olympics, the All-Star game! Challange to the All-Star team: whichever player would injure Copper enough to miss the Olympics, I'll watch the team they are on, matching the length as long as Copper is injured, but at least for the remaining of this season.

Specify the Olympics challange too, in the sad case Copper is survive long enough to make it there, if any player injures Copper, I'll watch that players team, whichever league they may have came from, and if that player is both WNBA and an other league, I'll watch both of those teams in both leagues. If multiple players cooperate to injure Copper, I watch each of their teams.

The best would be if each player on the All-Star game would bring a knife and gut Copper on court, cut her corpse apart into pieces, and have the fans eat her.
Need more wnba micd up from straight women
tryna see what that old pussy is hitting for
Any clip for the injury? Or time spot to look for?
I like the recommendations
Where can you find the All-Star votes for the full list of players? Google just shows news spam about the final picks, without the details. Wikipedia does not show the vote number for each players either.
The top five vote-getters among fans were: Clark (700,735), Boston (618,680), A'ja Wilson (607,300), Breanna Stewart (424,135) and Reese (381,518).
I want to find the full list, because basicly the entire Fever team made the top 36, yet it's not Fever vs Team USA game, so I want to see how rigged it is. And since it's not easy to find, despite the All-Star game is in 3 days, I assume it was rigged to hide that less popular non-Fever players got put on the team, instead of the results of the vote.
The All-Star team only have Clark, Boston, and Mitchell on, despite Hull, Wallace, Samuelson, Fagbenle, Smith, and Wheeler also being shown in the top 36, and I'm pretty sure they got a lot of votes too. If the real vote results would be the final team, than there would be no reason to hide the result, but the results are hidden, so it's certain they did not follow them. Also Sophie Cunningham, and Alanna Smith votes were likely high too.
Go watch sweaty niggers doing divegrass you faggot.
thats just your algorithm breh what typa videos you watching

shits not even rigged caitlyn and her team has the most press in the league the people who cared to vote probably just voted their entire starting 4/5
they'll get blown out by team USA though i know for a fact arike and angel gonna brick lay like no tomorrow
If the pick for the team would be clean, than all the vote totals would be shown, not just the top 5.
>"The selection of the All-Stars will be conducted through a combination of voting by fans (50 percent of the vote), current WNBA players (25 percent) and a national panel of sportswriters and broadcasters (25 percent)."
Yet the final results of that 50% counting fan votes not even avaible for review.
is it not like that for the nba too?? i could care less if some shitter like grant williams ranked like 200th with 30k or something votes
Don't know, I don't watch niggerball.
Aside of the Fever players, I only like Bonner from the All-Star team, because she kept herself slim, is nice in 3 point shooting, and have played in Hungary.

The pdf is there
That pdf does not show vote totals. Seen it already earlier today too. Is that any other pdf link on that page I have missed?
File: Bronny James.jpg (1.64 MB, 2337x1315)
1.64 MB
1.64 MB JPG
Bronny vs CClark or AReese
Who are you betting on?
No idea who he is. He good? I saw ionescu did well against Curry in that 3 point contest.
Don't post any males in a WNBA thread. Bad enough that some WNBA players are questionable looking.
he's arguably not even G League material and a nepobaby
don’t like women’s basketball
Not even the aussie league? WNBA have a bunch of players who came from there.
It’s reported WNBA is getting $200m/yr on next TV agreement

Let’s say $100m total revenue for the players (realistic given there’s other revenue as well beyond the TV contract), they increase rosters to 15 (which the WNBAPA should push for if they are smart) and there are 14 teams

That’s an average of $475k per player, almost 4x what it is now. The average will be twice the current maximum salary.

Chances are we’ll see the first $1m/yr American female team sports contract, then $2m/yr quickly after that

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