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Elimination final

Brisbane Lions vs Carlton Blues

Comeback looms

Winner plays GWS
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Lads, Logan just posted
>Poster from 6m out
Think the blues are on.
Angus Brayshaw
beginning to think carlton might actually win this
Brisbane are mentally broken. Carlton in a canter
this is some north melbourne shit
wtf are they doing
Fagan needs to be dragged onto the field and fed to a lion if bane lose this
AFL is a rigged sport.
Brisbane sharters

You thought that was bad?
never mind it's over
It’s a league, not a sport. It is a rigged league.
the league = the sport jackass
This is simply not true.
I know what I said and I stand by it.
Someone should do a specky in the crowd to take a ball that's kicked through the posts
yes it is, nothing matters other than the AFL
every other small local """league""" is just cope
LOVE to see some evidence of all this rigging going on.
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This game sucks again. When does the cricket start?
cope, like >my team would be in the finals if this game/league/sport wasn't rigged?
T20 is not cricket btw
Theft of AFL property? The AFL will track you down kick in your and kill your pets to recover the stolen ball then ban you for life.
Why does Daniher chew gum every game
maybe ask /cric/
Why does Daicos swallow cum every night
two bad teams
if he doesn't finish his dinner, he's not allowed dessert
It's objectively true that Carlton do not deserve to be in Finals and should have finished 10th if it weren't for umpires overt rigging of matches.
>daicos is… LE GAY! XD
back to your gay porn shoop discord champ
where will gws vs lions be played?
using fatguts buzwords doesn't lend your post any gravitas.
put up or shut up nigga
crazy how they deny the ‘cord was a thing but proceed to have the absolute gayest fantasies about daicos
Those who said lions would beat gws show yourselves
soundstage on the moon
bane gf's
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brb killing myself
>using fatguts buzwords

Objectively true? Do you only post in /afl/ or something?
why is everyone talking about daicos during a lions vs blues game?
Big last qtr comebacks never happen these days true
good teams
ok teams
dogshit teams
>western bumdags
GMHBA stadium.
what a horrible first week of finals besides today’s game
just dreadful
hodge has said "Brain Frade" twice tonight
Could take a snap on goal instead you handpass it to someone under pressure surrounded by 5 Brisbane players.
I know.
I meant real cricket.
Remember weitering lost his entire life savings to scammers kek
Bit of a brain frade
Bad games, good off field drama.
Good teams
Okay teams
>Western Bulldogs
For all that the gap was only closed by 8
IF carlton had kicked one less point against brisbane in round 1
THEN brisbane would have made the top 4 and the pies would have made the top 8
yes. I actually only post here. the rest of 4chan doesn't interest me.
>be me
>go out with mate to dinner
>fairly expensive restaurant - mates shout
>2 girls completely dressed up full on make-up and nice dresses 10/10s come in
>their two guys are just in jeans and tshirts, both have 2 full arm sleeves tattoos all the way up to their neck
>one even has a tat on his cheek
I should have been a drug dealer
Hey RC, give us a few NFL tips for the weekend so I can bet against them
Thinly veiled gay post. Nice try mate, but your homo erotic fantasies aren't welcome here
If you were a drug dealer I'd take your drugs from you without paying and you'd do nothing about it
You wouldn't be in business for very long
I'm not a homosexual I was attracted to the beautiful women.
I caught up with a mate to celebrate him and his wife having their first kid and I've not seen him in a while
Claiming things are objectively true is a bit of a site wide meme, mate.
If you bought drugs from him I would make you give them to me for free and you’d do nothing about it.
would so
I'm 198cm and 130kg. How exactly do you intend to take my drugs from me?
yeah I don't care. your claims of rigging hold as much water as rc's claims: sweet fuck all.
If Carlton can get James Hird to coach them, they'll win the premiership next year.
too busy crying into his body pillow over his failed tips
brady the bitch as usual
Probably the best thing ever for his career, plays 10 times better, likely in order to secure a better contract to make up for all the money that got stolen.

Then of course he'll get scammed again when he retires because he's got rocks for brains.
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Brisbane stopped trying halfway through the 2nd qtr
>your claims of rigging hold as much water as rc's claims: sweet fuck all.

Nah, all sports that get heavily involved with gambling become corrupted. It's inevitable.
You are either naive fool who thinks the AFL is special in some way or you think it's rigged as fuck.
I’m a former special forces operative. I weigh 18 stone and I’m 6’5. I have trained in boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, and judo for the better part of two decades. I have been on two tours of duty to Afghanistan. I Don’t fuck around, champ.
Uhhhhhhhhh Bane bros?????????
you'd think they might want to kick a couple more about now. no need to go crazy, mind.
bell st maccas in 15 minutes champ
Stopped the moment Hipwood fucked up and allowed Carlton to score. Literally nothing to play after that.
How do they rig it like who makes the calls then how is it the rig orchestrated
I’m at Maccas at Stony Rise. Get here in 10.
peel hotel in 5
The ball is on a wire.
>two decades
Love seeing cocky boomers getting put in their place.
Brisbane are shithouse.
Holy fuck did anyone see that woman with multi coloured hair in lion colours
Argosy Inn car park.
flinders st station
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>tfw you're a blooser
so dude, trust me is the extent of your evidence?
No, but Steven May
Yeah all that shit might look good when you're mucking around in a studio or at the barracks with your bum boys.
I learnt how to fight through experience and I've paid my dues in blood and bone.
Let's see how far your training gets you when I cave your head in with a single punch that you didn't even see coming.
meant for
Why are some teams inaccurate and some teams aren’t inaccurate
they only have to be less shithouse than the bloos today. big ask but I think they can.
Voss alone in the cave with the lights off lmao
>calling the game like it's not a foregone conclusion
I have the night to myself and would love to watch a good movie, can anyone recommend a legitimate ‘kino’?
triumph of the will
meth mostly
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this one?
Kid, I have eyes in the back of my head. Happens when you have to worry about the Taliban sniping you all day. I can detect threats from further away than you can see. When I walk into a room I immediately identify threats and neutralise them. A squid like you could never get close to causing me harm. Before you even thought about throwing a punch I would have you on the ground in an omoplata begging for your life. And I would let you live because I fight for honour, not revenge.
There's literally hundreds of different ways they could do it. That's up to the cops to figure out.

This shit is just the tip of the iceberg.
>And I would let you live because I fight for Israel, not honour.
notice how the centre bounce is favouring the side for Carlton to gain an advantage. They are trying to rig this.
Pla give AI gf
Cam Rayner the dirty dog
Bane are sovless gimme hawks anyday
Bonkers how rc has got every tip wrong. Utterly bonkers.
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Watch The Fable, ongoing anime
Hitman is ordered to lay low for a year by the yakuza and gets caught up in normal life shenanigans
Very old school direction
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nic Newman is a pathetic bitch cunt. absolute fucking scrub
Is there a better way to post in the thread without clicking a post id and then having to backspace
Easily my favourite anime of the year. Seems to be very under the radar on /a/.
Yeah everyone only cares about FOTM junk, but glad /alf/ has good taste
Is there a dub I only watch dubs
Carlton are still in this, right rcsisters?
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She has a bad face/head. Without the fringe it's too easy to imagine her bald.
first team to 100 usuall wins
anime sucks
anime girls suck my dick
I have bane 40+ now I’m seething
Given Fable's animation, it's not fair to call it an anime.
Been selling off my old shit on ebay.
There's a huge racket in retro gaming going on.
Literally got 90 bucks for some old digimon PS1 game lmao.
sorry mate, but you're gay. thats a dude.
are you cunts seeing this shit
those carlton fans are drunk af
they think their teams winning lol
except nichijō, that went alright
They've been winning 65 - 39 since late in the second quarter.
>as Daisy mentioned
>Umps doing everything possible to make it a "close" one
god i wish that were me
A man goes to the doctors and says "Every time I masturbate I shout GO PIES!"
The Doctor replies "Most wankers do".
trip on brady
embarrassing to have to save face through ump babbying

60-0 though
wouldn't mind if she gave me a pat down iykwim haha
yeah I don't think Carlton can do any better than that. It's over for them.
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Pics of that security girl?
>60 - 0
> Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth will know their fate
> When the Bears run out and roar
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Who did it better
chad is almost fully bald by age 22 or something
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So that's why he has the stupid haircut? To distract from his balding?
Evening lads how go’s it
A bit gay
Since professional footy players are all high test bulls, does that mean they're all packing?
Nick riewoldt and dal Santo weren't
brodie should get his teeth fixed
No, but Steven May
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Swans got an easy run fr
what causes the passage of time?
pays to be the minor premiers.
Where do I find it?
It could be replay of 2004, 2007, 2008, 2012/14 or 2022
Wish Carrie Bickmore was my mum
Geelong have played recent grand finals against all 3 of their potential GF opponents
Doesn’t she have an OF?
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This has the composition of an AI image kek
Based boomer
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>all times local
I have a small penis
Mine is 14cm, which is apparently big for a ytboi.
Based Turbo
just remembered i'm flying into adl next friday
Listening to some tunes
Gods punishment for faggotry, just like Shannon Hurn
Hopefully it's neither and instead we're treated to an all AQB Grand Final.
Hawks and gws for mine
Great test tonight mate. Shame so few caught it.
You’re the biggest schizo in /afl/
Wrong, it wasn't a test. It was genuinely rigged for Carlton and they were so utterly putrid that they couldn't win a gift wrapped game against a team that's objectively a 6-10 ranked side.
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I could get a sexy gf if I wanted to
Her thighs are so plump
They should have put a VFL final on tomorrow so there would be some footy to watch
The test was on me… and I failed…
Alf meetup at the vfl granny
No one gives a shit about the VFL
Will glowsticks be provided or should I bring my own
Why does everyone hate nazis so much makes no sense
No one gives a shit about Nazi Germany
we loved dan wdym
the you know who
bane and hawks onto the semis
Where’s micksperg
Holy fuck I hate Jack black
i've seen this girls boobs and vagina and arsehole
NEVER write off the AQB.
I don't know what AQB means and I really don't care to find out
I liked King King (2005) which had Jack Black in it
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Why? Also Minecraft is plebocratic shite and even my kids know that.
Why is aquaman dressed like a tranny
I likes school of rock as a kid

Because his humour is ylyl tier
List your top 5 films this century so far, NOW!
same shit he wore in the fast and the furious movie. truly sus.
I remember there was a kid back in the day who brought the school of rock soundtrack to school one day and thought he was cool. My best friend at the time hated him for some reason and gave him shit for it and everything he did. I always felt bad for that kid. I hope he’s doing okay now.
just want to be with her
just want him to be in me
I just wanna snuggle up next to RC on the couch and talk about movies all night
watching the cricket
this but straffo
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kek seething
imagine if every drunk spastic ex player got in
what cricket?
I think my dog has sleep apnea
australia v scotland
Not cricket
t20 is just not cricket retard
Why was cummo at the footy today shouldn’t he be playing
There are nine possible Grand Final match-ups remaining. Which do you most want to see?

Sydney vs Geelong
Sydney vs GWS
Sydney vs Brisbane
Port Adelaide vs Geelong
Port Adelaide vs GWS
Port Adelaide vs Brisbane
Hawthorn vs Geelong
Hawthorn vs GWS
Hawthorn vs Brisbane
kek thats hilarious
he is problematic, i don’t blame them
I'd like to see Hawthorn v Geelong to be honest
hi max
Hawthorn vs gws
Looks like CTE to me
sydney vs brisbane
Maybe he’s born with it MAYBE ITS CTE
Port v GWS
Just here to laugh at the Blues. Aahahahahaha
wouldn’t ever let my children play football tbph, don’t want their brains turning to mush. youth football is child abuse.
every year 8th place gets heemed and they want to open it up to 9th and 10th?
fuck off
If i had kids i'd push them into olympic weightlifting
Can blacks have their own country? “Absolutely”

Can Asians have their own country? “Absolutely”

Can jews have their own country? “Absolutely”

Can White people have their own country?
“Absolutely not, racist”

Oh ok. Fuck you and this whole system
I’d try to get mine into cricket or baseball
>best goal of the year
>in finals wont get acknowledged
>best mark of the year
>in finals wont get acknowledged

fucking bunch of spastics
le nick daicos sprint unopposed winner xdddddd
do you blokes enjoy getting arse raped?
There are some very white countries, maybe you should move to Czech Republic
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Porn star capital of the world btw
which goal
I've never been arse raped and I don't think I'd like it. I think I'd enjoy getting my arse fucked in a consensual encounter though.
jezza better than any of that shit
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straffo finally took the redpill?
Also one of the least religious countries in the world, I forgot to add
are you going to at least post a sexy girl or no?
imagine wanting to live in a country full of religious schizos
nah it was a fluke. all boundary line goals require at least 75% luck. whereas both basedcos goals are sheer effort, athleticism, power and skill. just absolutely fucking brilliant. shame they both occurred in the same season because both deserve to be goty.
i see this a lot too when im out and about. women have always liked "bad boys". its just now theres no real bad boys, just fuckboys with tatts and thats all women see. the real bad boys are namefagging fresh out of prison on anime image boards on a saturday night let me tell you.
that girl is sexy
I’m sigma
i dont hold a hose m8
by a bloke, tranny or woman?
Bris vs bane
just woke up, joshua?
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nick daicos taking pot shots from 50 is like a broken clock
its right twice a day
fuck he is hungry and misses a shit load
what the
A bloke would do it best I'd have thought
Go to bed, drunky.
Whats so funny?
How did Dr. Check go with his tips?
0/4 I believe
Best to worst grand finals
>Hawthorn vs Brisbane
>Sydney vs Geelong
>Port Adelaide vs Brisbane
>Hawthorn vs Geelong
>Sydney vs Brisbane
>Hawthorn vs GWS
>Port Adelaide vs GWS
>Port Adelaide vs Geelong
>Sydney vs GWS
love her so much, we shall be together
There is no god
This is all happen chance
You came from a swamp and monkeys
Morality is subjective
You're just a sequence chemicals firing off in your brain
Your soul doesn't exist
>happen chance
my mates always used to say talk is cheap but torque isn't
are you me
mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
no, but I feel the same way you do (about a different woman)
father, gonna take your daughter out tonight.
boring cunt
dick pooman
i feel the same way about the woman you want

let the best man win
fucking love you blokes so much it's actually unreal
i only love her
Yeah, we all love serena mate
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i've never seen that picture of serena before, where did you get it?
we need an anglo-saxon crusade my bro
i love serena
what kind of man would not love serena?
imagine the poos that have come out of that thing over the years
Return to state league football
Return to innocence
if you let this thread cark it (i was waiting for it to die) we could have had a fresh thread complete with information about today's state league finals
I do what’s best for my alf family, not my personal agenda
anyway the wallabies got OBLITERATED by argentina overnight.
we are witnessing the death of australian rugby in real time
Union’s been pretty bad for some years now desu
union's just not cricket tbqhwy
Your friend was in the right here. Buying a CD full of shitty covers is extremely plebocratic. Especially given that he appeared to do so for his own ego.
>the Chad nrl
Has 2 threads
>the beta afl
1 thread

Are my NFL tips. Mind you, I'm 0/2 so far!
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Good morning /alf/
Crazy day of footy ay?
And in the AFLW:
Gold Coast

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>0/4 in the AFL
Yes but I was 3/4 when determining which games would be rigged.
Good morning alf
It’s because they have an autist who makes a thread even if one is up already
Good morning sir
I’ve decided I’m making my comeback to local football next year.
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>Yes but
all canoes upright and untipped. better luck next wekk fatguts.
He looks like that and sounds like that.
Footo Show
Good luck mate. As soon as I finish my mission to Mars I'm planning to come back for a season of Masters.

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>flying to adelaide next friday
>ticket cost something like 200
>check it now
>flights start at 567
meant £566 iykwim haha
I don't get it.
why did you delete all your posts on bigfooty where you mentioned your wedderburn footy days, fatguts? something you’re not telling us brady?
if i was a carlton supporter id never show my face again in here

exposed as mental midgets, and ump babbys.
the best was nic newmans little tantrum he had. he's such a fucking shit cunt
Kane doubling down on Ginni, coming across as a tool
>we're talking about it!
yeah you dumb pillock, you are. nothing stopping you from not.
Morning lad
>that finals feeling
could swipe a debit card through those teeth haha
Anon doubling down on Kane, coming across as a tool
>we're talking about it!
yeah you dumb pillock, you are. nothing stopping you from not.
crisp bevo
Did Kane mention Ginni stealing the ball from a team mates hands? Or is that kind of scrutiny only reserved for Daicos?
You mean the team with the 3rd easiest draw this year exposed the team with the easiest draw this year? Neither Geelong or Port will make the final.
>straight sets!
another week another moved goalpost
you screenshotted your own post kek
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my swans
no he did not, and volkane-o was reserved for the dogs. they'll discuss the loins/hawkies games later.
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serena's energy really helped last night.
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tfw never buried my face in a cute girl's ass and sniffed
smells like a wet bag of sand
I do reluctantly like the way the hawks play, but they'll be exposed by any team with a decent defence and rebound. All they have is small forwards and Sicily.
Y'all ain't nothing but a plebocrat...crying all the time...
I mean, Serena's arse is damn near perfect.
>carlton have to be premiership favourites
>and if anyone tries to tell you that they shouldn't be than they're not following the game properly
Did he really say the comparative conjunction 'than' instead of the conditional adverb 'then'?

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While this is subjectively correct, I was a pioneer of using the adverb. No one else was doing it back in 2009 when I first used it.
You omitted the most powerful weapon at their disposal. Matchfixing.

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Australian Football is still not a fully developed sport, for starters it has a retarded name, australian football, that's not a real name it is like naming your country the united states, not a real name, you need a real name, after that get rid of the points for hitting the post rule, and change the rules for movement, what if you make it illegal for the players to grab or carry the ball? that would get rid of the travelling rule which is retarded and would still need some skill in order for the players to travel with the ball like kicking it or start throwing it in the air while dribbling
You're already denying reality in preparation for the hawks beating pooort
The umpires will try, but Port will overcome it.
you're the kiss of death to the clubs you bandwagon, I swear to christ. the jessica fletcher of the AFL.
Don’t ever fucking quote me again or I’ll fucking knock you out.
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>Bombers are a lock for top 4
>kaneo going to 7 mentioned
Billy ripping on the ssri addled zoomies
>spastic watching fta tv spotted
It really wasn’t about the CD
all i do is think about her all day and sleep
like they overcame the cats? LOL
Tahlia Hickie of the Brisbane Lions has quite an exceptional rack.
woke up still drunk from last night
Yes but the type of person who buys that kind of shit is a plebocrat that needs a good bullying.
Would lick her arse
This was 2003 and the kid was 7
Why does RC hate small children? does DFFH need to do a welfare check at Chez Brady?
5 games of AFLW to watch today.
are we watching the AFLW today, and does it have its own thread?
2 games of SANFL to watch today.
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In that case I would have addressed my bully and asked what was so plebocratic about the School of Rock. If the answer were sufficient, I would have conceded that he was right to give me shit for it.

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Okay. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
do you have a pass? never used to cost money. it was on 7.
It’s free through the AFL site
unironically kill yourself
RealityCheck didn’t show up to fight me after confirming (via Text message) he would be there
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hello i hate single mothers
Did you know?

trip on, rc.
I only watch the AFL to perv on the hot guys and goon
nrlsperg? yeah he's a lonely obsessed fuckwit
most normal nrl customer
this one of you lads?
doesn’t exist mate. shitposters have got you on a string
I went to the Bulldogs/Hawks game with standing room tickets.

Holy fuck that was bad. Why do we still have standing room trash in the current year? Why is the MCG such a shit ground?
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based freshcunt
literally you are to blame for buying them
This is a false flag post by >>144283267. /nrl/ doesn't give a fuck about us
MCG is really a horrible stadiums in general. Ugly, uncomfortable, overpriced, soulless (now), controlled by exclusionary old money nepotists - really nothing going for it
>but it’s LE OLD and LE BIG XD
It sucks.
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>le standing on le epic adelaide oval hill xdddd
I got them for free.

I was supposed to get seated tickets but there were problems. I think too many Hawthorn fans swarmed Ticketek or something so it was either standing room or no-go. I didn't want to go, but my mad Bulldogs-supporting mate was desperate to go.

Just giving some free advice to anyone who cares: never EVER take standing room tickets in a sellout game. You will want to kill yourself, especially when someone farts.
what should I do with my hair?
candace owens gf 2025
Shes ugly
And I say this as someone who has fucked 3 black women so far
i have also fucked black girls and think she's a qt lil monke
ta. back from doing the shopping now and there's footy.
more of a thicc man me
yes, problem? cheaper and close to the bar. something every footo enjoyer should do at least once.
miss the humble sunday arvo elim
finna roast pork
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>eating meat
players ineligible to win the brownlow who can drag their team over the line no matter how much they are losing:
Isaac Heeney

Players eligible for the brownlow who cannot drag their team over the line, couldnt even make the finals, statpad with 1 2 handballs and only perform when the outcome is meaningless:
Nick Daicos

Players eligible for the brownlow who made the finals but were exposed and could not even think about dragging their teams across the line:
Marcus Bontempelli, Patrick Cripps
How hang gamewinning comebacks has Daicos engineered since last year? Yeah, I’ve lost count too.
/afl/ bros we did it
fookin biblical la, absolutely madferit
overrated manlet
if you cant make the finals you dont deserve a brownlow because you havent had a big enough impact in the home and away season.
dont get upset, its a fact
Collingwood wouldn’t have won half their games if it weren’t for him
say the same thing about heeney
no finals not good enough sweaty
yum. got a nice one in the freezer, just waiting for my brother to swing by middle of the week. he's the master of the crackle.
>hes the master of the crackle
no, youre just a retard who cant follow basic instructions
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>48 hour meat smoking
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I can get a good crackle but his is always just a bit better. but nice post champ. gave me heaps to reflect on.
Why are people on Bigfooty so fucking stupid?
What not having a life looks like
what is it with spastics and having prediction models
not reading that
Stop talking about yourself trying to stir up another brother war you cunt
You’re either using more oil than him or you’re not setting the initial temp high enough. Find out and take your rightful place as crackle master
shrimply don't care either. I put you in the same basket as them tbqh
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>hey guy! the bulldogs were actually just unlucky because gws got lucky with opposition teams missing more set shots on average!
i don't want to talk about it
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big footy/reddit should never be posted here, if you post images from them you're clearly a user there and should go back
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what's for lunch lads
Chicken katsu and a 375ml Pepsi Max
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Ive been drinking tablespoon of pic related with a tablespoon of psyllium husk and hemp seed in a cup of water each morning.
Also altermate days with flaxseed with chia and almond.
Holy shit its good, my guts feel cleaned out, i feel light, my shit just slides out clean, its like a new world.
Just sharing because some of you blokes come across angry and you could be constpiated
Thanks for the information.
Based, LSA mix is elite, I use it myself
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I make sure to salt and fridge dry it for 12 hours before I put it on the weber. I think he pops his in the air-fryer afterwards, which I don't own. I have blasted mine with a heat gun which gets it good but I reckon his airfryer method might be what I'm missing.
yes I know it's pork belly not roast but same same
Eventually this guy will figure out its all rigged.

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