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VPN + https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport
What music do they play when Russia (sorry ROC) (sorry NPA) wins?
>wristwatch company CEO giving the medals
India GOLD Shooting sirs
Some bloke from Panasonic was doing it yesterday
he is literally greek another medal FOR US
if they really wanted paralympic events to gain prestige they'd learn from women's tennis and integrate them into the main draw
Paralympic anthem I think
Just beat Denmark in the murderball
Sponsors get to give out medal here.

Wheelchair tennis has a tournament at Wimbledon
I watch it for the CCs*.

* Crippled cuties.
never occurred to me the running guides don't get medals but of course they don't
good lads doing it for the love of the game
>track cycling with one leg
archery is the most inclusive sport there are athletes sitting standing crawling shooting with their mouths, toes, ass
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>medalist has no wrist
Next 100m qualifier, the T47, is the closest (with T13) of a "normal"100m, if you all make pay attention
Twomey looks straight out of one of those photos of dead Victorian kids, didn't think they made kids like her any more
Men's T46/T47 and T12/T13 all have a faster WR than able-bodied women
The game is usually cancelled and all medals forfeited until a redo is done.
nick mayhugh t37 has a world record thats quicker than most of these athletes
Because they use technology.
They don't - those are classes for upper body limb problems and partial sightedness
not interested in the high number events, why would I want to see normal sports but slightly worse
How does not having an arm impact running? Surely you could participate in the normal Olympics?
Javelin world record
Arms are important for balance when running, especially sprinting
>upper body limb problems
The fuck? Why don't they run at the regular Olympics? The fuck has to do with your running that one of your arms is fucked?
wasted all that time for that one guy false dtarting and he turned out to be the worst by a mile anyway
confirmed for fat
See >>144087849
When you sprint your arms act as counterweights. And you can't balance in the blocks as easy.
>Wheelchair tennis has a tournament at Wimbledon
and a wheelchair tennis player is one of our most famous tennis players of the century. false equivalences aside, some events like the cripple-chariot and murderball provide something independent of 'X-sport but slower' and would feel right at home in the main games imo.
does this moroccan guy even have a disability? did anyone check him
sometimes I think nobody on /sp/ has ever broken a sweat in their life
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Nah I'm in good shape and lift but don't do any running
Fair enough
Surely running "professionally" for years makes your body and it's sense of balance adapt, so it's not an issue anymore.

I mean according to >>144087805 they even run faster.
they have a handicap when pushing themselves off theb locks during the start of the race
I guess they just consistently run slower to be awkward and annoy you then
stupid hun
The disabled men run faster than able-bodied women because >women are slow
Are you crippled yourself or just so fat you can't fathom the idea of people standing up, doing sports even, without tumbling around like a leaf in the wind?
If anything they need to come up with more disableds-only sports, feels like they're missing a trick only having murderball, boccia and goalball (which is rubbish and needs a rethink anyway)
utter gibberish
So many fucking false starts
glad they didn't dq that lad for losing his balance, IOC would never
>another flase start
that's the falsest false start i've ever seen
Who's phone ringing?
wtf cunt lmao
so yeah maybe come up with starting blocks that these poor cunts can actually use
he is actually the best
Mental that running is 90% arms
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this guy has a hand that looks like one of those octopus sausages and yet he has a gf
You guys didn't see the 400m race? Plenty of comments about Hall's running form completely falling apart at the end but still getting the win. Arms definitely matter.
>saltanat abilkhassymkyzy
bollocks thats a real name
damn she's 45?
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Arms good for that drive.
cracking abs
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I don't think so much disabled-only, but more sports that disabled people have no disadvantage in
I'll provide for you a suggestion: the post-modern pentathlon -- exhibiting skills required for the ideal modern American
>motor-scooter slalom
>hotdog eating
>hypothetical shooting
>pharmaceutical endurance
starting strength strikes again
wtf, those chinease runners aren't impaired at all, they just look and act like normal chinease
this is cheating
USA vs. Japan murderball
All of it
Only remembered just before you posting this C4 are showing most events on their YT.
Half the time I’ve seen her mentioned on the news, they say she’s 14, and the rest of the time they say she’s 13. They mention her age every time but they don’t actually know how old she is.
Good shout
I haven't watched any of their actual TV coverage, presumably they just flick between whatever GB are in and then have pointless studio discussions.
modern pentathlon was supposed to be a test of all the skills a soldier would need to escape from behind enemy lines, surely they can just do that but the soldier's had his legs blown off or something
all things considered the less british TV presenters know about a child's age the better
>games started at Stoke Mandeville
>Jimmy Saville fiddled kids there
New WR
New WR
New WR
Boxing is mostly legs too.
nippon have a girl on their murderball team?
A girl is +0.5 disability points not joking
Women count as 0.5 points cheaper than men
you missed it yesterday when one of our lads rammed the girl on your team at 100mph
knocked her straight out of the court and she got a penalty for out of bounds lel
>presumably they just flick between whatever GB are in and then have pointless studio discussions.
More or less.
seated discus must be a fucking nightmare on your joints
what implications does this have for my virginity?
Do they do seated hammer throws on an office chair?
ironic that the american girl's shirt is emblazoned with "ADAM"
potter's wheel
>ad break
US girl is doing pretty good desu. Nice to see
What does the number at the rear of a murderball chair mean?
Check table tennis, cute blonde
It's their handicap score thing, I should have put that in the OP as people keep asking.
Their point values from 0.5 through 3.5
Wheelchair badminton seems quite silly
I assume they can only play on one square
Wheelchair racket sports in general are a bit shit, doubles table tennis especially. the dwarf badminton is fantastic tho
I prefer the paralympics to the olympics because a lot of the girls have much bigger tits.
I couldn't really understand how they play that on a half field, but tennis on the full field

Thanks, i tried to ctrl+f before asking. Is 3,5 just an able athlete participating?
how do we fix murderball?
I think 3.5 is anyone with full body motion from the waist up, so could be amputees, lower spinal injuries.
I think in local play they let able bodied people compete as a 4.0
There needs to be a way to stop the 'bloke gets through and just runs to the end' which happens in rugby sevens.
A shame I missed that
I would rather see people overcoming their handicap to compete under the same rules as normal people, than rules being altered so these people can compete (with each other) to be honest

Watching now
>hit ball on one side
>hit it on the other
>you instantly win
Guaranteed gold and silver for GB there
The shooting has someone called Manish Narwal. He is from India. He is not from, here it comes…Wales.

don't quote me but IIRC all paralympic murderballers are tetraplegic, or have injuries/conditions that affect all four limbs. The 3.5s have good trunk and upper body function but they might still have weak hands/forearms for instance
commentators in rugby referring to players with profound disabilities and reduced motor skills as "low pointers" not even mentioning their names...so this is the power of the paralympics and inclusivity
yes its very offensive when football commentators refer to a defender as a defender instead of using his full name and pronouns
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the other 10% is rum and various contraband
why do you have to comment when not even watching the you fucking faggotshire? they are mentioning the main players with their names
Figures americans would be decent at wheelchaircollide
I am watching right now and they are referring to everyone by name when they have the ball, high pointers have more possession
you are a disingenuous foreigner and I hope a turk tears your cock off
What's everyone watching?
i hope you die a horrible death and im sure your parents and your hated ones (thats rights notl oved ones ) will be so relieved they are gonna start celebrating with a cup o tea, im watching the american stream not once have they mentioned the japanese girl's name or the guy who cant grab the ball for the us. and still im pretty sure your shitty britbong commentator has never once referred to a player as a "high pointer"
>yank stream
Well there's your problem
Our streams don't even have commentators haha I love it
>the guy who cant grab the ball for the us
Lies! They mentioned his name during the turnover at the end when he couldn't get the ball. But yeah, I don't think I've heard the Japanese girl's name.
When's wheelchair boxing?
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We have the best bikes
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Stop the hate.
would anybody like to hear a sonnet about the planet Mercury?
>USA Network
I'm sorry brother but with a VPN you can watch them all on france.tv
I'd like you to drink mercury
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Do NOT click this link, it creates mustard gas, instead use a VPN and watch them here https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport
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I wonder how many variations there are considering the different disabilities. The normal GB bike cost 60k - the Japanese one 100k.
Love velodrome cycling girls, love legs me
A vivid Lunatic set loose upon brown and grey ground,
And being blistered blue by blazing biblic purges.
Prosperity, parch’d of meaning in a desert surround
Desperate reasoning against pious urges.

Cleansing-Fire-From-Heaven-Ra wrothly demanding doth
Ancient pages be re-writ white hot with sacred purity
And burnt up with heathen wings of Th’oth’
T’err beneath as ashes of Hermetic obscurity.

Its nubile craters look both inward and out,
Dry tears erupting hopes for both volatile and lover’s
Passionate volcanos, ever soot with drought
Under suffocating Heliotropic covers.

Unfairly snared by the abiding light of brightest noons,
Still there lay something beautiful in those Sun-burnt dunes.
Nah these ones are blind, and cute
really don't trust the tandems, why does the guide need to pedal
Because the bike weighs 14kg, even with the guide if the 'stoker' is bad then they'll be slow. It's teamwork.
no, Mercury
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wait a minute
Just moving to the chair by the look of it, some of them can only limp when walking.
fair play to the sharts, they have the only murderball team where the woman does something
Is balding a prerequisite to becoming a high level wheelchair rugby player? Even the japanese are losing it up top
kek I noticed that too
Boccia is comfy desu
Lots of wheelchair-users can walk short distances but still need the chair otherwise. I have a friend like this.
I forgot murderball was mixed gender.
>2 point lead for Japan
the ramp classes are definitely more interesting than the ones who can throw, closest thing we'll ever get to olympic snooker
would not surprise me at all if these boys are juicing
Seems like 3.0, 3.0, 2.0. and 0.5 women should be the best line up. Just hope the 0.5 can get a block here and there.
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If you notice the guides have a smaller (easier) gear thann the stoker
I suppose you can't knock it off if it's dead on
I don't know what the rules are for it exactly, there may be specifications the bike needs to adhere to. The pilot is always much bigger than the stoker so they're obviously more powerful.
Popping to the shops, good luck Japan.
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that's the good shit
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Haymaker by France
been racking my brains the last couple days trying to come up with another sport for people with severe CP, boccia's cool but there has to be something else they can do
thinking trap shooting with eye-guided chair-mounted guns, like one of those Predator shoulder guns
>that smile at the end
Knows she's kicking the frogs' ass
What even is that sport?
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c'est over
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>France has already lost
>Poland continues to play 3 more balls to rack up an even higher score
kek this is brutal
Boccia. Doesn't have an Olympic counterpart
staring competition
the one italian pensioners go crazy about
Slam Poetry
What's with the darker blue ball?
fuck me jody cundy's still performing like this
seeing all these older paralympians really drives home that staying in shape is the only real way to age well
different shades = different hardness
some are like beanbags, some are like cricket balls
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would anybody like to hear a sonnet about the planet Venus?
His London leg is still one of the coolest things I've ever seen
Wheelchair jousting
>staying in shape is the only real way to age well
not true; I'm a mostly sedentary 29 year old that still occasionally (would probably be more often if I weren't a regular) gets ID'd at the bottle-o
goalball is like watching ants play soccer – meant in the most admiring way possible.
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Dominant first set for the Dutch
I like the concept but it's far too long and low scoring, think it would be vastly improved if they only had to bounce once instead of twice
Pushing wheelchairs on a clay court must be brutal
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custom molded carbon firbre arse support confirmed
kek casual as you like
She was our flag-bearer in the opening ceremony so she must be good.
lovely calves for a chair user
Of course I'm watching Nippon exterminate the filthy canadians at goalball
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Huge point.
>they can bounce twice, even outside the court
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Got some wheels on her
Seems fair if it's obviously the second bounce.
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Net rush!
Archery is starting
does this aussie archer have a fucking beard tattoo
>aussie shooter has a tattooed beard
Is that what you would call a bogan?
>the Battle of Agincourt, 1415 (colourised)
it's pretty bogan yeah
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>if I only had a leg
Tattoos were a mistake
crazy we haven't cured being a cripple
weren't stem cells harvested from aborted foetus slushies meant to cure them?
blame the sharts for all that pissing and moaning about muh embryos
It looks to me like they're shooting from much closer than the non crippled olympics, am I correct?
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does anyone have that comic that starts with the guy wishing he had an aeroplane that platitudinally culminates in the guy wishing he had working legs?
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>the average Irish-Australian vs the ideal English-Australian
>2 legged cyclist vs 1 legged cyclist
It's tipping it down for the archery
yeah not to mention the odd bounces, how are you going to react in time when you're a damn chair
>play a more physical style of tennis
>gas out after the first set
literally me
lads lads LADS
we got another fuckin bronze
would you rather have two gimpy legs or one good leg and a prosthetic
He seemed really good, I missed his qualification, good lad.
one good leg any day bro
>Belgium vs France for gold
Farther actually.
>Aussies have overtaken us in the Paralympics too
I dunno using a prosthetic leg for years is supposed to eventually fuck up your other leg + your hips
Just wait until you see our Special Olympics lineup
unfair, your entire population qualify for that.
kek beat me to it
nice rigging again france
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Looks like the belgian didn't want it enough to me
No idea who's who in this webm
Is that rain I can hear on the tennis?
winner = me
loser = you
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bongs at the back, clogs with the white arses
Soldiers have marched in to execute the Belgian
I think two gimpy if below the knee
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Huge point ending in a clean winner.
GBR near side, NED far side.
Looks like we'll be choking in the tennis then
WORST paralympics so far.
Each time I place my bet on Player 1, Player 2 wins...
Fuck that shit, it's rigged af.
Unlucky Senegal. I'm not sure cumulative score for compound vs sets in recurve is better or worse.
I still have the 'Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland' that one of the athletes gave me off his head at the 2000 paralympic closing ceremony, and wear it regularly. To this day I can still picture the barrier I was standing at and the track the athletes were doing their honour lap on. I still remember the warm feeling when he pulled his cap off, smiled at me, and fixed it on my head -- then ruffled it as if to say 'here's to you, kid'. As a young child my entire experience of Sydney 2000 was a blur -- my parents took me to plenty of events -- but that moment stands as a monolith of my Olympic memory
Did you bet on the Lelgian?
That half fucked canadian shaking on one side is sad to see :(
That's sweet, do you have cerebral palsy?
Betfags BTFO
knew a girl with cerebral palsy in high school
massive, massive slut
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The hat in question

Only on Saturday
That's a good memory to have
always regretted never getting to anything in London, was terminally unemployed at the time and couldn't afford shit
sick logo
I didn't go to London either, I did go to the Commonwealth Games when they were in Birmingham though.
sick as fuck
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She's good hey
Imaginary bets anon, you don't do that ? Cheer for a random athlete/team based on funny names or unusual flag or because you simply don't like the other.
>French from Bretagne
We count those
best flag in the world, should be ours
Love the tunes hyping up the archery and everyone's just sat under umbrellas
When they fire an arrow the fucking water sprays off the string
It's copied on the US flag, some retard managed to impose it as a cultural symbol, can't be more souless.
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sh-she's beautiful...
Anyway, here's another hat I still have from 2000. This is the one my older sister wore; it was bejewelled by badges, but I've since stowed them away
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Tough loss for GBR, nobody likes seeing the Dutch win it must be said
she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
Are we out of the tennis now then
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Fucking janitors raping my posts of meaning once again. I started with a point about clovers showing up again after years, but I've been drinking so my copy/paste job butchered itself. Anyway, here's the fucking hat.
>It's copied on the US flag, some retard managed to impose it as a cultural symbol
>Van Gass was born in South Africa. At the age of 20, he moved to the UK to join the British Armed Forces
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the win cured them!
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>we put a foot on top of your foot so you can walk while you walk
there's nothing disabled about that arse, god damn
not 'til I'm done with it at least
such a good day
kek it's a weird song
>us below mongolia, peru and india
why do they hate their cripples so
People just need to start combining the olympic and paralympic table and then they'll care about getting more golds than China.
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A little more wheelchair tennis couldn't hurt
Ukraine doesn't have a single gold yet
tbf their athletes have only had a couple years to get used to having no arms or legs
Fucking hell I thought they were going to crash, they flew up the track after finishing
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kek what a way to win a point
Aussies commentator just pronounced slalom as 'slay-lum'
Good joke but they are normally a paralympic powerhouse

That was fucking mental
our crippled and genetically cursed can win gold after gold, meanwhile the peak athletes with multi-million pound investments and marketing deals shit the bed every single time. they should be killed
well aware, their parasport funding got slashed to virtually nil on account of the war, much bigger cuts than able bodied sport
They pronounce debut as day-boo
Caring is socialism.
Being a cripple and having to basically put a full time jobs worth of effort into living a normal life makes you /strongmind/ I suspect

They do get funding too though
Isn't that how yanks pronounce it
feel like i'd be a shit cripple
just don't have the mindset for it
>one big front tooth
whats that about then
That's her disability
I would definitely become monstrously fat, like renaissance pope-tier fat
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*cripples you*
>veiled woman in a male suit
One can't look more retarded than that lmao
Are lad is playing some old Slovakian bloke in the archery
Can confirm, wheelchair anon here and just living a normal life requires quite a bit of effort. Everything is a lot longer like getting dressed, washing yourself, cooking, taking a shit or a wee, or just traveling in general. Forced me to become more serene and patient, as well as more even-tempered

Which is why it's nice that you can cut ahead of the line sometimes in airports or train stations, or at museums
Remember seeing a woman is full on muzzie gear in a swimming pool when I was on holiday in Egypt.
No, we say day-byoo. Aussies can't seem to get that last part right
Brits needing to pretend spaz's are people;
Calling themselves kings after counting fool's gold
And morphing their delusion into a dizzy steeple
So they can look over their dignity growing mold
We say 'dee-butt'
Did you ever read Two Arms and a Head?
I get he was seriously fucking depressed but actual seppuku was a bit much
It's banned here iirc.
even worse than that shit sonnet, you write like Will Self after a severe head injury
>Brits needing to pretend spaz's are people
>/ / x x x / / x x / x
Sort the metre out mate what a fucking mess.
I didn't.

I recommend the following cripplecore literature:

Anatomy of a Soldier (one of are lads British soldier lost his legs in Iraq)
L'homme qui marchait dans sa tête (dunno if there's an English translation)
Cider House Rules is also a great book featuring a paraplegic
do you get to use any of the fun meme wheelchairs
I see a seething pom lashing out at high-brow low-blow banter. Par for the course for the modern man of the 3 and a half nations of formerly-Great Britain. A lamentable sight, indeed -- but not a surprising one.
Go fuck yourself you whiny cunt
The southern French are basically a different race aren't they
Alas poor Bruce, I poo him well
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ta, to zlibrary we go
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Armless archery lads
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drawp shawt
touched a nerve there
just say it differently
Africa starts at the Loire
Go and study poetry mate, you're just another mong who hasn't but attempts to write it.
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>shoots a ten using his foot
Dude is flexible.
Yea. Towards the north.
>there's the high five
You mean 3 in a row
Are the Paralympics popular in bharatistan? Is it on TV?
kek yeah and mental grouping too
Could this guy compete in the reg olys?
Kadeena Cox set off to be the best in the world at riding a bike, and she fell off. It can happen to anyone.
nothing on the tele, there's one online service streaming it but it only has 2 channels (one for indian and one international). Also no Hindi commentary I think, I'm just watching on youtube.
It's funny it's not more popular because our para athletes are much better than our olympic athletes
Compound isn't at the Olympics but he's fucking good
Do you guys watch this just to laugh at them?
A Mexican the other day was saying the same about how they do shit in the Olympics but okay in the Paralympics yet it doesn't get any coverage.
When does compound mean
well, yes -- but also an opportunity to practice my prose.

>b-but muh meter!
if you want it so bad then you can go suck a milli of them out of your dad's dirty dickhole
Arc à poulies, beaucoup plus de force développée pour la même force de bras donc la flèche va plus droit
ffs it's not the special olympics
It's a different type of bow, notice how it has those pulleys and they have release mechanisms. Recurves are just like regular bows. Compounds is seen as 'easier' because it's more about the bow and technology and less about technique, the range is 50m vs 70m for recurve but they do use a smaller target. They're more powerful I believe and you can hold them at full draw without difficulty due to the mechanism.
No anon. That's mean.
It's interesting and admirable to watch how these athletes have perfected their sport skills despite their disabilities, e.g. how these archers with no arms can shoot 10's with their feet.
no we have human empathy
No it's very inspirational.
I missed it ;_;
for some reason shooting with bare feet doesn't bother me but shooting with bare feet in the rain tickles my brain's autistic disgust centres
eeeeeuh your feet are all cold and wet
The left hand (or foot) in archery is only there for support, you don't actually grip the bow. Your foot would get freezing though.
that's hot actually, when are the women feet archers
nah, the athletes are great. the only jokes here are the self-fellating brits who think they have a license on glorying the physically retarded
>deez deez deez
deez nuts
absolutely mad as his arse nobody likes his doggerel
they should call it american football, since they're not using their legs and americans lose
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I'm going to type 'Fuck Israel' on the swimming chat to see if they ban me
holy shit this fin looks like a shotput guy why is he in archery
I watch it to be amazed. Like, I would rather watch one-legged cycling than cycling with two legs but one leg is weak, because the visual spectacle of someone pedalling with only one leg is just so much more fascinating. So there might be a bit of a freakshow aspect for me, but no, I don’t laugh at them.
All JFs will kneel
Mate you write like Chris-chan, also you mean glorifying
Absolute UNIT shooting for Suomi
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I'm >>144092397 and this is exactly how fat i'd get
Footfag archery bothers me immensely. I switched to boccia when they came out.
kek, well good news you can still be an athlete
If he wanted that shitty comeback, he would've scraped it off your mum's teeth.

maybe try focusing on improving your life and self instead of whining and blaming jews for everything?
France even it out. We are going to a third set. Grueling match.
they shouldn't show paralympics on tv
what if little kids like it and get inspired to get into accidents just so they can start playing the cool sports like their idols?
What sport?
bless the brazilian names
>AK47 my son
Wheelchair tennis. Also forgot it's doubles so it's just a super tiebreak for at third set.
Many of the sports don’t actually require a disability. Anyone can play the blind sports as long as they wear a blindfold to fit in. You don’t need to use a wheelchair all the time to play wheelchair tennis; you just need to use one while you’re playing.
Para tennis doubles women, go go go boot up France TV
True but I don't think they let non disabled people compete in international competitions, do they?
How long until all British TV has an interpreter for the deaf?
How are we so good bros?
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What determines order when we have the same medals?
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point of the day
I wonder if the Paralympics in L.A. 2028 would be any different than this one.
alphabetical (order they come in the opening)
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Addicted to watching archery and I'm doing a beginner's course at a local club, it's good fun.
singles wheelchair is shit but doubles is pretty kino
Best of all worlds isn't it
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>guy with one arm competing against guy with two arms but in a wheelchair
I'd say this isn't fair but the no arms guys seemed fairly competitive
Maybe being able to stand balances it out
French tennis is simply cursed. What the fuck.
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France were up 8-5 in the breaker
Aussie hasn't missed a shot
Twelve tens in a row
world record is 148!
>aussie misses the 10
it's so over
He's fucked it for the 150 but could still get a paralympic record
Number of 4th places
damn I think pressure got him for the record
still this was amazing
It's Ozver what a choke
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Superb showing from the Aussie, shame that he choked at the last three shots for the record.
I'm a bit bothered that his opponent was a person that had to use his teeth to pull and release arrows. Not sure how archery balancing or whatever works.
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Just noticed archery is being played at Invalids
>archer last name Polish
It was created by Louis XIV as a hospital and recovery place for his injured war veterans so it's not a coincidence, invalides literally means invalids
For those who don't know the invalids were built by Louis XIV in 1670 to serve as a hospital / retirement home for crippled veterans
There were created by Louis XIV
as a hospital, right?
yeah for paralympians and such
back then the archery targets were a little more real though
stab stab stab
Why is no-one posting anymore?
We're all watching midget badminton
Gone for din dins maybe. It is depressing how few people there are in this thread overall.
I cooka da pasta
Shoot off in the archery, India vs Thailand
shit we choked so hard
Your coach mogs your player, he's a chadjeet
On the spectrum of slow to chaotic with comfy being just under half way between the two, it's a bit slower than I'd like

Anyone got a good medal event schedule?
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You can filter by medals in the OP schedule
I'm in the taxi home
damn 5mm, they both were even in the same quadrant
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The water medals farming swims on
Ah yeah sorry forgot about the current ones, athletics has a load of medals too.
Boccia the Rock
Malay archer looks more Indian than the Indian archer.
brazilian stick thrower with cerebral palsy
I'm in your walls
boccia the cock
kino crowd at the badmington
imagine missing a medal because someone else was misclassified
You frogs do a good job of making every event feel like a football match
Elaborate, what happened?
>the man who had one leg actually had two
As shrimple as selling cheap tickets for the curious to come watch, then getting them caught in the moment
Fuck the crowds in the US (both world cup and olympics) will be so soulless since the tickets will all be 500+$
little brit fella getting SMASHED by the BR
They won't give a doopin CRUD what you think Pierre
>people cheering while the archer is shooting
they finally changed this frauds classification?
This Iraqi is based, he's having a great time
EZ WR, baybay
See you in 2028!
Yeah I love that attitude.
archer stream where?
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Channel 4
Where to find out what disabilities the different categories cover
blind ned girl so happy
Fucking hell the Iraqi won even after flinching and nearly choking completely
Almost some Robin Hood shit.
reclassified in terms of severity of motor control
He set the world record in T37 and then the officials decided his cerebral palsy is mild rather than moderate and reclassified him to T38 where he competes now.
He gets to keep the record.
swimming she just won gold
>He gets to keep the record
That's shit because that'll never be beaten now
Another gold for BR
I can't keep up with all the medals, what in?
Ameri Riggitini
>normal looking Ukrainian bloke vs a man with no arms
>level after 1 end
Alright fair enough
>8 X 10
Belgian is doing well at least.
Fucks sake Brazil
Two in a row, 100m M 37 e 47 Athletics
imo all guides in blind events should be women
they dope?
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>a man with no arms
and on leg
He can aim though.
Based half-belgian won
Which half was Belgian?
All but 3 limbs.
sex with WEN
lil badminton fellas match is tense!
this table tennis is rigged as fuck, french team has 7 limbs and ours has 5
Felt bad for our walter white lookin lad
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>women's breast
Castano Salazar looks uncomfortably like Paul Giamatti
fair play to the colombians though, they're shit hot at parasport
watching midget badminton
We beat the Hue, it was a good match
We have a buy in the rugby with no forearms, just two stumps
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I didn't watch fencing entrances, do they push the wheelchairs in the stairs ?
saw him last game, still a 1.5
0.5s must be completely fucked
God save the King!
I just saw one on team australia, number 5, he looks normal ish
Watching the 400m and some black lass is about 200m behind
eating crisps off my own gut while watching this
life is a rich tapestry
Nah they've got one now
What crisps though?
>Li Lu
roysters t-bone steak
This swimming relay looks insane. Dwarfs, cripples, blind people all swimming together wtf
Are we in it?
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I'm a kettle afficionado
Good taste mon ami
>that bloke with no arms face down in the water
Does he not breathe for 50 metres? What the fuck
fuck meant tyrells forgot to correct
He absolutely SMOKED the yank
>the half burnt chink with no arms
Wonder how many of them were in liveleak videos
Fucking torpedo swimming nigga
Almost certain that armless chinese bloke didn't come up to breathe once, fucking mental
Insane lung capacity on the lad.
Congrats for the WR anyways, China.
what happened?
chinese triple blind jumping podium as it stands
belgian princess handing out medals!
>the rooster suit
That was the first time I heard that anthem. No strong opinions on it.
think one of the boccia commentators just farted
she kissed the belgian gold winner :) (on the cheek)
they're definitely using the shittiest tinniest recording of it they could find
for me it's di dongdong
The Spanish girl is cute, our girl is vibrating
BRs are always so patriotic singing their anthem
7 limbs > 5 limbs
brits managed to find a chinese midget for their badminton team
that leaf's chrome helmet is so fucking cool
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Defend >our industry and buy Brets instead you traitor
Would scoff these
I'm from Scunthorpe so I eat Transform-A-Snacks and Tangy Toms whenever I can find them
Poor armless chinks struggling to hold the phryges with their head/shoulder

Euh... basé
Fucking Korean trying to argue with the ref in boccia lmao

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