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(Not really)

News: Tua ded (probably)
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My Steelers :)
where's the bahomo nissan cuck??
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people didn't really do this for the Patriots too right?
I hope people weren't that cringe 10 yrs ago...
Of course it’s a bungles bitch leading with the guitar and singing.
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Joe Burrow sucks big fat COCK!
Charger fans are such pussies. That based Rams Chad could have easily beat all those wimps up himself if that guy behind him didn't push him over the seats.
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Who has a webm of the hit?
More two on one. Pussies. They were both getting their heads beaten in.
That whole thing started because a fat mexican woman threw a drink at him while his back was turned. What a bitch.
>It’s called being a gunslinger retards
Suicide: Dad in Bahamas says he underestimated son's mental health
3 hrs ago
Bahamasfag's dad wants other parents to know how "seriously dangerous" poor mental health can be
Everyone knows Philly fans are the baddest MFs around and not to fuck with us. We've been kicking the shit out of NY Giant sissies for decades. We're also the most racist fanbase.
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>throwing up gang signs again
He’s fucked
Are you ready Minnbros?
is he retarded??
Is this nigga just incapable of protecting himself
>curls up his side and puts his hand under the (imaginary) pillow
i sleep like this too, do i have cte??
Donny Dementia
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hehehe you tell me :)
Heem sleepy indeed
Tua bros, not like this
Not like this
reminds me of that fake tom cruise gif
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>Tua is being sued for being the reason of Bahamanon's deteriorating mental health
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Could everyone please light a candle and have a moment to of silence for Bahamas fag and tua turndaballova

Dont December last thread but im good for this one coach.
I think Pooa is gonna be forced into retirement if he doesn't hang em up himself, if he gets another concussion he's probably gonna have a seizure and die on the field and the NFL would never recover
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>tfw too smart not to hit solid objects with your head

i don't think there's a specific mechanism to force a player to retire for health purposes. although, i guess goodell can use the commissioners exempt list to effectively suspend him permanently, but the player union would have a fit.

the nfl probably needs to add the NBA rule where a player that's severely injured can retire with their guaranteed money and the team gets the cap hit waived
I'm saying Goodell's gonna send a guy with a gun to that nigga's house
You're dumb. There's been players they found a heart defect while giving them an ekg at the combine who they tell you can never play because you're a health risk
if you were smart, you'd be giving yourself brain damage too
I dont think you can force "retirement" but im sure a doctor can refuse to clear them to play again for his own safety and end up with the same result.

they're not nfl players at the time. i don't know if they were actually banned from the draft, but if their condition is that bad no team would draft them or even sign them as a free agent
>[Aaron Ladd] #Chiefs Rashee Rice: “We just let our play do the talking. We’re locked in”
You're retarded if doctor won't clear you to play you can't play because then it's a lawsuit liability. Honestly are you like 12 or just so stupid
Anon, you're being particularly cantankerous in the betimes of the morning
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Tua needs to get in with the Latin Kings
The blue tent for concussions is run by a 3rd party neurologist who isn't affiliated with the team so they don't have interest in harming the players. It's so well documented at this point and talked about every game how is it possible someone doesn't know
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Won't Tua be back in a few weeks? These NFL teams don't give a shit if your brain is deteriorating, as long as you can stand upright in the pocket and deliver a crisp throw.
Can tell they didn't want to fight him and he wouldn't stop and started trying to punch all of them. He got what he deserved. If he died it would have been fair as well.
tua KWABOTY runner up behind vince
>first decoom comes down with a mysterious "injury" last year which keeps him out for half the season, this season he's just trying desperately to take every hit
>now tua turns himself into a human javelin and kamikazes his quad-concussed noggin direclty into hamlin 2.0's reinforced steel ribcage
>half a billion dollars guaranteed between the two of them

whens goodell going to step in and do something about this blatant fleecing?
what's jimmy g doing right now?
I mean Dolphins in captivity have been known to commit suicide by banging their head against the glass
>Dolphin suicide has been reported before—single dolphins under the stress of captivity have killed themselves by battering their heads against the wall
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Gooning to lolicon pornography.
He's been at it for about 4 days now.

t. knower
>Damar clearly going for a "he's gonna slide, right?" love tap, then standing there legitimately confused like "did this great value Uso just headbutt my balls?"
Tua is a fucking moron. I hope he's ok, but he's gotta stop playing so recklessly.
Isn't he into crossdressing men?
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>[Geary] Since Tyreek Hill has been in a Dolphins uniform, his longest reception against the Bills is 23 yards...

>Total receiving yards/TDs for Tyreek Hill vs Bills in 8 career regular season games now: 390 yards, 2 TDs
>2 career playoff games vs Bills as a Chief: 322 yards, 1 TD

>Fastest receiver in the NFL
>five draft picks: a 2022 first-round pick (No. 29), second-round pick (No. 50) and fourth-round pick, plus fourth- and sixth-round picks in the 2023 draft on Wednesday.
>five draft picks
>longest reception
>of 23 yards
banging lana rhodes
He will be
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What did they discuss?
Tua, no... So fragile, so beautiful...
Mike McDaniel is the ultimate mid coach who beats bad teams and gets his ass beat by good teams or any team with an ounce of toughness
Tua is done. I would have sympathy but bahamafag made me hate the dolphins
>going to retire with $100+ million total guaranteed for 5 years of sucking
No sympathy necessary
what would it take for the jags to send us mac?
Mac to the Dolphins would probably be their best move
Play scribblers don't make good head coaches. That's what assistants are for. Coaches like he works at some halfway home for neglected kids
Yeah but he's one slip on stairs away from Chris Benoiting his family or neighbours
I was going to laugh at Tuna Turndaballova but its too soon
Everybody is asking for him to retire kek. Dolphins fans should start a chant next home game

*clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
*clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
*clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
*clap* *clap* *clapclapclap*
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Haha am I right guys why are the outfits like thatt
The FACT of the matter is heemed or healthy Tua is just not very good at football
Loollll so quirky xDD
theyre based simple as
crips 4 lyfe
Good morning /nfl/
Dolphins suck btw lol turns out "squishing the fish" isn't just a meme
so the opposite of you, simp
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Lmao why do dudes try to fight 3-5+ full grown men on some old Jason Statham shit?
>if jackie chan can fight 20 guys while holding a baby, fighting 3 guys so be e-ACK
What do you think they're thinking
>Hamlin: why'd it gotta be me
>55: jfc this nigga soft af
>66: oh lawdy he we go again
>tua: bouta get me some fried chicken
This makes Cowgirls and Mahomosexuals seethe
the fuck is the thing on the left?
Imagine Herbert on the Phins
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Wtf coconut got heemd again
Why did he slide with his head?
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>Hamlin is just trying to make sure Tua isn’t getting the TD
>expects him to slide
>Tua spears his helmet into Hamlin’s bicep at full speed
>gets another concussion
>Hamlin and everyone else in America is confused as to why he didn’t take the slide
>Dolphins season already over
kek I tuned out of the game since fins already got btfo cant believe whopper whopper himself dealt the killing blow
>Tua Turndaballover
>Jalen Sharts
>Mac Jones
>Bryce Young
Why do GMs keep falling for Alabama meme QBs?
Hilarious meme dad
Cyborg Hamlin gotta take it easy on these mere mortals he's basically RoboCop out there
she's so fucking fake and ugly and abominable. probably a tranny as well
I expected Hamlin to 'jakface and wave for trainers like a little girl but to his credit he walked off like "not my problem". good for him
>due from a country that can't decide if they're bosnia or herzegovina complaining about trannies

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remember when pooa said cold is just a state of mind?
Dolphins should trade for Mac Jones.
I think Tua's ratings of 83 injury and 93 toughness on Madden might be a little incorrect
what the ufck
Mac for Achane, who says no?
Everyone knew Tua was damaged goods but the Dolphins convinced themselves they wanted him the whole season
Everyone knew Mac was a backup at best but somehow the Pats convinced themselves he was a starter
Hurts and Young were highly rated in multiple places so I won't kill the GMs for those
to be fair, mac was fine until they made fatricia the OC and things went to shit
How many likes did this get on Facebook?
Bahamas bro probably, he'd want them to cart out Tua's swiss cheese brain.
I don't think people understand how shit the Patriots offense was/is under Bill. They have no players outside a RB any team would want.
>teams whose seasons are already over

who else?
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He is now
>Even RuGod can't save that mess.
The eventual loss in the playoffs is inevitable, like in every year
Goofy Movie had some absolute bangers. I 2 I still rips
If you had told me 5 years ago that the Steelers would be my favorite AFC North team I would have called you a liar.

That division has speedran getting on my hate list.
look at all these discount raiders fans
i can't believe i was rooting for cincinnati in the owl. joe reddit is a piece of garbage
Is there even concussion in Madden?
NFL demanded they take them out of the game completely
>tfw I distinctly remember breaking Drew Bledsoe's neck and ending his career in Madden '97 on the Saturn
Is Tua the dumbest Samoan in the NFL? You never see Sewell do stupid shit like that.
I think he's had enough concussions to where his judgment is just fucked. He's going to keep doing stupid shit like this until he physically can't
The global game
Bills already in late season form with an MVP quarterback
Yup that cake is gonna taste even more delicious later than it would today.
We need cross border pride month
>joe schmidt
Dead today at age 92
>tua tagovailoa
Dead today at age 26

Modern NFL players are soft as fuck.
Any team not named the Kansas City Chiefs.
>So bad we eat horse shit!
rent free
That's a normal play for everyone except tua mush brain
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How many does Tua have left?
Hamlin cushioned that shit significantly too by not really giving much to the hit and take a step back since he knew the game was already over. If Hamlin stood his ground and plant his feet/weight down, the hit would be even worse
now that the dust has settled
which attempted throw-away pick six was worse? levis' or tua's?
How long before Kyler Murray uses this move to go back to paid Call of Duty? Black Ops 6 is coming out..
it's ogre
I think Tua had a little more time, wasn't Levis most of the way to the ground when he threw
also espn video title:
>Damien Woody worried about Tua Tagovailoa's quality of life after latest concussion

media comin'


1. Josh Allen
2. Matthew Stafford
3. Baker Mayfield
4. Gardner Minshew
5. Brock Purdy
6. Jared Goff
7. Sam Darnold
8. Derek Carr
9. Daniel Jones
10. Aaron Rodgers
11. Joe Burrow
12. Trevor Lawrence
13. Kirk Cousins
14. Justin Herbert
15. Bo Nix
16. Will Levis
17. Skylar Thompson
18. Andy Dalton
19. Jake Haener
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>tua v hamlin
I'm surprised both didn't die
>get 100 mil guaranteed
>launch your head like a missile into Hamlins chest
>concuss yourself
>refuse to elaborate
If Tua had stayed healthy, just imagine how many more picks he would've thrown.
seriously tho black qbs fucking suck to watch
>speared hamlin in the chest when the same thing almost killed him once before
serves that coconut right
yeah tua's done. that's not even that hard of a hit. i don't know how much money he's guaranteed to make if he retires but im sure it's enough to live off of. he should quit.
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>hmmm, yes, today i will try the protein pop tart for breakfast

Has bahamafaggot roped yet? I wasn't in the gamethread.
>i don't know how much money he's guaranteed to make if he retires
167 million + tip. no refunds.
yeah just take that money and retire dude's set for life. what a swindle.
>season over at week 2 with a brain damaged QB
Kind of liberating desu. I no longer have to care.
Just found out someone I know is a Dolphins fan a couple of days ago. Mentioned that, as a 49er fan who remembers Steve Young, I worry about Tua and needing to retire like Steve did.
Yeah but Young is an all time great in a rougher era. Tua is just a pineapple man swindler
>black qbs
damn tua is still clinching on the ball when getting knocked out. thats disicpline right there
East Coast bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqju_zg8M_E
The Coconut Kid
14 now
>Tuanigamanuolepola Donny Tagovailoa
>tua niga man
how did his parents get away with this?
Last year Pooa put on weight and took judo to learn to slide and avoid hits. This year he lost weight for some reason, and also for some reason decided to start charging head first into dudes. Why did he turn back into a retard after sort of figuring it out?
This country is getting so gay
Can we stop talking about this
The fix is in
Hawk tua
Too soon, shithead
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>Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
America's movies and music was at their peak in the 90s and first 00s.
Tua isn't black. He is not of African descent
Still tony
I dunno, Greg
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make the call
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Mutthomos btfo
>3 interceptions and a concussion
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Which gang is this?
yet another disgusting act by that classless thug tua
>taking a nap on the field
very very disrespectful
I don't think MacGruber is gonna fix this.
same issue for certain players like Lamar, he can shred dog shit teams with his legs and rack up stats but he's easy to shutdown in the playoffs by solid teams with good coaching. Certain coaching and play styles don't win Owls
The Crippleds
What was going through his head at this exact moment?
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Ladies and gentlemen, your new Dolphin's quarterback
the offense was always shit, Brady just made it work because he was so good he could produce a top 5 offense every year with JAG tier players. Gronk fell to them in the draft due to his back injury, would have been a top 10 pick otherwise. Brady taking a way lower salary also gave Belishart an extra 20M/yr to stack his defense
they cant afford him lmao
Legit how can the NFL let him play another game?
Cowboys, Dolphins, and Ravens fans do not understand football to root for these perennial losers.
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1-0, real possibility starting 3-0 if the JEST melt down further this week.
>implying he would ever take a snap behind that dogshit o-line
Brady knows better, plus he's got that sweet broadcasting money now
>What was going though his head
I'm a bee I'm a guy bee daba I'm a bee I'm a guy
Choofs were the poster child for perennial losers prior to the mutt
You have no idea what you're talking about
Everyone knew what Alex Smith was. Cowboys, Dolphins, and Ravens think their retarded QBs are elite which is why they keep losing
Nigga they can't even handle Jets fans from Ronkonkoma.

Filly fans are phaggots.
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>Player safety is paramount to us
>Until we start losing money because of it
>I don't care if he forgot his parents' names, he can still throw a football, can't he? Get him back out there!
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to be fair jets fans are the most powerful fans
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Let's be honest, he wasn't good when he had full control of his bowels.
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>Goodell watching Tua's head and Hamlin's chest on a collision course
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>does almost nothing the entire game
>only highlight is a pass against Jalen Ramsey
>is now 6-0 against Ramsey, 7-0 on Thursday and 12-2 versus the Dolphins
>be pooa
Max from A Goofy Movie
bros will my giants even win a game this season
Throwing up gang signs in solidarity with pooa
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Can we talk about that?
>easiest to pass it has ever been in the NFL due to soft ass rule changes
>black QBs still look like shit
the issue now is every young QB has been running a meme spread offense their entire career and the fact that youth leagues just put their best athlete at QB. They don't account for any of the things that made QBs like Brady or Manning great, so the pipeline of future QBs for 20 years is fucked. The best you'll get is meme QBs scrambling around playing backyard football while missing 5 yard hitch routes
I don't think the AFCE has ever been a serious division
How fucked are the dolphins when Tua retires?
They literally had the best offense of all time in 2007. And their 2nd run in the late 10s they had very good offenses.
>The best you'll get is meme QBs scrambling around playing backyard football while missing 5 yard hitch routes
So Caleb Williams. God help us all.
Maybe in the 90s when the Dolphins and Bills were both winning playoff games.
If they can bring Mac Jones I can see them improving somewhat
Andy Reid has surpassed Belichick, he had solid teams with mid-tier QBs and when he finally got an elite one he created a dynasty. Belichick is sub .500 without Brady. Reid is a better GM and coach, Belichick coaching tree is non-existent
It will literally save us. We need some mental retard gunslinger type who will go out and throw 3 TDs and 3 INTs every game.
It's called being a gunslinger, retard
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>record scratch
>freeze frame
>yep, that's me. you're probably wondering how I got here
The NFL is going to be treating these >black QBs like disposable workhorses. They'lll pay the guys one big contract that takes them to their age 30 season or so and then just cut them loose.
Even below average QBs like Mac Attack are going for a premium in the current QB market. Plus they just gave Tua a shitload of guaranteed money
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The fact he is throwing gang signs again with a softer hit confirms his brain is fucked. He's done
Legit the Jasg better be on the phone ready to deal Mac. Tyreek will literally kill Skyler White after a few weeks out of frustration.
not joking at this point I'd be looking at middle infielders and pitchers in the MLB system with some football experience. NFL QB requirements and the easy way out for what works from peewee-college is completely different. It's not just scrambletards the mechanics are robotic and awful for NFL level. Every elite QB that gets anywhere has a heavy baseball background growing up and there's no exceptions. Roethlisberger picked up being a QB from scratch as a HS senior I don't buy you need exhaustive experience if you can actually just fucking throw
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don't worry, he'll be back to fuck himself up again soon enough
Mac Jones redemption arc incoming?
they have a better cumulative record from 2000-2018 than any other division
Why would Reek give a fuck?
He already won an owl with the Chiefs and got a huge as fuck payday from the lolphins
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>Brady era
C'mon now
what does this dumb fuck still have a job?
It won't be that hard to find someone good for throwing screens to Hill and Waddle, then throwing multiple picks a game.
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no refunds
Mahomes, Allen, Stroud, Brady, Elway, Kyler, Roethlisberger all had baseball backgrounds and are all elite passers. I think you might be on to something.
I don't say this lightly, Tua needs lessons from Brett Favre
>a statue in the pocket
The new qb meta is the same as the old qb meta but the league just doesn't want to accept it
He's under contract dumbass
what makes the movie goofy?
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>paying for sports
Journalists need to be fragged
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It was a different time
It's the only reason Murray is passable for how short he is, he can just rocket a ball however he feels like and it gets there. Also Wilson
the non brady teams had a better record than the 2-4 of other divisions as well
it was a common thing brought up by brady defeners
Reminder that the Dolphins also had a chance to take Sewell but grabbed a wide receiver instead.
They can improve actually. Even taking Cam Newton would help
everything is going to be alright
Well theyve been desperately trying to force the black qb meme for like 20 years now so we will probably just see play levels decline as the position blackens rather than the nfl ever admit whites are simply better at the position
>people favored Pooa and the corpse of Rodgers to surpass the Billie Boys this year
Nbd I’ll keep stacking chips off of Allen haters.
The Dolphins only like Samoans who give themselcws concussions.
He knows it's over
The QB market has become totally irrational. It's one thing to pay Pat Mahomes. It's onee thing to even pay Joe Burrow who led your team to an owl. It's a major stretch to pay someone like Dik Poopshart who can accumulate stats but gags in the playoffs every year. But it's crazy to pay guys like Lawrence and Pooa who have done nothing in the league.
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Cam said he'd only play for 1 team and it wasn't the dolphins. Plus that zesty ass nigga looks like this now...
So the NFL meta in a few years will be to just poach MLB randos to play QB just like the meta right now is to poach MLS randos to play kicker? NGL this timeline is kinda based.
this image summarizes almost every problem with modern NFL
I don't think you understand Diva receivers. It's not about rings, it's about numbers and highlights.
When you sign a QB to a huge deal that takes up 25% of your cap, it comes with the assumption that he is good enough to cover up gaps and holes in the team elsewhere. The problem with paying Pooa is that he cannot function without elite players at skill positions and a great line. So paying him is crazy because they can't afford that. It's totally ogre.
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Money isn't real and you're only seeing base pay, not even factoring in ad money
unlikely since there are plenty of Brandon Weedon like baseball washouts that also failed as QBs
>you did great, sport. we'll get em next time
>kisses concussed head
yeah, baseball isn't a meme for QBs and it's the real reason Mahomes is so good. Mike Leach actually cracked the code, he was able to find under recruited QBs with potential by having them throw literally ANYTHING at a target. He claimed that accuracy couldn't be trained much, a good thrower will be good at throwing any object you give them. Comes down to hand eye coordination and other stuff that can't really be measured so it's overlooked
cam thinks hes johnny depp
Nobody has noticed Delmar Hamlin heemed him
>drools and poops
>hamlin heemed him
Hamlin was just standing there like "nigga wtf r u doin?"
Homosexuality and interracial couples?
Quarterbacks don't know how to take care of themselves anyone because they're like spoiled, overprotected children.
the play by play guy even pointed it out and said it was ironic
Hamlin has a titanium chestplate now
I'll be there hopefully blackout drunk

Semi serious: a team should approach someone like trevor bauer who is now verboten in mlb and convince him to convert to football. You could probably convince him to do it
Yeah, not a single person has mentioned that...
wtf is this real?
it matters when there's a salary cap and you are trying to build a winning team. For some reason these GMs think if they pay elite money their QB will elevate their game

some smart GM is going to wake up and build a run-heavy offense with 3 cheap running QBs to cycle through and bully these twink defenses built to stop the pass with 220lb LBs and 250lb edge rushers. Ravens are close to that and have had success, but they overpaid LaMeme
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>We need some mental retard gunslinger type who will go out and throw 3 TDs and 3 INTs every game.
Just sign this retard already
if the owners all get together and agree to play hardball they can stop this shit spiraling out of control like it has, right now dork presscock has all the leverage because he knows the market is so overheated some other cuck gm/owner will gladly pay him that money
Lions kind of did that without the running QBs. They just dumped a shitload of money on an elite oline who bullies the fuck out of opposing teams while Montgomery and Gibbs run the ball. The defense ends up getting so tired not even Goff can fuck it up.
He's going to be the Brown's started halfway through the game on Sunday. Watson is done, both mentally and physically.
i know that aint i who i think it is
the Colts tried it before them once Luck left but it still doesn't work without a decent QB
God I love retarded crab leg man. Get that bum ass peanut oil salesman out of there.
ha! gayyy
yay my stupid stinky lions :3
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tick tock dallas
>but they overpaid LaMeme
they didnt 2bh. lameme is a 1 man offense so hes one of the few ones worth 50m a year. the problem the ravens have is that they didnt spent the rest of their cap exclusively on defense. ravens team should be lamar + 10 scrubs on offense and 200m worth of defense
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*toilet bowl flushing sound played in reverse*
Yeah, you need someone at least game manager levels of competent. It can be done though.
seems like they were trying to prove lamar could be a more traditional QB instead of just embracing what he could do and blew draft picks and money on weapons for him in the passing game. Cheap TEs, big blocking WRs, and a stable of good but cheap RBs while stacking the defense would have been smarter
Legit... is Dak next?
Poopshart got paid last week, pay attention.
Yes im aware, re read my post
are the saints the white mens team?
I know gunslingers are rare these days, but I don't get why any team would draft a dual threat over a gunslinger. Pic related.
Yes they were trying to prove it because the NFL has been using him as social engineering. It's racist to imply he can't play traditional QB and that he relies on his athletic ability. It's racist to not pay him especially since he plays for Baltimore.
Tua getting heemed was God punishing the Dolphins for disrespecting our boys in blue. The injuries will continue until Tyreek apologizes for his bad behavior and skin tone.
Maybe tua is doing this on purpose to kill himself
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white christian man’s team, yes
I believe the broncos, lions, rams and niners are the whitest in the league
Quite the opposite, since they play in New Orleans.
retarded take as usual from /sp/
You mean the players, the fanbase or the city?
bungles fans will say this was rigged
My bad, sorry. Technically the owners can't get together and agree to not do this, it violates the CBA. Not to say they haven't done it in the past. I honestly think this is just going to run its course, we are in a situation where teams are paying 1/3rd of the cap to one QB and one WR and that's just not going to work.
still can't believe Jerry gave this dude 60m/yr, how does he rationalize the decision that means a guy who has won nothing will now have even less help to win with due to eating up so much cap space? Same for Lamb, you've used almost 40% of your cap space on 2 players who aren't even close to best at their position
>lions have a wide receiver named tom kennedy
Now that's a good, solid, white man's name if I've ever heard one.
I'm not a Bengals fan but it was rigged.
>t. faggot leftist who worships blacks
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He went to college to play lacrosse. How he tangled in the hoodrat sport we call football, I'll never know.
The players
>if the owners all get together and agree to play hardball
Literally illegal
Most people I talk to really want Jared Goff and the Wions to win the Super Bowl.
If you ignore all the refball that happened in favor of my team, it was completely rigged against us.
How's your job as a tard wrangler?
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Didn't expect there to be a lot of gay bars in Canada though I can't say I'm really surprised.
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detroit deserves some happiness but my chiefs are in the way
I wonder if this has to do with the fact that it’s the whitest team in football right now and Goff is such a great guy.
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I’ve been there 2 years ago when they played the Bungles and while there were a shitload of brown people, everyone was chill despite losing the game.
Night and day compared to soccer fans in krautland (and anywhere else I guess)
Picrel OC from post game
Oh im sure there can be a few “off the record” phone calls
Did you enjoy some Jazz?
With Dak and McCarthy they can get to 10-12 wins in the regular season, make the playoffs, and see what happens (and hopefully actually try this time around). If you cut Dak loose and start over you're looking at 1-2 years of crap and then hopefully you can start competing again.

Well Jerruh is 137 years old. He doesn't necessarily have that much time left for a rebuild.
So is raping (possibly underage) Chinese illegal alien slaves at a massage parlor. It's never stopped the owners before.
kissing guys isn't necessarily gay

i kiss my dad and we're not gay
I literally told my dad that last night
thomas bradley?
Those faggots picked Eminem to be their celebrity ambassador
Detoilet deserves the pain
Yeah but your dad won 7 superbowls, he does what he wants
I was there for work and barely managed to squeeze the game in between meetings. No chill jazz nights for me :-(
>that name
>that photo
Get this man a hedge fund to manage.
>So is raping (possibly underage) Chinese illegal alien slaves at a massage parlor.
This is extremely antisemitic, delete this post at once goy!
best option I saw was people suggesting not counting QBs towards the cap, just let owners go full retard with it
Don't speak for your father
t. your dad's twink boyfriend (btw go Seahawks)
Fucking slide you dumb samonigg. Now we gotta hear bitching and whining from the national media all week.
That's unfair to poorfag teams like the Raiders
>not Tom Kennedy IV
lineage isn't elite
Why does he get concussed so easily? Are some people more susceptible to it, or after you’ve had one are you at higher risk for more?
This isn’t even a noteworthy hit. Running backs and receivers are probably involved in a hit like this 10-20 times per game.
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I’m more annoyed that he fucked up my parlay. I bet on a shootout.
Would completely fuck up restricted free agents and the franchise tag. Raiders or Bengals couldn't win a bidding war with the Cowboys.
would be funnier watching retards like Tepper and Jerruh give QBs 100m/yr just to see them bust
Owners would never agree to it. Unless they cut the cap by $50M, at which point the players would not agree to it (because most teams don't pay their QB $50M).
Why do women think it’s acceptable to use the men’s bathroom just because theirs has long lines?
It's both. Tua is not built for football and it only keeps getting worse every time he gets hit. The NFL needs to step in and force him to retire before that retard turns into a vegetable on the field and gets the sport banned.
because no one holds women accountable for their actions. civilized society is a woman's playground
In my experience, Mens rooms are cleaner than womens.
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>because no one holds women accountable for their actions. civilized society is a woman's playground
>Why does he get concussed so easily?
Because he does retarded shit like run head first into defenders at full speed for no reason.
Kek and every fag in Twitter tweeting "Oh No" at the same time.
This. Women's rooms were always much more disgusting and annoying to clean.
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Florida sounds like the ultimate degenerate place
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No, I will not. Anyone pretending that this isn't anything other than modern-day gladitorial combat is burying the lede. Everyone involved, from Tua to Hamlin to the coaches to the owners to the fans, know that the sport is dangerous, know that there is serious risk for mental injury based on decades of studies, and have already made the decision that it's alright for them because it can make them millions of dollars. Please stop with the pearl clutching and let them bash their skulls into jelly for my entertainment.
Concussions come easier after you start getting them, unfortunately.
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There's two types of Americans. Those who want to move to Florida because they went to Disney or Miami for a cruise, and those who will never move back to that god forsaken hellhole.
the brainlet tripfag contradicts himself in 61 seconds
Yeah, they should’ve kept him in. I needed roughly 70 more passing yards from the fucking Coconut Kid.
i feel you brotha

I cant understand how a QB fail to achieve at least 200yds in a game
Reminder that bitchknees is a janny.
So how are the dolphins going to escape from Tua's messy contract?
He's 100% not going to retire unless he's given the consent to allow his retirement to be medical, which means even if they cut him they're still in the red 160M from his guaranteed money
>JD swims with a shirt on
probably add some of those meme void years to stretch out the cap hit
The distinction from gladiator combat is if he retires medically today he can probably still enjoy his life until his 60s and will receive two years of his massive salary while coming off the Dolphins cap sheet making for a better show.
hes weird
>So how are the dolphins going to escape from Tua's messy contract?
they arent. lmao. they committed franchise suicide.
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>Have you ever had a concussion anon?
Anyone who posts on this site is weird, but there’s levels to it.
the girl in the right mogged to oblivion
I have, quite a few.
They don't. That's the point of guaranteed money.
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The Coconut Kid threw 3 fucking interceptions and his dipshit father stunted his potential by forcing him to be a lefty therefore giving him a noodle arm.
Not how void years work.
Void years turn into dead money for the 1st year that a player is no longer rostered. You can at most split it between two years if the person is on the roster til June 1st and isn't after that.
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That's someone's daughter
Tua was feigning injury because he was playing like absolute garbage. Dudes will do that all the time.
Bro, he was not faking. His mind is mush.
Yeah, mine.
Nah, nigga threw up his set at Jesus AGAIN.
That is how reality works.
Why does Tua get more concussions than other players like Goff? Is he weak?
>as long as you can stand upright in the pocket and deliver a crisp throw.
Well that rules Tua out
>women get equal rights
>feminists claim they will show they are equal to men by becoming engineers and creating world changing inventions
>they do this instead
Tua is undersized. Goff is 6'4, for instance.
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id like to see Mahomie having a monster game 400yds shit like that

I feel like he never puts big stats hes just mostly clutch
>kisses head
>another concussion
>everyone in the NFL recommends the dolphins let Tua play on his 5th year and only tag + extend him after if he can stay away from injuries
>they gave him 160M guaranteed instead
Lmao somehow worse than the Russell Wilson deal
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Tua doesn't know how to slide or take a tackle
Dolphins owner doesn't want Tua to end up brain dead AND penniless.
Not even close, less years and didn't need to give up a war chest full of picks for him
some people just aren't built for combat, I played with a guy who was a great athlete but was done by 2nd year of high school due to multiple concussions(from routine plays like Tua) and now the guy has crippling migraines for life. Same concept as boxers who are great but have glass jaws while others can't be heemed
Goff is much larger, much less retarded, and has a good offensive line. Also no one with a brain would want Goff running the football when the roster also includes players like Montgomery and Gibbs.
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mhmmm Haitian cuisine
They can and often do both. GYATT DAMN!
Goff plays like a virtuoso maestro he doesnt slide
They will have 120M in dead cap if he's gone after this year
That motherfucker looks delicious
kek you didn't watch the Rams/Pats owl. Motherfucker was helpless when they cut off the mics.
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Yes women finally realized that their only treu value was showing their bobs and vagines. Wow who knew.
Isnt that ilegal?
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.....I'm trans btw.
name 5 world changing inventions
would not at all be surprised if he had some kind of opt-out clause in case he wanted to go back to football. dude's a psycho.
>Quarterback helmets are equipped only with a speaker in their helmet. Ideally the NFL allows one offensive and defensive player to be equipped with a speaker in their helmet. On the offense it just makes most sense that the said player should be the quarterback as he is the one controlling everything. The quarterbacks typically are able to hear the coach call a play from the sideline but that communication gets automatically cut when the play clock runs down to 15 seconds.

What a weird thing to ask.
What a pedophilic response
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Yeah he would have been a serviceable starter if they had a real OC. He was solid as a rookie.
kek. god he's such a loser faggot
>Smith machine squats
Big oof
thats interesting i didnt know that, i thought literally every player on the field was hearing the coach all tne time
Goof was a deer in highlights during that game.
Patriots made it worse by not showing their lineup until the mic was cut, I think Patricia was the one who figured it out first that Goff was relying on McVay to read the defense for him pre-snap
So Purdy is getting $40 million per year, right?
Madam Curie and Radium
Ann Tsukamoto and Stem cells
Grace Hopper invented some software languages
Josephine Cochrane and the Dishwasher
Ruth Wakefield and the chocolate chip cookies
I cheated and had to look up the dishwasher. The rest was off the dome.
the NFL should be more concerned with explaining these little details to the audience

i believe they are terrible at explaining the sport for new audience
oy vey 6 gorillion shekels!
TL won as many playoff games at Dak.
Flores really fucked him hard lol
60million per year. itll destroy the niners
Bro clearly doesn't track his macros.
The motherfucking Prince came back from behind too. Rayne's bitch ass can't do that.
Imagine being picked last and getting a $200+ million contract
>Josephine Cochrane and the Dishwasher
Yea but they have one more year of basically free QB play so this year and next year are the last big push before they start to rebuild a bit.
Lmao he's getting way more than that, what?
he'll be the most well paid player in the league
Purdy might be high IQ enough to pull the Mahomes and Brady strategy and realize that leaving some salary on the table is better ROI because winning games gets you more endorsement deals
McVay lost that game. Retard kept calling 20 yard routes with a screen door for an oline.
That's a female to male tranny.
hes going to gut the niners
that's how much daniel jones is getting. i'm sure a qb that went to the sb would want more.
>dak poopscoop is the most paid player in the league now
>turdy will be next year
>Mahomes won't be until 2026 (when he's set to renew his contract)
smells like FIVEPEAT
Mahomes didn't pull that strategy lmao his agent literally made them shave off years on the contract and increase the AYV because of how dumb the 10 year thing was for Mahomes.
Mahomes has never once taken a pay cut.
Even if they pay him 45~ million a year like Mahomes they're still gonna have to get rid of some dudes
This year is their last shot.
All those women came before (((feminism))) though
if he's smart he'll sign somewhere else with low state income tax. The fact he hasn't already held out for an extension shows he's not an asshole trying to maximize his income
yes. tranahan will choke again because hes a bitch.
I doubt that, there's loads of trans men who get cut.
He'll probably lose the NFCCG, the flat brim wearing fuck.
i just realized by 2026 Travis Kelce will be a retired dad

Whos gonna be the next TE star for Mahomes?

Brock Bowers you are now a Kansas City Chief!
hopefully mutthomes gets a career ending injury before then
Nebraska has a couple freak huwhite TEs and Mahomes is a mentor to Sneedbraska's current QB. They'll draft one of them
this man doesnt look Wigger enough
Look at the hips and shoulders that's woman LARPing as a man.
Colston Loveland
They're going to struggle to get a receiver TE.
Tight ends outside the top half of the 1st round in the draft are a total crapshoot.
if you google his name it appears a Black man, look it up
We get it, you wanna fuck him.
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Shut up, janny.
>black TE
Guaranteed bust
He’s just sleepy. What’s the big deal?
Bleacher Report on the Buccs/Lions game
>it's been a while since bucs-lions was a super intriguing matchup
Do faggot >journalists even watch football? These teams literally just played each other to go to the NFC title game like 8 months ago.
>NFC title game
NFC Divisional round.
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>not a no
What’s famous Jameis up to?
probably written by AI, but honestly AI is probably better and more accurate than 90% of journalists at this point so who knows
The no was implied.
Ok, we believe you.
He's saying they played each other in the playoffs, the winner of which went to the NFC title game
There's some autistic thing where the playoffs and regular season exist in different dimensions
Shut up, bitch.
Who is Skylar Thompson?
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Would you also go MTF?
No. Now don't ever reply to me or my posts ever again.
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Say hello (again) to your new (old) starting quarterback, Miami.
OK, no shame in going FTM. Better chance he is a football fan and you two could watch games together.
>to go to the NFC title game
Yeah, didn't read it properly.
my nigga poa throwing up gang signs each season lol
Consuming crab legs at Robert's kinoplex.
honestly yeah i would. she has a banging body probably takes dick well
Nigga beefin' with Jesus.
Backing up DeShaun, browns are not trading him.
Pickup Pickett for peanuts from Philly.
They played in the regular season last year too though.
The cunt wife from Breaking Bad.
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No matter how much troons add layers upon layers of makeup and use deceptive side camera angles to hide as much of the jaw as possible (and sometimes draw attention to fake tits), they never pass
That's a man.
>beer on the bathroom floor
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i dont really give a fuck. you know what youre getting when you get with a trans girl.
id' rock her body
You're getting a penis. Nigga you are gay.
New thread when?
Eh the chinks deserve it. They should stay in China if the want to avoid that
im not getting anything but ass and mouth and titties. she's the one getting a penis.
Trip on, bitchknees.
when someone bakes
Absolutely true
I have never been with a trans woman. Can't say if I would or not, never been in a position to. The smell would probably turn me off.
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bradysknee posting tranny porn to own the chuds
yes pussy
more for me
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He's a faaaaaag!
Agreed. I’d take 4 concussions for $93M guaranteed
>Lead with your head and spear the opposing player

Fucking idiot deserves to be a vegetable
The are full blown white TEs. Fidone is a physical specimen but kinda underwhelming on the field. He’s had a bunch of knee injuries so that could be it. Fidone will be in the NFL but I don’t expect him to be anything special there.

Carter Nelson is the other one but he’s a true freshman. Complete freak athlete from a town of less than 2000 in the middle of nowhere. He’ll be a great player but way too late to replace Kelce.
With nil shit and the transfer portal now college players (especially qb's) aren't going to learn shit ever again. Because the second they aren't coddled like a fucking baby they get pissed and transfer somewhere else. They will just get by with natural talent which can work on the college level but not the NFL.
Checkdown Pickett might not be awful actually. The dolphins only threw screens and short passes last night. That’s all Kenny can do.
Browns throwing an insane amount of money at Watson hadnt done shit and who could literally end up in jail any day because he apparently can't just hire a hooker completely destroyed the QB market
They need to make a rule that QB pay can't be more than 10-15% of the total cap space.
Why? Let franchises do what they want within the confines of the limit. If they want to risk not being able to put a whole team together because they overpaid then that’s on their management.

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