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>Order of play



Previous: >>144262662
It’s over
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she looks downie but also in a fuckable way
i don't want another set of this shit
The edition doesn't go in the subject also picture for ants, you're a massive fuckup.
nth for Saba!
For me it’s Laura Robson.
Trannys will not prevail
This cunt set US men back another decade
Just noticed that Aryna's hands are massive
It goes wherever retard. What makes you think you run shit? Go back to fapping to hentai or whatever you do to cope.
are her lips real?
No one ever looks good in Thom Browne except basketball players and Opelka
I had an experience, you know. I go in and I order a Polish sausage, you know, from this guy, so the guy says to me, 'Oh, you must be Polish.' I said, 'Come on, man, I mean, come on. Think about what you're saying,' you know. I'm trying to knock some sense into this fellow's head, maybe give him a wider worldview, you know. I said, 'You think because I order a Polish sausage I'm Polish?' I said, 'What if somebody came in here and ordered French toast? Would you think he was French?What if somebody came in here and ordered a Belgian waffle?Would you consider that guy a Belgian? If a guycame in and ordered aGerman bratwurst, would you consider that fellow to be aGerman fellow?' I said, 'What if a guycame in and ordered German potato salad? I suppose you'd think he wasGerman too,' you know? ... I said, 'If a guycame in and ordered a Cuban hamburger,are you gonna assume he's aCuban?' I said, 'I think it is absolutely ridiculous that just because I come in and order a Polish sausage, why would you jump to the fact that I'm Polish?' And the guy says to me, 'Well, first of all it's a hardware store.
kyrgoat would easily straight set both of them
Literally nothing on her face is real.
Tommy paid for them.
Based and he would rape Sinner too
support all billionaires.
Only on first serves
Imagine winning with these serve %.
My god
I still don't believe she's a hapa
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Iva :)
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As an American making 18,000 a year I support this billionaire making 5,000,000 for doing nothing.
Why can’t tennis players commit to long term relationships?
Love means nothing to them.
which half is harder to believe
its nearly ogré
Championship point
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licky lick her right (our left) armpit
yeh im done

gna listen to bowie
Only our Black players are good.
feels right that she won it after giving it away last year
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We'll never forget :(

amerisisters... the humiliation ritual continues tomorrow :(
Aryna :)
Where they at?
how old are these legs? so i know if i am allowed to be attracted to them
If Aryna doesn't finish as YE no. 1 it would be a joke. But it's rigged for Igor.
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just couldn't help himself baka
>The hot one won.
I'm kinda glad Pegula's team didn't win because they look like NASCAR drivers tbqh
slams are really not considered an international event desu
is this blue da ba dee music
lol shes not even hot

was obviously by accident
why are Americ*ns mental midgets?

>playing at home
>against a russian


Now watch Fritz lose too tomorrow
The australian open champion will win the us open today and tomorrow by besting an american. It is known.
>most of the tour on Aryna's favourite surface not Iga's
>rigged for Iga
hotter, yes
hot, no
lol hes so disrespectful
Shut up fag. Go seethe somewhere else.
igor bronzetek HAHAHAHAHA
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>Sabalenka boyfriend killing himself 3 month ago
>already had a new bf

Didn't watch but that's a much closer scoreline than I expected
Fritz can only dream of being so competitive
What’s she meant to do? Wait for the corpse to go cold?
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Reminder that she killed this beautiful man and left his multiple children without a dad
How is she wearing that when its like 30 degrees in new york?
Should have been Tiafoe…
jfc that's fucked up
>chris fowler
>"sabalenka's ex-bf... falling from a miami high-rise"
>"no foul play"
>what is a photo shoot
i thought they already broke up before he died
fucking cummed
Had the pleasure of meeting limmy at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.
Lol how did that guy pull her??!
they were
Pegula checking spee rn
>tifanny and co
Mourning period is 3 months so she did nothing wrong
Sab a sub confirmed
Sabalenka is fucking ugly and looks like a man you weirdo
She turned the weans against him
No she was wearing it at her bf's actual match for the whole 3 hours.
he made a deal with the devil
3 years with aryna in exchange for 30 years of his life
low T
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>surprisingly down to earth,
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Found the faggot
Sinner proves you can cheat, get caught, and still win
wasn't it the case that jpeg had never made it past the QF in a slam before this tournament?
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Based or cringe?
I am willing to accept since she makes the money and I'd have gigachad kids.
she's getting paid by the brand to do so.

why is that so hard to comprehend?
100% based
Hey jessica i can see your camel toe
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who is this and what is he talking about?
i hope they sterilized the trophy from emmas herpes
rare situation where all 3 people involved are in the wrong
Kyrgios broke up with her as soon as she hit the wall, so it's based
Try wearing a jacket when its 30 degrees outside for more than 3 hours. How is she not passing out. Do you not understand you dipshit.
>asian-american pacific islanders community
lol what
was that a tranny with lyles?? lmao
she can be proud that she's broken free of sakarri-tier
>injecting identity politics into the award ceremony
Fuck judaized anglo society
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It’s obvious they won’t be able to hold back the HWD sex once they get the chance
what's the issue? people wear hoodies in our 30+ summers
Did he just call them the best spectators on the planet?
What the fuck speak for peace means
Fuck off retard
to stay warm
>guy on the mic says anyone on the planet can pick up a tennis racket and become the very best
>on of the players on the stage is literally the daughter of American billionaire
Come on man.
he's such a puppet. member when he said on air people don't like Novak? McEnroe and Evert immediately corrected him. Sports media are all woke now, with the agenda behind every utterance.
>t. 300 lbs
that's what the sun is for
The arrogance from her is insufferable. She has those east asian genes which lack compassion.
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Would be based, but have you seen his missus? Bit grim.
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Hospital wearable defibrillator?
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Fowler is a jew. I sent him a message calling him as such on insta once and he freaked out reeing back at me. Was hilarious.
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she's literally wanting it bad
missed it - what'd they say?
Why are they babysitting the players? Just hand them the mic
It's incredible how ugly this woman is, Christ!
Not only that, he said Pegula was a voice for inclusion for asian americans, implying that somehow Pegula was disadvantaged for being asian. He said that even though her dad is literally a fucking billionaire.
Some shit about Pegula "representing Asian/Pacific Islanders and raising awareness on social" some gay faggy shit like that.
>billionaire status doesn't make up for being an asian
uh based?
People here wear hoodies in the heat because they're on drugs, which fries their internal mechanism to feel their body temperature.
Nanny state mentality since jewvid. Jews are moving forward with their infantilization agenda. This is propaganda to "normalize" being babysat by authority.
Jannik "Second serve" Sinner
it's shorter this way so i don't mind
I don't think they did this last year
It's even shorter if you turn that trash off the second the match is over
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How to respond without sounding mad?
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dozens were emptied
Must be thinking of the other slams then
If I came across Jpeg in real life, I would think she was a mystery meat Italian American.
Mirra the only player to beat Sabs at a slam this year
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Thanks. Tennis, like golf, is panicked over its historic and present Whiteness and as you can see from watching any tournament they inject diversity wherever possible, while spotlighting POC players and sidelining others.
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luv mirra (simple as) but i don't count that
>sacrifice everything for your dreams, they will come true one day

Almost made me cry, very cliche, but I wish I stuck to things in life. I was too much of a coward and a quitter.

So happy for Saba
women fuck bad boy, that the fucking sad reality
he banged Kristyna Pliskova too ... womens are fucking hoe
you have a serious mental condition
>Rybakina still 4th
When's the last time she was playing regularly?
What did she sacrifice exactly? the people who have sacrificed everything for tennis are the 30 years olds still grinding ITFs
Where was this pic during Draper-Sinner
this is a con

its a fact that 95% of people live in shot

the world gdp per capita is 12000 dollars

she is literally talking utter shit
Reminder that Sabalenka is a mass monster 80kg at 180cm. Thats huge for a female.
Golf has Niger Woods though. A real mystery meat champion. So why didn't they stick with supporting him? I remember in 2007 or so (((they))) threw him under the bus with the "cheating on his wife" thing. Never knew the real reason why, he must've refused to bend the knee to something.
Draper must be Canadian then
My ex was 185cm. It's not bad to date one at all if you're not a pussy.
to the brainwashed, the truth is anathema. you can't refute, so you attack.
>Sabs just beat two billionaires in a row
A woman of the people
Take a shower, I can smell you through your comment.
Jpeg? more like Jpegged, amirite?
Theres no way she's 80kg. Closer to 70KG
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png bros
how we feelin
You're clearly the mongoloid retard. Moor rape baby.
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This thread is going exactly as I'd hoped.
>never won
>no balls to cheat like sinner
yeah... nah
>wrinkly hands
>already visible dimples
She's just about to hit the wall. NGMI
t. Longlegs
Carlos congratulated Sabs
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Wtf? I thought he was with emma
rawr :3
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there's actually a player named polina goloputova
just dropped a very rich and privileged pegula in the gauff
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yesterdays news old man
He just needs more time...
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sinner spinners....our response?????
I don’t know but take a look at these repeating numbers
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Huh she actually looks kinda cute here
Not as cute as you
Moorgs NEEDS to tweet something tonight about Sinner cheating to get in his head tomorrow.
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tattoolet here, is it real or temporary?
I'm gonna slap your tits
It's so real
it's very funny. I find her hilarious.
probably not even the ones on her face
>the guy who got caught cheating was still allowed to play and is literally going to win
fucking lmao, tennis is a joke
How long has it been since you fucked Jose?
Also he will win the US Open tomorrow. Jews running tennis have dropped all pretension and now act with complete impunity.
Does Eurosport show aus open and wimbledon still? Im seeing conflicting information online.
chat how does my aura feel today?
slightly homosexual
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is this real???
Sabalenka would be a prime qt if she didn't have such a mailbox wide mouth + weird teeth and that much of a massive shoulder/back structure. She's way too manly looking for her own sake and to enjoy those splits and legs/thights

I miss when female tennis players were actual feminine looking. I miss players like Sharapova

>calling an example of diversity and hard work
>a chick daughter of a millionaire
Fucking retarded I chuckled watching it lmao

Yeah, Victor Conte (Barry Bond's steriod dealer) says the benefits of steriods is during training camp and the beneifts carry over for months and months if not years.

I like Sinner stoic demeanor and how respectful he is towards other players, but I just can't watch him playing tennis anymore, he's just tainted in my eyes.

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she had cute teefs musta had her gums removed
which island you on, if flag is real?
what's stopping me from taking all the clostebol i can and dominating my local tennis club?
Seems like every girl is getting this done nowadays
St John
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didn't know eva lys speaks russian, thought she's a second gen immigrant or halfu because of the surname (still didn't bother to check her wiki page)
very cute lil sis also
But not everyone can pull it off
Why didn't Moorgs make an insta post last night about how her man buckbroke Tiafoe for the slave owners?
she actually looks so mediocre above the shoulders in this picture

a criticism i have made repeatedly in the past
she deleted before anyone could screencap
hopefully lena isnt depressed and suicidal at sabalenka overtaking her so easily in the past year

poor baby

poor girl
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no one thinks how this affects our poor ann (short for anneeta)
2025 will be a deciding year in elena's career
>muh billions
so glad the ham bitch lost otherwise the American media would nonstop bombard us with info like the size of her closet and her perfume collection and why her dog is her son

phew...thanks Aryna
That's the one I know best. How's life there? I've heard crime has increased. But I would think it's remoteness limits that.
for me it's wta drama

>Watching billionaires hit yellow balls edition
If a girl is a billionaire I don't even find her attractive, I'm only turned on by helpless women.

Because... let's face it, we watch women's sports for the appeal of watching girls.
If you want to watch real sport with relatable power, then watch with male participants
However, I like to see that she has not had surgery and is natural, that speaks well of her, and she is pretty for that reason.

But it doesn't turn me on, for that I need vulnerable women I can protect

I already imagined it, she's not pretty in the face, but she must have her own thing, look at how she makes that expression, several anoms on 4chan must like ahegao
Personally, I believe that there is no ugly woman of fertile age, each one has her own thing, but of course I am a troglodyte with a 20th century mentality. That's how it is in deep est South America

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