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>Oilers have accrued too much goodwill in the offseason. Make them hire the rape apologist
Canadians would forgive Hitler if he led their team to a cup
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We fought along side you against germany you fucking retard
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance
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He's looking pretty jacked.
Why would I need to forgive someone who's done nothing wrong?
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there i am gary
there i am
If you are an Oilers reporter, you need to hold Stan Bowman accountable.

What has he done to learn from his mistakes?

Has he contributed to victims funds? Which? How much?

Which courses and certifications has he taken to ensure he understands workplace protocols?

How can he display a better understanding of workplace power dynamics?
Wrong pic?
Habs bros...you told me he wasn't coming over...
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Utah putahs
How we fleeing?
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rubben the old western penus
True we stormed the beaches SIR
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I found bud
Good catch
The Utah Beach Club
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me when I see a female hockey player and her girlfriend
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If Quebec tried to leave nowadays would anyone even care
Bowman isn't even a good GM IMO. Were there really no better choices available?
big yikes
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No, name someone that would be better. (I agree he’s over rated)
why did the oilers fire their gm when they made it within a game of winning the cup
people are saying they wanted Big Deals Brad
Tell me about the rantanen academy
Because that gm gave Darnell Nurse a contract that has his AAV 4 million more than he deserves
ummm sweaty he deserves every penny because he has #BlackExcellence
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>Oilers do something retarded
not much else to celebrate in cowtown is there
This just feels sooooo gross. JJ WTF man? Were things going too good for him? Couldn't handle the praise? This is the worst hire in Oilers history for me, I'm beyond baffled.
I'm not OK with this.
That's it.

That's the post.

I'm not OK with this and anyone who claims to support victims of sexual assault shouldn't be either.
Gary tells me the Oilers are going to make a skibidi toilet meme with Bowman to smooth over the hire
cope oilers just paid for the fire place
I’ve commented before that I had to testify against my former partner for DV and SA at the end of May and the playoff run really helped me shift focus and be distracted and happy for small periods of time, it was the first playoffs I’d ever watched and I find this very difficult to process. Saddening, disheartening, and disappointing to say the least
Offsides is when an attacking player crosses the blue line into the offensive zone without the puck before any attacking other players cross the blue line
Phew good thing I never claimed to support victims of sexual assault
not a single website is capable of searching a gm's signings anymore
gary this is your problem
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I hate Reddit and their holier than thou attitude desu
stop posting here please not a fan of your attempts
Never spend money on them again.

Note I didn't say stop watching them. I have my ways to watch without giving money to our scumbag organisation.

Stay strong my friend
End of the road for me. I was born an Oilers fan. This is too far.

I can't stand for this decision. We didn't need to do this to win, and even if we did, at what cost?

I'm out. Taking a break from hockey. This isn't an empty threat. I'm out. Last season was magical and I'll never forget it, but this is the end of the road.
calgary has an iconic arena whose silhouette was instantly recognizable
and they are going to replace it with this monstrosity
Are we all just ignoring the fact that the team owner is an accused pedophile?

olympic sattledome is iconic. cope
Wolfie's number is going to hang in that barn one day buddy
It's really too bad. This was going to be an exciting season. Now I can't support this team the same way I always have. Money is obviously the only thing these guys care about, so I've stopped paying for Oilers+, and SN. Please join me. Maybe if Sportsnet loses enough subscription money someone will listen. I will also not support any of the Oilers main sponsors. Anyone advertising on their jerseys or on the ice is complicit in supporting the employment of someone who contributed to the rape of minors. So I've canceled my Play Alberta account, as well.
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Stars bros how we feeling
Oh for sure. I'm pretty sure craig mactavish killed somebody but nobody remembers that because he lifted the cup four times and played with no bucket
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Who was raping minors dude?
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feeling decent
what does he need to be forgiven for kid?
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day 3 of the 1994 playoffs.
laffs/hawks game 2 was fun. belfour and potvin were great. not sure the ot winner should have counted. eddie the eagle was fuming at mccreary
proxy off rapey
Best thing about the sattledome is the arena sponsorship is worthless
>hire rapist
>get raped by my flames
Being a methhead retard. Gary would have saved Germany if he put him in the NHLPA PAP
Wendel clark out in front of the net right? I remember it well. good goal all day
potvin had that unbelievable falling save
My computer at work is still fucky from the Microsoft/crowdstrike shenanigans
off of his lifeless body
It's funny how much people try and hurt the flames moral. You can tell they're scared.
This looks very walkable. I'm sure Calgary is a walkable city
the biggest threat to flames moral is the team itself
flamiacs never say die
like good lil paypigs
Cale makar didn’t get that memo
Pay for what? I wear a counterfeit jersey and watch onhockey
real fans pay for seats to the game
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He traded Panarin for Saab
Not really but our train system is pretty good for north america
In Jew York
Homeless jungle the cups go unlifted
There’s no tickets for you
Now you’re in Jew York
These tweets will make you feel brand new
JLMI will inspire you
wtf I like Oilers now
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So I'm just gonna keep cheering for my team (the Calgary Flames)
me in the black coat behind Harvey mirin Chris
Siding is gonna be shiny aluminum not flame colour like here. It's fucking stupid and deceitful.
not that you support it directly in anyway
Shannon seething
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My morale is peaking knowing you're still trying to hold me down.
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They hate us cuz they ain't us
simple as
that is right, you're a victim
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True. I almost feel bad for them.
>us vs them mentality
flames fans are literal fascists
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Saad won 2 cups meanwhile breadman has never won a damn thing in his entire career
yup. hooked belfour's stick before the shot got passed him.
that potvin save was incredible.
Literally who and who?
Burn in hell Calgary

So a couple queers queered off, and that means what, exactly?
three consecutive dimeless posts great work newfag kwab
This kid whos clearly still in high school should fuck off
The argies seething and coping about Olympic soccer is reminding me of something
Something closer to home
Something on /hoc/
About another nations failure on the world stage
This failure feels familiar
On the tip of my tongue, can’t place it
Any idea lads?
burgers in every sport except handegg
just googled, and it turns out toronto maple leaf fans are totally gay and like penis.
Do you think the Calgary Flames will get the muslim Kadri to blow up the Saddledome (he's a terrorist (muslim))
This is true except for calgary flames fans
>it’s real
Its true. Thanks for the money Edmonton cucks.
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>when its been an entire week since you last could rub
This looks like the system of a down guy
Switch your phone plans from rogers.

This is a longshot but if you are rogers customer, including their subsidiaries like fido. Speak to an agent and make sure its on record that you are switching your phone plan because of the financial support they give to the Oilers and that you cannot support what they are doing.

Phone businesses thrive on customer retention so you can probably get a good deal elsewhere while also still voting with your wallet.
Business idea: one player on the ice can wear HEMA armor and wield a halberd instead of a stick
Switching my phone service to BASED Rogers.
Rogers and Bell are big gay
Im a Telus guy myself
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I just wanted to root for a team with a cute lynx mascot and now the Oilers are the social pariahs of the NHL for hiring a dude who covered up a sexual assault.... what the fuck
Oilers are now /ourguys/
i'm a google fi chad
Society simply wants to see us sexual assaulters fail and laugh about it
Anyone who doesn't cheer for the Oilers at this point is basically openly admitting they post on reddit

Really no reason for this general to exist in the offseason.
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Anybody wanna explain how MacMeme can win the Hart Trophy for finishing second in points and third in points/game while playing with a Norris finalist and also the eighth highest scorer in the league (who averaged more TOI than him).
He received more votes than everyone else
And why was that?
I disagree, off season signings like this one today are really important to discuss the future impact on the franchise
Votes were submitted before the game and Gary didn’t send them the finalized script in time
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post salt
I picked blueberries and made a pie
Because he’s the reason they were a Norris finalist and eighth highest scorer.
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I expected more from a Swede
based. the oilers aren't going anywhere with their immoral signings. god is laughing after watching them fail the reverse sweep.
Sign the petition lads
Nah I'm good, I think it's funny desu
Can you post the petition to keep him?
based nofap chad
should petition for someone to ask
Can anyone seriously explain why they would choose Stan Bowman as their GM? All the hockey channels I watch unanimously agree it's a bad signing and it's hard to root for the Oilers now despite their loaded roster. Is he just there to be the bad guy and cut off the bad contracts? Is he actually a good GM but had his reputation tarnished because the front office forced him to cover up for the player? How deep does this go? Is this Bettman's revenge for McDavid not accepting the Conn Smythe in person?
no one with any gravitas gives the slightest fuck about the faggot shit. 2 faggots did faggot shit, he wasnt going to concern himself with it. he was there to run the team. thats all anyone in real life actually cares about.
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based :) do you have vanilla ice cream as well?
Same reason to why his peers thought he was the best player this season. If the Lindsay and the Hart goes to the same player, you know the Hart went to the correct player.
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the era of caring about what pearl clutching redditors think is over. these people will virtue signal about stan bowman and then immediately go into the next thread and upvote and give gold to pedophiles because they are trannies
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Good start. Lol.
I don't get it what's the context?
lol this
they'll be best friends when they are tied together for biggest busts
It means that when someone tries to fuck with michkov they will answer to the enforcer
feeling hopeful
Ovechkin - Eichel - Tuch
Bertuzzi - Domi - Oshie
Formenton - McLeod - Dube
Leipsic - Grimaldi - Archibald

Provorov - Burns
Suter - Jones
Mailloux - DeAngelo

quebec was a part of the axis of evil (look it up)
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It’s like a renaissance painting
Calgary flames prospect pool tier
someone smarter or more of a dungeon dwelling autist than me should run this through an AI filter to turn it into a painting

Captcha: 2WAT
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day /druk/
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On a weekday??
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that's right wagie
What are you drinking king
I’ve been sipping at work
whiskey and miller high life
What the fuck did tie domi do and why is he on the 2nd line
Wheres dany heatley and that guy from the islanders who squeezed a guys head playing rugby and killed him
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Enjoy your hangover tomorrow
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nice effort sven keep trying until it’s perfect
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I don't get hangovers anymore I'm eternally one with the booze
Max Domi is a big Trump supporter.
Casey Cizikas isn't a chud.
Dany Heatley is retired and not a chud.
I was the liquor until about 35 then my body said “lol no”

I get a hangover from 2 Long Island clubs and 5 claws these days
based philly tanking their own team so their twink cant be fucked with
based bobby clarke knows how weak russian ankles can be and wants his players protected by a strong canadian enforcer.
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Good post
what monstrosity is this
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I'm DMing this weekend bro's
why aren't you DMing for the /hoc/ campaign??
the raped bitch kept asking to join I scrapped it
Datsyuk - mage/thief
Byfuglien - barbarian
Scott - fighter
Reimer - cleric (lathander)
McDavid - sorcerer
Ovi - ranger (archer)
That isn't the kind of game I was planning
Where will Kylington end up?
Heaven if he gives his heart to Christ
Matt Rempe sucks. Anyone who knows how to skate doesn’t have to worry about that gigantic ogre at all. Michkov will be fine
Oh let me guess you’re playing 6th edition or whatever faggot tranny aids bullshit edition they are on now instead of 2 or 3.5 like a gentleman

Or “pathfinder” or some gay shit

fuck you loser
I play a 3.5 homebrew to be honest I bet you'd like it to be desu
I’m tired of fake outrage by hockey fans
as long as there is no racial diversity and no parallels to real world politics I’m in
isn't pathfinder just a better 3.5
Ya need a tough guy to protect the stars. wayner had semenko mario had mcsorely crosby had laraque mcdavid had kassian
playing Conscript rn its bussin
both crosby and mcmeme were still targetted and missed games due to injury
if you're smart enough to pick up the big bad guy being a shifty jew you'll get it but I don't downright express it
we run humans, elf or halfling only (a halfling is the unwretched spawn of a man and elf)
>he genuinely thinks Matt Rempe is a good enforcer
Zenon Konopka would shit all over Rempe btw
Yeah because mario let laraque walk after sid's rookie year and never replaced him
no it’s a slightly less woke answer to the abysmal 4th/5th trash which uses some of the basic framework of 3.5, also a money grab

you can hop on eBay and get everything you need for a sick 3.5e forgotten realms (only based setting) campaign for under $200
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They should be upset that the man who gave Seth Jones 9+ millions per year has replaced the man who gave Darnell Nurse 9+ millions per year
based I’m in
I choose Datsyuk for my character
It's 2024 nobody fights anymore ya just need to be big
laraque was on the roster in 08 then they got cooke
kassian was around for most of mcmeme's early years but that did little to deter
michael haley now that was an enforcer
matt cooke is a little midget faggot
And Matt Rempe is an ECHL tier player and was actively fucking up the Rangers against the Panthers. He’s garbage:
checked and cope he was a fan favorite we called him the cookie monster I was at the game he ended denis savard career at the igloo after the game I was this dude Jason who used to hang out with my older brother and he gave me a cut of weed
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Of the seven hawks players who won 3 cups with the team, five were acquired by Dale Tallon: Toews, Kane & Hjalmarsson (draft), Sharp (trade), Hossa (UFA) Two were Mike Smith acquisitions (Keith & Seabrook, both drafted). Stan Bowman was responsible for acquiring 0 (zero) players of the dynasty and basically just shuffled deck chairs around a winning core, basically an idiot who gave players like Bryan Bickell $4Mx4.
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grug do good
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good, he wont get in the way like all the other oiler cunt gms have
There's 13 other players on those rosters, you swedish rape baby
I want to manage a team in canada all you gotta do is wear rainbow stuff and you can lose forever and make millions
thank you gary
Your team is shit and run by a retard.
are my flames
will folks turn on mcdavid or will they believe he had no idea about this hiring?
Hes just been promoted to video coach
Forget about all the raping bowman was a shit overrated gm who didn’t even draft any of the main players who won the rape hawks three cups.
stan bowman will win another cup meanwhile kyle beach is scarred for life... the world is unfair
did McBustshit pull a 92 aka the 4.17
this is cope
This is what makes this whole thing so puzzling to me. I would have understood taking the PR hit if they hired a good GM but no they got a retard who inherited an elite core and did nothing to add to it.
Wah! What are we going to do on the bed video coach-san?
kyle beach is a slut
the difference between bowman and dubas is three rings yet both inherented elite cores
lawyers in Carolina be like your honor from the court records we know that beach got cum on his face but did he eat the cock?
Kyle Beach is the tbg of the NHL
One inherited an elite core that actually performed in the playoffs
Honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about the oilers hiring stan bowman
Kyle beach (bust) thought he would get a roster spot if he let his dick get sucked by a homosexual man while the team was busy fighting to win a cup. He was a grown man at the time
Oilers should have hired Natalie Darwitz
yeah because bowman out the pieces in place to get the core to perform
that is called good management
I thought Beach sucked the dick? Jack Skille would never
got a $6 biggie bag
Remember when /hoc/ found out it was Kyle beach who was the raped bitch before the media reported on it?
Yeah and I didn't care then and I don't care now
he claims that bros just jerked off together which is entirely ungay but bro busted on his face which makes you gay
We also found out the raped bitch was the raped bitch before the media reported on it
/hoc/tism is incredibly strong
>stan bowman will win another cup
kek.. KEK
Stan Bowman is actually a terrible GM. He didn't build the Blackhawks, he just took over at the right time and made so many blunders they were forced to start from nothing again.
>he just took over at the right time and made so many blunders they were forced to start from nothing again
this literally describes any roster/gm that won 2-3 cups in 5 years since the cap
They've hired a man who covered up a rapist's actions allowing him to rape again.

They know it's bad because JJ has gone private on Twitter

It's really too bad. This was going to be an exciting season. Now I can't support this team the same way I always have.

Money is obviously the only thing these guys care about, so I've stopped paying for Oilers+, and SN.

Please join me. Maybe if Sportsnet loses enough subscription money someone will listen.

I will also not support any of the Oilers main sponsors. Anyone advertising on their jerseys or on the ice is complicit in supporting the employment of someone who contributed to the rape of minors. So I've canceled my Play Alberta account, as well.

Let's make a stink about the sponsors. Maybe they'll care more than Katz.

I'm so disgusted by this decision.

For those who don't think Bowman's actions had consequences:

"The lead investigator, former assistant US attorney Reid Schar, stated that Bowman's failure to report the alleged assault had consequences, eventually leading to the perpetrator committing further acts of sexual abuse." NBC Chicago

Hockey players are so fucking dumb. Imagine believing a video coach have any input on your NHL career so much that you let him suck your dick.

You have to be either unbelievably stupid or gay to do that.
I'm so horribly depressed.
how you tried not being a flames fan
go fuck yourself you stupid faggot
another night, another dream, but always you

its like a vision of love that seems to be true
ill take that as a no
Other successful teams were able to stay competitive. Bowman hung on to the wrong guys, made horrific trades and signings, and left the org in shambles.
i hope you someday find peace and happiness :)
>Other successful teams were able to stay competitive
yet you dont name them or go into any detail
me too brother
uhhh he got them bedard
Pittsburgh and Boston
>The lead investigator, former assistant US attorney Reid Schar
Well, that surely settles it then.

NPCs have such trust in people with power that they don't have any own opinions.

my money is on the latter
pittsburgh has lost in nearly every first round except one since 2017
boston didnt even win a second cup
these are your examples?
Get a job at a ranch and become a cowboy.
Grass: Why I Eat and Throw Up
This makes me laugh. This guy probably unknowingly interacts with pieces of shit who have done worse things on a daily basis.
Successful teams. Playoffs are a crapshoot.
by that rhetoric the blackhawks are successful all the same
yeah or become a delivery boy for seniors
doggy does the same thing
just got a text for a one time security code to sign up for some app
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Thanks, I’m working hard to improve my life
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based retard
I'm scared, tomorrow is my frenectomy
old bitch needs to make one last kino before he dies and NOT gay music with chrysta bell
>Reid Schar

Reid Scharstein
While you're there sign up for a stop being a bitchtomy
Why are hockey players gay you mean
it's mostly the female ones
Is it just me or are the Preds actually going to maybe be gud this season?
gays go to Hell
Hell doesn't exist brainlet
Any Canadians in the thread?
Hi from Brampton saar
No kidding huh
where in the united states do you live
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>yfw da bruins win da stanleyb owl
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Americans are wolves
Canadians are sheep
Greater Sunrise metropolitan
>wolves paying sheep to win for them
Americans are cool (most of the white ones) (the ones hockey is for)
You're a fucking moron.
Prove him wrong
my broons :)
People like to be mean to americans because they are fat and kinda dumb sometimes but i think they are pretty cool.
vpn off
He spends too much time on 4chan and fails to grasp that most hockey fans are white leftists now. He lives in a fantasy land where he thinks Canada used to be some right wing white bastion of paradise. It never has been and never will be.
does anyone else ever notice how many cool and good posts come from leaf posters from southern alberta
Canada is where the race war starts buddy
And whites will be relegated to the sidelines.
He sounds alright in my book
Delusions aren't helpful.
no, since this board doesnt show provincial flags
Wong sport analogy ya dunce
southern alberta is just northern america
Keep telling yourself that while they build another mosque and hindu temple where a church used to be.
you can still tell
The people that claim to be from Alberta in this thread are in complete denial about what is happening in their own backyard.
Oilers are winning the cup next season
Biggest church in Calgary is unironically the Mormon one.
no you cant
elite picks and new barn?
buddy you totally can
Cope I can see the mountains from my backyard
yet they still elected a brown mayor to succeed the outgoing brown mayor
5d chess
The cup ramen maybe.
>being ruled by brown people was all part of the plan
Nenshi was based. Defended our Saddledome till the last hour. Gondek is pretty retarded. But also pretty. Would.
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Gay if you wouldn't desu
there it is
a brown calgarian, praising his brown leadership
He's right. Those mountains suck you're in complete denial.
Imagine the smell
Who's paying for the new dome retard?
Thank you saar
the same retards who elected her
All 32 NHL teams should be forcibly relocated to Montana.
she's an 11
no i'm not joking
Denial about what? What's happening in my own backyard is a sick view of the mountains.
Youngster this is a website for users over the age of 18 I'm afraid
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who do we got fellow wise guys
you deliver newspapers and are 40 years old. remember when you said you were gonna be a teeacher?

My islanders
those odds on hongcouver are pretty favorable.
She is a bad politician but i'm not gay. Sue me.
no one forced you to compliment the outgoing brown mayor but you found the need to do so anyways
its ok, youre brown why would you hate a brown leader
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Cheeky 10 on my Sensies desu
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What do you guys think of Marian Hossa? Seems like a cup chaser but was also pretty damn good.

>retiring due to eczema
>arizona taking dead cap to reach the floor
Nenshi extended the life of the saddledome by a decade. He's based.
by attempting to force csec to pay for their own arena
they refused then the next mayor completely caved and forced taxpayers to pay for the overwhelming majority
in the process, calgary nearly lost the flames
in english doc
try reading with your eyes
seething edmongorian
the browns of /hoc/ are mad now but he told the truth
Yah so Nenshi was based. Gondek is a cutie and dumb
oh I'm no queer
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What do you think should I apply bros?
more brown affection from a shitskin
>Habs that high
lmao even
>Any Canadian team that high
People complain about general managers always coming from hockey circles but somehow I don't think getting one off of indeed is a better strategy
Youre a fucking moron
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Hate us cuz they ain't us
I just did you snooze you lose
yeah im not brown, great assessment
posting a photo from some random household to pretend this its your own
extremely brown behaviour
That's my backyard in the NW. NE is where the browns are from.
that picture wasnt taken from a backyard
Too beautiful to believe. I know
looks like Retardtown, PA
no, its because you are lying
feel free to prove me wrong
I have looked at murray edwards in the eye and shook his hand.
edwards wore gloves cause he didnt want your brown hand to taint him
>he doesn't own land in the middle of nowhere
based eustace
That is literally in the middle of the city
Awful lot of baseding out over this hire huh
Maybe, but after he kissed my hand and called my veronica
I can't fix her
I think it's bad if you don't win
*called me
he thought you were a brown woman? must have expected you to go down on him
wait let me finish
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I got some zyn nicotine pouches and I have one in now and it’s burning my gums but I’m buzzing hard desu
go ahead babe


They're just gonna hire one of kendall coyne schofield and ken klee's friends
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ay das cultural appropriation
He didn't even watch the game. Just talked about how cool switzerland is and how much he hates the libs. I offered my bussy, but he pretended he didn't hear me.
this neglect is what started your hatred for white people and conservatism
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That's for women. Men uses loose snus.
i agree, I hear zip recruiter is the bees knees
Doesn’t that shit get all in your teeth
so does ruff bring dabres back to ploffs? roster is looking a bit stretched for talent, but me thinks that benson kid breaks out nicely
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>13 year long postseason drought
Bit off topic is nordic coffee is any good?
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No. UPL regresses after having a strong 2023-24 campaign
i'm thinking about those flames again
How is Stan Bowman is known to be a shit GM when he won 3 cups?
"thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour"
but graeme has forsaken his christianity in all but name
same mindset as retards who thought holland was shit despite 3 cups
No, you shove it under your upper lip and after you're done you spit it out.
No idea. I've never drunk coffee.
same. i would take a bullet for our flames
Stop talking about the fucking flames
>McGroarty reads this in The Hockey News
What are the Jets gonna do now?
nobody did.
Just give him a roster spot or don't. He's clearly a good talent to still warrant a roster spot over some 3rd line shitter
I have been using nicotine lozenges for 5 years
Scroll up retard
Who was the worst goalie in modern times to win the Stan Lee as the starter?
first one of the thread. What the fuck are you guys doing?
Matt Murray or Antti Niemi
>Just give him a roster spot or don't.
Wow, deep wisdom

>He's clearly a good talent to still warrant a roster spot over some 3rd line shitter
Based on what
slacking, just like my islanders
In no way is Mason Appleton or Nino Neiderieder better than McGroarty.
Buddy is so brainbroken by the flames that he's seeing things lol
Nino was good at scoring one point in sixty games for my islanders
Kuemper has at least had a career unlike hill or murray
Based on fucking what
its funny how gets that bad for them
what career? didnt even make the conference final twice
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Frankie on the other hand, he had a great day.
I think I know why

Bowman Stanley Cups since being born in 1973: 3
Calgary Flames cups since 1973: 1
>unlike two guys who won cups with teams i hate
oh bud you're so easy to spot
Reminder that Luongo is a Stanley Cup champion :)
just not as a player (which is what he wanted)
Luongo wanted to win the cup as a non-player?
literally nobody knows who the fuck that is
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all coffee tastes the same imo
writing this as I'm pulling an all-nighter
our islanders had luongo
jesus christ man seek help im not this bud character
I want my milk with artificial growth hormones
>2010 final bro him
there must be a good chunk of /hoc/ posters who were too young to remember that game, 14 years is a long time
I dont bother even trying to discuss anything that happened before 2021 anymore.
>stephen still hasn't figured out that his posts stick out harder than tbgs
Yeah and so did the Canucks. The difference is that everyone wasted Luongo.
shut the fuck up fag
My favourite poster is geronimo desu
no tickets
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good luck pekka!
hello schizo
I was in middle school when it happened
/hoc/ is moving at light speed tonight
What's the actual reason for this?
Like if he was a legit top 5 GM in the game, I could understand. But he's not even a good GM, why take on the PR shitstorm and bad will for a mediocre GM?
Not as fast as Bowman's cover up job kwab
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Huomenta but opposite
What is Katz up to?
early tonight lil bitch
you have restless sleep the other day?
>But he's not even a good GM
I didn't follow Kane/Teows era was the 3 cups was a fluke?
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lmao he did everything he was asked for, was given 4 first picks still no cups lol, Bowman hiring is a humiliation ritual at this point.
Florida Panthers hockey
Thingken about ending it all my weekend from hell at work is coming up. It happens 4-5 times per year
Dale Tallon drafted the big guys but Bowman put some pieces around them. But he was also a part of trying to extend the window far longer than it should've but to be fair to him it was probably ownership's call to do so. People in this general have called him a shitty gm and a great one but it's far more accurate to put him in the category of "decent"
just like my penguins
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Based. I need to branch out and try more flavors but my main is these bad boys
Gr o ss
So Jasper, Alberta is pretty much gone now.
selling knives?
you dont win three cups being decent at your job
Can't wait for my taxes to go up and my rights restricted even further because a bunch of fuck sticks in Alberta couldn't get their shit together.
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this but also with my tickets
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No, single handedly running fairly big events for three days straight with minimal sleep.
explain marc-andre fleury then
>the difference is that everyone was the same
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this nigga dressin like spiderman
this nigga doin baloon animals
What happened?
Think I'll go out to Alberta
Weather's good there in the fall
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I thought she was pregnant from the thumbnail
Yah check out the larches. Snow starts in October.
Fire is engulfing the town. It's a legit tragedy.
flames are offseason champions once again
That’s terrible :(
we don't make jokes about tragedy here retard
you need to go back
Alberta truly is gods country
wish these retarded canadians would stop fucking up my areas air quality with their fires
unfortunately yes, 19% of our GDP for example

the contract Bowman gave Steph Jones is worse
only looks better because the Cawks are shit
GDP stands for gayest dudes possible
fo real. It gave my good buddy bronchitis and ive had to change my air filters more often
America is the leader in that category
thought it would be more than 19% in that case
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Why is god punishing us
Wouldn’t you be safer at home?
It's fucking BC. They don't give a fuck because everyone lives on the ocean and all the fires blow east.
Not if the town is burning and everyone is evacuating
Stay safe fren!
Jasper literally burning to the ground and Albertans are still blaming everyone but themselves. Never seen a more ignorant group of people in my life.
look at this map. most of the fires are in interior bc
grim. good luck buddy
Me after eating tacos
It's not me, I just posted an image from the news. I'm in Calgary
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he was very good for a solid 10 years
>jasper literally burning to the ground
>b-b-but BC
Said it earlier. The Albertans in this thread are in severe denial. Cannot even for one second accept what is going on in their own backyard. Deny, deflect, blame others. This is the Albertan way.
It’s global warming’s fault
Instead of the saddledome, Danielle Smith should build a big fan to blow the fire towards the libs in BC
Next thread better not be flakes related
it was a gay magazine
Most of the smoke that american are complaining about is coming from BC. It's like 5 to 1
Then how will I learn bench press tips?
was a girly magazine dumbass
Deny, deflect, blame others. This is the Albertan way.
but enough about ontario
we should have provincial flags (/hoc/ only)

we have made a dumpster of his garden
>Red is out of control
>Yellow is being held
>blue is under control

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