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TMD edition


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:
or if you don't want to do that there are easily accessible Abema streams daily on yewtube

Current leaders at 3-0

previous >>142717029
he hasn't faced anyone challenging yet, only lightweights. week 2 will be a disaster for him
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wingardium levioSAH
No updated power level chart this basho? I know it's like one guy doing it so he might be busy.
thefuck are you talking about? he lost last two matches against Meisei. Today he bulldozed him away
Chiyonofuji: Adversity and Greatness
Worth watching? I've been looking for a good doc on him, but unsure of NHK's production.
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>Hokuseiho GONE
>Hakuoho struggling in JURYO
>Miyagino-beya SHUT
Whats the next step of his master plan?
Honestly fighters need to stop being afraid of dropping all the way down the rankings worked
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It's a community chart. Anyone is free to make changes and updates - if we like it, we'll use your version going forward. Here's the latest version I have saved.
Onosato Yokozuna in 2 years.

Trust the plan, remain faithful.
this should be the latest version AKA what was posted at the beginning of last basho
since onosato won, should we move him up to A tier? maybe give him a updated name?
>since onosato won, should we move him up to A tier? maybe give him a updated name?
You're getting a little too into the chart.
>It's a community chart.
It's never been a community chart. It's always been one guy who made it. Anyone else's attempt to edit the chart were unofficial edits that were obvious to spot since they'd always try to promote their favorite wrestler to the next tier.

We should hold our horses on that. Everyone thought we should move Hakuoho and Takerufuji up after their stellar bashos, only for them to instantly backslide after injuries.
for me it's oshoma
simple as
how was day 3 lads
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URA will get 'em this time!
I think I’ll be a hakuoho fan now that everyone is off his cawk
ura got hosed by the banzuke committee, he put up a losing record in may, but his rank didn't drop, so he is going to end up with a dance card that is just as challenging as may was for him and he will end up with a similar result.
>rank didn't drop
How is that getting hosed?
getting an easier schedule in the next basho is supposed to be the reward for a losing record. you're not supposed to be punished for losing by being forced to get your ass kicked just as hard the next basho
You mean a second chance?
Lower rank Futagoyama today:
Ms37w Wakamiyabi vs Ms37e Chiyotora
Sd31e Kyoda vs Sd31w Okaryu
Sd67e Soga vs Sd66e Tochigidake
Jd39w Keiga vs Jd41w Fukushoryu
Anyone have the two Enhou matches so far?
miselet on VK.
Souga getting sent back to Jonidan at this rate
he'll face of against someone else who is also 0-2 next time
It won't teach you anything new if you already knew about his career. It's basically a mashup of some old NHK documentaries with some new interviews with Konishiki and one of Chiyonofuji's old stablemates. Fine for an overview if you're not familiar with his game. At the very least, there's higher def footage of some of his matches.
Wakamiyabibros its over...
>every man in the crowd wearing a suit and tie
common hakuoho w
This is what a sumo fan looks like.
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no, this, true Nabatame's fan and future wife lol. she's been spotted in the stands on monday.
If you can stand Hiro's powerful Cringe.
Terrible no, how the japanese abandoned their heritage in a trade of for western "culture".
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>Nabatame 1-3
Is there a reason why Abema doesn't have a pic of Onosato with his arms crossed? He's the only one in their intro that's in a different pose. He sticks out like a sore thumb, just standing there like a retard. Not to mention the serial killer expression he has on.
Day 4: Raja
Very cute. Must be nice having a plan for the future from that young instead of being a waste of oxygen like I am.
I'm not sold on WKTK's triumphal return.
He will job.
How high do you think WTK will go until he hits a wall? He's been gone for quite a long time, and a lot has changed since then: new faces, new meta. Maybe he won't jump back to S immediately.
Kagayaki vs Endo
classic matchup
I genuinely thing his brother is a better rikishi.
WKTK's yusho was a pure fluke. MTH's sanyaku run was long, and ozeki big was actually real.
he better get up there fast, the ishizaki brothers are both hot on his heels
Endo looking like a sumo genius last basho really illustrates the skill gap between top division and second
Onokatsu is going to get a shot a breaking Onosato's record for fastest Yūshō after debut, he doesn't seem to be anywhere near his ceiling yet.
if i was him, i'd just go for KK this basho, not to aggravate the knee again.
Endo beat Kagayaki in May
So what
>Oo no katsu
>big win
10/10 name.
oh shit, Asamo dead ...
asa no knee yama. it's over
Blown acl or something must’ve already had a tear and didn’t know it. Pretty insane avoiding injury determines your legacy
over for asa
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Its fucking over for
Fuck, he shouldn't have stepped with his right foot.
It's so fucking over.
He just had to ruin his career over mid hostess pussy
asanoyama makushita yusho in november. i wonder if he remembers how to make chanko
The most cursed sumo picture just keeps on giving
>all three have had their careers ended or put on hold
>weed hat
Evangelion middle finger in theater vibes.
fucking implying.
put on hold
Unless a meteor hits earth he's back in 4 month, And Abe is smilling at him from japanese heaven
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Reminder that Endo was a mega sumo prospect with a more accomplished amateur career than Hakuoho. He only spent 1 tournament at juryo, winning the juryo yusho 14-1, and looked poised to take sumo by storm. Then he rekt his knees, declined surgery, "fixed" them with training, and settled into being a career maegashitter.

The skills were always there, it was the classic yamato damashi sumo mindset that held him back.

Ironically he had a fairly injury-free career prior to the suspension, only pulling out of a basho once. Burning on all cylinders to climb back to ozeki as fast as he could wore him down prematurely.
here we go again, so takayasu, asanoyama, onoshou... all kyujo, it's only day 4
They're gonna rig it for Biden.
sanyaku still going strong, but keisho won't finish unless he is 7-7 after day 14
Lmao what. That was just a flashy henka.
henka isn't an official winning technique, would be too much a shamfer dispray to have henka in the official record books
I can't fucking believe it
based ura, teaching me new throw techniques
Kirishitma won’t make ozeki again
that was few cm away from knee turning the wrong way
Yeah, with how he went out I was thinking he might have eaten shit
bad night to be undefeated
Smoother than Chiyoshoma, lmao.
Poor Champ got played so dirty.
>Be known for going low and fast
>Go low and fast
Big think.

The henkas will continue until technique improves
Whom is the MILF seated at the westside corner? She seems important, like a high society type. I wonder if she has enjoyed an affair with a younger man. Also, what's up with the pretty k-pop star with the intense stare? Is she there just to appear on TV or is her interest in sumo genuine? Many questions come to mind as I ponder the fairer sex in attendance at this fine basho in Nagoya, Japan.
Toad status?
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Fuck Takakeisho, I hope he gets a heart attack on the dohyo one of these days.
Time to pull out and go for 10 keisho just doesn’t have that POP he used to have.
You and that dutch faggot are awful people.
post screenshots
T.musclemanlet fan
>henka in a playoff
>bad luck follows you thereafter
Hoshoryu fumbled his tachiai completely
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Keisho was weak by the end that basho it’s tomatoe’s fault for being a shit rikishi good rikishi don’t fall for henkas
false start
Gonorilla finally did it
Ma ha Go no
Ma ha Go no
Ma ha Gonoyama!
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this one? that's a gilf though, she's regular
Remember when everyone was dickriding wakamotoharu
What idol
i know who you mean
i also have my own jav scenario for her
The lack of enthusiasm for koto is appalling he is the real Sovl of svmo
the final run
What da hell happened to Terrorfuji?
>we will get kirishitma vs terunofuji kinda earlier since shitma is la ower rank
Can’t wait for shitma to get flung off again watching him lose his rope bid in the way he did was funny asf
Probably having his knees shot full of pain killers curt angle(wrestler)did it with a broken neck in the Olympics
>Gonoyama vs Teru tomorrow

I'm hype.
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Kotoz won!
easy teru W these sanyakus are so fucking shit
Teru vs zak playoff rematch
he lost agains Teru first day right?
don’t like sumo
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Did it look like Hoshoryu hyperextended his elbow during that fight?
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He got like instantly arm locked at the tachi-ai

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