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cringe thread; kys
didn’t ask
i would let her cut off my foreskin with her skates
embarrassing thread last time.
could an oldfag explain who geronimo is/was?
based thread; kysa (keep yourself alive)
Not over yet, don’t say anything
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Huomenta but the opposite
just here to drop a bud1
so now what fellas? where do we go from here?
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We're going to the construction site of the new saddledome to get it cancelled
>anime loser goes to be at 7PM on a saturday
you can't make this shit up. lmfao got a long day watching japtoons tomorrow?
south dakota to watch our rapid city rushies
I already lost mine :(
I hope they can build a toxic dump
Lurk more buddy. Eventually you'll learn to suss him out
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I might get some pidser
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Gonna drink coffee tomorrow morning
just grow one back
Breaking news: bud was just pushed onto the subway tracks by a NYC crackhead. He will be missed
why does she have bandaids in her hair?
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go knights go!
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me, too
>hahaha i just totally owned this dude online mom!
>see see i posted my waifu, my japanese wife, holding a pill
>totally just implied he was schizophrenic!
>super mega owned him
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
What a depressing franchise
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>mom! you gotta see this!
>get the camera!
I don't think this style of posting is very wicked
wicked gay
oh thank god you chimed in, i was really curious about what the post police had to say
True it could be wicked gay
i wonder what bud's mom's response to being introduced to his doll gf was
lol why are canadians so dumb?
so dumb right? like what is up with that?
a gimmicks a gimmick
_/ _/ _/
I accept your concession.
Please god let trump be reelected to save us from refugees
Finally a good post
My monthly week sober ends tonight. I can drink tomorrow :)
Stay sober for another week because you needed to blog about it.
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We are the same people brother
>making plans to drink
You shouldn't
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But I'm not asian
VERY good post
I'm sorry your parents hate you so much.
post hand
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Nice work bro! I’m close to a month sober now
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christ what a wretched thread
looks like shit
did the dumbfucks get the design from ai
I don't think it's the new heart of excrement
>*takes Easter bong rip*
Just out for a rip are ya bud?
No soul allowed in this world. Profit is all that matters. And if you reject this fact, you fall even further behind.
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>bong rip
that's what happens when Norfe has a pot of beans and fastback and a glass of porter
>and fatback
bud won
Don't even acknowledge it.
Don't even unlock it.
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>don't you dare
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sounds like a nightmare

did you meet the hat man? did the benadryl spiders come to say hello?
>the new heart of excrement
What did they mean by this?
this is fucking embarrassing
Thanks. Living in America is suffering
hey you. fucking kill yourself.
>posts 2 year old archive
>reads like it could have been today
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bretty gud song though

based OP

anon really knows how to piss off bud
It's grim that off-season /hoc/ is obsessed with this pretty lame post.




in one ear

out the other

just like the entirety of your fucking life.
you are a worthless sack of shit who has done nothing and acts like bill from king of the hill.
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Its pretty lame that you're a homosexual paperboy
oh you're upset now? you're upset someone actually called you out for being a 43 year old sad sack of shit who has done nothing but smoke weed and post in this general.
Pre season starts in two weeks
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Saddledome = SOUL
Ok but what about after you get all the asbestos out of it?
i refuse to let one flouncy whining homo ruin my opinion of the entire country that peter forsberg came from
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minus the johnny posting
We had a decent off season but we really need hockey to start. At least we got bud1 to carry into the reg
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You know what fuck the retarded "bud" shit from that thread, i'm more interested in how retarded this scout's analysis was for Michael Dal Colle.
/hoc/ will improve dramatically once pucks drop and new gimmicks appear
That's nice.
So what, just don't disturb it
Sweden says USA only has 1 world champion chip
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So true and based. Fuck Gary and Murray
Me personally I don't count 1980 as a win for USA because Russia wasn't playing that year so not a real tournament
good riddance to the asbestosdome. don't players hate it too?
>Mirafraud on Ice
W is a W
Hockey players can go fuck a hockey net I don't give a single fuck about their opinions or what they want.
>Our most recent international "win" was 44 years ago
He should have been good (like me)
The guy who always posted
>we don't talk about john here

was simply ahead of the curve
looks like shit dumbfuck
its just bud seething don't worry about it
neuter all flames fans
Just check Weegar's reaction to the awful dressing room
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Think about why they would build if only they wanted. I hate our modern generic arena's
Honestly the new Calgary arena design looks pretty good. Better than many of the modern arena designs. Yeah, I know, "sovl" and all that. But these things can't last forever. We have to learn to let go. I know that it's hard.
You didnt watch Dal Colle. Dude skated like he was on bricks. Never take players who are always "complete" or "don't have room to grow".
what they would build
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But enough about your masturbation fantasies
hey bud did you manage to get on the kiss cam with noel? kwab
>Better than many of the modern arena designs
Your pool for comparison is shit and narrow minded
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Not a fan of the uh billionaire class but the sphere is pretty funny
>X arena actually looks pretty good compared to most modern arenas
pre technology 2000 years ago:
im concerned about how much copey thinks about bud.
I know what you mean, but the truth is that we get what they give us and I quickly lose interest in complaining about it for the rest of my life. I’d rather just make the most of it. I’d be happy to keep going to the Saddledome forever, but that’s just not going to happen.
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Copey hasn't been here since his knights got raped by our stars
slavery is outlawed, anon. also that fucking thing would be way more expensive to build nowadays than a regular stadium
Gross, where are the box seats and
you should be more concerned that you're dating a literal doll kwab

but fuck jews, niggers, all municipal employees of calgary, and gary bettman
Yah fair enough. Live and let live. I just don't like giving a pass to the design when i know they could make something much much much much better. Especially since its being payed for though tax dollars and its replacing such a soul arena.
who's next to die in columbus
>Kings' big 2023 move was getting Dubois
>Kings' big 2024 move was getting rid of Dubois
I think they even out their K:D ratio by killing another fan
Right, I agree. I do like the new design better than the one they sharted out a few years ago and I like it more than Edmonton’s. That’s all I got in terms of praise. Hopefully it’s a good experience once inside the building.
Rookie games are next weekend. We are back.
Probably lots of people every day. It’s a pretty big city.
not if i can help it
>I do like the new design better than the one they sharted out a few years ago and I like it more than Edmonton’s.
I agree. Its very similar to the old metal design. The new mock up is cheating by having the side illuminated in red. Apparently in actuality the sides will just be metallic.
>sign for 5 years to cbj just to play with your bum bud
>bum bud fucking dies
>you are now stuck in columbus for 5 years

KWAB fuck you Mony
You're a faggot
i bet you cried when johnny left but didn't shed a tear when he died you gigantic faggot
Fuck you Mony is a good guy. Doesn't deserve this
saddle dome is a dump that smelled like the pole at the cathouse
seethe harder you fucking dorks
but he did, explain that
>Seethe because someone deserves to suffer for going to play for a city that had his friend
you're a fag, sorry.
ANOTHER stepehn masturbation fantasy
Imagine being a grown man and crying at the death of a millionaire pro athlete that you didn't even know.

fucking pathetic
>to suffer
So you admit playing for Columbus is suffering lmao
only time i cry is when your mom fucks me in the ass
My whole perspective really changed when I realized that posters who post like this after a tragedy are just struggling their way through their grief. It’s okay, anon, and I get it. Why don’t you share one of your favourite Johnny memories? It might help, even if just a little bit.

Here’s one of mine:
A pretty funny way to get a first hat-trick. That team had no quit in them.
>i only cry when poor people die
you are not a good person
sometimes bud i just cant fathom how you ended up being so stupid
you must have the worst genetics in all of the usa
>grieving the loss of a person you didn't know

the ultimate in cuckoldry
now this is a good post
Each man's death diminishes me for I am involved in mankind.
im actually doing great youre projecting onto me my man, i dont have anything against monahan its just funny what happened to him, he'll get traded in 2 years anyways
I'm not gonna explain grieving to you. You are clearly a psychopath. Not your fault.
That’s okay too. If you need to vent more, you can take it out on me. I can handle it.
Everyone forgot he died
I was at this game and seeing Johnny force overtime in the dying seconds was special
No, tragedies aren’t very funny. I get the whole edgy 4chan guy shtick, but it misses the mark this time.
so you cry nonstop, every day?
grieving is usually reserved for those who you have a personal relationship with. Not some manlet hockey player that you are a fanboy of who neither knew nor cared that you exist.
That was awesome. I went to Game 4, which was the wrong one lol. I did see Game 6 against Vancouver that year though. Incredibly fun and memorable night.
I feel a bit sorry for Matt who hasn't been getting nearly enough love. I know Johnny was much more renowned, but I wish Matty's memory was honored a bit more
not now bro, I am grieving the loss of toby keith
>little bro lives and dies in his brothers shadow
like pottery
Yes, I agree. I was pleased that Conroy made sure to talk about him and their relationship as brothers at the vigil in Calgary. I feel terrible for his wife, who now has to go through her pregnancy and raising a baby without the father.
I'm sorry for your loss
not much of a shadow
johnny was 5'6"
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Gudbranson needs to be a man and step up. Its his kid after all anyways
>fatherless children
so /hoc/ will continue to live on
it's good to see gen alpha carry on the torch
is this real lol?
welcoming the newcomers
>Gudbranson will never take you into his muscular arms and hold you tight and refuse to let go
Why even live?
Yes. Its real.
I really hope the league takes care of their widows and kids. I couldn't possibly imagine the effects it'd have on my in-laws and nieces if either of my brothers died. And their poor sister, she's going to forever associate her marriage with this. I hope she and her fiance can overcome this
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tell yoshi bedtime story now!
fatboy slim is fucking in heaven
fatboy slim is fucking in heaven
fatboy slim is fucking in fucking in fucking in heaven
There was once an ugly barnacle who was so ugly that everybody died. The end.
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I got something just for you

it all started on a chilly Easter Sunday...
Yeah I don’t know what type of stuff the league has in place for these situations. Obviously they can never make the world right again for that family. But I hope they get every bit of support possible.
what did you guys think of bukkake as the new cohost
Gary wont do SHIT.
>oy vey sorry for your losses goys
Once when i was in grade 2 on the way home from school i diarrhead my pants
Anyway you're a winner kiddo and don't you forget
>*kisses his cheek
Good night champ
I guess Utah didn't want it
None of the Jets/Coyotes franchise stuff carries over to Utah. That includes stats and records and stuff like retired jerseys. Officially, Utah is a brand new franchise that has never played a game before. I think that’s stupid, but that’s the way the NHL did it. They were leaving the door open for the return of the Coyotes for some reason, but I’m pretty sure that ship has already sailed.
I was just making a joke
Hopefully his teammates will make generous donations too. Make sure the kids have their college paid for, houses paid off, etc. And I'm sure his contract had some sort of life insurance to it. Still not enough to take away the pain of losing them but something.
more fitting in Scottsdale
>Breaking news: Jets-Knights Alliance reinstated
>Elliotte Friedman, 32 Thoughts The Podcast
I wonder if the rest of Johnny’s contract gets paid out. That’s a good chunk of change.
She's definitely still going to have a couple million, I don't think it's the full amount though
Pretty sure the union or his rep would've ensured an event of death clause in the contract and a beneficiary receives whatever is owed
columbus threw the johnny memorial in the garbage already

During the memorial you could see people opening up purple gatorade bottles and eating the skittles
LOL no way you have to be joking
That’s too bad. I get that’s it’s gotta come down eventually. But I’m glad Calgary is leaving theirs up for a while. I imagine there will be something more permanent installed eventually - maybe at the new arena.
What's the significance behind those? Guessing his favorite candy and what he drank during games?
Yeah guessing it was his fav slop
when he was a little boy, Papa Gaudreau would throw skittles onto the ice and little Johnny would go after them. It helped him learn to skate.
Based, it’s what he would have wanted
The Purple Gatorade is a reference to the 2018-2019 season. The Gaudreau, Monahan, Lindholm line would always have Purple Gatorade together on the bench. People called them the Purple Gatorade line.
Sounds gay
purple has been scientifically proven to be more thirst quenching
>it's what plants crave
Never noticed the A patch design. Looks nice, any other teams that do something other than a standard font?
Just like my Islanders
Just like my islanders
Yeah it’s the old Atlanta Flames logo. They only have it on the Alternate jerseys nowadays. I like it too. I don’t know of any other teams that have a non-standard letter on there. At least not in the NHL.
Flames are just pure kino what can I say
That's pretty neat.
Will you shut up you massive faggot? It should've been you.
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well, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out, how about that? hmm?..
>let's just wait and see if I manage to the stfu, I bet I don't..
why files did an episode on hat man
they hate it. players don't like playing in calgary
I also doubt you'll ever say something funny
Why dont they just renovate the dome?
TRB is too fat to ride a bike, was never bound to happen.
not if you keep interrupting I won't...
when you're blacklisted from winning a cup you tend to not want to play for those teams
>y-you are interrupting me!
an imageboard isn't meant for two way conversations you dumb fuck boomer
This was funnier than anything trb ever did, aside from maybe get that brain injury when delivering a burrito. kwarb
No. You are incapable of ever saying anything funny or witty or of any substance whatsoever, you're like a pile of sludge, nothing can be done to make you any better but washing you away forever
is that you you butt in to every conversation despite no one caring what you have to say?
It would be very very expensive because it would require extensive structural repairs. Also, The Dome just isn’t that great despite all the sovl. The roof can’t support a lot of weight, which prevents many touring acts from coming to Calgary. The acoustics are also terrible. And the third bowl seats have a terrible vantage point and it feels like you’re sitting in the attic. The Saddledome is probably my favourite building in the world, but a new arena was inevitable.
He's retarded enough to join the military he's likely retarded enough to walk into oncoming traffic if his wrangler loses sight of him
If I was an National Hockje League player, I would go into thr Players’ Assistance Programs for abuse of drugs and alcohol. I would be a CAUTIONARY TALE. But then I would have a decent season and win the Masterton. And then retire and own a car dealership.
personally i would commit some high profile sex offense that causes the league to treat me like a leper and move to russia for a fifth the pay
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life is good bros
have a good night
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Thanks flamesbro. Good night :)
Goodnight Flamesbros. I love this city.
S to spit on /hoc/'s grave
check dis
my Anus
Hilary Knights mouth
>Just like my Islanders
That line hit so hard with me
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Samir can you quality check this >>144289186
samir is sleeping on the job again
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Anyone here watch NCAA Hockey?
Good morning Dom. Diddle any kids yet?
I am NEVER drinking again
Good morning Flamiacs (Flames Maniacs)
>*takes Easter bong rip*
>*posts gif of skeleton dancing*
>>Unfunny comment spelld incorrectly
[] .... Spelled
I'm a Comedic genius,,,, lads....
>Call me,.Gary...
>*gets raped by a fat kid that collects dolls*
I watch it when my NHL team isn’t playing
We’ve all made that promise before
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Noel went to a metties game I hope she goes to a jetties game too
Who do you suspect is locker room cancer on your team?
my team rules and they're all bros
debrusk used to serve that role and now swayman will become it
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Not locker room cancer per se but there’s plenty of footage that indicates Harley annoys the others.
Laine will score 15 goals this year and then leave to finish off his career in Finland and a short stint in the Bri'ish league
Cancer free since February 28, 2023
Hand egg is happening today so the gym will be empty :)
For me, It's the New York Rangers. America's hockey team.
If Swayman gets his ask and bombs next season I imagine the team will be pretty resentful.
thanks for the blog, fag
can it jewboy get gassed
Marchand has already called him out on being greedy
only cause he is taking away brad's pie
brad has to know that his time in the league is limited
he can still get paid
Can a New York team ever be America's team?
I am in fact working on a study of the originality of /hoc/. Your post was catalogued under a strong trend, that is concerning.
add your results to the /hoc/ wiki
Yeah but Brad has earned his stripes so to speak. Swayman is largely untested for what he’s asking. I genuinely think Swayman has let the fans get to his head. He thinks he’s the star.
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no. America's Team is the Calgary Flames
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Yeah it’s a three way tie between
For America’s team in the sense that they have the most cartoonishly American fanbases
swayman is asking for nothing more than vasi did
He was the MVP of their last playoffs run but he shared the goalie role with Ullmark last season. He's asking for too much
Utah is America's club
Chilly out today
He’d already won a Vezina at that point. Swayman has no accolades. Swayman I think is more similar to Otter than to Vasi especially at this point in his career.
winning a vezina is meaningless when you get shat on in those playoffs
swayman's playoff sv% is higher than vasi at that point in his career
it is the correct comparison
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Because he played the leafs and lost to the panthers? 2 rounds is what you’d base 10mx8 on? When he hasn’t started in more than 45 games in a season? That’s way too risky financially.
hellebuyck won vezina last season. how'd he do in playoffs?
explain to me how 10 million makes financial sense when you just got swept by the blue jackets after being carried to a 62 win season
okay tampa loses him. No back to back cups.
this is what boston is giving up
You’re assuming Swayman will carry them to a cup after starting an entire season and I don’t think he will.
mormons are true american patriots
its worth 10 mil to find out
I'd rather have Wolfie on his deal
But not 80 million lmao
why not? you arent paying the salary
What’s the point in giving goalies lots of money? One wrong move and their knee or something will get so fucked up they cant play anymore.
Fall has arrived. I had to wear sweatpants to eat outside
Is that you Jeremy? In his professional career he’s started
>10 games
>41 games
>37 games
>44 games
It’s insane to play less than half of a season and think you’re worth 80 million dollars that’s frankly pretty insulting to Linus who carried the other half the games.
Based. Don't draft them either, let some other suckers do that and end up with too many so they have to give them away for free
>44 games
>less than half a season
stop slobbering on jacobs cock
>his career high is starting 44 games
>worth 80 million
We both know that’s delusional
Just sign swayman and stop bitching
he is capable of starting more games and will if they sign him with ullmark gone
there is more to hockey than the regular season but you completely ignore that since you value a president's trophy higher than a cup
Sign him to 4x6.2
why are you expected to defend the owner's pocket book
You don’t get magically refreshed come playoffs especially if you’re not running tandem anymore.
didnt affect vasi
Why are you simping for Swayman?
hi Jacob's you slimy fuck
he isnt a billionaire, just a man asking for what he is worth
Well he’s a completely different person that played on a different team with different teammates and coaching soo
more like jerememe Gayman kwab
It’s like talking to Swifties lmao
with comparable stats and more cap space available than there was in 2019
>Hey Anon, the Bruins should keep their best goalie after losing Ullmark for peanuts, they should sign him
>"Erm no, he isn't worth 10M because he only played 44 games in a year"
agreed. he deserves 6.5million
You ignored the different set of circumstances point. Feverishly maintaining
>it’s gonna go down identically to that other guy that other time just trust me bro
Is how literal retards think.
The soo are so fuckin good
another billionaire that doesnt need my help defending her chequing account
>its gonna go down completely differently cause bawston is shit and has no hope of winning a cup with or without swayman
ok you win
>that doesnt need my help
Do you think Swayman personally needs your help?
Without Swayman the broons are missing playoffs
yes he does, cause he plays for a team where the fans care more about the billionaire than the players
wow hot take retard
reminder Jeremy Jacobs is the worst owner in hockey but nobody tells you that
he's responsible for the 2013 lockout
>yes he does, cause he plays for a team where the fans care more about the billionaire than the multimillionaire players
Do you see why I’m having trouble taking you seriously
poor boston bruins fans

they don't want to keep their best goalie
Imagine they miss it with Swayman. What then?
yeah you think 6 million dollars is equal to a billion
then they can finally begin rebuilding
everyone laughs and posts >bombston ruins and calls you a fag
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I think 80 million is a much larger number than 24 million but 24 million as a bridge isn’t exactly peanuts either.
Boston finally is a garbage team and runs out of bullshit.
swayman hasnt been paid 80 million
hes been paid ~6 million
jacobs has 4.6 billion
Starting with?
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funniest shit ever
>you should throw money away just cause
Yeah no wonder you’re broke. Swayman should take 6 million for 4 years and prove he’s worth 10 million. He knows he’s not which is why he’s aggressively angling for it before we all find out.
how much money is jacobs paying you to simp for him?
It has nothing to do with the ownership and you refute my point so I accept your concession.
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>don't throw money around, just lowball your goalie lol
you are doing it for free? you are in no position to give financial advice
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>"Hey Swayman, we're not gonna pay you what you want because we need to have Nikita Zadorov play on our first D-pair"
You’re simping for Swayman for free? Same synagogue or something?
yeah, im doing it for free
poor guy is fighting a billionaire
It’s not a lowball it’s precisely what he’s currently worth.
>as determined by my billionaire daddy
Be any more melodramatic
Wow you guys are talking about hockey but you're still retarded
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yeah it shouldnt be a fight to get paid but this is jacob's nhl
More logical than determining he’s worth nearly 100 million based on hopes, dreams, and fantasies. Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
>wont anyone think about jacob's bank account
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
>Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
>Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
so who's missing playoffs next season?
worked for the lightning
Vegas baby
Tell me how the hopes and dreams payment strategy worked out for the Maple Leafs
kitties are a legit team. everyone knew they were the best in the east last year
>brings up the laffs from no where to cope
Like you did with the lightning? Knife cuts both ways bozo
i brought up the lightning early in this conversation and you know it
vasi and swayman are direct comparables and their respective team situations are similar too when vasi was signed
And will likely be again this year. Therefore
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
>Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
>Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
Nearly 100 million to lose to the panthers in the ploffs every year lol
You’re actually mentally ill if you think Pasta, Marchand, and fucking Coyle are gonna gonna win Boston a cup because Swayman got a pay raise this year.
kitties have downgraded. the question is who'll eliminate them in the east
versus you, a mentally ill person who thinks they can win without swayman
They aren’t winning regardless that’s the point dumbass
that isnt your point though, you think they should sign swayman for less
idk but not chris
If you asked me to describe the weather I would say it's positively mid-April-like
The only loss for Florida that'll hurt is losing Montour. They are fine.
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True and based
Correct because he can only take them to a 2nd round exit.
No clearly they should only focus on paying Swayman more because that’ll magically fix everything
they can pay swayman AND get more scoring

crazy fuckin idea!
>Correct because he can only take them to a 2nd round exit.
its all that hes taken them thus far, vasi had this same issue
then he got paid and won two cups
Just like the maple leafs right lmao
if the maple leafs had a goalie worth 10mil then yes
Toronto has never paid a goalie gargantuan money though.
Unless they do both it’s nonsensical to do either if they actually want to win
>its not worthwhile keeping talent on the team unless your entire team is talented
retard logic
Because not even they are that stupid. Jeremy Swayman is not worth 10mil a year. The Bruins aren’t the lightning.
its not about stupidity, the laffs literally have no one with the qualifications to get paid 10 mil
but you bring them up anyways to cope
swayman is worth more than 10 mil, 10 mil is a deal
>2 round exit
>panthers bitch
>worth 10 mill
>they lost that means they can never win again
retard logic
>swayman is worth more than 10 mil
How much is he worth in your opinion?
You think paying Swayman more will suddenly make them make it to a cup final let alone win?
Quick name the last time the Bruins actually made a deadline deal worth a shit.
to make true vasi money he would need to get paid 11.6 of the cap
which would be 10,208,000 for next season

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