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The beach volleyball promises a spectacular setting with the competition taking place in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Road cycling medal event later

>Due to adverse overnight weather conditions and following a meeting this morning with all relevant organisers, the decision has been taken to postpone men's street skateboarding at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games until Monday 29 of July
Swimming soon lads!
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First thread

First bronze medal to Kazakhstan
>the decision has been taken to postpone men's street skateboarding
Please say sike

leave it to europeans to somehow make shooting a boring event kek. a 3 gun competition would be the GOATED event
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Her smile… gone
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germany buttblasted
is there an american in the diving final or do i need to watch swimming?
she must clean up at carnivals, just rooms full of stuffed animals at home
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Did you seriously doubt her?
is nobody gonna mention kazakh coach marked nipples?
What's next for her?
suicide with her air rifle
prolapse then death
not into hags
imagine consoling her...
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we WON
a match
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Bronze babe
You're up 2nd
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fencing chinese girl is qt
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Are shooters sexy?
Who /airrifle/ here?
Japan bros they're so close.
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she makes two
shooting medal events >>143030992
who's this slag chatting about the diving?
there's too much going on i can't keep up it's over
Doped up Chinese about to win the diving again
I hate this
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Korean decent too, fencing has the best (asian) girls so far
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>beach volleyball
make sure to cheer for our litterally convicted pedophile
we’re about to play you cunts in ape hoop
synchronized womens diving yum
>women's diving is up
time to coom
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What's next for her?
whats everyone watching?
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China or Kazakh qt?
what the fuck is the mascot supposed to be?
>antenna touched
might dress up like a vampire and go around hissing at people
oh no, our fencer is getting mogged by the cute pole blondie
yaeh i'm watching basketball, fencing, judo, shooting and diving at same time somehow
Switching between diving and swimming
What's wrong with her belly button?
Papa Smurf's hat
I hate how our state tv no longer get decent tv rights so instead of having 3 channels and being able to watch an event in full there is this schizophrenic jumping around to catch as many italian athletes competing as possible
>Cook Bacon
A truly American team
the hat that french revolutionaries wore
>brackets in the year 2024
get her some aligners

I understand friend. I want to see everything and then get anxious of what I’m missing.

My priority is:

1. Medals
2. Sports I really like
3. QTs I want to see
4. Everything else
Very nice
Diving and swimming.
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i love the usa
those japanese boys dont look anything like the haikyuu twinks
same here
are there any full streams on youtube or is everything muh broadcastrights cancer?
the chinks look like men
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Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach! Bach!

Volley is still ongoing lol
China wins lol
why do the divers constantly shower and towel themselves off just to jump in again?
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BIG stinky Brappers already in full force
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Are you rooting for China or Korea
will the next set go past 30?
That 3pt sound is kino. We're in for a based tournament.
That's not her in 2024, bro.
many such cases
>east asian primetime hours
why dont the japanese challenge when you scrutinize every single thing you are bound to find an infraction
badminton is so kino
is Peacock fucked up for anyone else? it has the blind person descriptions and its driving me INSANE!!! i didn't realize it was a thing- but its where some computer voice is telling you whats happening on the screen and its talking constantly "walking to the end of the diving board" etc. FUCK WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THIS! HOW THE FUCK DO I TURN IT OFF?
Too much honoru
Are we SURE those are females?
Are threads counted onwards or does every day start with a thread 1?
lol not happening on mine watching volleyball
that sounds annoying though
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Now you have to login on BBC.com

It's over
audiodescription is based. use it all the time so i have more time to post in threads.
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oof i got it turned off thank god
chinese rifler a cute
what kind of question is that anon?
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The Americans were way more sycnhronized than the Chinese divers. Rigged
asian women without makeup, grim...
how do some of these swimmers even qualify for the olympics with these heat times
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me on the right
This, but since I don't have a list of QTs I just follow any asian girl, they are superior.
can someone let me know when mens USA gymnastics goes? trying to watch diving on computer, swimming on tv
im also convinced china pays off judges. communist countries will not play fair.
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british tittys
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Constant braphogs in the diving
It's early heats, they aren't blowing their loads early to show off.
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That's not ass...
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I am.
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Xi is pleased
>78% of all olympic athletes study and compete at american universities
is that true. maybe they mean certain events. there aint no way if you include shit like badminton and handball
Twitter told me real women don't look like this...
Male gymnasts are fucking jacked.
What’s the best sport for gooning at the moment lads?
>men playing a female's sport
Really is the gayest olympics, isn't it?
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she is made for BWC
>bacon (i)s cook
What did they mean by this?
>only ones to hit the water at the same time
average judged event
>more swimming
>male gymnastics
still being +10 seconds behind is pretty bad
wew the butt on that italian
china japan fencing is intense
I honestly don't know if I fully trust China to not be trying to sneak around the no drugs rule after that "uhhhhh contaminated hotel food" incident.
Sounds kinda gay anon
The IOC forces every country to have at least 2 contestants in swimming and track and field.
So countries that suck at everything will have their "top" athletes participate even if their records are super shitty.
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Just a continuation of the opening..."ceremonies"
im hungry now might cook up some bacon
get the diving on
Of course it's the American team
Sandbaggers deserve caned in the streets.
This is the fucking olympics
Long history there anon.
Got it on
Chinese ruining it
>no deathwalk this year
what's even the point
im pretty sure those chinese divers are men
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>China going to get first medal
>america didnt even qualify for shooting

say it ain't so

Underrated post.
They're called "Universality Places" if you want to look it up.
>Universality Places are a lifeline to athletes from underrepresented National Olympic Committees. They are designed to increase the diversity of participating nations across the sports programme of the Olympic Games.
Basically affirmative action for poor countries.
aye one of them's a fella i think
>completely fuck up the synchro in the synchronised event
>still get above 50 points
Judged events are so rigged it’s unreal
no one cares about volleyball?
Didn't that guy get up to some mischief? whatever happened?
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An American already made that joke, you seething foreigners.
that one US diver is a man
china number one
They should replace all judges by AI already desu
fencing chimpout
why is there always one american seething in otherwise comfy threads
Unironically this
Third worlders can’t be trusted not to rig literally everything they get their hands on
ah not a surprise, thanks
anyone got a stream that doesn't require giving info?
What happened? My thing doesn’t show fencing
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I really really really like diving
Why is there always a seething bong crying about "the colonies"?
For me so far it's been Judo and Rowing as the best two sports and badminton a very distant 3rd
Why is this chink seething in fencing?
I’m watching in 4K on Stan™
claro sports, I don't know if you need a VPN though
Anyone watching the hockey? Reminds me of my hockey days, taking a ball to the mouth defending a short corner and having to get emergency dental surgery. The match was in Aberdeen and I lived in Glasgow at the time. Great memories
no idea since i don't understand this sport but Chinese girl kinda refusing to accept she lost
Remember having to play it at school and constantly breaking my toes
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Damnit now I'm hungry
would rather not give the cunts my emaill, packers can get fucked

cheers cunt
what sport :D

Where are you watching it? Can’t find it on Eurosport or Max.
kino volleyball on
it is in max
I'm just patiently waiting for the rugby, I believe it starts at 15
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i love german ass
>want to watch fencing
>not on zdf
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judged "sports" are cringe
China just won the first gold of the Olympics
China won shooting, Korea jobbed
the german boomer in volley is a beast
>norwood 2 and taper fade Chinese girls
Cannot convince me they’re not pumping these women with bull hormones or something
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open 16 windows in a 4x4 matrix
change each stream you have to anything
Summer Mcintosh is the really challenger to Ledecky, yeah?
they were too scared to let the americanns in the shooting range
why the FUCK is this on an american media streaming company
>US diving pair is named Bacon/Cook
U S A! U S A! U S A!
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synchronized sex
the fuck is going on in fencing? the chink's chimpout has put in motion some kind of retarded rules autism
The vivaldi browser lets you array multiple tabs in the same window at the same time BTW
NBC is a globalist media streaming company, sweetie.
fuck time to go watch german onsen spycams again
really mannish bodies. Would make it 100% better if they had cocks
Strong opening ceremony to post content correlation
doesn't really look synchronized
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that pale french diver is very cute
>cuck in for 6euro/month for the olympics
>streams dont even work
thanks america
Is that the LGBTWTFBBQ+ approved security force?
damn, good swim from our chick
i have two pips and a 3rd cracksports me window while listening to another tab's audio
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to the honest my german bro the commentators on Eurosport are 1000000x better than the sleeping pills from ARD and ZDF they suck heavy balls
I'm still shocked at how the chinese team don't even pass as women despite being born one.
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Thanks for the tip! btw no refunds ;)
this trick is a tad grotesque innit
>thanks america
what are you using? peacocks working fine for me... i thought that was the only streaming service over here at least.
just put it on and gone back to watch it
she's not happy is she?
u think the diving pairs engage in threesomes?
that's what happens when chink sports labs find you at the tender age of 1 minute from some chingchong breeding farm and start pumping you full of hormones at the age of 5 minutes, then groom you into becoming an athlete
>Slow motion into the water...water sprays...

this commentator is a rapist or somerthing
Let's go Titmus!
crass even
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Frightening stuff
>judges can only see them dive once
what a joke
firefox or chromium on linux and stream buffers forever
i think it probably doesn't work without a botnet OS
i'll just load it on another pc
they are all lesbian
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Ledecky looking vulnerable wtf
Olympic village is one big coomfest
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these women could have been on the frontlines....
why are the american girls walking so cocky? fucking scum
flying novel sex positions
the inverted half-missionary
american gymnast just set the world record on the rings i believe.
would rather be born Indian or African, than Chinese
she knows it's off to the glue factory for her after that
Some countries swim suits are seethrough lmao just saw full nipples
Too distracted to see who it was, someone light blue
Nigga where is the free stream where you can pick what to watch
This is what the American death squads will look like.
did they misspell Hussain?
Thorpie wants deeper penetration with a great finish
What is the point of the voiceover guy to details what is oh the screen? Is it for blind people? IM sure they would rather listen to the real commentators
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american divers are fucking sick, i kneel
uh titmussbros…
Anyone got a webm of the fencing thing?
>can swim
all is right in the world
>it's another USA statpads in swimming events olympics
So tired of this
>last name is hussain
>white hands
Titmouse just saving energy for the finals
penis inspection day
what's the largest tit size a diver can have
not our fault you cant swim friends
I would guess B
Peacock is defaulting to audio description on some games
go to the subtitles menu and choose the other audio track
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lol This commentary.
>Ledecky trailing during the heat
>Hold back, don't show your hand, just finish close
>Ledecky when she wins the heat
>Make a statement with a win! Don't just hold back
Death to America !!!
id let the german girls shit in my mouth their asses are perfect
What sports should i watch
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Nobody can touch Queen Ledecky
any size but their partner has to match so they keep it small
Finals are in what, 12 hours?
>he thinks it's just usa
aussies do this too
i assumed it's just an anglo thing

i skipped back over the last 120s and didn't see who you meant
Ledecky’s nose is too op
swimming or diving?
what the fuck thank you. NBC is so sloppy i cant believe it
why do germans love poop so much, genuine question
Kek. Our commentary was literally the opposite.
Started with Ari wants to make a statement here. Finished with Yeah she probably just wants to keep a low profile and not put too much in early.
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as always
commentators are nothing but talking heads used to fill in the dead air.
Irans leotard look gay as fuck with those animal prints
Dressage chads WW@?
we dont
it was illegal to make scat in the uk so a lot of it was made in germany for brits
Landi blew the kiss
ohh gotcha, thank you
Swimming, the heat before Ledecky/Titmus
i want to be the german teams personal toilet
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good race for 2nd there
this is difficult to jack off to
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mens gymnastics?
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>double sculls
seems like something we should be medallining desu
For you
Medals in Diving and shooting


watching (strong) women dive NOW
opening ceremony on restream
that one man swimmer has a tattoo of chaos undivided
so the chinese won gold in mixed air rifle, are these 2 already driving home now or what? they came for 2 hours to paris?
when there's a will there's a way
How much does age difference matter in these? Ledecky is 27, Titmouse 23. Is 27 almost over the hill, or is it more like rowing when you can still be good into your early 30s?
yuck. If you like trannies and black people, it's great
they get to stay for the olympic orgies
one of the italian divers has a bbc tattoo
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thats a man
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>Not taking part in the legendary olympic orgies
No one comes here for the medals its for the sex
china 2 golds
america 0
They don't want to stay in Paris too long or they'll get robbed
This is pointless without screencaps.
bit like anything on the telly desu
Nah age is huge in swimming. Ledecky will throw everything at this because after this she won’t be at the next one in 2028. Whereas Titmus will
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Usa jobbed
she's cute in a very casual way.
yeah one of the many reasons I don't watch tv
slut women athletes wear as little possible
diving is actually rigged it's crazy
why the fuck does the Islandic swimmer wear nail polish?
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peak americana beauty on the left
Go Schland!
qt on the left.
do you have to be a gigachad to get into swimming?
she appears to be chinese...
Tall yeah but the body is developed in the gym and pool
younger german diver has the best ass and probably the hottest so far
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6'4 as a minimum
pretty much yeah. You have to have freakishly broad shoulders
fucking goblinas besides the german girls
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Watching boomers vs Spain, kek the Spanish coach is pissed
swimming is all about whether you have those freaky fish proportions or not
then why isn't swimming dominated by NBA types
Lol, straya.
anyone have a stream for the rowing disciplines?
Blacks can't swim
Broad shoulders. It is partly pure genetics.
Aussie girl completely fucked up that last dive
They’re not the boomers anymore. They’re the millenials now.
Yep nearly missed the board
Anyone can swim. If you want to be a pro, yeah, you gotta be a chad.
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they all have bad skin from staying in the chlorine water for so long
You need a long torso and proportionately shorter legs. And it doesn't pay much unless you're phelps
Any waifus this year? Pole vaulting maybe
Holy shit one of the Aussie girls almost fell off the diving board kek.
Aussies literally choked a medal
fuck up zoomer
This is definitely the most important thing, long torso short legs.
aussie girl did a reverse bradbury
to be a pro you have to be tall, longer torso than legs, gigantic wing span, hands, and feed
>Australia gifting a medal to the crown
Don't know why TF2 thought it would be wise to have a woman commentator
must be nice to watch your family member win an olympic medal
Fighting games (smash bros) poker, chess and American football(flag) should definitely be added in the next Olympics
>USA : Bacon/Cook
please don't, i have not yet eaten breakfast
kenyan fencer is so black you can see her face behind the black helmet
it made me hungry too ..
works out all your muscles so you basically turn into a freak eventually
>fighting games instead of counterstroke
dumb thirdie
China numba wan
>2 medals to china already


You already know your winner.
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China is already so much ahead than the usa in everything that requires technique and not pure negro strength/speed kek
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cute chinese baby imagine getting to breed her
>American football(flag)
Already confirmed for Los Angeles: 2028
Going to Aldi, you want anything?
why do the look like a reality show family?
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>you basically turn into a freak
A genetic freak, baby.
It's interesting that Eurosport Germany advertises some site about erectile dysfunction
I'm really hungover and paralysed with indecision. What are we watching bros? There's too much
what an amazing name!
You can surprise me
I want my pride back after last night
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She will already be spoken for.
Eurangutans living vicariously through Chinese is so funny
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Uh burgerbro??
Uhhh it's rigged for China in France too? Wtf
Because it's mostly watched by camp david boomer dads.
Price might be too rich for your blood, Honhon.
Poker would be pretty based. Like a headsup tournament and a standard tournament. There's too much variance tho and i doubt they could have prize money rivaling the highest stakes tourneys
France vs Tunisia in Judo, two home teams
grab us a pastie moit
you people have aldis?
here only the dregs of society go there

watch the end of diving
the korea vs china fencing is sex too damn might have to pick up fencing
when is breakdance?
When do they do the podium ceremony? The stream cut to swimming and I didnt see the chinese girls get crowned

China undefeated so far
she cute
they do a good cornish there?
its 2 now
is sexual-tension pingpong any good
The Tunisian looks whiter than the "french' kek
italian fencer named flamingo her mask isn't pink
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Tennis begins
Yes, the true patricians go to Lidl.
Skateboarding when?
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fixed that for you
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>iberians commenting on whiteness
too many events going on
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how do you fuck up this badly?
Fuck off chikaner
There's nothing more boring than the endless slurp of swimming events for every distance and stroke and our tv need two show every one of them. Just show the finals fffs
her knees bend forward too.. have we been duped?
Postponed due to weather
Is Diving not on Peacock? I want to watch
so what are we watching now anything else to goon
>both judokas are 'gnoules
Hmm I don't think I shall watch this
why are there 100 events at once, why not just extend the length of the olympics
Do top athletes even bother with olympic tennis?
studied at harold holt's swimming academy
Gymnastic cuties when
t. Moukokoko
We have Aldi too. It’s seen as cheap and a bit tacky but heaps of people go there to get actual good value groceries. Our country has a duopoly in the supermarket sector, we only have two (Coles and Woolworths), and they rip everybody off. So people go to Aldi to stick their middle finger up at the duopoly.
When do the cunny events start?
gold backed BRICs currency confirmed
flamingos are actually white
who's the hag?
They have to pretend these people are still amateurs with real jobs to go back to.
because host cities dont want that shit

lad moors raped you for 800 years
iberians do not get to be racist, you lost that right
she must’ve spied Jamal in the crowd
you spend ALL that fucking time training and THIS is the result? If I was her partner, I'd sue her, because I am an American.
King Charles demanded aussie choke for GB to get a medal
the lads
One of their moms
Need to watch men's gymnastics and have a wank, where are the streams?
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Anons, think of a good idea and picture for the next thread edition
its over
chinks rigged it
>the german supermarket empire has even reached the shores of the kangaroo kontinent
this one's blue now so what does your science have to say about that?
>lad moors raped you for 800 years
muttie merkel sends her regards.
oh no no no
anyone have a link to the swimming events?
What sport are we watching now?
>American football(flag)
this one actually is in 2028. i think they even made a womens event lmao.
They're also all 5'7 and shorter.

But yeah the rings in particular need you have massive fucking shoulders and arms
china anthem kino
go back to bed jamal you're getting smoked by china
Nah a reverse Bradbury would be if she missed the board and smacked her face into it on the way down. She fucked it up but at least she made the board for the jump
As expected edition with the Chinese gold medals
yeah and we have to bag our own groceries because of you fucking krauts
t. Abdulaye Al-Aboutrika
tftp, muttie merkel
Waaaaaaaaay to much going on, is there a finals only schedule somewhere to get a better overview on what to watch?
>official broadcaster™'s stream doesn't work
fuck off. sort your shit out you cunts
baggers are inefficient
you should try getting gud
you DO organize all your merchandise on the belt in the order in which you can most quickly pack it in a secure and sensible manner, ja?
time to make some food and take a break
is there a swimming gamethread?
Uh Oz is more like America than I thought
do you have to tip for everything too?
Blue is not a real color in nature, its an optical illusion from light refraction (real, look it up)
Aldi literally CANNOT be stopped. Never ever.
>double french Ippon in two different matches
>bbc has only two streams due to (((discovery plus))) having the main rights
Fucking hate this shit. The paralympics coverage will be fucking better as Channel4 actually have all the events streamed.
I just sharted my pants wat do i do now?
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eurosport script really funny today

Everything here is a medal event
man I was so hype for the skating
discovery plus is only 4 pounds. it's worth it.
only if a whites on the check out
here’s a tip for ya m8 be good to your mother
It just doesn't feel right without Russia at the Olympics
anybody else watching military?
Is it ever not raining in Paris?
This Cebula girl's kinda cute in fencing.
>All these euros seething
>MexiCHADS get everything for FREE with no adds or pop-ups
Based Claro
Has to be one of the coolest names in the world
foolish portuguese
Lads we're still winning the equestrian
it's not raining now
t. watching the rowing
No but we do have to pay for the grocery bags
>only if a whites on the check out
what else would it be, a med? (i think you call them wogs)
Does it have every event in full?
I like to watch things in full hate the BBC editorialising to focus only on GB then show nothing else.
Its nice that we wont have to retroactively remove a bunch of golds from doping
Why are the dressage girls the cutest on TV right now?
>germans in charge of rowing
New thread when
the stream doesn't even fucking work for me, dont be fooled
This chinese guy is crushing the 400m freestyle
What we watching?
I miss the ROC
damm Mongol girl is fast
they just are
Failure right away. BOOOOOOOO
yes as far as I can tell
i had to switch browsers to get it to play
dancing horsies
Roided chink
whatever my france 2 overlords deign to show me
right now it's 2 men rowing
men's gymnasts keep fucking up on the horse
I live in Sydney m8 it could be anything
Men's gymnastics
New thread needed.
handball is so silly
we dont bag our own groceries unless you go to self checkout
I genuienly do not even know how to watch the olympics with this new deal. Does BBC do anything but the ONE thing they broadcast?
I guess I'm gonna need to find a god damn stream.
we don't have this problem over on the dressage channel
>i had to switch browsers to get it to play
ah it's that botnet DRM thing, works on chrome
thanks nigel
>can literally watch one thing or whatever the fuck is on iplayer
Fuck this shit
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>president and vice president are chinks
wasn't rigged at all
paraguayan judoka whiter than the portuguese
it's goated
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>men's gymnasts now have zoomer broccoli hair
>see cute Dressage girl from Finland
>she's 14
Am I on a list now
that's shit
we dont have everything but we have most stuff
i have no clue how it works because zdf doesn't have fencing but it has the bigger sports like diving
Sorry anon
im seething. america got robbed. fuck chinks
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They took this from us.
What's in the box?
other way round for them
the czech guy earlier definitely had that very same problem
really? she def looked older
Just buy MAX for a month
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aryan hoop & the AFL
lolis have an advantage due to wieght its actually the horse that does all the work
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Not bad, Finland...
France wins lol
and its always either normie shit or something GB's doing well at, we're not going to see a second of pistol shooting or grecoroman
do they delay dressage if it's raining?
get your hands off her!
which next sport you predict to have a chimp out?
>american gymnasts now black
Kassidy is an absolute stunner.
lmao that's the age of the horse
cannot tell if 8 or 20
It's for the best. No temptation to fap.
The men now too
Thatcher hahaha
wdym now?
it's been for a while m9
who invented dancing horses as a competition and why did they do it
the mongolians must have been furious when they first learned of this
Maybe a french philosopher can give a metaphysical analysis as to why the Olympics are no longer compelling and feel like a parody of what once was
new /oly/ when
I think the French philosophers told us what they think about the Olympics yesterday.
it's called aging, it's terminal and you have it
>ukrainian fencer is black
american [athlete] has always been black
Are you sure he isnt french?
Someone make a new thread.
first time watching a judo match they should scrap the sport honestly
>brit gymnast twink
Oh I am wanking
I doubt I would have felt this way back in 2000 if I was the same age
No, the french is the white one
I was confused too for a second
egyptian qt detected in fencing
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i dont know what to watch
i just keep flicking between sports and not settling on anything
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Really Olympics? Really? You couldn't get 1 nigga just to do all this shit
the future is black
Very weird indeed, lad
NATO values
all ukranian men are at war. while african migrants are competing and fucking their women
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The Internet was a mistake.
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just pull up multiple windows on your multiple 4k monitors?
Baudrillard died in 2006 m8
Gymnastics has loads of shit going on at once
once you age out of imagining yourself competing it does lose something
still fucking pissed I destroyed my shoulder kiteboarding years before it became an olympic sport, could been a contender etc
>the king tuts in the audience of handball
ooof more humiliation
dressage is boring
aussies please batter the iberians in hoops
Do tennis players even care about olympic titles
dressage is so fucking boring who the fuck watches this
no except maybe novak just to say he got one
>not watching all at once on separate screens
bretonbros we are so back

His father is from ouganda and her mother Ukraine
Who /b/adminton here?
no /swim/ thread?
There's still the 20k
not winning
>zdf app thing on le smart tv just returns a shitty geocities era html page with a manually written out 404 not found error
technology was a mistake
Just watch your countries main broadcast and look up when finals start, it’s always way to chaotic in the beginning of the olympics
it's over, call the glue factory
Girls, horsies are HUGE with girls in europe, it’s their football. Bigly money it.
it's the highest honour after the slams, but it's a long way below
having it in historically relevant arenas like Wimbledon or Roland Garros helps
Bogdan is pretty fit
Gymnastics bunch of sports put together each one harder than the last one. Plus men and women have htier own events.
>watching horse gymnastics over people gymnastics
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it was better when eurovisionsports was a thing you watched two things and that was it and everything was on demand and you could watch it later
Djokovic and Sinner when ?
there is far too much choice. it's awful
I assume at least some of the men who would otherwise have been training to compete in sports are currently shooting people on the front line in Ukraine.
anyone got any bets on? got a fiver on Peaty and France 7s to win gold at 6/1
the illusion of choice...
The (German) FRAUD called in sick
brazilian woman just fainted due to heat in fencing
paralympics were always more interesting anyway
once you get down to the severe disability categories in stuff like swimming it gets really compelling, watching crippled misshapen meatsacks flail and wriggle forward in utter defiance of nature's cruelty
ten times more inspiring than watching second sons of rich families dick about on horses and boats
peaty's going to an hero before the end of the year but they're not doing odds on that
I reckon if you went into your local bookies they'd give you odds
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>/olympic games general/
Truly, summer has arrived
US lady fumbled the dressage
Anyone know a way to check if an event has ended without it showing the results?
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The Quintet of Evil
Lil Jap nigga playing ball is based

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