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laugh at carlton general
>Wasted a slot for the mighty PieGODS
Can the Bloos be any worse?
with bloos
you loose
maybe the pies shouldn't have loomed TWICE this season. that's all it would've taken.
look in your own backyard.
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You're right, I'm sorry. I... I just... You know, am having a rough patch at the moment *sigh*
don't embarrass yourself further
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meant for
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rohan's head done got a crack init
any clips from finals week?
besides the swans specky
no one follows aflw retard
>in the best hands
reckon she's giving him a tug job?
no but Steven May
plenty here
So fucking bored
whats up mate?
bane beats gws
hawks beat power
that's just the way it is
meth mostly
If anyone's interested in sports rigging, some poster on /tennis/ posted this. good article, in 2 parts.
pt 1
pt 2
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Rewatching the swans giants game again. currently at half time.
dumbledore dies btw
Adam Kingsley doesn't have a beard
no but Steven May
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>mighty PieGODS
How can they be "mighty" when they failed to make the finals?
2/2 so far and I've tipped Fremantle. Possibly a bad day for me.
gold coast tip was wrong mate
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I tipped Richmond and Geelong. Yes I know Geelong drew, but they were the underdogs meaning it would a winning bet.
rain is comfy as fuck rn.
decided against 'za, kek be damned. fish (bream) and handcut chips tonight
no one gives a shit you blogposting faggot
you seem to. stop being such an angry cunt for once.
can't believe i died just to satiate some fat virgin
*extends handshake. Tightly clasps it with the other hand and you feel sharp rough paper inside your hand. I walk away and you discover that I've left you with 900 plebocrata*
>eating meat
Who are you talking to mate? You should probably respond to the poster by clicking on their post number. It's only polite.
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its ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings
Thanks mate forgot to add it.

Meant for

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Miss Sunday footy
>fuckton of injuries
darling is actually very durable. really only missed a handful of games his entire career.
based steve smith iykwim haha
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>something in the waaaaayyy
but they happened within the last 2 years.
>reality check and micksperg are both >meant for posting.
odd. strange. and due to the inherent and incredibly based anonymising nature of 4chan it's something i find quite annoying about tripfags. not a doctor, despite all his smarts (booklearned, street or otherwise) can't seem to differentiate between anons.
this iteration of RC is micksperg using a language model mate
tfw i broke RC
I did catch that reference and it did have an impact on the structural integrity of my sides! Well done anon
that's what i mean, a broken arm and he still played almost every game. compare him to someone nearly a decade younger like oscar allen who seems to miss a season every other season.
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>yfw micksperg and rc are cuddling like the cancer they are
There should be ids on every board
>b-b-but shitposters will use proxies
When it gets implemented you'll be able to see the sameposting in the first place.

Australians still get called shitposters because when flags were implemented on /sp/, it showed we were making the yank v euro threads.

That shows the power of such a change
Only people I'm cuddling are my family.

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How bout you cuddle my cock with your arse
I would welcome this wholeheartedly. It would demonstrate my commitment to daring to don the trip without breaking that oath.
>using a tripcode
>on an anonymous imageboard
All trip users should be permabanned

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do you mean the Hippocratic oath iykwim haha
reckon you're a dumb fuck retard who doesn't realise it would be much less effort to just not allow tripfags in the first place
Exactly, but trips are welcomed, even encouraged on thisnsite due to the value they bring to the communities. You can choose to remain anonymous, or you can dare to don the trip. The choice is entirely yours and the idea that this is an 'anonymous website' is perpetuated by the same people stuck in 2005 who think it's cool to wear a Guy Fawkes mask.
>gets called out
>starts replying to himself to try and cover up
very sad
see your posts
That's my idea, but unless you ban the trip users first then they're still able to post in the first place
what "value" do you bring? Seriously, you consider all your nonsensical posts about "rigging" and your even more nonsensical stories to add "value"

The best "value" you could bring to /afl/ is to never post again
Who are you referring to mate?

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Overheard at a grocery store by someone waiting in line behind a woman speaking on her cellphone in another language. Ahead of her was a white man. After the woman hangs up, he speaks up.
Man: "I didn't want to say anything while you were on the phone, but you're in America now.
You need to speak English."
Woman: "Excuse me?"
Man: *very slow* "If you want to speak Indian, go back to India. In Australia, we speak English."
Woman: "Sir, I was speaking Boonwurrung. If you want to speak English, go back to England."
the raped
there's literally fuck all they can do if you don't allow trip faggotry in the first place
based based based
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Fremantle can still win this.
RC runs this fucking general, even when he's not around, this general is his.
fraudguts strikes again lol
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>The best "value" you could bring to /afl/ is to never post again
port vs cats was the only one I got wrong
What about you guys?
I tipped Bulldogs and GWS
hungry as fuck
does he post you his panties to sniff? or his socks?
Obviously I should have tipped Hawthorn but I stand by my GWS tip, they should've won.
When Sydney came back and won yesterday I don't think I've seethed harder at a football game. I cannot stand this Sydney team fuck I hate them and I hope they get absolutely belted by Geelong in the Grand Final.
No you were probably right to tip dogs. There was no way known it was going to be rigged so badly in favour of Hawthorn and I'm still puzzled why they did it.
kek what a dead general
Why are the crows shit but the ports good? Also is Adelaide so big it needs two teams?
>tipped against fatguts brady every time
>won $1200
the fat bitch brady will never acknowledge that i am better than him
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gay-league and nrlpoofs STILL need a general to reeee in.
utterly based.
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>Fremantle can still win this.
>didn't kick a goal the entire game
Yep made a big blunder on that one.
had a dream that i ate out soarse ronan's shaved snatch
shut the fuck up worthless shithead
I asked a question...
love her so much
Who are you talking to mate?

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>be non committal in world wars
>wonder why ignored
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I’ll tell ask the same question I asked when I went to look at cars
Nice model, got it in white?
The racist idiot.
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Do you watch replays of WWE clips too?

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lel you so mad
i have the shittest life out of anyone here
About rigged games? Of course I am. It's preposterous.
I think its incredibly disrespectful how you claim these matches are rigged. Incredibly disrespectful.
Noone who ever played footy would make such a heinous claim.
RC has never at any point provided any actual evidence of "rigging".

I'm being completely serious in saying I think he should see a mental health professional
Big blunder to think it wouldn't be rigged
where is kingy first crack for finals
Someone answer the Swiss poster’s question
silence is violence fuck the nazi cunts
its a dumb fucking question that answers itself
good to see the afl practised using their "ball chip technology" to rig a game for the blues today
my wife practicises ball cage technology to make me blue
Now this is podracing
it was incredible
with collingwood out of the finals they are rigging goal of the year for poor little nicky
so sad
Crows lose all of their good players and 2 teams in adelaide is appropriate. Port are not that much better than Crows
yeah probably
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This but unironically
crazy how many hawthorn fans would have attended their first game since 2018 on friday
>all those white people
cute. but her bf is cropped out.
I've fucked about 20 women who looked like that. Nothing special.

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exactly! Hawthorn needs DIVERSITY!
you guys think about black people a lot hey?
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Sure thing mate, sure thing
I don’t believe in sexual relations outside of marriage. I believe it is a sin.
I wonder if she's saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl would? Imagine the hair down there
>boomer bitch in mask thnik she goana catch monkey pox
>Port are not that much better than Crows
This season they are
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crazy how rick rubin produced the best comedy album of all time
You literally just used the Sikh app
more like dick rubin kek
>old white cracker music
I mostly listen to country/bluegrass and gospel these days
the reason im mentioning rick rubin and dice clay is because this new rc ripoff reminds me of dice clays comedy and the day the laughter died.
Butters can't keep getting away with it.
>old white cracker music
best music
for me its zz top
>old white cracker
best fucken music

in 30 years rap is going to be considered old cracker music. zoomers have the worst taste in music.
boring mick
my advice to anyone complaining on 4chan; lurk for a few years and then come back when your brain has fully formed. usually happens after 25 years of age.
just btfo some dumb kraut cunt in the t& f thread
>people consider the music they grew up with to be better than current era music
Amazing revelation professor, did you come up with
>then come back when your brain has fully formed
Given you're using a tripcode your brain still hasn't fully formed and you should take your own advice, champ
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im 42 champ
Nobody cares fuckwit

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