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news: google
17 April 2022
i have a feeling there will be more talk about hockey in this thread.
does /hoc/ have the worst gimmicks on /sp/?
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Probably not, unfortunately
Oh no you don't!!
no because at least the raped faggot doesn't spam a femboy maid for his shit team.
listening to the new david gilmour album instead of working
raped bitch btfo for all eternity
he dont think bud be like he do but he 1
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Early Stanley Cup Champ predictions
No one cares
where is noel taking pictures today lads
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good idea, I'll join you
>track one begins
yep, there's David's guitar... this better get heavier or I'm gonna pass out, honestly.. I hated everything they made after they broke apart
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Biggest disappointment predictions
I must've been abducted and landed on planet retard.
alright thread is gonna be shit, im out
/utah hockey club/
alright thread is gonna be shit, im in
literally no one asked
I really don’t trust experts
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Okay who lit up a crackpipe and gave the Hurricanes, Predators and Devils those odds?
even when trb tries to talk about hockey he sounds like a retard
I feel bad for Alex Formenton. Bro got screwed out of millions because some lady regretted a one-night stand.
To be fair they’re all on the biggest disappointment prediction list too
kwab1 so true
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Canes fans insisting they didn't want to pay Guentzel for 8 years are coping hard.
Rags and Stars (it even sounds like I’m talking about the American flag) would’ve been a way more kino final I hope we see that one day
kek what a bud1
we say kwarb around here
sounds like he hired a high school sophomore to write lyrics for him
>the voodoo that you do
alright, David, thanks.. for the new album...
kek what a raped bitch bud1
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>no one replies to his shitty unasked opinion
>resorts to replying to himself
Only two of these three will make the playoffs this year
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One day the Senators/Red Wings/Sabres will be good, and everyone will praise the Yzerplan for managing to actually make the playoffs.
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Imagine being raped by a fat weeb kwarb
Sens will make the playoffs with josh bailey, nikolai kulemin and cory schneider
we say kwarbb1ceb around here
kek what a raped bitch bud1 chilly easter burrito
he has a song with his daughter and she can't sing for shit kek
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Our Sennies are going to shock the league
buds bitch is still seething about being called out for stealing valour
then I posit that she wrote m ost of the album
and he did it as a family thing cause Mom said so
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our yetis :)
Can't you do both? You can work at the pivot table factory while listening to music
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so boston is missing
I'm never thanking a veteran for his service ever again he might know rapey and never killed him when he had the chance
Bro got mad steps
he was too dumb to understand they didnt respect him when they made him the delivery bitch
>thanking a veteran
gayest thing someone could possibly do. those military welfare queen fags are the worst
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has there ever been a moment in life he wasnt a bitch?
the us military is one of the top 5 producers of NEETs
Could it be the team with a crippled goalie that drastically overperformed last year?
fact check: no
Did you lads know about this tournament?
Dubas seems like the type of inept numale to lose Crosby
peace sells but who's buying?
He can and he will
We ready for this
If crosby leaves, dubas will never work in the NHL again
my sabies
bud1 but who's locking?
I have a really good feeling about my clubsies
putting my money in nashville this year. stamkos is an unbelievable asset and their tending is good

>not me
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they're the dark horse pick for the western conference
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mcdavid WILL get a cup
>tending is good
Only if Saros stays healthy. Otherwise it’s all up to Wedgewood.
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Jen, no
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all that just to flop in playoffs again
For those curious top 5 easiest strength of schedule
Top 5 hardest strength of schedule
And as you might’ve guessed Calgary is smack dab in the center coming in at a perfectly average strength of schedule.
Was a chilly day if I recall
all 5 of the teams with the easiest schedules are frauds whereas all 5 of the teams with the hardest schedules suck
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anyone watch welcome to wrexham where the players got these bras that do chest-strap HR monitor and GPS to track where on the pitch they are? (probably other statistics). anyone know what that is or something similar i could do for my beer league hockey? right now i just track heartrate but it requires my phone nearby.
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>Crosby forces the Penguins to sign Malkin and Letang then leaves
I know some guys at my gym have something similar, you should research similar products
>anyone watch divegrass
get bent, faggot
the pens are doomed
Every team uses them
who the fuck is Tyson Jost
The Avs legend
What does William carry?
Jets Knights Alliance
Celebrating my 45th birthday today. Just stopping by /hoc/ to let you guys know I'm too old to post here now. That's okay because I have my wife, kids and a successful career to keep me company ;^)
hispanic fanbase, team that will soon be based in mexico city
Happy birthday old man! Got any advice for a 26 year old?
take your meds and see the truth
Post your wife's feet
Spend lots of time with your family, especially the holidays like those hot summer Canada Days or 4th of Julys and can't forget those chilly Easter evenings ;^)
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Now I am become randy;
eater of cocks
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ya everything i search gives me a "wired top fitness trackers of 2021" and they're all watches which i can't wear during hockey
is claudio the best current latinx guitar player
>walking with zero urgency
just like his playoff performances
Do you think he'd wear it if I sent shannon this jersey?
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the habs are winning it this year, mark my words.
they're not even winning their division
Who are we taking for President’s Trophy this year?
Strength of schedule is a meme in the NHL. Any random 2 teams have a schedule that is at least 73% identical
our nuckies :)
scared already? cute.
Name one (1) Finn worthy of being spared in the finnocaust
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I'm going to have to agree
Oilers play the Sharks and Ducks 4 times each this season.
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Whew lads. I almost Marner my pants. I always get a very loose Marner after I eat barbecued meat and only slept a couple of hours before. But luckily I made it to the Tavares just in time.
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Wow, that's at most 1 more time than everyone else in the conference.
only one way to find out

include a (very brief) fake letter about how it's in honor of your dead grandfather whose name was "Bud" or something
Fraud schedule but I suppose they are the oldest in the league maybe that’s why
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Damn, they took a nice scalp in the CHL today. Good job!

And fuck Växjö Lakers.
So everyone just assumes the Cats blew their load last season and they’ll return to obscurity now that they’ve done it? What the hell are bottom 5 teams on this list doing ahead of them?
They’re favored to repeat on most betting sites
My Sharks will repeat
Repeat losers, lmao
-edly miss the playoffs
Calgary and Vancouver also play 4 games against both the Ducks and the Sharks. The scheduling matrix is probably the most fair it has ever been in the NHL

>2 games against each opponent in the other conference
>3 games against each opponent in the other division in your conference
>the remaining 26 games spread equally against the 7 other teams in your divisions (4 games against 5 teams, 3 games against 2 teams)

Bettman really should add two more games to the schedule and drop a pair of pre-season games for each team
I really feel like my kings will surprise the league this year and win a series.
>canucks/kings series
>kings win
>oilers sweep them in the second round
just like my laffs rags and ruins
Which team does gary rig the league against the hardest. I'll cheer for them.
America's Calgary Flames he hates us so much he killed our baby boy
Time for another Marner
probably the knights this year
steelers and raiders play tomorrow 8-)
sup bro Bret's going to be Raw also going to be HELLA based go steelies
Fuck our national football team is shit. Can't wait for winter to freeze them dead.
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Stay strong flamesbro. Don't let them break your spirit
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boston wicked
VERY good image
tbf, Johnny died and so did their chance at scoring goals
Genuinely why are they so bad?
Finland is a pesäpallo nation
Someone I went to school with is playing soccer in Finland. He says he hates it there.
>Finnish athleticism
Half of PA and most of WV is Midwest culturally
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trb is still seething about bud?
he's been calling everyone in the thread Steven (it's spelled Stephen)
If statistics are correct he's likely fantasizing about him too
happy birthday, gen x scum
>can't forget those chilly Easter evenings ;^)
what did he mean by this?
boston wicked these nuts
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Look up April 17, 2022 buddy
We are our own thing
Big win for the Sheffield (life) Stealers today
you might even say they STOLE the win hahah
eating some chili
k what is the post? i'm not reading through all this shit
meant for
right here https://archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/119499990/#q119500042
The moment a man's life would change forever
you guys gonna watch the tfed show today
Proud to say I was in that thread
Absolutely not this is E-God board
ayo hold up laine was traded to montreal of all places
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Takagibro got bud all riled up lmao
>the trb post that set stephen off was actually trb being ingratiating to stephen
Laffs aren't even embarassed about that meme.
They just screech that it's the Russian goalie's fault.
They're all begging Tree to just pony up the 12.5m for Marner.
He's probably going to give him 13m.

Imagine trying to negotiate an NHL contract and not be from Ontario.
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Monthly reminder that hockey analytics are fake and gay.
>be doughy Ontario man who needs motorcart to move around store
>sit on ass and watch hockey games on TV, just like /hoc/
>tally up the number of times you believe player had "clean zone entry"
>post those opinions to spreadsheet
>watch millions of retarded hockey fans cite your tallied opinions as SCIENCE! and teams pay millions for access to your tallied opinions
It's actually a brilliant racket.
tell me how im sposed to live w no ari
when the FUCK is noel going to attend an islanders game
Erm Stephen shut the fuck up
That isn't Stephen newretard
we are all stephen
I'm not, I'm somebody else
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she's at a mets game today and she'll be going to an islanders game on november 5th
chili is more of a winter food for me
i wonder how this leaf is doing and if he knows he a direct role of the great raping of april 17 2022
>it's actually from today
It’s more of a easter food
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good post
>...bud3 etc
keep on keepin' on /hoc/
bud is the kid that raped you
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>...bud3 etc
>keep on rapin' me /bud/
>/bud1/ that is..
>the bud who raped me..
They'll choke again, Åland
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>bringing a doll to a sports game
>*takes Easter bong rip*
>*,gets raped by a kid that brings dolls to games*
it would be fine if he was a toddler but he is a 22 year old man
i used to be a toddler
The nhl season is too long.
Favorite Flame present day and all time
poor jack edwards cant speak anymore cuz of his 5 boosters

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
good stop posting him here
present day: weegar
all-time: fleury
sssss.... ssafe...... and..... ... ..... efffective
poor guy. he really is too old to be a caster
moon mist, u?
Powerfully based we love Big Game Girls Name Wertz here
bud is a man. he needs to focus on getting a job and hitting the gym
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>bud is a man.
debatable at best
moose tracks
lets go panthers
great pick
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wholesome story about one of my favourite junior players ever. :)
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so it wasn't a man who raped you?
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>the city of Eerie
>le additcx
yea im an alcoholic too you don't see my cryin about it
ya seethe?
bud1 ;^)
you're awful good at hiding your pain
you should workout with reid.
I'll give it a read. For me, it's AA though :)
only pain i'm feelin rn is my lower back but i just took some ibuprofen.
did the drink cripple your back? cause, that would be close to irony
i don't think so, i think it's shit posture
were you deadlifting?
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for me its cripple hitler
I like the white hoodie manlet.
now post the /hoc/x/fit/ meetup
It is better to have had and lost it than never to have had it at all.
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this one?
how very poetic, thank you for visiting /hoc/
its better to not try than to try and fail
Never ever have sex with some girl you meet at a party or bar especially if she can find out if you're wealthy afterwards.
More lifting! more running!
i need to be fuckable and rich before i can worry about that
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What is /hoc/ listening to?
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'Tis better to have loved*
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no this one

TO BE....
pol is brown
int is white
/hoc/ is female
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how much will Laffs pay him?
bids start at 12m per
tis better to have won a cup than to have never won at all
Reminds me of early pixies surfer rock. Beauty
This image really is the United States of America's cultural heritage gathered in one picture.
aqua velvets are my favorite 90's band that remind me of all my favorite surf rock bands of 60s
>also see; shadowy men from a shadowy planet
>early pixies
>surfer rock
based retard
>obsession is not concern, lad
>he follows you cause he's sick and need a doctor
>to commit him to a sanitarium
>It's incredibly peaceful, lad, he'll enjoy himself and we'll enjoy his absence, just like that.
>We won't learn anything, none of us.. that's not what we do here -_-
>*takes Easter bong hit*
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He was a favorite Ranger of mine.
>hits bong all day in his 40s
>is unfunny loser
lesson there
Sad but true
every time
smooooth jazz
jazz sucks
Agreed. I want to hit my ceiling once in life
John the Fisherman.
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primus sucks but doesn't inhale
>big ugly oaf team
no thanks
He won't take less than Nylander.
I just like to dance to bangers. And not faggoty diaper house like Avicci or whatever his gay name was.
what kind of straight male dances for fun
He'll take a home town discount starting at 14 million per season. Torontians should be happy he wants to play there, or something.
you suck actually, bud.
the kind of straight male who can dance well (me btw)
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It's a good way to get the blood flowing and get some cardio.
BEST artist
demonstrate you fucking boyslut
get in /hoc/cord vc
retard desu
>I just like to dance
i'll bet you do bud. kek ya gay fairy how's the collection going
People have been dancing since the beginning of time. Stop being a brainwashed retard
So what's Blue Jackets plan now? Tank and hope for number 1 pick?
>video not available in canada
23 Skidoo
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Blue Js mentioned
Are 1993 posters Habs fans?
I'm sorry for you to be to fat to dance. I've been to outdoor raves and danced 9pm to 6am. When I quit my job this upcoming winter my ambition is to go to Ibiza.
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>I've been to outdoor raves and danced 9pm to 6am
i'll bet you did bud. kek ya gay fairy how's the collection going
JOY Anonymous - JOY (Up The Street)
>le tir
>c'est le but!
get used to hearing that this year, fellas
Bud1 raped bitch
Eating the last bit of summer watermelon
I dont watch the frogcasts retard
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>2 buts
>2 buts
trb is upset he's too crippled to dance lmao hope that burrito delivery was worth it, retard
you're missing out, mon cheri.
/hoc/ dance party when?
Never tried so never quit
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Oh look another mass shooting. This time in Kentucky. Wouldn't have happened if it was in a red state with loose gun laws
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Moves-Suki Waterhouse
>he quit before he even tried
I grew up in Alaska (where the majority of American guns are owned) and this never happened. Thanks for playing, retard. Anyways has anyone seen that new M. Night movie? Is it good?
laughing SO HARD at Notre KWAB right now
that's why I'm saving myself for marriage
I had sex once

It was fine
not a sport
I need more cardio
/hoc/…are you from/reside in the same state or province as your team?
remember when calgary beat edmonton in the playoffs kwab go flames
/hoc/ is a boys only high school circa 2009
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no. my province doesn't have a team. :(
From yes
Reside no
mirin' those abs
listen to better electronic
after the /hoc/ halloween party
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i don't live in florida no
have you ever been to swayman's hometown?
yes but I want to move out of my state
Cardio sucks so much. By far my least favorite workout
Yeah I’m on a seafood diet, if I see food I eat it LOL
I want a steady beat and a hooky melody in my dance music. Fatboy Slim is (mostly) too jerky for my taste.
To a state with looser abortion laws?
To a state with cheaper housing
Anchorage? Yes I grew up there. We’re from the same part of town and went to the same schools. I’m older than him tho
I don't mind it if I can listen to music
Does it even exist unless you want to live in a run down house in Detroit??
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This team is cursed
do the 10 best and see what it looks like. Oh wait, the athletic is pure garbage
I reject your concession and substitute my own.
Best thing would be to move them to Quebec City
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Quebec City deserves hockey
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should've contracted a beast like me to deal with em'
are the remparts the only team to miss the playoffs in the season after winning the memorial cup?
in an 18 team league with 16 teams qualifying?
its a lucky day
Giving it a new season cheer
You can still get cheap housing in the south or midwest
Meme game in the Columbus crew game bros

>tendie got red carded
>no backup tendie
>another forward player is now playing tendie

Okay based
There’s no rule against women playing in the NHL so why hasnt it happened yet?
I don't watch football
good luck fren :)
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
I've never seen a tendie get a red card
I missed it but I think he came out of the crease Hasek style and kwabbed a forward on the other team
As a former anorexic Costco sheet cake and pizza definitely feel as good as being skinny
>former anorexic
did u meet mia
how do I get abs?
what about ice cream?
No the adderall shortage during the pandemic fucked me up. I have a reserve of 3 expired phentermine and a plan so I will be skinny again very soon.
Just be yourself bro
Good on 'cado for losing the weight but the guy is still very clearly mentally ill.
only an individual very mentally ill could make an onlyfans
stephensisters we finally found our job
probably. the only time they missed the playoffs since they rebranded from the beauport harfang in the late 90s
who would pay for stephens butthole?
I get anxious thinking I might’ve made a grammatical error whenever I’m send a text I can’t imagine waiting to receive feedback on a picture of my butthole I uploaded
i would
No way. That’s actually not worth it. Mozzarella sticks on the other hand? I could live on those mfs
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is this photoshop
nah they probably used illustrator
And now you see why Americans cope with Canadian players winning Stanley Cups
Denmark will have their day. I give it 7-10 years until they reach contender status.
My name is bud.
Who's the purple nation, did a new nation drop?
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>it will never be the 2010 Gold Medal Game again
its the logo of the czech association
I think we see them in the final next year
weird logo considering their flag
2034 Winter Olympics - Salt Lake City
There will be another 2002 tho
>sigh it
>spread an obviously false lie about the other team even after you win
Why are women so dumb
yes please
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Could you do me a favour and print this out and sign it. Thanks in advance
Great promo though
USA only have 1. Their second wasn't a World Champions but the Olympics and because of that Olympics there were no World Championship that year.
I'm pretty sure the IIHF's official records supersedes your butthurt opinion
i believed it and i still do
the iihf is dumb
i see no reason why there can't be a team of neutral players from russia
Ya that's pretty gay, the IIHF didn't kick out the Americans when they invaded Iraq without United Nations approval.
I can't imagine our lesbians would have been cool enough to do that. Then again it was right after 9-11, the whole country went nuts.
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been microdosing LSD for brain gains all summer bros

the white man (me) is ascending
i remember those days. early 00s were comfy.
open up your 3rd eye
i dark a whole bottle of benadryl once. not my best moment.
that's how you sleep for 16 hours in december
You can say whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that there were no Ice Hockey World Championships played in 1960.
The IIHF itself says otherwise.
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wake me up when september ends
I could not get through September without a battle
I faced death, I went in with my arms swinging
But I heard my own breath
I had to face that I'm still living
No they don't.
>white man
Post hand.
(or neck, i like collarbones)
Yes, they literally do.
I wish i were more like nikocado avocado
how did he fuckin do it? seriously. this shit is insane to me
just stop eating like a fat shit and you'll stop being one
you're closer than you think.
he must have fasted and done a ton of cardio
this I literally cutout 90% of the sugar out of my diet and stopped eating bread late at night +walking 30 minutes a day and lost 20 pounds without even trying
that's not how it fucking works retard
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His last video before the grand reveal: "I quit my "weight loss journey". Time to get Fat again"
What a god
American hockey players are retarded and arrogant, they absolutely would do that
i lost fifty pounds in three months by just not eating like a fat shit. am i superior to you, or are you a gay whiner?
i'm on my third can of baja blast tonight how is everyone doing
hockey will arrive soon, laine
t. fat shit
I used to drink 1 can of coke every day with dinner and cut that out and almost immediately started to lose weight
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blue bombers swept my roughridesies ;__;
tired but happy. did you get taco bell?
the problem with USA Hockey is that the LGBTQ+ culture hasn't been fully embraced yet
Hockey Canada is at the forefront of educating their parents about how necessary it is to allow your 15 year old son to let the creepy old coach suck his cock dry and lick his asshole while the old man faps....so that your son gets more ice time and earns that spot on the Junior team and can peak at hockey at age 20 and flame out by 25
speaking of cardio and eating, sometimes i wish i were in randylina
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>noooo you can't just stop eating cake 6 times a day and lose weight!
lmfao fatty fatty boom batty
Nah I bet Coronato was groomed
you think grooming happens at harvard?
only in the secret societies
I'd puke
Naked skates aren't grooming it's different
thoughts on the vegas golden knights?
>hey you. fucking kill yourself. you're a fucking 43 year old man and all you do is fucking smoke weed and act like hot shit in this general. you're more depressing than the flames pedo and the retards who stalk a twitter account. you know why? because you're a deadbeat. people should be exposed to your retardedness and be told that this is what happens when you don't have sex at all.
They're my bro's team
brr, feels like a chilly Easter evening
they're missing playoffs
I like the feeling of an empty stomach
a 43 year old is a millennial
just like my penguins
>this is the post retards have been obsessing over for more than 2 years
Post where it says that a Ice Hockey World Championships were held in 1960 then.
smokin reefer and thinkin bout the season coming up. how is >your team going to do this season?
okay bye retard have a nice night seething or whatever it is you do around here
proxy off bud
proxy off blinky
they were sloppy all of last season and were lucky to make playoffs
i just quit two weeks ago after abusing we*d for over a decade. the first week of withdrawls was so hard but now it's getting better. thinking about all the cool stuff i'll be able to spend my money on instead of lobotomizing myself and running away from my issues. hope you can quit too brother, it's worth it.
It was more about trb trying to play it cool with big lebowski gifs while getting visibly assmad
they're younger and deeper than they were last season. just need to make sure the tendies pan out and people get less injured and they're sure to make the finals again.
in one ear

out the other

just like the entirety of your fucking life. you are a worthless sack of shit who has done nothing and acts like bill from king of the hill. you should kill yourself now, because nobody would fucking give a shit at all. you are actually worthless to the greater fucking being of this planet.
agreed. neither is humping your teammate in the locker room
sounds fucking retarded
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whoa hey now
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dude it's a fucking hockey team
oh you're upset now? you're upset someone actually called you out for being a 43 year old sad sack of shit who has done nothing but smoke weed and post in this general. you are more depressing than the anime fags who come to this general. you are more depressing than the cringey nazi larpers on /pol/. you are more depressing than the trannies on /lgbt/ who try to pass as a woman. you are more depressing than the gachafaggots on /vg/. you are one of the saddest fucking individuals on this forum.
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>2 worthless posts
I wish I could see what the people obsessing over this shit look like
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This is embarrassing
handsome .....
Idiot!!! i must kill you tomorrow!!1!
I want a suomi bull
If you agree with him it means canada has 6 less gold medals in total. I'm not going to spend my night arguing with the resident swedish asshole who refuses to accept the word of the organization in charge of both the olympic tournaments and world championships, because he is either too stupid to or too unwilling to accept that his angry, butthurt, biased personal opinion that he pulled directly from his ass is wrong. The IIHF itself says that medals won during the olympic year count as world championships. I don't give a fuck if the drug addicted delivery boy claims otherwise.
>kills you tomorrow
Anyone old enough to remember when Geronimo shat on bud?
literally no one watches preseason hockey
i do
it's when the kids are trying for a spot
good hockey regardless of importance
God I hate the winnipeg jets and how shit they are
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>a literal nobody pipes up
have they simply tried being less shit?
give me your phone number let's have a conversation
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Congrats bro! You’re going great, keep up the momentum!
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How could I forget
based local hockey enjoyer ill see my local collegepuck team play in october
i try but i cant fight it
ur dancing real close
tell this to trb
Based. Hyped for our steelies and my raidies tomorrow.
Dream big bud KWAB how was the mets game with noel?
who the fuck is geronimo
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we got to see a home run!
not much what's geronimo with you
me on the left
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our metties won
i would literally kick your fucking ass if i saw this shit in person
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my rat :(
watch out, we have a tough guy
Is that geronimo?
i hope the fourth surgery kills him
>this person raped a grown man
post legs internet tough guy
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you're just jealous that i have a girlfriend and you don't
>tfw no oshi to take on romantic baseball dates
yeah stupid because i have a boyfriend
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That's not the governor lmao look at the filenames

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