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See you in January Edition
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My Steelers :)
i fell out of love
>no news, but not a tripfriend OP
This is the thread
Doctors are now calling brain injuries "a tua"
kamala supporters vote against their own economic interests.
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Darnold is going to be the first player to win comeback player of the year without having ever previously been good
the other thread is more aesthetihsicalyl pleasing
what did he mean by this?
Didn't know 3-14 teams make the playoffs
>tripfaggot OP
No, it is not.
Reminder that bitchknees is a janny.
Announcing they're moving the team to London permanently.
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hes a fellow swiftie
Ok, what did he mean by this?
suck dick
Bahomo rope status?
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Ravens out there running practices like it's Alabama in the 60s
That the jets play calling is dogshit
Good. Send the Panthers to Germany while they're at it.
that’s gotta be a bot at this point
>kamala supporters vote against their own economic interests.
Got em!
He really, really likes the left side.
Ive noticed that too
thats a man
I'm fast as fuck, boooooiiiiiii!
fuck off we’re full
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>his team doesn't have a QB that can lower his shoulder and pick up the extra yards when he needs to without getting permanent brain damage
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>black qbs
the dolphags having this goofy ass basedjak hc always cracks me up
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I'm not a bot, doofus. I already told you it's pure autism and patience.
they hated him because he told the truth
Mahomie can do that
You will take the league's embarassments and you will like it. Next time don't lose the war. Now stfu or you're getting the Giants too.
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Stop laughing, this is not funny!
And there it is.
I need an NFL related file name for this ASAP
He knows that if they cut Tua or Tua medically retires he's fucking boned because the dolphins will go straight to the gutter with that dead cap
Oh boy
>Guys, think about how much money we're paying this guy. I know you're concerned he could have lifelong problems, but we've gotta think about the bottom line.
>think of Ross's hecking billionairenos!!!
Based. I'm starting to like this McDaniel guy
So his true colors are finally showing (lol)
I agree with this slighlty black man, must be very annoying seeing people make plans for your own future
I hate Tua but you are some of the most vile white trash to ever disgrace this thread
what you crying about street shitter
>gave up on his shit thread immediately and came crawling back here
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>Davenport unlikely to play on Sunday
Lions fans learning about the injury merchant already lmao
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>2019 Vikings
>start to run the ball with Dalvin James Cook to be a more balanced offense
>Diggs seethes about his targets and tweets his way out

>2023 Bills
>start to run the Ball with James Dalvin Cook to be a more balanced offense
>Diggs seethes about his targets and tweets his way out
kek what a bitch
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You can only post in this thread if your starting QB can survive contact with a DB.

...not so fast finfaggots.
Diggs is cancer
Has anyone ever been more skilled at earning a free paycheck than Davenport?
Who is ge gonna trick next?
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>it's called being a gunslinger, you idiots
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buck broken
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So Tua’s career is over yes?
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Id like to raise a toast! A toast to the Buffalo Bills for their victory
that's a fumble you piece of shit
There's nothing as satisfying as seeing that bumhama bitch too scared to post for a week or two
diggs is a diva. one of those guys who not only thinks hes hot shit and should have the ball forced to him every play, but also thinks that shitty attitude is somehow good for the team
How many billions do you stand to make by Tua playing?
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No it isn't, it was a TD
>first post for 24 hours straight
Id believe you if thos wasnt the case. Inly bots dont need sleep
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tua was absolutely bunpeemed last night
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Apparently Trump slams this on the reg. Would you, /nfl/?
where's the jewish billionaire? where's the black thug? where's the illegal alien? the single mother?
That's a pro dicksucker right there, so yeah.
What an autistic thing to care about
go eat a cat and fuck off fag
You cannot cut an injured player. Here's the situation in one X post:


>He has $167M guaranteed
>He forgoes $124M if he is cleared to play and retires
>He gets all $167M if he is medically forced to retire.

I don't even know what "medically forced" to retire is in the NFL, considering Alex Smith's leg almost fell off and he was able to get back to playing. There is a concussion protocol so once he clears that, he will be clear to play.
can you imagine the stank on that cunt
I hope Tua comes back and he gets concussed again
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He's an actual piece of shit
The nfl would lose any civil suit if tua gets "cleared to play" and then drops dead on the field. It might be the letter of the law, but teams have already been finding ways to skirt concussion protocol.
He also always tricks fans into thinking he's such a good person and teammate when he first arrives too. Charity events, signing jerseys, pr photos with the team etc
It was smart of the Texans to cut his contract to 1 year.
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>Bradysanus sixth ring cant get his shit thread off the ground
Kek what a bitch lmao
She's a fucking crazy ass yenta Jewish woman. Would probably let you do anything to her.
If I remember, Smeth was given the option to medically retire and collect all but never play again or keep going.
thats mean, bro
dont you remember eric lindross?
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I quit my job so I can watch NFL/CFB and shitpost on 4chan for a while. I can do this all day :^)
>I don't even know what "medically forced" to retire is in the NFL
if he never gets cleared again you dumb fuck
What I'm saying is if they cut him after he's "cleared" (which he will be)
With a cost...
Nam Phan is Tua's future
my jetties will do it to him
I'd imagine that the dolphins are not going to try to skirt the protocol here and play it to the absolute letter. But if he clears it, he clears it, and it's ultimately Tua's choice if he wants to play again. If he does, he is putting himself at risk. It's his decision.
Tua needs some roids, should gain about 30-40 pounds, and become a pocket passer. Also, learn to slide and fall over.
All these Pooa memes ruined by virtue signaling bullshit because he's too dumb to protect himself
He's fucking done.
He LOST weight this off-season. Nobody is going to talk about it but he ultimately brought this on himself.
Hawk tua get concussed on that thang
that's not very nice of you leaf
As a bills fan I hope he makes a full recovery so we can continue to smoke his ass twice a year
Anyone stupid enough to repeatedly get himself concussed in the retarded ways Tua does is stupid enough to decide to keep playing after concussion # 428. He will be back, it will happen again, and it will be funny again.
Weight has nothing to do with it. Sliding would help, but it would still happen eventually. He's a ticking time-bomb, having had a concussion makes successive head trauma worse. It's a slippery slope and he's already nearing rock bottom.
Exactly, just let him retire. He's not a top 20 QB, never was. It's just cruel at this point.
Brian Flores was right
Problem with a lot of the tests though is it's based on player feedback. While theres of course physical tests like eye dilation and joint maneuvering, a lot of it is player input. So now were trusting a guy with possible brain damage to be honest. It's very messy.
heck yea
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as a bills fan, this ain’t it. this is not a good look. i wish tua the best in whatever he decides. we don’t need anymore bad vibes in our direction with our history… you wanna make it to the SB to lose by a missed kick again? i sure as hell don’t.
I don't think he wants to slide 'normally' because it might affect his hip injury from college. That injury was probably the worst I've seen or heard a football player get in recent years.
>Exactly, just let him retire.
he wont. if he retires he doesnt the guaranteed money
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can we talk about a real qb instead of tua tayalvogua
Kek who cares about 4 concussions? Fighters get way more and no one who's a fan cares that much. At least Tua gets real money.
A man is repeatedly killing himself on the field while the coach he trusts and respects just keeps letting it happen and you want to LAUGH? This is a serious and sad situation my friend, it's far too soon for jokes.
nobody is talking about bass' shanked kick yesterday but what the hell man? dude has looked like shit since last years playoffs started
It's his call. If he wants to play, he will play. If he decides to retire, he will give up $124M.

It's not the Dolphins' job or the NFL's job to take care of him.
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It's kind of funny but not as funny as the HORRIBLE TURNOVERS
Tua was a top tier QB last year and he had a comeback drive last week
>would you into Laura Loomers Dirty Bloomers?
Not even with tripfags chopped dick
What else is there to talk about? It was less than 24 hours ago.
sure talk about the games playing today
It's always someone other than Erin, huh?
I would rather be making fun of the Dolphins for shitting the bed against a good team again, and Pooa's 3 interceptions.
my stankees are going to bootyblast the red sox tonight
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Never beating the noodle-arm charges
The play calling is either Aaron, or his hand-picked, certified retard of a OC. So yes it's on him.
Samoan mid is no different than White mid.
The fucking Coconut Kid ruined my parlay. All he needed was 225 pass yards for fuck's sake.
Neither are the guy but Herbert’s brain is still intact
Herbert's been coached by idiots his whole career. It's time for him to produce.
Reminder that Temujin is a latina living in California.
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who is objectively more handsome; Justin Herbert or Joe Burrow?
Are you implying Harbaugh isn't an idiot too?
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Really? And he plays like that still?
Dudes can never be women.
He's produced in the NFL
I always habeeb'd in him, he had a good defense with the Steelers when he was the DC.
She’s a girl pretending to be a guy.
Harbaugh is more of a retard than an idiot. He has actionable autism, and that has worked for NFL Coaching since Vince Lombardi and Hank Strahm. They just looked more professional since they were allowed to wear suits.
What does it matter?
>chargers fire gm and coach
>get harbaugh
>raiders hire man who built that shit chargers roster
It's a lose the battle but win the war situation
Thanks Tua for ruining his chances of getting a head coach job. Gets to stay as Vikings DC longer.
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>everyone: RETIRE
both will lose the war so long as their in the same division as the Chiefs
dude, stop. you're scaring the trans hoes.
He sued my team for not hiring him.
Yeah he pretty much did. His body is not really built to take the impacts. Getting bigger would have helped some I think, but ultimately I think he would have had the same problems.
Fuck off to your dead thread, janny.
How come Chef Russ hasn't ended up like Pooa yet?
Mahomes is just Josh Allen in a better situation.
i’d suck burrows dick and i’m straight as an arrow
Was the one of those hits that was a lot harder than it looked?
body is braced by Dangerwiches
Yeah, the situation is winning games.
As a transwoman (go Eagles btw) I fully support Tua's right to irreparably damage his own body. Anybody who does not fully support Tua as he repeatedly turn his brain into pudding is a Chud and probably supports Israel.
No, it's just easier and easier to get a concussion after you've already had one. Dudes on his like 7th all time, 4 in the last two years.
I've been checking the gossip forums. Rumor is Nick Bosa is dating Stallone's daughter Sophia
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You guys should be rooting for 0 17 seasons until Tepper sells the team. Also don't show up to the games. Seriously fuck that faggot
The situation is Andy Reid and Travis Kelce. Switch them and they’ll have the same exact record and season.
You get to draft Shedeur and hire Deion. The future is bright.
>tainting the bloodline with manlet genes
his kids are NGMI
He is bigger, knows how to slide, and probably has more dense bones. I am pretty sure Tua would also be fucked up (although not as bad) in a bunch of other contact sports too.
>you will draft a monkey bust and primate head coach who hasn't done anything but get overhyped

Stop making him try to kill himself
Tepper is rich even by owners standards and loves football. He's going to keep the team in the family until the NFL no longer exists.
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Keep that former Falcon son of a bitch away from my team
Oh it's happening. Humiliation ritual. The punishment for pretending Cam was good must be more severe.
>guaranteed bust and coach primate
him brains are scrambled eggs SKKKKEEEEEYYYYUUUUUPPPPPP
Isn't Stallone a manlet?
Cam was good for a few years
He was getting better as passing too but then his shoulder got fucked
Stallone is who I'm talking about. Google lists him at 5'10" which means he's 5'8" max. Nick's sons will never play football.
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Being a WAG in Buffalo, New York must be grim.

I guess Justin Herbert is out of Hailee's league.
>She's 30 years old
Bitch looks like she's 45
Kenny has the clutch gene though. He can throw bombs.
>Nick's sons will never play football
Plenty of elite RBs at that size
i want my jetties to get him
What the fuck are you talking about?
The Eagles are a smarter organization that actually takes the backup position seriously. They're not going to part with their QB2 for nothing
Gonna laff when you go 1-16 :)
He can be unable to ever get medically cleared to play but I think he'd have to continue to rehab in order to keep his guaranteed money. More likely they'd do an injury settlement. Why doesn't he have a guardian cap on? There isn't a player in the league who needs to protect his head more.
My Mom was 5'2" and my Dad was 6'2" and me and my siblings are all over 6'.
Not white ones. The Stallone-Bosa child will run a 4.7 40.
This is something you'd expect a rookie qb to do, Not someone getting paid 212.4million dollars
Grim. It'll have to be a trade.
They'll either sign Tannehill or trade for Stidham
The return of Trannyshill will be kino
Give Brady a call Miami
Time for Flacco
>Tannehill is 36
Goddamn, time flew by.
>Just change rules to flag football
kenny pickett for an unconditional 1st round pick, last chance miami
Will Rodgers ever find happiness? He's in his 40s, single, doesn't talk to his family, clearly has demons. I just want Aaron to be happy and I'm worried.
Hooker for a first sounds fair :)
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>hoyer and barkley are still clinging around
holy shit
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If you lie to yourself there's no way you can be honest with others.
Unironically no. Erin had his chance to be a happy, gay man but chose fame and fortune instead. He will never reclaim his youth and his lost love.
Trade for Browning
He's 100% gay and he was ruined by Olivia Munn, who apparently turned him against his religious conservative family.
She then later made fun of him by admitting one of her previous boyfriends was gay.
That's what he gets for being a shitlib loser
concussions in the nba only takes a few days to clear up, Tua will be back next week
Miami should pickup Pickett for peanuts from Philly.
Rodgers needs to find Christ and bask in His light. It's the only way for him to find happiness.
>concussions in the nba
how lol taking balls to the head?
You can only reply to this post if your QB's brain isn't mashed potatoes
>The Eagles are a smarter organization
this is the best joke in the thread
How do you get concussed in a sport like basketball?
It's basically non contact
Bryce is more cooked than Tua's brain.
Basketball is a contact sport, really.
Forgot who on the Celtics, I think Porzingis, missed multiple weeks with a concussion
i can see you have no argument
you get a elbow from some giga nigga

or flying knee to the head
i like brock purdy he's cool because he's not cool and i relate to not being cool
2024 bottom feeders:

Didn't Sid Crosby miss like a full year because of a concussion?

It really depends on how the player responds. Other sports don't have the protocol so it becomes when they feel good to go like any other injury.
Certain players (mainly based Draymond Green) love punching people in the head unprovoked to assert dominance.
Add giants and you have this year's top 5 draft picks
Reminder, theres almost zero chance tyrod is going to miami. Hes got a big contract for a backup, is in division, and Aaron's own health is the primary reason he's there. Dont let the talking heads fool you
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Caleb Williams is one of the QBs of the NFL
you get punched by ron artest
i forgot about the giants lol
Anybody who thinks the Jets are willingly going to give the dolphins a serviceable qb is retarded.
mason rudolph
I would guess hitting your head when falling on your back after contact. Or just general whiplash from repeated contact.
Literally everything I have seen from this guy is zesty as hell.
lol the talking heads are actually pretending my jetties would ever give the phags anything?
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tua will start week 4, screencap this
zesty ahh nigga
>could have been the GOAT
>chose to play football instead
Savard on the Broons basically retired.
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I still don't know how the Lolphins justified that deal to themselves. It's not like they gave him the money first then just got unlucky when he got concussed after the fact. This was practically an inevitability.

Their whole plan was for a guy who goes into the fencing pose after every hard tackle to just not get hit for five years.
cards or colts are friskier?
>Dolphins sign tannehil
>he wins the revenge game
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I wish I was a pro athlete just so I could dress up for the walk from the parking lot to the locker room. It's literally all I want.
I would not even trust Tua to do cheerleading or gymnastics. Its that bad.
he can always go back to farming after football.
>black GMs
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Travis is a fashion savant
This nigga could get 50 ms to stop turning his brain to mush and he said no. I think that's proof he fails concussion protocol
It's amazing that Allen wasn't highly rated out of high school, but somehow Bryce Young was. How the fuck does that happen?
Taking so many years off like this though, can he get back to that level? I don't know.
I wouldn't even trust him to eat Spam without concussing himself.
you dont need to be a pro football player to be your zesty self.
He can team up with Von to start a Chicken Restaurant
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Does every state have a Firebaugh? I thought it was Fireball when I was a kid.
yea, but no one cares if I dress up. These guys get their own runway every week and they get to choose what to wear.
The ratings are about their ability to develop as college players, not their chances to succeed in the NFL.
He had one good year and they were like, "yep, we've seen enough". Talk about confirmation bias. Just totally insane. I didn't read one article from a non-shill that said it was a good idea. Everyone knew it was bad.

Because blacks are overrated by scouts.
post your fits here bro
He's unironically the type of guy who will love retirement.
Demons become more pronounced when you have sports talkshows discussing them 24/7.
Bryce Young was excellent in college, dude literally won a Heisman. Some players just don't translate well to the NFL. Allen wasn't amazing in college (and wasn't amazing for the first couple years of his NFL career either). He was drafted on potential, much like Anthony Richardson.
All those looks are bad. I really don't like Kelce's fashion sense. He alternates between wigger-tier and dressing like a pothead teenager.
QB ratings against non NFL players mean absolutely nothing
There are hundreds of thousands of high school football players every year, how can college scouts be expected to know everything about all of them?
And anyway, Young went to a private school that's won multiple state championships in recent years and has produced multiple heineman winners. Allen went to a random public school.
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hes into his Tony Soprano era
kelce's fit looks a lot better than whatever the fuck obj and wilson are wearing
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I will always hate Harbaugh a little for robbing based Smeth of his super bowl shot, but come on, man. The Niners were in disarray and he instantly turned them into viable contenders and Michigan was on the verge of being a second-class program and he made them a champion. Dude is an autist but he knows what he's about
its crazy that the '70s dad' aesthetic is so much in style now, I would have never thought that it would return.
How does Kelce get away with being fat? He should lose 20 pounds.
I know he had some success in the NFL before he went to Michigan but he is most recently a college coach which by definition means he will suck in the NFL. QED.
>Because blacks are overrated by scouts.
a lot of nfl players gain a bit of weight in the offseason. Keenan allen probably gained like 30 lbs this offseason and still hasn't lost all of it.
i am begging travis to put on some socks
Firebaughbros where we at?
>There are hundreds of thousands of high school football players every year, how can college scouts be expected to know everything about all of them?
Simple, dismiss small, weak, slow QBs like Bryce outright.
that’s the same path he took last time and he lost an owl so no
he needs to score a td next game
I have a Bryce Young sex tape that I jerk off to sometimes. It's from when he was at Alabama. Blonde girl with huge tits.
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>yfw you gave a quarter of a billion to kevin kolb 2.0
But I was just watching in the stands
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gimme your lunch money atlanta
Tua is the NFL Johnny Walker, unfortunately
People forget what a shit show the Niners were when he took over and he got them to the NFCCG that year. The Niners back then were a team that were low-key loaded but saddled with horrible coaching. Chargers are not as loaded as they were but they should be much much much better than they have been.
I am sure Taylor's stylists are working with him but the hat, mustache, no socks, and stupid sneakers are all a big no for me. It's not working.
Manlets will never get another nfl snap because of Bryce Young.
right looks smarter than the left
they are both zogbots of sports, what really is the difference
Singletary is low key one of the worst coaches of all time. Those teams were so stacked (and he cucked us out of getting prime Big Ben).
Oh I get it, you're 20. Harbaugh was coaching in the bigs when you were in middle school
On April 29, 2021, the Cincinatti Bengals and the Miami Dolphins each selected a wide receiver over Penei Sewell.

Both of these teams are fucking shit now.

Please allow this parable to inform your life
sewell walked so alt could run
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This guy always looks like the world's biggest douchebag. I'd love to see someone beat the shit out of him in a prime time game.
this proto-zoomer is an actual retard but then again what can you expect from a DUDE WEED LMAO le funny interview guy
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Rams in the desert on Sunday
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>Gnats, Phins, Punters, Raiders, Jests, Browns, Bengals all need QBs
>There's only one Carson Beck to go around
>Dak already re-signed
What the fuck are they gonna to do?
(And no, Shedeur, Ewers, and Ward are not serious options)
>gets shut down
>what are they gonna do
>kills friend while committing crimes
theres only ever like 10-15 decent QBs in the league at any point in time. more than 50% of teams need a real franchise QB
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>No Fuaga
>No Lattimore
It may very well be over
Is Carson Beck actually good? I don't watch cfb but is it him or the stacked roster like Stetson Bennett?
Coach Prime
Draft Dart or Nussmeier
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laugh all you want faggots. bahamanon gets to wake up to this each morning while you shovel dust in bland midwestern shitholes.
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damn i could probably move there with my wfh job never thought about it
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I live in Florida
I have the same climate
Giants or Commies?
Giants. The Commies are a leftist team that will be punished by God just like the Dolphins.
This is a new low even for you, Bahamanon
>m-muh heckin aestheterinos
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remember when pooa said cold is just a state of mind?
Commies can actually move the ball. Their d is shit but >Daniel Jones lmao
Get this chud off my fucking team
Her cup runneth over
>dolphins trade for Mac jones
Who says they won’t?
he could’ve at least worn suspenders with my dead grandpa’s pants
Nah bro, this is where he stay when hes done waiting tables.
The 'ders suck but the Giants are the 2nd worst team in the league this year.
heat fucking sucks
bugs fucking suck
snowy winters are kino as fuck
i will never understand why normies soiface over tropical and subtropical climates so much. it sounds like hell on earth
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ya seethe?
i get to play golf 350 days a year in california
This guy is turbocringe. Christfags are the new fedora tippers these days.
Nah that's you
this guy is so deep in the closet lol
This. I like going to warm places for vacation but living there would suck.
>tucked in pleated pants with no belt and no jacket
cannot imagine taking anyone who dresses like this seriously
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Name ONE team.
ONE team
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My Philadelphia iggies! :)
The San Andreas Jackie Chans
watson's legal team
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Might go get some za for lunch
You guys want anything?
The standard is the standard
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He’s literally just a Christian and it makes you seethe lol
the decatur staleys
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My kangs
Big Sausage Pizza - Shy Love
That was not Demar Hamlin. Hamlin died that day and his split personality took over, Commotio Cordis
I don’t hate him so I don’t want him to suffer, but it would be hilarious to have this same conversation every 6-8 weeks
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The KC Sneeds
this is the sort of shit you say when you know it's going to be a while before a player comes back
A special limited edition racing game where the Jacksonville Jaguars drive Jaguars on the Atari Jaguar. Only 50 cartridges have been produced.
Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean everyone else is.
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Based, Mahomes supports Trump too.
>making black guys hold the hoses as to not appear racist while they get sprayed with fire hoses
200 IQ move
Tucker's not even right-wing anymore, he's just a Christian schizo
He knows that Tua is fine and just played like shit.
I hate the miami dolphins so much you guys
- lifelong dolphins fan
Harbaugh may be an idiot but he knows football. He can coach
lefties literally deserve to be killed and are begging for it at this point.
You know guys, I was wrong. It pains me to admit it, but I'm going to be honest and admit that Trump is the best choice for president. He was the best choice for years, but I was just too arrogant to see it
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Whitlock says Tua simply isn't built for football. I agree.
Every ko makes it exponentially easier to be re-ko'd. If Tua comes back he will get concussions from his teamates patting his helmet. It's over. GM is a fool for extending his contract.
The human race
sounds like they aren't going to let tua play again even if he wants to.
This guy is a complete fag
2 white slices with broccoli and ricotta
It's Tennessneed now boi
He has the skull durability of an infant.
Wow what a brave take. I said this before the fucker was drafted. Flores and Marino felt the same. Shocker it was proven true immediately.
impersonating a trannymod is a bannable offense
indianapolis colts
And what are you basing that off of? No one has said shit besides placating comments.
Ozzie would never allow John to do this, he would see right through the charade
Tua status?
Trip on Youngcuck
tua dead tua notice his wife left
I believe left isn’t even allowed by the rules anymore.
He just spoke publicly for the first time. He said
>blaaaaaurghhhhh *shits pants*
The entire room applaud and McDaniel shed a tear
>pooa allthoughtisova
>you can't dress like a slavemaster as the blacks give each other CTE
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MY Lancaster Bombers
Nope. Nike had a shit fit when Jim Zorn wore a suit so the NFL banned it outright so thats why you see all the coaches and personnel wear pre approved officially licensed NFL gear
Dolphins deserve this over trying to make Tyreek Hill into George Floyd.
the good old days
Medical will clear him this week even though it’s obviously unsafe for him to ever play again.
He’s going to sue the league.
i don’t disagree
now thats a mans man
Tua's concussion was part of a high IQ play to make everyone forget about those interceptions
Imagine the terrible sex
Harbaugh is autistic, but he is a high functioning autist. Hes far from dumb
Which funny enough is why McDaniel does the aviators and watch and sneakers. At least thats something he can "class up" a bit. The guy is a retard about most things but his on field look was pretty solid until he went full coke fiend this year.
He's much better than Bennett. Great accuracy, above average arm strength, fast enough to get a first down on 3rd and 5. He's not gonna just turn the ball over and willing to take the open throws to move chains. Probably not a franchise savior right away but isn't going to lose you games single handedly.
Shitdeur would be lucky to stay on a practice squad
Slight back injury
You will never be this based.
He is clutch but no he can’t throw bombs. Trust me I watched him enough as a Steelers fan
I dont think there's ever been a worse game played
>throw 3 picks
>have a potentially career ending concussion
This man listens to both kinds of music, Country and Western
>Allen only went 13/19 with 139 yards
We're entering a dark age of QB play aren't we
>[Meirov] The #Chiefs are placing WR Marquise "Hollywood" Brown on IR and he needs to undergo surgery on the injury he suffered in the preseason, per @Schultz_Report . Brown is out at least another four games and potentially more.
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we cant have shit
lots of internal rumblings that tua will make an “announcement” today T 5 PM CST.
>nfl defenses sold out on the pass and can’t stop the run
boomerball is back and you’re gonna like it
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ooooh poggies
Maybe we'll get a Browns-Lions Owl
More like 5PM CTE lmao
Tua is physically incapable of making any announcements.
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How did your team's rookies do in week 1?
hearing the same too.
They shot and buried him on Josh's pistachio farm...
i mean he didnt really need to do much for that game. 3 INT and multiple failed miami 4th down conversions set them up in great field position to just score with the run game, and every since tua went down they just ran the ball to burn the clock out
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>He won't draft Ewers
More for my Rammies :)
He will make the same announcement everyday now because of anterograde amnesia.
His wife does. Patty is a moderate conservative.
>Schefter: With Tua possibly entering retirement, McDaniel and #Chiefs are in preliminary talks to send Hill and Waddle to KC in return for Wentz and 2025 4th round pick.
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>one of the most dominant teams in the league completes their heel turn by becoming the defacto MAGA team
Why does this storyline seem so familiar?
Thanks, I'll pay closer attention to their games come the playoffs.
Completely frivolous signing. He was supposed to be our WR2 until Worthy was ready to take his place, but Worthy broke out straight away. Now we just need a serviceable WR3 which Hollywood is over-qualified for. Probably why they changed his designation and told him to take his time. We'll see if Smith-Schuster can contribute at all.
kek solid bait
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what a tool
He’s farming coconuts
>#Raiders HC Antonio Pierce says he would tell Tua Tagovailoa to retire from the NFL.
>“I’ve never witnessed anything like what has happened to him three times. … Take care of your family.”
it really might be tagovailover
>@AdamSchefter 3h Mike McDaniel said that, at this time, he told Tua Tagovailoa that “he’s the starting quarterback of his family. Go in the locker room, take a deep breath and I’ll see you soon.”
Damn mcdaniel wants him to get concussed at the breakfast table too. Cold.
He's only pretending so he doesn't get bad press. Mahomo is a die hard MAGA chud.
went to the gym for 1 hour, what did i miss?
i belive this is true. Hes a fan of Morgan Wallen
chiefs wr getting shoulder surgery
>dad says play sports or you have to help out on the farm
>allen and his brother play sports nonstop
They didn't. Everyone just tries to ignore Grier, Ross and McDaniel because they are retards. No one in the nfl is worth 5m a year let alone that much.
tua is out for the rest of the season due to brain bleeding
>He had one good year
No, no he didn't.
And no I don't want to hear about how he threw 4600+ yards because that doesn't matter when you DONT MAKE IT THROUGH THE PLAYOFFS LET ALONE GO TO AN OWL.
Legette had 4 receptions for 35 yards
Good enough considering who's throwing to him
so uhhhh, is Tua done? i read its the 4th concussion in 24 months. Will he retire/be forcibly retired by the league or are the jewish owners going to make him a retard?
Whats the historical precedent and likely outcome?
alt is elite. mcconkey might be elite. colson made a couple plays too
Josh Allen is easily top 5
my brownies denzel ward has had like 5 concussion and is still playing. tua only has like 3
Likely outcome? Whatever is the dumbest thing the phins could do.
Forcibly retired? No.
Hes top 2
My brother and I were crying laughing when it happened. Tua had a dogshit first half, and when the Dolphins start making their way towards the endzone, he knocks himself out
Stephen Ross will try to keep him on the field but the other owners are going to step in and stop him because the Tua situation is damaging the brand.
>short fields
>defensive touchdowns
>leading the whole game
That's a very normal QB stat line in that type of game
Retirement is up to him not the NFL. He just a big contract in the offseason so it's not impossible he decides to say thanks for the cheese, catch yas later
this, i want him to creampie my asian wife so bad
>damaging the brand.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah tua is damaging the brand
kek ok
by that metric ((("the owners"))) have a long list of shit to get to first.
tua has endorsed kamala
If he was smart he'd hang it up
But he's not smart
I wouldn't want to be publicly known as the doctor that medically cleared Tua to die on the field.
Howie ahead of the curve as always. RB value about to rebound.
That hit must have really rung his bell
the guy is obviously not retiring
Only thing is he shouldn't be eligible for his "guaranteed money" if he can't play in the league at all ever again I'm sorry. This isn't a last year of a contract type deal. No way he should get 30m a year out of the league for 3+ years.
>are the jewish owners going to make him a retard?
he's going to make himself a retard. nobody ever instructed him to lower his head and crash it into a defender at full speed, he did that shit on his own
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You guys remember that sweet behind the back pass?
Dominick puni is fking legit and has fixed the niners biggest hole last season. Colton mckivitz is ass so having puni as the anchor on the right side has made a huge difference.
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No refunds
His brain gets rattled all the time
And this isn't like a mild concussion
Dude's convulsing
That's fucking him up something fierce
He should really give it up
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They would never hurt the Chiefs...
>a defender
It wasn't "a defender" it was the clone of damar hamlin, in front of goodell.
Shit was a ritual sacrifice.
Yeah, b-but teh heckin jooooooz!
beautiful poem
Because the Haitians eat them, first.
If the league has become so worried about concussions and how it reflects on the sport, this would 100% be the case where they do the civilized pussy move and declare him medically unfit to compete or something
It's Steve Young all over again
The Bengals have been the only team to save us from the Chiefs
Maybe they can injure Mahomo and really save us
Then the money wouldn't be guaranteed you idiot. It's the Dolphins fault for giving a bunch of guaranteed money to an injury prone player instead of having play on his fifth year option. The Fins fucked up and they have to pay for it.
but seriously, hes gonna start wearing protective stuff hes not just simply retiring
It wouldn't be a "refund" slopposter. This also isn't a broken leg we're talking about.
>He should
But he won't, because he's a retard
Burma Shave
if tua doesnt retire, we all have to be ready and accept that we will likely see tua lose full nervous control on the field and go into full blown convulsions.

ive already told my wife and her sons that we wont be watching dolphin games going forward. they dont need to see that shit.
he jsut needs to not be retarded and slide
Or maybe the Bengals will play like shit again and get absolutely butt fucked by a real team
I mean retardation is a common symptom for brain damage
he needs to learn from elite players like brady, goff, brees, foles
The head sock aint gonna help
Your brain's gonna move with these kind of hits regardless of how much fucking padding you have
Yeah it's a much worse injury than a broken leg
The first part is the issue
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>we all have to be ready and accept that we will likely see tua lose full nervous control on the field
Its guaranteed if you're actually able to play. If he was made into quadraped this year I'd say sure pay that money for THIS year, no way you should get the other 3 though, that makes no sense.
Exactly. He can't play any of the 4 years, why would he get any of that money? The guarantee is to keep him there to play, not to drool into a cup.
Based, I wouldn't want my family watching piss poor qb play either
reminder that Stafford did the 'tard seize-pose in the 'offs last year, was never evaluated by the 3rd party neurodoctor and kept on playing, and not SINGLE person in sports media mentioned it
My wife’s son living in Bahamas LOVES Tua, not sure how he’ll cope seeing him die
I was hoping for Tyreek, but I guess the monkey paw strikes again
Look up tuas injury garantee. That's what his contract is actually worth. Hes gonna be a cap hit for a long time.
>my wife and her sons

why not just say your family?
If a player dies or is seriously disabled from concussion-related shit the NFL is fucking done. Tua needs to retire
Cause Stafford hasn't had 4 of em in 2 years
It's in the contract that he still gets the money if he is medically unable to play. It's over for the Dolphins, and this mess was entirely of their own making
You're really going to like what is coming for mahomes
No one cares about padd statford though.
And he shouldn't, thats what I'm saying. Thank you for understanding. Only took a few times to get it through to you.
yeah, shield them from reality. that will certainly prepare them for the real world.
Stafford has guaranteed holes in his cat scan from the pounding he took playing for Detroit
He's top 2, and he isn't 2.
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If Josh Allen is so good how come he hasn’t won an owl?
>we should punish the dolphins for risking so much on a player with injury history.
Team building is half the game. Sorry, not sorry
Make a new thread, don't fuck up the news this time
>You're really going to like what is coming for mahomes
If Mahomes every gets badly injured I will print out the frame of the impact and cum tribute it
I want BLOOD
His defense hasnt watched the tapes
On a good note, Skylar is an instant improvement once he gets reps as he doesn't seize up and die when a strong breeze comes through. Guy just needs reps and time as a starter. Unlike Tua he has only been utilized when shit got REALLY bad. Never has been given a fair shot outside of preseason.
And they don't have to spend a dollar to get him.
>If I was tannehill I'd offer a 5m for this year deal with more money for next kek
Because Andy Reid isn't his coach
>Josh Allen is so good
Who the hell told you that?
Quinyon looks like he'll be a great player. He did not look out of place playing basically the entire game.
DeJean was a non-factor week 1 but I'm excited to see him start to get real snaps as he gets healthy and comfortable. He's a perfect fit for Fangio's system and I think he'll be getting the majority of slot snaps by the end of the season.
Hunt is a project, but he looked ahead of schedule in camp.
Shipley was a decoy week 1 but I think he could definitely end up being a useful player in this offense.
Anus Smith unfortunately is bad but at least he's not taking a roster spot this year.
Trott Jr will get some snaps this year but somehow there's finally some depth at LB so he won't be needed barring a bunch of injuries.
Keegan is far down the depth chart at the strongest position group on the team. He's worth developing though imo. Same would have been true for McMahon but unfortunately he got poached.
Wilson could be fun. He played some snaps and actually got a target on a broken play. He's a great blocker so he'll definitely see the field. It will be tough for him to find touched though given the long list of offensive weapons.
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It's because he has brain damage now.
Black qbs only win the owl if they uncle toms
Your reply makes no sense. Ok? Grier should hang outside the stadium, I've said it for 7 years now.
He's going to die on field and it will be glorious.
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Pooa will be back in two weeks, the question is how many weeks until we see a brain death on the field, last 2 digits decides
While grier is a retard, I don't trust this guy, he looks like he posts on reddit.

Obviously won't happen but Wentz would be fun in the Phins' offensive. He's still mindbroken but he can still sling the ball. His heroball antics with those receivers would at least be entertaining.
>Dallas Turner
Great, first game first sack of his career
>will reinhard
Kid looks good but really test will be making long field goals not xps so remains to be seen.
NFL hasn't given him the right script yet
Lol. Maybe 20 years ago
> Dolphins fans when
We don't want Hill back. Faggot chased the bag rather than wanting to be part of a winning team. I'm glad that coon left. Dude is locker room poison.
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>dolphins overpay skill players, acquire speed that no team can match
>run defense allows only 3 YPC
>gets poyer for no other reason than an insight into bills coaching
>josh allen wearing full hand cast with two fingers fused together
>bills are on third string defense and one returning WR
>entire country expects dolphins to walk over bills
>bills show up and look dominant the entire game
>bills pressuring every play
>35 year old edge with a taped together acl cannot be contained
>qb worth more than entire countries gdp throws 3 high school tier interceptions
>allen doesnt have to run or throw the ball the entire game, couldve been benched at the half
>meme safety ends your franchise without even trying to make a tackle
Terrion Arnold's PIs were obviously horrible. Outside of that, he was pretty good, but that's something he needs to fix immediately.
Rakestraw fucking up on special teams was really disappointing.
Tua endorsed John McCain
Tua endorsed Vermin Supreme
kek this one made me laugh and sad at the same time
You play golf twice a year at most
Buck broken
didn't expect bloodstain
try skill
>votes Democrat
Checks out
I like this theory so I’m choosing to believe it
Because stafford is tough and isn’t a weak little bitch. Aikman won playoff games he couldn’t remember. Favre had to have a dozen concussions
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I just got some In-N-Out and mixed Bang's root beer with Dr. Pepper at the soda fountain

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