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Senshuraku here we come
thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nm5EhBSdr0


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:
or if you don't want to do that there are easily accessible Abema streams daily on yewtube

Current leader: Terunofuji 11-1
Takakeisho and Kirishima each with their backs to the wall facing demotion with another loss, Abi also in the hot seat

Shishi, Shirokuma & Shimazuumi leading juryo at 9-3

previous >>142924070
Submit your Terunofuji apology form
If Teru goes 14-1 & then retires that makes Onosato the heir apparent since nobody else has been able to beat Teru for the past two bashoes
only if he goes 14-1
Man, he won on a fluke. If Teru had gotten the mawashi instead of the sagari then he'd be 12-0 at this point and Onosato would barely be above .500.
It's basically 1-1 since Teru was obviously not well on their second meeting considering he pulled out immediately after.
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these are both shamefully cringey copes
so long gay bowser
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>Bullies you
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>thought they were cleansing themselves of evil by getting rid of Hokuseiho
>they only opened the door for a greater evil to emerge
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This one is gonna be interesting, i still think he can do it.
how'd the interrim yokozuna do today? back to winning?
I still can't believe he's gone, it seems like only yesterday he was standing in our path, refusing to move and dangling one arm menacingly to the side.
I've only lately started watching sumo but I've been loving it. I just watched the day 11 highlights of the current tournament, am I to assume I'm a day behind? My favourite sumo are Terunofuji, Ura, and Takayasu because that fucker is HAIRY. Also Onosato because damn what a rising star.
How do the Japanese feel about the fact that a Mongol is their sport's GOAT?
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he was trying to protect the young from the real menace
glueing together their wallets so onosucku couldnt steal their money
misunderstood retard
Onosato seems a long way off the yokozuna title. Desu the closest atm feels like Hoshoryu to me. Onosato's dogshit start to this tournament is a big smudge on his record, while Hoshoryu just keeps pulling out the solid results. I wouldn't be surprised if Hoshoryu is being kept away from Terunofuji until day 15 for the big final match.
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how the fuck is that real
I suppose it's just another one of those affinity things we rarely see play out in large samples.
Day 12 ended 2 hours ago, that's why the highlights wouldn't be up yet.
Grim. Not gonna lie I really can't be fucked watching the full streams.
Nattosumo is your friend. He posts his own edited highlights about 1-2 hours after makushita/juryo/makuuchi finishes respectively, so you can watch them the day of. You can find the links on his Discord.
As much as you might want there to be, there's no accepted GOAT in sumo because of how long it has existed and how different things have been throughout the centuries.

Someone might casually point to Futabayama or Taihou as their GOAT just as well as they might point to Raiden or Akashi or Satsuma no Toshio.
Kintamayama is an alternative, although he only posts the English NHK footage nowadays. NHK always has better camera work than Abema, so that's the trade-off.
I don't get why so many people like Onosato. Terunofuji I get, he's small, got tricks and it's entertaining to watch. Onosato is none of those things, he's just big and tall and there's nothing else going on for him right now, I'm not saying he's not going to be an amazing rikishi in the future but right now he's far from good.
I meant to say Takerufuji not Terunofuji, obviously
I think it's no different to liking Akebono. He's big and he's winning, that's all the sport calls for.
I think people just want the next big thing to explode on the scene the way Hakuho did, and Onosato certainly came in very strong. Shame he started so poorly against a bunch of rank and filers but hey, he knocked Terunofuji off his unbeaten streak. That's gotta mean something.
I miss how mad he made the muscle manlet fans. We don't have anyone that causes that much seething anymore
last it was takakeisho 11-4 y almost a year ago
I'm just saying that riding Onosato's dick for beating Teru is retarded given HOW he won. I mean fucksake, just look at his matchups. Besides Teru, the only rikishi over .500 that he's won against are Daieisho, Kirishima and Tobizaru (none of which have KK'd yet and all of them have the same 7-5 record as him) and he got bodied by Zak, Hiradoumi and fucking Gonoyama. Take away the Teru win for the sake of argument and he's sitting at 6-6. If he beats Hoshoryu tomorrow my opinion will be tempered but I honestly think he's going to get dunked on

>but hey, he knocked Terunofuji off his unbeaten streak. That's gotta mean something.
He won but it wasn't very impressive. If he can clutch out the rest of the basho then we'll see but at this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he barely squeaks out a KK and only mildly surprised if he ends up going MK depending on who's waiting for him after Hoshoryu.
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People are desperate for a truly dominant potential yokozuna after the 3-4 years of relative mediocrity that we've endured after Hakuho's retirement.
>Shodai alternating 8-7 and 7-8 until his demotion
>the Takakeisho cycle™
>Asanoyama throwing away whatever chance he had for hostess pussy
>Mitakeumi's pathetically short ozeki tenure
>Kirishima's short ozeki tenure
>Wakatakakage tearing his ACL
>Wakamotoharu peaking at sekiwake, seemingly
>makunouchi bloated with chronically injured or declining rikishi: Tochinoshin, Endo, Aoiyama, Kaisei, Takarafuji, Takayasu, etc.
>the sole yokozuna imprisoned by his rank despite being the most chronically injured out of anyone
It's no wonder that people are desperate for young blood like Hakuoho, Onosato, Atamifuji, Takerufuji, and Onokatsu to purge the upper division and free us from this, which they have definitely done despite losing some of their momentum. It was a very stagnant period for the sport, I think.
Hoshoryu is gonna dumpster Onosato so hard I can't wait. While Teru looks to be winning his bouts through sheer brute pushing force which Onosato took advantage of with a sidestep, Hoshoryu has been getting great technical wins. New guy stands no chance.
>Hakuoho - 20
Stuck in juryo atleast another tournament. Hopefully this is the start of bouncing back from injury. Got a year though atleast till we can speculate again on his shot at being anything.
>Onokatsu - 24
>Takerufuji - 25
>Onosato - 24
None of these guys are really that young. Hoshoryu is about the same age. Remember that Asashoryu and Hakuho, the ladt dominant yokozuna, were already yokozuna at 23 and 22. Onosato is closet though. Really needs ten this tournament to keep ozeki streak alive for next tournament. he'll have enough, bit they're not counting m5 with only a 10 win cap
Atamifuji is at the right rank and age to be that thing, but hes either been figured out now that he's practicing against the joi ranks frequently or having a hard time adjusting to a more difficult schedule
NHK does a dumb thing where the highlights show will air on television worldwide and on their website, but the VODs won't be uploaded and free to watch until the next day's makuuchi bouts are already underway. It's really horrible.
>those big butts
no homo but I feel funny
atami seemed like he cannot stand the nagoya heat/humidity. let's see how he does in september.
we are 80% of the way complete with this tournament
here is your leader, contenders, and TECHNICALLY within a shot if terunofuji loses tomorrow (lol)
say something nice about them
what do you mean? there is no interim yokozuna, you either achieve the rank or don't, you either keep the rank or retire
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Reminder that Takakeisho is the only Ozeki capable of beating Terunofuji.
Churanoumi yusho confirmed
I'm calling him interrim because he's just there until a more legitimate yokozuna can be found. he's filling the void of hakuho rather than stepping up as a new entity
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Nah, he has not done great since floating around m1
Terunofuji is doing perfectly fine as a legitimate yokozuna. It isn't really fair to expect every yokozuna to live up to Hakuho, he was too good.
I just feel like he'll always be in his shadow. the next one doesn't even have to be better, just has to have "come up" in a scene where he wasn't oppressed utterly by hakuho while in his prime.
It'll either be Hoshoryu or Onosato.[/spoiler]
I feel like Hoshoryu with a little extra bulk would be a force to be recokoned with.
Best Ozeki since Takayasu 2018. Everyone else is constantly kadoban.
Endo on a 7 win streak is a surprise
this. if he wins, hell be tied for tenth highest amount of yusho
muscle. hes not even 10kg less than asashoryu, but their body comp is definitely different.
kotozakura hasn't had a losing record at ozeki. got to go back to 2021 for one
it's difficult for hoshoryu, because as mentioned, his body shape is just completely different from his uncle, whose frame was a massive tank
hoshoryu has to delicately balance his weight gain because I think if he gains weight too fast, he loses the competitive advantage he has which is his technical acumen
if he's no longer able to perform his wide array of skills, all he has is power but he could be easily overpowered by even heavier guys AKA his main rivals
Pretty sure that's mbovo
I've got a bunch of 2021-22 and some classic bashos from mbovo saved and the contrast saturation can be all over the place.
I've noticed that really washed out look a lot.
it's a little sad that, outside of enho, none of those thin midgets actually go all that far no matter how cool some of their wins look. even when they get the mawashi from the back with great leverage the W isn't guaranteed
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They should have bulked
I’m curious self-professed sumo fans, are you, yourselves, big fat men?
Nah, I was a pretty normal weight though a few months out of working what was a fairly active job have piled some weight on me. Should be back in work soon so won't have as much time to drink beer.
I'm at around 290 pounds at the moment.
>I’m curious self-professed sumo fans, are you, yourselves, big fat men?
Quite the opposite. I'm a twig. When I'm in a marathon training block, I'm downright skeletal.
>people watching NBA are tall
same logic
I'm 177cm and 108kg so yeah I'm pretty fat. I was actually 129kg a few months ago so I'm on my way.
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65 kg
Working on getting muscle back after some years of apathy.
I don't understand how obese people, non-athletes, even function.
el sobrino has what it takes for sure
that bout was beautiful
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it's so over...
he had a good run tho
Onosato has only one good win against teru the other times he was injured
He can beat hoshitryu and zak can scratch his back
193cm 97kg

Add a weight limit to sumo lard asses shouldn’t have false hopes that they could make it in sumo just because their fat.
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sure, but can he beat terrorfuji?
Sorry for the spoiler but the next yokozuna is Ura.

He’s done it when it matters but idk keisho just looks so hurt old keisho would push people out in seconds but now they are surviving because he’s lost his POP
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390@6'4" (176kg@194cm) and legitimately one of the strongest men in the world
I'm still baffled at what he was thinking when he did this.
strongest odor maybe
>zak can scratch his back
>kotozakura, who is vying for a jun-yusho, is going to intentionally throw his day 14/15 match
How do the Germans feel about the fact that an Austrian is their nation's GOAT?
>I'm calling him interrim because he. only shows up intermittently
>I just feel like he'll always be in his shadow
>where he wasn't oppressed utterly by hakuho while in his prime.
I think it's the other way around. It's impressive that other yokozuna managed to come up at all while Hakuho was in his prime.

Even Enho wasn't as good as Mainoumi. Muscle manlets peaked there.
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Oho fan club
Helmut Schmidt was born and raised in Hamburg thougheverbeit
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I started following sumo because of an /sp/ thread in January. It's amazing. A few questions:
Does every wrestler seek Yokozuna status? Is simply being in the top division enough, or is literally every competitor seeking Ozeki/Yokozuna all the time?
Why aren't there more memes (read: access) for sumo? Is the community that small, or am I missing the mark? Seems like even an alignment chart would be funny and informative, but none exist.
My favorite wrestler is Kotozakura. It doesn't seem like individual posters on spee don't have favorites. Should I be more broadly focused? Should I root for stables?
*doesn't seem like people have favorites
>Does every wrestler seek Yokozuna status?
Yes, until they find their upper boundary.

>Why aren't there more memes for sumo? Is the community that small?

>It doesn't seem like individual posters on spee don't have favorites
We do though. Unless they're significant to the yusho narrative (yokozuna, ozeki, dark horse), it's hard to go on about your guy at length when he has one bout a day, making up 1/35th of the day's sekitori schedule.

>Should I be more broadly focused? Should I root for stables?
You can, that's not an uncommon way to watch. Stables have supporter clubs that exist for this purpose.
>My favorite wrestler is Kotozakura. It doesn't seem like individual posters on spee don't have favorites. Should I be more broadly focused? Should I root for stables?
What me and my friend do is just pick 6 wrestlers we like every tournament and compare how many wins we both get at the end of the tournament. It makes more of the bouts exciting because you have 6 guys to root for.
>Enho couldn't even win Jonokuchi.
Appreciate the responses. It might be that understanding the storylines each basho is tough for a newcomer, although this year has been fun so far. I'll try to think more broadly about the wrestlers and look ahead to interesting matchups. It also seems like kachi-koshi is a bigger deal than it seems at first.
Thanks again
>It might be that understanding the storylines each basho is tough for a newcomer
It is, but if you pay attention you'll catch up quick enough. Getting a feel for who does what kind of sumo can take a few basho.
I feel bad for guys like Tsukioka that have absolutely nothing going for them.
its a shame they had to lower the height restriction and let manlets into sumo
There should be no restrictions. If a literal midget thinks he can win then they should let him in.
A physical defective cannot purify the dohyo.
Tsukioka is 19. He's got his whole life ahead of him, a world of possibilities. If he sticks it out in sumo for the next 30 years, that's when you feel bad for him.
Will Kyoda pull through
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The legendary ghost hand...
retsu is with him
>use the ghost hand as a punch against other rikishi
>he knock out the other rikishi
>its legal, somehow
You are literally me.
Using Kachi Clash?
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Sandanme championship coming up.
Inami, the Nihon University product, wins handily. (7-0)
No, I just made my own little google sheet for it.
Hoshoryu is out
says it's his right hip joint
not surprised after that throw of the massive kotozakura
onosato will get the free win and secure his winning record
So it's down to Takanosho and Churanoumi? Terunofuji is going to easily take this.
thats not on the official site yet, where'd you see it?
Didn't watch it but seems like he got his KK, nice
nu-chan the chicken man KK
Saved from having to open up his karaage food stand
He was pushed hard, but didn't over-commit and got a tough win. Well-earned.
Makushita championship today too. Senshuraku gonna be boring as hell.
>HoSHITryu dodging Onosato
>HoSHITryu pulls out after getting his KK once it become apparent that he has no shot at the cup
juryo might still be a decided on the final day
its on the official site now.
musk should brag about xitter being a better source of up to date kyujo info than the JSA site
Yeah, but among guys who have no chance of making makuuchi at this time. Yay....
if it was just about securing KK he would've done before even fighting kotozakura
Daiseizan going places.
back to chungking hopefully
Inner Mongolia
in her what?
>Henka the guy getting all the cheers
Fair enough, really.

I dont feel so good about so many lolcows!
Nabatame is going to fall so far down the makushita rankings that it'll be next year at the earliest before he has a chance of seeing juryo again.
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>better source of up to date kyujo info than the JSA site
It isn't twitter, it's idiots who only use twitter reposting here what other twitter users have seen on actual news sites. Hochi Sports had it at 1:12 PM, the twitter poster had it at 1:21 PM.
fuck tohakuryu tenfolds.. never liked that chump anyway. the most punchy face in the sumo
Is he out?
Yes. That's what the 休場 (きゅうじょう) in the upper right means.
Do you think the committee will declare if koto can produce a strong yusho next tournament they’ll give him the zuna if he gets another jy here? 11-4 9-6 11-4 jy 13-2 jyp 10-5 11-4jy 11-4jy is a pretty damn good stretch.
>if he gets another jy here
Big fucking if.
>koto couldn’t even beat a injured hosh
Koto’s pops needs to take a shinai to him and beat the mental midget out of him grandfather would be ashamed.
Whut? Hoshoryu got hurt throwing Kotozakura.
Don't know shit about this sport but the threads and streams are always comfy so I watch
Takanosho vs Terunofuji tomorrow night, their first meeting since Takanosho beat him in March
>Yokozuna without winning 2 yusho let alone 1

I really hope they wouldnt bend over backwards like that
Zakura isn't dominant enough for Yokozuna yet and maybe he never will be
It's hours of yoked fat bastards slapping each other silly; what's not to like?
Really wish Abi would make yokozuna just because of how fantastic his dohyo iri would be. Too bad he is challenged to make KK at sekiwake and is a longshot to make ozeki let alone yokozuna
bored loli
>content were
expected, but this is going to be very interesting since they're 7-6 historically and 1-1 for last 2 bouts.
Go pearl clutch on facebook you fucking overemotional faggot
We went over this last thread. The answer is fucking no zero chance. People need to stop looking at JYs as general yokozuna promotion material. Yokozunas getting promoted off of JYs are the exception, not the norm.

All you kotosexuals should only get your hopes up after your boy wins a yusho, which he's failed to do so far.
>11-4 9-6 11-4 jy 13-2 jyp 10-5 11-4jy 11-4jy is a pretty damn good stretch.
The only scores that matter for yokozuna promotion are the ones that happen at ozeki. Kotozakura's 10-5 and 11-4 J are decent scores for ozeki, but they're not good enough to get the rope. pic related
I feel like I recognize the guy sitting at the far south corner of the front row on the west side, but I can't put a name to the face.
zak need to train harder or or otherwise substantially improve his sumo if he wants to get a promotion. so far he doesn't seem to be doing that. theres a massive gap between zak's game and teru's yokozuna level sumo. same it true of hoSHITryu, him and zak are just cruising in the ozeki seat, if they're satisfied with themselves for making ozeki then they'll never level up, they need to be unsatisfied being mere ozekis before they'll get the fire in their bellies to go higher
Day 13: Ross
Why have the Tamawashi-bouts never a stack?
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This is my favorite sumotori portrait. It reminds me of the chud meme.
that one could be added to the comic sumo routine
Angry Kinbo, best Kinbo
I wanted Endo to lose there. Fuck anyone who henkas.
All wrestlers henka, Anon.
then fuck all wrestlers
Ura ;_;
how about that Ura, he's uh, doing stuff
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Kirishitma lives in fear Takanosho
Atami too tall
really daieisho???? ffs
Churro man is having an absolute blast
Oh dear, that was close.
it's ogre

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>kirishitma's worst nightmare
Ah. Not as close as I thought. Poor show.
>first Mongolian Ozeki to not make Yokozuna
What a fucking disgrace.
You don't know that yet.
If KiriSHITma is legitimately worthy of the rank ozeki then he should have no trouble at all earning it back with 33 wins over 3 basho.
Good luck KiriSHITma, I'm sure we'll all be seeing you back at ozeki real soon lol
So far!
Fuck, I accidentally leaked the script. Oh well.
Damn... bad footwork from the ozeki there.
Total shit show day
Oh dearie me
That's our ACK
based Abi
This basho sucked teru really about to leave us in a burning house
>teru getting the power water from the guy who keeps on beating him
a bad omen?
Churanoumi basho
Cursed basho
Damn good try there.
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>Literally clapped his cheeks
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>"It's over."
Good chance he calls it quits, I reckon.
Takanosho can make his own luck against Teru tomorrow
It's going to be wild.
I habeeb that Hoku can pick up KK.
No he can’t zak ain’t beating teru
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He has a pretty good chance here. Better than most.
I'm rooting for Teru.
>takanosho choked a 2 lead yusho to teru
>teru can choke a 3 lead to takanosho
Cool but unlikely
>wins during Teru's slide to jonidan
>wins when Teru first returned to makuuchi before losing six in a row
>trades wins and losses just before Teru starts taking year long breaks
Not to take anything away from Takanosho, but I don't think you could chalk this up being solely a favorable style match-up.
zak won't face teru if churanoumi beats onosato
cry about it redditnofuji fag
Which one, /sumō/
he couldn't do it
I would fucking love an anime where cute girls do sumo. Girls only.
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OnonsatoGODS just keeping on winning

He flops so gracefully

How does he do it?!
>OnonsatoGODS just keeping on winning
Holy based!
Yokozuna soon, brothers!
What a nice crop of Ozeki we got huh. I really hope Onosato is the real deal.

Takakeisho will call it quits if he doesn't regain Ozeki in September. Kirishima should farm low maegashira à la Takayasu and try to get another yusho.
>Takakeisho will call it quits if he doesn't regain Ozeki in September.
I think that is also likely but it will depend on whether he can secure a share now or before his freebie membership as former ozeki runs out.

Someone like Goeido was able to retire instead of taking a demotion because he already had the Takekuma share.

If TKK can't secure a share, I think we might see him roll around in the maegashira ranks for a while.
Enho beat Kakuho and Hakuryu though!
What Norwood level is this?
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>We went over this last thread. The answer is fucking no zero chance.
That's not what I showed in the last thread?
And to repeat myself again, I'm not a fan of Kotonowaka. Just someone not enraged by reality.
Why did Onosato job so hard to rank and filers at the start of the basho? Nerves from winning the last one?
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>it will depend on whether he can secure a share now
News Post Seven thinks he already has.
if he wins them all, he's left without excuses to bully lowrankers
>Why did Onosato job so hard to rank and filers at the start of the basho? Nerves from winning the last one?

Yeah, probably post-win hangover. Athletes like to get into routines. Sumo wrestlers are on 6-week cycles in between basho and like to get their bodies and minds into the right state. For a champion, that's all disrupted because every one of your supporters wants to have a party, all sorts of local VIPs want to throw you a parade, you've got to do a shit-ton of media.

This goes doubly for Onosato who picked Nishonoseki stable in large part because it was way out in the sticks in Ibaraki, not in Tokyo, and allowed him the peace and quiet to focus on training.

He probably walked in not feeling 100% because his routine had been disrupted. As he wins more championships, he'll develop a new routine to deal with the media and VIPs.
So how does the sumo 'share' or 'elder stock' thing work? Why is it valuable and how do they get it?
>So how does the sumo 'share' or 'elder stock' thing work? Why is it valuable and how do they get it?

This is a huge topic that could easily be its own thread.

Think of it like a share in any other company. You can vote on what the company does, you also get a share of the profits.

JSA elders are former wrestlers who distinguished themselves by achieving a high rank and/or longevity. There are, however, a limited number of them so there's always a lot of competition to get them.

They used to be sold from one person to another, but after a series of scandals, they are officially transferred from one person to another with JSA board approval. (In reality, they're 99% still being sold.)

Without a share, you cannot run a stable. You can be a coach, but someone has to pay you out of pocket, since you're not collecting a salary from the JSA.

Is this that thing that Hakuho is being a faggot over?
>literally all pre-Futahaguro except for Terunofuji
You're being a disingenuous fuck and you know it.
Hakuho has been a faggot over many things.

The current thing is the Hokuseiho bullying scandal.

Because he was negligent in running his stable, (He didn't live there, apparently he didn't even show up that often, he didn't even bother to make sure coach Ishiura was managing things properly) his stable was suspended and all his wrestlers were moved to Isegahama stable.

This is indicated to be a temporary move so that Hakuho can learn from Isegahama how to properly manage a stable. Once the JSA decides he's learned his lesson, he'll be permitted to re-open his own stable.

(As with all things JSA, there's a ton more going on, but this is the 10,000 foot view)
Big if true.

Then yes, I agree with the Brazillionaire. He'll give it one last go at ozekiwake and, if that doesn't work, he'll gracefully retire at a young age with a pretty interesting legacy.

>Made ozeki at 22, despite having a straightforward style of sumo and being considerably undersized
>Won four cups, the most of any non-yokozuna apart from Kaio's five
>Career derailed by debilitating injuries, retires at 28.

One wonders how things would have turned out differently if he could have just gotten to yokozuna, how much more effectively he could have managed his injuries if he didn't have the constant threat of demotion hanging over him. One extra win in Aki 2020 or Kyushu 2022 would have been enough.
>Why did Onosato job so hard to rank and filers at the start of the basho? Nerves from winning the last one?
He's relatively new in makuuchi and is getting figured out. Not saying that he won't continue to find success but "shove them until you win" can only take you so far in the top division.

I'm not a gambling man but I think that unless something gives Onokatsu is probably going to eclipse him once he moves up to makuuchi because on top of having good strength and physique he has shown some really solid technical skill. He's more comfortable on the belt than Onosato and his footwork is excellent; with a bit of spit and polish he's easily ozeki material.
gotcha, thanks very much. Sumo politics and traditions are very interesting
>Hoshoryu is out
>Ura has paper knees
>Hokutofuji is old
What a painful Basho. At least Teru is healthy and the Toad lost Ozeki
>shove them until you win" can only take you so far in the top division
to yokozuna
Hiradoumi and Oho got a kachi-koshi, though, so it's not all bad.
Could've just pointed out that Teru has done nothing but push this basho and his only loss was the one guy who realised it.
*double overhooks and walks you out of the ring*
pssh nothing personal makuuchi
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Really shows you the difference 11 inches in height can make.
Actually watching that makes me realize Keisho's problem isn't just his lack of height and by extension lack of reach, it's his lack of leg strength. Instead of just trying to push, he should've been getting low to grab the belt and then driving forward with his legs. He doesn't have the strength for that which is why any time a bout gets closer than his shoving range he gets overpowered.
Oho manhandled the monkey today. I hope he continues to improve.
Hardly manhandled, but he lived up to the "flying" part of his name.
>every single one who got a promotion had a 13-2JY or better
>the best zak can do this basho is 10-5
Wow it's like you've found the answer to your own question but you're being deliberately obtuse, enjoy your (You)
Hakuho's a bitch but not about that. That was the JSA being a bitch.
Is there anyone with an ass in worse shape than Chiyoshomas
He just had hermia surgery a couple weeks ago.
terunofuji has no ass to speak of iirc
we're about to lose two ozeki in the span of two basho
first kirishima and once takashitter fails to make 10 wins from sekiwake in september he will drop also
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And? It only means they're not worthy of it. Hoshoryu had the sense to ring in sick for work before the Onosato train hit him like a jeet.
You mean before Hoshogod threw Onoshito like the sack of stale rice he is. SHITtatenage.
Maybe Hoshoryu wouldn't have a hip injury if he'd stop hip throwing 400lb sacks of off-balance shit around. Pretty poor judgement on his part, maybe he should be demoted too :/
How will Onosato ever recover from this, bros?!
It will be tough but as long as Redditosato can remove John Gunning's tongue from his anus for long enough, I believe it might be possible.
is takerufuji reddit?
>pacey muscle manlet
Peak reddit.
We're at the point where all the old guys are SO old and busted that we're gonna have to move on to new guys soon. Right now the most obvious new guys are Hakuoho, Takerufuji, and Onosato. Hakuoho's some weird Hakuho surrogate, Onosato's such an asshole it's ALREADY made it out of his stable that he's an asshole, so Takerufuji's the safest choice for people who don't want to watch Makushita or Juryo.

Also his name is very similar to Takarafuji, so once Takarafuji retires I can easily transfer.
>Onosato's such an asshole it's ALREADY made it out of his stable that he's an asshole
It's funny how literally all the current bullshit stems from the JSA becoming a public interest company and elder stock no longer being officially on paper bought and sold like normal. Unofficially, retiring elders are still compensated for the amount of money that had to pay before this all happened, but the end result is there is no incentive for them to retire early, and in fact every incentive to prolong their elder careers as long as possible, which led to the creation of the 5 year "consultant" window. Elders retiring later means less stock available, which means more wrestlers continuing on while injured and past their primes, which means less turnover for newer wrestlers to come in and dominate.

It's easy to say "lol just win more" but younger healthier guys are coming in having to beat older experienced veterans who know every trick in the book at are desperate to keep their careers going until they can secure elder stock, especially the injured yokozuna who's allowed to complete just 3 tournaments over the past 2 years (including this one). Much harder for younger guys to rise up to dominance, and that also means those younger guys have more incentive to fight injured to keep their rank against the aforementioned veterans.

If the JSA is a public interest company then the government itself should guarantee payouts for current elders whenever they want to retire, including hefty retirement packages for future elders, that way they can retire when they want to instead of when it's financially sound for them to, creating a healthier circulation of elders and wrestlers.
It came to him in a dream.
Yea kinda but only because everyone that watches this sport is a bandwagon faggot.
I have a better system. Any qualifying wrestler who wants to be part of the JSA can retire whenever he likes, and then his name is added to a waiting list. He can then go and do other things with his life while he waits for a position to open up, and when an elder retires, the man on the top of the waiting list gets first refusal. This prevents people from playing politics excessively, and also allows prospective coaches an opportunity to learn new skills outside of the sumo world instead of going straight into management. I'd also allow all new elders to choose their own elder name, so a man can choose to pay homage to his master, resurrect a famous name, continue the legacy of his shikona, or move forward into the future with a brand new name.
I think this is it for Keisho and Teru, right?
They are by far the two best rikishi of the post-Hakuho era and they might retire together.

I wonder who will be the new leaders? Onosato? Takerufuji?
Shodai resurgence?
Sounds stupid.
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>Right now the most obvious new guys are Hakuoho, Takerufuji, and Onosato

I'm surprised how everyone seems to be sleeping on Hiradoumi. This guy is massively improving every two months (unlike Oho for example) and just made a KK on a Sanyaku debut. Yes, his body type doesn't lend to much further success, but given the sorry ass state of the top division right now, he could stick around the joi for a long time. I'm definitely counting on him for an Ozeki run, his style is already far more versatile than most shitters around him.
Isn't Hakuoho mega unhealthy? Even Takakeisho and Terunofuji were healthier at his age.
this, hiradoumi is my guy. hope he makes it.
I think this is premature. He's having a good run this year, but that's only resulted in him being able to maintain the same sort of middling score as his rank gradually increases. I don't think his schedule at K1 is massively harder than at M2 (or even at M4), and all of this is, as you said, against a backdrop of poor performances from the highest rankers. I wouldn't be comfortable predicting that he gets anywhere near Ozeki based on what I've seen so far.
Now that his career is ending, isn't Terunofuji also a huge what-if story? I think the year before he injured himself, he was having better records than Harumafuji, Kakuryu and Kisenosato.
he'd be goat by far
If you mean the first time he injured himself in 2016, but at that point he had just barely gotten to ozeki and was more Asanoyama-esque in his performance: consecutive double digits, but not strong enough to be a yokozuna challenger at that time. After his first injury he spent a year treading water barely able to keep his rank, going kadoban four times in seven basho. After that he had a high performance two basho run of 13-2 and 12-3 but that coincided with Kisenosato's yokozuna debut where he beat Teru twice for his debut yusho.
If he retired on Sunday with 10x Yusho he would already be just behind Akebono. Tied for 11th place.
I'd say he's accomplished enough to be forever remembered as one of the best, it's not like he could have accomplished much, much more if he was healthy during the Hakuho era, and also stayed completely injury free (not realistic).

I feel if he had to retire like a half a year after his Y promotion, it would be a sad story, because you don't see his true accomplishment and redemption story if you're only looking at his stats from 50 or 100 years distance. But fortunately, he's done amazingly well stats wise even despite his injury. Fate repaid him by granting such a sad and weak top division in the past 5 years, he went unchallenged when healthy and reached Dai-Y status.
In 2015 he had the 2nd best record after Hakuho.
Also, you mentioned Asanoyama. Isn't Hoshoryu very Asanoyama-like?
I recently got my first hemorrhoid. Does that count?
>I'm surprised how everyone seems to be sleeping on Hiradoumi.
I just don't think of him as a "new" guy, I'm pretty sure he's been around for a few years now hasn't he?
I wouldn’t say unhealthy he’s just had a shoulder injury and he’s not getting proper rest so it’s still messing with him. Shoulder injuries are terrible especially when grappling.
He's going to torture some lower rankers to recover from such burn
I think it's more a matter of him not making a big splash. He's been in salary for 3 years, but he's only achieved double digit wins twice (10-5 both times). He's an 8-7, 9-6 slow and steady climber. Under the radar for sure.
>heems himself throwing kotoACKura
This could be Horseshits takakeisho vs ichinojo moment
Combined wins over 6 basho shows consistency, but he didn't peak high enough before his first injury.
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anime is for faggots
With a win here, terunofuji can shit around atleast another year since everyone else is still being too shit to make yokozuna and give them a reason to force him out
they need him right now as much as he needs to stay active
>Dai-Y status

Ohh ohh, someone said it
Hiradoumi, Oho, Atamifuji, Onosato, Hakuoho, Kitanowaka

These are all the wrestlers who've been to Makuuchi at least once and born after 2000.
>his wrestlers were moved to Isegahama stable.
Best thing that thats happened to Miyagino beya recently. The former Miyagino wrestlers' performance is nearly all improved this 'sho compared to when they were on their own with Hakuho. Getting to be under the experienced tutelage of boss Isegahama has been a big boost for Miyagino beya, will be interesting to see if they fall off when Miyagino gets his independence again.
Will Keisho and Teru be good Oyakata?
How will skinny Takakeisho look like?
>and being considerably undersized
He uses his (lack of) height and low center of gravity to his advantage.
Hokutofuji's win last night was great looking and he still has a shot at KK. A guy with as much guts as he has might stick around longer than you'd expect. He is 8 years younger than Tamawashi
takes one to know one
Hazing is good, humiliating and torturing the low rankers gives the strong amongst them the vengeful anger needed to seek revenge in the places they can have it, on the practice dohyo and on the banzuke. It also weeds out the weak willed sissies who don't belong in the sport.
I feel like Terunofuji could beat someone to death if they slack in training when he inherits isegahama next year - inshallah.
Will keisho show up today or will he kyujo out the last two days now that his MK is guaranteed?
Every popular rikishi is Reddit. People here loved Terunofuji on his way back up, but once he made ozeki again he was Reddit-no-reddit overnight.
I'm not a hamster fan, but I still begrudging have to recognized him as third greatest ozeki in the modern era. He made the best with the hand he was given.
Same. I've never liked him but he really did take his tiny, rotund body as high as it could go. Had he made it, he would have been the smallest post-war yokozuna.

>third greatest ozeki
Who are the other two? Kaio and Chiyotaikai? Konishiki?
I want to go back
Don't forget about Atami. It seems the tomato has already moved under everyone's radar.
>Don't forget about Atami. It seems the tomato has already moved under everyone's radar.
He's exposed his weakness as being mental. Sobbing after getting henka'd in a playoff is one thing. Sobbing after a 7-8 at M1e suggests that he doesn't have the killer instinct.

Physically and technique wise, he's already got all the tools with room to grow, but if he doesn't get his head squared-away, he'll be a fan favorite who never accomplishes fuck-all.
That's because Atamifuji seems to be stagnant in his sumo right now. He's still making the same mistakes he was three basho back, which is understandable for a 21 year old, he has plenty of time, but it's hard to say with confidence that he'll get much better without seeing that steady improvement.
>Who are the other two? Kaio and Chiyotaikai?
Is kisenosato a good coach or is onosato just that good?
It's the same as Hakuoho, he just recruited a ringer. Neither of them 'made' the wrestlers who stormed up the banzuke.
I'd say the best coaches we have right now are Isegahama, Kise, Oitekaze and Sakaigawa
Besides Isegahama, all of them managed to build strong stables with multiple sekitori from the ground up, and under Asahifuji the Isegahama name made two strong yokozuna (injuries notwithstanding) and created an absolute dominance over the sekitori ranks for years now
Ajigawa seems promising, besides Aonishiki who's clearly a monster that would thrive in practically any stable he was put into
Kisenosato and Hakuho didnt have much time in their oyakata carrers to prove themselves as competent coaches yet, only time will truly tell
Naruto held the rank longer and was kadoban far, far fewer times, same is true of Takekuma & Otowayama. Keisho is Tamanoi tier, perennially kadoban and injured, but good when physically fit, which was a rare occurrence. Its an athlete's job to keep their body in shape, if they don't put in the effort needed to do that then they can't perform their job as an athlete. Keisho put up 11 double digit scores as an ozeki in 5 years at the rank, Baruto put up 8 in 2 years as ozeki.
>Aonishiki who's clearly a monster
180cm, 125kg
he is small
as the years go by...
Enho could end up as a tachomochi again before too long if he keeps on putting up 6-1s
>Hakuho picking midgets for his entrance ceremony so he looks huge in comparison
>Its an athlete's job to keep their body in shape, if they don't put in the effort needed
Its a violent full speed contact combat sport. there isn't much anyone can do about tearing a pec or destroying the neck like you are suggesting. no amount of pre or rehab fixes these injuries either
If Kikuchi can't beat Moriurara, he should quit.
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>Blocks your path
His toolbox has been bottomless all tourney. I love the way he grabs his envelopes and sprints from the stage after every win. Like if he hangs out, they might change their mind. He's now one of my Boys along with Hiro, Shoryu, and Bushozan.
Looks like he is quitting
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So glad he's not doing the final day.
How can he sweat that much? How does he do it? This is before the tachai...
They put a lot of effort into warming up before the fights
Sheer force of will
He eats extra spicy ramen right before each bout hoping the smell repels his opponent.
Churanoumi has, for years and years, had this odd thing of being an amazing technician but below average in strength. I haven't paid close enough attention to tell, but I wonder if he's started doing more muscle-building work.
Futagoyama-beya actually did better this basho compared to last
He's a fat bastard and it's like 100F with 60% humidity inside of the arena even before he's under the lights.
It was even funnier when Teru did it.
I keep forgetting to try and find this clip to make a webm of it.
is there college sumo with slim guys????

i literally pay someone for Hadaka Matsuri videos, I won't mind paying for this entertainment.
College sumo exists, but no one watches it or knows about it. They certainly aren't slim at that point.
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What about european/russian sumo? there's this ThisVid video with some euro wrestlers fighting and the fundoshi of one popping out lol


Ikazuchido dropped his 3rd in a row to end up at MK after starting 3-1. I won't say the n word here, but I will think it
He won't fall too far.
If you just want to watch men fondling each other, why are you bothering with the sumo angle?
because it's hot for their meats to clash full head-on unlike other sports, or fake slop like wrestling.

American Football and Sumo are the only sports I respect from the bottom of my gay heart.
i guess there's also the australian slop ball game and turkish oil wrestling, but these are just way too obviously gay, it's not even funny
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What about kabaddi? It's rarely full-impact, but you might like it.
I find indians yucky. Sorry.
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Ssireum is perfect for fags like you. It used to be openweight like sumo, but it was dwindling in popularity. So they switched to weight classes and lowered the max weight limit to get get more lean beefcakes that they could thirst-trap with to get more viewers (it worked).

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Kusano is dead in the dohyo.
Holly sheit!

I guy just went K.O. right now
heem litle slepy
Lotta fucking heems this basho.
Pretty good response time. I think they're getting better.
For sure. The 80lb EMTs were out there in no time.
they got excited for no good reason, he was clearly breathing
My fellow sumotards that speak nipanese and moon runes what app or book series can I use to learn it. I want to be able to watch unc Hana jive on ABEMA and know what he’s saying
The Lion and the Polar Bear are neck and neck. Who will win?
I think Anki is hugely popular, but I'm not sure it has a spoken language component. It's very hard to learn any language's spoken form without interacting with lots of people who speak it.
Chiyomaru about to go for KK
He did it
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Chiyomaru KK!
Where can I find gay old japanese men? I learned english by chatting with gay old american men that gave me steam gift cards for naughty pics.
>Nabatame vs a guy with six Technique prizes.
San Francisco, São Paulo
When did they start including regions of Mongolia in the shushin announcements?
Don't think I've ever heard that. Maybe it's by request?
Wait, I have heard them say Ulaanbaatar before, but that's the only one.
Thats the one I noticed, I wouldn't recognized any other ones. They could've been doing this for years without me noticing.
>They could've been doing this for years without me noticing
They have, that's why I assumed you meant somewhere else.
Still tied...
Time for sumo, brothers.
Day 14: Raja
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It's impressive that the manlet got Kachi-koshi
Ssireum is based they always end in throw slam or trip it’s dynamic like sumo could be if they weren’t lard beast. It’s Ssireum’s fault it’s made in sk they hate themselves the most out of all East Asians and devour western media.

>Verification not required.
>Nishikigi winning 5 of his last 6 after starting off with 8 consecutive losses
what do we make of this phenomenon

WE DID IT ! ! !
Let's go Roga
What the fuck did I just watch.
Unintentional henka?
Holy shit. What a save. Just goes to show how much Oho still needs to learn.
That was great. Good on you, Tobi.
>Daiseizan makushita yusho
the should have never let sokokurai get his foot back in to door
Very ordnung basho, nearly all of sanyaku will get KK, no or few KK in m1-m4
Is this the opposite of a clown basho? What should we call it?
JSA livestream up with Ishiura and Kitataiki commentating
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Here's a comparison of mbovo's stream to NHK World Japan's stream. Definitely mbovo's fault. I'm just glad I don't pay for his "service."
What the fuck did I just watch.
Daieisho being a pussy and taking the easy way out to KK.
I don't like Daieisho.
I don't like him one bit.
Churanoumi has a Shodaiesque aura to him. Cool and confident, that's the aim of the game.
Good match.
Love to see Kirishitma lose.
/sumo/ in fucking SHAMBLES
Only 200 IQ wrestlers like Abi and Oho can pull it off consistently.
Ahem, >pulls >loses only refers to Oho and Aoiyama.
What did Oonosato mean by this?
Who can stop him
massively overpowered by onosato
>watch it with dad
>oh son so you are planning to look like this, now I get it
Lol he had absolutely nothing
My boy asakoryu was so close to being a maegashitter...
Kawazoe is still several tourneys away of being on the screen again...
Waka brothers peaked.
Its kihover for my muscle manlets.
Holy shit Onosato's tachiai is mad powerful, he's like Shodai reborn. I'm glad to see he legitimised his winning record, and a 10-5 finish would be crazy considering his losses were all jobbers.
11 in September seems doable for onosato
Total hamster death. Total ran over toad peak.

So many images of this fat fuck on his knees this tournament, I cant even be bothered to post them
so if Teru wins today, then he wins the basho outright?
>and a 10-5 finish would be crazy considering his losses were all jobbers.
He also had a fusen from Hosh and Teru made a pretty nasty error in their match. Yeah yeah scoreboard and all but he got dumpstered a few times.
That bout was poetic.
>26 YO Ozeki just starting his career beating a 27 YO Ozeki whose career is ending
I love it.
splat DOKO
his spirit, broken
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Back in the cage you go, little toadie.
Can of monster says Teru gets the arm clamps and walks the cunt out again.
The ran over toad relied too much on his weight, time for him to get skill
LMAO at the pic they gave Takanosho.
That nigga lookin ZESTY.
>I saw a mudcrab the other day. Disgusting creatures.
>considering his losses were all jobbers
Hakuho was in a similar situation when he started climbing the ranks. He kept beating everyone who was higher ranked than him, but losing to people lower ranked than him. He said that it was because he was giving it all against people he thought were better than him and was checking out against people he thought were beneath him. Hakuho's dad told him to treat every match like it was the final match on the last day. That's what got Hakuho locked in on every match and had him beating everyone. Onosato needs to learn that lesson.
Why is this legal
here comes the moment of truth
To teach them not to job as an ozeki.
Holy shit.
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Pay up.
Eat shit Redditnoreddit
Teru got overpowered as fuck.
Literally no chance, LMAO.
Senshuraku saved by TakanoGOD
Hit the rich with cushions
Great sumo tonight. Fuck yes.
>Cry more.
What the fuck was this???
that double stack of kensho isn't half of what he deserves
It's going to be most likely Korozakura's responsibility to deal with Terunofuji tomorrow... Shit.
>3 kinboshi
>all from teru
how does takanosho OWN teru so hard?
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>Pushes you out
pushing hurts his knees
>Time to clamp this nigga's arm- ACK!!!
>Murray Johnson tomorrow.
Very nice.
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Failed arm drag attempt.
Takanosho is bound to win a playoff if it comes to that
Who's Onosato facing tomorrow? He's already gone through the 'zuna and the 'zeki so he's got a great chance of a 10-5 finish and Ozeki promotion right?
>so he's got a great chance of a 10-5 finish and Ozeki promotion right?
Yes, if he gets to 10 here and subsequently wins 11 in September
Possibly Ura
Takanosho would be my guess
I really hope not because both of them winning on day 15 would be maximum chaos.
he got his mortarboard on cause takanosho schooled him hard
On the Sixth Day God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth."
torikumi is out

terunofuji v kotozakura
takanosho v onosato
How? onosato is trying to leep his ozeki streak alive not going to cause chaos. a one person playoff isn't that big a deal either. they also love to match guys up with similar records or skin in the game like awards or promotion potential
kotozakura has nothing to fight for, should be an easy win for terunofuji
I'm fucking tired of this fucking corrupt sport, the last match was CLEARLY Yaocho
What Hakuho saved now it's slowly dying again
Sumo is done
It's Takanoshover...
That makes it look like he has a sick anime hairdo.
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Ngl chanko looks great. Do they really get fat off the stuff? It just looks like a fairly average stew. I guess they max out how fatty the thing is?
do you think kirishima will change his name back since he dishonored kirishima by losing ozeki?
heading into the final day and we have a potential for playoffs in both divisions
>Do they really get fat off the stuff?
They don't eat chanko by itself. They eat it with multiple bowls of rice and a bunch of side dishes (and lots of beer, but they usually don't mention that in the tourist videos).
First Kirishima lost the rank too.
Sounds about right then. Beer is insane for putting on a gut, and the bigger you get the more you can drink.
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>Watching the replays from earlier
>Takonosho got hit in the head with a cushion
Absolute STATE of Terunozilla losing to Takanosho

Like pottery

Top kek
Anyone got a webm of this?
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Takanosho always looks content
Give me your top 3 non-Teru sumo right now. Not necessarily favourite, but who you think are the best 3.
Hosh, Zak, Onosato

But in April I definitely would have said Kirishima.
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Shishi, Roga, Oho.
I honestly don't think Teru is top 3 right now. It's easy to dummy people when you're allowed to take half a year off to recover.
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Takakeisho looks so fucking pathetic in this picture
>I kneel
teru kwabbed again? I wish I had caught that live
What is wrong with you?
Why does Mitakeumi look like a fat British slag who's done her "contour"?
>Gyojibart...forgive me...
He always looks pathetic, owing to his physique
It's the Filipino half of him

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