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Beast Cook

Previous: >>144352817
It feels good to be a cook owner rn
i have james cook and josh allen and im still cumming
Josh Allen needs to throw more and run the ball himself I don't give a FUCK if they have a lead get me mire fantasy points
bro it’s just fantasy the points aren’t even real
Listen. I don't care if the team wins or loses as long as I get fantasy points
I had the bills defense week 1. I dropped them since they're playing the dolphins. I made a huge mistake. I'm picking them back up and starting them every week for now on
Bills defense are a weekly start moving forward. Set and forget. No more streaming defense
didn't they give up a ton of points to the cardinals last week?
Shut up
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ive still got tremors
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HAHAHAHAHHAHA tua got heem'd AGAIN!!!!
Tuas brain is soup at this point
Yeah Tua needs to retire
Nostradamus over here
qrd on this backup qb?
I need a new QB.
Fuck. I'll have to trade for one because the best on the waiver wire is...Minshew?
cant be worse
Are they trying to Heem this little twink Achane?
>mfw started cook
He's not a quitter. Players used to get unrecorded concussions all the time and they just kept playing.
I hope so. I have mostert so achan needs to fuck off
I can't keep watching this anymore. Gotta trade Tyreek while I can.
Mostert is a dead old man.
>give an injury prone 180lb RB 30 touches

yeah theres zero chance Achane plays 17 games this year
No he's not fuck you he had 21 TDs last season he'll have repeat success
this. im gonna kms if he doesn't get at to least 20pts
Kincaid is feasting in this new offense
Good. Make room for mostert
Keep it up Tyreke....
Seriously. This is a blow out. Josh Allen needs to throw more and run more
How valuable is Tyreke with Tua down?
I benched cook so you could all win your weeks. I'm starting him next week though.
And they aren’t even good touches. The fuck is Mcdaniels doing running Achane up the gut 3 times in a row
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Time to bring him back
Achane is getting FED
I don’t even care if Tyreek scores anymore I need Miami to cutdown the Bills Defense
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Did you get concussed too, anon?
Why would you bench someone you drafted in the first 5 rounds in the 2nd fucking week. Are you retarded?
that jersey is so sexy
I hate every single thing about this game.
Yeah I'm too high on the Jordan Mason train I guess.
Benching an RB1 for someone I'd have as a flex does indeed sound like a very high thing to do.
I don't understand this. Cook really isn't that good. He's just a bench spot if you have mccaffery or something.

A positive freak game script doesn't make someone an RB1 bro
>went from 38% favorite to 47%
I know it doesn't matter, but this made me feel a lot better. Thank you Tyreke
Cook looks great this year, looked great last year, and looked good with limited use the year before. The fuck are you smoking?

And, if you’re drafting someone that early (presumably 2nd-3rd round) why are you benching him after week 1? He still had 100+ yards from scrimmage last week
And in your mind how does this not apply to Mason?
Are you in a 6 man league or something? In almost no league is Cook going to be anything less than your 2nd RB off the board. What RB3 did you start over him?
> Tyreek and Waddle aren't even in the game anymore to get garbage time points
it's truly over.
>tfw they made fun of you for playing the Bills defense this week.
Cook has more TDs in this game than he does last year what are you smoking? And I got him in the 5th round. Like I said I like Jordan Mason better bro. Don't know why your all riding meat so hard.

Mason is the better back. Yeah this is a better script for Cook but he's not doing this week to week. I'll instantly trade him for any top WR2 you have if you want him so bad.
>meanwhile they’re still running achane between the tackles
not drafting achane is going to haunt me for the rest of this season
>Achane @ 29.5 points in PPR in a game where Miami is getting blown out
This fucking blows, might lose because of this.
Got Lamar’ed last Thursday and Brown Friday.

Waddle shit bed and played against Achane tonight. Project to lose bad.

0-2 incoming and season I over already. Fucking FF.
>I'll instantly trade him for any top WR2 you have if you want him so bad.
fuark i wish you were in my league
> Achane is now outscoring Cook in PPR

Fantasy is funny sometimes. Stop fucking playing him though. You’re going to kill the man
I would have sat Waddle tonight but MHJ was so shit last week that it didn't seem wise to start MHJ over Waddle. I think the Bills defense might just be insane this year
Not valuable at all. He's a flex at best now
I wish you were too
or just good enough to throw off a mediocre divisional rival qb
Good. Keep it up. Wear him out so he gets hurt and mosert takes back his rightful place and goes for another 20 tds this season
Cook looks like one of the best rbs in the league what are you talking about? He looks elite as fuck
He looks like a top 5 rb honestly
Swift was shit last week and today I picked up Dowdle today for a buck. CMC looking unlikely to play, my other best RB is Zach Moss. Should I sit Swift for Dowdle?
Why risk injury? It's smart
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Oh and the dude that benched Cook, don't respond lol
He's one of the best rbs in the league it seems. He's elite.
Thank god I was up against Tyreke and not Achane or Cook. Holy shit
lol wtf is this dummy talkin about
Fantasy is mostly like based don't worry
I hope they do kill him. I need mostert to put up points every single week for now on
>guy who was 2nd pick in the draft who should've 9th in waiver priority somehow moved to 6th
I don't understand this.
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>im projected to lose to this out of touch foid’s shitters now
Wow, I’m getting a weird craving for the coppery bite of a 12 gauge in my mouth.
Bills defense are definitely a set and forget weekly must start moving forward
Oh I understand now, you’re a retard. You know RBs can catch passes too yeah? Or did you just not feel like counting the receiving TDs? Or did you not realize that 4/5 of his TDs came AFTER the Bills fired their OC?

Dude gets the main work in the rushing game (besides Allen), healthy work in the passing game, has the speed to actually finish big plays, and is on a high-powered offense. What more could you want.

Not dogging on Mason, he’s good and obviously in a great situation. But CMC is still top dog in that offense. Mason is a short term rental and a fill-in for CMC injuries. Cook has that backfield basically all to himself. Easily the better play ROS.

Who else could you even be starting in the other RB spot or flex instead
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>playing the tyreek owner this week
Josh Allen is a fucking bust he sucks such a shitty game bum ass corny ass white boy can't play
Why the fuck do you draft Coleman 33rd overall only to not even throw him the god damn ball all game long
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Same. He's currently in shambles in the group chat.
How good is a trade of Foster Moreau for Demarcus Robinson?
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should I kms?
what the fuck do I do with Tyreek? the dumb shit dolphins couldn't scheme him, one of the best wrs in the league, open once, and now he doesn't even have an NFL caliber quarterback throwing to him
Play Moss, Dowdle is unplayable until proven otherwise
No but if your game comes down to defense you deserve to lose
Time to sell low. Your season is unfortunately over.
relax. his QB had a bad game and got concussed in the 3rd quarter. he still has 18 targets and >160 yards over the course of 2 games. there's a better chance tua plays next sunday than not. tyreek had about 1,800 yards last season, i think the dolphins know how to scheme him.
I mean it's still Reek.
I'd hold for a week or two but if you are that paranoid make your best sales pitch and try to trade for an Amon-Ra St Brown or top 10 RB
Trade him asap for literally anything you can get. Scraps. Doesn't matter. Accept any trade sent your way. Bench players and all.
Oh I'm starting Moss.
Yes. What the fuck were you thinking?
I laught at people like you who don't put any effort into fielding a DST that won't fuck you over. at least give yourself a chance you lazy piece of shit
Really? His wr2 rb2 and flex are going to total like 15 points
i seriously hope you're trying to pull our leg by screen capping another league mate's DST
Fuck Tua, that retard ruined my parlay.
>the guy with tua in my league doesn't have a qb now
Should I try to get something off him for dick poopsock?
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Forgot image, but this is what he has atm.
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I was pretty close starting Tua for CJ Stroud thinking this was gonna be a shoot out. Now i'mma finna drop this brain-damaged coconut nigga for Baker Mayfield
depends, who's your other QB? or are you gonna take the skill player and dumpster dive for a new Q
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Baker for the moment. If he stayed healthy, i could just dumpster dive for bucs bye week and be mostly good.
Maybe you can get Metcalf but he would be retarded to take that there are plenty of decent QBs you can stream every week.
Who are you playing over Ferguson?
If Baker is still available after last week, you're playing in a retard league. Congrats on the easy dub.
Trade tyreek time?
What other QBs are available?
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My options aren't super great for TE. It'll either be moreau or something off waiver wire for this week.
Why would I take in your Tyreke?
I agree
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I started him too. Still think I’ll be ok. Might change flex to Olave or BTJ though
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I'd be riding baker till bucs bye week since my other options would be this.
Just got offered MHJ for my Aiyuk and Moss. I know it's bad value but the ceiling is tempting. Would you guys take this? Moss is depth for me atm.
Mitsubishi Marv lol
MHJ is 100% a bust. Not single positive signal since he was drafted.
Same with Odunze btw.
Moreau is cuntcussioned. Puke is ded Stanford only throwing to white dudes this week
moped marv
Take that shit right now. MHJ is going to beast rest of season. Aiyuk is washed.
Is this a weird tards league? How you got sungod Barkley and cook?
Huh? Amon Ra is a late 1st round pick and Barkley is a 2nd round pick in almost every league. What are you talking about? Im in 7 leagues and have never seen cook go before the 3rd but hes usually going in the 4th.
Hunter Henry going to EAT Sunday
I'm calling my shot, taysom hill is going to have a day on Sunday. the gods allow a single T Hill to ascend and Tyreek has been shunned. Fire him up and A S C E N D my brethren.
The 2 I’m in all 3 were gone before middle 3rd. Maybe you had a good spot? Solid team in hindsight
I'm not that anon retard. Just saying I'm in 7 leagues and Barkley almost always goes around pick 11-15 so its really not hard to imagine a team with both players.
I was in 12 man league and picked 9th.
taysom should be eating all year (relative to the TE position) now that my AINTS have a real OC instead of crayon eating carmicheal. dude was all over the field getting used like he should in week 1
Just got offered tyreek for Olave
that's unironically veto-worthy
>Have Kupp and Parkinson
I will be feasting this weekend.
I wouldn't allow this to go through as the commish
feast on deez nuts as kyren gets 36 touches
Works even better for me. I have Kyren on my weaker team.
smash accept NOW
Is Calvin Ridley for Tank Dell too much?
Is Christian Barmore important in the Patriot's defense?
>Keon Coleman has fucked me again
Literally what the fuck is the bills problem
If you have Achane and didn’t start him, you don’t deserve to have him.
But I started him and Tua and Coleman.
If the Saints had a good OC they would have cut Taysom Hill because he fucking sucks.
Is it bad that I can't be mad about Josh Allen's fantasy performance because he won (and he's white)?
Why would anyone sit him? Was it not explicitly confirmed that he'd be playing?
The fact that they continued to feed him when they were down 3 scores proves all the injury talk was overblown aswell
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>Opponent has Achane and Cook
>starts both
>tyreek gets me 6 pts tonight

It's so fucking over before it even began bros
Feels good having RB1 Achane
Trade away Mark Andrews for Jerome Ford? Kittle is my other TE, stashed Chubb on IR. Am open to accepting it.

12 man PPR
I drafted CMC and Josh Allen and now I'm the worst team in my league

get good
Allen will bounce back, it was just game script.
How do you deal with the mental ups and downs of worrying about Achane's brittleness?
Hey guys should I start Tua week 3? Just woke up from a nap.
>Convinced 2 people in my league to pick up mediocre players that I dropped
Some people rely too much on past success and what the website tells you is good.
>Lost Jordan love last week
>"it's ok he was my backup. My starting qb is Tua I'll be fine"

I hate fantasy so much
Definitely. Take anything you can get for tyreek. Tua isn't coming back. This is like his 4th concussion in 4 years. His brain is soup at this point. He's retiring.
next time draft actual quarterbacks
Take it
The bills need to throw to Coleman. He's the wr1. Fuck shakir
Be mad. Fuck Josh Allen. I don't give a FUCK if the bills win or lose just get me fantasy points
They better feed mostert next game bot achan. It's fine he had a good game but I need mostert to be the top guy in Miami
Shut the fuck up. Once mostert is back he'll repeat his 20 td season again. Achan needs to either get injured or take a backseat to mostert
Nick Chubb will be back week 4 so you don't need Jerome ford but you also don't need mark andrews since likely is the top guy in Baltimore now. Tough call. Fuck it. You have little. Why not? Accept
Fantasy is almost entirely luck based
He fucking better. This game was pitiful. Bum ass qb. Worthless. He sucked tonight
I pray he gets hurt every single time he touches the ball because fuck him
They both are actual qbs what do you mean. They score fantasy points and that's all that matters to me. I dint care if they're actually good qbs as long as they score me points. Lamar Jackson is a terrible qb but I'd still want him in fantasy
Youre a fucking moron if you drafted Mostert this season. Dude has finished one season in his 8 year career.
He had 21 TDs last season. I don't need to explain myself to you. He was a good pick fuck you
yeah last season he was a good pick asshat. he is done.
He's just as good as last season that didn't magically change in 9 months
> my injury plagued rb has an injury

You’re mad that your 9th round pick isn’t panning out as your RB2? Mostert is good value when he’s in
The wall is real newfag. Happens every year in the NFL
Trade my Jamer Conner for his Drake London. PPR either would be flex most likely
he'll be fine
Who would even trade for Tyreek now
>Starting Bussin Fields

My accidental first round pick is not too shabby
>threw the longest TDs week one and were both top 10
Salty you drafted Allen in the third eh?
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I need Chubb cause I got Ford and he'll be irrelevant by Week 5. Is this trade a fair deal?
Should I sit ARSB for Zeke. I don't trust ARSB after what happened week 1 and Zeke looked like he was in the best shape of his life against an elite run D in Cleveland.
Javonte v PIT
Spears v NYJ
DRob @ ARI
Shaheed @ DAL

Start 2
He should be in every single game. He's soft. Man up and play
He can hit the wall next year when he's not in my team
Fuck Tua, weak willed dipshit.
Seriously. If you have tyreek hill take anything you can get for him. Scraps. Bench. Doesn't matter.
Yes take it. Last night was a fluke. Coleman is the wr1 not Shakir and like you said Chubb will be back week 5
Modern players are soft as fuck. Players used to take hits to the head every other play and you know what they did? They got right back up and kept on playing.
Thx I will.
The Coconut Kid used his head to make first contact too.
Im actually biting so hard that Aubrey will score 10+ every game that i traded taylor for him and mahomes
Bro you better be careful, I don't think that's enough. Do you have a WR1 you can offer? Chubb is going to break records when he's back next Sunday. I'm talking 200 yards and 2 TDs, on the ground alone, every day. We're talking 10 yards per carry. We're talking 100 receiving yards like clockwork. Bro you've never seen what this man's gonna do to the league.
I really hope so you're getting me excited now
Thoughts on Drake London? Friend is over him (and his WR1 is reek) and desperate for a RB. Wants my James Conner.

PPR league, would you do it? Conner is my RB3, London would be my WR3. Both flex/bye week fills
best kicker in the league in an offense that will get him within FG range on 90% of drives, he is potentially a league winner
>Hollywood brown headed to IR
Worthychads it's our time
Mahomes vs Hurts this week?
My London owner is panicking too. Is Jerome Ford for London fair? PPR league and his RBs are ASS
lil nigga was the steal of the draft. picked him up in the 7th round
That's pretty fair. Conner feels like an overpay, but they may feel differently.
Why are they panicking? I think he’ll have a better game this week
Cuz he’s been ass for a few seasons and Kirk looked like a statue
my boy dlondz just needs more time
I play in a return yards league (1 per 10, same as rush/rec)

Would you start Shaheed over any of these?

First time our league is doing punt and kick return stuff so I'm still trying to figure out the right way to value/project special teams guys I never really would've cared about. Not expecting Shaheed to get a return TD every week, obviously, but it's hard to get a handle on how many extra yards I could reasonably expect.
1 game in isnt bad. Reports say Eagles defense allowed the 2nd most passing yards last year so he might have a good game this week
I wasn't sold on him long term. I picked up Dobbins using him since my WR lineup is strong and I was lacking a 4th strong RB.
No. Even with the new rules, returns aren't common enough that you should consider it anything more than a small bonus on top of their workload. Evans, AJB, and Lamb are all alpha WR1s on their teams. Deebo is a gimmicky little bitch but he gets a lot of work, especially with CMC out.
fuck no
>There are people who unironically read the Drudge Report in 2024
holy toledo
how old are you, 43?
Start / Sit

Dak or Jayden Daniels

Engram or Bowers

Shaheed is my FLEX
you don’t even know who reads drudge
Start Daniels and Bowers
Guy in my league offered me Aiyuk for DJ Moore, should I take it?
Ford will be useless when Chubb comes back week 5
Absolutely, take it and run
t. DJ Moore owner
Hard to sit Daniels. I'd start Engram over Bowers.
Thanks, pulling the trigger
The Engram meme is over. TLaw's new favorite target is BTJ, trade Engram while you still can.
4chane/cook bros how we feeling today?
James cook is elite as fuck he's going to finish as a top 5 running back this season I guarantee it
Clearly I don't. The only person I ever knew who read it is my young-genx older brother who's 45, but that was like at least a decade ago and I think he kicked them to the curb pre-pandemic.

Is it literally just 55+ at this point? no self-respecting groyper would touch Drudge which eliminates the 18-28 crowd and no millennial I know reads it.
Fucking pissed because I'm a Josh Allen owner. James Cook can fuck off. Allen needs to throw more and run the ball his damn self fuck James Cook
Should I start Geno over Burrow?
No you fucking idiot
Realistically, what could I get for Etienne? He fell to me, but I just don't want this bum on my team.
My J.Cook and Evans for Cooper Kupp? Should I do it bros??
Do it
Alright cool good thing I've got Joe Mixon and J Mason as my rb1/rb2s. Should be an easy league winner.
i picked up goff to start over burrow
nah, don't trade two producers for one producer
>goof on waivers
Must be nice playing with idiots
yeah but i still manage to be trash anyway
Is it bad to have too many players from one team? I have Kelce, Butker, and Rasheed Rice on my team, and Worthy on my bench.
Are we really gonna go through this again? What is the obsession with Jared Goff? He's not a good fantasy QB.
It makes your team very fragile. If the Chiefs have a bad game half your team dies. Flipside if they have a good game usually 2 or 3 of those guys are hits. Rarely if ever all of them though.
Yes he is. He gets a lot of points
Should I consider trading one or two of them? Kelce and Butker are probably the safest ones to keep.
I'm skeptical about the Worthy hype. I still have him on my bench over Pickens.
Pickens is the only wr on the Steelers worth anything and he's going to get shadowed by surtain. Hollywood is out indefinitely so worthy is the chiefs wr2 and only real deep threat. fire up the rookie he's going to feast
Going through a redraft on who I could’ve got on who was available.
Davante Adams instead of London
Alvin Kamara over K3?
Kupp and Nico Collins were the ideal choices at the 2-3 turn
My biggest regret is I could have gotten rashee rice and drafted tank Dell instead
No he doesn't. He spends more time outside the top 12 QBs in a week than inside. Just like last week when he was QB18. He was more comparable to Bryce Young than Jordan Love. And Jordan Love was barely top 12.
>But what about last year? He was a top 10 QB last year!
Not on a week to week basis he wasn't. He had 5 finishes inside the top 10 last year, and 2 of those were in the top 5.
Worthy is gonna be a low volume high upside pick every week. Pickens is a low volume kinda high upside pick every week. One of them has Patrick Mahomes, the other has Justin Fields.
Bro it's been one fucking week relax. Things change drastically week to week. If you drafted London you knew very well Cousins and the starting offense didn't play at all In the preseason and that there was going to be a 3-4 week adjustment period. The first month of the NFL is basically pre season.
Pickens is high volume. Dude gets hyper targeted and is basically the only receiver on the team. His target share numbers were insane week 1.
I took Mike Evans over James Cook in rd3 and it's going to cost me the chip.
To be fair Rice over Dell looks to be the play going forward and clearly so. I think Dell has a top 20 season in him, Rice might have a top 10.
Have we sunk so low in 2024 that 7 targets is high volume?
I have Cooper starting over Pickens right now, even though Pickens had a good Week 1. I think the matchups says Pickens is up against tough coverage this week.
He doesn’t have the rushing upside but as the qb for one of the top offenses in the league he should absolutely be rostered unless you’re in a very shallow format. He also has an appealing schedule this year playing almost every game in a dome.
fields was 17/23 week 1, those numbers will go up. and regardless, 7 targets is not low volume
this is a wild overreaction considering mike evans had a 2 TD 20 bomb week 1
>He thinks the numbers in an Arthur Smith offense Quarterbacked by Justin Fields are going up
I was thinking about offering tank Dell for Xavier worthy in ppr. What do we think about this? I feel like it's pretty fair
Feel like it's an overpay, but it just depends on what you want from a player. Could totally work out for both sides.
>addison out
>odunze questionable
>k. allen questionable
>j. williams questionable
>CMC likely out, not at practice
>ferguson doubtful
>reed questionable
>nabers in
>schultz in
>Pickens is up against tough coverage this week
This will probably be the determination that benches him for me
12 man ppr dynasty
Should I trade Cousins for Zach Moss
at rb I have Jacobs, Blake Corum and a bunch of jabronis
at QB i have him, Lamar, Danny Derps and Jordan Travis
Yes obviously you take that for this year alone that's worth.
forgot to mention its a superflex
You can't really take it then because who are you starting on bye weeks?
McLaurin or Pollard FLEX?

McLaurin. He's bound to go off eventually.
But I started Keon Coleman last night so you probably want to go the other way.
Yeah I definitely fucked up taking Dell. A lot of stuff happened that caused that bad pick.

1. I was on vacation for 10 days before my draft so didn't complete my predraft rankings. I had my draft on Tuesday night and I returned Monday night. Then I forgot about the draft until the reminder I set up on my phone to go off an hour before the draft went off. So I had an hour to do my predraft ranking

2. I completely forgot stefon diggs went to the Texans this off-season

3. Due to the dumbass ADP of players this year making no sense tank Dell had higher adp so I saw him while rashee rice was off my screen so I didn't see him available. If I scrolled down a nut hair I would have seen him. But i didn't scroll down. He was the very next name
Dak @ home vs Saints
Baker vs Lions @ home
Big fuck up. James Cook looked elite as fuck he's about to have a top 5 running back finish this season
I think you're right. Might be an overpay. Instead I offered tank Dell and jaleel Mclaughlin for Xavier worthy and jk dobbins. Let's see what they say
Yes do it no brainer
>K9 doubtful
Charb is in
start Brian Thomas Jr or Pickens? Don't got another good choice in a 2-Flex league
with Walker III out, i have to put rhamondre in

which one should i put as my flex:
>brian thomas jr
>demarcus robinson
>diontae johnson
>romeo doubs
>p. friermuth
cmc bros....
>have Jordan Mason in both leagues

sneeds feed and seed
Should I offer the mason for CMC straight up?
cmc officially OUT
which one do you own?
spears & DROB
Spears or Charbonnet?
Sooo glad I didn’t drop Hollywood Brown for Likely before waivers this week. Fuckin bum
Mason. I’m stacked at rb and not starting him
Only truly elite RBs are the Jameses (Cook and Conner)
Everybody else is washed or overrated
toss up
id lean charbonnet as he's the full starter however the patriots D looked better against the run
Achane still looks fantastic and Saquon is about to have the best season of his career. But I don’t disagree that Cook is elite and Conner is high-tier consistency
Flex one for PPR
Which te should i start over ferg

I have Parkinson and I'm riding with him this week.
Thank you for this post. Just made a shitty offer to the Jordan Mason owner. Hopefully they don't know about this news
How does IR work in Yahoo? Basically a free roster spot until the player comes back if I move them to IR?
Big brains took Mason as a handcuff to McCaffrey Galaxy brains took Mason away from the McCaffrey owners earlier than expected to fuck them over. Smooth brain owners didn't handcuff McCaffrey
The CMC owner last year in my league went full galaxy brain and drafted Mason to fuck over the CMC player this year. Pure comedy.
I should have sold "high" even though it was never really fucking high because he's a bum Keon Coleman when i had the chance. He's shit
I have free slot because of IR, Charbonnet, Likely or Mattison? My team doesn't have an obvious weak spot so it's stash spot but our league only has one flex spot.
I didn't do enough research. The only thing I read was CMC -> 2 WRs -> Hurts if available(he was). The rest was whatever.
But here's the thing. I was listening to the 49ers local sports station and they had coaching staff talking about the RB position - Mason isn't even the clear RB1, they like Guerendo too.
I told all of you that cmc is a weak little pussy ass bitch made of glass. Looks like he hurt his pussy again.
>Galaxy brains took Mason away from the McCaffrey owners earlier than expected to fuck them over

Reporting in >>144329151
charbonnet has a bad matchup
Guerendo is the more explosive athelete and Patrick Taylor is more experienced. They have options.
Neither of them is going to cut into Mason's workload in the least.
BTJ not close.




Pollard not close
Should I snag Tank Bigsby? Someone in my league dropped him.
They're wrong. Mason is the clear rb1. We saw that last week.
1000%. How the fuck can you justify dropping him a week after he looked like a top tier RB?
these are the insane copium takes i come here for. how many carries did guerendo and taylor have last week?
For sure well I guess depends on league size but even in a smaller one what can you have on the bench that can be a potential lottery ticket. I wanted to pick him up in a 12 man .5 PPR league but someone beat me on the waiver
You now remember the anon who wouldn't even entertain a thought of trading Devonta Smith for Mason
Guerendo had a few looks, but they have all year to get more snaps for their new draft pick. Anyone can thrive in that system.
>t. didnt watch the game

man literally blocked a punt in addition to playing everything on offense. sorry he didnt score enough virtual manchild points for you, but hes not shit at real football.
All year won't make a difference. The rb1 is Mason. He's top tier.
No he didn't, he had 0 touches, 0 catches, 0 targets.
I don't start Taysom Hill in fantasy, I don't start any tight ends. He's bad at football though. He can be a good special teamer all he wants.
I don’t think it’s cope - these are merely reports from the staff with no fantasy football implications. Do what you want with it.
Are blocked punts/kicks a stat that are recorded for individuals? Like if I go to someone's pro-football-reference page, is there somewhere it'll show how many punts/kicks he's blocked?
theyre all getting CTE anyway, might as well not be a pussy about it while youre getting paid millions for a game
They're wrong. Mason is the rb1 from here on out all season long. Even if cmc returns Mason will take touches away from him
Exactly. Man the fuck up and keep playing.
>he plays in a taco league for babbies that doesnt have a TE slot

Instead of TE it's an extra flex which is superior
> completely ignoring an offensive skill position

Yeah, no. That’s lame. You can do what you want in your league, but that shit sure as hell isn’t superior lol. Probably one of those leagues that doesn’t have a D/ST or a kicker either
someone dropped javonte williams which is a mistake I know. should I use my #2 priority to try to get him when waivers run tonight? 0 ppr, my RBs are kyren, rachaad, and zeke
This anon gets it. Instead of "Which garbage player got a TD this week" you actually start players that can score more than 3 points without a crutch.
or should I grab bucky irving to handcuff rachaad
The top 2 TEs last week were undrafted. Of the top 10 over half of them weren't ever looked at seriously. It's a garbage position that doesn't need to be in fantasy anymore.
It’s an offensive skill position. Why would it not be in fantasy football. Why not just remove kickers and D/ST also? Let’s just take them all off the board and draft nothing but WRs RBs and QBs
>Why not just remove kickers and D/ST also
>He doesn't know
Kickers and defenses regularly outscore tight ends and are more predictable. And with a flex position, hey, you can start a TE if you want. But you never will. Because you know they suck. The best TEs max out as flex fodder.
You can draft and start a TE in the flex if you want to. Nothing stopping you from playing kelce or kittle or likely in flex depending on match up. You're just not forced to
I do know that some leagues do that. I think it’s similarly stupid. There’s a pile at the top that are good/semi-reliable to draft, a few that will spring up and have a good season, and the rest are weekly fillers. There’s nothing by wrong with that.
Yes take him he definitely should be in a bench not on waivers. I'd be worried about Mclaughlin though
Oh nevermind. Ignore >>144394973
Take bucky
I'd argue tes are more relevant than ever. Teams definitely throw more often to TEs than they did in the past
He never would though, because they're worthless and it's legitimately better to throw a dart at Rashid Shaheed or Alec Pierce than start a tight end.
Then why is TE scoring at an all time low several years in a row? In 2023 there were 10 tight ends that averaged 10+ points in PPR, 0 that averaged 15 points. In 2013 there were 17 TEs that averaged 10+ points and 3 that averaged 15+.
When the fuck are they gonna put McCaffrey on IR so I can open up a roster spot?
Hopefully not until I trade for Jordan Mason. I don't want the owner to know
Ok so there’s a few people discussing the removal of the TE position for an extra Flex.

What about a TE premium instead? 1.5 PPR for TEs? Evens the gap a bit without completely nuking the position like an extra flex
slim reaper owners, we finna eatin this weekend
That'll work

Guys like kelce may break the league though
TE premium is the gayest shit. PPR is already a fucking scam, stop trying to prop up a bad position.
How is ppr a scam?
Yeah and fuck pass-catching RBs too while we are at it. Or any WR that plays in the slot. Fantasy should just be TD scoring right grandpa
As the other Anon side, high volume TEs would become pretty nasty. It would end up making average TEs a bit more useful week to week, but if Kelce or Laporta go off, you're extra fucked.
Because 5 catches for 20 yards shouldn't be worth more than a touchdown. For most guys? It's not a big deal. But when you get shit like Achane got, where it's just screen after screen after screen, and even if it's a net loss in yards it gets rewarded? It's stupid.
Nothing wrong with pass catching RBs. So long as they get yards and touchdowns. If they're good players they'll do both, so there's no problem at all.
3 catches, 1td, 60 yards. 9 points in standard. 15 in ppr.

11 catches for 50 yards. 5 points in standard. 16 in ppr.

Who had the better game? The guy with the td. Ppr is dumb
Willing to compromise on PPR hate with this simple NFL rule change. If the ball does not cross the line of scrimmage it counts as a run. Those jet passes? Those are now runs. All screens? Runs.
I put in my uncontested waiver on Monday night, and prompted the 0-1 CMC owner to put in her waiver on Tuesday via MS Teams. What kind of brain does that class me as?
Theres zero chance anybody playing in a serious league doesn't check relevant news before making a trade
>win % went up since charb points projected went up
I'm feeling a win this week
[PPR I'm considering Mason and Pitts for Mixon and Kincaid if Pitts has another ok game.

Mason would be going to the CMC owner so that makes sense for him.

midwit: ppr
mensa: first down scoring
Is Justice Hill a handcuff to Derrick Henry? I feel like a genius for dunking on the CMC owner with my J. Mason waiver; and don’t want the same thing to happen to muh Henry…
Id make that trade
Considering he is their only other rostered RB without an injury, yes. But he won't get that same kind of usage.
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14 man ppr Jake Ferguson most likely out. Which one of these potatoes do I pick up? I’m leaning Ertz or Atkins but it’s basically like trying to decide which piece of horse manure looks the best to eat.
I wonder if I grab Justice Hill now that I have a free spot from IR.
Yards and tds yes. I don't give a fuck if you caught 10 passes for 40 yard. The guy who caught 2 60 yard dragons for TDs is better
I agree with the net loss. Like if you catch a pass and lose 5 yards you gain .5 points? Dumb
That'll hurt qbs passing yards that's the only thing I'm worried about
I hope he's too busy to check
Too early to think about moving Tyreke?
I agree that at the top end PPR can get ridiculous. .5 PPR is most balanced imo. 11 catches for 30 yards or whatever certainly is at the top end of the craziness, but i also don’t think a guy catching 11 passes should only get 3 points (and basically be fantasy waiver-tier). Those catches could be first downs, open up the long ball etc etc. I think not having some form of point compensation for the 11 catches is equally as stupid
It’s debatable though isn’t it. Maybe the guy doesn’t get open for that 40 yard TD dragon if you don’t have that guy in the slot keeping them honest underneath. It doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Again, I think 1 PPR over-values guys like the 11 receptions for 50 yards. But 0 PPR undervalues them. .5 PPR is fair
Good, fuck QBs. If a noticeable chunk of your yards come from screens you aren't actually doing anything, you're getting rewarded for someone else doing the work.
I generally agree. But if you’ve ever watched a bad QB you can tell that screen passes aren’t always freebies. QB does have to do some misdirection and hit a timing window to be effective
Traded Justin Jefferson for Justin Watson this evening. With Hollywood Brown gone I anticipate Watson will be getting plenty of balls coming his way.
Checked in on the cat. Cozy, sleeping calmly. Litterbox not in the best shape. It seems my pookums had an awfully stinky night.
Picked up RYAN TANNEHILL on wires in anticipation of the possibility that he might step back into the previous role that he enjoyed with the Miami Dolphins as quarterback. TANNEHILL was still in good form when starting for the Titans, good QBR and always a trusted hand to deliver the football where it belongs: a playmaker's hands. RYAN might be the ace up my sleeve when the fat lady sings.
Dark evening. Crisp. Fall is coming on. A good time to reflect.
Youre too wise to be wasting your talents here bro
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Be honest with me. How fucked am I moving forward
If it's PPR I'd rather have smith than any other player in this trade
I will never outgrow my passion for fantasy football. Be a simple man. Something you can love and understand. That's how I see it. Good drafting fellas. Gonna be a hell of a football season.
not terribly. Dak won people leagues last year, and he's still got to throw to cooks sometimes. nothing indicates he should regress this year
It's half ppr btw
Keep it real brother. God bless football and God bless America
God I am gonna be forced to trade for someone's backup QB. I only had Tua.
Is Rashsneed Rice going to be a WR1?
He already is
Should I start Pitts or Likely as my TE?
cmc + london for tyreke + davonte adams, good trade?
id keep cmc
>JJ for justin watson

terrible bait
got an offer for jameson williams for my brian robinson. i have achane, kyren and mason already, my wrs are cd, london and nabers. full ppr. what are we thinking lads?
Should i offer Worthy for Tank Dell?
keep worthy, no marquise brown and he will just get better i think.
got offered CMC+waddle in exchange for my ARSB+bucky irving
Might be fucked late season with injuries. One of Kyren or Achane could go down and if CMC comes back Mason isn’t start able. Feel like Brob will have a consistent role.
Who throw ball to waddle
i actually thought of that right after posting, but he'd probably do it with CMC+rashee rice as well
Take it. Send worthy. Get tank dell
Meant this >>144399866
Take the trade

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