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>TFW no Caitlin Clark game today
Why don't you bump the general? >>142795559
First game start in 1hour 20 minutes, Mystics vs Mercury.

>Here is a little something for your CC thread:
I like the general idea, love it actually. But Caitlin better damn well get her own gamethread tomorrow.
I don't think the 4 games today will be enough to fill the general.
Bot thread
Just keep churning out your trademark screeds, and bikini pics. We have to bridge the gap from Caitlin's last game, to the all-star match, to the Olympics.
I don't want to keep posting while the game is running, I'm watcing that, and eating sunflower seeds. methstream already started by the way, game will too in minutes
Most likely not but Caitlin threads are always close to maxing out so might as well make one. Also a soccer news might come out and clear the board
>sunflower seeds
salted or unsalted?
Good game this morning
Sucks, but I've gotten into hatewatching Sky games as a stand-in for Caitlin games. Reese (& Chennedy Carter) are Caitlin's arch nemeses, so there's a close enough connection.
They're playing Vegas today so they're getting blown out
What’s the appeal?
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If you can't see it.....
I love her so much, that cannot be stressed enough
Her smile could fuel a thousand jumbotrons.
I was promised an Aces blowout :(
Kelsey decided to help her black sister and have a bad game
Would tbqh desu mangs.
literally built for miscegenation.

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