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Team USA beat Team South Sudan 101-100. Foreigners BTFO.

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Gaytum is a piece of shit fraud
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It’s so funny when the 3rd worlders come to shit on the usa and vanish when they win.

What’s more embarrassing is the Americans rooting against their own country.
Marial Shayok needs more help. He can't win with these cats.
LeBron is dogshit
Accept reality.
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undefeated as a starter
>What’s more embarrassing is the Americans rooting against their own country.
All lebron Derangement Syndrome posters. Hating lebron is un-American.
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Reality is that gaytum is a fraud
Get your African ass bombed Sudanese, fuck Africa fuck Africans
>starting lineup was 4 reigning all NBA first team guys and the reigning DOPY
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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
USA would be better off with a few superstars surrounded by elite role players. This strategy of stacking your team with ball dominant stars and expecting them to play well together is retarded.
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And for the record I'm not rooting against my country because I am not a filthy subhuman commie like LeMickey.
I am rooting for the USA to win Gold while LeBron suffers a torn Achilles or broken femur.
>are you mexican?
not by blood no but most white people are encultured in it a bit, its fine.

>did you meet any other players?
yes, david robinson is also exactly how you'd expect, super friendly, gracious man. sean elliott is around town a lot, everyone has met him, also very nice. used to see tony parker shopping a lot at the mall nearby, people liked him but hated his family. his mother was known for being terrible to service industry workers and his brothers would start fights at clubs. my mom had season tickets to our old WNBA team that became the Aces...one time they started at fight with a ref at a game back when becky hammon on the roster. Patty Mills knew my name back in the day, he lived near me and was friends with my friends because of they worked at a coffee shop he was a regular at. He had the one of the best behaved dogs ever and him and his gf walked it themselves which is something you never see. My friend's uncle has a story about getting in a fight with Dennis Rodman in the parking lot of a gas station and claims Madonna was in the car. Antonio Daniels was a dick. umm who else...? Boban was super nice and people would see him out and about a lot. Robert Horry used to date a transgender woman that worked with my brother in law, he would show up and scoop her. I thought I saw Kawhi at a night club once while we were on molly but I'm 99% sure it wasn't him. Oh yeah Danny Green was super friendly, he was out like every other night and was a massive player, he got around like crazy. That's all I can think of right now.
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>mfw watching grayson allen shoot 50% from meme while clamping some yuro
im not reading this essay, maybe Ms. Rice will.
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You have a mental illness unfortunately.
it's just light hearted gossip
>my mom had season tickets to our old WNBA team that became the Aces...one time they started at fight with a ref at a game back when becky hammon on the roster.

based mom and based degenerate parker brothers and based future coach becky
It's kind of crazy how attached Spurs fans are to Becky Hammon, every single one I've ever met or interacted with online wants her to take over after Popovich or at the very least will hear no slander against her name.
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didn't watch the game, but i'm sure kerr just put out increasingly smaller lineups because that's the only thing he knows how to do.
yeah we love becky here, deal with it.
also I forgot Pop is cool, very much like Tim Duncan in personality, he goes into my friend's wine bar fairly regularly.
Yeah Spudoras trip over themselves to virtue signal like Popovich himself, so what?
>3 of the nba champs almost lost to south sudan
yeah i guess it is time to accept reality that it's no longer an automatic world championship
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always rated sudan
the skinniest woman in san antonio
aint nobody calling a last second foul, and putting themselves in danger of having to ref overtime for an exhibition game
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FIBA rules broke bitch
what Popovich does isn't virtue signaling tho, he's just an old man running his mouth and doesn't care if you're listening or not. He's not posting about anything or calling into podcasts or publishing think pieces or anything like that. He just says what he thinks when there's a mic in his face. It's actively known in the city that the Holts and RC don't like that he does it but they know can't really do anything about it. A couple years ago they were really pushing for him to retire and would have onboarded Becky at least for a year as a trial run but then he basically said he'd coach til he died. Would have been the year before Becky went to the Aces seeing as there was no use waiting around and the front office was basically the same as the team she played for in SA.
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>You have a mental illness unfortunately.
>popovich blocking a broad from a man's job
kinda based
*tips spudora*
Name some elite roleplayers that you'd want on Team USA and what star you'd take off the team for them
no, like above poster stated, we love becky here. derozan was known to be vocally against the notion tho and it at least partially influenced the move to trade him.
shooker out
embiid out
halliburton out
naz reid in
dillon brooks in
grayson allen in
Brooks is Canadian
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Not a star. 3rd best on his nba team
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This is embarrassing
*bails your entire country out of being humiliated and clowned by turd worlders with a clutch game winner*


Another chapter in the book of his GREATNESS

Commie dogshit malding
Don't give the obvious, intentionally opposite of the truth bait any (You)s.
Don't do it.






commie dogshit mald
what is he doing with his arm?
South Sudan BTFO
He doing the sheeeeeeeesh fr fr bussin celebration
Kerr is setting up Embiid to fail by making making share the front court with this ghost and LeFossil
9/13 FGM
2/3 3PM





LeBron has a warriors mentality. Of course you won't have easy times every day but those moments when your back is against the wall is when greatness truly shows. They needed this test if they breezed through exhibition they wouldn't have been ready for whatever comes at them during the actual Olympics. But now that they fought deep in the trenches when they get punched they know how to respond.
My knick :)
Yeah LeGod is to blame for that big bum’s foulslopping not flying with the fibaGOD refs, cry more
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>held an hour long special dedicated to him abandoning his hometown team to take the easy way out and form a manufactured superteam (and be outplayed in the Finals by Jason Terry while getting shut down by JJ Barea)
>has a warrior's mentality
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This made the subhuman seethe kek
>comes back from 3-1 down against a 73 win team to bring his hometown their first NBA title and breaks the Cleveland curse
Warriors.... Mentality.. .
>the numbers are big so he did gud
he got blown up multiple times in the game
>muh hospital ring
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Based Deng
>>the numbers are big so he did gud

Yes! That’s how basketball works. The team with the most points wins. Happy to inform you on your first day of watching our beloved sport.
Reminder Kevin Durant dated this thing.
>LeGod Derangement Syndrome is so deadly that it has the people suffering from it seething that USA basketball won their game now

Traitors to your country. Disgraceful! Go live in South Sudan you little pups. But I’m sure they worship LeGod there too KEK
what was his "times blown by for an ez layup" number i don't see that one on the box score
based lelbron
Let the tears flow.
>lebum james team leading 4 turnovers even with joel embiid intentionally throwing the game
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It must produce amazing braps.
a W is a W
In official competition, yes.
In a friendly, no.
LeGod was the only thing that saved y’all from his almighty earth shattering keks tonight just remember that
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No way
Gaytum is a piece of trash.
>Jimmy Buttstuff’s legacy
If it's the playoffs or just a normal NBA. Yes
When you're purposely trying to prove to the world that you're the best and advocating for everyone to join the team and struggle this much against Australia and fucking Sudan? Fuck no
Kobe would be embarrassed seeing this USA team
USA LOST to Nigeria before the last olympics and still won gold lemao u were probably saying the exact same shit back then get ya “its joever…” mentality out of here lil sis we dont need it



why didn't they hire Popovich again?
On a team filled with Anthony Edwards, Steph Curry, Joel Embiid, Jayson Tatum & Anthony Davis.

Steve Kerr drew up a play for 39 year old LeBron James.

The greatest to ever do it
I wonder if they were popping champagne after this win in the locker room
they didn't seem too upset or embarrassed on the court afterward so there's probably no killer in the locker room who is going to say "holy shit we're trash as fuck"
they're just going to cope and say south sudan is really good
I remember rumors or stories being said that the star players didn't like how he did plays or systems which makes sense. He's always been a team first guy
What’s he gonna do? His teams can’t even make the play-in
Simple motherfucking as.
what does /ourguy/ have to say about the upset victory over the south sudan juggernaut
stop shilling your shitty channel. It was kinda funny the first time but got old quick
>bro lemme shill my youtube channel to this board that has nearly 10 people posting
>literally fighting for your lives against the war torn famine gripped disease riddled shithole of south sudan

Lmaooo what a farce
LeBron haters in shambles.
>michael jordan scored ZERO points against south sudan
it's over
>everything is the coaches fault for the players mistakes
but it didn't exist when he played.....
>michael jordan colluded with US officials to keep south sudan under the iron fist rule of dictators to avoid playing them at the olympics
it's more over than previously thought
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They should have had a modern coach for Team USA like JJ Reddick instead of a fossil like Kerr who has let the game pass him by.
actually most of the africa stuff has to do with EU meddling. It's why places like Somaliland aren't officially recognized countries
Lebron could NEVER have that kind of power
the wnba all star game is more enteraining that the last decade of nba all star games
>michael jordan made an agreement with europe to allow toni kukoc to get carried by his bulls in exchange for them holding back south sudan
it's more over than we could have ever imagined
>reese has double clark's points with 25% of the minutes
I see /nba/ is having another meltdown about LeBron getting the gamewinner huh?
>war torn famine gripped disease riddled shithole of South Sudan
I mean, LeBron's from Ohio so... Pretty even.
>Barely winning by 1 point to a country that gained it's independence 13 years ago
>clark needs 6 points for the ESPN headline to be "reese and clark both get double doubles in victory over team USA"
is it gonna happen?
>posting about dykeslop
>replying to posts about dykeslop
>I see what he mean
St. Vincent–St. Mary High School education?
white boy telling others what to do.
angel reese has the face of syd from ice age and the body of randall from monsters inc
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how come nobody has even mentioned Mobley getting nearly a quarter of a billion dollar contract?
will they get rid of allen and try to turn Mobley into an actual center?
LeGod inspires me to achieve my hopes and dreams

Those who disparage him will never have the fuel to fulfil their dreams
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>Reminder Kevin Durant dated this thing.
thats not true
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Why is Shai still effective in Fiba while Embiid isn't?
Lads lads is team USA too old

Feels like every olympics team USA feels a bit less dominant
Funny how they said that in 2016 when Jimmy was already in the league for 5 years and Jaylen has already had more career accomplishments despite that head start
drop nick kerr's dad and make mazzulla the head coach
then drop haliburton and add jaylen brown

now you have the perfect team
Shai doesnt not need FTs to score, he can create baskets for himself.
they really should lose haliburton and booker
what is their purpose on the team
Halliburton is to pass. Booker idk
Allen is better than Mobley but yes they'll trade Allen for peanuts.
Mobley is younger
Haliburton can play that fast paced transition game, but the most of USA is too old to do it with him. They should have gotten someone like Bridges instead of Shooker
Allen has proven to be soft as shit while the book is still out on Mobley
I wonder if Spo or Mazzulla will be the next HC of Team USA
refusing to play on broken ribs in a series you know damn well you aren't going to win is not soft. its smart.
spo and thats not a question.
he was soft even before that. Dude has been mentally weak even going back to the nets. He always gets bullied in high leverage situations
Mazzulla's whole thing is just relying on data and playing the percentages and not making adjustments. This is fine in a best of 7 series when you have the best team, but potentially disastrous in a best of 1 like the Olympics combined with FIBA rules which have their own intricacies where tactics need to be adjusted. Spo or a college coach are what's best for Tam USA.
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Angel Reese is very talented
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Imagine the damage these two will inflict upon that poor child
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If we can't beat South Sudan by at least 50 points then we don't deserve to beat them at all
Might be the most embarrassing win in the history if US basketball
She looks like the fucking sloth from ice age
Yo I was eating my one meal of the day and it reminded me of you guys <3
Who the fuck is Lonver?
LaMelo and Lonzo's uncle
>glorifying lesbians in a mock male-female relationship
Society is crumbling.
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>Gaylen Brown went to the summerleague game with his girlfriend (WNBA player don't know her name though) and Angel Reese
>left with both while the gals held hands
He got himself a basketball threesome didn't he?
I have to respect Jaylen cause I could never have this much pull
angel reese mogs the shit out that other girl
I gotta apologize to her, I didn't know she had ass like that.
low-key there's this thick black girl at my work. like literal dump truck. like damn...
im white and I only date black girls. white woman scare me.
Reese has the sexier body, but the other girl I find prettier
eat angels ass, head from the other girl. Jaylen I wasnt familiar with your game.
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get off the internet, seek help and stop being horny
lmao what a real one
>posting young men
>telling others to stop being attracted to women
I know what you are.
im gay for not being a degenerate?
sga always looks like theres something stuck in his throat
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At the end of the day, anime runs this bitch...
why does the guy in the back look like he has down syndrome?
bong genes can produce a lot of things, good and bad
my personal secret is that I find young queen elizabeth really hot and I would have fallen for her back in the day.
So we just dumping our fetishes at 2 in the morning?

Bitch has herpes
>mock relationship
he's literally a guy
Ive said it before and ill say it again, I dont care if the WNBA player has an ugly face, im going to latch onto her like a spider monkey and coom inside her while she carries me around like a front facing backpack
I honestly don't understand how you guys can continue watching this league with the amount of money these players make. Every player gets a max contract. Players make 30, 40, 50, 60 million a year. How the fuck can you accept that and actually enjoy watching this. Evan Mobley making a quarter of a BILLION dollars guaranteed.

Fuck this league and every one who allows this shit to happen. Fuck the TV networks. Fuck Adam Silver.
Snus fags? Our response when Booker and Durant start a game and the USA loses.
pocket watching is hater mentality. They have skills that the world deems absurdly valuable. That's all that matters as far as money goes
why pay all these players 250 mil when u can sign the south sudan national team for a 50 dollar gift card to mcdonalds
This is a good complaint but that’s not the reason the NBA is fucked. League fucked because by 2030 the best players will be euros with broken English and weird accents. I’m not watching a bunch of tall F1 racers with great fundamentals.
being athletic or tall is not a skill. in basketball, people mainly get paid for genetics rather than skills developed by disciplined hard work over an extended period of time
The Phoenix Suns are the only NBA team that qualifies as a superteam right now
Im like 1 or 2 years away from quitting. NBA has been utter shit and sports as a whole are becoming terrible. And its not a growing out phase. I witnessed jokic get his ring and thats where nba ended for me. (This was the spinoff it actually ended in 2014)
Remaining NBA fans have a cuck mentality, see the “aura” shit
Is he the baby daddy?
Suns have Booker, Durant, and Beal
Beal is irrelevant
Superteam is 4+ stars, that's a big 3.
in that case, the raptors are a super gay team lol. every player is gay
PatBev couldn't get a Euroleague team to sign him? Why is he going to Israel, that's for players who are beyond washed up.
What about the Lakers dog
the raptors want him, but he doesn't want to be known as gay
the raptors are gay
the raptors are the gayest team of all time
A’ja Wilson and Bam Abedayo are together

If A’ja gets a season-ending pregnancy that kid could be the GOAT
Bam's a manlet thoguh.
Celtics have a super team
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Because he and his team of overpaid shit cunts are so bad at defending they almost lost a game they were 41 point favorites in?

Yeah, they must be in shambles from witnessing such an embarrassing performance from a useless shitrag like LeBum and his cadre of bitches.

How will they sleep!
I can’t stop thinking about LeGOAT
Why do people always say this? None of the best NBA players today have NBA fathers aside from Steph who nobody would have said 40 years ago “Oh yeah him and that random 5’7 girl are gonna make the next GOAT”

Their kid is more likely to be out the league or a solid role player, their kid’s cousin could be the GOAT randomly though
It’s fun?

Also Sabonis and Klay?
>none of the best NBA players today
What about them?
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Why couldn’t he look Wilt in the eye?
1. Celtics
2. Knicks
3. Pacers
4. 76ers
5. Bucks
6. Magic
7. Miami
8. Cavs
9. Charlotte
10. Hawks
>Adrian Wojnarowski


Brooklyn Nets guard Ben Simmons has suffered a compound basilar skull fracture and will likely need immediate brain surgery, sources tell ESPN. The injury occurred after a fall following a house party at his Silent Hills California residence on Monday night.
ya right retard
south sudan is stacked af they're probably a silver medal threat at least
and that nigga carlik is a straight up baller
every nba team is blowing up his phone trying to sign him to a 9 figure deal
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My Celties resigned Gordon Hayward
there's a big difference between resigning and re-signing
I don't know anything about America, but they in trouble
Inceltic media can't keep getting away with printing money.
south sudan shouldn't have blown their load in the exhibition game because they are going to get manhandled in the group stage rematch
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>south sudan is stacked af they're probably a silver medal threat at least
They were putting 17 year olds on the court. You LeBronsexuals are totally delusional.
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Really? LeBron and Steph are going to learn to play defense in the next couple of weeks? They're gonna be 10 years younger? Embiid's flops are gonna be called. Haliburton and White aren't going to be iced out?

Bold prediction.
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HauseGOD thread
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>struggling against africans
KD will be there to carry lebum and steven curry
they both got exposed though and now KD is in the goat discussions
Why’d Sacramento kick the tires on DeMar? He’s awful
Riley thought this deal would be a steal or a part of a trade for a white whale, instead he’s just ass. inb4 someone tells me how he’s ‘added to his game’ KWAB for $90m he better have
But, but, but he made some 3’s in the Finals. Crazycontractfags? Do we ever stop winning?
Sorry. Tourist here.
So is America a fraud team or was South Sudan that good?
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this is their star player's career NBA stats
I like how Inceltic can't even think about the Inceltics without thinking about some member of the Heat. Xhe is mindbroken.
Let's go wolvies
Turiaf is one of the worst announcers ever. Is their a strayacunt stream?
Kiss the ring
KD>lemickey/steph is facts
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We got Rob Dillingham
it's gonna be hard to argue otherwise when he's in the south sudan rematch and they win by 50
dillingham cooking making crazy shots off the dribble
could the east be stronger than the west this year? celtics are celtics, knicks got much stronger, sixers might see as much as 60 wins. magic improve, pacers improve. meanwhile the nuggets are getting weaker, rudy is getting older. mavs and thunder improve.
>at the courts
>warming up
>other dude next to me shooting the ball
>he seems alright
>about my size but maybe 50lb heavier
>asks me to play 1v1
>ok sure
>get into it
>playing to 11
>he makes a 3, a few layups
>I make a few pull up jumpers and 3s
>back and forth on the score, close game
>its 8-7 me down one
>bro starts backing me down over and over
>figure out how to poke the ball away when he tries to do it
>he still tries backing me down
>keeps missing but just barely
>truth be told I was probably lightly fouling but fuck it I wanted to win
>he calls foul once or twice, give him back possession
>he hits 2 shots on me
>its now 10-9
>tries to back me down one more time
>swipe away the ball and he dives on the floor for it but its out of bounds
>hit a 3, all net
>get the ball back
>bro is daring me to shoot
>hit the 3 in the same spot perfectly in rhythm to win the game
Felt good bros
>South Sudan

How is it fair that the US gets represented by a basketball team for both the country and also city of Baltimore?
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the glaze is ridiculous huh
post game winners that aren't as impressive as lebron's south sudan dagger
Summerwolves win again. Dillingham had 25pts and 12 assists
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Pat Bev was definitely blackballed by Silver behind the scenes. I always thought his suspension was too light, there's no way there wasn't some politicking to make sure Bev wouldn't see another game.
he himself said he had nba offers you schizo
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wembys cheeks
>bro caught creepshotting that badonkadonk

A real nigga right there lmao
he choose to play in Israel.
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Its Bronnyover

>Bronny James was a spectator on Saturday after the Los Angeles Lakers determined that they don't want to see any more out of the NBA’s most talked-about rookie.

>In Summer League stints in San Francisco and then Las Vegas, the son of NBA career scoring leader LeBron James opened shooting 7 for 31 overall. That fueled talk — or reinforced the notion — the Lakers had wasted their 55th pick as a favor to the face of the franchise

Who would win between Gojo Satoru and Naruto? And I mean Naruto in his final form, with sage powers unlocked and the nine-tails fully under control.
humiliation ritual.
what happened
he just had those games vs the hawks and the cavs and everybody was saying "see i told you so"
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we win real rings here
>all those championships from my grandpas time with like 6 teams
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The girl who keeps looking whenever she gets the chance at me may or may not have caught me staring at some other girls ass...
and the celtics won them. count all 18. this franchise demands respect.
>posts the least real * "rings" in NBA history
Nobody is watching nba next year. College basketball will get better ratings.
>p-please respect us
Insecure franchise bitches.
yall some hoes
let the bawston fans feel good about their water down rings.

God damn the heat better pick the right 2 ways
How can I be insecure when in sleep knowing my team won the chip and hangs 18 banners.
Why is there a random ass white guy that plays for Japan lol?
Clearly you're seething that nobody respects your team LMAO
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White people need to fuck off and leave the japanese alone. Diversity is meant for western countries only.
>when my team has 18 rings
enjoy it because it will be a while until the 19th
the celtics made a deal with the devil to win this ring after all the failures of the last years and now a curse has been put upon them
watch as your team will suffer from all different kinds of misfurtune and bad luck every single year from now until everyone that took part in this deal is out of boston
coaches will be fired, players will be injured, scandals will be surfaced and many many more
we have seen this phenomenon with other teams or players in the past, most recently with the bucks
so hang on to this title because it's going to be rough for you and your team in the years to come
Incoming discord raid.
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who is the nba equivalent to Angel Reese?
In terms of prestige

NBA Summerleague championship >> IST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> injury *
Far and away the best makeup and hairstyle I've of her, rawr
so so dumb, this kid needs all the minutes he can get
for me it's 2

ba-latant travel don't know how the fuck NBA refs miss that call too
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>who is the nba equivalent to Angel Reese?

Michael Porter Jr. and it's not even close
It's up
I remember when he was supposed to be next up. damn.
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we #won my #niggas.... big day for my #niggas out in america if u #know u #know
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Something was fishy with the South Sudan game
>still having thekikemike videos on his feed
couldnt be me
They can't win against BBC so they settled for the next most acceptable, BWC knowing their SAC can never compete against them
you dont have running water.
you have dark skin
>wasted 55th pick to please lebron
when has a 55th pick EVER had any value ever, the second round is always shit
Nikola Jokic will retire top 10 all time.
how did Jokic fall that low? can >>142921661 explain?
Does Klay have a better opportunity than Steph to win ring 5 first? :)
yes but neither are getting it.
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so the lakers wasted their pick on bronny instead of getting kevin mccullar jr, ulrich chomche, or ariel hukporti and two ghosts? if any of these players ever average above 4 ppg (or positively contribute ever) ill eat my words
jokic is clearly the exception and not the norm, no team is stockpiling second rounders to draft mvps. hell, the knicks traded 6 first round picks for a role player, draft picks outside of the lottery are worthless
Nikola Jokic will retire top 10 all time.
what is your point?
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/Y9Y0XkSvQSI
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I don't have to like this team if I don't want to. Bunch of spoiled cunts there more for the marketing opportunity than patriotism (notice how all their screeching about roster movies is directed at Nike) and so arrogant and apathetic they nearly got jobbed by a bunch of bushmen. The bench players on the '92 dream team would have heemed South Sudan by 50+.

They're a bunch of prima donna so sure that this is coronation they forgot they actually had to try. They're the US women's soccer team of men's basketball
>I don't have to like this team if I don't want to
you are rooting against your own country. your own men. do you know how pathetic that is?
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>a skanky ghetto whore with no class or taste who isn't half as good as she thinks he is

Ja Morant
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>The bench players on the '92 dream team would have heemed South Sudan by 50+
bench player from the dream team are just role players in todays game.

this South Sudan team has actual nba players on the roster and is coached by a future head coach. this isnt 1992 Angola.
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Ja Morant was good pre gun incident. he still is but he just got hurt
patty, austrailian mj, mills. This is a weird argument in general because nothing good ever happens til it does so you should always keep taking the best swings possible
Little kids like you don't understand what ball players are in the top 10 all time, impressive box score stats aren't the only consideration for legend status, actually winning championships matters
Jokic isn't forcing actual proven winners like Kobe (5 chips), Shaq (4 chips), or Tim Duncan (5 championships) out of the top 10. Maybe if he wins 4 more rings, but he's almost 30.
Patty Mills averaged 10ppg in his best years, which is something that any idiot MLE player can do
the only way to win in today's NBA is to scam some retarded GM out of their first round picks like celtics-nets or okc-clippers (might hurt knicks soon) by sending them a time bomb old player that ruins their team so you can draft in the lottery while still fielding a winning team
Its 100 degrees and im taking a hot steaming Bronny in a humid bathroom, this must be how the Lakers locker room smells
A number of serviceable NBA players who saw time in the league have been drafted at 55+. Bronny is not that. The pick was rendered worthless because they made a bad pick.

Ginobili was drafted 57th. Plenty of guys with 5+ year careers. Shit excuses for this no talent scrub bum faggot.
shit forgot about him. Second round is a gold mine for good role players if you have good scouts.
Very unlikely. He would need at least 2 more rings and finals mvps to even enter that conversation. I just don't see that happening with such a trash supporting cast. MPJ and Murray are some of the worst max contracts in the league, both are sub-all-star players and injury prone. And their bench is one of the worst in the league.
again retard, if any of Kevin McCullar Jr., Ulrich Chomche, or Ariel Hukporti turns into Manu Ginobili I'll eat my words
But they won't
That's why they were the 56th draft pick. Because they suck.
Nice essay
McCullar is a poor man's Shane Battier there's definitely a chance he sticks
>actual nba players
who are these fabled "nba players" because the only one who is in the nba is JT thor
You're right, but just to nitpick McCullar was projected as a late 1st-early 2nd round pick before he got hurt.

But yeah, the 55th pick is nothing to sweat wasting. That guaranteed contract for Bronny is a waste though.
No they’d totally beat MJ because they had a 17 year old bench player who might get drafted. You can’t talk to kids about basketball they’re just going to repeat what they read on X or Reddit
When was the last Heat championship? The ones with LeBron don't count. Speaking of asterick rings, you're really ignoring the Finals where D-Wade shot 25 FT's a game?
The Bronny deal isn't about him as a player it's about signaling to star FAs that you'll look after them. If it gets them Janice in a few years that more than makes up for whatever they're paying Bronny to be a human mascot. Also keeps them on the good side of the klutch mafia.
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rooting against LeBronze is the most american thing you can do
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I lost all respect for LeBozo when he colluded to get his son ‘drafted’
Exactly, its about the contract in this case, but I would argue the pick would be better spent on anyone else that isnt a skill-less midget.

Even if you think its worth it to give him a contract to keep LeBron around, you must be a retard who cant count because hes playing losing ball and about to turn 40. Its not someone you want to keep around. The Lakers are fucking retarded
>having respect for LeBron
>at any point past 2011+

Get a load of this guy
Lakers are the best circus in town between JJ Reddit, LeBronze, and his Make-a-Wish kid. All culminating in the first female head interim coach by the trade deadline, a real feel good story
if we can get ratings on fiba to be better than nba then nba will have to adopt fiba rules
It seems like when im playing pickup guys just let you shoot. Do you guys guard really close during pickup or are you sort of like daring people to shoot just because no one can typically shoot?
>angel reese has the face of syd from ice age and the body of randall from monsters inc
at least her ass nice tho
Guard everybody like they’re Ben Simmons and you’re Russell Westbrook going for the rebound until they can prove otherwise
most guys at the pickup level aren't good enough for openness to really affect them. contested or not, they're really only chucking it up and hoping it goes in
“inceltic” is pretty funny
No one cares about the Bucks
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you know whats funny, these are the only teams from the east to win ring this decade.
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Sucks that Giannis has been injured the last couple of playoffs
I feel like I owe Steph an apology because I always thought he benefited from Kerr being a great coach. I don't think that anymore
Kerr is a Stephbabby like Pop is a Duncanbabby
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So you must think Mark Jackson is an AWFUL coach now eh?
What's your all-time starting 5?
For me, it's
I dont care for politics but I dont think the dems will win this year

regardless I am not voting.
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Nobody beats that starting 5.
I can beat them easily with

Steph deserves the lion's share of the credit, but he doesn't win in 2022 without help from Kerr
There are probably like 10 coaches who would've also won with this Celtics roster
Imagine Spo with the Lakers and Ham with the Heat
>in basketball, people mainly get paid for genetics rather than skills developed by disciplined hard work over an extended period of time
Every serious sport is like this. Do you think Usain Bolt just ran more often than all his competitors? Was Lionel Messi the only kid in Argentina who practiced dribbling? Genetics are far more important than work ethic, even if the latter matters too.
Why do the ones with LeGOAT not count?
Pick up is for fun, only try when you're up against a serious tryhard.
>a serious tryhard.
hate these people bro. especially when your playing against the older folks and they act like they are Michael Jordan or something. Fouling the shit outta some 60 year old man trying to get his workout in.
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>South Sudan: "We don't have any indoor basketball courts in our Country. We don't have anything like that. We're a bunch of refugees that came together for a few weeks out of the year..."
the country is all kinds of fucked up. It's pretty amazing that they attend the olympics at all
South Sudan became a country 13 years ago and its the poorest country in Africa, to make matters worse I think they are at war
>the best players the USA has to offer plus joel embiid in the best era of the best league who collectively make over 1 billion dollars in annual salary beat beat south sudan by 1
they better get a gold medal so everyone will forget this ever happened
What about if someone is trying to back you down over and over? At that point I said nah im going to have my hands all up on either side of you. I basically let him shoot, but I wont let guys just get layup after layup on me, thats lame.

Any tips on defending in the post? Basically all I did was reach around and try to get my hands on the ball. Like you can get right under the basket but youre not really taller than me, im going to disrupt it somehow, hopefully anyway. It was either that or just chucking up 3s. I notice No one shoots the midrange really, just 3s and layups, but whats weird is we were playing pickup where all shots count as 1 so why bother even taking a fuckin 3?
first of all if they hackin u like a hoe and its excessive press the bitch ass nigga
Team might have a higher ceiling with KD instead of Duncan, but I think I'd still rather take my chances with Timmy
no we need defense.
Aren't all the players just westerners with sudanese heritage?
Nah the 7’3 17 year old was just discovered walking off the side of the road and picked up by Luol Dent’s basketball camp. Literal refugee
Ill take prime Bird over LeBron.

Shit all over that team
>In 2019 Maluach was encouraged to play basketball by a boda boda motorcyclist who had stopped down when he saw the tall Maluach walking along the road.
funny how some tall people just never think to pick up a basketball. I knew a guy in high school who was 6'5 and well built who never played sports in his life. Dudes an electrician now...
The most important factor in sports like cycling, running, and weightlifting that simply measure endurance/strength, is the access to the best drugs. No chance in hell those are "serious" sports, whatever you meant by that.
Messi started playing football as a tiny kid, would you argue that he'd still become one of the best players on the planet even if he started in his late teens, like it's possible in basketball? I highly doubt it, probably wouldn't even make it as a pro.
Philipiness basketball association established an official 4-point line at 27 feet. They will use it for their next Cup.

Do you see this creeping up to FIBA/NBA eventually?
If the US team included Payton Pritchard, Sam Hauser, and Jaylen Brown they would easily beat your favorite country.
Corny ahh moment
Would Michael Jordan only manage to beat South Sudan by one point?
Bro has no aura
the animexir has been seething about the Bron game winner for a full day now
>be anime watcher who posts anime images
>admit to fapping to trannies
>call others animexir
Michael Jordan would lose to the select team
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I like Tatum but
>Gayne Gayde
>Big Ben

The most auraful players on the championship teams this century so far. Tatum is by far the lowest on this list if you put him on it….
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>I like Tatum
Tatum aint done nothing but wear the colour green, literally just some boring asl dad guy, go hate on some domestic abusers in this league
Tim Duncan has zero aura, Tatum has negative zero
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Sure Gaytum is seemingly a loving father and loyal husband, but the threshold for liking someone being as low as just him not being a domestic abuser is kinda cray.
Same reason we don't think of Cleveland as a banner-hanging powerhouse just because LeBron played there. He was the organization during his HEAT tenure, an anomaly. If Tatum's ring is an asterick, Wade's against Dallas certainly was.
>Duncan has zero aura
Zoom zoom
He's also not a narcissistic, racist communist.
Animexir quiet.
Is that a jab at me?
Are you a narcissistic, racist communist?
No, it's directed at LeBron, obviously.
>has no aura
Is this some manga thing like reading the flow of mahjong in order to become so powerful you can go to the moon to play against Hitler?
>so deranged with obsession with Bron he has to insert him into completely irrelevant conversations, confusing anons who are speaking about something entirely different
Aura is the straight man equivalent of how gays call women they’re fans of “mother”
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Since I posted https://archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/141123371/#141123937 on May 24 I have not given Ireshart a single (You) and he has given me countless (You)s.
I win.
Oh hell na
blud is the Reply Recorder :skull:

Also funny that you think you’re not posting about me just because of an absent (You) sign on a screen. Just talking indirectly like a bitch afraid to look his master in the eye.
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Is he right?
>muh aura
So he means if Tatum were cocky and more abrasive he'd be more popular? Sorry gang, our Boston CHADs are respectable family men
No one on any court has ever yelled “Tatum” after a jumpshot
I like to yell "LeBron" after traveling and committing offensive fouls.
I can’t stop thinking about LeGOAT
Is anyone yelling "Edwards"?
You do talk about LeGod a lot.
child support authorities
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I'm not a communist.
>most auraful zoomer in the league is a Greatness Appreciator

Funny how that works….. #LearnedFromTheBest
Crazy how if Tatum said this it would be dick riding but cause it’s Edwards it’s cool
If Bron died Ant would not be texting his ghost before getting btfo’d
The inceltic fear of bronny is palpable




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>They give it to this hypocritical retard that thinks Malcolm X was smart man "because he wears glasses ".
>Enes Cuckter dickriding in 2024

LeGod haters lower themselves into a pit of shit in an attempt to spite him
76ers still have all their picks, Heat should trade Jimmy there for Jared McCain/Adam Bona and 3 first. Jimmy and Embiid can win moral victories together and the Heat will have the best young core in the league
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>leBron dickriding in 2024

LeGod cock suckers lower themselves into a pit of shit in an attempt to dickride him
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Jokic started crying KWAB
Blud mentioned Bron’s penis twice in a single post
what's the aura stats telling us
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Go live in China if you hate LeCaptain America, commie scum



What are the odds that LeBron will flop or cramp up while carrying the flag at the Olympics?
How can it be possible for one player to have so much aura?
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It would be fitting that a referee jumps out blowing his whistle to give him some freethrows
This is his fourth Olympics. LeBron will be the oldest US olympian to win a medal. The previous record holder was Dara Torres, who was 41 when she medalled in swimming.
100% if there's no working air conditioner.
>working anything

Crazy people still say Jordan was better
Counterpoint: call to prayer loudspeakers
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>he still lives in a monarchy
>he still pays money to a royal white family
>he thinks his posts have credibility here
Guy has a couple of hot daughters and nieces.
LeBron is 39
don't do it.
MJ had a better peak, LBJ had a longer peak and career.
Jordan never beat a 70 win team
>muh hospital ring
seriously? I thought he was 42 or something. he's been in the NBA for 21 years.
Okay, which team will beat Team USA in basketball?
LeGod hating yuroslops finna be posting about an asterisk gold medal in a couple weeks
Just GOAT things
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If a teammate sleeps with your mother, that means they don't respect you. That means they KNOW you're too much of a bitch nigga to do anything about it.
A teammate sleeping with your mother is an automatic disqualification from GOAT contention.
Didn’t read that tranimebrain crap but I assume it was more inane babble about LeGold.
Michael Jordan punched Steve Kerr in practice over minor on-court bullshit.
Imagine what MJ would have done to someone who slept with his mother.
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This is Delonte West, 36, left a vagabond to walk the Earth. LeGOAT James at 39 joins his son for another multimillion contract on top of his billion dollar earnings

Perhaps Delonte should have thought twice before boning old Gloria
LeBron James shares 50% of his genetics with someone who had sex with the man in your image.
Kek LeConqueror really put that bum in the infinite tsukuyomi
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I never realized how much of a cuck Britain was until I entered this thread
So he was born to a crackhead and rose to a billionaire now representing the greatest nation on Earth?
And your moms got rawdogged and inseminated by some bum who never had a fraction of Delonte’s wealth in the first place kwab

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Not surprised he was known for beating up on little white guys and bragging about it

Meanwhile LeGOD will win gold off the new goat wemgod
One of the funniest stories from the 1992 Olympics which demonstrates the level of international competition back then was that while "guarding" Magic an opponent was literally frantically waving at his teammate on the bench who had a camera trying to make certain he got a picture of him and Magic on the court at the same time. In 1992 opposing players from other countries were lining up for autographs like awestruck teenagers. The Dream Team was playing against "fans
Remember when BAWBs said sophomore Chet was better than rookie Vic?
Basketball should've never even been introduced to the Olympics, let alone kept there.
Remember when BAWBs thought there wasnt finna be a darkskin FMVP this year
The babying the NBA gives him extends to FIBA, since he's an international player.
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The Junior that no one is talking about will be an All-Star
Why don’t the Pistons get Tyus Jones? They’ll be terrible regardless but he can help the young guys along
Heat could really use him
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>For a mid from Akron, this responsibility means everything to not only myself, but to my family, all the kids in my hometown, my teammates, fellow Olympians and so many people across the country with big aspirations.
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>Why did the pistons take darko over melo, wade, and Bosh?
>Why did the pistons take kennard over Mitchell?
>Why did the pistons take killian Hayes over Haliburton?
>Why did the pistons take Holland over Edey?
I've been say "why did the pistons take [x]" for over 20 years now. I'm pretty sure this ride never ends
Flagg will wind up on the Pacers
Why was every draft analyst so convinced Edey wouldn't be shit in the NBA? Sure he's slow, but he's good.
Will Ben Simmons play this year? I think the Warriors should trade for his expiring if they can’t get Lauri
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Westbrook should go to the Warriors



Is actually scary
Bronny finna RotY
must be a confidence thing
in this world the people who have 0 talent have all the confidence and the people with infinite talent think they are trash
>Why did the pistons take darko over melo
never will make sense
even if you go the conspiracy theory NBA forced pistons to pass that doesn't make sense either because he went to the nuggets
surely they wanted melo & bron in the same conference
they tried making that rivalry but it just wasn't possible
Anthony Edwards is better than Jordan
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ring check
Bronny betta then both
Dumars assembled the 04 team with King Midas' touch then was the only person on earth convinced Darko would be a superstar. I'll never get over it. SVG and Weaver were terrible GMs, their picks are typical mismanagement.
>ack sneedey
don't care
bronny rings = how many years he feels like playing
lebum is gonna hold him back the first couple of years then he's going to go off
It’s crazy Lebron is still the best player in the world
Crazy gaytum has no aura
Being a narcissistic racist isn’t cool.
Crazy how he has a ring tho
you mean Ja Morant
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Crazy what you can get done when every team’s star player is injured
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I can’t stop thinking about Jimmy Butler
This place is filled with very, very stupid and immature individuals. Anyone who spends a significant amount of their time here is either severely mentally ill and/or a massive loser.
Bronny got ya seethin
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I can't stop laughing at him. KWAB
Just a bunch of losers arguing over which sportsball player has more "aura" and other bullshit. Get a life, get a job, have a family. This is no way for a grown man to spend his time. This is so beyond pathetic.
The aura shit is gay as fuck to be quite honest
eat a dick faggot
You don’t have running water
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>telling another grown man to eat a dick
>calling him a faggot
I’m noticing.
>It’s crazy Lebron is still the best player in the world

indeed it is crazy if you consider that he is not even the best player on his own team
it's the first time this has happened in the nba
Lebron is making history yet again
Kek many people are saying this.
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Cuz practiced it in the mirror
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The difference between aura and no aura
aura = frontrunning and then getting swept by an obese bawb
It’s actually sad he has less aura than Tyler Herro
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Naoto has more aura than Gayson.
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True Americans want team USA to fail.

They have too many naggers on the team

Take a look at Lebron James and Anthony Edwards for example. All they do is nag and nag and nag. It’s quite disheartening to witness!

Long story short, I absolutely cannot stand naggers and I love seeing them get humiliated, especially on the international stage.
One ring in this picture guess who it belongs to
them losing in groups would've been kino but since they know they can't fuck around with south sudan now that aint gonna happen
Winning a * and having negative aura afterwards is nasty work
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Knicks gonna wind up like Harden’s Rockets
Catch me with a freak, double cup, smoking on og

Who stops the zoomer Hawks?
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It was basically a moral defeat and now, other strong teams smell blood.

This was a game local pundits were expecting them to win by 40 points or more. The fact that they won by only one point is absolutely hilarious.
9 teams in the east
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You’re hating because they’re a lock for the 6th seed if healthy
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kek based Gill

He told no lies, cry baby zoomers could not have survived elementary school in my era
They're a lock for the play in tournament and losing to the inevitable 8th seed. As a Hawks fan you should know this to be true more than anyone
Ant will never have a ring, he blew his only chance, he is not that guy. KAT and Gobert as well
you can't argue with LeFaggots, they are delusional enough to call LeCuck the goat after 2011 kek
no one cares about a nigga named after the worst avenger, at least LeBum calls himself Captain America
Ant is the next westbrick so he might as well get in line for LeGibs
> this when I knew I was the greatest of all time
> proceeds to get destroyed by anther Euro and miss his chance at a ring
Ant is Trash, ringless behavior for a forever ringless bum

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