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where the heck is the /trb/ eternal thread? did it get kicked off /sp/?
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hard to keep it alive during international tournaments. it was like this even during the world cup
Keeps getting killed by actual sports events
what a gay team
never post again
>black goalkeeper
>Makes monkey gestures at black regens
Reminds me of my favourite FM19 save, something like 33 seasons in a row winning the Prem (about 12 UCLs and Club World Cups in there too) with only white regens. Signed a few swarthier latins by mistake but they got moved on quickly.
last i saw it was on /vst/ possibly the deadest board on this site, also based onuachu knower
I recently returned to my Sassuolo save after a fluky Champions League win. Trying to actually build a good squad now, I'll post some stuff when I get home from work.
Whenever I start a new save I immediately sell all non-whites
won the euros but lost the world cup final with england on penalties
its never coming home
What's up with the German and Japanese national team? Is it licencing issue?
Go to the game folder > data > db > Inc > delete everything inside > start a new save
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>start a new save
sigh and here i am just learning about it deep into my 8th year in the jap league
What happened to the trial /trb/ over at /vst/?
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thoughts on this lower league tactic?

built on the understanding that all of my players are terrible, but by spreading responsibility between more individuals we can win the aggregate. i.e. relying on one striker for goals reaps shit returns, but my partnership nets the combined highest attack in the league. whenever I've played two CBs there's inevitably errors leading to goal, but playing three spreads the risk

I don't have any quick, reliable crossers so I've just sacrificed width to overload the midfield. the IWBs act as a screen against counters, letting the CMs push up and creating a 5-man overload, which rapes a flat 442 and neutralises a 4231

as expected or lower leagues, 99% of my goals come from hoofs, blooters, and set pieces. I've come to accept trying to play silky passing football with plumbers and binmen is a pipe dream. the passing instructions are there just to give players more time for decision-making, otherwise they just rush and twat the ball the second possession is regained
No one wants to spend £40 every year for spreadsheet manager. Might fire up FM20 though
Funnily enough I bought FM24 (on sale of course) and it is my first FM since FM19, which was my first since it was still called Championship Manager. I only bought FM24 because the processing runs so much quicker than FM19 and I was starting to go insane waiting for matches to simulate, along with the fact that apparently they are changing engine and so I predict that SI will spend the next five to ten years fucking things up because "sorry, still getting to grips with the engine."
I have a similar setup on my malaga save. works wonders against narrow teams even in the first division but would absolutely get mauled by typical conteball teams
Do you guys start over when you reach regen time or continue? In 2029 with bologna ATM, but insane regens are taking over and I might start a new save
i made a thread on /vst/ and they killed it for some reason :[
it was doing okay and obviously would survive better than here
mods deleted it because "it's a general and generals aren't allowed outside /vg/"
which is just so untrue when you go and look at all the threads there >:[
i'm not happy about it
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Currently having an insane season in 2028/2029, which is also made easier by every other team shitting the bed
Also got 3 regens in the starting 11 now, might post them later
Funnily enough, I started this save when FM24 came out and it turns out Doig actually transferred to Sassuolo irl and Kumbulla was there on loan.
They also got relegated lel
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>tfw you make it to the Champions League Final in 2025 and see FC goddamn Salzburg as your opponent
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here's Salzburg's road to the Final btw
Show us their squad then
here you are, pretty mediocare squad actually
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my bad, forgot to include pic
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their best player is probably this guy, top goalscorer in Champions League too
>Calum Chambers
Grim. Also Gloukh is insane in my save, went to Dortmund and is now at City as one of the best players in the world
That's the best time imo, that's when it is truly your unique world.
still wondering how to make a tactic that is painfully slow in offense.
just keep the ball forever like former spain did.
/vst/ jannies don't allow threads that call themselves generals, but you can just make a "Is Football Manager Good For You?" thread that acts as a general and they don't do anything about it
it's stupid but it is what it is
This, it's also the perfect time to start winning some bundes titles because bayern always decline hard during the regen era for some reason
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New bald fraud just dropped
im not buying the new FMs, the champions league formats in there are all fucked up
Play with a lower mentality, you can make very boring slow possession tactics with a cautious or defensive mentality
thanks, probably the biggest thing i've been missing somehow, guys kept booting the ball with no patience and i couldn't figure out why
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Cameron Carter-Vickers was just bought by Juventus for £19.25M after being wanted by Man Utd, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, AC Milan, etc. during the entire summer.
I used to het really mad at renegotiating contracts (for myself) yes i did just win the UEFA cup with Feyenoord but you will only improve mye 2k a week salary to 3k a week and no bonuses.
Just annoyed me
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is there any hope for FM25?
Yeah, I don't read too much into those images, it says "design files", and not "screenshot", so the purpose is mostly to give a taste of fonts, colours, design, etc., I hope. But a very confusing and potentially misleading image to be posting in a progress update. Miles has always lacked taste and an understanding of what looks good or not, and I feel these images is more harmful than good PR for the upcoming game.
i wonder how skins will look like in fm25
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I have abominations like this in mind, and there are even worse if you go back a few years on his twitter, I guess.
AI management (and the game in general) places too much emphasis on reputation. Buy high profile players but also don't develop youth. By the time the current stars begin to fade you should be able to have multiple wonder kids all over your team because the AI doesn't value them until they get a reputation buff.
It's insane how disgusting regens still look without some sort of face pack, genuinely inhuman
Why are they so shit at anything but spreadsheets. Remember when matches werre just round circles moving around
a-are you trying to tell me you don't watch matches in 2D classic?
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>club legend retires despite still being a solid rotation option
So long partner, single handedly kept my ass in the first tier for the first 3-4 years, scored even in the UCL group stages, tall fast >winger is a great combo...
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>overall games goals avg rating
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>Be me, join belgian team in the middle of the season
>Squad has been playing like shit since i arrived, try to salvage
>Team somehow wins domestic cup despite almost relegating and players' legs being made out of sticks
>Striker who had awful season decides to start scoring towards the end of campaign
>Decide to sell said striker because i need money and most of the other players have been injured majority of the season
>New season opens with supercup
>The league winners make an offer for him right before the match that gets accepted
>Decide to play the striker in the match as i still had absentees on the team.
>Game is 1-1 at 90', start planning for extra time
>Last action before extra time, opposition has a corner
>Ball arrives in the box
>The fucking striker i planned on selling to them touches the ball with his hand
>Penalty kick, they score at the last minute and win
okay i made a new /vst/ thread
Are we dead?
It died just like the FIFA general because the games are shit and repetitive, posters grew out of them or left the site
It's been mostly dead this year.
Anyway, I've only played 2 formations the past 2 years 3-4-3 and 3-5-2. Did the quadruple for the first time in recent memory recently (I always give up after I win 1/2 league titles as it becomes boring). Finally, after winning titles the price of every player 10x.
I had a similar problem playing fifa career mode, I'd care for my custom players generally, but I couldn't really get into ai having these unknown ones. Be it there, or in fm, I wonder if there are databases for like 17/18 season, which would spawn current young talent like Yamal for example at appropriate times
Does Moldova not allow dual nationality?


Handball penalties are fucking rigged
please show me your 3-4-3, i've been trying to implement 3 at the back formation but they're not effective to me
Hey bros
I'm a Burger and honestly not much of a big football fan.
I've watched a number of games in the last couple years, starting with the world cup, and I have to admit I don't really enjoy the sport very much. I find the pace boring because it's just constant passing, waiting, kinda boring desu. I prefer American Games with turns like baseball and gridiron because it gives me a couple seconds of intensity followed by 20 or 30 seconds to fuck around on my phone or say something to my friend or drink or eat or whatever it is I'm doing.
Anyways I don't mean that in a mean way but it's just a prologue to my actual post
I am a HUGE sports sim video game nerd. I have combined over 1,000 hours in Out Of The Park baseball sim and have been playing less in depth sports sims games since childhood (things like MLB The Show, Madden, NBA 2k, PES (your sport I had this as a kid, used Van Nistleroy) other baseball and nfl games as a kid etc)
Anyways I'm interested in Football Manager to say the least, I also must say I think the way your football sport is structured is superior and would make for a more fun Sports Sim game. Stuff like Promotion / Relegation, International games, clubs being able to 'lease' players to other teams etc
So basically I would like to give Football Manager a shot, especially since I think it will help me better appreciate the sport IRL
Is now a good time to pick it up? I have no idea about your sport's tactics, will this help me learn them or will I constantly be at a disadvantage unless I study basic tactics in Youtube or something
Are there other similar sports games? It seems like FM and OOTP are truly in a league of their own when it comes to this sort of thing. I obviously want a NFL / Gridiron simulator but it seems like there isn't a very good one that exists so I'm willing to give FM a shot
Sorry if I bothered anyone, will post a nice pic as a tribute
Would love to have a LONG discussion about this topic if you're down
if you love sports sim/management modes, you'll love this.

since you don't follow the sport, pick a big name team IRL and watch some vids on how they play. then emulate it. the game is quite detailed and forgiving as long as you read what each button does on the tactics screen. you'll figure out player roles in no time.

then you branch out into buying players and can leave the other stuff to your staff so you don't have to worry about staff contract renewals and shit like that.

the coolest thing is finding young kids and building them up into world beaters
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giga based
Anyone else refuse to sign Africans with Euro flags? Looking at the list of wonderkids just makes me sad desu
for some reason there's an autistic /vst/ janny that enforces that rule despite the fact that it's a dead board and most of the threads are just generals that don't call themselves that. on /vm/ nobody enforces it and it works just fine for slower generals
Is that the only way you can feel like you're doing something? Refusing to sign certain players in a video game?
>I obviously want a NFL / Gridiron simulator
It's not at the same level as FM but it's a pretty good start.
new game is coming out in few months, but it's on a new engine, so fm24 would be the definitive experience for this one I believe
but if you don't care about squads and stuff, maybe pick up on older one for cheaper? not sure if that's a bad idea or not, may others please say more about the topic
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The CM positions change. I usually play DLP and Volante but my players are better suited to a DM+DLP role, I've even gone for Regista before. I would usually play one IW and one IF but it's player dependent.
The striker position can be kinda difficult, sometimes dogshit players can be on fire and other times top players just flop.
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3-5-2 Variation is basically the same
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Think they were 16th before I took over. Spent 400 million less than I sold for.
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this was nuts
yes that is edouard mendy with a 94' equaliser, header from a corner
FM24 is currently 50% off on Humble Bundle.One important thing about FM is that it is highly moddable, and the base game can be massively improved with just a few downloads. The basic mods I'd suggest are a face pack for player faces, a logo pack for team and competition logos, and the "real name fix" which fixes some basic licensing issues. If you want to go a bit further, you can also download kit/jersey packs, stadium packs, trophy packs, and even 3d kit packs which are shown in the 3d match engine. You can also get different skins that are way better than the basic skin, such as WTS Gold or Sas24.
Any good skin for FM23?
Tato and maybe sas
the rest are shit
my pc is not really wide screen so will those work ?
Sas has a laptop-sized version, don't know about Tato.
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Unbeaten season is still alive, that run of games at the end of February was absolutely awful though. I want to believe
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Here's the Juve match btw, slurper of the century. Don't think I've ever seen a team manage to not have a single shot

Ok got sas on my pc, thanks lads
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He might not be the Turkish Mbappe, but he seems to be the best talent in the world
what's the most fun Scandi nation to manage in?
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Rate this kid. Might be the best midfield regen I ever had.
denmark can be fun but the winter break ruins player development, and if you manage to qualify for european leagues you might have to play a game or 2 during the winter break while your team is cold and not in form. the norway league is like a summer league so their european games are during the offseason when your team is very cold and not in form.
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Looking for a WB, which of these would you pick?
Cavalcante looks to have a higher ceiling, but Finardi is a year younger, cheaper and homegrown in Italy.
cavalcante is a manlet
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Iceland for sure.
Just went back on FM21... Straight from the go the match engine is better than fm23-24... No wonder i played this hoe all through lockdown
Thanks breh
idk if this is too gimmicky, but this is my first few fms and i feel they should add more things actually involving your manager like
>manager stress / dynamics
effected by your managers level of discipline / club vision goals / fan reactions / press conferences / salary, can sometimes limit or give new dialogue in your responses in interviews, player meetings etc
>touchline interactions
yell at refs (sent off = manage from dressing room?), taunt opponent staff, fire/rile up fans, join in on game winning goal celebrations, reach past technical area to give more emphasis on player shouts, grab ball when time wasting, choosing whether to handshake or ignore subs coming off based on their reaction, these things available for high eccentricity managers
>post game talks with opponent managers
if there has been back and forth or if the opponent manager is angry / congratulatory from the game outcome there can be unique dialogue options during handshake
I'd honestly be in for anything that makes the media aspect less awful and stale. The touchline interactions sound fun
any tips to find loans for my youth players?
Get an affiliate club in a decent league to loan them out to
can't do that unfortunately, owner says there's no need because "you can send them anywhere on loan"
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>Player picks up 2 MOTM in the last 5 games
>"Hey lad, I think you've played pretty well recently!"
>"I disagree and I don't think I can let this go quietly."
>Player is starting to develop concerns over how his manager has treated him
Yeah and don't you dare congratulate anybody for an international goal!
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Lads we did it. I feel like Italian clubs have just been shit this season. Last year Inter ended at 90+ points and Lautaro won the ballon d'or
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>Player gets injured right after I make my final sub, leaving me with 10 men
>Only goal from a mickey mouse header in which my keeper completely missed the ball
Classic. We go another year I suppose
>tfw I always revert back to 433 no matter the meme formation

So many dm and winger prospects I always go back.
for me it's 4-1-3-2 (narrow) because I'm addicted to central midfielders
its like 12-15 years or something in-game
finardi's OTB and positioning is too much worse to consider him
At first glance I thought Doig was a regen lmao
Getting close to 3500 hrs on FM17 now and getting a little bored with it desu. Anyone know how to get a hold of 18? Tried jumping to 20 and I fucking hated it.
come play a real man's game
We're all just waiting for FM25
God I'm so fucking done with the old UI. I can't even play old FM games until FM25 comes out with how much better the new one looks
>b-b-but muh friggin consolerinos!!
shut up, the new UI is actually human
This is literally good UI though?
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if only I had that kind of money for his release clause

the joys of just earning promotion into Bundesliga and not having money
Have good reputation and spam offer player out.
In my scotland create a club teams slurp up my mediocre regens just because I dethroned the old firm.
AI is retarded they focus almost primarily on reputation and PA.
FM 2024 is %50 off on humble bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/store/football-manager-2024 doubt you will get a key to the older games much cheaper than that.
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OK lads I've gone and bought the game myself
What is the best /squad/ to take over as a retard burger who knows absolutely nothing about this game and very very little about the sport in general.
I would like to LARP as well so imagine I've just won the lottery and decided to buy and personally manage a football club. Ideally I'd like to play somewhere with Promotion Relegation like England but also I have no personal attachment to any nation outside of USA I just don't like the structure of MLS as much as the way Europe does it (If I wanted to run a playoff sports management game I'd go back to OOTP)
What /squad/ am I running? Can be any league / any nation / any division but I personally feel like a low quality team would be best for me but I really don't know. Again keep in mind I first and foremost want to LARP so I don't feel it'd be very realistic to have me buy, say, Arsenal or Man United or any of those top tier teams yknow? Anyways whats the pick?
First answer wins btw :)
Usually any clubs in a league which utterly dominated by one club or at least three club but still competitive in UCL, like Ajax/Feyenoord/PSV in the Netherland, Galatasaray/Fenerbahce in Turkey, Porto/Sporting/Benfica in Portugal, København in Denmark, and Red Bull Salzburg in Austria.
Right the only name I recognize there is Ajax and PSV so I'm going Ajax because that's the one you listed first
Nope. Meritocracy wins.
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>le pace babbies
Shhhh, quiet now, Ugbubogwe is fucking your lass now
i don't sign non-whites, simple as
I still play a version with the AFCON in January, so I never sign Africans as a result.
Also because they're black.
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Shakhtar with the ruthless efficiancy
If you're doing the larp where you can't go in as one of the top top teams, you could always go "Big fish in small pond" like Celtic(Scotland), Galatasaray(Turkey), Olympiacos(Greece), or Red Star Belgrade(Serbia).
Use the best manager stats possible and select hull city
FYI due to licensing issues Ajax starts with zero staff members, so you'll have to start hiring. I recommend finding a director of football/technical director with 15+ negotiating and then delegating other hiring to him in the staff responsibilities area
i liked that on 21 i could tell my wingers to tight mark fullbacks and theyd essentially turn into wingbacks in the defensive phase, strikers on support could also be made to tight mark and follow dms so i could attack with a 4-4-2 and defend with a 6-3-1
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i had a ton of fun with it
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this guy keeps getting in trouble with the refs, honestly I love him
>Aggression 20
>Work rate 18
>Tackling 12
Needs a new contract with a considerable pay raise
he's fine as of now, gonna get an automatic payrise to 10k euros once he reaches 10 premier league games
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here are my strikers
proper tall lads
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Sorry lads I've gone with Scaraborough Athletic because they had a cool logo with a Seagull and based red color scheme.
I took over and skipped all the intro tutorial crap, pounded my hand on the table and told everyone I expected to make the playoffs this year, threw a tantrum at media availability, and threw a water bottle at the team during half time when they allowed Second XI to score 7 times while I was using my advanced offense formation (I put 8 people on offense, 1 midfielder, 1 defender, and 1 goal keeper)
In the second half I parked the bus and they only scored one time but we scored one time too so we still won
After the game I told them how disappointed I was in them and demanded we do better next time.
Pretty fun game, will take me some time to learn where all the buttons are and obviously I won't be making the playoffs this year either lol
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I call this tactic 'Crash The Bus'
My brother in christ
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We just tied it up in our Friendly @ Belper 22'
If we can pull ahead a few goals I'll shift to a Park the Bus tactic but I want to win and win by a lot
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Were you implying I was wrong?
You brits been playing football the wrong way for centuries.
Offense is the best defense
this looks kinda fun can someone tell me what the fuck it is
Holy chad


The video game Football Manager
Footy/autism simulator
you know when your dad screams indications at the players while watching football matches on the tv thinking he's the manager? Imagine that but as video game and now he's coaching some random lower league club he brought all the way to top flight football

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