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VPN UK + https://www.youtube.com/@Channel4Sport
VPN France + https://www.france.tv/sport/handisport/jeux-paralympiques/

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hell yeah brother
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thank you Finland, I knew you could do it
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Lads, we've been stuck on 29 golds forever, the US are catching up.
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You're suddenly up to 3rd now
We’re always 3rd at the paras for some reason.
It’s our comfy place. Don’t expect it to fluctuate much.
We usually finish above the USA, at least since London
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she can finally smile
playing Jump at the wheelchair basketball seems in poor taste lol
the spanish have cuban mercenaries even in the paralymbics why are they like this ?
I can see clearly now at the blind football
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[engine revving noise]
>shotput with dyskinetic palsy
how the fuck do you not kill someone/yourself
Severe CP shot put has 3 algerians in it
Those not-really-blind categories shouldn't exist, they just pollute an already overloaded programm.
Just make one full blind category with black masks like in goalball it's not that hard to implement. Any reason why the comitee keep them ?
Cycling just has one "B" category like that for them all
they'd need a billion guides for that, and it would take forever since they can only have 4-5 runners at a time
100m runner fell over right before the line
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did that venezuelan just Triple H her quad? looked fucking nasty
So you tell me t&f board directors are satisfied with that mess, nice.
The yanks are increasing their golds, this cannot be allowed to happen.
Well the difference is in cycling they ride a tandem bike with a sighted pilot, so they just put all the blind and part-sighted people in a helmet with a black visor
in the replays you could see her start to grimace and slow down about halfway through the race but she pushed herself to collapse at the finish line. I didn't see if she got a DNF though, she did technically cross the line.
Brapzillian long jumper bloke had a big brapper
Women's 100m butterfly S10 final on now and we have two swimmers in it.
>it would take forever since they can only have 4-5 runners at a time
Instead of more races for several blindness categories ? Also don't these non-blind only run the 100m on the full track, the other distances having 4 runners too ?
Thanks lad
butterfly is such a meme stroke
I hated it when I was young, it's hard.
I can see justifications for backstroke and breaststroke, but not butterfly
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30 golds at last.

This whole thing is rated irrelevant clownshow unless we get a medal, those are the rules.
Even Finland has a medal, Norway have multiple. You have a chance in the table tennis I think
tilted by binland actually getting a medal?
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Sweden have no medals yet?
The impairments will continue until results improve.
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>behind finland in the medal table
>no last leg tonight
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this webm belongs to sweden from now on
Apparently we treat our crippled like shit, probably just hoping they die in their homes so no one have to feel uncomfortable looking at them
I thought you were a socialist friendly paradise?
>sveden, of intersectionality and inclusivity everyone
I'm watching cécifoot and the stands are packed. I swear you could add "foot" to any sport name and all the tards around would attend no matter what.
Considering they were fellating the troon last night, good
We have a greater income inequality than the US, us being socialist is a wierd US democrat talking point.
>don't care about disableds
>don't feed friend's kids
>If He Dies He Dies approach to the coof
the fuck is wrong with sweden man
>100m low IQ category
We hate life and all it’s defects
Watching irl? Is it full of French norf fc blokes going for a laugh?
Brazil Vs Thailand in the boccia is kino as fuck

Lassie for the Brazilians has been pretty perfect so far, and young guy for the Thais has played pretty decent
the brapzillian boccia girls are something else, highly unexpected
The All Blacks
Kek that french 400m runner went backwards on the home straight
gotta love intellectual disabilities categories it took them 3 hours to get to start the race
Winner of that 400m had a massive dong, could see it all when he lay down
Our entire national ethos is doing things we’re supposedly not allowed to do.
It's only packed because it's in front of the Tour Eiffel.
Explains it
poor guy from mauritius had his back turned to the starting blocks and they had to turn him around manually
Nah watching from my couch.
that was a fuckin clutch shot with 10secs left
What should I be watching lads?
Dw just seen we're in the men's 1500m T54 in 2 mins
youtube seems fucked for me today. taking ages to load the streams
Fugg I missed our swimming golds
Golds? We had 1 right?
that chinese lady is running with her son
confucian af
Sorry. Got confused yes it was a gold silver 1-2
oh ok its not her son just a random zoomer she just looks old because of her condition
Athletics. 1500m any time now I believe
Wow nice golazo
another greek won a bronze in shot put he is 70 years old wtf
They race very close to each other
There was a crash on another race earlier today
Fucking hell he was miles ahead
>race begins
>my internet shits itself and stream won't load
You can't tell me that guy isn't doped to hell and back. Even for a wheelchair racer, he's built like Senator Armstrong
yeah its stupid its practically velodrome who ever has the strategic last spring wins
norvegian pingpong guy playing with a fucking octagon
Isn't that just track racing in general? All the laps before just tire you out for the final sprint.
they should just have their own tracks on rails like a scalextric
Based and futurism pilled
they're getting pretty popular lately, apparently the sweet spot's bigger than on the round ones
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There was a Danish player at the regular Olympics with a similar bat. Don't know if it has an advantage over the curved ones, probably personal preference.
Who's the Scottish boccia commentator? Is he a ex player?
I think it's Peter McGuire, the brother of Stephen who won gold (and was a player himself)
It’s the Swedish bat, Truls pioneered it.
Thanks mate
perfect banter betewwn the t47 100 m ladies
Yeah, that was cute.
Correct me if I'm wrong but neo zed ladies have all been super cute and humble while australian "ladies" have all been gross arrogant whores
Just an observation
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Swedes love eugenics, they were sterilizing the poor/handicapped/racially inferior people when everybody else had stopped.

They'd probably still do it if they weren't so focused on good PR
Wheelchair fencing starting soon, our match won't be on for a while.
wha hapen i missed it
tf when in order for someone in greece to be able to join the police force or the marines equivalent you have to jump 1.05 m, the indian guy jumps 1.90 on one leg but he wouldn't make the cut due to his disability
Azerbaijan has a kino anthem
Azerbaijan's anthem goes hard
they just ching chinged their medals as if they were glasses
Yeah, it sounds like the theme song for an evil empire. Real Chad of it to be a long one too.
They clinked their medals like wine glasses and were bantering and laughing.
Speaking of kino anthems, Bangladesh's goes hard too.
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is this a... lidl known fact?
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Based fellow woman hater

Octagon boy won yay :)
Should have played with an hexagon though, we're in France after all.
Kobzar sexo
its the half and half girls
There must be a way to make wheelchair fencing more interesting, so they can move around to a limited degree rather than be stationary.
they should be fighting in a circle a ring of shorts
More like Ustashitz
how are
doing here?
Attach the chairs onto a straight track so they can move forwards and backwards.
I don't know how they'd be able to attack and move, but I'm sure they could figure it out.
her ass is way to big is this a result of hemiplegia? shouldnt one ass cheeck be bigger than the other?
Is there any practical reason why the PG are done after the OG and not before?

I feel like doing them before would have a few advantages, mainly they'd benefit from the rising olympic hype instead of being an afterthought, it'd help test out all kinds of protocols, security and infrastructure for the main event. They'd get overall better weather in outdoor events as well, at least in the northern hemisphere.

There's probably some good reasons for the way it's done that I'm missing but I can't think of any.
>one legged jumpers
>but also some guy with a blade leg
Can americans stop cheating for one second?
Thanks for the Statue of Liberty, bozo. NO REFUNDS
cheating chinease bastard fucking cheating in fencing
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>5'11" vs 6'0"
No, seriously, props to the American for winning with this height difference.
That bell was a wonderful idea
I don't know mate I've always thought the same
>intellectual impairment men's shot put
*gets distracted and starts trying to eat it*
Was this in 2004?
put them on wires and fly around making passes at each other like a wushu movie
How much does one of these bad boys cost, then?
>crouching amputee, hidden wheelchair
Would it clash with divegrass?
Actually this wheelchair fencing may be a bit shit because it's sabre and you can just smack people. With foil and epee you stab don't you? They might actually be able to fence in that case.
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there it is, took a while thanks to a protest
hoping for two more tomorrow, should be at least one
>pisses in a pan
>channel 4 doing a midget comedy skit
France currently getting rolled in Wheelchair Basketball by the US.
Pretty sure it's because the IOC wants all the spotlight and they don't feel like going second.

How ? You'd just switch the OG and PG.
rather bishop
piispa = bishop in english, and -nen is a typical suffix in finnish surnames
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im not a hackerman
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Some of the athletes have evidently paid an arm and a leg for one.
What's the Paralympic coverage like on Finnish TV?
Waluigi won a gold in the fencing
Surprising number of greeks and algerians at the shot put
I hate that fucking na na na na song, it's awful.
I hope he gets a hero's welcome, when he returns back home. When's the last time you got an Olympic or Paralympic medal?
Mental that Greggs in France do snails
There a Gregg's in France?!
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based toni
we finally have a gold now
That fucking bullshit, Carlos.
on TV it's not great, I think they only show like ~8h of action daily, but covering events of our athletes still
their website has a stream running from morning to night which is nice, focuses on a few sports a day but also shows some highlights from elsewhere
commentators are pretty good and knowledgeable, especially in certain sports

unless winter olympics count it was Tokyo paralympics, the same lad won gold in 200m and silver in 100m, also had two more silvers from wheelchair 100m and one bronze from javelin
Incredibly grim that betting ads now are all about how you can stop your gambling addiction from becoming out of control
Everything is fine. Stop noticing things
>76 - 45
>crowd is stillw aving flags and chearing
>23h on a tuesday
based if I may say so myself
Nicholas Bennett got those Cillian Murphy cheekbones.
Advertising gambling should be fucking banned
i'm not usually one for banning things but i would ban it altogther

a complete cancer on society
It was fine when people had to make the effort to go down the betting shop, but with phones and the internet it's out of control
>canada is next
I don't know shit about basket but that looks like a branlée as we say.
I presume by next you mean tomorrow
Yeah tomorrow is semis, right?
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we used to have slot machines everywhere, stores, hospitals, cruise ships, cafe's you name it, there would be many of them
after corona they seem to have pretty much disappeared though
Wait what, how the fuck does the men's bball tournament work then? What's with those qualifier matches if the quarterfinals were done today?
I fully think life was better when it was more difficult. There have been some improvements, like putting all the Paralympics on YouTube rather than having to just watch the 10pm round-up on one of only four TV channels, but anything that could be done before was better when you had to go outside to do it.
I didn't see, were they men's or women's QF? There are not multiple classifications for basketball are there happening?
This is impossible to follow
They make the losing QFs play off for 5th-8th
I think they need a stab or a slash, idk what the red and green things mean.
no idea but the ref is giving me a boner
The red and green lights are the hit detector system going off
Yeah same, love legs and tights me
What score do you need to win fencing then?
elegant blonde french woman with a confident authority, new fetish unlocked.
>Wheelchair choking
Hang on what there's just one set? Fucking hell he's going to win easily then.
fake and gay sport
60 medals now
Fencing is just fucking shit, awful to watch, nonsense rules, french
The judge just unlocked a mommy fetish for me
>Approximately 25 two-second sword fights
>Points are awarded randomly
>In the end, we lose somehow
I can't believe it's just one thing and not best of three. Is that what it's like in normal fencing too? Sounds a load of shit up there with the windsurfing final.
>0 8
>Gilliver gets silliver!
Road cycling tomorrow, starts really early at 7am
There are like 15 different time trials across impaired cyclists (C1-5), blind tandems (B), handcycles (H1-2) and tricycles (T1-2)
Wow Ade's mini wheelchair thingy is rapid
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If u aint cheatin u aint tryin
- american proverb
Based I didn't know they had tandems in the road race and tricycles
This might be the worst sport for "Run boy run" to play
Dunno but i’d give my left arm to own one i tell ya that much
I want to play boules/bowls/petanque/whatever but don't have anyone to play it with
All my friends are just drinking buddies. I bought a frisbee probably close to ten years ago and I’ve never used it because my friends refuse to do anything with me that isn’t drinking. Life is so grim sometimes.
Yeah there are a whole pile of classifications

Regular bikes
>Women's C5 Individual Time Trial
>Women's C4 Individual Time Trial
>Women's C1-3 Individual Time Trial
>Men's C5 Individual Time Trial
>Men's C4 Individual Time Trial
>Men's C3 Individual Time Trial
>Men's C2 Individual Time Trial
>Men's C1 Individual Time Trial

Handcycles (people without use of legs)
>Women's H4-5 Individual Time Trial
>Women's H1-3 Individual Time Trial
>Men's H5 Individual Time Trial
>Men's H4 Individual Time Trial
>Men's H3 Individual Time Trial
>Men's H2 Individual Time Trial
>Men's H1 Individual Time Trial

Tricycles (people with balance problems)
>Men's T1-2 Individual Time Trial
>Women's T1-2 Individual Time Trial

Blind Tandems
>Men's B Individual Time Trial
>Women's B Individual Time Trial

7 women's events
12 men's events

So 19 total actually
That's strangely even grimmer than not having friends.
I would play with you if i could reasonably make the drive to sheffield or wolverhampton or whereever the fuck you are
t. former varsity ultimate frisbee
Based, I'll be watching from 9am
I think it was these they were on about the other day, they said it was like £25k or something.
Same. Boomers here play Bocce but I'm not a boomer.
Boomers here play bowls but it'd be me a 31 year with a load of 70 year olds.
34 here. You too know that feel. Too old for this, not young enough for that.
I love a bit of frisbee. Also checked.
It goes on from 7am to about 3pm tomorrow with time trials.

Then Thursday has handcycle road races
>Women's H1-4
>Mens and Women's H5
>Men's H1-2
>Men's H3
>Men's H4

Friday has high classification C with B
>Men's and Women's B
>Men's and Women's C4-5

Saturday has the low classification C and T, plus some mixed handcycle relay thing
>Men's and women's T1-2
>Men's and women's C1-3
>Mixed H1-5 team relay
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I liked wheelchair fencing.
>relay on bikes
I think foil and epee will be better, foil especially as you can only hit the torso.
I assume like the triathlon relay in the olympics, one goes then another etc
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Bowls can be fun.
Fucking kino.
Kino. It's always good in the commonwealth games and you get like 72 years old in there playing it
That's crazy.
>china on track for 100 golds
Wumao bros we're winning
>14 golds
We're doing pretty good :)
Post-post-Rio boost?
who's the hottest cripple girl so far?
I think in wheelchair fencing they can't hit the legs whatever the blade, torso only.
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The US archer was in the french tv show tonight, not only he has no arms but he was an orphan, they showed pictures of him as a kid when he was still eating only using his mouth in an institution. His foster parents probably saved him from a sinister life.
>more recurve archery
I hope I have enough energy to wake up on time to attend classes and catch some Paralympic powerlifting while in the bus.
Morning niggers. Sarah storey currently in 2nd in the C5 time trial
Genuinely thought she'd retired.
Gold for the GOAT of Paracycling
>9th games
What a hero
I assumed she would have done I didn't even bother googling it but someone in an earlier thread said she was focusing on road cycling
Apparently she's just doing it so her children can have some memories of her competing. In which case it's pretty based that she's won gold. Imagine being so far ahead of your competition that you can just do it on a jolly and still win
How I feel about cécifoot
whats the kino para event? regular olympics has/had marathon/ded march
There are marathons here too, including wheelchair marathon
Kino levels are higher than normal olympics overall. Blind triathlon, swimming medley relay where everyone has a different disability and is good at a different stroke. There's lots to like. Some Mexican athletes in finals and events today you should check out!
I know that our para athletes tend to deliver unlike our regular guys, will watch if claro sports is streaming the events
If you can get a UK VPN every event is on YouTube

(GB had a lot of chokers in the olympics and so far the para athletes have massively delivered, it's been great)
>be named "win it"
>finish last
Regular handcycling sounds awful but handcycling when you're classification H1 and only half your arm muscles work must be fucking hell
Why've they put these time trials in the arse end of nowhere instead of central Paris?
>Storey wins gold
>complains the course was too easy
Tricycles are out.

Shame we don't have anyone in the tricycle or handcycle classes for GB
>people with CP and involuntary movements riding tricycles
Impressive desu but seems dangerous
One of our dwarves got caught doping kek
And of course, it was a powerlifter
kek really
>another Kiwi commentator
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Excellente lecture anon.
Because para cycling isn't important enough :(
That's why they're on a tricycle
They also have someone following them for safety
Any road cycling event is a bitch to organize because it blocks public roads and entire neighborhoods. One or two days is acceptable but four days in a row has financial consequences on the localities, and contrary to something like Tour de France para cycligng doesn't bring any economic benefit.
Vick Hope on C4 is fit as fuck
A bit disapointed by the rifle event, they're real firearms but they are super silent. The pistols were much louder.
they've got this event all wrong....
you're supposed to toss the midget, not make the midged do the tossing....
Chinese archer just got a 1

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