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VPN UK + https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport
VPN France + https://www.france.tv/sport/handisport/jeux-paralympiques/

Archery gold medal starting now, armless yank vs armfull chink
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We'll never catch the Chinese
This is the thread?
Yeah I'm about to hang myself after missing the subject off the other one.
We're losing the wheelchair rugby
Gotta redeem yourself next time bro
10bros we're eating good
Get yourself in that S14 swimming lad
>both open with 3 tens
already a kino match
>Cyprus in French is 'sheep'
our commentators are openly rooting for him at this point, tbf so am I
cypriot swimmer used to compete in the s13 category 8 years ago she is getting blinder each year
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oh no no no
Progressive conditions are a bitch
Really fucking hate it when yanks go YOO ESS AY, it's such an obnoxious chant.
it is a bit grim watching the ones with degenerative conditions
watched a boccia lad with muscular dystrophy and couldn't get into it, wondering if he's even going to be alive by LA
You are to wait 30 seconds before reacting to anything that happens so I can catch up
oh shit
shouldn't it be the other way round french bro
we used to have an athlete running in athens 2004 and he switched to boccia in london
My stream is about 30s late

so this is the power of french cloud streaming
We had a well known rugby player get diagnose with motor neurone disease and deteriorated until he died, it was awful.
>be in france
>not attending live
>setting foot in Paris when you can avoid it
god this archery final is so fucking sovl
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you raise a fair a point
China getting nervous
Paris was full of blacks selling tourist tat and that was when I last went in about 2008
This algerian anthem sounds like something off a kid's tv show kek
yeah just like how lou gehrig died of lou gehrig's disease what were the odds?
More of a 10 than what the american got against He

Feet is the new archery meta
Amazing, well done Americans, well deserved.
149 that's a new olympic record
>149 out of 150
>with no fucking arms
I fucking kneel
Right, well we get to claim Leo McCrea's gold as ours
Indian may be winning the high jump
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God i need a downie gf
This is not the special olympics, if it was you'd have more golds.
talk about going out on top
>4/5 of our blind footiemen are black
N-word sport through and through
Look at that blimp! He's posted a picture of the balloon!
Boléro is such a kino piece of music
Isn't that a WR?
am i having a stroke ? or did greek national broadcaster showed an award ceremony from last night for 200 mTHOSE EXACT THREE GIRLS GOT MEDALS LAST NIGHT why is it on again
Were the regular games watchable for free at channel 4 tube through vpn too?
Anyone else's youtube stopped working in the last day or two? Will be a adblock or extension just don't know which one of many.
No, americans bought all the rights so national tvs couldn't afford anything
No you had to pay for discovery plus, which tbf was only 4 quid. The BBC coverage wasn't even worth watching.
definitely PR which was 148, I think the WR is a perfect score
If it's not playing or just playing for a few ms when you press play, turn off adblock, reload, accept/reject cookies, turn adblock back on, reload
No, BBC does the olympics sub licenced from discovery, so it was 2 free BBC streaams or pay for discovery plus
>400m final only has 4 people in it
Must be a super niche disability category
Channel 4 only does the paras, it's secretly our second public broadcaster, owned by the state like the BBC but commercially funded
the other guys are running around the car park
are adolphe
Is it T11? Guided events tend to only have four
each of them have a guide its impossible to have more people running
Is it a near blind category? They give them a free lane each side to avoid collisions?
The blind runners always have several lanes between them for obvious reasons, so they do semis until they're down to 4
Ah fair enough I suppose it makes sense as there's really 8 of them on the track. Thanks for all the (You)s
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Even T13 who have some vision and no guides run with free lanes IIRC
I didnt even know they allowed disabled people to live in China
big oof
Seen a lot of chokes by France this paras, I hope you can get over it frogs.
there are 4 athletes running and 4 guides running
now add those 2 4 togethers what do you get?
I'm watching a different stream
4 athletes and 4 guides
this Indian can jump
F20 is low IQ, GB doing very well at those classifications
Still not having it but its not asked me about cookies again
based. was hoping someone would screencap that
IIRC Sabrina is nonverbal, but she's welsh that's probably a good thing
Seems like a fuck ton of WRs are being broken this time
She's chatting to R jody off gladiators right now m8
you see a lot more of that at the paras than the olys, presumably because of new medical therapies and whatnot
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Marjaana our hope

>medical therapies
It's also no one took it serious till recently. The funding going in from GB and China and some others means some paraathletes can train full time now, inevitably driving up standards.
they're obviously on PEDs like everyone else but I'm talking about new anticonvulsant drugs for ones with ME, stuff like that
Also because a lot of the sports are slowly moving towards full time professionals.
why did the indian skip 2.06m in high jump
She looks like she scrans plenty of pizza
to get to the other side
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ah, my harem is here
I have so many streams up the audio is all mashed together and I have no idea what the fuck is going on
Band name: Pretty Vacant
Wish i was one of them tbdesu, must be a simple life
>The Huh?
Lucky are the simple, for he kingdom of heaven is theirs
>there's wheelchair badminton
I didn't know that desu
Jonnie 'Pee Cock' Peacock
It's shit, they only play on one side and barely move
Wheelchair tennis doubles is KINO though (simples is shit)
>that hairline

I still would in every hole though
Looks like Streng ran out of...Strength...heh
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it is what it is
Stop being gay
>equalled the PR in the first heat
got a bad feeling for are jonnie lads
Yeah sounds like it'll be bronze at best
Do you not put any funding into sport?
need a webm of the costa rica guy celebrating and then immediately falling over
I for one am a big fan of the Elrond receding ponytail look
Jonnie only got Bronze at Tokyo, despite a faster time than his London and Rio wins. The field has improved
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and thaaaaat's magic!
Binland wins at winter sports
Slow Patrol
I like it, but not a lot
why are americans like this?
Illuminati but gay
African Americans are genuinely a complete sub culture. There's a stat that like 50% of black people in Britain have ever dated someone who isn't black while in the US it's like 5%
Would you not turn your do into a postmodern statement?
wtf another record
dat german acceleration
>guys with only one blade mogg two bladers
Uhhhh bladebros??? I thought we were supposed to be faster???
oh ononno tara bros! we barely made it
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>relaxed and missed WR
wait why does he have a WWE belt
kek do americans really
Better than North Korea, at least.
another PR
Binland sucks at winter sports aswell
Cecifoot is so fucking shitty
classic Communist Athlete look, didn't think they made girls like her any more
fake flame
The Duurrs
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Is it the Greek champion that had his father as his aid, before it became his wife? Very sad, but at least he has the love of his wife, family and the thrill of playing his fav sport and repping his country.
She's come as the olympic logo
Why is there a Brazilian cosplaying as Kusuo Saiki?
this is what peak performance looks like
>cutscenes where they let your character keep the customization
Dr. Robotnik?
he is the final boss
>DLC character
>equipment has better stats but looks ridiculous
Why does he wear the mask?
Fucking kek
He's not retiring at a home games?
>Bunda glasses
It seems kind of cruel getting a blind person to choose their own wardrob-
>He's not blind
lel what a kwab jump from moon face
someone go annoy /v/ with this guy lol
Japanese Bweakfast
Did he make it? I was too late for his race.
Howling at this thread
Long jump looks fun
TeamGB have a lot to answer for getting dabbed on by the disableds
Third in his heat
through in 3rd, commentators seemed to think he's saving his real shit for the final

Is this what they call 'nominative determinism'?
Apologize, lads. It's not just us
12 golds today vs 14 in the entire 16 day olympics
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WEN \o/
Ableist here. I won't watch any of this sad shit.
>he doesn't want to see the indomitable nature of the human spirit in action
Your loss
lots of int/cels suddenly entered this thread
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Why is it sad?
Oh hay, gay Anon! Have you recovered from the post-stag do hangover, now?
Ok it's not. I don't know.
Watch it with us mate, it's comfy and exciting.
I'm hanging on via paracetamol and sleep
the shot putter ceremony is the retard category right? they don't seem all there
T/F20 yes
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leddit is making fun of our first gold
Getting a bit tired of GTSK now
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Point them to me
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That's why Black-Yanks wonder (and sideeye) Black-Brits race-mixing so much. (It's really only Black-Carribbeans, tho. Black-Africans still definitely tend to be more insular).
Understand this is why BB have no chip on their shoulder about mixed kids actually referring to themselves as mixed. For BY it sets off a whole fucking thing...
Gets even weirder when you start looking into things like Foundational Black Americans
Maybe tommorrow
kinda beautiful how as soon as >>144155799
shows up we get >>144156127 confirmed for shagger
I just see a normal foot, mate.
I think that lad must have been on something when he was watching it and seeing demons
>Watches Spy Kids: 3-D once
it was his other foot, the one he didn't use to shoot
I was just posting van Montagu for that anon (after forgetting), not sure what the convo was about.
This triathlon guy looks and sounds like Josh Widdecombe
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Oh fuck you're right
His other leg is mangled
How does that stay secure, lads?
(psychologist looking over his notes, absolutely baffled)
QRD? Was this the last chance for Finland to medal? In anything?
>bloke on fucking oxygen won the gold medal for discus
Fair play
I believe that was the second run in her category, and it got her disqualified on time
>winning a gold medal while hooked up to an oxygen tank
fucking shattered the WR too
Some of the lower categories in the field - F32 and the like - are completely fucked and still throw a club 30+ metres
>Ganesha Moor
New slur just dropped
has to be a bit dire being a female wheelchair sprinter while Hannah's still rolling
not a fucking hope
You mean that ADOS shit? It's literally just a way for them to separate themselves from BB, Caribs and continentals. Strange is Caribs would also fit the definition of 'ADOS' and certainly do not act the same way as Yanks regards race.
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Hannah Chebcroft
it's hilarious, but female parabasketball players are better at shooting baskets than normal wnba players
because I've come to realize that my life is more miserable than the lives of the majority of these disabled athletes
pathetic innit
>Finland wins gold in the T1 men's 0m sprint!
Absolutely GOATED KINO OF THE HIGHEST ORDER for little old me, when I watched it at the cinema with me cousins.
>pop songs but in French
>She holds the world records for the 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres, 800 metres and 1500 metres in her classification and the Paralympic records at 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres and 800 metres.[6]
bloody hell
-1 Gold from India
I saw the first Spy Kids in the cinema but that was the only one. Saw Pokémon: The First Movie at the cinema too.
...It still looks like a foot to me, but ovs less developed, but thanks.


I thought I've been seeing this since the Olympics? Sad for her, tho.
When is Jonnie racing? Is that even tonight?
already got through his heat in 3rd
don't get your hopes up, there are some fucking rockets in the field
what's your excuse?
It is from the olympics, by category I mean 100m, 200m, etc
>foul five times
>only legal throw is a world record
peak efficiency
I remember Rugrats: The Movie being the first ever movie I saw at the cinemas with my mummy. I remember seeing Mulan, after that. Ah, good times. :') When life was much simpler. :(
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>see a stain on the carpet behind me
>it's not a stain, it's a giant spider
Yeah but when is the final?
Ah, I see.

Whew, for him!
I got this fuckers all up in my house! Where are they coming from!?
think the seine will be non-toxic enough for the tris? hasn't rained today as far as I know
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Through open windows, there are loads of spiders in my flat, I leave them alone mostly though I don't like the false widows and get rid of those. About to get rid of this lad.
Who /lastleg/ here?
Hans, get ze flammenwerfer
Canada smashing Spain in the wheelchair basketball
Sexy Ellie Simmonds
Bit sus that lad
whittu piggu obliterated by the chink bull in badminton
final next?
>GB and Oz both competing for bronze

Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Where did it all go so wrong?
I swear we get them even with windows closed. I legit saw 5 in my bedroom at once, I fear we may have some babies around.

Jeez, that's a huge fucker.
Kadeena or however you spell it is a qt
she looks a bit like a world of warcraft troll but tbdesu I'm into it
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have not been watching friends
has there been a good amount of kino
Tonnes, especially in archery which was quite incredible.
Lots of kino today especially
you missed every bong and jf in this thread rooting for an american
Night night lads, today was the best day yet, first couple days felt like a bit of a slow start
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Let's see what's on tomorrow
>164 athletics, 141 swimming events
That's a bit ridiculous
Imagine being a goalballer and having to play all those matches for one (1) medal when the runners have 10 or 15 medals each
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For me, is spanish paralympic athlete Fiona Pinar
imagine taking her leg off so she couldnt run away from you haha
It's because of the classifications, swimming has S1-S14, and then various races within those.
Athletics has a huge pile of classifications too, again with some having more events than others do.
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Here's the men's swimming for example, usually at most 3/4 events for a class
GB para swimmers
*wears smile mask*

Imagine having enough crippled people to dominate at Paralympics hahaha
>retard olympics
that moment in the final after the third end when they've only dropped one point each and the crowd's going fucking bananas and the archers look at each other and the american yells LET'S GO BABY and the chinaman laughs like a real human bean
one of the best matches I've seen in any sport para or otherwise, gonna stick with me for a while
>football 5 a side
What's that ?

I can't watch t&f ans swimming in paralympics, having 12 champions of the same distance just kills the prestige, the day after you don't even remember who won. And there's no way to resolve that without exluding or fusioning some categories, which isn't fair.

I hope you watched boccia today, the women final was priceless, I thought the day had come where I would witness a DQ in boccia lol.
qrd? only thing I've heard about today's boccia was david smith shitting the bed
The Korean girl was taking so much time to play her balls that she had to rush her last balls in few seconds, each ends. Don't know if she was nervous but she was just spending her time staring at her balls, poking them with her knucles like monkeys do, ignoring the game, I mean I'm used to their antics but this was a champ. Inevitably at the very last ball of the match she ran out of time but still threw it, the ref failed to catch it mid air and it fucked up the entire field, making it impossible to count. Ensued endless talk with the ref, then with the board ref, a translator was called, then the ref called the VAR but there's none, etc. In the end they just said fuck it you lost, which was the case anyway, shit was hilarious.
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christ are people her actually watching this shit?

good on you

randomly switched over earlier

two midget fellas playing badminton

its just not for me
> two midget fellas playing badminton
how did you not fall in love?
5 a side is the blind football
Mixed archery semis/finals up.
Wheelchair triathlons are on now
>6 on 1st shot
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Channel 4 has got wurzel gummige commentating this triathlon with Rob Walker
I was really hoping Brazil would make it to the archery semis but they're not looking too hot.
so we can all tell that these blind women are fucking their guides even if they arent their husbands
Phwoar, look at the thigh on her.
>only has one leg but it's a top tier leg
As a legs man I still approve
French guy stopping to scratch his arse
Mid race? Bold move
oh, look, russian cunt goes in and fucks as over
that never happens

this russian guy had fallen in the previous race as well 5000m why the fuck did he race again with an injury?
Frogs won a gold in the triathlon
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wtf happened there?
Jogging in prosthetics looks more awkward than running
russian retard fell over and blocked our duo
You're beating Japan in the medals, I'm surprised.
Japan has been doing pretty poorly so far tbdesu.
Maybe Japs commit sudoku once they lose a limb
Ukraine are also doing what we did in the Olympics, get tonnes of medals but not golds.
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>forgot to cancel my Discovery Plus from the Olympics
>automatically rebilled this morning
It's fucking over bros
kek and it's about 40 quid or something ridiculous too isn't it?
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>He bought discovery plus
I told you it was a mistake.
It was only 4 quid and well worth it, you just had to cancel it once done.
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I'm here and I'm ready for some kino
What are we watching lads?
Swimming, athletics, and archery.
would you shake a mans stump? i wouldn't, it is humiliating and dishonest. he has no right hand so we just don't shake anything.
yeah there are plenty of norwegians there
He's offering his stump to shake mate, that's the equivalent of his hand so it makes sense.
>Swimming, athletics,
>Italians beat the Koreans in the archery for bronze
>chinese albino
never thought I'd see that in my life
that female runner has a suspicious bulge
They are outside the finals desu
There's a man competing in the women's running
Koreans have been absolutely absent for Paralympic archery when comparing their reputation in the Olympics. Americans are putting on a great show and China's doing well though.
Unrelated, I was watching 400m women's run; what classification were they? There was two of them with guides and one of them without.
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Guiding a blind runner
Holy shit that kamikaze decision in boccia, that girl has balls of steel, congrats.
Seems about right. I wonder why the Italian didn't have a guide.
The Italian man you mean?
Stade de France seems to be full of schoolkids this time?
Guides are optional for T12s, mandatory for T11s and I think not allowed at all for T13?

Also the Italian is a troon
Another cute British S14 swimmer, but this guy has earrings too
Pure thrill and agony at the end hey, French girl in tears and SIngaporean girl looking like she wanted to be swallowed up by the great void
That means he's gay
Just looked him up and can find no evidence.
He does own a bulldog or staffie beast thing though, truly low IQ
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TIME FOR BINLAND? could it be will this finally be binlands TIME???? A MEDAL?
thanks for the recap la, that sounds hilarious
Singapore went from 'ok I lost' to 'omg she lets me play for a tie break' to 'shit shit shit', it must have been some rollercoaster.
They won again? Let's gooooo
Is he the same bloke that destroyed in Tokyo?
Wheelchair 100m
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imagine if we cared
I thought Aussies cared about the paralympics?
You guys are literally the only country that does
>last name Czech
>is Polish
I struggle to see why, people love the Olympics, it's just a continuation of that.
Let me cope please
That Mexican swimmer with the one disfigured leg had such a great start, unfortunate that he was getting outpaced since he only had the leg to push himself forwards.
That happens a lot in para swimming, some of them will fly off at the start but then will get overtaken later on.
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Our flagbearer up now
>we're playing the Aussies in murderball today for bronze
Shame we missed out on the gold this year.
number 5 with the regular glasses was all wet due to rain 2 days ago and you could see every detail of her big milkers
Wheelchair ladies seem to have big chebs
To be fair, it all seems like rowing if you think about it.
LMFAO the French girl explained it was a mistake, she simply didn't count the balls and thought the Singaporean didn't have one left. Imagine when she realized she fucked up lol.
"Because I can't see the screen", how cute.
our commentators sounded like they were watching the second tower fall, dead happy for her she still pulled it out
>Go down stairs and put Paralympics on TV
>It says "Live"
>Realize I just saw this race like half an hour ago on the stream
>TV still says it is "Live"
kek they were just like
The ref has to catch the ball in Boccia, or was it she threw it two wide and he caught it? But, it also knocked the others out the way?
blind sprinting or football is one thing, blind triathlon sounds like a living fucking nightmare, the bollocks on these lads
how big of a clown country is burgerland...usa network commentator saying, while showing great enthusiasm, "melissa stockwell a great patriot an american hero, the first female us soldier stationed in iraq to be amputated"
based chris brown (roderick) winning another gold for us
>melissa stockwell a great patriot an american hero, the first female us soldier stationed in iraq to be amputated
This can't be fucking real. This sounds like something out a satire skit about the Democrats.
wow the track and field stadium is extra empty today, I guess yesterday was everyones day off
in europe we get weekends off
Thank you for your amputation
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and the e. coli
>K Coon
Second from left looks like they fell off accidentally
its not thats the first thing that comes up once you search twitter

"she became the first female American soldier to lose a limb in active combat"

OH WOW WHAT A FIRST!!!!!! its a fucking norm macdonald joke

America only likes its veterans if they get bits blown off them
No it doesn't, they leave them to become homeless and rot.
Really breaking them glass ceilings
Yeah Europe has some better laws for sure, the taxation is high though
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drip check
how do i sign up to be a guide for cute blind girls
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bloody hell the lats on that mexican shotputter, bitch could bench a car
Your country must win at least one (1) medal before you are eligible for consideration
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what a build
Blimey, I guess this is what's possible when you can skip leg day every day
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worry not, the goat will end the drought
do the blind triathletes switch guides for each stage or is the same guide all the way through?
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holy shit it's Ye
Kanye West sex dwarf eaten by badger
Wasn't it something like £3.99 a month? That's what I paid and I'm hanging on to it for a bit.
keep him away from the israelis
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Just be yourself.
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Great spin
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I like how paralympic athletes get to participate in different events over multiple days, vs most Olympic athletes who are participating for a couple of days and then their event is over unless they're one of the few who are talented enough to do multiple events
>when you've got your Paralympic heat at 12, but an Eyes Wide Shut party at 4
Cracking tummies
You do see a lot more paralympians do sprinting and long jump, or more than one field event.
Kadeena Cox used to do sprinting on the track and in the velodrome even.
I guess weaker fields lets you manage it.
wish I hadn't watched The Last Leg last night desu, her mobility's way worse than it was even a couple years ago
suppose she might just be having a flare up but I don't want to see her in the boccia or something 4 years from now
sweet hat
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Paralympic record set
I had no idea we were in the gold medal badminton match, CAM ON GB
Apparently they keep the same. It would be a bit of a mess anyway.
The Uzbeks dominate para field
christ that must be knackering for the guides, fair play
4 kg instead of 7.2 kg
Are lad doesn't look good enough, the jeet is a lot better.
So what percentage of the Seine swimmers are going to get sick?
None, they're full on antibiotics.
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Maldives with a female guide
Muslim country, bloke would probably be megaharam
>guide gets the frog DQed
he'd better watch his fucking back
MS is a horrible thing, flareups and I think it slowly gets worse
Monday morning, back to school day, I'm impressed there's so much neets showing up in fact.
It's full of school kids this morning
depends on the form it takes as far as I know, sometimes it's relapsing-remitting, sometimes its progressive, sometimes its one and then the other
I think it must be a flareup - the reason Kadeena gave for not sprinting this games was a calf injury rather than her being unable to.
Does each athlete and guide share the same living quarters in the village?
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from south south italy
>Giuseppe Ganeshamoorthy
He was pretty funny in his interview
>How do you feel about this?
>Yeah it's very nice, too many disabled people though
>In September 2023, over 120 boats, carrying roughly 7,000 migrants—more than the total population of Lampedusa—arrived on the island within the span of 24 hours
lel some teachers must have found a way to pretend this is educational and part of their teaching.
Azerbaijan's anthem sounds so fucking evil, love it
cracking anthem
>american geography
Fucking get in, through to a decider
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patron saint of skipping leg day
wish she'd torn the bell off its hinges and hurled it into the crowd
>blind triathlete nearly falling arse over tit near the finish line
Still won a gold
could've sworn her guide crossed the line first, is that a dq in the triathlon
Does it matter? Surely it's based on when the runner crosses not the pilot?
For guided events it usually matters, yes. Guides generally aren't allowed to be ahead of the athletes to prevent slingshotting or dragging the athletes
Really close match in the badminton, definitely worth watching.
We've fucked it
The frogs are doing well in the triathlon
oh nice is that the first refugee medal
There was a refugee bronze a couple days ago IIRC
hanquinquanquickquidquant was fucking miles ahead of second place
Cor, Hannah Moore bunda
lovely wobbly arse on hannah moore
Ah unlucky, silver from the badminton
jesus that azerbaijani nearly cleared the sandpit
Last place wins
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I wanted GB's Taylor-Brown to win the triathlon during the Olympics, but it wasn't to be. I can't begrudge Beaugrand.
>mog everyone in the swimming and cycling
>run like a toddler with a full nappy
respect the min maxing
>bloody ell
peak english rose
The issue with GB's wheelchair rugby team seems more tactical than anything. They just don't seem to be able to cope with early pressing and keep getting caught out in their own half
Moore's cooked
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only 4 quid thankfully
Yes, taekwendo. She was rescued in Afghanistan by the French ambassy, she lives in France, trains in France, but she was denied naturalization for some reason while Mamadou fresh from the boat gets it immediately...
Yeah she's knackered
Why is there a fucking Kiwi commentator on every sport?
Is she back in 3rd now?
serves her right for doing cringekwondo
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Mamadou can speak broken ooga booga French so he’s clearly deserving of it
Triathlons are just fucking suffering, must take weeks to recover after one.
We've got 2 golds, 2 silvers and 2 bronze out of these triathlons right?
She speaks French, better than many African "francophones". She had the choice of going in USA but chose to stay here, she must really love the place.
think the main issue is they don't have a deep bench
Well she was born a woman in Afghanistan AND in the wrong tribe AND disabled, in this situation I would learn some form of combat too, even if it's only meme leg fencing.
tbf you can see why an afghan would have mixed feelings about becoming a shart
what was that in?
i'm quite sure i dont know what your talking about
She should watch Rambo III lol
What are we watching now?
There's an Irish lass still going in the Triathlon about 30 minutes after the rest finished
based. shit is life fuel.
>Norn who switched from GB to IRE
serves her fuckin right
There's an obese lady from the USA who still hasn't finished
I suppose we know why she switched now
did this big unit get lost at the shotput or something? fucking impressive completing a triathlon when you're built like that but why
Did someone in the triathlon stands have a giant printed coomer face?
that explains it, probably didn't always look like that
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She just looks like a child
Rewind and post, that sounds hilarious
if there's one thing I've learned from this paras its that boccia fans are turkish ultra-tier passionate
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Basket-ball on wheels is very fun lads
>sorry love we're out of arms, how about a big bottle opener
ozbros can you spare an oz gf for me?
nasty feeling we're getting aluminium in the murderball
We're fucked in this rugby, right?
The Aussies have quite a lead now
Netherlands anthem feels like i'm having a stroke
Harry Stewart
When you think about it the overweighted amerigirl in triathlon had more solo screentime than any other athlete in the paralympics, that's smart.
SAKE, we won a gold in Tokyo in murderball, what happened?
just came back from work can I have a quick recap of thed ay so far?
Triathlons happened, GB and France both did well
You won loads of golds in the triathlon and your boccia girl nearly fucked it but won.
Against both the US and Australia it just looked like they were tactically outclassed. Letting themselves get caught in their own halves too much, letting themselves get knocked back into their own half. Defending by just retreating to their own half instead of trying to disturb earlier
You should get into murderball mate
hopefully frog tv will replay the boccia gold, that was peak sovl
lovely stuff

There's too much to show, no time for replays
>Uzbekistan showing up and showing out this Paralympics.

Any reason for this? Do they have a lot of funding for parasports or para taekwondo specifically or something?
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>He & You
Is there a picture? I ask because I know a Hannah Moore in real life, and she’s disabled too. It’s a common name but I’m curious now.
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Isn't she still a teenager?
I don't think that's him, even though they do look very similar.
It’s not the same one. I didn’t think it would be (neither would you if you knew my Hannah) but thank you very much for confirming.
Archery on
New >>144169435
New >>144169435
Thanks, I wonder how severe his Asperger's is.
... she'll get there, eventually.
not his leg btw
can definitely see the "croft" part

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