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Canadian Dominance edition
We're in here

diaz was about to beat gsp BTW
Fuck you
Sean “I went pitter patter life and death with 40 year old washed up dorito burns” Brady is welterweight champ material fer sure, b
You got any better contenders?
this is not the thread, yet
Shaavkaat and Ian The future macaco Garry
Brady decisions Garry
i chose to post here so therefore this IS the thread
Vegan Ian wins via smashed orbital bones and massive brain damage.
First 10 minutes of >>144284940 r/heem: 9 posts

Last 10 minutes of >>144282979 gamethread: 25 posts
yeah, not posting in your gay thread
You’re the type to pocket watch another man. Go fuck yourself.
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Dricus has never fought a patriot before
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Take that kind of content to r/MMAPoliticsandCulture
she fought stipe?
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interesting heem timing. literally just 2 second difference.
Best fight of the weekend is starting now. Nurmagomedov v Shabliy in Bellator. The winner here is likely a top 5 LW in the UFC
They aren’t in the ufc so they’re both irrelevant. Fuck off.
We're watching it in here

Don't be such a proud caz. Usman is coming over once Islam is ready to move up or retire.
oh shit dana white in the chat
I’ll heem you irl
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omfg pls no im sorry
You'll still lose the story cuz you missed Usman v Shabliy. It's one of the best MMA fights you can make outside of the UFC
i actually think weidman would beat dricus
i cant explain why, but i know it to be true
I don’t care. It’ll suck because it is put together by Bellator or PFL or whoever the fuck.
i lke when brazzas win
a victory of comradery and good morals
local casino is scuffed b
plotting my escape
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Night and day. Day and night.
just how bad is jon jones.jpg
horrific point fighting
I don't think Usman could beat Islam
Islam hits too hard and has too much experience
Islam is the Goku of the UFC
Fuck Dana
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I am honestly excited about this fight, it's like Lawler V Diaz again
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Have you accepted him as your next UFC LW champion yet?
betting is such a scam
picking 4/4 fights that have reasonably close odds should 10x your bet
am I missing something?
if you missed one and went 3/4 you get nothing right?
In terms of power level:
Khabib ≈ Islam > Umar > Usman >>> Abu Bakr > Said
Usman needs to leave Bellator and face some real competition or he risks plateauing and never accomplishing his full potential
It was a compelling chess match.
The UFC and ONE should allow headbutts.
>Khabib ≈ Islam
Who tell you this bruzza
my friend let me give you a gambling tip from a pro. Dont make parlays they are a scam instead just bet it all on each individual fight you had in your parlay and you will make a larger return
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no way ufc doesnt own pfl.
mma is just ufc, one and small fish promos.
you mean by rolling your winnings into the next bet so you're able to gamble more money instead of gambling with better odds?
Is that AEW Vince?
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Realistically, who can stop them?
heterosexuality and/or brendan schaub
The -stans.
Brazil, usually
yes check the math
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Yeah I'm thinking I know someone
cheating bitches cant beat a Canadian without cheating
>110:1 vs 1.75:1
yeah for sure my man totally but I disagree
People with elite anti-grappling, elite cardio, elite striking and elite heart
Mexico is shit. Not a single good Mexican contender.
Is it true that Mexicans as a society are quickly becoming interested in MMA? Also, you think Daniel Zellhuber and Manuel Torres can become top heemers?
You just know that dude wouldn't stop yapping about his farm eggs, I'm glad he got heemed.
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People forget man
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just fyi you're going to have opposition
American 50-40'd you in that exchange
Ill have those mexican eggs I promise you
just imagine that SUMBITCH Adam let eve eat from our forbidden tree and didn't Heem her
when there's a good mexican fighter above victimweight let me know
we're watching yugo vs musashi
I would've snitched on Eve and gotten her..... y'know
before eating from the tree Adam didn't even know he could heem
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Full camp Volk
There's no good Mexican fighters at victimweight either.
Cain 'I didn't kill my brother' Velasquez?
Tatsuo Taira
would get heemed by hoser boser, and I think boser is a bum.
Anyone who does not observe Ramadan.
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Quit glazing yourself, an American was right though
Fluffy Hernandez b
Fighting more than once every 18 months.
That American really 50-40'd you and some other tard effortlessly
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Not immediately after Islam. Maybe in the future.
Honestly? Sean O'Connell is fucking awesome on commentary.
Isn't Said doing better than Aboobacar? But Said isn't part of their family anyway
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so true
>nothing pointfighting lay 'n pray decision heems anybody who isn't a literal who regional bum
he has a no contest for getting busted for litl bet steroids brazza against chandler's son.

He's nowhere near ufc LW title level. Poorier heems him.
people outside of fighting fans dont know who jones is. they know who rousey is tho.
is this a retarded idea or should Austin Bashi try to cut down to flyweight? he's like 5'4 so he's too small for every other weight class but he just fought at featherweight
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How does such a small area produce so many elite fighters? The combined population of all the places shown here is less than 25 million, and yet they totally dominate wrestling, are vastly over-represented in MMA, and have a ton of elite boxers and kick-boxers. What's their secret?
is the guy who put on the snoozefest against sneedhagen?
good combination of genetics and little opportunity to comfortably support your family and wrestling is already a big part of the cultures
Nogay chink subhumans producing nothing of value as usual.
why are brazzas afraid of moustaches?
Exactly, she was a star
they actually cant grow them
except for pakis i think most hadjis are mustachlets
UFC 306 is unironically an 8/10 card
>Rosas Jr
That's 5 bangers and 2 good prospects.

we're watching RISE WORLD SERIES 2024: YOKOHAMA right now
remove rosas and torres/baha, rod/osbourne, and zellhuber/ribovics and I agree they are good matches/prospects
It's a Sunni ting afaik fampai persians and kurds grow them out
Why would you remove Torres/Bahamondes and Zellhuber/Ribo? All 4 are sick. Torres and Ribovics are insane finishers and Bahamondes & Zellhuber have a ton of potential and excellent gas tanks/chins.
>very quickly shoos dricus away from adesanya after he gets heem tappyd
Would he have offered this same courtesy if shartsanya heemed him?
they cant grow them
even if they can they're shaving them out of convenience, it can get pretty annoying
kurds are mostly sunni tho
>the prophet (peace be upon him) has declared that no servant of allah should allow hair above the lips because only allah can sit above the lips
at least let me remove osbourne, he stinks
bahamondes isn't even mexican
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Ive been drunk as fuck the past couple weekends so wmma has been alright
kek fair enough
Just like how every pakistani claims every guy who worships their false prophet. Mexicans are just those who are able to speak a few words of spanish without consulting a dictionary.
bahamondes is Egyptian royalty builder of the pyramids
to many fucking events. they should just cut every bum out of the top 5 in every division. and have like 2 events a year to showcase the top martial artists
decisions don't count as wins. fighting less than twice a year drops you from rankings. there fixed this gay sport.
you'll get it you sumbitch I promise you, fuckin cheating won the night.
I only started to watch wmma because my coworkers accused me of being gay
ufc is too big so 90 percent of it is going to be bum shit with people who will never go anywhere. its almost worse than how wrestling fags are. stop watching any slop put in front of your face.
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
Gets in the way of crotch-sniffing
SHABILY defended every takedown
why islam is included in the dynasty? nigga isnt even from the same ethnicity
the bathtub picture and khabib’s final duck
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at least I can grow a stache
the tatsuro taira dynasty has a higher winrate
Honestly I do envy their comradery but I hate the gayness, Shabily won.
brazzy, why you never fight ton-ACK
Islam was adopted into the Nurmagomedov clan and was Abdulmanap's favorite pupil
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russian isnt an ethnicity btw
Candian IS an ethnicity
I thawlt sunnis heem kurds well whatever makwan still has a moustache
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literally had 1 takedown so did Shabily
alright fair enough
clan, tribes, whatever you know what i mean
not a takedown
in bellator it is
takedown no takedown dazzan matta brazza
what matta is who wins brazza pls you know this
you still have wings?
>uhh yeah khabib, first question over to your right. yeah so i heard that in afghanistan they do this thing called bacha bazi where adult men have sex with young boys (i'm talking about gay pedophilia if you weren't clear about that) and i know that they are mountain muslims like you so i was wondering how often you're hitting young bussy. is it on the reg or just when your wife is on the blob, how does it work?
you talmbout chicken wings b?
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>ruins your collective mountain muslim undefeated record
heh, nothing personnell, pisslam
yea i got some, cold tho, i'll heat it up for ye
well ofc, what else would he talmbout?
The Great Adriano Martins
ducked mokaev to fight pooegg
>The Nurmagomedovs
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>Canadian MMA
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Ilia Topuria via KO (R1)
Rick would Heem lahey
What a shit card
thank you I would have missed this
You really think so?
There's a pay wall written in vietnamese how are you not missing it b
wildly clicked through all the gook runes, pretty sure I agreed to all cookies and a small bitcoin miner
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we're watching medievoheem here, b
I'll be awaiting my cut
you're welcome babe
it's literally free
Give a fellow nordchad(tm) the qrd on how to get passed the wall of scribbles
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Post YFW
>Canadian MMA
2 hours of >>144282979 Bellator thread: 250 posts

2 hours of >>144284940 r/UFC thread: 44 posts
you just press the right buttons, I think google translate works? if not, screenshot it and use the google image translate function. I think it just wants your gender and what programming you like, no need to pay anything or even give actual personal info
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el classico
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Oh boy...
lmaooo he keeps getting downed
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daner would never use real catgirls
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If he removes "Muay Thai" and just keeps "Kickboxer" and keeps posting it it would be hilarious
Keeps taking me to download some app :'k
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This Mexican card doesn’t have anyone over 155lbs
sorry babe.. maybe it's different in ireland? I kinda doubt that though
lmao just realized it's italy I am retarded
I mean yeah he already did it
The whole post doesn't hold up to much scrutiny
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from that pic looks like schaub has a pencil dick im afraid to say
Whens Fluffy fighting?
You watched the apex slop and you liked it.
Case closed.
a GLORY/RISE featherweight crossover either ends in glory getting completely fucking pasted, or RISE artificially bringing some of their worse fighters to make it fair.
Jokes on you I slept and in my dream there was some fat american family doing incest and then yelling at each other and I woke up in disgust
actually I guess petch is fw so they might have a chance, any other non-heavy division and they'd get completely stomped
sad stuff that Blagoy did
Stop attacking Kyle Nelson like that
The UFC really thought that a card as good as the first Noche fight night from last year tier card + mumble mouth O'Malley v Merab would be the event of the year kek.
I'm attacking your family
ill go for 20 bucks
You seem quite brazen about it actually
Feel bad I just know some dad shilled out like 5k for nosebleeds just for tickets to go down by 90% the last day
Peeyadh season, saudis couldnt put on a serious event if they were paid and not the ones paying
Call me an old softie but the sphere is not shaped for a proper sporting event and it looks more like an amphitheater
The Sphere was built for no reason
Sweden sucks
Sweden rocks
over the counterarguement
Sweden bops
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I wish the UFC would do an event in an outdoor amphitheater.
For me it's Roxette and ABBA
I wish the UFC would plant a bomb in the center of Mecca and claim God did it but you see me making a post about it
Heem is the Hives Box is the Ark
>I'm a woman now :)
Said is a distant relative
that's what fight island was supposed to be, they even had the octagon outside but Dana is a soulless bald fraud.
bkfc has outdoor events
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why wont you let me me bang
the slam didnt knock him out, it was the brutal headbutt that rampage started bleeding from immediately after
let me fucking bang
let me fucking bang bro
oh the poosman fight was boring as fuck? no freakin way
bro i could teach you so many things bro you have no idea I could take you places
He said Mexican not American, he even used the Mexico map to make it more obvious
ey a ti quien te hablo
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fuck o'malley
fuck merab
fuck grasso
fuck shevchenko
fuck ortega
fuck diego
andy wang? he's a warrior bro
36 year old Aiemann Zahabi is Canada’s last hope at a ranked fighter.
Tu no, eso lo garantizo
You have to be unironically a homosexual to watch the poofc in 2024
Stop speaking mexican you beaners
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its not gay if you have never paid for it
Tu callattato
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the belt, jon
did I miss any good heems
In Italian little man is translated as ométto
combat press rating chadd collins as the second best worldwide is pretty funny.
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Based I haven't given Dana a penny for 14 years of watching the ufc
in addition to purchasing any and all ufc products, i donate 51% of my remaining funds directly to dana white
If you don't drive Toyo Tires, the official tire of the UFC, you ain't drivin', pal
last night I had a dream where pereira actually did move back down to 185 to fight for the belt, and he KO’d DDP in round 1. as in one shot and DDP was instantly asleep.
The heart of Brazil, Alexandre Pantoja
The star of the show, Suga Sean O'malley
Playing with the bulls, Ilia Topuria
Carrying on legacy, Islam Makhachev
Chatri won the weekend AGAIN
The Fag of the Thread, Retard Swede
The bane of Israel, Belal Muhammad
No homo b but if you ever come eastwards there will be a welcoming feast, drinks and a heated sauna waiting
thats gonna have to be what it is, put him to sleep immediately, something he cant tough his way through, so he cant activate his accumulated damage-based cartoon physics powers and turn the fight on its head
The Jewel of Africa, Dricus Du Plessis
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Sorry no blacks on the card for you this time
With the spirits of the jungle, Alex Pereira
I invented the WHO WAS PHONE?? meme. Ten years later I invented the Toilet Till meme.

Don't call it a comeback.
Heavy weighs the crown, Jon Jones
If O'Malley beats Merab we have to start talking GOAT status.
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Exquisite post
Larger than life, Conor McGregor
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>this is the most recent action Stipe has had inside the Octagon
Silly is the clown, Jon Jones
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Paki is the bong
President of Ireland, Conor McGregor.
No fighters has the nation, Finland
When striking becomes art, Ciryl Gane
pene y huevo torturo
Champion of combat, Tom Aspinall
...and Icarus fell, Alexander Volkanovski
brandon schaub
A lion from the favelas, Charles Oliveira
if you lives in sweden, you're not a brazza
Little bit uncalled for b
Destruction in his wake, Justin Gaethje
My beautiful Nanaka. My beautiful sweet angel queen.
She is a paragon of Japanese excellence. When I look upon her, I see a warrior princess, from the highest blood in glorious Nippon. Were we living in another era, she would be stalking through the night, assassinating evil Shoguns and protecting the innocent. Athletic, yet beautiful, feminine. Confident and brash, yet sweet and approachable.

Oh, Nanaka! What an honour it is to sing your praises!
You are the finn
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main event time

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