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>Torikumi for day 5:

>Sumo links and how to watch live:

>oops i got pushed out and landed in your lap hahaha ur so warm hahaha
Waito piggus Gou hooomu
What the fuck was he even thinking? No way he could land a good nodowa with how tall Onosato is.
Is that her boss? Are they fugging? Will they fug while you masturbate and cry yourself to sleep?
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Has Uncle tweeted anything lately?
At this rate they're gonna need a wheelbarrow for those envelopes
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How do I watch, is there a signup process?
noooo ack
Taiho > Kotozakura
KotozACK strikes again
Taihobros stay winning.
Excellent bout, excellent showing from Oho. Onosato is now the remaining 5-0, it's onosatover.
Biggest win in Oho's career. Fattest stack.
>Onosato is now the remaining 5-0, it's onosatover.
Shodai is going to pull off an upset tomorrow and we'll end up with a 6-way tie.
>she sees your dick
Sumo family and sumo stream 4 on youtube but only Japanese commentary anons here can probably link you to an English speaking streams.
Stop posting my wife please arigato
I saw her first, back off.
Are they all related or is this SEGREGATION
Was too busy to watch live, but nice to see that not only atami won, but hirado and the waka brothers as well. Good day
It's heart warming to see Atamifuji and Shirokuma fighting whilst completely fucking blind. Like nigga open your EYES.
No weight classes, no separation for the disabled, just like the ancestors intended
Zak cant handle pressure he saw it was just him and onosato at the top and choked always the chaser and not the chased but he's 3-1 against onosato so theirs some hope. Maybe those minor injuries are catching up idk how he manhandles hiradaumi to losing to 1-3 ouhou.
Kotoz-ACK!!!ura indeed.
go back to your anime, weebs
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>Losing to Oho
What's worse is he's lost recently to mita tomorrow will test that DAWG fuck you faggots go ride onosato's dick some more.

Still a ozeki still the second best
If you can stand a mild amount of streamerism and/or are capable of hiding your power level, Midnight Sumo on Twitch is where I go.
Is NattoSumo still doing it?
Yeah, but his vids are only available via his >dicsord nowadays because he refuses to switch to ABEMA.

There's constant reuploads to YT under third-party botted accounts though.
>top of the crop earlier today
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Rest in Piss
their struggles are almost over
Tour guide companies buy up blocks of seats so tourists can catch a day as part of their other tourist stuff.
Yeah I had to do this when I went since I couldn't get seats through their shitty site. Our tour guide was this based 100 year old man who loved Ichiyamamoto and got up to scream his name as loud as he could whenever he came up. He made some old german guy fake wrestle with him too so he could explain the rules.
My nigga Oho managed to beat an Ozeki, I'm happy to see that he's slowly improving, I have no reason to believe he'll ever honor the legacy of Taiho but not looking clueless in the ring is good enough
>Chiyomaru 3-0
major happening
With Takakeisho gone it's time for him to step up and become the next sphere.
I watch midnight sumo. he replays the stream all day while the tourney is not ongoing, so it replays the whole day's action twice. between 8-11ish in the AM is juryo and makuuchi, then mid afternoon again
>the next sphere
bushozan is already there
I also found some dude last night streaming it on youtube blissfully free of commentary but I forget what the channel name is
round and round, what goes around comes around
Best to never make ozeki ura is a eternal jobber
Hiradoumi has really come alive these last two basho.
Still got shit on by zak
He needs a mean streak, he looks too polite out there.
I bet Kotoshoho could suck a mean dick with those lips.
His hot ass wife loves them
Hot-ass wife or hot ass-wife?
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You be the judge.
She's pretty :3c
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Sphere? Anon...
Ura would rather lose than put on a boring match. That's his sumoudou, his sumo way.
I hope for Hoshoryu's sake he can claw it back and keep going strong and not lose ranking, because imagine going home and getting your ass beat by fucking Asashoryu of all people.
For me, it's Takakeisho's mom
Wish I could make a woman smile like this.
I think it's part of being from a small stable, his body is very well developed but the mind isn't there yet
>based Japanese man will never sing you to the ring
Why even live bros?
Can’t stand listening to that low t faggot but I do like the old jap commercials he plays.
Become a camera
She's married to a fat man with big lips. He must eat pussy like a starving Ethiopian.
What does Japanese pussy taste like?
onions sauce and coins
Salty coins and milk
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My man Hiradoumi is going to put together a nice Ozeki run. Onosato is probably set with a 11-4D, but if Kotozakura keeps shitting himself, Onosato might get a 2nd Yusho.
Can someone explain to me how Onosato keeps winning? He NEVER looks good in a match to me. His pushing doesn't look forceful, he doesn't seem to be notably good on the belt, but he's just walking through makuuchi while fatsos bounce off him.


THIS is what pushing looks like. How the fuck is Onosato doing it?
>Can someone explain to me how Onosato keeps winning?
he's big and uses both his arms
Mass can compensate for a relative lack of skill up to a certain point.
The way he beat keisho was pretty mean, he knew keisho had a bad neck and he hit him with several strong head butts and knocked keisho out of the 'sho and probably into retirement.
What are you smoking? Onosato is way more skillful than akebono who was just tall. He has masterful body control which is why he makes it look so easy.
>Reddit, the post
Professionals aim for the weak spots, bro. I am sure this is a storyline in multiple manga. Ippo has probably done it 3 or 4 times.
He looks awkward but he has all the tools, they're just unrefined, but they're there
Murray complimented his footwork in particular and I would agree with that too
This is what I do, but I also use this https://www.sumo.or.jp/EnHonbashoMain/torikumi/1/6/ to make it easier to keep track of where the stream is at, since the rank numbers aren't in Japanese.
He's a monster he'd make one hell of a defensive lineman he puts all his weight into his push if you don't get on his belt its a wrap.
Not an argument, retard.
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The next Yokozuna
This madman dropped on purpose just so he could pick up a Juryo Zensho for his list of accolades.
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Don't know if we should utter the "Z" word in regards to Onosato atm.
Don't worry, MY boy Hiradoumi will see to that!
This fag is a fluke farmed retards if he was in joi he'd get his ass flipped like nephew did to him everyday and now he's farming the low juryo. Easy to look good against bums like tomokaze
>if he was in joi
He beat Onosato, a Komusubi, a Sekiwake AND an Ozeki lmao
Don’t hate on skinny legs he is legit.
Im not saying his yusho wasnt good he was hot going into week 2 in joi he wouldn't have gotten in the groove he did facing top dogs week 1. Good yusho but it was a fluke
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Hands off - I saw him first.
Isegahama has 3 Yokozuna training people so that barely matters, Takeru is only getting better and he was already stellar
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those girl feet are going to be the end of him, he needs to stop skipping leg day
Remember the days of Hakuho, Harumafuji, and Kakuryu. All these guys fucking suck.
We're in a changing of the guard period. The old guys are hitting their walls and on the way out. The young bucks are coming up but not there yet. Couple more years and I think we're gonna see a new golden age.
imagine 5 years from now and nabatame is still in makushita
>printed out one kanji per A4 paper and just put them together
I can't even call this sovl. This is just sad. Real soul would be drawing the kanji out by hand.
Shishi looks like he called me a nigger on Xbox Live and said he fucked my mom.
That was a sick throw. Chiyoshouma is 6-0 now.
Let's be real, we all did.
Maybe he has stack of those printed A4 so he can reuse the kanji for other wrestlers?
I didn't. I have a PlayStation.
Wait, what? WHAT???

Day 6: Murray

I think this is the first time ever that someone has commentated two back-to-back days. Did he way why? Is Hiro sick or anything?
Did kitanowaka bite his fucking arm?
That was a BIG WIN.
What the fuck is wrong with her hair?
Excellent sumo by Yasu.
Wew. Papa bear looked like he was fucking smurfing there.
Can't find any streams of NHK's japanese broadcast anymore this sucks
What the hell was that from Kagayaki? He basically just stopped in his tracks and let Hoku slap him down.
Sumo family livestream 2 is live, thats where i watch with japanese commentary
This fucking guy's face.
This is a nice shot. I always wondered where in the arena the broadcasters sat in. I wonder if the Abema place is close-by.
Midorifuji slammed into his opponent like he was 10 inches taller and 100 pounds heavier. Manlets...
Kayo is bastard child of Gagamaru and Toyonoshima
What did I miss today?
Ura you nimble madlad.
Ura's gunning for sanyaku again.
It's honestly wild how one of the most exciting rikishi has only ever gotten one sansho.
JSA should consider giving him Gino-sho for every 9-6.
you know what's a fluke? takanosho's run last basho.
Gotta say, I really enjoy watching Gonoyama. With a bit more maturity he's easily san'yaku material and I think he could hang around there for a good long while.
Yeah she's cute :3
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Interesting head to head records
I don't think anyone thought that Takanosho was strong Ozeki level overnight.
Wktk is not that guy
Atamifuji PLEASE start winning.
Fucking hell, Atami. Not like this.
If Onosato ends up two wins ahead of everyone else I'm going to fucking scream.
2 wins over the pursuers give a lot of false sense of security. Takayasu flashbacks.
Atami choking already, not like this.
Goddamn it
Holy fuck he actually blew him away at the tachiai.
lol, shodai removed like a trash bag
Holy shit. Ozeki sumo. Poor Shoddie.
plan bros...

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Waka decides to follow Ura's example and unlock his Warlock powers.
I dont get it, onosato has been winning the same way since he got to makuuchi, how do the others not prepare for it? Surely they could train their tachiai or something
>how do the others not prepare for it
Because he's like 6'3 and 370lb. and all of his joints still work like they should.
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He literally maxed all his stats to pushing, has freakishly big body that is made for pushing and has very good footwork. His style of sumo is peak oshi
he's big and healthy and unlike hokuseiho, he moves forward and or even backward to get a win (vs daieisho was it)
Kotozakura 5 - 1
>He literally maxed all his stats to pushing
And tachiai. Half of Juryu would've been blown into the crowd off that first hit Shodai took.
He really feels to me like one of those guys that's going to be red hot for a year or two and then blow out a knee and have a mediocre career after that. Can't explain it, that's just what my gut says.
Fair enough, I still hope they come up with something so those matches last more than 5 seconds
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I'm so glad this old fuck is retiring after this basho. I never want to see him again.
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Oho boys we're so fucking back
Oho the ozeki killer out of a sudden lol
Just remane Oho to Taiho already.
Fraudzekis OUT OUT OUT!
>mongoru ozeki in current year
kek based shonosuke, i'll miss him
>not even a proper bow
Yeah he is fuming lmao
holy shit I just realized Hoshoryu didn't even bow, he's malding.
SO i jsut got here, was occupied this week, how's Takakeisho' doing?
So the Ozeki are what, 7-5 combined? That's fucking grim.

Even punched the dohyo. The man is seething.

Broke his neck on day two. Will spend the rest of his life in a comically oversized wheelchair.
It doesn't matter if you know somebody's going to do something if they're just that good at it. Everybody knew Jordan Borroughs was going to blast double them, but it took near a decade before other wrestlers could actually stop it.
He can't because of the cancer.
>and has very good footwork
On the tachiai, yeah. If his opponent survives and especially if it goes to grappling then not so much.
Shirokuma please open your eyes
Ah, so Hoshoryu has cancer. That explains his performance at least.
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No Asashoryu had a tumor or something that got removed.
Shut up retard one is 5-1 the other is 2-4
So who does everyone have as their dark horse? There are nine rikishi sitting at 4-2 and some of them have looked pretty good.
It's always Ura.
Nishikigi to have double digit wins, wakatakakage or hirado to maybe catch up to onosato (and ofc hoping ura gets double digits too)
Has there ever been a zensho juryo and zensho makuuchi in the same tournament? We might be witnessing history bros
baste joyous gramps
If Oho could get as motivated for the normal mid-week matches as he does for when he's at the top of the card, he'd be yokozuna already.

Also, his tegatana is starting to look really theatrical. I think he's got a bit of a showman in him,
I just noticed that Hoshoryu just walked straight to the hanamichi without even bothering to even go to bow down. What a clown
Yeah, someone is going to give him a cheerful earful for that display of sportsmanship. That's not the sort of behavior one expects from an ozeki.
Hoshoryu needs to learn to control his temper. He looked like he was seething before the match even started.
from what I've seen people talk about, hosh and ouhou used to give one-another shit when they were younger, but I don't know the validity of these claims other than a video of hosh being beaten by him in maezumo.
I think their rivalry is media-manufactured. Japs love long-term rivalries. When you see them on tour or doing press things, they're all smiles and goofing off.
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He did bow, it was just rushed. Happens a lot. The ref fucked it up even more.
Only five times in all of history, and never in the 15-bout era.
Onosato's never beaten Hoshoryu btw
>NHK actually putting in the effort to put the highlight videos out within 24 hours

Pretty nice but I would like them to include at least juryo as well
>Isegahama has Asahifuji, Hakuho, and Terunofuji
>two former maegashira coaches
>2 gyoji
>4 yobidashi

What an incredible training environment that must be. I wish we could get some Futagoyama style videos out of the other stables.
Hakuho probably just replays a video of the last match he and terunofuji had where he bitch smacked him.
imagine getting to watch those match videos with both of them in person and even train together
i'm so jelly
Oho's got Nephew's number
This. They want them to be in a kind of Taiho vs Asashoryu rivalry. Them being related to great sumotori sets them up with high expectations. The Japanese eat that up (and so do I, I think it's exciting to think about).
Just not a fan desu.
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>akebono who was just tall
>Japs love long-term rivalries
as opposed to other people, who hate them
>X loves breathing
>that means Y must hate breathing
You're inferring something that wasn't implied. Anon never said that non-Japanese hate rivalries.
Yeah but there's no reason to phrase it as "Japs love long-term rivalries". You could just say "People love long-term rivalries". Specifying them DOES make it sound like it's something specific to them.
"two kids who grow up together, naturals in their field, come up at the same time" is such a trope in Japanese literature.
The media practically pitches Sobrino vs Nieto as an IRL Naruto vs Sasuke.

We like rivalries in the West but it's more team-based, e.g. Red Sox vs Yankees than two individuals. When we do have stuff like Messi vs Ronaldo, it's still as part of teams instead of two guys facing off one on one. Our popular sports don't really have that aspect. In MMA or boxing, fighters rarely face one another more than 3 times across their entire careers. Compare that to rikishi, who can potentially face each other 6 times per year over the span of multiple years.
>who can potentially face each other 6 times per year over the span of multiple years

Not counting tours and other less official matches
The Japanese do love rivalries. What's the point of being so oversensitive and defensive? It's not like it's even an insult.
Everybody loves rivalries. It was just an odd way to phrase it, and I'm not the person you were talking to originally. Just trying to explain it.
Ura is desperately trying to stave off Churanoumi's attempt to usurp the Kise heyagashira title from him
Onosato got a fusen over HoSHITryu last basho when HoSHITryu pussied out and faked an injury to dodge the fight.
Didn't beat him.
beat him so hard the fight was over hours before it was scheduled to begin
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He had to be called back by yobidashi because how salty he was
Are we going to lose a third Ozeki in as many tournaments?
Nah, he's not kadoban, but it's obvious his injury from July is still fucking him.
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>beat Enho in his very first match
>hasn't lost yet

Keep an eye on this kid, he's going places
>muh injury!!!
>muh injury muffugguh!!
nah, he just sucks
Sorry I don't speak ebonics, could you translate that into English?
The guy seems to have a rather intense personal dislike for Hoshoryu. I'm not really a fan either but I don't dislike him.
It's so weird to hate any of these guys, except for guys like Onosato who I guess are just bullies outside the dohyo.
What's the qrd on Onosato anyway, like is he genuinely a massive ass to other rikishi?
I dunno, I don't dive too deep on scandal news, so when even I've heard that a guy's an ass he must be a pretty big ass. I assume that, as they're all top level athletes, they're all at least KIND of dicks though.
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Forced his junior to drink until he passed out.
I quite enjoy a good villain
I hope he leans into it
>Forced his junior to drink until he passed out.
Well, he'd only be an ass if he also forced the junior to pay for all those drinks.

>He forced me to get wasted drunk!
>Then he forced me to hang out with a bunch of hot chicks at a club!
>Then he forced me to pick two of those hot chicks and bring them back to the stable so they could do shiko on my teppo
>Then he forced another junior to walk behind me carrying a boombox playing Biggie Smalls' "Big Poppa" on repeat.
It's like sex. Getting drunk can be fun, but not when someone's forcing you.
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The camera doesn't do a good job at showing what happened exactly but you can see he does a rushed bow right after getting back up. And right after that the video jumps to the wide camera and there you can see both the ref and Oho standing ready to bow as he walks out. So it's most likely just a misunderstanding caused by his state of emotion rather than a purposeful "I'm not going to bow".
Based Onosake
it's hoshover
all that weight he put on and he can't throw it around like everyone else baka
>get rekt at the tachi-ai
>drop right hand grip
>still go for the throw
>fall over because you don't have right hand grip

I don't know what he was thinking there
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Hakuho and Teru and probably pals IRL. Asashoryu and Hakuho looked like they wanted to kill each other on the dohyo, but were close friends off-the-dohyo.

Not the first time this has happened.
Hoshoryu is 2-4 and punched the dohyo after losing today like a salty baby. Unless he turns his form around Onosato is gonna blast him into the car park at the tachiai.
>Asashoryu and Hakuho looked like they wanted to kill each other on the dohyo
This is why we need two new yokozuna to rise up quickly together. The competitive tension between yokozuna is what has made the sport great in the past. Akebono and the brothers, Asashoryu and Hakuho, it's all good shit. Teru is gonna retire the moment a new 'zuna pops up with a big "thank fuck I can finally quit" so we'll need a second one to rival the first.

As much as it's not really doing his record justice, Teru really does just feel like a placeholder until sumo gets exciting again. Onosato v Hoshoryu v Kotozakuru yokozuna bouts WHEN???
Likely, but it hasn't happened yet.
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Pull it together hosh
Being a villain in the dohyo is one thing, but being a cunt outside of it is another. That sort of shit is what got Asashoryu forced into retirement.
Hoshoryu isn't rope material imo. Kotozakura has been looking it lately though, especially with that first time win over Teru last basho. He's been displaying a much more forceful sumo of late too. With his pedigree, I think he can do it if he keeps doing what he's doing.

Onosato will absolutely get there sooner or later. Takerufuji will make Yokozuna too. I know this.

Hiradoumi will be an exemplary Ozeki, as will Atamifuji.

I have a couple other longshots I'd like to see get there in a few years.
>Kotozakura has been looking it lately though
I think he'll get the rope eventually, but hold your horses until he gets a yusho first. He hasn't proven capable of that much yet.
Holy shit Hiradoumi has been godlike these last two basho, if for no other reason than his fighting spirit. In the dohyo he's like a man possessed. He reminds me of Ura in how active he is, but less reckless and less likely to lose to something stupid like forgetting how small the dohyo is than Ura.

Onosato 'zuna is an easy call desu. I read a few comments today about how he might have cheated his tachiai against Shodai and that's why he got in so early when Shodai wasn't truly ready, but honestly I think it speaks more to just how seriously Onosato is taking his sumo right now. He knows he's ahead, and knows that only complacency can end his streak.

I just checked fixtures and tomorrow is Hiradoumi v Onosato. I wish they could both win, but honestly I want Onosato to zensho this shit and take his spot as #74 four months from now.
He has been figured out. Can't execute throws anymore as we saw yesterday and that was his win condition.
>Uncle-sama, please teach me how to pick fatsos up by the nappy and just fuckin drop them
Takakeisho needs to breed this woman and produce the world's most perfect spherical humanoid.

Lmao what a stupid clip. Sumo is harshly meritocratic. The men don't get to complain about who their opponent is, so why do the women get to segregate themselves away? Pathetic.
>He has been figured out.
He hasn't put in a losing score since November 2021. I think saying he's been figured out is a bit hyperbolic.
It's obvious that he's making an effort to rely less on throws and more on straightforward yorikiri sumo. Everyone, including him, has pointed this out.

I think that hip stinger he took last tournament is still bothering him to a degree.

That said, his loss to Oho was completely a function of getting himself so amped he psyched himself out. He has the skill and strength to beat Oho, but just gets it into his head he NEEDS to beat Oho and makes silly mistakes.
Meanwhile, Oho is so calm to the point of seeming passive.
oho has...activated ultra instinct...
I thought I would be happy seeing keisho failing and getting what he deserves.

But this is just painful to watch. He did NOT go down gracefully
>Onosato is gonna blast him into the car park at the tachiai.
they might end up not facing off. if horseshitryu has a losing record in week 2 then he is going to be pitted against other losers with bad records and we''ll all be treated to spellbinding matchups such as 3-8 shonannoumi vs shit tier ozkei for musibi no ichiban thanks to horseshitryu's inability to perform ozeki class sumo.
Onosato will be put up against the stiffest competition left for him on the banzuke if he is competing for the title in week 2
Takakeisho retired when it was clear his neck injury was preventing him from competing at all. That's about as much grace as anyone below yokozuna gets. Compare him to someone like Aoiyama who's just sliding down Juryo with his mantits getting saggier and saggier. He looks like Fat Bastard in Austin Powers Goldmember.
Official news that TKK has retired?
It's not official, but desu the writing feels on the wall. Apparently at the opening ceremony of this basho he was crying manly tears, likely thinking this was his last. He's either retiring or he thinks he can Terunofuji it and come back from nothing after recovering to become yokozuna before he gets too old.
It's dishonorable to retire on a high note, because it implies you could've given even more at the end. A wrestler getting up to fight and failing is still praised for his spirit exceeding his body. There's a reason why Kisenosato is still considered beloved with how badly his yokozuna tenure went, because he made it clear his spirit to fight hadn't decreased.
>what he deserves
He's rich has a hot ass wife and is a legend. He definitely got what he deserved while youre a broke retard posting on 4chan.
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Tears or eye sweat?
>come back from nothing after recovering
He's young enough. But his heart isn't.

I wonder if he could work at 30kg less so he doesn't run out of air while sitting down.
Kisenosato is beloved because HONORABRU NIPPONESE YOKOZUNA. Wasn't there a yokozuna who had a dogshit record after promotion? Like, couldn't even make a winning record and even asked to have the title stripped? Do people remember him? Is he beloved? Fuck off, it's way better to remember people at their best than to watch them slide into irrelevance.
I wonder if koto feels more pressure to succeed watching his sempai takakeisho fail to reach the yokozuna. I know they had a rivalry but you know deep down he just wanted koto to rise up and meet the expectations placed on the both of them. He was angry koto tried to sidestep him one tournament and punched the wall after the match. They are two sides of the same coin.

This is like a anime
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Why are sumo poster suddenly so deranged.
Reminder, any rikishi who makes it to Juryo even once is a success.
Pic related fucks your crowd waifu while you complain about asian men pushing each other.
I mean, it would be noble if it were manly tears, but we all know it was sweating from the exertion of walking down the hanamichi and climbing the dohyo.
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>Paint me like one of your French girls
>It's dishonorable to retire on a high note
Completely wrong, where the fuck did you pull that from?
See >>144366499
Ameribro youre not helping our imagine talking about your fantasies like this
>Wasn't there a yokozuna who had a dogshit record after promotion? Like, couldn't even make a winning record and even asked to have the title stripped?
lmao ur mentally ill brit that is constantly screeching about the imaginary japanese racism you paranoidly conjure up in order to justify your incessant bitching and moaning. seek help
Pretty sure I heard that happened. It was a good while ago though, before the last 50 years of sumo.
Only two Yokozuna have ever posted a make-koshi, Onokuni and Wakanohana
you know what he meant retard retiring do everything you could and failing is just as good retiring on a high note.
You're thinking of Chiyonoyama, but his request was due to injuries suffered in early 1953. He was a solid yokozuna at the time, never had a losing record without kyujo, and retired with six yusho.
Don't care I'm drunk. Going out on a high note is based as fuck, just look at Hakuho. You gonna tell me that he wasn't full of fighting spirit until the end? Zensho with at least one knee that had to be drained of fluid daily? A Takakeisho retirement wouldn't be dishonourable at all, the man has earned it and tried until he couldn't try no more.
Enho wins easily again.
Quiet guy Tsukioka with a quite 4-0 KK
I watched leo and I wont lie his commentary has gotten better
Any sport where you have to grow man tits is fucking retarded. How can people watch this without constantly vomiting?
>have to grow man tits
>have to
skill issue
I wonder what his son turned out to be...
its Takashokiover
There's hope sumo food bros
Nabatame seems to be more calm and collected after his disatrous shin-juryo basho.
It's so over for Big Dan
Finally Ishiura 2.0 started to look competent
i bet his intai papers are ready to be submitted
Excellent match. New to sumo, but that stalemate being broken that way was pretty cool.
it's peak performance, you wouldn't understand
Day 7: Hiro
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Nice GET but it's an Oo no make today.
Hokutofuji is the man.
I like today's gimmick/segment. I wouldn't mind having some more of these gridiron-style play-by-plays after bouts.
They do that everyday on abema.
They even have a guy to do the moves on, right? Damn.
The crashdummydoll is only when Wakanohana is commentating
>They even have a guy to do the moves on, right?
Only when uncle waka is in the booth.
abema has wakanohana explain the interesting matches with a live dummy even.
Sumo is a refined sport for educated individuals and you're a Mexican. Go make me a taco.
There's a new qt everyday. It's hard to stay faithful.
>talking about mawashi
>camera starts zooming in on the wrestler's asses
Okay, okay, man you don't have to show me that.
Houdini move form waka
what are you, gay? Does seeing dude asses makes you uncomfortable, faggot?
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Serial killer vibes
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>4-2 vs 1-5
come one guys... it's not a yusho match
They just love Endo that much
those boys aint right

A tale as old as time.
I hate Mita so much, it's unreal.
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black belt won imo
I was fully expecting a dead body call and a rematch.
Kiribayama seems to be reborn.

what happened to him?
When was the last shinitai call? I don't think they've used that reasoning that much lately.
No chance
Onosato looks unstoppable this time around.
There was one last basho IIRC.
Onosato Yokozuna in less than 2 years, boys.

Trust the plan.
This is a face of nervousness. He is feeling the pressure. He will choke.
That's a bored face. He's going to go home and play videogames.
He's going to bully some deshi when he gets to his heya
>getting married is considered a kiboshi
Never knew about this.
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>Abi false starts
>pokes Oho's eye out
>probably concussed him too
I want Abi to get a heart attack and die already.
omg cute white dress girl frozen in shock, concerned for oho's eye in which the villainous abi inserted his dirty fingers.
Oho got an absolute shiner there.
Said it in july and I'm saying it again: the first injury he picks up that slows him down is going to derail his entire career. In the rare matches where he doesn't just bulldoze his opponent out of the ring in the first second and a half his odds of getting dumpstered raise significantly.
looked like two headbutts directly to his right eye that's going to look great tomorrow
The face of a serial killer.
To me he always looks like someone who just caught a whiff of a fart in an elevator.
He's a bully.
If Hoshoryu loses to Shodai its literally over for him
If shodai wanted to be a real asshat he would henka this match without hesitation.
She's cute but all day I've been falling in love with her.
the bald dude next to her is always at the same seat, with different girl every basho..
Shodai was payed off by Hosh.
Shodai is too sporting. He always puts his fists down first and allows his opponent to get the jump at the tachiai.
no way t.t
Vertical rope incoming for Kotozakura
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Payday, bitch
Payday for WMH
Each one of those is $300 right? or was it more.
it looks like there's 50+ envelopes
$15000 minimum?
Onosato zensho
What games does Onosato play? Apex?
>Each one of those is $300 right? or was it more.
Each envelope is 30,000 JPY in cash plus an equal amount put into a retirement account and with the current exchange rate it's ~$215 USD per envelope in cash.
sumo crowds have really given me an appreciation for older japanese women
I remember /sumo/ shitting on onosato when he went 4-3 in makushita crazy how fast everyone jumped on the wagon when he started winning
>it looks like there's 50+ envelopes
Kensho is capped at 60 envelopes per match these days.

I still don't like the fucking guy.
>crazy how fast everyone jumped on the wagon when he started winning
Yeah, aint it mad how people enjoy watching good sumo
>/sumo/ is one person
I'm still on the Hakuoho train. I still believe in Atamifuji. I also don't like Takerufuji.
Onosato vs Takerufuji will be the defining rivalry of this generation. Get used to it, incels.
>still on the hakuoho train
Thats what I like to see instead of the constant negative shit posting here
>I'm still on the Hakuoho train.
Same, but watching him being a pale shadow of himself is sad.
>I still believe in Atamifuji
And this mofo too. Been keepiing an eye on him since his debut. I'll be so happy when this mofo will finally reach sanyaku.
Genuine question why don't yall like kotozakura no shit posting
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he's too mild, no spice.
He's too defensive
>When was the last shinitai call?
When they say that a rikishi was flying, that's what they are referring to. Meaning they said Tobizaru was shinitai against Kotonowaka.
too cute for this age
I've lost track of the number of times I've seen Wakamiyabi lose after pushing his opponent to the edge of the dohyo. Does he just need to get stronger? He's already 140kg/300lbs.
>Oho got an absolute shiner there.
Considering how quickly it puffed up, I'm concerned it might be a fractured orbital. That would be a kyujo for him.
Permanent Makushitters like him will always be around. Keep in mind the only reason you mildly care about him is due to the Sumo Food channel itself and not due to his actual abilities as a rikishi.
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after the first week, here are your leaders and contenders
say something nice about them
Motoharu is a dark horse, Zakura has lost the plot. It's really just down to Onosato and Kirishima.
>kotozACKura was the only one who lost on day 7
mental midget it's already getting to him
Hmmm, something not right here, anticipating a week 2 crumble for the Nozeki.
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The injury came as Abi accidentally headbutted him, so it may well be a fracture.
do you ever shut the fuck up
I like watching tall tsuppari, but seeing him off the dohyo might be part of it yeah. The black spots you see on his face in the videos recently means he's probably going to be diabetic soon lol
Kirishitma will never reach Ozeki again
Hoshitryu lacks the humility required to become a Yokozuna.
Kirishima must be fucking pissed. Why didnt he do this last two basho?

Maybe, although i can see him winning more cups in the future.
He started wearing his shoulder tape again, that injury isn't going away. It might keep him down at juryo tier for the rest of his career.
Chiyoshoma absolutely and unquestionably stepped out first with his heel, the call should have been reversed on the mono-ii. Shimazuumi was robbed
Kirishima was lucky as fuck to get that call, could've gone either way. If he'd been given the loss they may as well have just given Onosato the cup the moment Zak's ass went down. Also kinda funny to see just how angry Hoshoryu was fighting. Shodai has been pushed a total of about 4 times the last two days lmao.
B-B-But muh racism bruh!?!?!!??!! THEY'S BE RACIS' AGAINST THE MONGOLIANS 'N SHEEEEEEE'!!!!!
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Shodai had the sheer audacity to have a somewhat decent showing this time around, so they just had to treat him like the sacrificial lamb he is and basically present him on a silver platter for the sanyaku to farm.
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Especially obvious to compare him to the other M4, Kotoshoho... Very telling. Shodaibros stay vigilant, and let's not let them get away with this.
Bold strategy for takanosho to suck every other basho.
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That woman left a damp patch on that cushion today after watching that.
Kotoz-ACK will never get the horizontal rope
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Atamifuji will never reach sanyaku at this rate
Predict the yokozunas and ozekis two years from now.
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Soma lost this...without monoii even...the calls this basho are really funky.
>K*senosato shinpan
Not even once.
(Y) Onosato and Terunofuji (he will endure with robot knees)
(O) Kotozakura, Takerufuji, Atamifuji and Aonishiki.
Knees are one thing, but isn't his beetus slowly destroying him?

Onosato, Takerufuji
Hoshoryu, Hiradoumi, Atamifuji
hoping for one of the Wakas to be ozeki
it happened only once and he lost to Tokihayate, Kawazoe and Ishizaki.
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indeed. another case of horrible judging this basho
Me on the right.
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His eyes are open here btw.
That's him doing his Shirokuma impression.
A good day monke bros
...who's the Andy Murray in this one bros
Zak or Hoshoryu
Hasn't he been hurt or returning from injury most of the last year or so?
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Peak oshi head
Anyone else catch Hoshoryu's glance at the crowd after today's bout? That was some serious silencing the doubters shit.
>good sumo
he just charges forward
it's takakeisho but tall
>muh hoshitryu silenced da haters bruh!!!!!!
Please, be silent. Grown-ups are talking.
Adopt a trip.
Onotsato took over the lead for most wins so far in 2024 last night from Zak.
Onosato will be the reigning, defending, yokozuna champion who joined elite company by winning 6 straight basho in a calendar year
kotozACKura and hoshoryu will remain as the ozeki
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Horseryu is fragile, he'll get an injury and lose the rank sooner or later
who the FUCK makes PORN of sumo wrestlers wtf
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I don't recommend actually finding the artist, this was just a one off.
But they are a based Shohozan fan.
I found them immediately because I genuinely couldn't comprehend what I was looking at lmao, though their art isn't the worst I've ever seen.
Though I will prob have to do some research on who Shohozan is.
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They look kind of similar don't they bros
>Within a few inches of each other in height
>Within a few stone of each other in weight
>Both are sumo wrestlers
>Both are in a squatting position
Takerufuji is SLAMMED version of Hakuho (in physique only)
So obviously I must be referring to something besides those exact attributes
Try thinking for like one second before you post
I was forced into irony as your post was nonsense. They don't look similar at all.
They have similar physiques and offset stances

I don't think it would be so strange for Takeru to pick up some techniques especially since Hakuho is coaching at Isegahama
I guess he isn't as injured as before? Either that or the pressure of having to maintain Ozeki was getting to him
Don't most rikishi have an offset stance at the tachiai? Having your strongest leg back a little to take more of the hit just makes sense.
I wonder if anyone has done the stats on this
now that I'm looking, in the last few matches it seems almost 50/50 where the rikishi are either offset or square up
I'm envious of his breasts
dude you're tripping.. if there is anyone having similar tachiai posture like hakuho had, it's houshoryu..he has his hand in very similar position and bouncing while squatting.
>who would make an image of a topless woman wearing only a loincloth
Wow what a mystery
The milky white thighs of a young Japanese woman.
There are no britbums in sumo.
Didn't a Brit recently join a stable?
Ok having just done a quick review of makuuchi
16 rikishi had a squared up stance
22 had an offset stance, although some were only slightly offset and some more

It was almost even all the way through maegashira but there were more offset stances among the san'yaku
God, I hope not.
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I accept your admittance that Hakuho and Takerofuji both having offset stances means nothing.
If Hoshoryu keeps it up after last night I can see him beating Onosato.
Hoshoryu needs to tap into that font of anger he used against Shodai every bout. Today he looked like Asashoryu reborn.
>sumo on eurosport
I was there Anons, I was there 3000 years ago.
>hoshtryu is like uh... muh asashoryu reborn bruh!!!!
Now that the children have voiced their thoughts let's get back to the sophisticated discourse we would normally be having.
check his fanbox
In a vacuum perhaps not but with the other context I still maintain my opinion
Loud nuthuggers.
Kill yourself
He's 21 if he took an extended leave he could heal and make it back It took about 6 months for my to heal and another to build it back up to par with my other shoulder. Shoulder injuries aren't that bad if you take care of them.
He's a slavic mystery meat estonian-latvian mutt raised by a single mother, who started off in a scottish sumo team for whatever reason. Does not look good for us.
Shut up talking about retarded shit.
Both 3-1 after day 7. Very likely now.
Kikuchi lost again.
The kid is too nice. No killer instinct.
He needs to find the spirit of the samurai deep within
he's gen alpha so that shit is buried super deep
Koga won though.
That's better than some effete anglo-saxon labor supporter or an aggrieved muslim.
Does anybody know japanese? I want to inform abema about midnightsumo's channel.
That was an oblique tennis reference...
>Fuji and Sato = Rafa and Roger
>Who's the distant third nerd?
I know, but I wanted to take the opportunity to express my contempt for British people.
Kill yourself
You can watch abema straight from the source. Society has no need for midnightsumo and his ilk.
What part of kill yourself are you having a hard time comprehending, retard.
Shouldn't have banned me, you despicable, Canadian, AIDS infested faggot.
I want that pretty little thing in the white summer dress so bad. God, it sucks being a NEET incel.
Why is this type of person so common today? They do something retarded, get banned, then have a temper tantrum that their parasocial figure isn't actually their friend and swear revenge against them.
brb, I gotta take a shishi
File deleted.
I got curious and looked up the artist. Gonna be busy tonight.
Its only that one amerimutt who gets assblasted about everything and then goes on his tirade that everyone is woke ass faggot
Day 8: Raja
Who is this handsome fella in the commentary box?
Is that Kotoshoho?
Life is so cruel. I feel like a dirty ape knowing that angelic beings such as this exist.
God, she's so beautiful. It pains my heart that I'll never see her again after today.
Jesus Christ, anon
that was pretty brutal, good work waka
Raja just called himself a retard.
Oh damn, the gyoji's kimono looks sick.
That's a redo
No fucking way, that should be a rematch.
>the toe is still in all the way
OK, I give it to Kotoshoho.
Koto was dragging the top of his foot along the ring before Atami left the ground what the fuck is that
so they were both flying with koto hiting the dohyou first, but atami loses... what?
>Punished Oho
I almost thought that would be a rematch considering being out of the tawara vs being off the dohyo was occuring at the sameish time, but I guess Kotoshoho wins?
Talk about serial killer vibes.
He's a big guy.
Tell me about Kiribayama. Why does he wear the towel?
Indeed. Imagine being 7-1 on day 8. What a fucking loser.
What did they say to each other?
I hope ura landed on a spectator and didn't hit the back of his head on the floor
Need the abema camera shot with kiri resting his arm on his leg that was great
kek that was hilarious. Somehow Ura matches are always entertaining.
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KEKriSHITma will never be a OzeKEKi again, I'm sorry.
I doubted Onosato for a bit there.
Lmao just push
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Hope he sees this bros
god, SHITtakeumi is such a fucking jobber, can't believe this fat fuck was an Ozeki at some point.
I was worried for a second. Onosato's feet were slipping a lot.

kek I forgot about that. He was ozeki for like 5 minutes.
I'm racist (nationalist?) against Mongolians. Simple as.
Is that goeido as a judge?
Kotozakura won
Nothing against mongolians, but I attack them because western sumo fans have adopted them as their ethnic pets like they adopted blacks in the west.
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>Everything according to KEKkaku...
I can't wait until this senile fucking gyoji retires.
FUCK. Good try, WMH. Good try.
it's not like his retirement papers were rejected few times
Horseshitryu needs to start doing more straightforward sumo instead of relying too much on these risky throws
I hope onosato cripples hoshoryu with his mass
uchi mata
I want to see onosato pick him up and power bomb him off the dohyo.
I heard this one is his last
Pretty girls should be barred from spectating sumo. They are too distracting. Good night, sweet princess. May we see each other in another lifetime.
It's strange how Americans stay up until early hours of the morning just to watch this. For me it's a small part of my morning routine, I have it on a tertiary display whilst having a coffee and taking care of other things.
I don't have a job or a family. Suck my dick.
On the west coast, Makuuchi ends at 2:00 AM. That's perfectly manageable for two weeks.
I stay up to watch this and so does my pops since he's old and has nothing better to do and since its every other month
Shodai never fails to piss me off. Why does he do his retarded tiptoeing near the edge trying for one arm reversal. Tiptoeing in general. He is so physically talented and would perform the same of not better than Takerufuji he planted his feet and became a pusher.
>Oho's eye socket wasn't broken, it was just a bump and he's still fighting
>Ura is great
>Kirishima is still in the race and will regain Ozeki quickly at this rate
>Onosato is still unbeaten and will be the next Yokozuna at this rate
>Hoshoryu seems to have found his form
>Takerufuji is like a father play fighting with his children down in Juryo

A fine day of sumo.
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He'd be sekiwake right now if it wasn't for the injury.. his stats are unmatched at this point.
how am I supposed to focus on the fat men?
>Those shoulders
You into men, anon?
>thought the aki basho would begin this week
>it's already halfway through
fuck me
how is the basho, lads
who are the prospects this time
>Onosato looking unstoppable at 8-0, most likely Ozeki after this basho unless he starts shidding and farding himself
>Kirishima looking like he'll be back to Ozeki soon at 7-1
>Hoshoryu shit the bed early and is sitting at 4-4
>Hiradoumi is once again looking great, excellent fighting spirit, 5-3 doesn't do his performance justice
>Takerufuji is demonstrating why injuries counting as losses is retarded
>Almost all 6-2s are Maegashira 7 or lower

This basho is Onosato's to lose honestly.
Oddly hapa like face
>onozeki on the horizon
damn, that soon?
how about Juryo
The story of Juryo is Takerufuji handling full grown men like babies. None of them have come close to matching his tachiai power so they just go backwards and out.
I hope midnight sumo gets permaheemed... fat faggot should get a real job
What did he do exactly?
I enjoyed more the stream when he wasn't forced to cast, best [spoiler]ASMR[/spoiler] I could ask for, comfy sumo with commentary when it was pertinent and educative, it's not like every casting nowadays where the hosts aren't allowed to silence and have to talk whole time no matter what their mouths are spitting but not the same, still good and my choice for watching also the reruns are on point.
now argue about it fag you hate canadias or smthng
Good commentators understand that the sport speaks for itself. Narrating everything is honestly just condescending to the audience.
he's a pussy who gets pissy with his chat if they ask for a replay if someone even gets up slowly. he's a faggot who will shit talk the old commercials he plays if there's too many white people. lastly, he's a fat lard fuck who bitches about not stuffing his fat fucking face in 4-5 hours and acts like he works harder than Joe Blow doing a full time factory job. I hope diabetes takes his feet and he kills himself
The fuck are these calls this basho? I dont remember it being this bad before
Also Oho finally found his fighting spirit and beat both Ozekis before getting one of his eyes looking like Shirokuma after Abi headbutted him
Can't do it on the east coast if you're not a turbo weeb. I watch midnight sumo's replay when I start work in the morning. He's fucking irritating but it's on all day long so it serves its purpose
Just watching highlights and some massive dude basically just rolled over onto the ground to lose to a 16 year old who looked like he'd just wandered in off the streets. Is match fixing still an issue in sumo, I guess?
Looks like Oho put through the FaceApp gender swap...
absolutely based, I hope he's found his stride
Who is the guy in the back right with the jaw?

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