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>Order of play



Previous: >>14425206

Previous: >>144252067
>tennis news
X dot com slash @Neinhold
Based. Fuck that weird faggot trying to insert /bundes/ into our master race gennie.
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Iva :)
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>read JT's gibberish about the goyim on xitter
We already have to put up with it here.
Cringe thread autist frenchtourist
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Back to your shit fetish containment thread with you
I would fuck anna in her ass
How long until your bbc gayporn shoot ends and you go back home?
>this projection
Keep outing yourself, you sick, porn-addicted freak.

coz they woz doubles partners innit

when they played you could tell sinner was proud of the fact he was playing alongside of a chad who could elevate his masculinity
also funny how drapist blanks anna

he knows
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Is Draper currently the biggest giga-chad in tennis (in terms of looks, which is all that matters)?
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She chatted him up too lel
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yeah i mean look at his gf...
You’re actually mentally ill. Seek help.
What a whore
>just realizing this
>that hair touch
she was absolutely drenched being that close to Jack. Imagine the disappointment when she went back over to binner
>the bulge
Is this just you promoting one of your weird fetishes again?
him and Berrettini are the contenders for the title
post-colonial rage?
Just a friendly reminder that there were no gas chambers in concentration camps they literally had wooden doors throughout
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Would you rather have sex with Moorgs or Sabs?
sex is a meme
Sabs 100%. She is a natural submissive and knows how to please a man plus brings great sexual energy. Moorgs is inst-filter hot, have to peel through layers of makeup which you’d get everywhere, plus she probably just lies there and does nothing while Sabs would make sure you were satisfied in every way.
He doped, he got away with it.
Kind of based tbqh
Whatever happened to Eugenie "Genie" Bouchard?
She was supposed to be the next big thing?
sex, in the missionary purpose for the purpose of procreation, with emma raducanu
Whatever happened to Emma "Radders" Raducanu?
She was supposed to be the next big thing?
she's injured in the brain
Focussing on her mental health
>they hated him because he spoke the truth
Anal, in the ass, for the purpose of dominating as Sabs encourages you/criticizes your technique in Belarussian.
t. Fred A. Leuchter Jr
wtf how did you guess?
I really dont get what that guy is trying to do with his bundes/tennis thing
I don't get it
too tryhard, not enough funny
Mother of dog eva lys is so fucking hot
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shes quite clearly into him
Why isn’t he interested?
What a body
The bundes/tennis merger?
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He’s way more attractive than her for a start.
He’s fucking a 10/10 white girl with tits the size of Emma’s head
>bimbo whore
Prove it
>Sabs wins
>American wins
Good result either way desu
You ARE watching the doubles final right? Good
but random italian shitters nobody cares about got away with it too. did anybody even know who bortolloti is before this?
Fritz is going to ass rape Binner tonight because of this, and then publicly breakup with moorgs in his on court interview
Tomorrow, friend
>your brain on /bundes/
yeah same thing
Bundes is willing to increase it's offer and will value tennis at an EV of $10 for the takeover. Are these terms agreeable?
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>“It's really, really tough. Really, really tough to swallow. This one is going to hurt really, really bad,” Tiafoe said in his post-match press conference. “I thought I was the better player for sure."
What did he mean by this?
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Tiafoe choked big time. Fritz called upon his jewish plantation-owning ancestors to win the fourth and buckbreak Tiafoe.
Anyone else happy that the flappy-lipped nigger got eliminated?
The Jews wanted Tiafoe to win and give him the Simone Biles astroturfing treatment. Fritz went against the tribe by winning.
First American US Open finalist in 20 years is an African immigrant? Blackrock would've ate that up.
He lost to a clown
Saturday has nogaems
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>the late Eddie Murphy
Gets me every time
First time i feel obligated (and bored enough) to watch doubles
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daria interview mirra a lot

hope she doesnt have a secret crush or something

would be sad for natasha
Speaking of which did we ever find out what Purcell's excuse was for retiring from his singles match against Paul
Women have no loyalty
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have been waiting for this

garn hairfta watch later. always wonder what eva lys talks like
Like an American
how does sinner have this effect on heteronormatively attractive white women?
Aussies bow to the Chad American
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Iva is a hottie!
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>It’s called "Aura"
looks bogged

would genuinely be dissapointed if turned out to be true drapist was dating this kt lordahl instathot

doesnt make sense
Italian dna
Yeah, he should be doing much better than that
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Its not tho
lesbian ass mf
Is 9 not showing it?
I dunno I guess not, I blame American broadcasters
Time to watch some garbage doubles because I have nothing else to do
Sinner - Fritz 6-0 6-0 6-1 (1 game thrown away in the end out of pity)
Sinner 6-2 6-1 7(56)-6(54)
if he didn't have that shitty Austrian accent, he could have easily become a world famous singer
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International coverage in the European channels is so bad. If you can't speak English without an accent don't get in front of the fucking cameras. It's ear rape
Carrot Top doesn’t look Italian or German
His parents look and are named quintessentially Italian
Hanspeter Sinner
Siglinde Sinner
Based pvt jamaal tyrone
any word on when the girls final will take place? US Open website says it is "upcoming"
i dropped my hash brown on the kitchen floor but i still ate it
How dirty is the floor?
Was it tiny (one of several) or one big hash brown?
They're drying the outside courts right now and are almost finished, won't be too long
his Italian grandparents and Italian parents were clearly just big fans of Wagner and his opera
So it will be today? Cool, was worried it would be tomorrow and I'd have to miss it.
Google says 10pm (9pm for you bong)
>ywn have morgs make you breakfast
Thanks, I can't see that on my machine
Good, it would probably be some low-calorie berry shit
his face looks like he's constantly in pain or tired
being with morgs must be draining (in more ways than one)
what kind of birth control do you think morrggs is on? Coil?
It would be great, because she made it with love :)
I’m going to slap your penis
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You mean Mika right?
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Honestly no. Doubles are too shitty. This is a GS final and it's completely underwhelming. No wonder Nickokk won one
Oh finals actually not in a middle of night. Thank you
Ok good, they're on court now :)
how do you even pronounce that?
Oh shit, what was that Frenchman on about with 9pm?
he probably meant the sabs match
He probably knows you're a nonce and hoped you would miss it
Stop accusing me of being a nonce I'm just interested in the future of women's tennis and to cheer on our Mika.

Do you also think the commentators, the broadcasters, the umpire and everyone in the crowd is also a nonce?
>I'm just
If you've got nothing worthwhile to contribute to the thread, then don't contribute at all.
Watching is ok, it's the way you all post about it. Hand yourselfs in.
he sure post with just the one
All I did was ask what time it starts you schizo
had a dream about sabalenka last night
today vukov woke up with a rybakina tattoo still on his arm
Would gladly have a shitty tattoo if I get to fuck Lena desu
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/ourgirl/ is going to booty blast manalunka this afternoon. yuros gonna seethe.
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hes gonna lose his job isnt he
>be Jessica Pegula
>in the US open finals
>playing at home
>against a Russian
>Sabalenka is the favourite to win it all

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>all the binnerfags seething over this
nick is black so espn wont fire him
They can cope and seethe but he kinda ate with that one, younger and prettier Anya too
>All those women accounts
Stop invading my sport
Are Europeans really so soft that they think what Nick said is grounds for termination?
Americans have the biggest cancel culture kek
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True, and I'm glad he reminded her of her bad decisions; the toll must be paid one way or another
>has a women's name
>must be a woman

most intelligent German
Tennis people in general try to give their sport an air of class so they might piss their pants
Yet everyone seething over it are yuropoors
This is like if Rocco Siffredi goes to a porn shot and tell all workers to stop and say christ is lord
Americans don't even know who Nick is. You, and everyone else crying over that comment are Shitalians/other yuropoor ninnies.
Sloppy seconds joke. For some reason kyrgious is really seethey about sinner in general
1) im not crying im glad he's humiliating a nigger lover
2) you guys are owned by jews and invented cancel culture
kek, you are too. Enjoy ship after ship of africans.
The Aussies are too strong...
>For some reason
Because Sinner failed two drug tests
Mika :) first set
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Rate my tea /tennis/
>Jannik Sinner fled to the panic room in her Los Angeles mansion when he mistook a sports association drug tester for a dangerous intruder.

>The tennis legend’s assistant called 911 around 6:00am local time last Wednesday and told the emergency operator that a prowler had been spotted at the luxurious property, TMZ reported.

>Sinner retreated to his panic room in a bid to protect himself.

>But the intruder turned out to be a random drug tester who stopped by unannounced for a urine sample.

>Cops responded to the 911 call but quickly left the property when the misunderstanding was discovered. It was not known whether Sinner submitted to the drug test.
with no consequences
It`s so funny when europoors try to say shit about america being black or shit and then those fags intentionally imported millions of niggers and arabs in the past 3 decades which is unironically leading to the destruction of what native european ancestors spent thousands of years building wow!
what do you mean your """""tea""""? that's a plate of food

fucking brits i swear
What the hell are those yellow things
breakfast, dinner and tea lad proper Brexit mealnames
don't like it fuck off simple as
You have 40 millions of them + Mexicans + south Americans
We, as Europeans, can still deport them, doubtful about you and your NFL and NBA pets
sweet potato chips
You can't/won't deport them lul and point is that america has had niggers since the 1800s, europoors decides they wanted to bbc themselves en masse in the past 3 decades or so
no but it's very classless and demeaning to women in general, let alone a fellow professional in Ms Kalinskaya.
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hand them in now
Kalinskaya is coalburner whore
fuck off I passed my knife and fork exam with flying colours
Percentage of black people in European populations:
Italy: 1.20%
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Keep the webms upskirting little girls out of the thread then. Tell them to fuck off if they post them. You won't.
these 2 idiots (Italian and American) still arguing about black people

fuck sake
Some guy who just caught the ball in the stands had extremely yellow teeth. The yellowest I've ever seen
What a throw it can be
Live and let live is what I say, not your personal army
Also, the only reason they post them is to wind you up
breddy gud for a nonce
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They won a 25k in 2013, now a GS <3
hope the prison food tastes as good
Italians are literal niggers
Let's not deny the fact you post them because this is your nonce safe space. Out and proud nonces in their safe space. Are there any more tactics you will take from the left?
Need that comfy Guadalajara and Monastir WTA only thread next week
Only mens Matches are Davis Cup
Saba should not give JPeg any chances. There shouldn't be a point in a game when JPeg can get crowd boost
>no u
Karwietz looks like he has downs
we invented the world tf are you talking about
Sinner is the champion. Can only respect him. Yesterday he was openly applying clostebol on his injured hand with millions watching. You can only respect such confidence. He knows we can't do shit to him
>he's a doper but it's good actually
a change in tactics from the schizos
Cruising to victory even though she's ill. For sure she is the talent of the century.
Ayayayaya 2 time on sunday. Welcome to the champions club ayayayay. Cheaters always win
Least dishonest russian
She seems unflappable. Hoping she doesn't flap in the next 10 mins kek
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The new Novak
Ready for the next 15 years of goatness
Don't be a loser, become clostebol user
Junior tennis is so bad
Mika's fh is trash
Another Runner Up trophy for Pasti and Stusek...
15 more years of kyrgios seethe
i can smell the seethe in the air already
Why doesn't she change her surname to a nice British one like Stockton
way too loopy and ineffective
Kyrgios banged your girlfriend. Sorry to tell you that mate
Mika! :)
Kyrgios first serve
Sinner second serve
Draper vomits
Moral of the story: be like Draper
I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky
it didn't stand out to me but I'm a bit of a casual so I'll look out for it next time
She seemed very comfortable hitting from the baseline
How come this final is actually between top 10 seeds and not some completely random cunts who were lucky enough to not be on their period this week?
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nice fanfiction bro
moon in retrograde
Mika is certainly well developed for her age. Does anyone know if she has a boyfriend?
mr. johnson you forgot to remove your name before you posted
Second serve
Pegula and Fritz winning is objectively the best thing for the sport of tennis.
Pegula and Fritz losing is objectively the best thing for the general of /tennis/.
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Love it when Flashscore throws shade
losing in three to yannick is the perfect setback needed to destroy taylor fritz career
to get me beer for the match

and some scran

New York libs will be seething at those results, it's definitely the patriot's choice.
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Grug is obviously the new Novak......Jannik is a hard court baby.
Jew Yorker shitlibs are already seething because Tiafoe lost, the rest doesn’t matter to them now.
also because Gauff lost
It's always funny seeing his giant entourage of black athletes show up for disappointment. Somewhat disappointed he didn't make it to the finals so the obamas/biden can't show up to witness a legendary buck breaking.
That too, though she lost early. Tiafoe was about to “make history” so the libs are especially devastated.
Why are the American posters such retarded shitholes?
Idk ask your American relatives (they exist)
it's probably just GayT
One of the best and worst aspects of this sport is that unexpected things barely happen
Get back to work, britpole. Those toilets ain't gonna plumb themselves
lanklet spanish dude won junior boys. silverware is a fucking teacup. lol
Still can't believe how hot eva lys is. Like a little perfect body .. wtf I love hohols now
t. immigrant
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no way people here actually watch junior tennis
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>Sinner went from not even winning a single slam to this in less than a year
How'd he do it?
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Alcaraz? LOL
Sinner? LOL

The next Nole is coming...
filled to the brim with clostebol
$500 on Pegula
He would do well on Grindr
he looks ozzy. is he ozzy?
it was a pretty great match. quite even, some top volleys.
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Pigula is disgusting
either he was always good and fixed his serve at 21 or he found a very old 1960s steroid used to heal cuts to become the next goat
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no peg me la'
Me on the left
You can bet your house. First set Sabalenka. And after receiving money from that bet it all on Pegula comeback
this but unironically
All four women's semi-finalists had excellent tournaments and any of them would have made a worthy champion. Jessica Pegula has been brilliant and has a real chance, if she continues to defend as she has done and if the crowd or the situation gets to Aryna Sabalenka. Having said that, Sabalenka is the best hard court player in the world, and the match is on her racket.
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Lets go Saba!
Pegula is a grinder, she's got that working class blue collar energy
lickable neck
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I don't even like Pegula, I just want her to win because it would make the non-Americans of tenny shid and piss their pants
taylor sucks ez win for janni
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is this Africa or USA?
it's getting ridiculous they even have a nigger sign traslator for a fucking song
Her dad is a billionaire and her mom was a poor waitress he hired then married.
Not to mention this pill head african is wearing a wig
I can almost feel the swarthyness from that song, cheap cologne and all
so tired of black people
I would have a loving relationship with Kim Pegula
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Sex with Pegula!
My mom said her singing was bad

Im thinking based. No multi-culture goy propaganda in this house
don't be so insecure shitholes. you'll die alone so it's not all bad eh kek
Gib milkies sabs
not replying to pakistanis lol
JPeg :)
>what is a white leftist
Dying alone sounds comfy. I love my own company and im not bothering anyone
sooner the better
A living oxymoron
jeez leyton dodged a FAT bullet
not replying to glowies lol
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>Chrissie Evert
Hewitt? How so?
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hewett and clijsters were together back in the day. see the size of kim?
m8, you will never have this
JPEG wins
Fuck JPeg and Penko!
Aryna Sabalenka!
Let's Go Aryna! Whooooooooooo~
Glad I made it in time. Let's go Sabs.
I'm happy with what I have, I dont covet others lives.
Pegula has the girl next door appeal even though she's a billionaire.
No I missed it. Forgot that they were an item, until the upgrade.
Pugla represents all of us. She's simply too down to earth, and relatable.
I will be rooting for my Korean queen Pegula
I don't get it
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doesn't feel like a slam final desu
Pegula hits very flat huh
meme slam, meme match
I do not care about Fritz
Jannik Sinner after failing two drug tests is allowed to carry on playing & is now in the US Open Final......this is not a good look for tennis & what message does it send to the future players of the sport
Noah Lyles :)
Jpeg bros... Bitti...
>all the blackies lose
>russian beats local girl
>doper wins
Maximum butthurr
ATP or WTA either way bro - you are gay!
GOOOooooooooo-ooo ARyna!
noonce except twitter schizos cares about that
This morning, while I was dropping my wife’s daughter off at her father’s apartment in Queens, we happened to see tennis star Jessica Pegula on the subway. It was one of those surreal moments when a famous face appears in the most everyday of places. Despite her success, Jessica was completely down to earth, casually dressed and blending in with everyone around her. Her humble, approachable attitude left a real impression on my daughter. She couldn’t stop talking about how inspiring it was to see someone so accomplished staying grounded and genuine. It felt like a little life lesson in the middle of our morning.
You're like fucking bot programmed to switch between doping and racism - repeat ad nausem just stfu retard
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Lel she bullies that man so much
Thank you for that story, ChatGPT.
>Every amerishart poster is one guy
Bit obsessed paki jew huh?
Pipe down cunt
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Moorgs is leaking. Someone call a plumber
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I'm racist and I also recognize Binner as a cheat
I (jt) am the racist but I don't care about atpleb enough to talk about sinner. Cry more polish paki jéw
Tennis quiz time!!!!

Let A,B,C be tennis players

Guess the player:

A beats B
B beats C
C can't beat A
who is tigerhead?
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Good morning saar that saar be Jason Stacy please do the needful with this information
Should have been him
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Pegula is finished
WADA is gonna catch this guy JUST WAIT, they have till september 6 2925
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>Sabalenka is openly transphobic
Uh, bros.....!?
twitter investigators are no joke
He's admitting to Sabs being trans.
Women should be banned from doing drop shots
ironic innit
the first mixed singles match
Sinner used an OTC 70 years old steroid cream easily found in urine to dope and he got caught 2 times on two scheduled doping test at a master 1000 just after winning a slam because he was not happy with his level, if you believe his contamination story you are stupid
Is it really necessary to scream like a fucking sheboon banshee this belyarussian bithc need to shut huh fuck up
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>watching final as if pegula/fritz has a chance
Sabs is a powerbabby, just make her dance around the court and it's over
What's up with the fabric on Sabalenka's right nipple?
How powerful can it really be if it's OTC?
surprising flag. any comment on him doping on instagram is swarmed by italians defending him
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milk truck have arrive
He doped period. WADA is on the case.
This is going to be a quick final. Arena is a library apart from when Pegula first walked in.
So basically a massacre if Saba can keep her head straight.
Aryna BIG! Aryna Strong!
Strangle me pls with your thong!
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two roided up monkeys gonna win this weekend
god why do women get lip fillers? looks ridiculous
Are your parents like you or do they hate your guts?
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Proud of 'foe but Fritz played better all tournament, and earned the right to get fucked in straight sets by the doper tomorrow
>pov when you bf kill self
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first qualifier down one to go
Why are women unable to understand what pov means
I agree, not the doper part though
Jess :)
how did sabalenka break pegula twice then choke that service game?
LETS GO! #billsmafia
she's your coach
when does rune play?
Anyone else think Pegula is the least likeable US women's player?
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bad draw, but i still hope alina wins
you can't call her a tranny, that was a textbook female play
Sabalenka completely and utterly Pegula'd
Definitely serena
Name worse.
what is a that double cross symbol on his cap?
Active, obviously, and like in the top 60
Most intelligent Igahater
Aryna looks great! Aryna looks fine!
Let me be your human-urinal for tonight!

Caaaam oooooon, Aryna!
Is it just me or Aryna' boobs got bigger?
caca gauff
caca gauff and collins if she didn't have nice tits
Sabs with her screaming is incredibly annoying (she live in flo rida)
Sabs is such a moody bitch when she isn't winning
It's the slavitude
danimal 100%>
i can calm her
Anyone think camera guys got a hq pic of sabalenkas asshole and pussy (kinda like the sharapova pic from Wimbledon) after she hit 2x fault and bent over and pounded racquet
Are all tennis players schizo?
What's her problem
Also I can't think of any likeable women "tennis" player except Tamira Paszek(bc of milk trucks)
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Please save us from this shrieking banshee, Pegula
It's impossible for Sabalenka to not give an exaggerated gesture after every mishit/mistake
'ate Billie Jean King
'ate Arthur Ashe
'ate Pegula
'ate Sabalenka
Luv Holger Rune

simple as
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>not liking sabs grunt
extremely homosexual
Bros, I can't stop staring at Sabalenka's huge mouth and imagining how much extra room there would be if she was giving me head.
Help please.
there is the forehand grunt and the backhand grunt
We just finished sex, I went for a smoke outside
But I wasn't prepared for off a balcony flight

attractive women love having ugly friends
Can't respect really Billie Jean King because she only played against plumbers and milkmaids
Richest nigga in my city, got my neck on, Rick the Ruler
Player box at all the games, watching Jess Pegula (talk your shit, king)
Came up with them brick sellers, and them hundred pound movers
I just made another play and bought a FN for my shooters, nigga, yeah
which one's which
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I walked these very steps :)
bill tilden is my goat and there's nothing you can do about it
That's why Navratilova is the goat
They should play BO3 thougheverbeit
those chompers gonna be biting down on your knob, you’ll be bleeding out of 198 different mini-orifices as your boner deflates in real time and your cock retracts in shame out of her mouth. Either this gets you even harder, or you recognize the exigencies of what I’m saying, your choice
I was hoping for a TB
Jpeg :) bros... It's over
Five Million Dollar Prize Is A Rounding Error To A Billionaire .
based boomer grammar
Pegging of a lifetime
Aryna looks Finnish and Pegula looks Native American
Women's tennis is so bad
it's hard to keep track of all the dumb shots taken in this match
I would have sexual intercourse with either of these women if you get my drift.
tbf it's hard to control the fastest forehand on tour. if the sissy men had to play with sabalenka's speed they would all miss their shots as well
>Dis mah house
Jess :(
Sab's got this
aryna rolls through from there
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She's a big girl
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It's Pegulover (not for her though, she's a billionaire)
Sabalenka is just more fun to watch. Her forehand is ridiculous, basically slams the ball across the court every time.
more like pigula kek
She's taller and heavier than most anons in this thread

Nick is based (and uncancelable)
taller sure, I doubt heavier
Why does it say chubb on the floor
grunting like this should be banned. And that's not even the worst example
the ads on the side say chubby fag chaser
it's pronounced as Chubby
it's an American enterprise
It'll change soon they repaint it every now and then.
For me (in my dreams)
I am the same height as her and weight 25 pounds less.
Sabs give me chubby penis
I would guess the average weight here is 125 kg easy.

Is it me or does Pegula have extra fat thighs? Just her short asian legs?
t. Conway
nice work lol
>play a shit drop shot
>win the point anyway
America a shit
it's not paint kek
I hope she goes in the same level of hell along with Sharapova
Chubb is an insurance company
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First set was amazing! What a thriller

wta >>>> atp
I feel bad for Pegula. She's just hanging on for dear life.
Novak's made career of it.
>Indian grasp on sarcasm
I can't believe how shit WTA's level has become. Fucking Igor is being marketed as an "all-time great". Never thought I'd say this but we need Serena back (jk fuck that baboon).
Why did I use to find Sabs utterly repulsive when I first saw her, but now I fond her one of the hottest players on tour? Can someone explain?
Ausfailian attempt at humour
someone alert NYC transit authority... there be ghouls afoot in the train cars
degenerating coomer brain
Just wait for the Andreeva and Korneeva generation to settle in.
Based roided she-boon hater
Fuck off retard
Pegula should just stop trying and start serving underhand instead of double faulting all match
That was my solution when I was 5 years old and would blast the ball into the sky when attempting overhand
>Igor is being marketed as an "all-time great"
>world's healthiest sport is one of world's wealthiest sports
She has actual feminine energy and isn't afraid to be a woman unlike 90% of the dykes on tour. Loyal slav woman, she's the type to die fighting alongside you (which slavic women had to do in history).
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It's not you anon. She has unconventional beauty.
I'll find her super hot then do a double take and find her weird looking.
Sabalenka is a much better player than Igor

3 slams>1 slam
Third-worlders take everything literally and get offended when you tell them it obviously wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I suppose it's because they're surrounded by 60 IQ mouthbreathers who can barely count to 3 by themselves so when they see someone say something they want to feel smart by correcting it.
Have you been living under a rock? They're already comparing her to Nadal with her "stranglehold" on RG (WTA's level is so shit that she can easily win their by pushing).
Iga is better than Nadal on clay.
Almost time to turn this shit off
pro tennis is unhealthy as fuck, half the tour is always injured or recovering from injury
Wta is so fucking trash holy shit
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Just wait.
The comparison with Nadal is purely on RG dominance, nobody thinks she's in the same stratosphere and I've genuinely never seen anyone suggest as such. Also calling Iga a pusher lol ok cazzie.
That's not health
Watching this match unironically makes me want to blow my brains out. Going to watch Henin highlights to cope.
Inb4 Pegula wins game and crowd mentally destroys Saba while the comeback of the century happens right before our own eyes
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her jaw/chin is a straight line
We lost last night by letting that slow-ass cracka through
She's a cat and they are known for their hypnotizing techniques
For example I hated cats and was dogperson myself until my ex gf brought me a cat for birthday, at first I didn't feel connected with the cat but now I simply adore her

Cats are awesome, they are also autistic and aliens+they have Rh- blood type
>calling Iga a pusher is cazzie
Yes, she's a pusher.
Thats pic was my first thought when I saw it lol
Don't respond to him; he's retarded
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How is the US so elite?
5 in the top 20
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Time for a classic Sabs choke
What can I say other than she's clearly not, if anything recently she has been too impatient and it has cost her so many unforced errors, I genuinely don't think you know what a pusher is.
then what is in the context of sports? they don't get sniffles from playing outdoors?
He sucks
playing/practicing that much year round is not healthy for you
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vamos bullywife
>Inb4 Pegula wins game and crowd mentally destroys Saba while the comeback of the century happens right before our own eyes

These unforced errors are phisycally painful to watch
yes, that's what I'm saying. fucks your knees, your joints, your skin because you stay in the sun for hours
she plays aggressive baseline, on clay at least
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so photogenic and beautiful
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uk /ˈpʊʃ.ər/ us /ˈpʊʃ.ɚ/
Definition: Iga Swiatek
yeah, but you mentioned injuries. playing a 5 set match then playing another one two days later is much worse for you than a wrist injury.
Did I just saw a nipple on telly?
imagine throwing her around
big bitch
somebody got that titcow right
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im crying kek wtf did u mean by this
Just be bigger than her lmao
What a handsome man
it's a mix. part of the reason they injure themselves is because they play so much and don't have time to recover small stuff properly.
Pegula is like 5'1, how is this a fair match?
>world's healthiest sport
Have they ever seen Townsend?
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There is no height and weight limit in pennis
There are 5 shitters pictured in this image. Can you identify them?
Fat is healthy you dumb misogynist.
Can't Pegula's daddy just buy this tournament/the sport and give her the trophy?
Pegula is 5'7, not that big of a height difference.
Being exposed to WTA ugliness lowered your standards.
>nelly’s brother
he already owns a tournament and she lost kek
you're not wrong, but i think the cardiovascular intensity and the frequency of it is worse
How's Covid camp?
Rocket andy goat
I’d blow my beans right up her muff if you know what I mean.
I hate Taylor and Moorgs

Also somebody needs to make the next thread (PLEASE no faggy shit)
what 60? matches of tennis in a year is too much cardiovascular activity now? All the injuries are biomechanical
World’s richest country that’s the size of a small continent with the third largest population.
yeah i'm thinking beans on toast for breakfast
Wrong billionaire
It's only page 2 shithead
Dirty boy.
KWABalenka status?
potato tomato
Yes son, oh yes
Dumbfuck, there are 534 posts. We go by the 500 post limit retard. Iga is still a pusher.
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>no slams since 2003
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And it’s gonna stay that way. Fuck Taylor
why don't they make the ball boys behave autistically here like they do at Wimbledon? They're so lax here
Pegula is insane for not running back to the baseline there
That's retarded and
nigga I never see your flag outside of slams
either way tennis being one of the healthiest sports is bullshit. long term pro tennis fucks your body. that's not even getting into having your sleep schedule ruined by late night matches or dealing with jetlag. no way something like swimming isn't way healthier.
Jealousy. Bad look for a man.
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Pegula has pretty nice meaty legs
>no slams in actual tennis since 1984
>our last woman slam winner is Italian and fat lmao
it's intense, you can't be subbed out like in other sports
lmao she forgot
It starts with not enforcing a proper dress code.
lovely thighs
Taylor can't move at all
You don't run shit, cazzie. Iga is still a pusher.
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>Came back to the sport after being a fairly good junior
>Destroyed my elbow in about a year and a half
It's not a healthy sport, repetitive movements are not good for the joints.
I’d show Courtney my Cox if you know what I mean.
You got hands? make it yourself then and Igoat has pushed your rectum inside out you butthurt faggot
Yeah, shut the fuck up incel. I'm not your therapist.
Yes, and I don't like it
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Millennial culture is vulgarity culture
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cam on win the fackin slam
I like to think she would.
How much do they get paid to wear these shirts?
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jessica pawgula
using way too much teeth. dropped
I have absolutely no idea what race jpeg is supposed to be.
Pro any sport isnt healthy since if your body isnt breaking down from the training load you will lose to someone who is pushing themselves harder
gwan sabby

for the motherland
>US Player
She's Korean. One drop rule.
Shut up faggot
Win or lose this set, I cannot see Sabalenka losing this match.
Just hold your serve, we can't let the tranny win
Let's hope Mpetschi and Fils (or even fucking Cazaux) step up their game in the coming years, but I'll doubt they'll win anything big
>inb4 "save me Mr. blackman"
cam on sabba
Jess :(
Is Sabalenka a tranny bioengineered by Lukashenko's regime?
over :(
There, I did it.

New thread:

This is painful to watch
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>walking turd as the pic
wait until the set it done you retard
Funny I don't see that rule in the /xyz/ codex
It's called common sense
Nah don't see that in the /xyz/ codex either
There it is.
Mostly it’s because it brings to light that nobody wants non-virgin women. They don’t want that idea in the public conscious so they’re offended.

I love how their first instinct is to get him fired.
NPC lynch mob mentality. Or rather, they are begging daddy authority to get rid of the "bad guy". These "people" wouldn't survive one second in a war or if the government collapsed (as history shows, such people are eliminated very quickly and brutally).

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