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Gary bros... how do we sweep this one under the rug?
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My Debbie’s (:
>The minimum salary in the PWHL is $35,000
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Montreal is so lucky to have such a cute girl play for their team. I wish I had a cole caufield gf.
cole caulfield would kick your fucking ass if he read this
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How many nhl teams qualified for the olympics?
WEF plot to destroy a traditional Canadian past time, sad
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Best show it to him and I'll give him my address then.
With kylington walking from the flames, safe to say we have already heard the death rattle of their season. The d corps is now a flawed and vulnerable corpse with no steady hand . Risky bet letting your best d man walk when you are trying to wean in an already stumbling wolf, could easily do irreversible damage to his career.
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stfu you homo
You would know wouldn't you paperboy

>t-they're just bodybuilding magazines i swear!!
I heard they were girly magazines
>femboy magazines
even worse desu
kwab sweden btfo per usual
mcdavid's favorite
how did bret even know he was in the magazine in the first place? kinda sus imo
>trying to deflect his own homosexuality
Stfu you gay fag.
>he thinks a man who dresses in costume and does gymnastics for a living has questionable sexual specifics and may be a fairy, in fact
bret screwed bret kwab
Fuck off swayman is elite
An attack on Deadpool is an attack on me
>swayman is elite
Its not deflection when I see your flag I immediately know you're a bonafide faggot.
You swedes are the weakest whites on this planet, if all of you suddenly died today people would shed one single tear and move on. You make white people look so weak.
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Everyone on /hoc/ is fucking gay
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WHISPER 07/30/24(Tue)21:04:28 No.143184022▶
>>143183963 (You)
Everyone on /hoc/ is fucking gay
let's check back in 10 years...
literal who, working at SportChek.
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Is he a hall of famer?
That includes you, Finngerfucker
No nigga
watching the lady gymnastics at the amateur tournament lads looks like based team usa is gonna win gold
the real sign of the pussification of the nhl is goggles in the locker room after winning the lee
based simone
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good morning
Kitties have the cup
I'm not watching the olympics
Is this the thread for the Belgium-Australia hockey game from the Olympic ?
Whoop whoop. 3-1 Belgium. Never watched this sport before.
rhythmic gymnastics is the only one that matters
that shit is for the retards desu
I played it for 1-2 year, it's a bit fun but the team's atmosphere was horrible so I stopped.
>check in on /hoc/ in the offseason
>it's just flamer and canes fags
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and gymnastics enthusiast
I’m a flamer but I’m not a flamer if you know what I’m sayin’
the goggles do nothing
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why bros?
why are we so based?
cleaning up in the olympicos, and back-to-back world junior championships.
>Up and At Them... UP AND AT THEM!!!
Bros I'm drinking 211 steely right now and I must say that, in my intoxicated state of mind, I love /hoc/ (no homo). Idk what I'd do without you guys
You sure it’s not just a little bit homo?
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I’ve never been more ashamed of being Canadian until now. We are embarrassing ourselves these Olympics one of our gold medals is won by a Japanese girl who never set foot in Canada. Canada can’t win shit.
Takagibro effect
can't tell if fencing is based or cringe
I play elden ring music over the fencing so it’s more bad ass
it's sword fighting and that's metal
It’s gay
Flames re-sign Wolf (2 years, $850k AAV)

Wow what a steal this is the best goalie contract in the league
Sword fighting is literally the straightest thing two men can do in the privacy of their own home
Women used to sword battle topless in medieval times
Sword fighting doesn’t have rules retard
medieval times girls owe me sex
women are stupid and i don't respect them
imagine the smell :/
Real incel hours
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I knew it, /hoc/ is questioning its sexuality again...
>I blame off-season and the Planet Muscle and Flex publishers mostly... mostly...
Just put up some drapes. What do you know about that? Probably nothing
I’ve slept with dudes before. The fact I now choose to only be with women proves I’m not gay cause I’ve had both.
Did Maurice really say that he hopes his team loses next year? They honestly should fire him right now
did that three weeks ago
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stephen made a faggot bitch out of you kwab
we're drafting our gimmicks
I love you too. Although I've called you and plenty of other guys names, I really love discussing hockey and shitposting with you <3
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not a single hockey image has as much soul
trips confirm that he liked it (being raped on easter sunday on the 4/17/22)
6-2. We're crushing Australia.
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but is he happy now?
If your van was in a brook would YOU be happy? I would certainly think not
good luck!
you're an idiot. greatest sports photo of all time happened last year
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Thanks. We're playing the quarter finals against India.
Don’t even talk about the Olympics I just stare at our medals in shame. I’m embarrassed to be canadian we only have fucking 6
can someone explain 'just like my islanders' meme, please?


picture a man getting shit on by a bird. then say, just like my islanders
Stephen said that he’s so used to this kind of hockey and that they’re playing just like his islanders when watching the world juniors championship
If I kill 50 people or just 1 I'm still called a murderer
Our drones should do less spying and more shootin’
one of the best /hoc/ posts of 2024
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That was a good one
Stephens racism makes me uncomfortable. He’s Italian so it’s like he’s hating himself…
This is why it's better to be a rapist
hopefully he gets to watch his beloved Italia play at the world cup
italy lady fencers just won the gold
Wasn't talking to you fag
bit rude
Some madlad got a big get on /pol/
Cbc coverage of the opening ceremony was so shit. They were playing some metal music and the girl commentators would not shut the hell up about how this represents France and it’s rebellious history and how much they love metal. I’m just trying to listen to the music shut up!!!
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just like my islanders
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The trapezoid, hybrid icing, carbon fiber sticks, and being forced to wear a visor is all part of the neoliberal globohomo agenda
it's only game why you have to be mad
I’m not seeing a problem here
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zero dimes literal who
Giga Dimes F L A M E S Stacey
i'd heem ms caufield
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Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great sadness that I must inform you we have a retard in this thread.

The offender posted: >With kylington walking from the flames, safe to say we have already heard the death rattle of their season. The d corps is now a flawed and vulnerable corpse with no steady hand . Risky bet letting your best d man walk when you are trying to wean in an already stumbling wolf, could easily do irreversible damage to his career.


Please be advised to avoid reading retarded ramblings from retards.

This has been a public service announcement.
She is not attractive. Industry plant too btw
Apparently don cherrys daughter died 2 weeks ago
imagine all the booster seats he can buy with that money. imagine all the sippy cups.
Mitch Marner is in this fucking thread, amazing.
why is he brown?
Is she a zombie now or is she dead for real?
vax status?
it's making fun of a former regular poster who would always bring up the islanders in every discussion
a kid in my beer league got the vax to play (i'm a pureblood chad and just faked it) and had a massive heart attack and died, he was 28. Total fag though so I was kinda glad.
I got double vaxxed how can I avoid dying? For once the chuds on /pol/ were right…
The second cancels out the first
technically I am also in my prime for hockey and technically I also have my whole life to be a physician
Technically I didn't ask
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Grim list
If Carey Price didn't get injured (10 ?)years ago in the playoffs , the Habs would have won the Cup
didn’t ask about the Flames (or islanders)
Do doctors even make good money in your socialist hellhole?
Flames and Islanders mentioned
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how'd you do on the mcat?
Can't go wrong posting either, like an entire Reece's peanut butter pie
It's too late. Hope you don't enjoy cardio intensive activities.
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>look up ex gf on social media
>she gained like 70-80 pounds since we broke up

Feels good man
i still haven't forgiven kreider. every time i see him score or the rags win, i feel anger in my stomach.
it's sad that you get pleasure from someone else's misfortunate just to protect your ego. shame.
lose weight fatty kwab
They're handing out lithium like candy now. It's a disaster for women everywhere.
Bad look for the flames to let a talent like kylington walk. They could have made a push for the yoffs
Kylington bet on himself and died on the vine
our governor seeks pleasure it extreme ways
hahaha time to lose some weight you fat fuck
True. Players need to be cognizant of the stigma that comes with playing in the flames
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based I hope you've gotten buff since you broke up
stephen has never even touched a goal
cope he claimed his bitch
about tree fiddy
I gave him a (You) yesterday
Dang this is how that flames organization treats its up and comers, no wonder they can’t retain anyone.
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/hoc/ should send Don a cookie bouquet or something else nice as a condolence
what happened to him?
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Good stuff. We in CAL love The Wolf!
>tate mcrae
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bluebirds are on, lads
>away at the blackbirds
>also, Yaks and Feelies on TBS
unless you're gonna keep watching the Olys...
In one ear and out the other our governor once said
>Another two years of Flames fans convincing everyone Wolf is good and not another bust like every other Flames top prospect goalie.
an annual tradition like no other!
im sure years of brain damage won't effect your academic skills at all
stop being raped
>he doesn't know
That Dustin Wolf sucks? yeah we all know.
>he knows
I know that the events of April 17 2022 changed the game forever
>he knew
>they know
goalies were run all the time in the 1994. mclean and vernon are beat up. belfour got injured last night.
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When I posted this I did NOT mean getting an 8x8.5 contract after his ELC. Excited to have him not at that price, yet.
Some of the Finns better see barkov in Tampere tomorrow
ynr ladislav nagy
/hoc/ will return after these messages from our sponsors
The canadiens were literally just price + an ahl team no way they beat the kings
PK subban used to be good. and so were Patches and Gallagher.
I’m so glad this obvious industry plant isn’t catching on. Not one good song.
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Pk subban was NEVER good buddy did not play defence gallagher is 4 foot nothing he got bullied his whole career and patioready is made of glass. nowhere near a cup caliber roster. their first line center was david desharnais
Maybe she'll be as dumb as me :)
How does one even go about getting brain damage in women's hockey
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be careful tomorrow fellow misfits
The Habs could have won in 2011 instead of the Bruins. They went to game 7.
Shoulda coulda woulda
My team woulda won if they didn't lose.
If only they allowed 0 goals instead of 8
brains dont matter in love
My favourite NHL moment occurred on the little known date on the seventeenth day of April, in the year Two-Thousand and Twenty-Two
Hate to tell him but that was stephens peak. Its all downhill and fat from there.
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chud retards btfo
honestly i'd let brad hit it
rapist hand
trb felt that fat hand squeezing his waist on that chilly easter evening of 2022
looks yummy
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The hand that pleasures his little pecker to anime girl digital puppets that are actually men playing twitch streams.

What a time to be alive.
god knows what him, mackinnon, and crosby do in nova scotia
>Dorchester incoming
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Huomenta but the opposite
I can tell you. They touch penis heads to eachothers anuses.
Old time Nova Scotian tradition.
>bed at 7pm
lmfao have fun at the factory tomorrow
its 10 pm on the superior coast
not on my pc
>least coast
Crosbys 2nd favorite activity
how can a coast where the hockey games start at 11 be superior?
She's never having children is she?
Cope, he's getting tickets
He's getting the tickets, he's doing it right
He said they were section 113 but they were 311
Tell me his favorite
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I THINK this is an Offspring reference
Noel is the color of his energy
Hockey of course
Speaking of tickets penguins tickets went on sale today
x to doubt
number one is hockey but with his buttplug in
not buying tickets stop saying that
There’s nothing gay about using a squat plug
/hoc/ has been compromised by ticketmaster shills
Haven't done coke in like two months and I really want a line right now
been over a year for me, would do one with you bro
Don’t give into temptations, brother. You’re stronger than you could ever imagine
Yeah you should get an 8 ball
Such is the fate of the ambitious woman
Nothing the flames did this off season impressed me
they give all the doctor jobs to indians and other new immigrants first
how much is an 8ball these days? still about $20?
im not gonna tell you laine
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yeah cause your loser ass couldn't even get them. just another L to put in your life record
they drafted a half jeet
whats the best drug to do?
The Holy Spirit
With a j Schultz ceiling.
Shrooms or booze the rest sucks
The waste collection calendar says tomorrow is recycling, yard waste and trash day, but nobody on the street put out any trash bins. But there is plenty of yard waste. I put out the trash can out just in case.
The democrats trying to other normal White Christian values by calling them “weird” when the democrats are the party of transexual freaks and smelly brown “people” cracks me up every time
Wrong thread numale
playing destiny, poe, and oracle of ages tonight
The party of hockey girl values
/hoc/, minimal paper and scissoring
Laine to the Hurricanes would be so boring.
Remember dat shit
Who cares
which kind of space ship
Right, now I remember why I don't come here except for the olympics.
Its a metaphor mufucka
good fuck off 1993
Chambers like post
just like my islanders
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>no flames hockey
Ask Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
>French Canadian
sergio tryna play destiny bud it's too late my man
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>that story stevie richards told this week about how he told shawn he was a fan backstage and that caused shawn and hunter to lose respect for him and haze him going forward
Go to bed copey it's late and you've got a big day ahead of you
no i don't just got some cleaning to do
Good morning /hoc/
So where will Laine end up?
This’ll be the day that I die
I look forward to the day TBG says that
I forgot all about this being Barkov's day with the cup
>A celebration open to everyone will be held on Nokia Arena on Wednesday 31 July at 5 p.m., and the doors will open at 4.30 p.m. The free ticket must be redeemed in advance from Tappara's website.
kek I checked and only nosebleeds are left and I hate Tappara anyways
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How would (You) like it if someone called YOU a Lunatic?
you would think that because the flames let kylington walk they would have some embarrassment of riches on the blue like. It’s strange because I just took a look and their blue line fucken sucks!!!!! Why did they let him walk??
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>demands a trade out of Carolina
>refuses a trade to Columbus
>refuses a trade to Winnipeg
>refuses a trade and extension with Buffalo
I hope someone ends this faggot's career.
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Maybe he would have accepted a trade to a more exciting location
Because they didn't want a coke addict that they paid to stay home for one and a half years dictate the terms.
LA stinks. If you want to do anything on off-days it's a full day project.
>la stinks
just like shittsburgh pennilesslvania
>le we just don’t want him
So sign him and flip him at the deadline for free assets, some contending team would take him for a 6/7 d man.
>hey wolf, I know our cap doesn’t matter right now and we won’t be contending for another 4 years, but here is a league min contract, and we expect you play 40 games behind a league worst blue line and forwards group, hope you don’t get lit up!
The seethe when wolf walks from his next contract is going to be really funny.
It must be a big deal if he can get an entire arena sold out
excuse me but who are you quoting?
Your GOAT have stayed there his entire adult life. Says something about the state of your country now, doesn't it?
Those assets would be useless anyway. It's also funnier to let him walk and see how much less money he gets on the free market. Petty, but funny.
Hyvaa Yota but the opposite
heave a yote
OK, so we have the Huberdeau contract which is on the complete other end and you're gonna shit all over that and now we have the Wolf contract and you're gonna shit all over that just shut the fuck up it's obvious you clearly can't be satisfied with anything so hopefully you kill yourself and I never have to see a dumbass comment by you again.
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away but at what cost
conroy proving he is a cheap asshole
he didnt get a goalie and underpaid his upcoming starter
no ufa is gonna want to play in calgary
Hey retard - How are wolfs and Hubers situations at all comparable?
There is zero upside to grinding wolf right now. A extra 300k a year would not have affected the flames as a team at all and would have bought them invaluable good will in the next contract negotiation. Grind when it matters.
I know that feel bro :(
Makes sense why you're here on /hoc/ and not a GM. You're fucking retarded.
>greatest of all time
>doesn't have any records that anyone gives a shit about
What did the homosexual newspaper delivering grown man mean by this?
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>dad played NHL hockey until he was 44
>son retires from ''2nd'' tier Finnish hockey at 26
What a shameful display.
it's because eetu was born on american soil
1980 and 1933 and such
he probably lacked the motivation to succeed. gretzky's son makes films
Has Chelios ever addressed his son's hockey career? He must be disappointed in the boy
He's chinese
karma for threatening to kill gary
wonder how much they paid him to join their national team
What has Wolf proved other than being a feel good story and hometown favorite?

He has to prove he's an NHL caliber goalie.
Question: why doesn’t the CIA or someone just kill me already? Surely they must see me as a threat to their gay societal hierarchy
Chinamen can't play hockey.
You aren't a significant person.
Now give me the real answer
robertson and kariya prove you wrong
You aren't even worth anyones time, its a waste of my time just talking to you.
my mom says this to me
What does the CIA look for in assassination candidates exactly?
>hugs you
april 17, 2022 WILL commence
Robertson is a flip and Kariya is a jap.
They clearly feel he will become one based of how they have managed their goaltending the last 2 seasons, so why wouldn’t they set up a layup for the next contract when he is one. Extra money now, on a 2 year contract is riskless. I understand you’re confused based on the poor foresight of Calgary management but plz understand, they are retarted.
I negotiate bugger deals weekly than wolfs contract. I would make the flames a cup contending team in 2 seasons
true true. gary stopped hosting exhibition games in china, so he's given up on growing the game there
65 days until hockey returns
that can't be true; it was just march
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I'm afraid it is still very much summer
I think it was a week since I last took a Marner.
Junkie retard
Pretty based
>65 days until hockey returns
So I have to heem 130 manlets between now and then. 195 if they're all leafs.
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No you wouldn't.
Wanna know how I know?
Your team is shit and run by a retard.
Breaking News: I just took a Marner. I also predict another one within 24 hours.
she gave up her kidney for her brother
>she was 67
this nigger can't even spell 'bigger' correctly and is larping as some sort of watch salesman holy fucking shit the absolute state
hockey nations, ranked:
French Canada
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Three active players in the all-time list but they can't score. This must be fix for the next season.
It's actually about 36 hours until the preseason
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is liiga starting that soon?
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The nokia arena looked packed
/hoc/ used to run /sp/
Four extremely Finnish looking guys and one Russian.
He won the Norris, retard
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barkov looks finnish to me
holy based
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so here i am
doing everything i can
holding onto what i am
pretending i'm a super man
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hocgeneral.com is nice site
gb2 >>>/b/
finland is an extreme country
It's raining cats and dogs outside
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Flamiacs what's for lunch
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Just iced coffee for me.
Extremely rad.
just had some fried eggs and toasted rye.
hate the flames btw
then he didn't ask you now did he?
toast deez nuts
It’s hoagiefest at wawa
I bet you have small little testies
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we don't have wawa where straight non retarded people live
Flames fans have been absolutely seething since kylington pissed on their legs. I thought this dude sucked. Why did it get them riled up?
except nobody is doing that
i ctrl+fed kylington and it's only people like you that are talking about him
karlsmeme won the norris as a minus the nhl awards have lost all meaning
nigga nobody is seething we are laughing because he KWABed himself

>Skips hockey for two years because he is sad his BF killed himself
>Demands 4*4.5 contract from Flames
>Told to get fucked
>Finds himself out of NHL

It's pretty funny desu
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I’m starting to think the average Flames fan doesn’t care for a person of color
Plus minus has no meaning you dumb cocksucker
Just got gifted a copy of NHL 14. Are the Red Wings a good choice? That asshole doc from Scrubs seemed to like them
based dr. cox
>skipped 2 years of hockey because his bf an hero’d
And that would have been a lot more of a pwn if the fan base didn’t hold him up as some sort of saviour for the last 2 years.
Kill yourself avatarfag
watching amateur basketball
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they lost in the first round to the ruins, they were washed by then
Going to watch the women’s surfing later. One of them might wipe out onto the reef.
Go to create a player, make 5 extra Crosby's, put the original Crosby and his 5 clones on whatever shit team you like
Only advance stat fags think this. It’s funny because they still reference GF%
One of them might have a nip slip
Some dude called Tootoo carried my team on his back. Is he cool?
tootoo is based
Why does India suck at the Olympics for such a big population only two bronze medals?
gonna go get a haircut and then do some shopping ama
women play icehockey?
cock dimensions?
get a mohawk
Unfortunately, yes. Only the US and Canada have decent ladypuck teams. They've gone through many professional leagues. Their latest league will be bankrupt in 3 years
got one when i was ~16 and my dad fucking freaked out
You try winning a gold medal while having diarrhea 24/7 365
it's off-season, take a breather for fuck sake
Kronwall seems cool too. Which team should I pick next?
they're a poor country and people would rather focus on academics
Both Malkin and Ullmark have birthdays today
neat. buy some yogurt when you're out
Malkin is based
I almost forgot that penis ullmark got traded for nothing
We should export ladypuck to India
focus on russia first
I'm the source, I do business consulting for people who know, and they tell me. Get some sources and you'll see it is true.
And will regress because the Senators defense is terrible.
Realizing I have like 3 clips I need to make in like 2 hours with work at home to do
Senators internet defense force moment
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I thought there would be a few of them in the draft but they only sent this cutie. Their national team isn't good enough to have more than a handful of players in the league but I still thought people would try, maybe the unfathomably grim russian ladyleague pays ok since like the KHL it isn't connected to any kind of actual economy

there are your 3 clips bro
Women’s soccer bros we made it
do you think logan thompson will be shit too without the knights' "goalie friendly" system?
Just like my Islanders
Is an drone a athlete
>1993 traumatized leafs so much that they started hyping amateur tournaments for other sports
No because the Capitals play a 1-3-1 and Thompson would be fine there.
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I hate bruins management so fucking much
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How many /hoc/ bros do recreational sounding here?
You bitch too much for a team that made the 2nd round with Pavel Zacha as their #1 center
Women’s soccer is more enjoyable then Gary puck now
Only thing that matters is the cup
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they made a shit tier decision. this zombie team is finally missing playoffs
>hockey is a sport in the summer olympics
>"hockey" enjoyers don't even mention it
Yeah, this general is dead.
This a Canadian women’s soccer thread now
anyone have that picture of that chick in a panthers jersey wearing cat ears (3d actual person, not ai or an anime edit)
Field hockey is for girls. We're men.
you have no tickets
Boston wont miss because they’re still run better than the Senators/Red Wings/Sabres. You will have your zombie bruins and you will like them because they at least aren’t retarded.
Team Canada is playing just like my islanders I’m so used to this kind of soccer
They dive cheat and steal so they're more like Connor McDavid.
looks like something mcdavid would be into
We won the gold medal is ours shortly
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any calgary girls?
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Calgary girls are cute. This one wants to get fully Americanized.
Me in the middle
I wish I was had a femboy to bully. I'd piss down his throat in front of his mom
go flames btw
I want to get bullied by a tomboy but not with piss or anything weird like that
Gary just messaged me on Telegram and said each team is going to have an Israel themed jersey this year
this but i want to watch ana luna gargle my piss but pretty much this
Calgary sucks ass
too damn hot
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someday /hoc/ will finally give my islanders the respect we deserve
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Just some offseason activities.
>el capitan americano...
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Flamiacs why does samir hate and fear us so much
samir is a contrarian so he naturally opposes the flameschad majority at every opportunity
samir isn’t real retards

typical canucks off season training
Even the directions are in Chinese
>samir is a real retard
based and true
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on a Woden'sday?? you got a four day weekend coming up?
never reply to me again ya gaped retard
You Americans pretending to be flames fans are pathetic almost just as sad as their franchise.
samir once again in tears
Fuck off. American Flames bros are better than any post you've ever made.
NHL fans need something to talk about besides the 1000th hypothetical trade that benefits one side and nobody else
>no /hoc/ Finns saw the cup today
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looking elite
the chicken breasts I grilled were 10/10 this is how God must have felt when he created Banff
Personally I wouldn’t cry when a gay biracial Swede left my team. I guess flames fans are just built different.
Their blueline is atrocious
Just like my islanders
niggas don't know about Zayne
That’s intentional they’re rebuilding and Gary promised the flames the first overall pick if they built a new arena
For me,personally,in my humble opinion, it’s gotta be Connor Bedard


i'm about to drop the best gimmick of the off season in the next thread. it will be as big as jlmi
wow, gay
kys flamefag
gayer than a chilly easter

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