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Thursday night football should be cancelled permanently. It's too dangerous and players don't get enough rest
Based damar hamlin
>yfw Hamlin ended Pooa's career
He should retire.
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If the Bills win this game, all beautiful women (especially women of color) will forever serve the sexual desires of white men.

If the Dolphins win, the same result happens.
De'Von 8 Chan
Could McDaniels glasses get any wider?
>Tua Mycareersova
Just got home and turned the game on. Holy shit the dolphins are terrible. How are you this bad with Tyreek? Also, did Tua get heemed again?
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webm of cuntcussion?
>a concussion highlight reel
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It's over isn't it
will tua last even 5 more years in the league?
The hit wasn’t even helmet to helmet. He literally just ran into Hamlin’s shoulder and knocked himself out. That’s a really bad sign and shows his ability to take a hit is nonexistent and now will be even worse. I reckon he should retire
No refunds
>rumors that Tua could die in his sleep
To anyone saying that Tua is like either Baker or Fitzpatrick, those two couldn't be more different, and that is a terrbile comparison.

Baker Baker Touchdown Maker is a starting QB through and through. He is a DAWG and teammates will run through a brick wall for the guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.

Fitzpatrick is an A-tier sub. The perennial popular locker room guy, but not a leader on the field week in and week out. Your QB1 went down and need a few weeks of Fitzmagic? He's your guy. You have him AS the QB1? You are doomed to regress to the mean as the magic fades away each passing week.
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Based Hamlin has 9 tackles already
just take your guaranteed money and sit on IR for the rest of your career. your brain is mush
It's been over for about a quarter and a half
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hey dolphins
we have a kenny pickett for sale- for the low low price of a 2nd round pick
what do you say?
this is an exploding offer, we require an answer in the next ten minutes
The real news is that the Titans are gonna play two games in a row against teams without their starting qbs
>black qbs
Can you imagine if Tua hit Hamlin's chest instead?
>Samoan Bradford
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>With the first overall pick of the 2025 NFL draft, the Miami Dolphins select: Shadeur Sanders. Quarterback. Colorado.
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I love mashed potatoes
only 64 games to go until we can get a new qb…
i hate glowies so much
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The NFL isn't going to allow it. They can't let this guy keep embarrassing the league by having him get brain damage every week.
Damar, how could you? We all prayed so hard....
>throws three interceptions then runs into a wall head on to knock himself out
>refuses to elaborate
He means the season
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Holy shit, reddit is SEEETHING about that hit on Tua
Gerrard slipped
What's the point of this thread? Game is over. It's all garbage time now
someone post the webm of the Tua injury because the NFL is never going to reshow that.
fraid so
I hear Ryan Tanehill is available Miami should give him a shot
He'll retire this year, cap it
dubs and tua will be the next nfl player to die on the field

but also
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>the miami dolphins
who will tua murder next year to pass on the whopper curse
>fire mcshit
>hire coach prime
its happening
hawk tua cte on that thang hehe xD
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>post yfw tua turndaballova
66* kek
>down 30 points in the last quarter
>i know ill charge headfirst into a defender in the middle of the field!
rip tua
Man fuck you

Tua sucks, Tystink is seething, and Florida is a shithole
Anyone notice how damar Hamlin tackled him the same exact way as when he almost died? Imagine we had a double heem.
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It's never been more over than it is at this exact moment.
I just like shit posting with my friends
pulls a chris benoit on his brother
why not just slide?
The Dyin' Hawaiian
Pooa Concussitini
Damar's body double is pretty good
>known for being big boned and basically built for combat
>Tua gets heemed by absolutely routine plays
what the FUCK is his problem? This retard not do shoulder shrugs or any neck workout?
>What's the point of this thread?
to shit on cryami
Go back
>caring about reddit
You better believe it.
Go Chiefs!
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>tua's third concussion in three seasons
his career is fucked isn't it
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Tua needs to consider early retirement. There's no way he can take much more of these kind of hits without being a drooling vegetable in his middle age.
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Normally it takes a hurricane to blow out the Bahamas this bad
Shit teams
How do you know
Bezos got FLEECED again
He's part black which makes him weaker
Maybe now he's brain damaged enough to enjoy the new lord of the rings
haha fuck you
>fuck this shit I'm out
He has 212 million reasons not to
ACKshually the Dolphins are mammals
does any1 have the webm?
fuck you
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We're back, /b/ill/b/Ros.
:/ I sowwy
Good to see the ol' Gus Frerotte homage is alive and well
>pooa plays like shit
>probably has a career ending concussion
nigga fuck you
That coconut went Gus Frerotte
so is the Bills' D-line that good or is the Phins' O-line that bad?
he's never starting in this league again. Period.
He may get a chance at backup somewhere.
>run headfirst into a guy standing still
>season-ending injury
loving every laugh
i lmfao
Why isn't Pua wearing a guardian helmet?
>Thursday Night Football in 2024
>A second season of Rings of Power

Amazon's really putting chips on shitters now huh?
>prayers for Tua
>$212 million guaranteed
Normies are so fucking cringe.
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He turned on his VPN in embarassment
What went wrong with this generation of QBs?
>Burrow is always injured
>Trevor is mid
>Herbert chokes
>Tua has scrambled eggs for brains
McDaniel is going back to the sauce guaranteed
Where is that Jamaican faggot?
220million: paid
picks: thrown
arm: noodle
brains: mush
Tua has never been a running QB or able to escape the pocket well. That play was like someone who never tried to take on a tackle.
got the script
Are you not in the mailing list?
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they hated him for speaking the truth
>Heh, let's give superstar contracts to garbage QBs :)
This league is a joke
Webbum of injury?
Dying in her sleep is exactly how I want my mother to go out, that's way better than the other options
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What a let down this game was
>Poultry Science
the jokes write themselves
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who will tua be voting for now?
I mean mini me and arizona put up 28 on them last week.
>tua is out with a concussion
He just retired
Al is wilding
poultry science
>Al Michaels shitting on Ass to Mouth degrees
fucking based
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>Dolphins still can't beat good teams
Looks like my Chiefs will be running the AFC for awhile
Dugongs supposedly have the nicest pussies in the animal kingdom that are closest to a human woman.
It'd be funny but literally half the league did this genuinely
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I don’t think you understand how terribly concussed he is. It’s like a boxer who refuses to retire. He’s been hit in the head so many times , probably from a very young age.
I'd buy Von Miller's fried chicken, he has a degree
>poultry science
Damar Hamlin killed him
fuck you too man
I've been assured that the Dolphins will be getting a FULL REFUND
von miller loves fried chicken is a nice story
were they just talking about how much Von Miller likes fried chicken?
>KFC, Popeyes, he likes all fried chicken
Based Al Michaels
tua is a soft _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Al based as always
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Niggas studying fried chicken n shieeet
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>Talking about Von Miller's Poultry Science classes in courses
>Al Michaels lists KFC, Chic Fila and Popeyes
What did he mean by this?
He should be in the hospital right now getting an mri
Same, but in multiple states
I really think Sack Pickscott set the top of the QB market. Its a huge bubble.
No fucking way any of the current QBs get more than that.
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>oh hey Miami heard you need a qb
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no u
You could tell instantly when his hands went all retarded
i love how tua goes down in a crumble and al michaels immediately just says the name of the backup
no regard for tua at all, just "the backup is skylar thompson"
meanwhile the sideline reporter talks in hushed tones, almost in a whisper
>tua will not return
If Tua retires, does he still get paid?
It was a good ride I guess
>making homegrown, farm to table tendies
and that's a bad thing how?
Josh allen is stupid and lamar is a choker. Mutthomes is going break brady's record at this rate.
Why didn't the Dolphins players start crying when Tua died so they could claim emotional devastation and get the game called null and void?
>a degree in chicken
Do Americans really?
I miss him bros
Did the hit knock out all his lower teeth?
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I actually laughed out loud irl reading this
>confirmed concussed
its over
Poultry Science is a legitimate field of study you faggots

You'd think lardass Americans would give agriculture and animal husbandry some fucking respect
He knows
The poster boy of CTE
$167 million of his new deal is guaranteed
It's literally Tuover
coral sharon
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Breaking: Tua was just given a CT scan and the image is shocking.
Who doesn't love fried chicken
Al Michaels being based as usual
probably write in rfk jr with crayon the way his brain is going
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>fried chicken jokes

wtf lol
webm of tua convulsing please and thank you
Surely the Tua contract doesn’t have a large amount of money guaranteed…
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I fucking see it now. I see EVERYTHING.
I am become enlightened.
Why was the Cardinals game so much more interesting and competitive than this?
Every concussion makes you more likely to get another concussion. Tua's the most concussion prone player since Welker.
*smacks lips*
>mfw my degree is stupider
He would never want that O-Line
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>Listing as many chicken fast food spots as he can
>Talking about the irony of Hamlin injuring Tua

Just let Michaels list his favorite PornHub vids at this point.
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Here we go again
As a poultry science major, I think I recognize this
What does he expect the NFL to do about? Forcibly retire him?
>Miami trades for Mason Rudolph
>Rudolph takes the starting job and takes them to the owl
trust the plan
>that silence after al says its ironic that hamlin heemed tua
good finner
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Who would've thought the zoomer generation of QBs would be soft after being coddled and dick-sucked by media and given insane contracts at the age of 23
did al michaels just end racism?
>okay play tua
>you're fired
These stadiums have their own facilities. But he's probably going to the hospital tonight or tomorrow.
Why all the replies to this. I'm a cuck obsessed with reddit enough to click on it like everyone else here
Cause the Cardinals offense is pretty good
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Goddell needs to step in. Tua is no longer allow to play without dawning the cuck helmet. The league just cannot afford anymore CTE propaganda
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Love AB
unironically their best option
she gets bullied too much :(
Troy Aikman is 80 and doing fine
Hamlin giving him a WHOPPING hit
I actually cringed at the chicken banter lol micheals you fucking retard
Von Miller get off /sp/ you have a game to play
Why cant they?
>Brady took monster hits for 20 years
>never a single concussion
what's wrong with zoomers? Chemicals in the water making them frail?

Based quads of truth. Tua needs to retire for the sake of his health and the image of the league. Hopefully Goodell will step in and force Tua's hand.
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Poultry? I thought they were saying he majored in Poetry.
Do fins fans actually like hawk tua or they just pretend
So fucking glad my team has Herbert at QB Jesus Christ
The show must go on
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Boy am I glad he's not my QB.
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We're in for the long haul, Finbros. But it will pay off..
city slickers don't know where food comes from
Modern QBs (not named Mahomes) are always injury-prone, chokers, or have weird regular season issues (Burrows). All things considered, I'm pretty happy with Hurts. Last year was weird but until it becomes a trend I'm chillin'.
So does he have a professional mememaker on his payroll or does he make these himself
Be honest, would he actually be any kind of a downgrade?
Why so teams give black qbs big contracts. They're easily replaceable
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>Brady comes back
>drops Bombs to Tyreek and Waddle
>ends Mahomes' threepeat bid and dabs on him one last time

Would unironically be the most kino thing that has ever happened
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>tripfag likes the Patriots
start Jacoby Brisshit and draft Fake Gaye
>tripfag like Raiders
lmao don't even need to explain
>tripfag likes Ravens
Lameme has a 10 IQ and chokes every year in the playoffs
>fagflag like Dolphins
Pooa gets to spend his millions on bedpans and feeding tubes

I tell ya, this sports misery couldn't happen to a worse group of assholes and retards. FUCK TRIPS
no other active starting qb would have been concussed by that, or at least would have been able to fake it instead of being nearly ko'd
He won’t last 5 more years period bruh
>it's ironic that it was damar hamlin
He knows he wasn't supposed to say the quiet part out loud right?
That helmet doesn't do anything
The only thing that may help is that collar that slightly jokes you
go away zoomer
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He's not wrong that there's some irony there
More black on black crime. Sad
And keep in mind all the zebras are protecting Mahomes whenever humanly possible.
This nigga finna make a chicken his husband
phins fans are eternal suffering personified. none of "us" wanted tua, marino and flores didn't want him thats all I needed to know. Fitzpatrick was better.
Brady's brain is large enough that it takes up his entire skull and it can't slosh around like the modern NFL QB's.
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he's so fucking funny
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Rodgers never learned, and he’s been picrel, but he’s never been sent to the shadow realm.
LMAO The Chargers don't have any fans
Mason Rudolph was not allowed to play with the big boys, but then was put in on the day before Christmas Eve and won the game and playoff slot for the Steelers last year.
After getting fired for shit talking about Taylor Swift he gives no shits anymore.
bet he loves watermelon too and grape drank!
>tfw degree in the most worthless field in all of university
It’s over
It's everyones guilty pleasure and they know it
Lousy chicken murderer!
Someone find me a place to move to that has the opposite weather of Florida. I need cold with no sunlight
Tostitos has a commercial about Dan Marino coming out of retirement to QB the dolphins. Holy fuck you can't make this shit up. Pottery.
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He's going to do it for the Dolphins, I'm a scriptwriter
nothing wrong with either of those things desu
mmmm hmmm, he treats this for what it is: a circus full of C-tier clowns
she deserves it. all peetubers do.
fucking punter just stole 20 seconds of my life there
You want coastal Washington, ideally a small town like Port Angeles
Face of a man who just lost his job
i dont get it
Anywhere in the Arctic Circle
Droola Spasminallova
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based al, bet he loves tendies too
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>Dolphins Chads
Not looking good for us this year. We can still hop on the Buc bandwagon. There's still time. Many of us Floridians (if you weren't born you, you aren't) lived and grew up in that area more than in Miami anyway, figures they should be the team we root for. Baker has truly embraced FLORIDA. Tua is still on the fence, half-heart in Hawaii and the other in Alabama. Let's be Bucs fans from this day forward.
Well, they do have better football discussion
>coral sharon
she was hotter before the tit job.
pack your bags you're going to Scandinavia
alaska its basically russian florida
It was a Christmas miracle.
this thompson dude looks fucking lost as shit
Fucking heemed by a corpse
This is what Fucking happens when you refuse to call penalties! You Fucking get Tua hurt and put into concussion protocol you MotherFuckers you!
ai was always racist
That's just the market now. Maybe if the league didn't make the league rules so favorable towards passing (thereinby making the QB's importance skyrocket), teams wouldn't have to desperately throw insane money at anyone who looks like they might have some potential.
ross owns the team and grier has been working for the phins for years, as the gm for 8, he isn't going anywhere despite the last 8 years.
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Wait Pooa got another concussion? Ahahaha
Join us in northern Wisconsin lmao
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what have you guys been eating for the game? wife and i didn’t wanna cook so got mcdonalds on ubereats in the first quarter
Alaska, baby
look at the equator. Go north of it.
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Maybe the real treasure was the CTE we made along the way...
Tua Concussitini
Brady knew how to take a hit and how to fall. He also had some of the stoutest O-lines ever.
You would LOVE Oregon/Washington state.
Funny that Baker ended up being better than all of them
>Al Michaels goes on a 5 minute tangent about menthol cigarettes and malt liquor
This Amazon money must have different.
alaska you fucking dumb fuck
In the Continental USA, as far north as possible
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the flags will fly at half mast tomorrow
you now remember taytay bot
I just want to leave the godforsaken shithole that is Jacksonville
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I could live off nothing but these for the rest of my life
did tua actually died the day i was busy gooning?
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Imagine getting wrecked by this weightlet
They literally blatantly ignored Roquan Smith shoving him and sending him flying when he was well out of bounds in his last game. Please stop bitching when you are utterly clueless
What's with all the Ringo hate? best beatle by far
What's the average fine the NFL levies when a player throws gang signs on the field anyways?
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Based BFlo saving the Vikings defense
My aunt bought a pizza from a bar and forgot to tell them she's vegetarian so instead of throwing it out she gave it to me. Has prosciutto on it.
Devon 4x2chan
>be Mahomes
>be the only good QB of your generation
>win by default

Kek. He is never playing again.
That’s a fairly small amount of McDonald’s for an average-sized person, I’d say?
Tua is more injury than Jimmy G
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>get 212 million dollars
>throw a tipped pick that can be explained away
>throw another pick that's just a terrible throw
>throw a pick 6 because your arm is too weak to throw it away safely
>heem yourself out of the game
What did he mean by this?
Absolutely my brother. *high fives*
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Al is old, already made his money and is 1000% done after this Amazon gig. He can say whatever the fuck he wants. Worst case scenario is he gets to retire sooner

I honestly hope he reveals his powerlevel in his last game
Stroud is god tier
he put his head down out of frustration to get 1 extra yard when he already had the first down
Isn’t the chance to die from a concussion increased every time you have one? Is Tua a zombie?
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It's been a good run finbros
fraid so
Ironically an average QB could do exactly what Tua was doing with this offense. Too bad you paid Tua lol
Who are you talking to?
Still insane that this happened.
Vegetable status?
My body is ready
i wonder if nfl gets blamed for tua by making players do a short week for the tnf games. they really should use it as an opportunity after this year to make sure tnf teams get a full week on either side of the game
Pistachios are fucking amazing
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>like watching The Beatles or Jesus perform at Red Rocks
>Josh Allen owns a pistachio farm
That's so funny for some reason
Heem sleepy
Al Michaels stopped caring a long time ago. very based
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russel wilson to miami?
Mason Rudolph would solve Miami's problems.
Mahomes got heemed a few times on fairly weak hits. Brady's irish genes must make him unheemable due to generations of natural selection from drunken fights
Welp think this game is over, I'll catch you guys sunday.
White Woman Moment
He grow pistachio, but not mustachio
boiled cauliflower
for me?

it's De'von 4chane
just when you thought you knew how white he was...
Did you see his pregame interview?? He was not ok

I like this
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>Dolphins owner
>early life

"Born and raised in Detroit, Stephen Michael Ross grew up in a Jewish family."
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Yeah, hey, you made the playoffs that one time
Steamed Hamlins
>Mahomes got heemed a few times on fairly weak hits
Literally never.
>crack crew
What did Al mean by this?
He had to because no of the Fucking Refs were Fucking helping him!
Pistachios are the pajeets of the nut world
Hire Ryan Tannehill. Start Thompson while he warms up. Fuck the 53m dollar coconut.
Is bahamas ok or has he an herod?>>144379045
>black qbs
>josh allen owns a pistachio farm
sounds comfy
He's hurt
>party size
>not the low fat cucked version
>announcers completely clowing on the fish and showing a fucking farm
kek, lmao even
maaan, this dude aint shit
sorry fins fans, tough break
What happened to women? Why do they love animals more than humans?
>I only had 4 days to practice
>That's why I ran head-first into the defender's shoulder
Does this sound like a good excuse to you?
Fish portions and tater tots have exactly the same baking instructions. It's like someone loves me. (As ridiculous as that might be.)
I've been hearing this a lot lately
>still 11 minutes left

TNF never fails to disappoint
Florida's team and it's not even close
The Fucking referees MotherFucker!
he did sound retarded
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>he needs early life
He forgot he has a jaw
>doing retard face as they cart him off
>the nfl made tua throw a floater directly into the hands of the bills for a pick 6
>the nfl made tua lower his head into damars shoulder even though he already had the first down
Yeah man the short week is to blame
>he hurdles, KICKS A MAN!
best part of that play was he literally had a wide open sideline for a TD but he tries to hurdle the punter for no reason. AB was pure kino
Jfc abysmal playcalling
>Bills players have a glowing red ring around them
Reffies investigate
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Jameis Winston to Miami?
>now uhhh... the moon!
Does anyone have Tua's contact info? I have some secret lucrative investments I believe he can put his 212 milly to good use to. He will be sitting in the comfiest of wheelchairs for the rest of his days if he would just hear me out
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>have concussion history
>run into a man's chest headfirst
Even if this is the end of Tua's career, as I fear it may well be, I will always appreciate that I was here to witness it while it lasted. Like living to see Beethoven compose his symphonies or Shakespeare write his masterpieces, greatness is not to be taken lightly, no matter how fleeting.
hamlin didn't do shit he ran head first into him
did he die?
you guys have heard gay louis, but have you heard of Green Gay?
Dolphins are totally fucked, not tonight but going forward. You hate to see it..
Damar Hamlin is a Satanic player. There is just something so evil and off about him and the events that surround him.
Adam Shefter is saying it is “unlikely Tua will play professional football ever again”
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Hamlin's chest demon has entered Tua. RIP Tua.
yea because what we need right now is more pistachios
Kap is available still! You're telling me he isn't Fucking better than this backup Fuck!?
Im liking this twitch tv, do they show anything else good?
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fucking kek
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>AI is going to steal your grandma's cookie recipe
>Tua retires tonight
How likely?
>not totally fucked tonight
The fins are just going to suck butt again this season, yeah?
He is a Fresno California farm boy
It's over Finbros. I'm going to watch a Kathryn Newton kino to get over this lost..
Always have been
They get worse every time. They get easier to get every time. I said he should have retired 2 years ago.
You can say what you want about the NFL, you can't deny it's kino.
>guy who died in a game heemed another guy
How fucking cosmic is that?
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Yeah, they're fully fucked likely for years now.
>Tell me about the pistachios Josh
*gets dragged off to the retard chamber
no one will ever see this but I wish I was molested by an older woman as a kid
Concussions make you more stupid therefore you do stupid things like that. It's a positive feedback loop.
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I went to a black restaurant in Salvador with some white tourists and they remembered the white people’s food and forget mine.

I got up and walked right out. They were mad, but I let them know black Americans don’t play that.
Pls Post the "Tua I'm open meme" while it's still relevant.
Cope, Satanic sport
kill yourself
troy aikman is fine
Damar Hamlin’s chest too btw
i still don't get it hamlin never had a concussion
I meant not only tonight...but going forward...for years
Tua ded
>make joke about tua quiet quitting
>he instead quits out loud right into damar hamlin
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That's normal.
based Naota
heem sleepy, the GOAT Brady would never let himself get heemed by these weak hits

>leading with your head
Why did he do it finbros?
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Serious questions
1. Can the NFL force Pooa to retire on concussion grounds?
2. What happens to his contract if he retires?
not unless they trade for Rodgers
Green Bay is the only good city that has an NFL team. All the other cities are trash.
Haven't seen Bahamanon in like 2 threads
Real talk: if the NFL has any modicum of responsibility for player safety, and not just bullshit lip service, they cannot let Tua suit up again. The guy won't make it to 50 at this rate, let alone have basic motor skills day to day.
>Dies to Hamlin
Pottery ... it rhymes ....
>dead man kills another man
someone give the script writers a coupon to denny's
His head hit twice. First hamlin, then the ground.
heebie jeebiez
Have been since Shula retired
taco bell
I would have sex with her multiple times
You just know Hamlin trained to avoid getting hit on the chest like his life depended on it... because it kinda does
you are an anti football pussy
Why the fuck haven't the dolphins invested in an at least decent vet backup qb when they know Tua's gonna get heemed at least once per season?
Mason Rudolph will save the Dolphins
They're fucked tonight too
The concussion would be more interesting if Hamlin did something underhanded to cause it. Instead it's just sad for both parties
>1. Can the NFL force Pooa to retire on concussion grounds?
I don't think so
>2. What happens to his contract if he retires?
He gets his guaranteed money and his cap is retreated like a retirement.
He's the toughest QB in the league by far and regularly takes hits like
That would bench most QBs
McDaniels looks like he's crying
He died but he's also a murderer now as well.
Allen should be benched the rest of the game.
Way too much bad voodoo around QBs this season it seems.
is he ok?
Would you take a life changing amounts of brain damage like Tua has for 25 million dollars?
betting odds for Tua dying on the field in the next few seasons?
find joe flacco
This nigga only knows 2 plays
can't tell if high or crying
>gets hpv, herpes and gonorrhea
>Hamlin trained to avoid getting hit on the chest
Is his chest deformed or something? he shouldn't be any more susceptible to that injury than anyone else
>No, but the """""""""""team doctor""""""""" can never clear him to play again no matter any 3rd party opinions he gets
>He gets his signing bonus and his contract cap hit is prorated for retirement
cuckreddit is such a pussy. what a loser
Has anyone checked on tuafag to see if he's okay or if he needs help? Tying a noose can be difficult to do under duress.
An entire season of jase mcsorley or whatever this guy's name is
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>one of the best of the team
>jobs constantly
Tua is the Vegeta of the NFL
>25% of starters were hurt last year
Rookie numbers
>if the NFL has any modicum of responsibility for player safety
If you actually believe they care about this they'd be playing flag football unironically.
RIP Tua he’s not surviving the night checkem
no, health is wealth.
lol you'll get Levis before you get Rudolph at this point
his smile and optimism: gone
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Why does the Miami coach look like a jak?
ACK!!! That looks a lot worse than the other angle.
Time for the dolphins to make a call
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>In the Dolphin's hour of need, there was one man. One Mac.
>yeah, I'm thinking sobriety isn't for me
and yet I just posted 2 videos of him getting heemed, find a single one of Brady. Frail zoomies can't take a hit
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I'm still kekking that it was Damar Hamlin
tfw the bartender says they don't carry super hoppy microbrewed IPAs
how long will mike mcsoials be the coach?
It's Raover.
10/10 post lmao
he JUST got a 4 year extension.
i think bahamas is straight up dead
post hand clenching webm next
been there before
can someone explain how prayers help?
wasn't mcdaniel the OC that benched him 12 years ago?
Cut my life into pieces
Tua will be fine.
I know for sure I at least have some sort of brain damage from hitting my head many times playing tackle football during recess ;_;
If your only awareness of Brady weren't via /pol/ you would know he got heemed plenty of times, missed a full season and even had rules changed to protect QBs. He's nothing but your "muh white QB" mascot that you don't even know anything about. Not responding again
I kek'd
Thompson is such hot ass. It’s actually pathetic.
that island monkey is making 212m he better put that fucking helmet back on
Week 1:

Week 2:

Who's next?
fuck u
shanahan coaching tree in shambles
Squeaky wheel gets the grease, even for the big man uupstairs.
mahomes 100%
>knee injury
keep coping
Watson, his shoulder will feel funny
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It allows people to feel like they're helping without actually needing to expend any effort or inconvenience themselves in any way.
>even had rules changed to protect QBs.
Lmao nice try zoomer
why couldn't it have happened to deshaun watson?
he missed a season because of a knee injury retard
My name is Chief Petty Officer Richard Williams of the United States Coast Guard. I am sad to report as of 21:48, we spotted and recovered the body of Bahamaanon. The cause of death, was drowning. We send our consolences to his family and the remains are being transferred at his families request.
Please be mahomes or travis kelce
digits for mahomey
>STILL seething over Brady
This is why he's the GOAT
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You fin fans are so insecure about your QB, get over itn
Burrow, Richardson, and Daniels in that order.
tldr; frees up your sundays for edging
Tua actually has soul, Watson doesn't care enough to get heemed
Meanwhile my Rasm are only semi cursed. Puka get well soon
they gonna try to get Dalton? Jameis? Tyrod? Think it will be too hard to coax teams into giving up Browning, Flacco, Fields given the injury situation with the starters
Lmao lol idiot kill yourself
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>and even had rules changed to protect QBs
Not tua though... Kek baggie
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Is the man retarded?
TX State and ASU is pretty dope rn.
He's on the Colts
are you joking?
I prayed this would happen.
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>qb is undersized right hander who throws lefty
>might unironically be retarded
>body ceases to function in cold weather
>gets his bell rung from routine tackles
>already suffered multiple concussions in a single season, including one "it's legitimately bad for the league that this was on tv" tier
>looks mildly competent because he has two legit #1 receivers and a good offensive coach
>give him huge contract and hope he goes three or four years without getting hit too hard
please retire tua. i fear for your safety.
>aaron rodgers in blackface

what the fuck?
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>Carson Palmer suffers an ACL tear from a low tackle
Ooh that’s tough for the Bengals!
>Brady tears his ACL the same exact way two weeks later
We have immediately changed the rules to protect our most expensive players and largest draws!
Fuck u
fyi Tua mean old in my language
Son of a bitch

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